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All Things Work Together for Good to Them That

Loves God



Volume One
Copyright 2020 by Duodu Henry Appiah-korang. All
Rights Reserved Worldwide

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form

or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,

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without written permission from the author.

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The Fourteen Divine Principles of Connecting with the Seed of God

All Things Work Together for Good to Them That Loves God

Sacred Wisdom Keys from God’s Vessels

How to Make Perfect Decisions

How to Grow in the Realms of the Spirit

How to Walk and Live in the Spirit

How to Become a Perfect Believer in Jesus Christ

How to Activate the Anointing of Gladness

How to Hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit

How to Train the Human spirit

How to Walk with the Holy Spirit

How to Pursue a Purposeful Life

How to Pursue a Life Without Money

How to Break the Stronghold of the Enemy

How to Break the spirit of Inferiority

How to Live and Deal with Enemies

How to Counter Attack the Spirit of Death

How to Conquer the spirit of death

How to Worship God in Spirit and Truth

How to Unlock the Gate of Faith

Spiritual Keys for Life

The Mysteries of Sexual Purity

One Step in the Light One Step in the Darkness

The Top Fifteen Mistakes People Make in Life

The Top Eighteen Errors People Make in Life

The Top Eleven Errors People Make in Life

The Adventures on the Road to the Celestial City

How to Stand the Storms of Life

The Language of the Spirit World

Visions of the Night

The Book of Mysterious Visions

The Book of Secret Wisdom

The Seven Secret Keys of Prayer

The Mysteries of Fear

Spiritual Seed for Growth

Wisdom Keys

Secrets of the Anointing

A Soul is a Soul
The Prophetic Sword

Spiritual Laws

The Mysterious Encounter

The Supernatural Wisdom Keys

What Happens After Death?

The Gates of Hell Shall not Prevail

Take Responsibility!

Understanding the Ministry of Angels

Keep Quiet and Let Me Follow Jesus Christ

Profound Revelation Behind the Teachings of Jesus Christ

The Remedies for Coronavirus

The Top 19 Master Keys to Break Barriers and Advance in Life

How I Wrote Over 350 Articles and Over 40 Books Within 3 Years
Table of Contents
Chapter One
A Brief History of My Family
Chapter Two
Some of My Encounters with the Murderer in Akwatia
Chapter Three
My Encounter with the Second Murderer in Akwatia
Chapter Four
The Encounter with the Witch
Chapter Five
The Encounter with the Two Murderers
Chapter Six
My Encounter with the Unbeliever Friend and the Evil Traditional Priest
Chapter Seven
How Jesus Christ Called Me into the Ministry
Must-read books
About the Author
Get in touch!

God has done great things in my life. He delivered me from the

traps of the enemy. There are many lessons in these testimonies; I
believe they can transform your life and make you stronger in the


Many people could not stand some temptations that came their way
because of their carelessness and carnality. The enemy has trampled

on the destinies of innocent souls because they lack the spiritual

laws of God and the devil.

Child of God, there is nothing in this world Jesus Christ cannot do.
Believe in your heart that God will make way for you because all

things are possible with Him. The encounters you are about to read

are my testimonies. We use testimonies to break the walls of the


This is the introduction section of my testimonies. In volume two of

this book, I have revealed more testimonies of my life and how God
delivered me from several Jezebels and Ahab.

These testimonies can be lessons in your life. It will boost your faith

and empower you to serve the Lord despite the challenges,

confusion, and fear. I am working on volume two of this book, and

it will be out soon.

You will read more of the dangerous temptations I encountered in

volume two and how Jesus Christ delivered me. I made several

narrow escapes because of God’s mercies, grace, and love.

Maybe you are going through some storms. Never doubt the power

and mercies of God because He can turn your mistakes into

miracles. God can turn your shame into fame if only you believe and

walk on the path of Jesus Christ.

Please remember me in your prayers because I encounter some

challenges in volume two of this book and some other books I am

writing. With God on our side, we are victorious. Hallelujah!
We must seek the face of God and fight on our knees because God

can break every wall of Jericho in our lives. God can make a way in

every red sea, blocking your promised land.

God can eliminate every Herod, Tobiah, Judas Iscariot, Sanballat,

Jezebel, Ahab, Goliath, Doeg, King Saul, Pharisee, and Pharaoh in

your life if you call on the name of Jesus Christ in prayers.

The devil and some people might think they are destroying you, not

knowing they are opening the door for Christ Jesus to save you.

Judas Iscariot thought he was destroying Jesus Christ, not knowing

He was paving the way for us to receive salvation.

The devil thought he was eliminating our Lord and Saviour Jesus

Christ, not knowing he was bringing an end to his deception and

dominion. Child of God, I have good news for you. All things will

work for your good if you love Jesus Christ with all your heart,

strength, and resource.

God knows the motives of our hearts. He knows our desires, pains,

trials, and persecutions. Pray to the Heavenly in the name of Jesus,

and He will answer.

