Generative AI in Foodservice

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Generative AI in Foodservice

Unleashing the Power of Prompt Engineering in Menu Development for

Hospitality and Foodservice Professionals
Francisco Javier Martin Romo
Mariasole Capodanno
Augmented by GPT
Leveraging Prompt Engineering

Author's Notes

The incorporation of artificial intelligence in crafting menus, devising recipes, and innovating
new flavors or ingredients is by no means a novel concept. A host of examples exist, with
IBM's Chef Watson and SONY AI for Gastronomy serving as significant projects worthy of

Yet, the application of Large Language Models (LLMs) can radically reshape this landscape.

Nevertheless, it's critical to always remember the inherent limitations of LLMs. Those LLMs
lack a comprehensive understanding of critical fields such as HACCP, nutrition, medicine,
and chemistry. Consequently, they can generate plausible but factually inaccurate outcomes.
This discrepancy can have profound implications in areas such as foodservice, and hence
underscores the need for LLMs to be supervised by professionals when utilized in menu and
recipe formulation.

The following paper does not aim to adhere to the rigorous standards of academic research.
Instead, it is an exploratory initiative born out of intellectual curiosity, aiming to test the
capabilities of LLMs in elaborating food menus. Our objective is to examine whether these
models can facilitate and expedite the tasks of professionals in the field.

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1. Introduction
1.1 Overview of the importance of menu and recipe development in the hospitality and
foodservice sector
1.2 Introduction to prompt engineering as a technique for generating menus and recipes

2. Methodology
2.1 Explanation of the prompt engineering technique and its application in menu and recipe
2.2 Description of the steps followed in the experiment

3. Experiment: Menu Generation for a Buffet in an All-Dining Restaurant

3.1 Detailed description of the steps followed in the menu development process
3.2 Analysis of the outputs received and their alignment with the desired goals and requirements
§ Reviewing Repetitive and Unsuitable Proposals
§ Pushing Boundaries: Evaluating a LLM Generated Buffet Menu Proposal with an Innovative Approach

3.3 Assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of prompt engineering in

menu development

4. Potential Professional Applications in the Food Service and Hospitality Sector

5. Conclusion

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1. Introduction
The introduction section sets the foundation for the white paper by establishing the
importance of menu development and introducing prompt engineering as a “potentially”
valuable technique in the hospitality and foodservice sector. It provides the reader with a
context for the subsequent topics covered in the white paper.

1.1 Overview of the importance of menu and recipe development in the

hospitality and foodservice sector.
Menu engineering serves as a pivotal activity within the Food & Beverage industry. The
culinary proposal designed for a hotel, resort, or restaurant not only represents a critical
component of their offerings but also symbolizes a distinct aspect of their identity. Indeed, it
forms a cornerstone in constructing a memorable guest experience.

Further, the choice of a particular gastronomic repertoire, and consequently, the selection of
ingredients, raw materials, production techniques, and service procedures, heavily influence
the logistics and operations of the Food & Beverage Department. Even the equipment and
resources employed in these activities are closely tied to the selected culinary offerings
represented in the food industry.

Developing menus and recipes for different outlets within a hotel or resort, along with creating
their respective recipes, is a task that demands substantial expertise and professionalism.
This process encompasses strategic considerations linked to the brand, location, outlet or
hotel concept, the guest segment, and the crafted experience, to list a few. Alongside these,
tactical aspects such as logistics and operational capacity must also be addressed,
particularly in relation to food production and service.

With contemporary trends leaning heavily towards health and sustainability, the role of
nutritional considerations, allergen awareness, dietary tolerances, and sustainable sourcing
and production methods has gained significant prominence in the selection of raw materials
and production techniques.

However, beyond these strategic and tactical elements of menu engineering, there's a
substantial amount of intellectual labour involved in the construction, formulation, and
transcription of these menus and recipes. It's within this realm of operationalization that we
forseee Large Language Models (LLMs) potentially revolutionizing the process, or at the very
least, we aim to experiment to ascertain if they can.

1.2 Introduction to prompt engineering as a technique for generating menus

and recipes.
The strategic and, to a certain extent, the tactical decisions discussed above necessitate
human decision-making. However, it's conceivable that Artificial Intelligence, particularly
Large Language Models (LLMs) in our specific context, could expedite the process of
constructing and particularly drafting menus and recipes.

This is not a groundbreaking notion; numerous software solutions exist that aim to streamline,
simplify, or assist in the creation of culinary menus and recipes. Many restaurant and hotel

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chains have even established their own recipe databases. However, to be entirely pragmatic,
a substantial amount of the work is still conducted ad hoc, often originating from a
rudimentary Excel file.

We have embarked on an elemental experiment to test the capabilities of AI, specifically using
an LLM as a tool to support professionals during this final development phase.

Utilizing GPT-4, we applied some basic prompt engineering techniques. The strategic
decision-making process involved in prompt engineering requires human judgement to
determine the type of outputs desired from the AI. Thus, we have planned an experiment for
our LLM, GPT-4. We will task it with constructing a 7-day rotation for a dinner buffet at an
all-dining restaurant within a 5-star resort. Then, we will revise and evaluate the given outputs.

It's vital to emphasize that LLMs lack explicit knowledge in areas such as nutrition, HACCP,
or medicine. Consequently, all responses generated must be overseen by professionals.
Although these responses may appear plausible, they could contain errors.

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2. Methodology
The methodology section provides a clear understanding of the prompt engineering
technique and how it was practically applied in the experiment. It ensures transparency and
replicability by describing the steps involved, setting the stage for the subsequent topics of
the white paper.

2.1 Explanation of the prompt engineering technique and its application in

menu and recipe development.
Let’s define what prompt engineering is. Prompt engineering, in the context of Large
Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4, is a technique used to elicit desired outputs from the
model. It's akin to asking the right questions to get the best answers.

To simplify, let's consider LLMs as sophisticated conversation partners. The information you
input, or 'prompt' the model with, influences the kind of response you get. This input can be
a single word, a sentence, or even a paragraph, depending on the complexity of the response
you're seeking.

Prompt engineering is the strategic crafting of these input prompts to guide the model's
responses more effectively. It's a bit like playing a game of '20 Questions'. You need to
carefully design your questions (prompts) to navigate towards the information you need.

For instance, if you're using an LLM, remember that the more specific and thoughtfully
constructed your prompt is, the closer the AI's response will be to your desired outcome.

It's important to note that prompt engineering is part art and part science. It requires an
understanding of the model's capabilities and limitations, creativity in crafting the prompts,
and iterative testing to fine-tune them. It's a critical component of leveraging LLMs effectively
and harnessing their full potential.

Utilizing Prompt Engineering in LLMs for Menu and Recipe Development

Prompt engineering, when applied to Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, can be
a powerful tool for creating food menus and recipes. It does this by providing the AI model
with carefully designed inputs that guide it to generate desired outputs.

Here's how it works in the context of menu and recipe creation:

o Idea Generation: Suppose you're running a themed restaurant and you want to create
a new menu for the summer season. You might prompt the AI with something like,
"Generate a list of Mediterranean-inspired dishes suitable for a summer menu." The
model can then produce a range of novel dish ideas that fit within these parameters.

o Recipe Development: Once you have your dish ideas, you can ask the AI to formulate
recipes. For example, you could input, "Create a vegan recipe for a Mediterranean-
inspired summer salad using fresh, seasonal ingredients." The model will then generate
a detailed recipe, complete with ingredients and instructions.

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o Recipe Variation: LLMs can also help you create variations on existing recipes. For
instance, you might have a well-loved dessert on your menu but want to offer a gluten-
free version. You could prompt the AI with something like, "Adapt the following recipe
to make a gluten-free version," followed by the original recipe. The AI can then suggest
modifications to accommodate dietary restrictions.

o Menu Design: You can even use the LLM to structure and organize your menu. For
example, you might ask, "Design a three-course dinner menu that includes a range of
vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, using the following dishes," followed by your list
of dishes. The model will then arrange these dishes into a cohesive menu.

In all these cases, the key to success lies in crafting your prompts carefully to guide the
model's responses in line with your needs. The more specific and thoughtfully constructed
your prompt is, the more useful the AI's output will be. It's also important to remember that
any output should be reviewed and possibly adjusted by a professional, as AI models can
occasionally produce results that are plausible but not optimal or even correct.

Prompt Structure
The structure of a prompt for Large Language Models (LLMs) typically includes three key

o Context: This is the general framework or setting for the prompt. It provides the LLM
with the background information necessary to generate relevant responses.

o Task: This is what you want the LLM to do.

o Specifications: These are additional details that further guide the model's output. They
can specify style, tone, format, or any other specific characteristics you want in the

Remember, the more specific and detailed the prompt is, the more aligned the AI's output
will be to your expectations. However, it's often a balance, as overly complex prompts can
confuse the model. The optimal prompt is often arrived at through iteration and

Exploring Prompt Engineering Techniques for Menu and Recipe Creation

Now we will look at some of the main prompt engineering techniques that can be applied to
menus and recipes creation:

o Zero-shot: The LLM is given a task without any prior examples. It relies solely on its pre-
trained knowledge to generate an answer. For example, "Generate a vegan dessert menu
for a summer-themed restaurant."

o One-shot: The LLM is given a single example to illustrate the task before being asked to
perform a similar one. For example, after providing a sample vegan recipe, you might ask,
"Now create a gluten-free Mediterranean pasta recipe."

o Multiple-shot: The LLM is given several examples to guide its output. For example, after
providing a series of pasta recipes, you might ask, "Now generate a new recipe for a
seafood pasta dish."

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o Chain-of-Thought: This technique involves building a conversation with the model to

gradually refine the output. For example, you might start with, "I want to create a new
menu." Then follow with, "The theme is Mediterranean," then, "Let's focus on summer
dishes," and so on.

o Itering: This involves iteratively refining a prompt based on the model's responses. For
example, if you ask for a vegan recipe and the model includes honey (which isn't vegan),
you'd refine the prompt to specify "no honey or other animal products."

o Role Play: You ask the model to play a certain role, which can shape its responses. For
example, "As a Michelin-starred chef, design a gourmet menu for a high-end vegan

o Knowledge Generation: This involves asking the model to create or infer new knowledge
based on what it has learned. For example, "Create a fusion recipe combining Italian
pasta and Japanese ramen elements."

o Knowledge Integration: This involves combining knowledge from different domains. For
example, "As a professional nutritionist and gourmet chef, create a menu that is both
healthy and delicious."

o Hyperparameters (e.g., Temperature): Adjusting hyperparameters like temperature can

impact the model's output. A lower temperature (e.g., 0.2) makes the output more
focused and deterministic, while a higher one (e.g., 0.8) makes it more diverse and
creative. For example, if you're seeking varied and innovative menu ideas, you might set
the temperature higher. If you want more typical recipes, a lower temperature could be

The above techniques can be used individually or in combination, as we will see later in the
experiment prompts.

2.2 Description of the steps followed in the experiment.

The aim of our experiment is to investigate the capabilities of the Large Language Model
(LLM), specifically in the role of an Executive Chef at a 5-star resort.

In this experiment, we first established a context to orient the LLM to its assigned role,
environment, and objectives. An initial task involved instructing the LLM to generate a dinner
menu for the resort's buffet all-dining restaurant, setting a contextual foundation for our
subsequent interactions.

