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THE TURKISH MINORITY 1» THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC oF BULGARIA Several naps minritis and, ethic groups — uri yp, Armeniane, Jews aad others = Ive In tne Pople Republic of Bulgaria ate mas an ape have sted in Bogan “The Tucks sted in Bulgaria at the time of it con jucs at Ue end ofthe eh century, concreting man ii tg Sc nd sag ete rnd Duss the Turke continued to sles Bulgaria’ Owing to era legie considerations the Sime ofthe Musso Rakin twits, te Twskish state increased, tho colprsation ot ‘iste and-nertheaptern Bulgaci. After Bulges oer tin from Turki ye ia 187% and L670 the everee roves" emigration of tho Tura" bajar and his one “Shospans Deiled in Bulent soon after the Bol an pessala wie conquered by the Turks Fhe tows cam ot several aifrent ns and sted sctusvely in the towns. Tamil number of Armenians had ied a th cunts ty before its conquest by tae Turks Lateran adonal Saou Aeneniane,fising om sraclertecutn ahd nasa otermdnation Tokyo teived tthe Gnu ySpde ews andthe Armenstn, hing exeusiely i the {Gams bare the higuor elle of the incest "The Tasks abd the Gypsies aze moro backward in warns The Rava yee nh ngs tnd ase peasant farmers fn tive tate in the Millgee and inthe towns of Bulger. They are farm Jana talery workers saith, mescane, basket Wea jhe sy porters ct! The backwardness of te tks In the past fit fom the nabonlist policy ot iam need hem By ractoary hola a salts Setomber 9.944, eae ong sho Tks ‘The working Tonk Gypien, Jews and others, te ‘apther wi tho Bulguran people, bad to beat te hat thine impasad on them by "the monarch fase seglnes in Bulga in acditon, the, Dal ‘eee opened the arto minis of Mele waa, Thee Sepporied = number of ationaltie organs whe Se Simin he Balun Span a | Sutera, The minolty. Smits were Hanna ‘he Gypsion hadnp schoo of the own. the ew Seto wee at Gov While tie "Rahoh chon During ths da period, the seagate of Balga's Dlesreave foscs to. rush the fascia donaaton wae ‘her only taut path toward the aula ad national ibeealsn of the working minors. To the al of te ‘alia, Commit By ard este ray VJ fighters torn enn the minority avis reponded (Biter he cablshrent ofthe Pepe Gocement f Bellies. economic end eultical gis The abolhinent {tal emergene awn ses nguea the mentee we oul procimed inthe Pregame of September 1 ‘Congress and confarencs of the national minocie geese hy cdo he che ought ‘the fatherland Front for the eitablishment vf democracy ‘In Hnigara They Tole an set part inthe public a FOSS oe eine le epee Par Hitmen sie by Sule wi tho Bulgerien peyplc's rpec salatven, voted for tho now people Goan of hs an erie, Teeny the mney ae bart In the aeminitration nf the enintry Mmagh argc rea Tah pet je The number of vs councilors, asses ‘aor ents es “Cire faethe Itudaton Vora eenoks as tsbled ‘ in nila ag he ger er YS tsteur ari ae = tenting Generel pve ee ite les Rue of let Tada, ae nce coed th ener emus 38 er They ne te balan ot re ery catenin Bulge th ‘hee orn Bappy 8. ve gator ih ‘iu the tate of Te —— naa ‘nee a rine ea ers a men vanes "People’s Republic of iii ae etn eo ee ena Seeing mtn be cee Fn tg ene. aha ee the American sisal eng ema e Nce avis acting wndee the instructions of the Tot re Maier nathoratios in Bulgaria, rested = Gees, m0 Shelg keane eceetis. vector cre, vet fa baa rath ea atures rm Stiemppreaing the Fats and 1a at the sh Government ae = ‘ate comradtian to the facts 5 to ell Belslan Government is nat forcing the Turk: gate Otering the Convent of 18S dea these irate todo fat a2 it helped very way all Armenians and Jews Waking to coligrate (e Soviet Acworla tnd inael The mini Republic of Bulgaia enjoy fall polities, national thei matin btare Scptanber 0, Tastes uy hase rtd fie, a intone hn he id ech Cee nine een ForOs ee Seat ak hc te ut really of the people's democrat Rien SOCIAL AND FOLITICAL LIVE ‘the monarch