Robotics and Mobility Training For Visually Impaired Individuals

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Approach 2: Robotics and Mobility Training for Visually Impaired Individuals

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Reflection and motivation of the approach

Individuals with visual impairments necessitate assistance in daily activities, encompassing

navigation, obstacle detection, and overall safety, particularly within both indoor and outdoor

settings. The progression of assistive technology has significantly enhanced the convenience

of their lives. This review delves into state-of-the-art assistive devices and technologies

tailored for the visually impaired, accompanied by a historical timeline outlining their


The ability to traverse and comprehend the surrounding environment is pivotal for robots.

The mobility of a robot is established when it can navigate without encountering obstacles. A

mobile robot's responsiveness stems from the assimilation of data and information acquired

by sensors in the actual environment. Utilizing this input, the robot can efficiently and

dependably attain its designated destination. The navigation process encompasses

environmental data perception, responsive action to sensor input, strategic planning,

architectural considerations, hardware functionalities, computational efficiencies, power

management, and related factors (Mashiata et al., 2022).

Recent scientific investigations have sought enhancements in methods for identifying and

circumventing obstacles, exploring diverse sensor modalities such as cameras, sonar sensors,

laser scanners, infrared sensors, and others. The deployment of sensors on compact, cost-

effective robotic platforms faces constraints, taking into account factors such as effectiveness,

power consumption, and cost implications associated with these sensing technologies.

User experience and acceptance of robotic mobility aids among visually impaired


It is anticipated that exoskeletons could become ubiquitous devices worn by individuals in

their day-to-day activities in the foreseeable future. This discourse delves into the design of
assistive robots tailored to evaluate the appropriateness of assistive devices for individuals

with disabilities, considering the specific activities they partake in. Nevertheless, to optimize

and foster the adoption of exoskeletons among the visually impaired, there is a necessity to

formulate a more comprehensive technology acceptance model that assesses perceptions and

long-term experiential usage.

According to Shore et al (2022), “individuals aged 65–70 exhibit some familiarity with

technology, yet they may harbor apprehensions about acquiring new technological skills,

such as the fear of damaging the device or incurring repair costs”. This apprehension can be

compounded by diminishing sensory, motor, or cognitive abilities as they age. Consequently,

Technology Acceptance Models (TAMs) could serve as valuable instruments in expanding

the acceptance and utilization of innovative technology-assistive devices like exoskeletons.

The primary objective is to create assistive robots that amplify the user's capability to partake

in and accomplish routine tasks, without diminishing or substituting their inherent abilities.

The prevailing notion is that acquiring proficiency in utilizing novel technologies is crucial to

prevent social alienation. Some individuals may experience a sense of inadequacy in dealing

with contemporary technology. Yet, the utilization of assistive robots can be laden with the

stigma of dependence or perceived decline in capabilities, a perception older adults find

undesirable, thus impeding the adoption of technology. Employing user-centric design

approaches can effectively mitigate the stigma associated with technologies, thereby

increasing the likelihood of acceptance. Furthermore, the motivation to engage with

technologies can be heightened when the technology presents alternative applications or

functionalities beyond those directly tied to healthcare or assistance provision (Shore et al.,

Considerations for designing optimal robots for visually impaired people

The critical criteria for assessing the effectiveness and reliability of assistive devices for

visual impairment, which aid users in selecting a device with optimal performance,


1. Detection Mechanism

Various sensor variants gauge the distance between the visually impaired person and an

object, while cameras record the object's visual data for subsequent processing. Both fall

under the category of acquisition mechanisms. The predominant sensors extensively

employed in the fabrication of assistive devices include Ultrasonic, RFID, GPS, BLE

Beacon, IR, GSM, and LIDAR (Sunitha, 2021).

2. Operational Duration

Operational duration refers to the appropriate timeframe during which the assistive

system functions effectively. The majority of encountered devices typically adhere to

daytime operational hours.

3. Responsiveness

Real-time responsiveness is a crucial feature to incorporate in all categories of assistive

technology tailored for individuals with visual impairments. Virtually all devices possess

the capacity to promptly respond to obstacles, though exceptions may exist.

4. Extent of Reach
At times, assistive devices are engineered with a focus on indoor applications, whereas

alternative devices are purpose-built for outdoor utilization.

