022 English Language

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TIME: 3:00 Hours YEAR. 2023

1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
2. Answer all questions in section A and B and any two (2) question from section C
3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty four (54) marks and section C
carries thirty (30) marks.
4. All writing must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil
5. All communication devices and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the
assessment room
6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer sheet(s) provided

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SECTION A (16 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section
1. For each of the following items (i-x) choose the most correct answer from among the given
alternatives and write its letter beside the item number.
(i) I bought some flowers for the woman ……. husband fixed my car last month.
A. Whose B. Who has C. Who’s D. Whose is
(ii) “Necessary steps were taken in this regard” the word steps is a/an….
A. Noun B. Adverbs C. Verb D. Adjective
(iii) She was a bright young PhD graduate from Ruaha University and her research on thermal
dynamics. The word bright in this sentence is closest in meaning to;
A. Smart C. Dazzling
B. Cheerful and lively D. Valuable
(iv) You are John, your sister got married to Athman, how will Athman and his son be calling
A. Uncle and brother C. Brother in law and uncle
B. John and brother in law D. Uncle and nephew
(v) Which one is the correct tag of “someone made a way with my book”
A. Didn’t she/he? B. don’t we? C. didn’t they? D. won’t she/he
(vi) Many students raised their hands when the teacher asked a question, the teacher decided to
point you to choose the most correct sentence among the following;
A. My brother has a car red big
B. My brother has a big red car
C. My brother has a red car and big
D. My brother has a big car red
(vii) A company manager asked all applicant to submit their short written description. In short
the manager wanted to submit their ….
A. Application letters C. Identity cards
B. Curriculum vitae D. Academic certificates
(viii) We had good players we lost ten matches at home ground this mean that;
A. There are good players in the team who lose matches
B. There are good players in the team who lose three matches
C. Although we had good players in the team we lose ten matches
D. Always we had good players in the team who lose three matches
(ix) You hear a young man talking about a computer he just bought. How does he feel about the
A. He is anxious about learning how to use it
B. He is proud to own it
C. He is worried that he paid too much for it
D. He has no money to buy a computer
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(x) You were passing somewhere you heard your fellows discussing about components of
invitation cards, but noticed that one among them is not necessary. Which is that among
A. Sender’s name
B. receiver’s address
C. purpose of the invitation
D. date and time of the event

2. Match the items in column A with those in column B by writing the letter of the correct answer.
Column A Column B
(i) We used to see a lot of stars during the night A. A crew
(ii) When we were at beach our teacher bought a B. A crowd
group of fish C. A constellation
(iii) Honey is made by many bees D. A cloth
(iv) I saw many vehicles travelling together for E. A bouquet
safety F. A convoy
(v) When I went to the market yesterday, I met a G. A school
group of people H. A swarm
(vi) Our house is surrounded by many flowers I. A choir

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section
3. In English language the words “a”, “an”, “the” are called articles. By constructing one example (in
sentential form) show which article is used to show the following;
i) Unique things
ii) Singular countable nouns
iii) Words beginning with vowel
iv) An unspecific/ generic noun begins with consonant
4. Below is an extract taken from a learner’s dictionary. Study it careful and point out four things you
can learn about a word in a dictionary. Give examples in each

Molest/Mz’lest/verb 1 sb to attack sb, especially a child, sexual SYN abuse, 2 rsb (old fashion)
to attack sb physically molestation/ molesteisn

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5. Rewrite the following sentences as instructed in each sentences without changing the meaning
i) The window was broken by Joseph. (Begin; Joseph………)
ii) Samwel said, “the patient will die”. The doctor has to attend to him very often (use unless
and omit samwel said)
iii) Mwajuma phoned me as soon as I arrived home (use; No sooner….)
iv) She has been knowing the answer. (change into question)
v) The miniskirt was transparent. She couldn’t wear it in public. (use; too ……. to)
vi) Let’s pray (put a question tag)
6. Imagine your English teacher (Miss Ruth) told you a number of things, but Josephine was not
present in the class. Tell her what the teacher has said or asked all of you using the following
i) “I will not be present tomorrow”
ii) “I will not teach you this week”
iii) “collect your exercise book on Friday”
iv) “I prepared a test for you last week”
v) “Is Rehema sleeping on her desk now”
vi) “I am going to my office”
vii) “When I will be back, we will have a test”
viii) “Is Josephine present today?”
7. Use the following words to construct sentences for each to describe the marriage you have
(a) Wedding
(b) Bride
(c) Bride groom
(d) Couple
(e) Brides maid
(f) Best man
8. Somebody told you about what happened at your home while you are at school that, your
grandfather has passed away this morning, write a letter to your headmaster asking him for
permission for two days. Your letter must be seen by TOD, class master and second master. Sign
your name as Joseph Josephati Marambugi.

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SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer only two (2) questions in this section, question number nine (9) is compulsory
9. Read the following poem and answer those questions that follows
Hallow heads torture me with ignorance
Blind eyes harass me with darkness
Deaf ears tire me with silence
Dumb voices deafen me with gibberish
Blank minds confuse me with emptiness
And above all

There is power and command.

With wits and ears and eyes
I have speech and a strong mind
But I remain weak and powerless
They oppress me, they torture me
They fight me, they kill me

It’s fight to bring me down to silence

To darkness and gibberish to ignorance
And through brain washing to emptiness.
All right my friends
Its battle and I’ll fight it
Ears and wits and eyes and speech
And a strong conscience
These are my weapons
And I will fight to the last cell.

i. What is the poem all about?
ii. Who is the persona?
iii. Identify three figures of speech from the poem
iv. Describe three possible themes
v. Is the poem relevant to your society? How?


A Wreath for Fr. Mayer - S. N Ndunguru (1977), MkukinaNyota
Unanswered cries - Osman Conteh, Macmillan
Passed like a shadow - B. M Mapalala (2006), DUP
Spared - S. N Ndunguru (2004), MkukinaNyota
Weep not child - NgugiwaThiong’o (1987); Heinemann

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The Interview - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan

Three Suitors: One Husband - O. Mbia (1994), Eyre Methuen
The Lion and the Jewel - W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
This Time Tomorrow - NgugiwaThiong’o (1972), Heinemann
The black Hermit - NgugiwaThiong’o (1972), Heinemann

Songs of Lawino and Ocol - O.P’Bitek (1979), EAPH
Growing up with poetry - D. Rubadiri (Ed) (1968), Heinemann
Summons - R. Mabala (1960), TPH

10. Imagine you have attended women conference where the topic is “like men, women are equally
capable of contributing to the welfare of the society”. Use two plays you have read to promote the
relevance of this statement. Three points from each play

11. Some African traditions and customs should be discouraged to the maximum. Use two novels you
have read under this section to explain bad African traditions and customs. Three points from each

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