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Light Pollution

▪Analyze and discuss the sources and
consequences of Light Pollution.
▪Discuss and suggest some ways to prevent
light pollution.
Starter Activity
▪Students will be asked to watch a video by
using the below given link and share their
responses on the basis of their learning in chat

What is light pollution?
Light pollution, unwanted or excessive artificial
light. Like noise pollution, light pollution is a form
of waste energy that can cause adverse effects
and degrade environmental quality.
The main causes of light pollution are:
▪Poor Planning.
▪Irresponsible Use of lights.
▪Excessive Use of Light.
▪Smog and Clouds.
▪Lights From Cars and Other Motor Vehicles.
▪Streetlamps, Light From Houses and Garage
Types of pollution
▪Over-illumination: the over-use of artificial lights.
▪Glare: light that is so bright causes the viewer to
look away or creates temporary blindness .
▪Light clutter: excessive grouping confusing bright
▪Light trespass: unwanted light that enters a
residence or workplace such as light from
neighbor's property or streetlights.
▪Sky glow: diffuse glow in the sky around over-lit
cities at night.
Sky Glare
Glare is almost always a situation where a source of
unshielded light is at least 1,000 times brighter than the
average visual field. For instance, since the night sky is dark,
almost all outdoor light sources, such as a street luminaire or
automobile headlight, cause glare. So, it’s important to
choose an anti-glare light.
Effects on humans
Light pollution can lead to
sleeplessness in turn leads to
health issues such as fatigue
,headaches ,eye strain, stress
,anxiety, and possibly more
serious diseases.
Effects on animals
For animals light pollution can affect natural
daily rhythms. Some birds and animals
struggle to survive. Day time animals become
alert at night but sleep in the day time,
missing out on their normal sources of food.
Nocturnal wildlife is no longer able to hunt
under the cover of darkness. Migrating bird
often become confused by city lights and
become lost.
Effects on plants
Plants exposed to continual artificial light can no
longer distinguish the season and grow and flower
at random. All of these activities can cause serious
changes to ecosystems.
▪ Changing the bulbs in street lamps. Street lighting is often lit by sodium
vapor bulbs. Lowering the pressure in these bulbs results in a light that is
less bright, yet still perfectly fine for illuminating the streets. These less
bright bulbs are also less disruptive to species of animals living nearby.
▪ Downward facing street lights: These lamps turn light down onto the
pavement (and so do their job) but are hooded to prevent it from being
scattered into the sky. When the light from the bulb only falls downwards,
rather than streaming up into the sky, its effect on light pollution will be
▪ Switching lights off at night. Turn off unnecessary lights: both at home
and in commercial premises. It sounds simple, but turning our lights off at
bedtime, whether at home or in a business, is the easiest solution to the
problem of light pollution.
▪ Dark hours. Initiatives such as ‘earth hour’, which encourage people to
turn off all of their electrical appliances for an hour every week can
significantly reduce the amount of light pollution in the atmosphere
Written task (classwork)
▪Students will attempt quiz on Google form by
using the below given link
Homework (to be done in Geography pamphlets).

▪Q1: How does light pollution

affect other animals and
▪Q2: Name five types of light
pollution and explain how they
affect humans.
▪Students will write one minute
summary on the basis of their
learning in the chat box.
Thank you

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