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Production écrite : AMINA AFOUIRINA

Niveau de la mission : A2
Contexte: You have just arrived in London and will live there for a year. You
create a YouTube channel to tell people about your expat experience. For the first
video, you compare England to your home country.
Tâche : Begin with the story about what happened when you first arrived. Use the
past continuous (and past simple) to tell a story. Then, compare England to your
home country using vocabulary from the lesson and different adjectives. Talk about,
for example, the weather, eating habits, and languages spoken.
Texte : Morocco and England have several differences. The weather in Morocco is
warm and sunny, while England has unpredictable weather with rain showers. Eating
habits vary, with shared meals in Morocco and a diverse culinary scene in England.
The main languages spoken are Arabic and French in Morocco, and English in England.
Morocco is known for its architectural beauty and vibrant culture, while England
offers iconic landmarks and a rich history.

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