Based on this groundwork, we requested the LLM to propose six themed buffets, followed
by a detailed menu for each buffet. We provided the same structural guidelines for all menu
developments, as detailed below:

• Bread corner featuring 5 varieties of bread

• 2 soups, accompanied by 2 types of condiments
• 6 composed salads and 5 salad dressings
• 3 appetisers
• 4 main courses (one each featuring chicken, lamb or pork, beef, and fish or seafood)

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• 1 vegan main course

• 2 hot carbohydrate dishes (like pasta, rice, grains)
• 1 live station
• Desserts: 4 whole cakes, 4 spoon desserts, 4 mono-portion desserts
• Fruits: 3 types of whole fruits and a fruit salad or sliced fruit offering

With these guidelines, we aimed to complete a 7-day rotation for our restaurant buffet. We
made minor adjustments to the menu twice during the process and also asked the LLM for a
creative proposal for our signature salad buffet.

By setting the same standards for all menu developments, we simplify the comparison and
evaluation of the results. This also emulates the operation of a real-life hotel chain that
adheres to predetermined standards and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

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3. Experiment: Menu Generation for a Buffet in an All-

Dining Restaurant
The "Experiment" section provides a comprehensive overview of the prompt engineering
techniques used in generating the buffet menu, including details of the steps followed and
outputs. It showcases how prompt engineering can effectively assist hospitality and
foodservice professionals in crafting menus that are diverse, balanced, and appealing to

The last part of this section evaluates the effectiveness and efficiency of these techniques,
examining how well they achieved the desired outcomes. Through this evaluation, the white
paper aims to provide insights into the strengths and potential areas for improvement of
prompt engineering in the creation of menus for hospitality and foodservice professionals.

3.1 Detailed description of the steps followed in the menu development process.
During the course of our experiment, we generated a 7-day rotation plan for the buffet menu.
The below steps were followed in chronological order:

o Establishing Context and Role: Generating the Initial Buffet Menu.

o Reinforcing the Contextual Framework. Generation of Proposals for Six-Themed Buffet Menus.
o Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback: Creating a Menu Proposal for "Taste of
Asia" Buffet.
o Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback: Creating a Menu Proposal for
"Mediterranean Fiesta" Buffet.
o Request for Modification (The goal was to test the capabilities of the LLM to quickly provide
alternatives and assess the capacity to make corrections and modifications accordingly).
o Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback: Creating a Menu Proposal for "American
Regional Favorites" Buffet.
o Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback: Creating a Menu Proposal for "Luxury
Seafood Extravaganza" Buffet.
o Request for Modification (The goal was to test the capabilities of the LLM to quickly provide
alternatives and assess the capacity to make corrections and modifications accordingly).
o Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback and providing additional context
information. Creating a Menu Proposal for " Farm-to-Table Organic Feast" Buffet.
o Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback. Creating a Menu Proposal for "World of
Cheeses" Buffet.
o Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback. Creating a Menu Proposal for "Signature
Salad Bar".

Below, you will find a detailed account of all the steps, including the prompts provided as
input and the corresponding output generated by GPT-4 each time.

Establishing Context and Role: Generating the Initial Buffet Menu.

Acting as a Hotel Executive Chef, in a 5 Stars International Resort. Please, generate a dinner
Prompt: menu for the all-dining buffet restaurant following the below guidelines:

Style of cuisine: International

Offer requirements:
Bread corner with 5 varieties of bread
2 soups

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2 soups condiments
6 composed salads
5 kinds of salad dressing
3 appetisers
1 hot main course with animal proteins from chicken
1 hot main course with animal proteins from lamb or pork
1 hot main course with animal proteins from beef
1 hot main course with animal proteins from fish or seafood
1 hot vegan main course
2 hot carbohydrates, for example, pasta, rice, grains
1 live station
4 whole cakes
4 spoon desserts
4 mono-portion desserts
3 kinds of whole fruits
1 fruit salad or sliced fruit

Five Stars International Resort - Dinner Buffet Menu

Output: Bread Corner
1. Multigrain Loaf
2. French Baguette
3. Olive Focaccia
4. Sun-dried Tomato Ciabatta
5. Rye Bread
1. Creamy Lobster Bisque
2. Rustic Vegetable Minestrone
Soup Condiments
1. Crispy Croutons
2. Fresh Chopped Parsley
Composed Salads
1. Greek Salad with Feta and Kalamata Olives
2. Quinoa and Roasted Vegetable Salad
3. Thai Beef Salad with Lime and Mint
4. Tuna Niçoise Salad
5. Waldorf Salad with Apples, Walnuts, and Celery
6. Moroccan Couscous Salad with Dried Fruits
Salad Dressings
1. Creamy Blue Cheese
2. Balsamic Vinaigrette
3. Classic Caesar
4. Honey Mustard
5. Asian Sesame Ginger
1. Bruschetta with Tomato and Basil
2. Miniature Shrimp Cocktails
3. Antipasto Skewers with Olives, Mozzarella, and Salami
Main Course
1. Lemon Herb Roasted Chicken with Spring Vegetables
2. Moroccan-spiced Lamb Tagine with Apricots and Almonds
3. Slow-cooked Beef Bourguignon
4. Grilled Salmon with Dill Beurre Blanc
5. Vegan Mushroom and Lentil Shepherds Pie
1. Creamy Parmesan Risotto
2. Penne Pasta with Sun-dried Tomato and Pesto
Live Station
1. Teppanyaki Grill with a selection of Chicken, Beef, Shrimp, and Fresh Vegetables,
cooked to order
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. Classic New York Cheesecake
2. Chocolate Fudge Cake
3. Red Velvet Cake
4. Tiramisu
Spoon Desserts
1. Crème Brûlée
2. Raspberry Panna Cotta
3. Dark Chocolate Mousse
4. Apple Crumble with Vanilla Custard
Mono-portion Desserts
1. Lemon Tartlets
2. Mini Pavlovas with Fresh Berries
3. Chocolate Éclairs
4. Petite Opera Cakes
1. Pineapple
2. Mango
3. Watermelon
Fruit Salad
1. Fresh Tropical Fruit Salad with Mint Lime Dressing

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Reinforcing the Contextual Framework. Generation of Proposals for Six-Themed Buffet


Now, generate 6 different themes dinner buffet ideas. Remember, you are the Executive Chef,
Prompt: in a 5 Stars International Resort, and your guests have very high expectation

Absolutely, I'm excited to help curate these theme ideas. Here are six themed dinner buffet
Output: ideas that would excite the palate of any international 5-star resort guest:

1. "Taste of Asia" Buffet. Transport guests to different corners of Asia with a lavish
spread featuring the likes of Sushi and Sashimi from Japan, Tom Yum Soup from Thailand,
Korean BBQ, Chinese Peking Duck, Indian Chicken Tikka Masala, and Filipino Lechon.
Desserts could include Indian Gulab Jamun, Chinese Moon Cakes, and Thai Mango Sticky
2. "Mediterranean Fiesta" Buffet. Highlight the vibrant flavors of the Mediterranean
region with Greek Salad, Italian Caprese Skewers, Spanish Paella, Moroccan Lamb
Tajine, Turkish Meze Platter, and Lebanese Falafel. The dessert table would feature
Italian Tiramisu, Greek Baklava, and French Crème Brûlée.
3. "American Regional Favorites" Buffet. Showcase the diverse culinary traditions across
America with dishes such as New England Clam Chowder, Southern Fried Chicken, Texas
BBQ Brisket, Cajun Jambalaya, and California Grilled Seafood. Desserts might include
New York Cheesecake, Mississippi Mud Pie, and Key Lime Pie from Florida.
4. "Luxury Seafood Extravaganza" Buffet. This theme offers the delights of the sea -
Alaskan King Crab, Maine Lobster, Oysters, Sushi, Grilled Salmon, Paella, and Shrimp
Scampi. For dessert, serve lighter options like Lemon Sorbet, Panna Cotta, and Fresh
Fruit to balance the rich seafood.
5. "Farm-to-Table Organic Feast" Buffet. Highlight locally-sourced and organic
ingredients in dishes such as a Fresh Farmers Market Salad, Quinoa and Roasted Veggie
Salad, Grass-Fed Beef Roast, Organic Herb Roasted Chicken, and a Vegan Stuffed Squash.
Desserts can include an Organic Apple Crumble, Farm Fresh Berry Tart, and a Vegan
Dark Chocolate Avocado Mousse.
6. "World of Cheeses" Buffet. This would be a cheese lover's dream featuring dishes like
French Onion Soup, Italian Four Cheese Pasta, Swiss Raclette Station, English Cheese
and Charcuterie Platter, and a wide variety of cheese from around the world. Desserts
could be Cheesecake, Mascarpone Tiramisu, and a beautiful array of cheese paired with
honey, nuts, and fruit preserves.

Each theme brings an engaging culinary journey that provides guests not only a meal, but also
a gastronomic experience they won't forget.

At this stage, we have established a standard menu for the first buffet dinner. Subsequently, we
tasked the LLM with generating six themed buffet proposals to complete our seven-day rotation
in the buffet restaurant.

For this particular task, we provided the LLM with minimal data, allowing it a wide range of
creativity. We only specified the role of Executive Chef and emphasized the context of the other
five-star establishments, emphasizing the high expectations of our guests.

Next, we requested the development of menus for each themed dinner, following the same
approach used for generating the initial menu.

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Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback: Creating a Menu Proposal
for "Taste of Asia" Buffet.

Well done!!! Please, now develop the menu proposal for the "Taste of Asia" Buffet following
Prompt: the below structure as much as possible:

Bread corner with 5 varieties of bread

2 soups
2 soups condiments
6 composed salads
5 kinds of salad dressing

3 appetisers
1 hot main course with animal proteins from chicken
1 hot main course with animal proteins from lamb or pork
1 hot main course with animal proteins from beef
1 hot main course with animal proteins from fish or seafood
1 hot vegan main course
2 hot carbohydrates, for example, pasta, rice, grains

1 live station

4 whole cakes
4 spoon desserts
4 mono-portion desserts
3 kinds of whole fruits
1 fruit salad or sliced fruit

Absolutely! Here's a curated "Taste of Asia" dinner buffet menu:

Bread Corner
1. Naan Bread (India)
2. Mantou Steamed Buns (China)
3. Bahn Mi Baguette (Vietnam)
4. Roti Canai (Malaysia)
5. Yakgwa Honey Pastry (Korea)
1. Tom Yum Soup (Thailand)
2. Miso Soup (Japan)
Soup Condiments
1. Fresh Lime Wedges
2. Chopped Cilantro
Composed Salads
1. Vietnamese Rice Noodle Salad
2. Thai Green Papaya Salad
3. Chinese Chicken Salad with Mandarin Oranges
4. Japanese Seaweed Salad
5. Indian Chickpea Salad
6. Korean Kimchi Salad
Salad Dressings
1. Sesame Ginger Dressing
2. Spicy Thai Lime Dressing
3. Creamy Peanut Dressing
4. Tangy Tamarind Dressing
5. Soy-Miso Dressing
1. Japanese Sushi Assortment
2. Chinese Pork Dumplings
3. Indian Samosa with Tamarind Chutney
Main Courses
1. Tandoori Chicken with Cilantro-Mint Chutney (India)
2. Char Siu (Barbecue Pork) with Bok Choy (China)
3. Korean Bulgogi (Marinated Beef) with Kimchi (Korea)
4. Grilled Miso-Glazed Salmon with Pickled Ginger (Japan)
5. Vegan Pad Thai with Tofu (Thailand)
1. Indonesian Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice)
2. Singaporean Laksa Noodles
Live Station
1. Teppanyaki Grill with selection of Chicken, Beef, Shrimp, and Fresh Vegetables, cooked
to order with Soy-Ginger and Yum-Yum sauces (Japan)
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. Japanese Matcha Green Tea Cake
2. Chinese Egg Custard Tart
3. Filipino Leche Flan Cake
4. Indian Gulab Jamun Cheesecake
Spoon Desserts
1. Thai Mango Sticky Rice
2. Chinese Almond Tofu
3. Korean Bingsu (Shaved Ice with Sweet Toppings)
4. Indian Kheer (Rice Pudding)
Mono-portion Desserts
1. Japanese Mochi Assortment
2. Chinese Mooncakes
3. Filipino Turon (Banana Lumpia)
4. Indian Jalebi

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1. Lychee
2. Dragon Fruit
3. Longan
Fruit Salad
1. Exotic Asian Fruit Salad with Mango, Papaya, Rambutan, and Starfruit

Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback: Creating a Menu Proposal
for "Mediterranean Fiesta" Buffet.

