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cit353 tma3 10/10

The soft systems considers the broader view of human and organizational issues


___ are small pictures or images that represent some object in the interface. They appear often as
windows or as actions.


____ are areas of the screen that behave as if they were independent. They can contain text or graphics
and can be moved or resized


Title bars describe the name of the ___


_______ includes understanding the technical, environmental and social settings where the information
systems will be used.

Context analysis

______these are long lines of icons with fast access to common actions and are often customizable


sophisticated variations of form-filling in which grid of cells contain a value or a formula

Spread sheets

Scrollbars allow the user to move the of the window up and down or from side to side


___ are primarily designed for data entry or data retrieval


The first spread sheet introduced was _


CIT353 TMA 2 9/10

1. Part of research in human-computer interaction involves:

All the options

2. There should be early creation of an ____ prototype to evaluate interface design concepts
interactively with users


3. In 1962, _ introduced the Sketchpad computers for visualizing and manipulating data


4. All the following are common forms of interfaces except


5. Evaluating through user participation can be carried out in two ways; laboratory or ____ studies


6. One of these is not an inspection method


7. Common Graphical user interface includes all except

Feeling user interface

8. Laboratory studies are appropriate if system location is ________for constrained single user systems
to allow controlled manipulation of use

Dangerous or Impractical
9. One of the following is a challenge associated with hand-writing recognition systems

They are commonly used in PDAs

10. Assistants as a technical system support, monitor user behaviour and offer contextual______


CIT353 TMA 3 10/10

1. Setting out of elements in a meaningful way for the perspective of the user is based on which
principle _


2. Common Styles of Interaction includes all except

Give and take

3. One of these is not a prototyping method

Top-down prototype

4. Before a guideline can be applied, it must be translated into ____

Specific design rules

5. One of the following is not a precautionary measure while using VDU

Sit close to the screen

6. In HCI, handwriting is captured by digitising tablet through strokes transformed to ______

Sequence of dots

7. Example of form fill interface is________.

Data entry form on some university web

8. ___ evaluates design on how well it supports user in learning task and is usually performed by expert
in cognitive psychology

Cognitive Walkthrough

9. All the following are text storage formats except ____


10. LCD is an acronym for what?

Liquid Crystal Displays

CIT353 TMA 1 9/10

1. Osborn goal of brainstorming was to create ____ within the members of a group


2. Before a design guideline can be applied, it must be translated into different design

3. In ___ interaction technique involves physical input devices, a piece of code and physical output

interaction style

4. An approach in user modeling where the user moves between levels of expertise based on
quantitative measure of what he knows is called ____


5. Management issues concerned with Interactive design and prototyping exlude

Implementing the design

6. One of these concepts is not associated with participatory design


7. Communication protocols associated with the internet include all but:


8. A review method whereby expert designers review products or projects to ensure the same quality
across multiple products is called ____

Consistency inspection

9. In HCI, there are two major classes of interaction styles, they are dialogue and _____ style of


10. Before installing a new system in an organization, one must understand who benefits, who puts in
effort, the balance of power, and ___
How the system will be affected

CIT353 TMA 2 9/10

1. Evaluating through user participation can be carried out in two ways; laboratory or ____ studies


2. In 1962, _ introduced the Sketchpad computers for visualizing and manipulating data


3. There should be early creation of an ____ prototype to evaluate interface design concepts
interactively with users

4. One of the following is a challenge associated with hand-writing recognition systems

They are commonly used in PDAs

5. All the following are common forms of interfaces except


6. One of these is not an inspection method


7. Assistants as a technical system support, monitor user behaviour and offer contextual__

8. Common Graphical user interface includes all except

Feeling user interface

9. Part of research in human-computer interaction involves:

All the options

10. Laboratory studies are appropriate if system location is ____for constrained single user systems to
allow controlled manipulation of use

Dangerous or Impractical

CIT353 TMA 3 10/10

1. ___ evaluates design on how well it supports user in learning task and is usually performed by expert
in cognitive psychology

Cognitive Walkthrough

2. Before a guideline can be applied, it must be translated into ____

Specific design rules

3. All the following are text storage formats except ____


4. In HCI, handwriting is captured by digitising tablet through strokes transformed to __

Sequence of dots

5. Example of form fill interface is____.

Data entry form on some university web

6. Common Styles of Interaction includes all except

Give and take

7. Setting out of elements in a meaningful way for the perspective of the user is based on which
principle _


8. One of the following is not a precautionary measure while using VDU

Sit close to the screen

9. One of these is not a prototyping method

Top-down prototype

10. LCD is an acronym for what?

Liquid Crystal Displays

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