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I see my potential.

I recognize I have so much to give the to appreciate and celebrate the successes
world that I should share it. of those around me and find my path.

I have a wealth of knowledge, respect, I embrace my path, and I chase my

love, and kindness in my heart, and I know goals.
it is up to me to spread that love and be
the best version of myself. My goals are completely achievable, I just
have to focus, be passionate, and draw
When I feel stuck, there are ways to boost love and support from those around me.
myself up. I can change the way I feel
simply through the way I think. I understand that change only happens if I
allow it to.
I know I am enough.
I challenge myself to push for success. I
I have so much to offer. I know that I need aim to be the best version of myself every
to be strong, confident, and adaptable. single day.

I recognize that my voice has power. I I celebrate my individuality and my

know my thoughts and feelings are valid uniqueness.
and have real weight and meaning.
Today, I recognize that I can achieve
I understand that comparing myself to anything I put my mind to if I believe in
others only makes me feel stressed. I need myself and celebrate my wonderful
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Am I pushing myself out of my comfort 3. Do I know my goals and how I intend to
zone? achieve them?

2. Do I understand the importance of self-


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