Well done!!! Please, now develop the menu proposal for the "Mediterranean Fiesta" Buffet
Prompt: following as much as possible the appointed menu structure

Of course, here's a "Mediterranean Fiesta" dinner buffet menu proposal:

Bread Corner
1. Italian Ciabatta
2. Greek Pita
3. French Baguette
4. Turkish Simit
5. Spanish Pan de Cristal
1. Spanish Gazpacho
2. Greek Avgolemono (Lemon Chicken Soup)
Soup Condiments
1. Crumbled Feta Cheese
2. Freshly Chopped Herbs (Parsley, Dill)
Composed Salads
1. Greek Salad with Feta and Kalamata Olives
2. Italian Caprese Salad
3. Moroccan Couscous Salad with Dried Fruits
4. French Niçoise Salad
5. Turkish Shepherd's Salad (Coban Salatasi)
6. Spanish Seafood Salad
Salad Dressings
1. Classic Greek Vinaigrette
2. Italian Basil Pesto
3. Moroccan Lemon-Honey Dressing
4. French Dijon Vinaigrette
5. Spanish Sherry Vinaigrette
1. Italian Antipasti Platter (Assorted Cured Meats, Cheeses, Olives)
2. Greek Spanakopita (Spinach and Feta Pastry)
3. Turkish Meze Platter (Hummus, Tzatziki, Dolmas)
Main Courses
1. Italian Chicken Piccata with Lemon-Caper Sauce
2. Greek Moussaka with Lamb and Eggplant
3. Spanish Beef Estofado (Stew)
4. French Bouillabaisse with Assorted Seafood
5. Moroccan Vegetable Tagine (Vegan)
1. Italian Risotto alla Milanese
2. Spanish Seafood Paella
Live Station
1. Turkish Kebab Grill with selection of Chicken, Beef, Lamb and Vegetables, served with
Pita Bread and Sauces
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. Italian Tiramisu
2. Greek Baklava
3. Spanish Almond Cake (Tarta de Santiago)
4. French Lemon Tart (Tarte au Citron)
Spoon Desserts
1. Greek Rice Pudding (Rizogalo)
2. Italian Panna Cotta with Mixed Berry Compote
3. French Chocolate Mousse
4. Turkish Rice Pudding (Sutlac)
Mono-portion Desserts
1. Italian Cannoli
2. Spanish Churros with Chocolate Sauce
3. French Macarons Assortment
4. Greek Loukoumades (Honey Doughnuts)
1. Figs
2. Oranges
3. Grapes
Fruit Salad
1. Fresh Mediterranean Fruit Salad with Mint and Honey Drizzle

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Request for Modification.

Please, substitute one of the carbohydrates proposals for a pasta dish


Certainly! Here's a revised proposal with a pasta dish included:

1. Italian Pasta Primavera with Seasonal Vegetables
2. Spanish Seafood Paella

Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback: Creating a Menu

Proposal for "American Regional Favorites" Buffet.

Well done!!! Please, now develop the menu proposal for the "American Regional Favorites" Buffet
Prompt: following as much as possible the appointed menu structure

Of course, I'm glad to present a unique "American Regional Favorites" dinner buffet menu:
Bread Corner
1. New England Brown Bread
2. New York-style Bagels
3. Southern Cornbread
4. Midwestern Pretzel Rolls
5. West Coast Sourdough
1. New England Clam Chowder
2. Southwestern Chicken Tortilla Soup
Soup Condiments
1. Oyster Crackers
2. Shredded Monterey Jack Cheese
Composed Salads
1. Southern Fried Green Tomato Salad
2. Midwest Corn and Black Bean Salad
3. California Avocado and Citrus Salad
4. Southwestern Tex-Mex Salad
5. New England Lobster Salad
6. Hawaiian Poke Bowl
Salad Dressings
1. Buttermilk Ranch
2. Blue Cheese
3. Honey Mustard
4. Zesty Italian
5. Citrus Vinaigrette
1. Maryland Crab Cakes
2. Texas BBQ Pork Sliders
3. California Spring Rolls with Avocado
Main Courses
1. Southern Fried Chicken with Collard Greens
2. Midwest Slow-Cooked Pulled Pork with Coleslaw
3. Texas Beef Brisket with Smoky BBQ Sauce
4. New England Clambake with Lobster, Clams, Corn, and Potatoes
5. California Vegan Quinoa-Stuffed Bell Peppers
1. Southern Style Biscuits and Gravy
2. New York Style Baked Ziti
Live Station
1. Southern Style BBQ Grill with a selection of Chicken, Ribs, and Brisket, served with
Cornbread and BBQ Sauce
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. New York Cheesecake
2. Southern Red Velvet Cake
3. Key Lime Pie from Florida
4. Boston Cream Pie
Spoon Desserts
1. Mississippi Mud Pie
2. New Orleans Bread Pudding with Bourbon Sauce
3. Midwest Cherry Crumble
4. California Fresh Berry Parfait
Mono-portion Desserts
1. New England Apple Cider Doughnuts
2. Texas Pecan Pralines
3. Pacific Northwest Blackberry Tarts
4. Florida Key Lime Pie Bites

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1. Washington Apples
2. California Oranges
3. Georgia Peaches
Fruit Salad
1. Fresh Mixed Berry Salad with Mint

Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback: Creating a Menu

Proposal for "Luxury Seafood Extravaganza" Buffet.

Well done!!! Please, now develop the menu proposal for the "Luxury Seafood Extravaganza" Buffet
Prompt: following as much as possible the appointed menu structure

Absolutely, let's dive into a "Luxury Seafood Extravaganza" buffet menu:

Bread Corner
1. Classic French Baguette
2. Italian Ciabatta Rolls
3. New England Biscuits
4. Garlic Herb Focaccia
5. Dark Rye Bread
1. Classic Lobster Bisque
2. Thai Coconut Shrimp Soup
Soup Condiments
1. Crusty Croutons
2. Fresh Chopped Chives
Composed Salads
1. Dungeness Crab Louie Salad
2. Shrimp and Avocado Salad
3. Lobster and Mango Salad
4. Tuna Niçoise Salad
5. Octopus and Potato Salad
6. Scallops and Citrus Salad
Salad Dressings
1. Classic Caesar Dressing
2. Lemon Dill Vinaigrette
3. Sesame Ginger Dressing
4. Honey Mustard Dressing
5. Creamy Ranch Dressing
1. Oysters Rockefeller
2. Seared Scallops with Lemon Butter Sauce
3. Sushi and Sashimi Platter
Main Courses
1. Grilled Lobster Tails with Garlic Herb Butter
2. Alaskan King Crab Legs with Lemon Butter
3. Provençal Bouillabaisse with Assorted Fish and Shellfish
4. Blackened Swordfish Steaks with Mango Salsa
5. Vegan Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms
1. Saffron Infused Seafood Paella
2. Linguine with Clams in White Wine Sauce
Live Station
1. Raw Bar with a selection of Oysters, Clams, Shrimp, and Crab, served with Mignonette,
Cocktail Sauce, and Lemon Wedges
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. Classic New York Cheesecake
2. Tropical Coconut Cake
3. Lemon Poppy Seed Cake
4. Fresh Strawberry Shortcake
Spoon Desserts
1. Key Lime Mousse
2. Blueberry Panna Cotta
3. Mango Sorbet
4. Raspberry Lemon Parfait
Mono-portion Desserts
1. Mini Chocolate Lava Cakes
2. Lemon Bars
3. Vanilla Bean Crème Brûlée
4. Mini Key Lime Pies
1. Pineapple
2. Kiwi
3. Mango
Fruit Salad
1. Tropical Fruit Salad with Pineapple, Mango, Kiwi, and Papaya

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Request for Modification.

Please, substitute the following proposals for an alternative: Tuna Niçoise Salad, Classic New
Prompt: York Cheesecake

Certainly, here are alternatives for those items:

Output: Instead of the Tuna Niçoise Salad, we could offer a Smoked Salmon and Cucumber Salad with Dill
and Capers, providing a refreshing contrast to the other seafood offerings.
In lieu of the Classic New York Cheesecake, we could serve a Passion Fruit Pavlova, a light
and elegant meringue-based dessert filled with cream and topped with fresh passion fruit. This
dessert would offer a vibrant and tangy finish to the rich seafood feast.

Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback and providing additional
context information. Creating a Menu Proposal for " Farm-to-Table Organic Feast" Buffet.

Well done!!! Please, now develop the menu proposal for the "Farm-to-Table Organic Feast" Buffet
Prompt: following as much as possible the appointed menu structure, taking into consideration the
resort in based in Valencia, Spain

Certainly, here's a curated "Farm-to-Table Organic Feast" dinner buffet menu inspired by
Output: Valencia's local produce and traditional recipes:

Bread Corner
1. Pan de Horno (Traditional Valencian Oven Bread)
2. Pan con Tomate (Tomato Bread)
3. Olive Oil Tortas (Andalusian Crispy Flatbreads)
4. Traditional Spanish Baguette
5. Integral (Whole Grain) Bread
1. Gazpacho Valenciano (Valencian Cold Tomato Soup)
2. Sopa de Ajo (Garlic Soup with Organic Egg)
Soup Condiments
1. Picada (a mix of garlic, almonds and parsley)
2. Hand-torn Croutons
Composed Salads
1. Ensalada Valenciana (Valencian Salad with Roasted Peppers)
2. Spanish Potato Salad with Organic Eggs and Olives
3. Organic Mixed Greens with Local Goat Cheese
4. Heirloom Tomato and Cucumber Salad
5. Beetroot, Orange and Walnut Salad
6. Chickpea and Roasted Vegetable Salad
Salad Dressings
1. Classic Spanish Vinaigrette
2. Citrus and Honey Dressing
3. Roasted Garlic Aioli
4. Sherry Vinegar Dressing
5. Creamy Blue Cheese Dressing
1. Tapas Assortment: Tortilla Española (Spanish Omelette), Albondigas (Meatballs), and
Patatas Bravas (Spicy Potatoes)
2. Valencia-style Paella Croquettes
3. Marinated Local Olives and Pickles
Main Courses
1. Pollo a la Valenciana (Valencian Chicken) with Local Herbs
2. Cordero Asado (Roast Lamb) with Garlic and Rosemary
3. Chuletón de Ternera (Beef Steak) with Roasted Peppers
4. Local Fish Baked in Sea Salt Crust
5. Vegan Paella with Seasonal Vegetables
1. Traditional Valencian Paella with Rabbit and Chicken
2. Fideuà (Valencian Noodle Paella) with Seafood
Live Station
1. Parrilla (Grill) with a selection of Local Sausages, Chicken, Lamb, and Vegetables,
served with Romesco Sauce
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. Tarta de Santiago (Almond Cake)
2. Tarta de Queso (Cheesecake)
3. Valencia Orange Cake
4. Traditional Flan with Local Honey
Spoon Desserts
1. Crema Catalana
2. Arroz con Leche (Rice Pudding)
3. Chilled Orange and Almond Soup
4. Fresh Berries with Mint and Honey
Mono-portion Desserts
1. Polvorones (Shortbread Cookies)
2. Chocolate Truffles with Spanish Brandy

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3. Valencia Orange Macarons

4. Turron (Nougat) Bites
1. Valencia Oranges
2. Spanish Peaches
3. Local Berries
Fruit Salad
1. Fresh Fruit Salad with Valencia Oranges, Seasonal Berries, and Mint

Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback. Creating a Menu

Proposal for "World of Cheeses" Buffet.