fascist governments exried Out 8 pO hig aetoinon agsnet tye national nora ahd UAE groupe, Only an eigaicant umber of weal Sans Arma Sey ad, at eaing ana plundering Pie netevelnce of the Government "Poimplement thir precstory polly and to diver th ate nee Bulgarian people fom thes struggle for Tee he menarche fares government fried 10st "ated toward te manors, tools tthe ada peope wath the tology tio Seeing the mori ‘oe Heh ‘Their sight to form moot Peet hewapapecr and other peated material subs moe sng ie pessoa ot ren fat tabr- Tip nese sghta wore comletly curate Meanie of the minorty groves had mo acces 12 state and spi peitione he, portunity of freely eseriing their rt 10 ote a ney ran them Om lection das, Grouse lems (artistas ne. Gypeea snd the Ts Were Pipa tote fr the government candidates “Rovere vas taken or the enor provement of sue RAST foputete with exaiderable numer of se Turon 7 itis spd monica officials, by potcamen, forest guardh under the opps: is ok the Yarra aeering htehed Bulgaria fate Sh gs ats Phe lees a de roar a swe Bap rang fay wale, Dalene fcrnnensremainad tidy th regi Hew Dav eran ede ot the tenth de i pea New Yorkin 188 oy Iie tdlownatsna tat ing to repewentaties of the pose a ‘the delogation will not coneeat th fact tat Af the tons of Bulga ave not basn physically desiyed By th fase tarongh freed exputnabe to Puan, Ici ubfortnate Aegean and Macedenan feliow-natin is ukgreme it exelustely fo the humane feeling of ih Bulgin people {gaat Be How inthe United Stats, at this is sei tho spartans fenton ant counteraction of the “Selly canseuas eigaron etzens 10 the Dxnsh i ‘Quota! the say les tan fer ty Paletine Dy POSE Beene Toa arte the followin in a “Scfore my separire ms house washed with lovely loans bet Us my Bulgarian friends. On any ae snd she we complete strangers me showed sucht raat ond scauierstion fey E¥ fomy ad mses TVS" pmamiy simed by sevnes of devoon and a. am geteul to the Bulgarian people who in het cal majoniy showed hamanss apd even eon HIS atta tend ‘Oa ines 20 How) the Pulgscsn Communist Pa scout st apoeni a the Bulgari working people, for Syed seslupee agnor the fasts occupiers and thelr laste ose "The mst devoted sons af the working las the cosines ana the progrenics tncligenas eft thelr Femme ana as ip Rid fouent for Mberation from the fever. Working Parks, Armenians, Jers ad thes ‘an uel pat Inthe struggle agit the eommon, ee ‘rem ony ow count popested wth consider: his numer 9f Turkish people 480 Tks parteipae aif whieh yee. para. 90 pila! poner, 189 Tints Arwong Ihe were he parsons Wusein Slee tiv Metter, commande of the GorsknStvono detach: tocnt Sevens stunty, Abed Hearahassanoy and Mekied ites knoe tthe whole papalation of Gorsho Sivoo bl Devrgher of even county buried ave togethot ‘ith fur of his Bulgarian comes, Tesi Alev, tbaee) = Sane eet lage tho police rm Tink Hes eT wo eee ene Maratun Bohossyat Baro- Bete ‘van from the city of Stalin, who was deca vera med eit i ae I A Tet ac aad i a SRST wit a Bo su kon ‘Democratic Giver Georg! Diitoy, he late leader af the Balgurian Bowe, eharatersed tut a ma cere this timing pont he Fae pentane Topnet «sew pred disor Ke e fn our bstory — ed Reagent mares wn eae RAR sh Crono we done away Sane EA ‘ally edgedcfttens cf new Peoples Drench Sa As aoly as Soptomber 8, 1944, n the loa Father lund Prot Smmiteee,tetor wi Bulgarians, 9 great ‘ero ity series ok prt ee SS gionty comminnane were constituted wth the Nav tional Counsel the Paterend Prent They wok (ub themsalve to Rep the: Peoples Government in sent {MSGR Ge muetne sonceming eeonem clara sd Toliteel dovcapancnt st she naonal netics and the ip mpenting poy sen sata peu and oppressn, 2 poe of eualsng ard ually obser ihe te inere oto satoraites in Bulgaria, Futherand font Government enabled the minorities 1, take am acti part in the goverment of the eaunry 0" beth wath the Sulrians "Thus poopie rgresnteives ofall