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This is a six-Ievel series of readers for children learning

English. Each title contains a factual section that introduces

children to a variety of exciting topies. The concepts and
structures learnt in the factual section are then reinforced
by an enjoyable story based on the topic.
The series provides reinforcement of basie structures and
vocabulary and can be used alongside any primary course .

• Activities and a picture dietionary or wordlist at the

back of each reader .
• Free audio download and teacher resources available

I S 8 N 978-Q-23((HOZO-g


Macmillan Educotion
4 Crinan Street,
l.ondon NI 9XW
A division of Mocmillan Publishers Limited
Companies and representutives throuyhout the world
ISBN 978 O 2300 1021 5 (Spain)
ISBN 978 O 2300 1020 8 (InternationaJ Edition)
Text <DMark Ormerod 2007
Design ond illustrution (f) Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007
First published 2007
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191817161514 13 12 Spoin
20 19 18 17 16 Internotionol
The capital city of England Bilingual Dictionary
Write the words in your longuage.
London is the capital city 01 England. It is in the south-east
01 England, on the River Thames. at home owner
battle paintings
bell palace
belong park
between photograph
biscuits photographer
bored pleasure
centre postcard
city Prime Minister _
clac k river
conversation souvenir
decorations square
every hour strawberries
every year street
Iriendship tennis match
gallery tennis player
guard theatre
honest the underground _
interested tournament
interesting transport
kind United Kingdom (UK) _
market view
More than seven million people Uve in London and millions 01 museum wait
tourists visit the city every year. London is bigger than all the
Norway wallet
other cities in the UK.
observation wheel
2 31
8 Who said what? Match the speech bubbles to the pictures.

b London is very big, so you can't walk everywhere. People

trovel by car, bike, motorbike, bus or taxi. There are lots of red
double-decker buses and black taxis in the streets of London.

o O

Please come to my
house for tea.

The Prime Minister isn't at

Many people trovel on the London underground. Parts
home this afternoon, T•-
of the London underground are very old. It was the first
3 underground system in the world. Today, it has got twelve
But you can give his different lines and more than 275 stations.
wallet to me.

No problem! We can wait for
the Prime Minister here.

We're taking photographs
for the newspapers.

I'm watching the tennis final.

30 3
6 Write the words.
Buekingham Palaee

This is Buckingham PaLace. The Queen Uves here when she is in

London. The paLace has got 600 rooms but the Queen onLy Uves
2 5
in tweLve 01 them .

• 1--,--

7 Number the sentences in the correct order.

D The children go to Wimbledon on the underground.

D The Prime Minister sends them o lelter lo soy lhonk you.

D The children see lhe Prime Minisler plonl aIree.

Many guards protect the paLace.

They are lamous lor the hats
D The children go lo lhe Prime Minisler's house lor leo.

they wear. At haLl post eLeven 8 The children ore in Hyde Pork hoving o picnic.
every doy, you can watch a
ceremony calLed 'The Changing D The children lind lhe Prime Minisler's wollet.
01 the Guard'.
D The children give lhe Prime Minisler his wollet.
4 29
3 Read and complete.
1 Landan is an Ihe River T~ sTeham
2 The Queen Uves 01 Buckingham _ caPale This is Big Ben. The tower is 96 metres tallo The cLock has got
3 Nelsan's Calumn is in Tralalgar _ quaSer lour faces, so you can see the time from aLLdirections.
4 The Sherlack Halmes is in Baker Slreet. suuMem 1
5 There ore more than 12,000 animals in Landan. __ aZa Everyane calls Ihe
6 There ore lats 01 shaps in Oxlord _ eSlrel dock 'Big Ben'. The
7 There ore lamaus paintings in the Natianal _ reGally r no me relers ta the
bell inside the dack.
4 Find and write the answers. I You con hear the
bell every haur.
Haw tall is Big Ben? 2 Haw tall is the Landan Eye?

B ur Bet1t ib- '16 vneJ/l,eb ta1L

3 Haw tall is Nelson's Calumn?

5 Circle T (True) or F (False).

The Landan Eye is sharter than Nelsan's Column. T0
2 Nelsan's Column is taller than Big Ben. T F
3 The Landan Eye is sharter than Big Ben. T F
4 Big Ben is shorter than Ihe Landan Eye. T F
5 The Landan Eye is taller Ihan Nelsan's Column and Big Ben. T F

28 5
1 Find these words in the word puzzle. Complete the sentence.
This is the London Eye. It's 01'1 enormous observation
wheel next to the River Thames. It's 135 metres taLLo a r p q u f b 1 b u r
u n d e r q r o u n d
m o 1 e e o q m s d s
b( b l k e e t v e e a
L u a e m 1 k a r e a r
I'l s s o r w x k 1 9 a
m o t o r b ¡ k e r o
People in London travel by -.k. ...k. É ~, by double-decker
___ ,by ,by ,
by oront~ .

