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104 Bull. Hist. Chem.

, VOLUME 26, Number 2 (2001)


Fathi Habashi, Laval University, Quebec, Canada

The discovery of radioactivity is usually credited to In his report to the French Academy of Science pub-
the French physicist Antoine Henri Becquerel (1852- lished in 1858, i.e., 38 years before Becquerel’s report,
1908) who in 1896 discovered the rays that were emit- Niepce de St. Victor stated that (3):
ted from uranium salts (1). Becquerel placed fragments A drawing traced on a piece of carton with a solution
of several uraniferous phosphorescent substances on of uranium nitrate…whether or not exposed before
photographic plates wrapped in two sheets of black to light, and applied on a piece of sensitive paper
paper. In about 24 hours, when the plates were devel- prepared using silver chloride will print its image...If
oped, a silhouette of the phosphorescent substance ap- the drawing made on the carton with the uranium
peared on the plate. Hence, it was inferred that ..the nitrate solution...is traced with large strokes, it will
phosphorescent salts of uranium must emit radiations be produced even at 2 or 3 cm further away from the
sensitive paper.
which are capable of passing through black paper
opaque to ordinary light, and of reducing the silver With this statement one may conclude that Niepce de
salts of the photographic plate, even when the uranium St. Victor had discovered radioactivity before Becquerel.
compound has been completely sheltered from the light. Studies on the effect of uranium salts on a photo-
The radiations emitted by the phosphorescent substance graphic plate were started after the discovery of the metal
were called “Becquerel rays.” At first, Becquerel by Klaproth in 1789. A few years later, since the new
thought that these radiations were a kind of invisible metal gives vivid color to glass, a small uranium indus-
phosphorescence, which was afterwards shown to be try was started by the Austrian Government to produce
wrong. For this discovery Becquerel was awarded the uranium salts in Joachimsthal in Bohemia. Thus A. F.
Nobel Prize for physics shared with Pierre and Marie Gehlen (1775-1815) in Germany in 1804 reported on
Curie in 1903. the color change when an ethereal solution of uranium
Mellor (2) in 1929, however, mentioned briefly chloride was exposed to light (4). Other workers at-
that Niepce de St. Victor had already observed thirty tempted to use this phenomenon in a copying process in
years earlier that uranium salts could affect photo- which paper was soaked with uranium salts then dried.
graphic plates in the dark. Mellor stated that Becquerel The picture to be copied was then made fully visible
repeated some experiments of Niepce de St. Victor in after exposure to light by soaking in a solution of silver
order to find “if the property of emitting very penetra- nitrate then washing. The picture was formed as the
tive rays is intimately connected with phosphorescence. result of the photochemical reduction of the uranium
In other words, does the principle of reversibility ap- salt to uranium oxide which then produced metallic sil-
ply? If Röntgen’s rays make a fluorescent substance ver by reduction of silver nitrate. Niepce de St. Victor
shine in the dark, will a fluorescing substance emit in- showed such pictures at the Third Exhibition of the
visible penetrative rays?” Société Française de Photographie in Paris in 1859. He
Bull. Hist. Chem., VOLUME 26, Number 2 (2001) 105

was able later to give a colored tone to his copies. For gated photography with uranium salts. He was pen-
example, a violet color was produced when the paper sioned when Napoleon III came to the throne, and in his
was treated with chlorine, a green color when iron salt retirement he continued his research on scientific pho-
was present, and a brown color when potassium ferro- tography. He authored: Traité pratique de gravure
cyanide was present. The process was widely publi- heliographique sur acier et sur verre, Paris, 1856 and
cized as the “uranium paper” or “uranium copying pro- Recherches photographiques, Paris, 1858 (5).
cess” and pictures produced by this process were exhib-
In conclusion, the fact that Mellor had pointed out
ited at the First Photographic Exhibition in Vienna in
that Niepce de Saint-Victor, an amateur photographer,
1864 (4).
should be credited with the discovery of radioactivity
Claude Félix Abel Niepce de St. Victor (1805-1870) and not Antoine Henrie Becquerel, prompted the present
was a cousin of Joseph Nicéphore Niepce (1765-1833), writer to pursue the matter further. By reviewing the
the amateur French scientist who, together with Louis history of uranium salts in photography during the nine-
Daguerre (1789- teenth century, it could be concluded that Mellor’s point
1851), developed of view is valid.
the photographic
picture. He was
born in Saint Cyr
Saône. He at- 1. A. Romer, Ed., The Discovery of Radioactivity and
tended the school Transmutation, Dover Publications, New York, 1964.
for cavalry at 2. J. W. Mellor, A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic
Saumur and be- and Theoretical Chemistry, Longmans, London, 1929,
came Lieutenant of Vol. 4, 52-59.
Dragoons in 1842. 3. “Un dessin tracé sur une feuille de carton avec une solu-
In 1845 he was tion d’azotate d’urane….exposé à la lumière ou isolé, et
transferred to the appliqué sur une feuille de papier sensible préparée au
chlorure d’argent, imprime son image…Si le dessin fait
Paris Municipal
sur le carton avec la solution d’urane… est tracé à gros
Guard quartered in traits il se reproduira à 2 ou 3 centimètres de distance du
the barracks of the papier sensible. Ce n’est donc pas à la phosphorescence
suburb of Saint ou à la fluorescence seule qu’on peut attribuer la
Martin, where he propriété remarquable que possède les solutions
equipped a chemi- Niepce de St-Victor (1805-1870) d’urane”.
cal laboratory. His 4. Quoted by F. Kirscheimer, Das Uran und seine
first work, presented to the Academy of Sciences in Paris Geschichte, Schwarzerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
in 1847 dealt with the condensation of iodine vapors on Stuttgart, 1963.
5. J. M. Eder, History of Photography, translated from the
a copper plate engraving and the reproduction of the
3rd German ed. of 1905, Columbia University Press, New
iodine vapor image onto metal. In the same year, he
York, 1945, Dover Publications, New York, 1978.
made his invention of photography on glass.
In 1848, the barracks in which he lived were burned
and his laboratory was destroyed. In the same year he ABOUT THE AUTHOR
became Captain of his regiment and was elected Cheva-
lier of the Legion of Honor and received also a prize of Fathi Habashi is professor of extractive metallurgy at
two thousand francs from the Société d’Encouragement. Université Laval, Faculté des Sciences et de Génie,
He improved the asphaltum process of his cousin Département de Mines et Métallurgie, Cité Universitaire,
Nicéphore Niepce and greatly advanced etching on steel. Québec, G1K 7P4, CANADA. He authored Principles
When he was appointed Squadron Leader and Com- of Extractive Metallurgy in 4 volumes and edited Hand-
mander of the Louvre in Paris, he had time for his ex- book of Extractive Metallurgy in 4 volumes.
periments and it was during this period that he investi-

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