rational rior shes Tuts ews, Armenians, and Gypsies ~ partilp~ ‘Jo iy the litte werk of the Nalonal Assembly * DP Rap cocio ea ay ME ‘ogethce with the Bulgarian, 2200 Turks, 159 Gyp sieg Tews @1 Armenians tea a peoploe comet iced in nda county abd loc) Peoples Couns ls eae eet cn ts es ae ee le ha eer ly sca age enh ota Alley Scplmber 9.194 granted foe te frat Sipe ihe gras he tc gh Fiblig, tha minorities entered politcal, cultural ent oe GeEsrhatlons. Over 130.000 Ra, Armes ea gr Members of ‘the Fatherand Press nen oe Thowssnde of Tuk, Gypsy. Anmeniane ai natone yr of the Bulgarian Cortmaniet Part the Unian of the Fighters non of Props Pot ic Heh of all Bulgeian Feccuoy the Dias the Moin of the Dulgarlan Soviet Soctetey sey oa 7 Title whe em meters uf the Bulacan Seis SL eee Tin un Be Tekh engdgeond rage i ees 32 Balin Soviet Societies conte Set als itn a he gen a ihe Tah pops the People's Republic of Bulgaria me Biko, wnen er ges sipate: i (A the same time the minorities eneying the support f the Peoples Government vmed tcl eat w ce ea wea eS ott Dior cont cea oar ae iS ips et oan ac eee ana Seen ee Sete neta coer ra a oe Soares rere tt Fon a ne ete ers he nia BRO a a Sail te een ae HS pete Satara ee Spates a aoe ee ‘ates ae aaodt i agra Call pel etl "So SR cee it RS Sepa oe Sees eee ee Seon tan tee Bien ote PE scan pli tie Ei adterciees Denes eats reat Se encc Bo eae ot mee ete Pr a caer ger Sats eee See aur edare it Aleta oS So era. ee Scat oa tas Catt bene oe carte ea oer Feta alate el pana dh a seh ere Sa Te Teen te te Ray hak ea ke aes en Sa ae oe ee ac en eee a Pee ee ae ae 8 it pied it Pope pa fe ral thousands of Turkish votes were organised 1 ‘ral and Novi Pac. “Abie eleanor lec People's Couns on Hae to, i048 and an ne sco or peoples repreceiatives Liu eile peoples counsiors tn. Desember 16, 190, vane he Tuc Stee parted 100 por ea 80 itt er et le pear a eur eng ‘ote ths wie he wae Belgian ner “eget wi propre the se ete nts art hoi ee isa ci Moccce Sopabae of Bagi tos ei te delogatis of the Bulgarian “pnied inthe ork of the Congress "Shug them, were the Tuskish, delegates Tail yu ONeM, Beioue chockworke, asim Yun OF RESIS Sli, suerte order of Labo, Nhe as tae Seat leader fom Boras, Hein Afebnedo¥, ‘SEEKS: rom Pleven, havnt Meustan of the town of ‘anced wh wax nie in otetng sghabares 19 a ten type, SraminSssanor, of, Koubra, Gist heaton, ARE Osmanov. iyal Dowrmaaoy, people cee mtie clea ara delegate fo the Seed Werld EGE Ganges the stat Ta Slims, Chet abot De Hanan ee Tn tate speeches a the citings the rope snttives af the national minorities expreaed thle Bm wena iat tor peace, At he sare time they demonstal~ ‘alta aati to the People’ Goverment and their feetngs of devotion to the standard bearer, and mighty wi ‘ot pence, be Soviet Union. Beams Hasanots "fash eleate fam Kabra: dele i Ms epeve “Since September 8, 1944, the Turkish minority tm bugane Ssenying Tull eed plea sights and 10) ‘ad freedom a ea all lee where ther 5 considerable Tush joslion. tee Spreadents of the Peoples Cones are Fas lating ten ane te I ceneation. Tae gresdent of fume c-opeaiie itt, eee Sek Su ithe stanton of he Turk (cme a og gars For this Team tbe Turlash pops THRE Bulewa cing and wal enfin to Hight FRe‘peace wth all thee streath The wile Tuskish Po, (eh ito the Dell Grman asin st thelr sipetures paneer aon Appel: We, the working Tuskeah and ‘Bulga peor nour part of the country decire t0 HleSeegrete fat wand fst inthe front of peace headed by the grest Sovtet Union. > ‘Tee Peoples Goverment doer not ery ensure fall nan sl ety fo Ste, Se Bipptes Hepsi of Bulgari bt guided Dy the baie Fiutipie ef Props Democracy 1 panned sl cari Peo froetisal inansares, actively helping the Sdhistat‘aoa poten! evelopment ot the mine, Peonom scans ano secon ‘ darian people aid the national minoritce ie te feetieuictr dase meta oe ‘wothng Prop n he pute the Pence eaves Already at the very