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Text 1 for number 1 to 5

Mila, a standout student, exudes a vibrant and distinctive personality that leaves a lasting
impression on her academic environment. Her passion for learning is evident in her active participation in
classroom discussions and her consistent pursuit of knowledge. As a natural leader, Mila extends her
enthusiasm to her peers, fostering a collaborative and encouraging atmosphere within the academic
Beyond her academic achievements, Mila is recognized for her friendly and sociable nature. She
effortlessly connects with a diverse range of peers, contributing to the creation of a welcoming and
inclusive social environment. Her effective communication skills enable her to engage seamlessly with
both teachers and classmates, further enriching the overall school experience.
While Mila possesses an energetic and outgoing demeanor, she also demonstrates a strong sense
of responsibility. Her commitment to completing assignments with precision and punctuality showcases
her dedication to academic excellence. Mila's ability to balance her dynamic personality with a
conscientious approach to her studies highlights her as an exemplary student, contributing positively to
both the social and academic aspects of her educational journey.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To tell Mila’s life.
B. To tell how to be Mila.
C. To describe Mila’s personality.
D. To persuade Mila to become the best students.
2. What is the primary characteristic that sets Mila apart in her academic environment?
A. Punctuality in completing assignments.
B. Vibrant and distinctive personality.
C. Enthusiasm for leadership.
D. Sociable nature.
3. In what way does Mila showcase her dedication to academic responsibilities?
A. Through her amiable and sociable nature.
B. By participating in extracurricular activities.
C. Through her ability to connect with diverse peers.
D. By completing assignments with precision and punctuality.
4. What role does Mila play in her social environment?
A. Detached and indifferent.
B. Reserved and introverted.
C. Encouraging and inclusive.
D. Independent and self-focused.
5. “…contributing positively to both the social…”
What is the antonym of the underlined word?
A. Questionably
B. Indubitably
C. Certainly
D. Easily
Text 2 for number 6 to 10
Learning English through songs is an enjoyable and effective method for enhancing language skills. To
begin, choose songs that align with your interests and proficiency level, ensuring the lyrics are clear and
enunciated. Acquire the song's lyrics and carefully read through them, identifying unfamiliar words and
phrases for vocabulary expansion. Actively listen to the song, focusing on pronunciation, intonation, and
rhythm. Engage in repeated practice by singing along with the artist to improve both speaking and
listening abilities. After that, translate the lyrics into your native language to understand the overall
meaning, and then challenge yourself by interpreting the lyrics back into English. Analyze idioms,
expressions, and colloquialisms within the lyrics, exploring their meanings and usage in everyday
conversations. Dive into the cultural context of the song, the artist, and any references made, as
understanding cultural nuances enhances language comprehension. Create lists of new vocabulary
encountered during the song, incorporating them into daily practice. Diversify your song selection by
exploring various genres and artists to expose yourself to different accents, tones, and language styles.
Apply the learned vocabulary and expressions in real-life conversations to reinforce language acquisition
and build confidence. Seek online resources and join language learning communities dedicated to
teaching English through songs, as they provide additional activities, quizzes, and explanations related to
song lyrics. Remember, consistency is crucial, so make learning through music a regular part of your
language study routine.
6. What is suggested as a key factor in making learning English through songs enjoyable and effective?
A. Selecting songs that align with your interests and proficiency level
B. Ignoring pronunciation and intonation
C. Choosing songs with complex lyrics
D. Focusing on instrumental music
7. How can learners enhance their vocabulary while using songs for language improvement?
A. Translating the lyrics only into the learner's native language
B. Identifying unfamiliar words and phrases in the lyrics
C. Memorizing the lyrics without understanding them
D. Avoiding repeated practice and singing along
8. What is recommended to improve both speaking and listening abilities when using songs for language
A. Reading the lyrics silently
B. Ignoring rhythm and intonation
C. Actively listening to the song and focusing on pronunciation
D. Translating the lyrics into multiple languages
9. How can learners challenge themselves after translating the song lyrics into their native language?
A. Avoiding any further interaction with the lyrics
B. Memorizing the translated lyrics
C. Ignoring idioms and colloquialisms within the lyrics
D. Interpreting the lyrics back into English
10. What is suggested to reinforce language acquisition and build confidence after learning through
A. Avoiding diversification in song selection
B. Keeping new vocabulary to oneself
C. Using the learned vocabulary and expressions in real-life conversations
A. Joining language learning communities with no specific focus
Contoh cara mengerjakan remedial

Teks 1 untuk nomor 1 sampai 5

Cara Menggunakan Gergaji Besi
1. Dengan sekrup rangka ditarik, masukkan bilah ke dalam kedua pin penahan rangka. Kencangkan
sekrup searah jarum jam hingga bilahnya kencang dan tidak bergoyang dari sisi ke sisi. Kemudian,
gunakan lap untuk menggosokkan dua atau tiga tetes oli mesin pada mata pisau.
2. Jepit bahan kerja ke dalam catok. Atau, gunakan klem untuk menahan material ke meja kerja.
3. Pegang gergaji besi dengan satu tangan pada pegangannya dan tangan lainnya di ujung bingkai.
4. Press Tekan gergaji satu atau dua inci ke depan untuk membuat takik awal pada material.
5. Melihat material dengan gerakan maju mundur penuh. Tekan dengan kuat pada pukulan ke depan,
tetapi jangan sampai bilahnya terpuntir. Kurangi tekanan untuk gerakan mundur.
1. Apa tujuan dari teks tersebut?
A. Untuk menjelaskan gergaji besi.
B. Untuk menggambarkan gergaji besi.
C. Untuk menunjukkan cara membuat gergaji besi.
D. Untuk menunjukkan cara menggunakan gergaji besi.
Jawaban : D.Untuk menunjukkan cara menggunakan gergaji besi.

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