Теор.фонет. 1-2 модул вопросы

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Questions on Theoretical Phonetics

1. The varieties that are spoken by a socially limited number of people and
used only in certain localities are called ______.
2. Who have some peculiarities in pronunciation, vocabulary and
3. Who are the less educated part of the population?
4. How many regional types of pronunciation are distinguished in Britain
now in British English?
5. What are the main regional types of pronunciation in British English
which are distinguished in Britain now?
6. There are also some Irish dialects in Northern Ireland. Are there any
dialects in Northern Ireland?
7. What language is still the native language of thousands of speakers from
Scotland .
8. What language do educated Scottish people speak?
9. One of the types of pronunciation which is spoken by the educated
people in the capital is recognized as the __________.
10. ________ is the standard pronunciation adopted by native speakers as
the right and proper way of speaking.
11. How many dialects are there in England?
12. What are the dialects in England?
13. One of the main differences between southern and northern regional
types is in the phoneme inventory-__________________________.
14. How many people now speak English as their first language?
15. English is the national language of
16. How many types of cultivated speech are recognized in America ?
17. What are the main types of cultivated speech are recognized in USA?
18. What pronunciation is known as the Standard Pronunciation of the
19. What Pronunciation is the form of speech used by the radio and T.V?

20. What pronunciation is used in scientific, cultural and business

intercourse in USA?

21. How may be analyzed American English?

22. What is the first point of view of the American English, which may be
23. What is the second point of view of the American English, which may be
24. What is the third point of view of the American English, which may be
25. Where is the Eastern type of American English spoken?
26. Where is the Southern type of American English used?
27. _______ also known as Northern American or Western American
spoken in the central Atlantic States: New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin
and others.
28. Is there any division into long and short vowels in General American
29. How is the American English characterized, when vowels are preceded
or followed by a nasal consonant?
30. Intervocalic__ is normally voiced. In words like TWENTY, LITTLE __ is
31. How is pronounced the word schedule in General American English?
32. How is pronounced the word tomato in General American English?
33. How are pronounced Requests in GA? Open the door.
34. The modification of a consonant under the influence of the adjoining
consonant in the flow of speech is known as _________
35. What organs of speech may affect the assimilation?
36. How may be modified consonants?
37. How may we distinguish assimilation according to the direction?
38. How can we devide assimilation according to the degree?
39. How can assimilation be also?
40. What languages posses dynemic stress?
41. What languages posses musical word stress?
42. The _____ is also influenced by the vowel length and quality.
43. Can the vowel of the stressed syllable be reduced?
44. What syllable is stressed in French language?
45. What syllable is stressed in Finnish and Czech languages?
46. What syllable is stressed in Polish language?
47. How many degrees of word stress did American scientists B.Block and
G trager find?
48. What are the four degrees of a word stress?
49. How many tendencies is the English word stress limited?
50. What are the two tendencies which is the English word stress limited?
51. What syllable is stressed in Germanic languages?
52. When do the stress fell on the second syllable in English language?
53. What are the English words' origin mostly of?
54. Are the words of Anglo - Saxon origin monosyllabic or disyllabic?
55. Which words are from French borrowings?
56. What syllables is stressed in words of French borrowings?
57. The nature of stress in different languages is ______.
58. According to A.Gimson, the effect of prominence is achieved by four
factors, what are they?
59. What kind of stress do the European languages such as English,
German, French, Russian posses?
60. What is a powerful means of communication process?
61. _______is a complex unity of melody, stress and tempo, which are
closely related.
62. Each ____ of the speech chain has a special pitch colouring.
63. Intonation patterns serve to actualize _______ in speech, which are
called intonation groups.
64. Each intonation group may consist of one or more ______.
65. What is the the smallest possible prosodic unit?
66. How many sounds may consist the syllable?

67. Has the syllable meaning of its own?

68. Is there any prosodic unit instead of syllable?
69. Tembre
70. The stressed syllables of a rhythmic unit form peaks of prominence, they
tend to be pronounced in such Germanic languages as English and
German, as well as in Russian, at regular intervals producing” beats”
between every two stressed syllables. How do we call such languages
71. Are the form words stressed ( prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary and
modal verbs, personal and possessive pronouns are pronounced in their
weak forms)?
72. Are the notional words, such as nouns, notional verbs, adjectives,
adverbs stressed?
73. The rhythmic unit also contains a number of unstressed syllables, which
are called ______.
74. The initial unstressed syllables that precede the nucleus are called
75. Ответ:
76. Those that follow the nucleus are called _______.
77. What tendency is more typical of English?
78. Are the rhythmic groups meaningful?
79. How may be the boundaries of an intonation group marked?
80. What are the components of intonation?
81. What is the main component of intonation?
82. How many are there basic melodic tone - groups in English? (O.Connor,
G. Arnold )
83. How do we call a special prominence given to one or more words in an
84. On which factors the distribution of stresses in an utterance depends
85. What has been defined as regularity of stressed and unstressed
86. _______ may depend on the size of audience, the acoustic qualities of
the room, the individuality of the speaker and extra linguistic factors.
87. What can also be used to express the speakers’ attitude or emotions?
88. How many types of pauses do the phoneticians distinguish?
89. How many types of pauses do the phoneticians distinguish? What are
90. Which of them is the function of intonation?
91. What are the functions of intonatrion?
92. Any system of notation is a generalization of a great variety of important
sound phenomena, depending on which the notation may be
93. ___________ reflects only the most important prosodic features by
using the fewest possible symbols.
94. _____ notation is intended for a more detailed and precise analysis.
95. What is the aim of the phonological analysis?
96. The allophones which do not undergo any distinguishable changes in
the chain of speech are called _____ .
97. What are the two types of transcription ?
98.According to the place of articulation consonants may be ......
99.What is a monophtong?
100. The basic component of the phonic substance of language is
called … .
101. A unit of spoken message larger than a single sound and smaller
than a word. What is it?
102. How many diphthongs are there in English language?

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