heginning the People's Demon. sania satle Government tncad cat and ber of measures aiming at ‘ety which he over almineitics were paced noe cE NH ut Io the bing of the Tusldsh to 0 predcere Phe ban neh fimo ergin to form ceonomie acer eee $B5 criatnpfceatns ano price in spe country chan eat Feline wits the Belgas, tae Republe wer sptcd coh RSL to Se ate aa ets octet a conan tiga EOS ULSLE nowruaeresem ge Bo ro er gel ‘eomomically dependent and dest, rotied Coa 18 si sm fom the ginal ae fr Amping Me (eet of the populaon. iy ie nertian for, land as dstriboted amon aati temic with le ee no tnd, i Dell Ore ‘nan Dourudja aa elsewhere Une st an fo balding homes and other Dulin wore ibaa amang 2800 Tartah famiies in Kou TNsldBoulovo counts slong 5800 Torah fans IMbelned 29 to 285 sere of hd ‘Sane db Kins mreow geage nes an 38 Kim. ale Tints wete Tad i the etets with a considerable rimuhSepulskens Several thousand kilometres of NeW ‘ark Dope age fonds ware ball abd replred NeW iin ines eee opened Io fing are functioning 2 td Turkish palate, TAEkSY Bar ofl and neplctt places inblted by as conte pumbor of Toner have been comneted with ease tbe enuntry. Thens ee communica nes thet tomomie aad cultural evelopment of these ral wish tle the Beopk's Government extended the srr of lotic pone: sators and began balding de meee Sono for tne wletseation of ste Pe ch tina eaaldorahle number of Turks for tbe bn valet et eis ving eoneers and economies Hea september fy 1h, there as not a single Witce abit greatly y minorities, which wa las an eleiry, Dovns of such places have since eee eked. The plan provides for the extaricn of The eeeteston tn ter mabe pace. ‘The Government eulpped a number of =xperinis arma in Del Gowen and Debrudie. ‘The Earmers were mig) with aria fers sends, agreutoral REpment ete Thee cares well as the using of TUBE of ilretres of trsgaion canals i he fy set of Ebr intense the yids par unt aren ste Of the snort of living of the Bulgarian and 9 Pe raat Sree rene ear tes ea ‘doa froim the tate tue ‘The wateroas dsc of Deli Orman and Dobruda per deuberately lee witout any earchy espe Susciet goverment belove Sepieter 9, tt Decay te Peoples Govtinn 1m only five years 199 inhabited paces wi {lacrabi Turkish opulaton were provided ath sare swale Suply atom, Nhich ar ainda ccommpiahed im this epect in hy ‘As Test of the cont ooh ill lant cares en the part of the went. for tho ecarreaiy helena {comer of the pen! oing na eng cen Tn Kouba cou ions are cane ym tho ges wth Sn sn aba out m eager wth aa 2 $2.400.000 leva have been bit a oe ‘the last three ‘ata of re a5, 00000 a et Kari a owes in perth lone, BO hnuwet Wo the sale at ‘0,000,000 leva ete. have been built im Sores ‘New spacious and hygienic houscs are replecing the ait Tet nat i ma i ees meee cen te site Hest ae eae ws for the balding of Turkish schools public nesding ‘onto doers Te onan meet the growing needs of the popalation te Government nretaed the production 6 fies eon img The the production of colton testes was ince toy ana hal Hs a Gomapared with 199, of wolen (Nataaimet vie ete In 1080 the production of fonds vex ensumet gyods wat Increased compared Witt {Stn Se folonst fir @8 percent suger 270 per ct Ainned fa per eat ssp 2 pe ce oe “She apply ef tae population being neresing! ‘merge number of new shops have been builtin the inated places ith considerable Turkish population imam eat the growing nee forte, croscd Gyetimon of gots for thane ensumplion an fend Bu ‘Teas Such as flour butter ee, beans, met ena, Gad foods, oratucton materia, we, las, ote. Thus $8 ot ee at llages im Kardjascomty 24 new co-op ANT be bern al Shere ig aon sie eta of over €00900 loan Shisha sl ingttwo new aap im Zavet lle four shops. ‘There is no ansmployment in the Peoples Republic telah wortang cs andthe org ray ping the scopomis and sltralTountations of soilsm wh Ee the numberof Belgarans, Tus, Gypsin toug tnd Abifune ihe