2 Answer the questions.

Buckingham Palace rAe LeAaeA [!;le Oxlord Street

The National Gallery Big Ben Notting Hill
London Zoo Tralalgar Square

1 Where can you see views 01 London? Tb L~ El}'"

2 Where can you buy clothes, CDs and souvenirs? _
3 Where can you see lamous paintings?
4 Where can you see a Christmas tree in December? _
5 Where can you see an Asian lion?
6 Where can you see a carnival in summer? _

People 90 01'1the London Eye to see the incredible views 7 Where can you see the time?
of London. The wheel takes 30 minutes to turn 360°. 8 Where can you see 'The Changing 01the Guard'? _

6 27
The next doy, there are photos 01 Clare, Tim, Kate and Phil
in aH the newspapers.

THENEWS ~ r. THE TIME ~; THE WORLD From the top 01 the London Eye, you can see views 01 the city in
aH directions. On a clear doy, you can see lar 40 kilometres. You
CHILDRENRETURN CHILDREN can see the River Thames, Sig Sen, the garden in Suckinghom

And a week loter, when the

children are back at school,
they receive a letter Irom
the Prime Minister.


26 7
The children travel to the Prime Minister's house in his caro They
talk about their school, their families and their friends. And the Prime
Minister tolks obout his school, his family and his friends.
London 200 hos got more than 12,000 animals, including this
Asian Uon. In the past, the animals were in cages but now they
Uve in spoces similar to their natural habitats.


London 200 was

the first zoo to
open o reptile
house in 1849.
The reptile house
appears in the film
Harry Potter and
the Philosopher's
Stone, when Harry The Prime Minister and the children continue their conversation at
talks to o snake. his house. They hove tea and biscuits, and they tolk obout mony
different things.

8 25
After three hours, the tennis match linishes and the Prime Minister
leaves centre cour!. When Kate, Tim, Clare and Phil give the Prime
Minister his wallet, the photographers take lots 01 photos.
This is Oxlord Street. The street is more than two kilometres
long and has got more than 300 shops. Here you can buy
clothes, shoes, COs, OVOs, computer games, books,
earrings, postcards and souvenirs 01 London.

The children wait outside centre cour!. They watch the tennis match
on an enormous screen.

At Wimbledon, outside centre court, the
children speok to a very toll security guardo

~ .\.ltl ~~\ \~
Ü~\f~ ~@!ill~LJ

The children trovel to Wimbledon on the underground.

This book says that Wimbledon is a very

famous Tennis Club. It's got 28 grass courts.
Every tennis player in the world wants to play
in the final of the Wimbledon tournament.


You con reod obout the coses of

Sherlock Holmes. There are eight
Sherlock Holmes books ond mony
shorl stories.
Centre Court.
12. 21
1 _
Outside the Prime Minister's house, the children tolk to two poUcemen.

I'm 60rry. You can't go into Notting Hill is on orea 01 London. For three doys in the summer,
the Prime Mini6ter'6 hOU6e. people come to Notting Hill to celebrate the Cornivol. They sing ond
dance in the street. They ploy music ond weor colourful costumes.

People lrom mony different cultures Uve in London. The Notting

Hill Cornivol is a celebrotion 01 this cultural diversity.

20 13
Tim looks lor inlormation about the Prime Minister's house
in his guide book.

In London, there ore more thon 40,000 shops. There ore more
This book says that the Prime Minister
thon 80 morkets. There ore more thon 130 theatres and more
lives in a street in Westminster. It's
than 100 museums. There are more than 140 porks. a small street between Big Ben and
\'--------------------------" Trafalgar Square.


14 19
Later, in the afternoon, the children look at the tree.

Look in6ide. 16 there a telephone

-. ...l' .
number? You can call the owner
on your mobile phone.

Tim looks in the wallet. Thi6 wallet belong6 to the

Prime Mini6ter!

No problem! We can take it

to his house. Where does the
Prime Minister live?
Tim, Clare, Kate and Phil are in Hyde Park, in the centre 01 London. Suddenly, there are lots 01 photographers in the park.
T1m is reading a book about the city. Kate and Phil are eating They are running very quickly.
sandwiches. Clare is writing a postcard to a Iriend.


Dt::l1r I..;z.,
London i:; a. :Jrea.t 6ft¡.
-rhere lot:; of '.
intere:;tin:3 t¡'in:3:; to :;ee
a.nd do. -roda.t¡, vJe, •
in a.n enormoU:; pa.rl<.Jt :;
vert¡ :;vnnt¡.
5ee t¡OU :;oon.
Love We're taking photograph6 for
the new6paper6.

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