Well done!!! Please, now develop the menu proposal for the "World of Cheeses" Buffet following
Prompt: as much as possible the appointed menu structure

Absolutely, here's a curated "World of Cheeses" dinner buffet menu:

Bread Corner
1. French Baguette
2. Italian Ciabatta
3. Rye Bread
4. Multi-Grain Rolls
5. Fig and Walnut Loaf
1. French Onion Soup topped with Gruyère Cheese
2. Wisconsin Cheddar and Ale Soup
Soup Condiments
1. Freshly Grated Parmesan
2. Crispy Bacon Bits
Composed Salads
1. Goat Cheese and Beetroot Salad
2. Italian Caprese Salad with Buffalo Mozzarella
3. Blue Cheese, Pear, and Walnut Salad
4. Halloumi Cheese and Grilled Vegetable Salad
5. Feta Cheese, Watermelon and Mint Salad
6. Roquefort Cheese, Endive, and Walnut Salad
Salad Dressings
1. Balsamic and Parmesan Dressing
2. Blue Cheese Dressing
3. Greek Feta and Oregano Dressing
4. Honey Mustard and Cheddar Dressing
5. Lemon and Ricotta Dressing
1. Baked Camembert with Garlic and Rosemary
2. Mini Quesadillas with Manchego and Chorizo
3. Cheese and Charcuterie Board with Artisan Breads
Main Courses
1. Chicken Cordon Bleu with Swiss Cheese
2. Italian Lasagna with Ricotta and Mozzarella
3. Beef Steak with Blue Cheese Sauce
4. Grilled Lobster with Parmesan Herb Crust
5. Vegan Stuffed Bell Peppers with Vegan Cheese
1. Macaroni and Four Cheese Gratin
2. Potato Gratin with Gruyère Cheese
Live Station
1. Raclette Station: Melted Raclette Cheese scraped onto boiled potatoes, charcuterie,
and pickles
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. New York Cheesecake
2. French Tarte au Fromage Blanc
3. Italian Tiramisu with Mascarpone Cheese
4. Dutch Gouda Cheese Cake
Spoon Desserts
1. Classic British Eton Mess with Clotted Cream
2. Italian Ricotta and Citrus Mousse
3. French Chocolate Fondue with Fresh Fruits
4. Spanish Leche Frita (Fried Milk) with Cinnamon and Sugar
Mono-portion Desserts
1. Greek Feta and Honey Phyllo Pies
2. Mini Blue Cheese and Pear Tarts
3. Ricotta Cannoli
4. Mascarpone and Cherry Trifle Shots
1. Apples
2. Pears
3. Grapes
Fruit Salad
1. Fresh Mixed Fruit Salad with Honey and Lemon Dressing

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Strengthening the Model's Learning via Positive Feedback. Creating a Menu

Proposal for "Signature Salad Bar".

Well done!!! Now propose to me the elements of our buffet signature salad bar

Absolutely! A premium salad bar in a 5-star hotel can encompass a range of fresh and vibrant
ingredients to cater to all tastes and dietary preferences. Here's a comprehensive proposal
for your buffet's signature salad bar:

Leafy Greens:
1. Romaine Lettuce
2. Iceberg Lettuce
3. Baby Spinach
4. Arugula
5. Kale
6. Watercress
1. Sliced Tomatoes
2. Cucumber
3. Bell Peppers (Red, Green, Yellow)
4. Carrots
5. Red Onions
6. Beets
7. Broccoli
8. Olives (Green and Black)
1. Grilled Chicken Breast
2. Smoked Salmon
3. Boiled Eggs
4. Tofu
5. Chickpeas
6. Black Beans
1. Feta
2. Blue Cheese
3. Cheddar
4. Mozzarella Balls
1. Croutons
2. Sunflower Seeds
3. Pumpkin Seeds
4. Flax Seeds
5. Dried Cranberries
6. Raisins
7. Chopped Nuts (Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans)
1. Balsamic Vinaigrette
2. Caesar Dressing
3. French Dressing
4. Honey Mustard
5. Ranch Dressing
6. Olive Oil and Vinegar
Fresh Herbs and Spices:
1. Parsley
2. Basil
3. Chives
4. Oregano
5. Pepper Mill for Freshly Ground Pepper

Remember, the key to an impressive salad bar is maintaining the freshness of the ingredients
and a neat, inviting presentation. Also, keeping a rotation of ingredients can keep it exciting
for returning guests. Happy dining!

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3.2 Analysis of the outputs received and their alignment with the desired goals
and requirements.
In this section, we have analyzed the outcomes obtained. We have identified proposals that
feature the same or similar recipe multiple times throughout the week (WR) or within the
same day (DR). While this repetition may not always be negative and can even have
operational and production benefits, we have marked such instances for your attention.

Furthermore, we have highlighted proposals that we deem suboptimal (NS). We understand

that this assessment can be subjective, so we have provided specific justifications for each

We have excluded the Signature Salad Bar from the analysis as it is designed to be a unique,
non-rotating offering. Also, for practical reasons, we have chosen to exclude the salad
dressing section from the final analysis. The obvious repetition of items in this section can
potentially distort the evaluation of the overall outcomes obtained.

Analysis and Evaluation of the Output: Initial Buffet Menu.

Acting as a Hotel Executive Chef, in a 5 Stars International Resort. Please, generate a dinner
Prompt: menu for the all-dining buffet restaurant following the below guidelines:

Style of cuisine: International

Offer requirements:
Bread corner with 5 varieties of bread
2 soups
2 soups condiments
6 composed salads
5 kinds of salad dressing
3 appetisers
1 hot main course with animal proteins from chicken
1 hot main course with animal proteins from lamb or pork
1 hot main course with animal proteins from beef
1 hot main course with animal proteins from fish or seafood
1 hot vegan main course
2 hot carbohydrates, for example, pasta, rice, grains
1 live station
4 whole cakes
4 spoon desserts
4 mono-portion desserts
3 kinds of whole fruits
1 fruit salad or sliced fruit

Five Stars International Resort - Dinner Buffet Menu

Output: Bread Corner
1. Multigrain Loaf
2. French Baguette (WR)
3. Olive Focaccia
4. Sun-dried Tomato Ciabatta
5. Rye Bread (WR)
1. Creamy Lobster Bisque (WR)
2. Rustic Vegetable Minestrone
Soup Condiments
1. Crispy Croutons (WR)
2. Fresh Chopped Parsley
Composed Salads
1. Greek Salad with Feta and Kalamata Olives (WR)
2. Quinoa and Roasted Vegetable Salad
3. Thai Beef Salad with Lime and Mint
4. Tuna Niçoise Salad (WR)
5. Waldorf Salad with Apples, Walnuts, and Celery
6. Moroccan Couscous Salad with Dried Fruits (WR)
Salad Dressings
1. Creamy Blue Cheese
2. Balsamic Vinaigrette
3. Classic Caesar
4. Honey Mustard
5. Asian Sesame Ginger

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1. Bruschetta with Tomato and Basil
2. Miniature Shrimp Cocktails
3. Antipasto Skewers with Olives, Mozzarella, and Salami
Main Course
1. Lemon Herb Roasted Chicken with Spring Vegetables
2. Moroccan-spiced Lamb Tagine with Apricots and Almonds
3. Slow-cooked Beef Bourguignon
4. Grilled Salmon with Dill Beurre Blanc (WR)
5. Vegan Mushroom and Lentil Shepherds Pie
1. Creamy Parmesan Risotto
2. Penne Pasta with Sun-dried Tomato and Pesto
Live Station
1. Teppanyaki Grill with a selection of Chicken, Beef, Shrimp, and Fresh Vegetables,
cooked to order (WR)
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. Classic New York Cheesecake (WR)
2. Chocolate Fudge Cake
3. Red Velvet Cake
4. Tiramisu (WR)
Spoon Desserts
1. Crème Brûlée
2. Raspberry Panna Cotta (WR)
3. Dark Chocolate Mousse (WR)
4. Apple Crumble with Vanilla Custard
Mono-portion Desserts
1. Lemon Tartlets
2. Mini Pavlovas with Fresh Berries
3. Chocolate Éclairs
4. Petite Opera Cakes
1. Pineapple (NS) (***)
2. Mango
3. Watermelon (NS) (***)

***(NS)Notes: Pineapple and Watermelon are not suitable to be served as whole fruits

Fruit Salad
1. Fresh Tropical Fruit Salad with Mint Lime Dressing

Analysis and Evaluation of the Output: Proposals for Six-Themed Buffet Menus.

Now, generate 6 different themes dinner buffet ideas. Remember, you are the Executive Chef,
Prompt: in a 5 Stars International Resort, and your guests have very high expectation

Absolutely, I'm excited to help curate these theme ideas. Here are six themed dinner buffet
Output: ideas that would excite the palate of any international 5-star resort guest:

1. "Taste of Asia" Buffet. Transport guests to different corners of Asia with a lavish
spread featuring the likes of Sushi and Sashimi from Japan, Tom Yum Soup from Thailand,
Korean BBQ, Chinese Peking Duck, Indian Chicken Tikka Masala, and Filipino Lechon.
Desserts could include Indian Gulab Jamun, Chinese Moon Cakes, and Thai Mango Sticky
2. "Mediterranean Fiesta" Buffet. Highlight the vibrant flavors of the Mediterranean
region with Greek Salad, Italian Caprese Skewers, Spanish Paella, Moroccan Lamb
Tajine, Turkish Meze Platter, and Lebanese Falafel. The dessert table would feature
Italian Tiramisu, Greek Baklava, and French Crème Brûlée.
3. "American Regional Favorites" Buffet. Showcase the diverse culinary traditions across
America with dishes such as New England Clam Chowder, Southern Fried Chicken, Texas
BBQ Brisket, Cajun Jambalaya, and California Grilled Seafood. Desserts might include
New York Cheesecake, Mississippi Mud Pie, and Key Lime Pie from Florida.
4. "Luxury Seafood Extravaganza" Buffet. This theme offers the delights of the sea -
Alaskan King Crab, Maine Lobster, Oysters, Sushi, Grilled Salmon, Paella, and Shrimp
Scampi. For dessert, serve lighter options like Lemon Sorbet, Panna Cotta, and Fresh
Fruit to balance the rich seafood.
5. "Farm-to-Table Organic Feast" Buffet. Highlight locally-sourced and organic
ingredients in dishes such as a Fresh Farmers Market Salad, Quinoa and Roasted Veggie
Salad, Grass-Fed Beef Roast, Organic Herb Roasted Chicken, and a Vegan Stuffed Squash.
Desserts can include an Organic Apple Crumble, Farm Fresh Berry Tart, and a Vegan
Dark Chocolate Avocado Mousse.
6. "World of Cheeses" Buffet. This would be a cheese lover's dream featuring dishes like
French Onion Soup, Italian Four Cheese Pasta, Swiss Raclette Station, English Cheese
and Charcuterie Platter, and a wide variety of cheese from around the world. Desserts
could be Cheesecake, Mascarpone Tiramisu, and a beautiful array of cheese paired with
honey, nuts, and fruit preserves.

