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Name : Ardiansyah

Class : F
Nim. : A121 21 234

Thesis Statement.
1. (3) Today, many men and women work in law, accounting, real estate, and
(4) These people are serious about being successful, so they work long hours during
the week and even on weekends.
(5) People who work long hours are called “workaholics”.
(2) Since they work long hours, workaholics may not have enough time for leisure
(1) Therefore, the lifestyle of workaholics can affect their family, social life, and
2. (4) Driving a car is a necessity in today’s busy society, and it is also a privilege.
(1) everyone who wants to drive must have a driver’s license.
(3) Getting a driver’s license is a complicated process.
(2) The process of getting a driver’s license is divided into 4 stages: learning traffic
rules, taking a written test, learning to drive, and taking a driving test.
3. (3) The period between childhood and adulthood is a time of growth and
(1) During this period, children separate themselves from parents and become
(2) Adolescents express their separateness very clearly in their choice of clothes,
hairstyles, music, and vocabulary.
Topic sentences
1 . Young people who live/not live at home have several advantages.
A . Young people who do not live at home can be independent while still expecting
help from people close to them but,
B . By living independently, young people who do not live at home will be mentally
trained to face some problems.
C . With a strong mentality, young people who do not live at home will be clearly
different from those who live at home, and with the experience they gain while not
living at home, they may find it easier to get the job they desire.

2 . My city/country has several interesting places to visit.

A. My city has some good tourist spots to visit.
B . The first is the island of Togean where friends can see marine animals such as
dolphins, and on this island friends can also fish and swim and see the fish up close.
C. The second is the fire cape, this fire cape is a Merapi mountain that has long been
inactive in this fire cape is often visited by people because at the bottom or if we dig
the sand around the fire cape it will emit fire so many people visit here because of this

3 . Three modern technological devices have changed the way we

A. Telegraph
B . Wired telephone
B. Smartphone

4 . There are some kinds of movies that I really like to watch/books that I like to
read/exercises that I like.
That I like/books that I read/sports that I like.
A. My favorite movie is high and low worst.
B . High and low the story’ of S.W.O.R.D.
B. High and low the red rain .

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