Lisa in New York - Reader

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we aT ee CW hte ne Mats WN) BB coe CHAPTER 1 computer. She is checking her e-mail because she i waiting for a very important answer. ‘Yesterday, Lisa did an online quiz about the ig cites of the S. She got all ofthe answers correct. She had a chance to win first prize-a ticket to New York City. Lisa see5 a new message in her inbox and opensit. tan e-mail from the website ofthe quia! Dear Lisa, Congratulations! You won first prize! The toket to New York City is yours. You are going to leave on Friday, December 15th, and you are going to stayin || Now York for a week. Have a great time! Lisa cannot believe her eyes. She screams, “YES!” Lis’s mother hears her shouting and comes into her room. Lists deat are you OKE"asKs Lisa’ mum. "Yes, Mum, you won't believe it! I won frst prize in the online quiz a ticket to New York City"says Lisa, ‘Wall Line, thot fantastic) You rvant mot miss thi trp. 10% Augreat chance for you to visit New York, and see your cousins, George and Amsy again,” says Lisa's mur. Oh, that’s right. They cameo visit us with Aunt Elizabeth and Wclefohin many years ago,” says Lisa Pes tha’ rght. So, tell me, when are you going to go?” asks Lia's mother. My lcket is for this Friday. Lam going co stay in New York for ‘Week! says Lisa, ol e | | Pt CHAPTER 2 JFK Ivrenscarionat Arnront. Site 1s Es a en a Td ce lisa and George arrive at George's house. George's parents, Aurt Hizabeth and Unele John, are waiting for them. “Welcome to ou home,” Aunt Elizabeth sys, as she hugs Liss Thape you are hungry because I cooked a big dinner for you!” ‘They all sit down and eat a big meal of fied chicken, mashed potstoes, corn, and sala, “Wow this food is great! Thanks Aunt Elizabeth! But I havea ‘question = where’ Amy?” ask Lisa, “Oh, Amy is in college, honey.” Uncle fohn answers, “she's staying on the university campus. But don't worry, she'll visi hhame before you leave, Well, tell us, what do you think ofthe Big Apple so far?” Lisa does not understand, “The big what?” she asks George laughs. "The Big Apple is another name for New York bh explains Lisa laughs, t00, “see.” she says."Oh, its so big Thee are so mary people! And the buildings. they ae o all want 10 ee 50 much!” “Don't worry, Lis,” George says, “Tam going to show you around, I can be your private tour guide,” George says with a laugh. Great, George! Thanks!”say Lisa. “Well, Liss," her aunt says, "You must get some rest, Tomorrow is yeu ist big day in New York! A night, Lisa has a strange dream. She dreams ofa very big applet CHAPTER 3 in NeXT MORNING, LISA WAKES UP EARLY. AND_Go#s Tow is Aunt Elizabeth and George are waiting for her inthe kitchen. ood morning, Lisa” Aunt Elizabeth says. “Come and have some breakfast. Un ‘with syrup and bacon and ge. “We are going to rent bicycles and ride around Central Park. What do you think?” “Wow, George! Thats a great idea!” says Lisa They eat their breakfast, say goodbye to Aunt Hlizabeth, and leave. They take the subway tothe 59th Street stop. They exit the subway, and go stright (0 the bike rental shop. They get their bikes, and begin thir journey: we do, isso beautiful here, George," Lisa says, “You can't see any boilngs at all ~just trees and grass.” "Yup, well, New Yorkers come here to relax andl getaway from the ity: Many tourists come, too, Infact, Cental Parks the park. With the most visitors in the United States.” They ide past beautiful garden iglake, Many peopleare sitting on the gras, having pienie joying the nice weather. They also vide past the 200 and lions! An penguins, and even sea and eat some lunch." How about s\ y says Lisa George buys two hot dogs and two sodas, They sit on a bench tn enjoy their hunch, Then they get back on their bik. ‘George, look!” Lia shouts. “There is a note in the basket of ny bike anda lite Statue of Liberty” Lisa reads the note CHAPTER 4 Tice te that ean There ey buy tes an tae ry Boat So Genre soe” Ls sy. Pm going Sl ane hing for sure Yous gong sche Statue oF Thay acon Liberty Mand and see the Satu of Liber in sont ofthe Mass,“ hog Yap i 50 fet hight France gave the Unie Sates the theypat oper hee case aca pte roth te Sate ong ad agli pink at and singe to tke he pice She lhe pre and Googe tn be. Then he tie Lan er omer Hep orga Lack tht Theresa sticker on my camera It say VISTT HIE ME? sy Li “Tian gin th pink ha en rel We ust ind he” ieltueiSpone now Lb We mid hr ges weave 6 goto hea ays Googe ssh be there ‘ene be Met Lik, "Te Mtropltanbsrum of Arts one ofthe famous sve hen coment Lets po at sy CHAPTER 5 Lites 8 soos acre Lisa, where do you want to go fist?” George asks, Hmmm. [ don’t know, This museum is huge! What sbout the mystery person?” “I don’t knove, But le's enjoy the Met. Let’s go and s some Greek and Roman art!” George says Tistand George alk to the Gree and Roman ae They sce many marble statues, They stand next to a statu of the goddess V Wow ne looks so real and beautill™ isa She toiches the sta Excuse my mis,"saysa man that looks likeapolicens lease don’t touch, Laok at the sgn, ‘Oh, im sorry...” Lisasays but doesn't finish her sentene She soes the gil in the pink hat. She is leaving “George” she sys, “Come on, I saw the mystery gil sa and George ru after the girl, bat they lose her. ‘Come on! I think she went this way!” Lika says. They run into the Egyptian galley. The room is full of people in an Egyptian tiple!” says Lis ‘Yup. This is my favourite place in the museum. Its real temple from Egypt called the Temple of Dendut I's 2000 years old!” saps George. Tisa ses pink hat on the floor. “Look George! The gis hat says Lisa, ft me see," says George. “Haha... it says “I LOVE NEW YORK" on it. Oh, and look! There's a note in it.” George reads the note “Cool, Lisa, look!” says George. “Free tickets to the Empire State Building!” 