wring law Tn the Peoples Rubee ef Bulgaria Increased by 50.100 persons, ther rane Sen) unempieves ana parily empoved i ‘faskey leading @ mira svstente erate ce sieadratwetes about the grave conte haabe ot Turkey eaieds ender the Maral MEEe one can deny the fact that the, misery of the worn et rented ie tbe detec. "The works INE WUReSfoReeks and ther lee meagee Ther cde g6 et tam there xno qunrantee hat the stots sv lier Tee Tush maging latory in Rowse, Naim Ahitdoy atthe *Denabes mine, nen Shabaney er Pye tame nals ory Sy cr ‘lage, tam count: Mouiats Bayranet Bankche ater relied tren of Yakorons lege, Ras unt caer ™ coenaer als Seger a agar Sean eas tp degen ae Si any ethos Nahide Abdouleva, from the Gabrote (ho fulfilled he B orator with hundreds of thousands of Bulgarian YoupuArmenlans, Gypeteo, Jews ad oer 3,008 en any er is ae tmnnTtS 2URE Devple ot the minorities dtopiayed ih lntoor aie I thie work an wate heponel ER ‘many distinctions Many young Turks, psiey age istngushed themttven, ware tent tale ‘her educational insttiter st sate apse Under the tender nies ribet their ate) Besple wiih a new studs omens repli anew ale towsra laws sean ‘ume fully edged elizens of Bulgerts ust THY be EDUCATION AND CULTURAL LIFE ‘The minority schools in Bulgaria before September 8 to, wens muaned bythe minority themeatv Which {Cfo able fo neous the elementary conditions ner 1S far scuntite ard pedagogies are ‘he Tika sont pe iterary tended 0 er cont wat exceptionally pocket No cae whatever IN taken fer‘ths sngtraton of school Buldings. for Shoo efuipment and for the traning of qualied (eat HR? Sahoo bulge were extemal unhyenie std tla for thool ste The txteook composed ih terete boks doalors and rgsehants were ot UD 1 gar with feet to anit, pedagogic and metho! Iheple: The Sethe were teerltea from neduented ref ftca wath mer fanatic and other eeigious ‘here: 80 per cont of waomm had exiyelementany and incrmedete sfoaten and gd next to. nong for the CESEREG'GE the Tusieheildyon ‘They neuleated into ‘evens of he pupts nly arabic raisous texts, the Incoming of whic sae unite ete to theme ‘This elma tuning not oly “ale to sma te mentat ‘eeloment fe, een, tats saan lens Ede lemientary Penoolwitlaut even Tesrain ett oad and wre AiG Septem 1948, be postion of the minority chon rae Facally changed Ati fist speial 200 ie tay to, the Supreme Counel of Edveation case theta of the sunartysehols nd proposed that falprogramme be woreda for hem whch Was ANERRSppeetunity to she medents frm the minorities ESSevaop thelr abies and bid ap thle mao eu ‘ne: hy Peano planet seteol sublet, sady material the whole pros of alg a By lew of Osher 2, 198, amanding the yr femora ple's Ge . oe “of 11 milion teva in Borino vi Devin county: a board mothe se teat Sere orange Ske teh {feteo!zalorm “The une of the “skh schools was ‘Nitto illage, Zlategrad county te, is otek Dy the safe od the tenchers became: ale “Tange bueer af Tarkah schools have Deen repaired footing wih te Bulgarian tacos wih tee eaten so mad abe ere aie 3 he aS ‘tonal and official qualificatic rank sapede Iunying, tothe Djebel village council, ‘Momchilovs wg a woh wt epost ff SENE 1 aus ave Ree emo ow 2 eel progrnioe vat corned oat ofthe“ neni ON Tate hve ben Sal vst ad owes eptome niht ate HE Cahn samaebh a {cud i he eenacy and ernst mh Peach ‘fen al astsh uaree em eager TO 2e Pet A ape ber af ahools mss 100.24 of whic Siem ale ident hese? tains fre abo mms tek nev to Me EO ong ob raltare ato eat alla) ene Mort peaugomeal inetitie in Bulgaria for the Ba = ‘voining of Turkish teachers for the Turkish schools 198 ae of Stara Zara in O40 Monthly “the a feces ahs “dae ety pee A cee 2mm hes cnn Sa sas Th hana he Tah ties wea i onngg wre ones eh a ron min oo ys a tema mal sega a gh ech 38 rae at erg ine state he Ayan TU atin ses Sib ot aside tr te so eerie Tur mee teed “mit oe am ke se ecten sows nc tes PGES urkieh chooks, With th ais