Each theme brings an engaging culinary journey that provides guests not only a meal, but also
a gastronomic experience they won't forget.

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Analysis and Evaluation of the Output: "Taste of Asia" Buffet.

Well done!!! Please, now develop the menu proposal for the "Taste of Asia" Buffet following
Prompt: the below structure as much as possible:

Bread corner with 5 varieties of bread

2 soups
2 soups condiments
6 composed salads
5 kinds of salad dressing

3 appetisers
1 hot main course with animal proteins from chicken
1 hot main course with animal proteins from lamb or pork
1 hot main course with animal proteins from beef
1 hot main course with animal proteins from fish or seafood
1 hot vegan main course
2 hot carbohydrates, for example, pasta, rice, grains

1 live station

4 whole cakes
4 spoon desserts
4 mono-portion desserts
3 kinds of whole fruits
1 fruit salad or sliced fruit

Absolutely! Here's a curated "Taste of Asia" dinner buffet menu:

Output: Bread Corner
1. Naan Bread (India)
2. Mantou Steamed Buns (China)
3. Bahn Mi Baguette (Vietnam)
4. Roti Canai (Malaysia)
5. Yakgwa Honey Pastry (Korea) (NS) (***)

***(NS)Notes: Yakgwa Honey Pastry (Korea) - It's a sweet pastry

1. Tom Yum Soup (Thailand)
2. Miso Soup (Japan)
Soup Condiments
1. Fresh Lime Wedges
2. Chopped Cilantro
Composed Salads
1. Vietnamese Rice Noodle Salad
2. Thai Green Papaya Salad
3. Chinese Chicken Salad with Mandarin Oranges
4. Japanese Seaweed Salad
5. Indian Chickpea Salad
6. Korean Kimchi Salad
Salad Dressings
1. Sesame Ginger Dressing
2. Spicy Thai Lime Dressing
3. Creamy Peanut Dressing
4. Tangy Tamarind Dressing
5. Soy-Miso Dressing
1. Japanese Sushi Assortment
2. Chinese Pork Dumplings
3. Indian Samosa with Tamarind Chutney
Main Courses
1. Tandoori Chicken with Cilantro-Mint Chutney (India)
2. Char Siu (Barbecue Pork) with Bok Choy (China)
3. Korean Bulgogi (Marinated Beef) with Kimchi (Korea)
4. Grilled Miso-Glazed Salmon with Pickled Ginger (Japan) (WR)
5. Vegan Pad Thai with Tofu (Thailand)
1. Indonesian Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice)
2. Singaporean Laksa Noodles
Live Station
1. Teppanyaki Grill with selection of Chicken, Beef, Shrimp, and Fresh Vegetables, cooked
to order with Soy-Ginger and Yum-Yum sauces (Japan) (WR)
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. Japanese Matcha Green Tea Cake
2. Chinese Egg Custard Tart
3. Filipino Leche Flan Cake
4. Indian Gulab Jamun Cheesecake
Spoon Desserts
1. Thai Mango Sticky Rice (DR)(**)
2. Chinese Almond Tofu
3. Korean Bingsu (Shaved Ice with Sweet Toppings)
4. Indian Kheer (Rice Pudding) (DR)

(**) Notes: The presence of rice as a basic ingredient is repeated, which might be justified
by the context and theme of the buffet

Mono-portion Desserts

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1. Japanese Mochi Assortment

2. Chinese Mooncakes
3. Filipino Turon (Banana Lumpia)
4. Indian Jalebi
1. Lychee
2. Dragon Fruit
3. Longan
Fruit Salad
1. Exotic Asian Fruit Salad with Mango, Papaya, Rambutan, and Starfruit

Analysis and Evaluation of the Output: "Mediterranean Fiesta" Buffet.

Well done!!! Please, now develop the menu proposal for the "Mediterranean Fiesta" Buffet
Prompt: following as much as possible the appointed menu structure

Of course, here's a "Mediterranean Fiesta" dinner buffet menu proposal:

Output: Bread Corner
1. Italian Ciabatta (WR)
2. Greek Pita
3. French Baguette (WR)
4. Turkish Simit
5. Spanish Pan de Cristal
1. Spanish Gazpacho
2. Greek Avgolemono (Lemon Chicken Soup)
Soup Condiments
1. Crumbled Feta Cheese
2. Freshly Chopped Herbs (Parsley, Dill)
Composed Salads
1. Greek Salad with Feta and Kalamata Olives (WR) (DR) (**)
2. Italian Caprese Salad (WR)
3. Moroccan Couscous Salad with Dried Fruits (WR)
4. French Niçoise Salad (WR)
5. Turkish Shepherd's Salad (Coban Salatasi) (DR) (**)
6. Spanish Seafood Salad

(**) Notes: The recipe for "Turkish Shepherd's Salad (Coban Salatasi)" bears a resemblance to
the Greek Salad, which may be considered too similar

Salad Dressings
1. Classic Greek Vinaigrette
2. Italian Basil Pesto
3. Moroccan Lemon-Honey Dressing
4. French Dijon Vinaigrette
5. Spanish Sherry Vinaigrette
1. Italian Antipasti Platter (Assorted Cured Meats, Cheeses, Olives)
2. Greek Spanakopita (Spinach and Feta Pastry)
3. Turkish Meze Platter (Hummus, Tzatziki, Dolmas)
Main Courses
1. Italian Chicken Piccata with Lemon-Caper Sauce
2. Greek Moussaka with Lamb and Eggplant
3. Spanish Beef Estofado (Stew)
4. French Bouillabaisse with Assorted Seafood (WR)
5. Moroccan Vegetable Tagine (Vegan)
1. Italian Risotto alla Milanese (DR) (**)
2. Spanish Seafood Paella (WR) (DR) (**)

(**) Notes: Two saffron rice-based dishes

Live Station
1. Turkish Kebab Grill with selection of Chicken, Beef, Lamb and Vegetables, served with
Pita Bread and Sauces
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. Italian Tiramisu (WR)
2. Greek Baklava
3. Spanish Almond Cake (Tarta de Santiago)
4. French Lemon Tart (Tarte au Citron)
Spoon Desserts
1. Greek Rice Pudding (Rizogalo) (DR) (**)
2. Italian Panna Cotta with Mixed Berry Compote (WR)
3. French Chocolate Mousse (WR)
4. Turkish Rice Pudding (Sutlac) (DR) (**)

(**) Notes: Both the Greek and Turkish approaches share the same fundamental elements, making
their recipes quite similar.

Mono-portion Desserts
1. Italian Cannoli
2. Spanish Churros with Chocolate Sauce
3. French Macarons Assortment
4. Greek Loukoumades (Honey Doughnuts)

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1. Figs
2. Oranges (WR)
3. Grapes
Fruit Salad
1. Fresh Mediterranean Fruit Salad with Mint and Honey Drizzle

Analysis and Evaluation of the Output: "American Regional Favorites" Buffet.

Well done!!! Please, now develop the menu proposal for the "American Regional Favorites" Buffet
Prompt: following as much as possible the appointed menu structure

Of course, I'm glad to present a unique "American Regional Favorites" dinner buffet menu:
Output: Bread Corner
1. New England Brown Bread
2. New York-style Bagels
3. Southern Cornbread
4. Midwestern Pretzel Rolls
5. West Coast Sourdough
1. New England Clam Chowder
2. Southwestern Chicken Tortilla Soup
Soup Condiments
1. Oyster Crackers
2. Shredded Monterey Jack Cheese
Composed Salads
1. Southern Fried Green Tomato Salad
2. Midwest Corn and Black Bean Salad
3. California Avocado and Citrus Salad
4. Southwestern Tex-Mex Salad
5. New England Lobster Salad
6. Hawaiian Poke Bowl
Salad Dressings
1. Buttermilk Ranch
2. Blue Cheese
3. Honey Mustard
4. Zesty Italian
5. Citrus Vinaigrette
1. Maryland Crab Cakes
2. Texas BBQ Pork Sliders
3. California Spring Rolls with Avocado
Main Courses
1. Southern Fried Chicken with Collard Greens
2. Midwest Slow-Cooked Pulled Pork with Coleslaw
3. Texas Beef Brisket with Smoky BBQ Sauce
4. New England Clambake with Lobster, Clams, Corn, and Potatoes
5. California Vegan Quinoa-Stuffed Bell Peppers
1. Southern Style Biscuits and Gravy
2. New York Style Baked Ziti
Live Station
1. Southern Style BBQ Grill with a selection of Chicken, Ribs, and Brisket, served with
Cornbread and BBQ Sauce
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. New York Cheesecake (WR)
2. Southern Red Velvet Cake
3. Key Lime Pie from Florida
4. Boston Cream Pie
Spoon Desserts
1. Mississippi Mud Pie
2. New Orleans Bread Pudding with Bourbon Sauce
3. Midwest Cherry Crumble
4. California Fresh Berry Parfait
Mono-portion Desserts
1. New England Apple Cider Doughnuts
2. Texas Pecan Pralines
3. Pacific Northwest Blackberry Tarts
4. Florida Key Lime Pie Bites
1. Washington Apples
2. California Oranges (WR)
3. Georgia Peaches
Fruit Salad
1. Fresh Mixed Berry Salad with Mint

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Analysis and Evaluation of the Output: "Luxury Seafood Extravaganza" Buffet.

Well done!!! Please, now develop the menu proposal for the "Luxury Seafood Extravaganza" Buffet
Prompt: following as much as possible the appointed menu structure

Absolutely, let's dive into a "Luxury Seafood Extravaganza" buffet menu:

Output: Bread Corner
1. Classic French Baguette (WR)
2. Italian Ciabatta Rolls
3. New England Biscuits
4. Garlic Herb Focaccia
5. Dark Rye Bread
1. Classic Lobster Bisque (WR)
2. Thai Coconut Shrimp Soup
Soup Condiments
1. Crusty Croutons (WR)
2. Fresh Chopped Chives
Composed Salads
1. Dungeness Crab Louie Salad
2. Shrimp and Avocado Salad
3. Lobster and Mango Salad
4. Tuna Niçoise Salad (WR)
5. Octopus and Potato Salad
6. Scallops and Citrus Salad
Salad Dressings
1. Classic Caesar Dressing
2. Lemon Dill Vinaigrette
3. Sesame Ginger Dressing
4. Honey Mustard Dressing
5. Creamy Ranch Dressing
1. Oysters Rockefeller
2. Seared Scallops with Lemon Butter Sauce
3. Sushi and Sashimi Platter
Main Courses
1. Grilled Lobster Tails with Garlic Herb Butter
2. Alaskan King Crab Legs with Lemon Butter
3. Provençal Bouillabaisse with Assorted Fish and Shellfish (WR)
4. Blackened Swordfish Steaks with Mango Salsa
5. Vegan Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms
1. Saffron Infused Seafood Paella (WR)
2. Linguine with Clams in White Wine Sauce
Live Station
1. Raw Bar with a selection of Oysters, Clams, Shrimp, and Crab, served with Mignonette,
Cocktail Sauce, and Lemon Wedges
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. Classic New York Cheesecake (WR)
2. Tropical Coconut Cake
3. Lemon Poppy Seed Cake
4. Fresh Strawberry Shortcake
Spoon Desserts
1. Key Lime Mousse
2. Blueberry Panna Cotta (WR)
3. Mango Sorbet
4. Raspberry Lemon Parfait
Mono-portion Desserts
1. Mini Chocolate Lava Cakes
2. Lemon Bars
3. Vanilla Bean Crème Brûlée
4. Mini Key Lime Pies
1. Pineapple (NS) (***)
2. Kiwi
3. Mango

(***) Notes: Pineapple is not suitable to be served as whole fruit

Fruit Salad
1. Tropical Fruit Salad with Pineapple, Mango, Kiwi, and Papaya

July 2023 25
Leveraging Prompt Engineering

Analysis and Evaluation of the Output: " Farm-to-Table Organic Feast" Buffet.