1 don’t understand,” says List,"Who isshet Why is she doing thie” “Don't worry, Lisa, We will have better luck tomorrow” says George. “Come on now there'salot moreto see here. Let's go and havea look at the rest of the museum. CHAPTER 6 pun Next wonsisc, Lisa an George take the subway rothe Empire State Building. Mere sa very long queue infront (tthe builing, "Oh no, George,” says Lisa The queue is very Tong!” ‘Well, Lisa, the Empire State Buildingisone ofthe most famous Iuildings in New York. 3.5 million Beople vst it every year” explains George "Wars that is lot of people! Why is it so famous?” asks Lisa “Well, twas built in 1931 and it seas the tallest building in the \world for forty years. There are 103 floors!” says George. So we ate gong tothe 10rd oor?” asks Lisa, "No, we are going to she 86th Noor. There are telescopes there, and you can see all of New York. City,” George explains “That sounds great! | want to see something blue. Le’ look for ur next clu,” says Lisa “Youre sight, Lis” sys George. George and Lisa arrive atthe font of the queue. They show their tickets And take the lift to the Beth oor ‘Oh, George, is beautifull T can sce all of New York City! can see the Statue of Liberty and Central Park, too!” Lisa shouts, ‘ee! I told you! Now do you me erst why 20 many people come here? ks, “oh yes!” says Lisa, “Is amazing!” ‘Come on, lets look through the telescope,” says George ‘George and Lisa walk towards the telescopes. Lisa sees one telescope with a blue sticker on this telescope! I says Look here Hmm, Interesting. Well look! What do you soe?” asks George: ML see a street full of theatres and a big sign, “The ‘George looks through the telescope "Yes, you ate tight. ‘The telescope is fe on. Broadway: pointing to a the Lisa, this is our next cue! We must go to the Lion King show on Broadway,” he says “Oh, George! Will the mystery person be there?” asks Lia don't know, but well see. Come CHAPTER 7 [iene set ont core post the kt oe “Halo want ob fo dts to the next haw of "The Lion King” he pad ne yes he ee sel kes ‘Surey" responds George. "Its George Jones.” ‘Well George, you already have two tickets for the show, Tt storts in half an hour, Here you go,” says the lady and she gives George the tickets "Enjoy the show” ‘George."asks Lisa, “How did that happen? You didn't buy the tickets!” ‘No... eur mystery person bought them for us,” says George The twe cousins are very excited. They go into the theatre and find their seats Lisa is looking around for the mystery gil, but the lights go out and the music stars. The characters come out in costume, and the show begins. ‘George, this is amazing! The lights, the music. the costumes sre so beautiful I think I like it more than the fm! Lisa says ae “Wel, is one of the best musicals. It frst came out o Broadway i 1998, and it won the Best Musial award. Now, let bbe quiet and enjoy the show", George whispers back. After the show George and Lisa walk towards the exit what did you think? But we didn’ CHAPTER 8 fare many people taking pictures ofthe Christmas tee. "Wow, Gecrge, this is such a big tre!” Lisa says. "Yes, well i 65 feet tall Some tees can be up C0 100 fet tal {A special truck brings the tree here. This year it took over 25,000, Tight bulbs to decorate the tre!” George says. George, you really are the best tour guide! Heylook over there! There are people ice-skating! [love ice-skating! Can we try?" asks Lisa ‘Sure; Lisa i not very good at ice-skating but you can help re, OK?” George says witha laugh. isa and George get their ice-skates and sit down to put them "George! There is something in my ice-skatel” says Lisa, And she pulls out two tickets. “Look, George, tickets!” “Ww! These are tickets to the NBA game tomorrow! Do you someone forgot them?” George asks ily, no one puts tickets in ice-skates”" laughs Lisa. “Can't you sect I's out mystery person! Shes so clever! Oh, when are we sing to meet her?” “Don't worry, Lisa, well meet her. She can't stay a mystery forever. Now, come on, let's ie-skate and go home. We have a busy day tomorrovs. NBA here we come!” lees ust ro THs Rocxernien CeNre THERE thi mes back ancl s girl issmiling at he. CHAPTER 10 TP cee i ny yn weap York ope” Lea ey Any know Cinown spr DH Jou know nae "end 80 Chinese popeliveere nom” George ikl ad Thethreecasinswakby markt rh epee Theyse men an won sling a fan he set Tere ae ching Shop nd owcley hop ith Baul Chins Jewell Tt nd Garg 0p n fen of Chines esos im hungr Can weet some Chines 00d ke Li Creat ed sp Any, “Tres reat Chinese retaran router It my vou Le ga Lim opens he dortoherstauran, Ant Ezbehand Unde Jona ere negate an! Gan our parents orc!” Li ay mil i We inns url supe yon Ay ‘Nowe! Ths ayia of sup” Ln ay othe ane heya Thy alle dwn and ext delicios Chins fod Afr dane, she wake rise tae cookie nce cos "Come on Lint Open our cookie!” Georges Ti pent er ccle “oul mes nected ‘elisa id mes some wonder en you saya mean New York she ye apc” ys that a hy sn Thank yon lor ceryhing? ye Lit“ a aot of fn NorYorkisa gency 200 years old?”

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