of Imnsoring i atic los ha Myo Bae th sen a dene on Semen 2 wn Rel Met of cng nd paenng few “ath edie ele) on yo ati a ‘The state has built a large number of schools ich Reser. Be ‘ork mipocy,Thum a Torkiah schol 9 the ‘ave 5 a in Plover: hol to te tlte of 10 lon eva in Wo “BS ge and ly tek ‘ot age Roy nt see ther yaad nt he Te ee ea wa 2 «primes for grown up iterates, Fof the pera from vt ins oon copes ex-bons wore publ ie tn erg he se ‘oad wth Wo ‘Socio arms Were new, wards taken om ibe ‘et anmuage were used, The o 2 de hich fa ong cm wien oa ae nore Stang comparsive table of the number sit alam cars sve te devebument of 1 crear the Taskish einai: age ae ee sa yk TTS Tart Sel = cls ine Tis S08 es ane Chee soy spans soa aun Sanat 2434 enemies 907 Soen ao 1ST 1202 BI ee ee eet aa ‘nace et a ening Schools” 210 2 ae Tonge 3a" “esteke fa ce tga ga Th eet AGES ip 5S “is sal, the ehldeen stayin Halearian sofas. large ‘amt of ksh sotng pple tung Bulga ‘Sholay stents ae sting "aie huge ec. ‘onal insti ‘et Septeivs 9 4, te Gypsy mio ha tn schol of thle cn: eh Insiiean proportion ef tas lle suai In igri aehoke Aer Sptarnbor 9, were opened in Bilgaria, Because of the fact that the Gyemy minority ves seatiered ll ver the shunts, the ‘majority bf the Gypay ehilren ate stubing sm Bulgin, eens, intermediate and secondary schol. tr the Tira time the Gypsies ar offered he opportunity to sid at higher educilonsl inetons ‘ele Gypey stant "sof whom are scholars are tudyinaat Sos une "The Jewrsh eildgen get their ection at Jewish nd Egon shot Sh Sew eit the Highest eatture and on account sf hat the percentage of the Jens studing nthe higher etistional intone the highest 43 sewn of whom have ster, are Suing’ at the ctonties The Armonian minocty fas schools wil aa ens ‘nent of 250 chien Many student of Armenian origin res tht tui fy ugha lenny ner jing at the Righer educational ins tions ‘The People's Governments dl its uot gu ste literacy and rae the cara evel of the sens ‘he seny ours ave aces Hoth to Buleaane and ‘On the insti of the National Counc of tho Pater Jana Fru of the Min ur Eaeation the Central Union, {r Puble Reudlng Rooms: the Dimes Union of Pees ‘Youth and other maseonzanisatons,Iienay ese ore igarined al wrer the Guntly. Dising 1961 1990 shee 1780 cours for dberater were hel st which (7.1 ‘Tanke ard 2.198 Gypeies learned hw to read and write 22 thir moter tong, "The calor Hguidting terse = not over tt wi eeninae wth farther Impetus Fins liqudaton ot auty ne ie nil ae eres em coe ‘rages Girne tate ae eee en ert couse yuarenteed by choos ducatonal ities univers Wella by schol hp, student hostess; matt and ter ad, snd speci mahi AES nce Tans" a cop conra 1 rei. They sate Meas ky a pub si oettapstnt nm Tkey do net kw how trad ‘ve cultural and educational aetity, olde ales pase "he veedingtoome of the devi amet, Te ‘eeding toom memberr have olganioel s chow of 10 Derons vic rewarded, a symphony orchestra of 40 pt Ete, itera tele a's dramatic grovp pruing wo ‘ew laps etery sear. The sia Shakisdsiys seeding ‘Mom as a brary of mony toan 15000 volumes. TAs Hewish readingsooms and irene atthe towne of Stalin, Vin’ Kyustena Rowaee and Plovdir eho amp Supplied wath ine bok Te the ditits with conslderable Tuskish popu tion, there are O18 retding seems: Together wil the ‘Bulgarisns thowands sf asksh men and women, ae ‘mombers of thom Tor aiding the readin rome af these islets, for ther ecuipmen with eme pevleios nd "ato systems, lor te purchase of bok, fo alma fed forthe butting 9f new rendle tm, in addon {othe funds allowed hy the Commie for Science Culture aud'by the loel Beot's Gosnell the Union of People's Heading rooms laced fants and lang crm {terete Toens amounting tn 110538,00 leva ‘The mombers ofthe reading rocms nd the cll, untae egarsons have fed stat de tere ofthe Peps GovermenToday nthe {roupe tchotry orchestras, dance grodps). and one. Ar- Fenian smatcur