5. Feedback Mechanism

It is imperative to deliver notifications to alert individuals with visual impairments about

the detection of obstacles. Feedback can manifest through diverse modalities such as

vibration, auditory signals, and echo waves.

6. Operational Scope

Operational scope pertains to the expanse covered by the sensors employed in assistive

devices. It is critical for the sensors to encompass an extensive coverage area to detect

any hindrance within proximity of the visually impaired individual (Sheu et al., 2010).

7. Mass

In the realm of wearable gadgets, a paramount consideration lies in mitigating

unnecessary bulkiness. This factor holds utmost significance, as excessive size or

heftiness can pose formidable challenges for users in terms of handling. Therefore, the

primary goal in crafting wearable devices should revolve around minimizing the weight

burden on users to enhance overall comfort.

8. Durability

In the development of assistive gear, especially wearables, durability is a key factor to

bear in mind. It is crucial for an individual's assistive devices to operate seamlessly in the

face of unexpected challenges such as tripping. While the robustness of a system is

commonly assessed by scrutinizing the structural design, this is a facet every designer

should conscientiously factor into their considerations (Hersh, 2022).

9. Economic Considerations
In the development of assistive technologies tailored for individuals residing in

developing nations, an integral factor to consider is the economic aspect. In contemporary

times, hazardous and outdated batteries have been supplanted by renewable energy

sources. Solar energy stands out as a sustainable and perpetually replenishable energy

resource. Devices that incorporate solar panels, either as a substitute for or in conjunction

with traditional batteries, are highly commendable. Opting for renewable energy sources

like sunlight, instead of relying solely on batteries, becomes imperative to mitigate costs


Challenges and constraints in applying Robotics for this application based on

engineering judgements

1. Safety and data privacy

The implementation of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) streamlines routine and

repetitive tasks, yet it concurrently introduces security vulnerabilities. An individual

encounters various risks associated with RPA adoption, encompassing concerns related to

data privacy and security. Moreover, current technology lacks the autonomy to function

without human involvement, and it also falls short of replicating the advanced cognitive

abilities and behaviours achievable by humans (Fernandez & Aman, 2021).

2. System failure

Encounters with system failures are frequent in the initial phases of implementing a new

system. The occurrence stems from the system's incapacity to effectively manage

substantial data loads during the actual implementation. This risk emanates from

deficiencies in the system design during its early developmental stages. For instance,

within the organizational framework, the RPA technology has not maximized the
incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI). Consequently, an error during the system

configuration process can lead to operational failure. Notably, the strategies employed by

management in overcoming and responding to system failures significantly influence the

ultimate success of the implementation.

3. Operations requirements

The selection of suitable scenarios for the deployment of RPA software appears most

fitting in cases where there is a notably high level of process standardization and

documentation, substantial transaction volumes, a reliance on rules-based processes, and

a noteworthy degree of process maturity. Given the constraints in automating specific

types of processes and activities, the task of transitioning manual processes to automation

becomes challenging during the design and coding phases.

Future trajectories and actionable recommendations

It is clear that in the coming years emerging technologies such as robotics will become a

part of everyday lives for visually impaired people to assist with maintaining health and

lifestyle. Soft robotics will broaden the abilities of these devices to become wearable

garments. In addition, the technology required to manage these garments, such as

automated obstacle detectors and navigators needs to be accessible and not complex so as

to leave user groups such as older adults feeling excluded and unable to engage and use

these technologies. Technology acceptance models have traditionally been tools that

predict the acceptance of technology by user groups. This has grounded a theoritical study

emerged in a number of themes that has led to the development of new constructs.

Robotic assistive devices possess the potential to inspire and foster a quality of life free

from barriers or stigmatization. Furthermore, the adaptability of these devices is crucial in

accommodating changes in an individual's health or life conditions, ensuring a positive

experience that enhances daily living and activities. The service system for robotic visual

impairment assist devices must effectively manage and communicate issues to users. The

cost is a crucial factor in terms of accessibility and availability for everyone, not just

those with financial means, as this could restrict the market reach of robotic aids for the

visually impaired. However, overlooking the unmet needs of blind individuals related to

the acceptance, usage, or wearability of these devices by design teams may lead to

potential frustration, embarrassment, and ultimately abandonment of such technologies.

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