Well done!!! Please, now develop the menu proposal for the "Farm-to-Table Organic Feast" Buffet
Prompt: following as much as possible the appointed menu structure, taking into consideration the
resort in based in Valencia, Spain

Certainly, here's a curated "Farm-to-Table Organic Feast" dinner buffet menu inspired by
Output: Valencia's local produce and traditional recipes:
Bread Corner
1. Pan de Horno (Traditional Valencian Oven Bread)
2. Pan con Tomate (Tomato Bread)
3. Olive Oil Tortas (Andalusian Crispy Flatbreads) (NS) (***)
4. Traditional Spanish Baguette
5. Integral (Whole Grain) Bread (**)

(**) Notes: “Barra de Pan”

(***) Notes: Olive Oil Tortas (Andalusian Crispy Flatbreads) use to be sweet

1. Gazpacho Valenciano (Valencian Cold Tomato Soup)
2. Sopa de Ajo (Garlic Soup with Organic Egg)
Soup Condiments
1. Picada (a mix of garlic, almonds and parsley)
2. Hand-torn Croutons (WR)
Composed Salads
1. Ensalada Valenciana (Valencian Salad with Roasted Peppers)
2. Spanish Potato Salad with Organic Eggs and Olives
3. Organic Mixed Greens with Local Goat Cheese
4. Heirloom Tomato and Cucumber Salad
5. Beetroot, Orange and Walnut Salad
6. Chickpea and Roasted Vegetable Salad
Salad Dressings
1. Classic Spanish Vinaigrette
2. Citrus and Honey Dressing
3. Roasted Garlic Aioli
4. Sherry Vinegar Dressing
5. Creamy Blue Cheese Dressing
1. Tapas Assortment: Tortilla Española (Spanish Omelette), Albondigas (Meatballs), and
Patatas Bravas (Spicy Potatoes)
2. Valencia-style Paella Croquettes
3. Marinated Local Olives and Pickles
Main Courses
1. Pollo a la Valenciana (Valencian Chicken) with Local Herbs
2. Cordero Asado (Roast Lamb) with Garlic and Rosemary
3. Chuletón de Ternera (Beef Steak) with Roasted Peppers
4. Local Fish Baked in Sea Salt Crust
5. Vegan Paella with Seasonal Vegetables
1. Traditional Valencian Paella with Rabbit and Chicken
2. Fideuà (Valencian Noodle Paella) with Seafood
Live Station
1. Parrilla (Grill) with a selection of Local Sausages, Chicken, Lamb, and Vegetables,
served with Romesco Sauce
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. Tarta de Santiago (Almond Cake)
2. Tarta de Queso (Cheesecake) (WR)
3. Valencia Orange Cake
4. Traditional Flan with Local Honey
Spoon Desserts
1. Crema Catalana
2. Arroz con Leche (Rice Pudding)
3. Chilled Orange and Almond Soup
4. Fresh Berries with Mint and Honey (NS) (***)

(***) Notes: It is not suitable. The LLM should include other better fit recipes such as

Mono-portion Desserts
1. Polvorones (Shortbread Cookies)
2. Chocolate Truffles with Spanish Brandy
3. Valencia Orange Macarons
4. Turron (Nougat) Bites
1. Valencia Oranges
2. Spanish Peaches
3. Local Berries
Fruit Salad
1. Fresh Fruit Salad with Valencia Oranges, Seasonal Berries, and Mint

July 2023 26
Leveraging Prompt Engineering

Analysis and Evaluation of the Output: "World of Cheeses" Buffet.

Well done!!! Please, now develop the menu proposal for the "World of Cheeses" Buffet following
Prompt: as much as possible the appointed menu structure

Absolutely, here's a curated "World of Cheeses" dinner buffet menu:

Output: Bread Corner
1. French Baguette (WR)
2. Italian Ciabatta (WR)
3. Rye Bread (WR)
4. Multi-Grain Rolls
5. Fig and Walnut Loaf
1. French Onion Soup topped with Gruyère Cheese
2. Wisconsin Cheddar and Ale Soup
Soup Condiments
1. Freshly Grated Parmesan
2. Crispy Bacon Bits
Composed Salads
1. Goat Cheese and Beetroot Salad
2. Italian Caprese Salad with Buffalo Mozzarella (WR)
3. Blue Cheese, Pear, and Walnut Salad (DR) (**)
4. Halloumi Cheese and Grilled Vegetable Salad
5. Feta Cheese, Watermelon and Mint Salad
6. Roquefort Cheese, Endive, and Walnut Salad (DR) (**)

(**) Notes: The third and final proposal bear significant similarities

Salad Dressings
1. Balsamic and Parmesan Dressing
2. Blue Cheese Dressing
3. Greek Feta and Oregano Dressing
4. Honey Mustard and Cheddar Dressing
5. Lemon and Ricotta Dressing
1. Baked Camembert with Garlic and Rosemary
2. Mini Quesadillas with Manchego and Chorizo
3. Cheese and Charcuterie Board with Artisan Breads
Main Courses
1. Chicken Cordon Bleu with Swiss Cheese
2. Italian Lasagna with Ricotta and Mozzarella (NS) (***)
3. Beef Steak with Blue Cheese Sauce
4. Grilled Lobster with Parmesan Herb Crust
5. Vegan Stuffed Bell Peppers with Vegan Cheese

(***) Notes: Lasagna typically consists of a combination of beef and pork. While this may not
be considered a complete error, it aligns with the concept of the buffet theme

1. Macaroni and Four Cheese Gratin
2. Potato Gratin with Gruyère Cheese
Live Station
1. Raclette Station: Melted Raclette Cheese scraped onto boiled potatoes, charcuterie,
and pickles
Desserts Whole Cakes
1. New York Cheesecake (WR)
2. French Tarte au Fromage Blanc
3. Italian Tiramisu with Mascarpone Cheese (WR)
4. Dutch Gouda Cheese Cake
Spoon Desserts
1. Classic British Eton Mess with Clotted Cream
2. Italian Ricotta and Citrus Mousse
3. French Chocolate Fondue with Fresh Fruits
4. Spanish Leche Frita (Fried Milk) with Cinnamon and Sugar
Mono-portion Desserts
1. Greek Feta and Honey Phyllo Pies
2. Mini Blue Cheese and Pear Tarts
3. Ricotta Cannoli
4. Mascarpone and Cherry Trifle Shots
1. Apples
2. Pears
3. Grapes
Fruit Salad
1. Fresh Mixed Fruit Salad with Honey and Lemon Dressing

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Leveraging Prompt Engineering

Reviewing Repetitive and Unsuitable Proposals

Below is a review of those proposals that are presented with the same or similar recipes more
than once in a week or more than once on the same day, as well as those proposals that we
do not consider to be suitable.

Number of Unnecessary duplicities and repeated Unsuitable

preparations proposals (total number of elements) proposals
Bread Corner 35 8 2
23% 6%
Soups 14 2 0
14% 0%
Soup Condiments 14 3 0
21% 0%
Composed Salads 42 12 0
29% 0%
Salad Dressings
Appetisers 21 0 0
0% 0%
Main Courses 35 4 1
11% 3%
Carbohydrates 14 3 0
21% 0%
Live Station 7 2 0
29% 0%
Desserts Whole Cakes 28 8 0
29% 0%
Spoon Desserts 28 9 1
32% 4%
Mono-portion Desserts 28 0 0
0% 0%
Fruits 21 2 3
10% 14%
Fruit Salad 7 0 0
0% 0%
TOTAL 294 53 7
18% 2%

Considering that we did not provide specific instructions regarding the avoidance of element
repetition within the proposal, it is important to acknowledge the current limitations of LLM
technology in maintaining contextual coherence throughout the conversation. Taking these
factors into consideration, we can confidently state that the level of repetition in the generated
proposal is within acceptable limits.

On a separate note, it is noteworthy that the LLM displayed a notable preference for certain
desserts such as panna cotta, tiramisu, and cheesecake.

Additionally, the occurrence of unsuitable items was surprisingly low, which positively
surprised us. While there may have been opportunities to present better alternatives in some
cases, none of the proposals reached a level of being considered entirely inappropriate.

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Pushing Boundaries: Evaluating a LLM Generated Buffet Menu Proposal with an

Innovative Approach
As an initial observation, it can be stated that the proposed menus, on the whole, align well
with the standards and guidelines provided to the LLM.

We will now proceed with the evaluation of the various proposals. In this instance, we have
decided to push our experiment further by presenting a challenge to our LLM. Acting as a
team of experts, including an Executive Chef, a Culinary Expert, and an LLM Expert, we
tasked the LLM with generating a buffet menu proposal. Our goal was to receive a maximum
of five parameters for evaluating the menu proposal.

Please, find below the given prompt and output received:

Task Assignment. Generating the evaluation parameters.

Please, acting as a team formed by an Executive Chef, a Culinary Expert and a LLM Expert, give
Prompt: me a maximum of 5 parameters to evaluate a buffet menu proposal generated by a LLM like GPT-4

As a team formed by an Executive Chef, a Culinary Expert, and an LLM Expert, here are five
Output: parameters to evaluate a buffet menu proposal generated by an LLM like GPT-4:

1. Coherence and Relevance: Evaluate the coherence and relevance of the dishes suggested
in the menu proposal. Ensure that the dishes align with the overall theme or concept,
as well as the target audience and occasion for which the buffet is intended. Assess
if the proposed dishes complement each other and create a cohesive dining experience.

2. Culinary Expertise and Accuracy: Consider the level of culinary expertise and accuracy
reflected in the menu proposal. Assess whether the dishes are realistically
achievable, considering factors such as ingredient availability, cooking techniques,
and appropriate flavor combinations. Verify that the LLM-generated suggestions
accurately reflect the culinary standards and expectations of the establishment.

3. Creativity and Innovation: Evaluate the menu proposal for creativity and innovation.
Assess whether the suggested dishes offer unique and interesting flavor profiles,
novel ingredient combinations, or inventive presentation ideas. Look for elements
that differentiate the buffet menu from typical offerings and inspire guests with
new culinary experiences.

4. Practicality and Feasibility: Consider the practicality and feasibility of the menu
proposal in terms of execution and operations. Evaluate the complexity of the dishes,
the required preparation time, and the available kitchen resources. Assess whether
the proposed menu can be executed efficiently without compromising on quality or
overwhelming the kitchen staff.

5. Guest Satisfaction and Market Appeal: Lastly, assess the potential guest satisfaction
and market appeal of the menu proposal. Consider the preferences and expectations of
the target audience and evaluate whether the proposed dishes are likely to resonate
with them. Assess the balance between popular crowd-pleasers and potential unique
offerings that can attract and delight guests.

By evaluating the menu proposal based on these parameters, the team can ensure that the LLM-
generated buffet menu suggestions are coherent, accurate, innovative, practical, and
marketable, ultimately leading to a successful and memorable dining experience for guests.

