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Israel and Pales+ne Conflict: The Role of the United Na+ons


MODERATOR: Welcome to today's episode of "Global Voices," where we tackle complex

internaDonal issues. I'm your host, Keishya Radharani. Today, we have a crucial topic at hand –
the Israel and PalesDne conflict and how the United NaDons can make a difference. We have a
panel of experts with us today. Let's meet them.

MODERATOR: Anak Agung Keishya Radharani absent (Absent Number: 1)
ROLE 1 (AS UN RepresentaDve): Thitania Hanum Fathina (Absent Number: 41)
ROLE 2 (AS PalesDnian Diplomat): Ni Putu Linda Maharani (Absent Number: 29)
ROLE 3 (AS Israeli Diplomat): I Made Jaya Wiguna (Absent Number: 12)
ROLE 4 (AS InternaDonal Analyst): Stefany Tania Kolo (Absent Number: 40)
MODERATOR: To kick things off, let's hear our experts' opening statements.


MODERATOR: Now, let's delve into some key quesDons.


FOR Ms. Tania (UN Representa>ve)

A. How can the United NaDons contribute to resolving the Israel and PalesDne Conflict?
B. What iniDaDves has the UN taken in the past regarding this conflict?
C. How can the internaDonal community support UN efforts in this maber?

FOR Ms. Linda (Pales>nian Diplomat)

A. What are the main concerns of the PalesDnian side in this conflict?
B. How do you see the United NaDons helping to address these concerns?
C. Are there any specific resoluDons or acDons you would like the UN to take?

FOR Mr. Wiguna (Israeli Diplomat)

A. What are Israel's prioriDes in resolving the conflict with PalesDne?

B. How do you envision the UN's role in facilitaDng a peaceful resoluDon?
C. Are there any parDcular challenges that you believe need to be addressed?

FOR Ms. Stefany (Interna>onal Analyst)

A. Could you provide an imparDal perspecDve on the Israel-PalesDne conflict and the UN's role?
B. What are some potenDal soluDons or strategies to achieve a lasDng peace?
C. What role should the global community play in supporDng these efforts?


Ms. Tania (UN Representa>ve):

A. The United NaDons can contribute to resolving the Israel-PalesDne Conflict by facilitaDng
negoDaDons, promoDng dialogue, and providing humanitarian assistance to those affected by the

B. In the past, the UN has iniDated peacekeeping missions, passed resoluDons, and supported
peace talks between the parDes involved in the Israel-PalesDne Conflict.

C. The internaDonal community can support UN efforts by advocaDng for peaceful resoluDons,
providing humanitarian aid, and endorsing diplomaDc iniDaDves aimed at resolving the conflict.

For Ms. Linda (Pales>nian Diplomat):

A. The main concerns of the PalesDnian side in this conflict include achieving self-determinaDon,
addressing refugee issues, and ensuring the rights and security of PalesDnian people.

B. The UN can help address these concerns by mediaDng negoDaDons, endorsing the two-state
soluDon, and promoDng human rights in the PalesDnian territories.

C. Specific acDons the UN can take include calling for an end to Israeli seblements and supporDng
the right of return for PalesDnian refugees.

For Mr. Wiguna (Israeli Diplomat):

A. Israel's prioriDes in resolving the conflict with PalesDne involve ensuring its security,
recognizing its right to exist, and finding a peaceful coexistence with PalesDnians.

B. The UN can play a role in facilitaDng a peaceful resoluDon by promoDng security guarantees,
fostering dialogue, and encouraging the recogniDon of Israel's right to exist.

C. Challenges that need to be addressed include security concerns, territorial disputes, and
historical grievances.

For Ms. Stefany (Interna>onal Analyst):

A. An imparDal perspecDve on the Israel-PalesDne conflict and the UN's role involves
acknowledging the complex history and mulDple perspecDves involved, while advocaDng for a
peaceful and just resoluDon.

B. PotenDal soluDons or strategies for lasDng peace may include a two-state soluDon, direct
negoDaDons, confidence-building measures, and internaDonal support for reconciliaDon efforts.

C. The global community should play a role in supporDng these efforts by promoDng dialogue,
providing humanitarian aid, and advocaDng for the respect of internaDonal law and human rights
in the region.


MODERATOR: Thank you all for your valuable insights on the Israel and PalesDne conflict and the
UN's role in resolving it. This is a complex issue with no easy soluDons, but through open dialogues
like this, we hope to encourage progress and peace.


MODERATOR: That's all for today's episode of "Global Voices." We'll be back with more important
global topics in our next episode. I'm Keishya Radharani Stay tuned, and thank you for joining us.

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