theatre i Sofia a well so hundreds at ‘Tarkith abaleur grovpl inthe tone of Kolererged as gr, Toph, Rant Kara, No Pray, orth for a number of towns and villages armed thelr en sinaictr art groupe. ‘Tee rouge five Thue owm per! ‘lance ot"Tarksh folk tone te dances whieh rected ‘tit ioteart bythe Tune aswel ay fhe loan bopulation The Gypsies hate ryan amtteur at eats in te owe of Viti, Sain, Pune Sinem Stara Zagora and elsewher The. People's Government and ile Yoal organs ex courage the activity of the minaeity art gr0UDe ond Sid the ath scion. ta oe se a, ta Anvenian or of Rolarevgred were avrarded prise sit aed tet t's re Ree Pigeon a oa sa eA ae Hat Bags Sm wd Recs pe ae Th see fai Specs ee cer iszno tie ie ee ne ais Se APP ead Gy eaten a de ee ee gil ses tet i mie ee Sout Pein te heart ne ESBS fom the Government, atl z ie tounaater GPaetse groups. the dence (ore ater trae coupe af ie Turks, Oxi, Cage numer of beeormanco iment and others BS The soma» Gypsy theatre gave 149 performances in fete, inde hy ott S00 pecan Ht nt ferns and vlage mn the country whate it sete 17 per Tormanees ™ [The dramatic group ofthe which te aegey de ted of rights sd terns and ltt witht ty toes ‘nly glimpse of publle health work in Turkey su Shee to lca the utlercemogogy id el desig of ‘skh popezand. nthe rogranne dear ots ‘Gotecmunt of aay 28, 1990 bere Partment, Monde. ‘rime Minster of Tukey, said sit tea ead Irth, ht “most thing fas been one Ser health eae, and spe ‘lly forthe health of our peeanie> The newpaper “Zale of Augist 11, 195h wuts “The unhtpoy pewants of tha Anat viages do ‘ot cv Snow that there are ples in Turkey 1 4 ore ccident if ene remains ave in The inte part Se Tunney, Today medicines sn Tarkey etre eiperaive than the ieat Pare exfae ‘De. Hala Artem toe of the station of ther and ‘tant in Turkey nthe newepaper Tio communis Fn ges which tok place in all sheet cot ute in Bulgaria alte the overicow of the 5 eee ie eeieea ee i are eee Oh Se. Seal ene ts Stor Saget ron ye ke iSesubthat ier negeted dure =e oss aolonee takes 3 ‘tial Sci for detent of eeidgas feo, Ins fee ae heli eons sind ater ep dots ge te ‘in than ore the ar The ie ho doubt Se fo Ne Foci, thot no dominating. chageh exits now, that al He cented ts ane Jus > iN Mia ot the Peoples Democratic Goverment ‘he nitude eer freedom ts also expres vil crunk fate of the Constitution of the Peoples Wii arm of the People's Republi of Bulgeta at i yetere those ie pened on nationality, ora, religion ut neta eats are MC vice pwc ofa tnal or ln si punta unten freedom of conscience, and SOS of pttonming religions ‘carl i separa on the eae ‘pe ew rege cel ee us 1 a eet an the Fgh of sl-moernment rc he ai bem gy ng ake chur sed elgion for puta en 1 one Maid orgelcatiens ath «religious bass WP putas a 78 et exer, ote by te National Asa wy a thet 1, pe ene int fo eee ers. act on any oer ay for at Ii ee re of threaa hamper the czans of the thn whe ty fee Feely i. profes thet fath ond (ote thee tlio even and ies ae et ec ark nar presse churchet 1 Tat Benga. Ad though the eure i EPA lion aeafeney yer the tate buat rovidos ol A cn a al rons. The gaia of he sure forthe Seer paceccted In the Years of Mer ip are eomaerale, Prom the cm ve ec te aerate su has Deen a rami pot of Moser ul communities 024 est or 2 ceton fo ths, the state rani Aub ere ligt school, whieh, the he ot o.o00 eve, "The stone se the Lor ante se tetra ain other aresar cts ramen sh9 afar allcatea by the Peoples Coste, TeGkamanedenreous intermediate shoo! 8 — pees ocean eee eet Ghanem eames Esper epee ee ee ee Ree ee reper “of the old praver-homes as well aie Ee eee | cass eae setae home ete oe een ae gee eae oe eer iumcdrsfaaiie. The numberof thew anamrner oa ver to 1050; whic SB aze Turkish, They take cate 3 mnnage the properties elon ian Ther yearly come Tog ane og fo Me oe fund hasbeen stalshed B= 1h Seon 1s supoor 18 student (Ma our rekgous shook Bul reo