The provided parameters appear to align well with the objective of evaluating a menu
generated by an LLM, highlighting this crucial aspect.

Therefore, we have opted to task the LLM with evaluating each proposal by assigning a score
ranging from 0 to 5 for each of the five parameters. A score of 0 represents the minimum,
while a score of 5 indicates the highest possible rating for each parameter. We are pleased
to share with you the results of the scores provided by the LLM, which we will analyze in
further detail later:

July 2023 29
Leveraging Prompt Engineering

Five Stars "American "Luxury Organic Feast"
"Taste of "Mediterranean "World of
Score 0 to 5 International
Asia" Fiesta"
Regional Seafood Dinner buffet menu proposal
inspired by Valencia's local Cheeses"
Resort Favorites" Extravaganza" produce and traditional

Variety and
4 5 5 5 5 5 5

Seasonality and
3 4 4 4 5 5 4

Visual Appeal and

4 4 4 4 4 4 4

3 4 4 4 3 4 3

Guest Satisfaction
4 5 5 5 5 5 5
and Market Appeal

Overall Score 18 22 22 22 22 23 21

Average Score 21/25

The LLM's average score is 21 out of a total of 25, equivalent to a "B" grade. While it may
not be an outstanding result, it is certainly noteworthy. This assessment aligns well with our
own initial conclusions.

Below, we present the comprehensive process of task assignment utilizing prompts and the
corresponding outputs obtained:

Task Assignment. Evaluating: Five Stars International Resort - Dinner buffet menu.

Following the 5 parameters given above. Evaluate the following menu proposal and score from 0
Prompt: to 5 for each of the given parameters: Five Stars International Resort - Dinner Buffet Menu

Bread Corner […]

Based on the five parameters mentioned earlier, here is an evaluation and scoring for the
Output: provided menu proposal:

1. Variety and Balance: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal offers a good variety of options,
including bread, soups, composed salads, appetizers, main courses, carbohydrates,
live station, desserts, and fruits. There is a range of flavors and options available
to cater to different preferences. However, it could benefit from including additional
vegetarian or vegan main course options for better balance.

2. Seasonality and Freshness: Score - 3/5 The menu proposal does not explicitly mention
seasonality or the use of fresh ingredients. While it includes a good selection of
dishes, it would be beneficial to emphasize the use of seasonal and locally sourced
ingredients to enhance the overall freshness and quality of the offerings.

3. Visual Appeal and Presentation: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal showcases a visually
appealing selection of dishes, including the bread corner, salads, main courses,
desserts, and fruits. However, without specific details on the visual arrangement
and presentation, it is challenging to evaluate this parameter comprehensively.

4. Dietary Accommodations: Score - 3/5 The menu proposal includes vegetarian options
such as quinoa and roasted vegetable salad, vegan mushroom, and lentil shepherd's
pie. However, there is no mention of gluten-free or other specific dietary
accommodations. Providing additional information and options for guests with dietary
restrictions would improve this aspect.

5. Guest Satisfaction and Market Appeal: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal offers a wide
range of dishes that are likely to satisfy a diverse set of guests. The inclusion of

July 2023 30
Leveraging Prompt Engineering

popular items like Greek salad, lemon herb roasted chicken, and classic desserts such
as cheesecake and tiramisu adds to the menu's market appeal.

Overall Score: 18/25

Please note that the scores are subjective assessments based on the provided information. The
evaluation could be further refined with more specific details on ingredient quality, cooking
techniques, and overall execution.

Task Assignment. Evaluating: "Taste of Asia" dinner buffet menu.

Following the 5 parameters given above. Evaluate the following menu proposal and score from 0
Prompt: to 5 for each of the given parameters: "Taste of Asia" dinner buffet menu:

Bread Corner […]

Based on the five parameters mentioned earlier, here is an evaluation and scoring for the
Output: provided "Taste of Asia" dinner buffet menu:

1. Variety and Balance: Score - 5/5 The menu proposal offers a wide variety of options
from different Asian cuisines, including bread, soups, composed salads, appetizers,
main courses, carbohydrates, live station, desserts, and fruits. There is a well-
balanced selection of dishes, showcasing the diversity of Asian flavors and cuisines.

2. Seasonality and Freshness: Score - 4/5 Although the menu proposal does not explicitly
mention seasonality, it features a range of fresh ingredients commonly used in Asian
cuisine. The inclusion of salads, soups, and live cooking stations suggests a focus
on using fresh and vibrant ingredients.

3. Visual Appeal and Presentation: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal showcases visually
appealing dishes, representing the vibrant colors and textures of Asian cuisine.
However, without specific details on the visual arrangement and presentation, it is
challenging to evaluate this parameter comprehensively.

4. Dietary Accommodations: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal includes vegetarian and vegan
options like the vegan Pad Thai and salads. However, it would be beneficial to include
explicit information on gluten-free or other specific dietary accommodations to cater
to guests with diverse needs.

5. Guest Satisfaction and Market Appeal: Score - 5/5 The "Taste of Asia" concept offers
a unique and appealing dining experience for guests seeking a variety of Asian
flavors. The menu proposal covers popular dishes from different Asian countries,
which can attract a wide range of guests and satisfy their cravings for authentic
Asian cuisine.

Overall Score: 22/25

Please note that the scores are subjective assessments based on the provided information. The
evaluation could be further refined with more specific details on ingredient quality, cooking
techniques, and overall execution.

Task Assignment. Evaluating: "Mediterranean Fiesta" dinner buffet menu.

Following the 5 parameters given above. Evaluate the following menu proposal and score from 0
Prompt: to 5 for each of the given parameters: "Mediterranean Fiesta" dinner buffet menu proposal:

Bread Corner […]

Based on the five parameters mentioned earlier, here is an evaluation and scoring for the
Output: provided "Mediterranean Fiesta" dinner buffet menu proposal:

1. Variety and Balance: Score - 5/5 The menu proposal offers a wide variety of options
from different Mediterranean cuisines, including bread, soups, composed salads,
appetizers, main courses, carbohydrates, live station, desserts, and fruits. There
is a well-balanced selection of dishes, representing the diverse flavors and
ingredients found in Mediterranean cuisine.

2. Seasonality and Freshness: Score - 4/5 Although the menu proposal does not explicitly
mention seasonality, Mediterranean cuisine often relies on fresh, seasonal
ingredients. The inclusion of salads, soups, and live cooking stations suggests a
focus on using fresh and vibrant ingredients.

3. Visual Appeal and Presentation: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal showcases visually
appealing dishes that represent the vibrant colors and textures of Mediterranean
cuisine. However, without specific details on the visual arrangement and presentation,
it is challenging to evaluate this parameter comprehensively.

July 2023 31
Leveraging Prompt Engineering

4. Dietary Accommodations: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal includes vegetarian options
like the Moroccan vegetable tagine and Greek spanakopita. However, it would be
beneficial to include explicit information on gluten-free or other specific dietary
accommodations to cater to guests with diverse needs.

5. Guest Satisfaction and Market Appeal: Score - 5/5 The "Mediterranean Fiesta" concept
offers a delightful and popular dining experience, with a diverse range of dishes
from different Mediterranean countries. The menu proposal covers well-known favorites
and iconic Mediterranean flavors, ensuring a high level of guest satisfaction and
market appeal.

Overall Score: 22/25

Please note that the scores are subjective assessments based on the provided information. The
evaluation could be further refined with more specific details on ingredient quality, cooking
techniques, and overall execution.

Task Assignment. Evaluating: "American Regional Favorites" dinner buffet menu.

Following the 5 parameters given above. Evaluate the following menu proposal and score from 0
Prompt: to 5 for each of the given parameters: Of course, I'm glad to present a unique "American
Regional Favorites" dinner buffet menu:

Bread Corner […]

Based on the five parameters mentioned earlier, here is an evaluation and scoring for the
Output: provided "American Regional Favorites" dinner buffet menu proposal:

1. Variety and Balance: Score - 5/5 The menu proposal offers a wide variety of options
representing different American regional cuisines, including bread, soups, composed
salads, appetizers, main courses, carbohydrates, live station, desserts, and fruits.
There is a well-balanced selection of dishes, showcasing the diversity of American
regional favorites.

2. Seasonality and Freshness: Score - 4/5 Although the menu proposal does not explicitly
mention seasonality, the inclusion of regionally-inspired dishes suggests the
utilization of fresh ingredients typically associated with each region. It would be
beneficial to emphasize the use of locally sourced and seasonal ingredients to enhance
the overall freshness and quality of the offerings.

3. Visual Appeal and Presentation: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal showcases visually
appealing dishes, representing the unique flavors and styles of American regional
cuisine. However, without specific details on the visual arrangement and presentation,
it is challenging to evaluate this parameter comprehensively.

4. Dietary Accommodations: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal includes vegetarian options
like the California vegan quinoa-stuffed bell peppers. However, it would be beneficial
to include explicit information on gluten-free or other specific dietary
accommodations to cater to guests with diverse needs.

5. Guest Satisfaction and Market Appeal: Score - 5/5 The "American Regional Favorites"
concept offers a nostalgic and popular dining experience, featuring beloved dishes
from different regions of the United States. The menu proposal covers iconic regional
favorites, ensuring a high level of guest satisfaction and market appeal.

Overall Score: 22/25

Please note that the scores are subjective assessments based on the provided information. The
evaluation could be further refined with more specific details on ingredient quality, cooking
techniques, and overall execution.

Task Assignment. Evaluating: "Luxury Seafood Extravaganza" buffet menu.

Following the 5 parameters given above. Evaluate the following menu proposal and score from 0
Prompt: to 5 for each of the given parameters: "Luxury Seafood Extravaganza" buffet menu:

Bread Corner […]

Based on the five parameters mentioned earlier, here is an evaluation and scoring for the
Output: provided "Luxury Seafood Extravaganza" buffet menu proposal:

1. Variety and Balance: Score - 5/5 The menu proposal offers a wide variety of seafood
options, including bread, soups, composed salads, appetizers, main courses,
carbohydrates, live station, desserts, and fruits. There is a well-balanced selection
of dishes, showcasing different types of seafood and flavors.

July 2023 32
Leveraging Prompt Engineering

2. Seasonality and Freshness: Score - 5/5 The menu proposal does not explicitly mention
seasonality, but given the focus on seafood, it implies the use of fresh and high-
quality ingredients. The inclusion of salads, soups, and live seafood stations
suggests an emphasis on freshness and seasonally available seafood.

3. Visual Appeal and Presentation: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal showcases visually
appealing dishes, particularly the seafood appetizers and main courses. The variety
of seafood and the luxurious nature of the buffet add to its visual appeal. However,
without specific details on the visual arrangement and presentation, it is challenging
to evaluate this parameter comprehensively.

4. Dietary Accommodations: Score - 3/5 The menu proposal includes some vegetarian options
such as the vegan stuffed portobello mushrooms. However, more explicit options for
guests with specific dietary restrictions or preferences would enhance this aspect.
It would be beneficial to include gluten-free or other dietary-accommodating dishes.

5. Guest Satisfaction and Market Appeal: Score - 5/5 The "Luxury Seafood Extravaganza"
concept offers an opulent dining experience, focusing on a wide array of seafood
delicacies. The menu proposal covers popular seafood favorites and high-end dishes,
ensuring a high level of guest satisfaction and market appeal.

Overall Score: 22/25

Please note that the scores are subjective assessments based on the provided information. The
evaluation could be further refined with more specific details on ingredient quality, cooking
techniques, and overall execution.

Task Assignment. Evaluating: "Farm-to-Table Organic Feast" dinner buffet menu

inspired by Valencia's local produce and traditional recipes.