oan fa Mokena Pal ent of S84 dec by B50 gout The ate MCAS vie tr tase seo a un te Monaro the a of the eon Seat tun expres in thesaientee! re eee ut Murata Merion, made nS th depute Teubraion of thew reiious botdey aden Baa ace 9, 104, the atorites peeves? va alert tamer Batra, Wen the Me ys ram, colebeat fondu. The Peoples Government re a ont aa enly does Bot POM oUF at le or he dey o0siton tom population if har reads own arate ai to thal Sarge we enjor Tonka plays, Performed Ap tke young actors wr oun A gration at the greeter par of the sean ete Abe gregnguee ancien = Bala OL seo to Pgs rice oe relay eld they Wi Chiat Rab the fe vcleew seligun Baesna, wath ea From the fonds, 20 gaa i edge to ne religous enmnentie. £2 vr the Pace pe located for the eb Tb erat fie synagogues im Bulan 2 a avnaeee pentane are trated ly ine Cath After September , 1048 roby he st sn ober ng. seis wa x preven, eyo en The seven the PFO an Fe ed normally een after 3 SADE tnt chars ots were araiamed before ut 0 ine Protestant nal deeda The mperalst le cer for the a eat deal wath the tial ASS * tal ha bas ued ase the abe ee el landers charges tat here me ne echt oe "eligioas freedoms tn Bulges Maeda baron serine the pallor pcs were passe in wcoetane ta oh Jpg Hem of he coun ana oe aes ei ful confesdons supported by ampie acta saeensgne ‘rove beyond’ any doubt. that ey ha ee nah 12 ite he served ish tad eee a e Dastor opis was held with open docts Presence of many feregn correspondent eens {ets of visio fore agencies and newton er Slows Fepracntatives of the Wesiem thanher ere a, EreEM AC IMG tal Among then test hea GB Chambers who declared before represen, the pees {fmedintely on ony aval in Sota on March 4,1 SR Rca ep Ga allen ene and Yeo similar to the procedure in gant Ae ay TERRE th pe dee alery fe fr a Su the West, sanders are being speed, tat tredon tothing had bappenod Lam convinced, that thre is ful igus freedom { Belgacin and that nobody i perncuted ore sigs Tho resious, plc, ecm and extra fe hms which the Peoples Govemment asain a tc, von oh ie ane a es ome eee eb eS ial te eri, Se crs al And ssa ch eeadicion with ce religion eng SLANDEROLS PKOPAGANDA ON TE POSITION oF ‘THE TURKS IN BULGAMIA AND SPECULATION WITH THESE EMIGRATION “The American ane Besish imperialse, who. were lueaay preparing the oecupation of the Balkans before deen 0 Wor Waris raced holes ok ial tions ant the Repos pat laa {esos copia on eee tar tose gna oat Sot an hyd the dette eee {ere oeritew a he Por’ Demonic Cee eel cant of opongestotge and abe a “ine Feple's ep ot Balgata?e pee Gr marc the Tuk nto i re te th ser Saba tnd ‘Sosa nt the Peoples nepunie of Mugen: Hoe Sie es a Tre ane ant te ee nga inde te eupty Tiewae proved feta war iy the ras agar Nala Pek nd evan seta Ofte sad cf Rest ‘ele Rost ane hi tow. he Mca gee Sa se he, the Tn sates a pi, he Tush maa "sfc Ameras and Bit imperil termed, ih nr eating of se cpnede id al corsage Solon of human rights end freedoms. i ee ogh and recs of saan ieee ate Geverment one ned te usm ame ee een a hun ok 1s hal ese fhe Utes avo, the aie tag leh in ey the te va iw fue spin mf ee estan a the intoraa affairs of the People’ Republle "ire usin ofthe positon ofthe munrles the sop Nga ei roe een oe a tlie Pet emi hse amp vie Wine eunehedagainet Bulgaria the most fonastio ee ekopeper eS Sant» wroteon October 1h 12, oa escape slaagntors andthe newepepe® eee duly 22 1950, slated that Ik was «Slavonic re ne arene are the aegatons of the Tur ae net eee et om secret ey eae Mtr Plenipote sme jee ree sn, 2 een ony ae ah a re tah pes ape ume see ft te Turk only Sos et hve she aS A hse tre me eed cel a a ele ee ele 2 ete tare “i i nance nrened the oranda lh ott ne Feels Bape tne Ta Toe eg opin the BAA vee te Peoples Government, TaFing i wth Pe eee nants o Turkey. Th Corman magne peguon circuatedcters among the Turkish ®

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