Following the 5 parameters given above. Evaluate the following menu proposal and score from 0
Prompt: to 5 for each of the given parameters: "Farm-to-Table Organic Feast" dinner buffet menu
inspired by Valencia's local produce and traditional recipes:

Bread Corner […]

Based on the five parameters mentioned earlier, here is an evaluation and scoring for the
Output: provided "Farm-to-Table Organic Feast" dinner buffet menu proposal inspired by Valencia's
local produce and traditional recipes:

1. Variety and Balance: Score - 5/5 The menu proposal offers a wide variety of options,
showcasing Valencia's local produce and traditional recipes. There is a balanced
selection of dishes, including bread, soups, composed salads, appetizers, main
courses, carbohydrates, live station, desserts, and fruits. The menu covers a range
of flavors and ingredients, highlighting the region's culinary diversity.

2. Seasonality and Freshness: Score - 5/5 The menu proposal emphasizes farm-to-table
and organic ingredients, representing the use of fresh and seasonal produce. With
dishes like gazpacho Valenciano and Valencia oranges, it showcases the region's
seasonal specialties and commitment to freshness.

3. Visual Appeal and Presentation: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal features visually
appealing dishes, representing the vibrant colors and textures of Valencia's cuisine.
The use of local and organic ingredients enhances the overall visual appeal. However,
without specific details on the visual arrangement and presentation, it is challenging
to evaluate this parameter comprehensively.

4. Dietary Accommodations: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal includes vegetarian and vegan
options like the vegan paella and organic mixed greens salad. However, it would be
beneficial to provide more explicit information on gluten-free or other dietary-
accommodating dishes to cater to guests with specific needs.

5. Guest Satisfaction and Market Appeal: Score - 5/5 The "Farm-to-Table Organic Feast"
concept offers a unique dining experience that celebrates Valencia's local produce
and traditional recipes. The menu proposal covers a range of traditional dishes,
ensuring a high level of guest satisfaction and market appeal for those seeking an
authentic taste of Valencia's cuisine.

Overall Score: 23/25

Please note that the scores are subjective assessments based on the provided information. The
evaluation could be further refined with more specific details on ingredient quality, cooking
techniques, and overall execution.

July 2023 33
Leveraging Prompt Engineering

Task Assignment. Evaluating: "World of Cheeses" dinner buffet menu.

Following the 5 parameters given above. Evaluate the following menu proposal and score from 0
Prompt: to 5 for each of the given parameters: "World of Cheeses" dinner buffet menu:

Bread Corner […]

Based on the five parameters mentioned earlier, here is an evaluation and scoring for the
Output: provided "World of Cheeses" dinner buffet menu proposal:

1. Variety and Balance: Score - 5/5 The menu proposal offers a wide variety of cheese-
inspired options, showcasing different types of cheeses and their culinary
applications. There is a balanced selection of dishes, including bread, soups,
composed salads, appetizers, main courses, carbohydrates, live station, desserts, and
fruits. The menu covers a range of flavors and cheese varieties.

2. Seasonality and Freshness: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal does not explicitly mention
seasonality, but it offers a selection of fresh ingredients like fruits, vegetables,
and artisan breads. While the focus is on cheese, the inclusion of fresh produce
suggests a commitment to using quality and possibly seasonal ingredients.

3. Visual Appeal and Presentation: Score - 4/5 The menu proposal features visually
appealing dishes, particularly showcasing the diverse cheeses. The use of different
cheeses and their incorporation into various dishes enhances the overall visual
appeal. However, without specific details on the visual arrangement and presentation,
it is challenging to evaluate this parameter comprehensively.

4. Dietary Accommodations: Score - 3/5 The menu proposal includes vegetarian options
like the vegan stuffed bell peppers and offers a variety of cheese choices for guests.
However, it would be beneficial to provide more explicit information on gluten-free
or other dietary-accommodating dishes to cater to guests with specific needs.

5. Guest Satisfaction and Market Appeal: Score - 5/5 The "World of Cheeses" concept
offers a unique and enticing dining experience, particularly for cheese lovers. The
menu proposal covers a wide range of cheese-infused dishes, ensuring a high level of
guest satisfaction and market appeal for those seeking a cheese-focused culinary

Overall Score: 21/25

Please note that the scores are subjective assessments based on the provided information. The
evaluation could be further refined with more specific details on ingredient quality, cheese
variety, cooking techniques, and overall execution.

3.3 Assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of prompt engineering in

menu development.
I believe it is important to start by revisiting our initial objectives:

o Main Goal: Our primary goal was to generate a menu rotation for the all-dining
restaurant of a 5-star resort using an LLM, specifically GPT-4.

o Standards: We required the different menu proposals to adhere to the minimum

standards we provided.

Now, let's evaluate the results we obtained:

o Execution time: The total execution time, including the elaboration of the menu
proposals for seven days and the signature salad bar, was 00:45:56. This timeframe
encompasses the development of prompts, the writing process, and the acquisition of
outputs. It is truly impressive when considering the amount of time an individual would
typically require to complete the same initial work.

o Adherence to instructions: All proposals successfully adhered to our goals and the
given standards and instructions.

July 2023 34
Leveraging Prompt Engineering

o Unsuitable elements:The overall rate of unsuitable proposals was a mere 2%.

o Unsuitable elements: In terms of the fruit section, we specified either a fruit salad or
sliced fruit. However, all proposals focused solely on fruit salad. It seems that we should
have provided more specific instructions in the prompt to avoid this discrepancy.

o Allergies and intolerances: Although we did not provide explicit instructions beyond
the vegan option for main courses, the menu appears to be well-balanced. It is worth
noting the absence of gluten-free bread on a daily basis, but this was not explicitly
addressed in the instructions. This aspect, along with the generation of alternative
recipes, will be explored in future experiments.

o Repetition of items: In the analyzed categories (excluding the signature salad bar and
salad condiments), approximately 18% of the items were repeated at least once. This
repetition may involve identical or very similar recipes. We could have refined our
prompt to avoid these repetitions.

o Limitations: It is important to acknowledge the limitations of LLMs, such as the

challenge of establishing complete context and "remembering" the entire conversation.

o Limitations: Another limitation lies in generating long texts, which must be done
gradually. Consequently, generating the entire seven-day rotation in a single output is
not feasible with the necessary reliability. Simplifying the process environment would
greatly facilitate this possibility.

o Limitations: Additionally, the repetition of certain items should not necessarily be seen
as negative and may even have benefits in terms of cost, efficiency, operability, and

o Specific sections: Live Station; It seems that the focus on proteins rather than a single
product was not well optimized by the LLM. However, it is important to note that we
should have provided more context and data to enhance the accuracy of the outputs.

o Specific sections: Desserts; There is a good variety, although there appears to be a

particular emphasis on tiramisu and cheesecake. We did not initially provide guidelines
regarding the repetition of items.

o Other considerations regarding the overall offer: The standard and Mediterranean
buffet offerings are quite similar in nature.

o Other considerations regarding the overall offer: The cheese night may be too niche
and may not appeal to all audiences.

o Food Cost: There were no specific parameters provided regarding food cost, apart
from the context of a 5-star resort and the high expectations of the guests. It is
important to note that this was not the primary objective of our initial experiment, which
focused more on analyzing the LLM's general capability to generate a coherent menu

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Leveraging Prompt Engineering

Overall, while there are areas for improvement and considerations to address, our initial
experiment demonstrated the LLM's capacity to generate a coherent menu rotation.

Indeed, many areas for improvement could be addressed through a more refined prompting
technique and the provision of additional context, information, and specific guidelines. These
enhancements would likely contribute to generating more accurate and desirable outputs
from the LLM.

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Leveraging Prompt Engineering

4. Potential Professional Applications in the Food

Service and Hospitality Sector
There are numerous potential applications of prompt engineering in the hospitality and
foodservice industry. Based on the outcomes obtained in the current study, we have
identified four key applications to be highlighted. Let's take a closer look at them:

o Menu Development: By utilizing prompt engineering techniques, foodservice

professionals can generate menu proposals and recipes that align with specific culinary
themes, dietary preferences, and customer demands. LLMs can efficiently assist in the
initial stages of menu development, allowing professionals to dedicate more time to
refining proposals, conducting research and development, and engaging in other high-
value activities.

o Recipe Creation and Innovation: Prompt engineering serves as a valuable tool in the
development of unique and innovative recipes. By providing inspiration, ingredient
combinations, and cooking techniques, LLMs enable chefs to explore new culinary
frontiers and push the boundaries of traditional dishes. Prompt engineering aids in the
exploration of flavor pairings, assisting chefs in discovering exciting and harmonious
ingredient combinations. Additionally, prompts can help identify and source ingredients.

o Culinary Training and Education: Prompts might play a vital role in culinary training
and education programs. Aspiring chefs can benefit from practical exercises, guided
menu planning, and recipe development facilitated by prompt engineering, enhancing
their culinary skills and knowledge.

o Customer Interaction and Personalization: Prompt engineering enhances customer

interaction by enabling personalized menu suggestions based on individual preferences,
dietary restrictions, or previous dining experiences.

It is important to note that human supervision is always necessary when utilizing LLMs. While
they excel in generating plausible outputs, their lack knowledge in areas such as HACCP,
nutrition, and medicine can lead to erroneous results. This emphasizes the importance of
human expertise and validation to ensure the safety and accuracy of foodservice operations.

By leveraging the power of prompt engineering in the Food Service and Hospitality Sector,
professionals can unlock increased creativity, efficiency, and customization, ultimately
elevating the overall dining experience for guests while maintaining the critical role of human

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Leveraging Prompt Engineering

5. Conclusion
Our experiment utilizing LLMs, specifically GPT-4, has demonstrated their ability to generate
menu proposals of more than an acceptable quality. However, we emphasize that the key to
obtaining accurate and satisfactory results lies in employing a correct prompt engineering
technique. In fact, we would go so far as to say that the prompt engineering technique is
almost as crucial as the LLM itself.

Utilizing LLMs can significantly expedite certain phases of menu and recipe development,
leading to increased productivity, efficiency, and creativity. The time saved can be redirected
towards activities that generate added value, such as refining menu proposals, conducting
research and development, and training initiatives, to name a few.

At the organizational level, particularly within hotel or restaurant chains, an intriguing

possibility emerges. By centralizing prompt creation at the headquarters or regional offices,
executive chefs and specialty outlet chefs gain the freedom to create recipes, menus, and
proposals while ensuring alignment with the predefined strategy.

Although limitations persist, we have highlighted certain challenges, such as creating context
in long conversations or generating lengthy texts. It is important to acknowledge that while
LLMs can provide plausible answers, they can also be prone to errors. Moreover, their lack
of real-world knowledge in areas such as medicine, nutrition, and HACCP require human
supervision to mitigate potential risks.

Nevertheless, with proper prompting techniques and professional supervision, most of the
current limitations can be overcome. By leveraging LLMs in conjunction with human
expertise, the Food Service and Hospitality Sector can harness their potential to streamline
operations, foster innovation, and enhance the overall dining experience.

July 2023 38
Leveraging Prompt Engineering

Francisco Javier Martin Romo

Mariasole Capodanno

This paper was enhanced and partially generated with the assistance of GPT-4
This cover has been designed using assets from

Carlos Alarcón (2023). Platzi, Curso de Prompt Engineering con ChatGPT
Ronnie Sheer (2023), Linkedin Learning, Introduction to Prompt Engineering for
Generative AI
ChatGPT, personal communication, July 1st, 2023

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