Never give up on God and His Word because He is training you for

the harvest. God has prepared unique souls for you. He wants to

mold you into an honorable vessel.

You cannot mess with God’s children. He wants to prepare you to

handle them with love and wisdom. Remember me in your prayers

because I need them in my spiritual life.

May the peace of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ be with you as

you connect with my book.

Chapter One

A Brief History of My Family

My name is Duodu Henry Appiah-korang. I was born in Akwatia in

the eastern region of Ghana, where my parents, Emmanuel Duodu

and Margret Fosua, natured me. I am the third born of my parents. I

was born into a Christian home.

In Akwatia, I attended the same church (New Apostolic Church)

with my parents. I have two sisters and two brothers. I had my

elementary school training at Ghana Consolidated Diamonds (GCD)

International School and basic stage school training at Akwatia

Church of Christ Preparatory School.

My father was a teacher at Akwatia Technical School (AKWATECH),

whiles my mother was a businesswoman. When I reached primary

stage six in Church of Christ Preparatory School, my father was

transferred to Donkorkrom Ghana Education service as a


In Donkorkrom, I attended Nana Baadu Junior High School. After a

year, my father received a transfer to Koforidua Technical

University to work as an Automotive Engineering lecturer. Get a

copy of a book my father co-authored on amazon.

God delivered me from bad friends in this town (Donkorkrom).

Through it all, God knew what He was doing in my life. Some of my

friends almost turned me into a drunkard and fornicator. Jesus

Christ delivered me from the hands of the devil by transferring my

father to Koforidua.

In Donkorkrom, some of my friends introduced me to alcohol. I

started to take alcohol in Donkorkrom township. It came to a time;

they wanted me to chase women like a dog.

To God be the glory, God made me escape from the trap of

fornication because He has a purpose for me. Jesus knew

fornication could destroy my life, so He kept me in His hands.

My friends influenced me to take alcoholic wine (the small ones in

gin packs). What would have happened if I stayed in Donkorkrom
for a longer time. Maybe I would have become a permanent


I stopped drinking alcohol gin when I left Donkorkrom township.

Child of God, you must understand that a bad friend can destroy

you with evil advice.

As the holy scripture states, evil communication corrupts good

manners (See 1 Corinthians 15:33). Anyone you allow into your life

can destroy or build your destiny.

Choose wise and godly friends who can add precious virtues to your
life. Evil friends will never lead you to Christ Jesus because they are

full of evil thoughts. Ask yourself these questions.

Who is influencing me?

What type of video or movies am I watching?

What kind of music am I listening to?

Who mentors me?

Who advises me?

Who counsels me when I am in trouble?

Who rebukes me when I make mistakes in life?

Do I feel convicted when I am about to do something evil?

What triggers my passion?

Child of God, if you don’t have anyone leading or influencing you

positively in life, then you are in great danger. If all your friends are

not faithful followers of Jesus Christ, you are doomed because the

demons are the ones commanding your ungodly friends to influence


The devil has corrupted the conscience of unbelievers (See 2

Corinthians 4:3-4). If you always follow the unbeliever's counsels

without pondering over it, it can lead to your destruction.

I have good news for you. The Word of God (Holy Bible) is the

greatest asset you can ever have in life. The Holy Bible contains the

wisdom of God. Anytime you are confused in life or need

counseling, search for answers in the Word (Holy Bible) because

the Word has solutions to all our challenges and problems.

Don’t solely rely on the counsels of people because it can lead to

destruction. Pray for wisdom, and God will upgrade your wisdom.

Feed on the Word, and you will increase in wisdom and knowledge.

Master Keys: 1 Peter 2:2 and Hebrews 4:12, and 2

Corinthians 6:14-18.
Chapter Two

Some of My Encounters with the Murderer in Akwatia

I remember in Akwatia, I went bush hunting with some of my age

mates (between the ages of seven and ten) at the age of seven. In
the bush, we encountered an older man. Analyzing his age, I could

detect the man was in between fifty-five and sixty years.

We became terrified when we encountered him! I remember he was

smoking a cigarette. The road we were walking on was one lane, and
there was no way two people could walk horizontally on that lane.

We have to walk vertically. Each child follows the other. When I saw

the wicked older man with the cigar in his mouth from a distance as

we were on the road, we shouted for help and started running


I could see that the older man had a knife on him and he was

pursuing us in the bush! Glory to King of Kings and Lord of Lords,

this older man couldn’t catch us.

We came out of the bush successfully. What would have happened

if this wicked older man caught me. Probably that would have been

my last day on earth! Jesus Christ saved me from this cruel assassin

at that tender age! Glory to God!

Christ Jesus can save you in the danger zone. Grow your faith to the

point that no man or woman can destroy it. If you believe with all

your heart that Jesus Christ can save you from any impending

danger when you act on His Word as led by the Holy Spirit, He will

save you! Hallelujah!

Master Key: Matthew 14:25-33

Chapter Three

My Encounter with the Second Murderer in Akwatia

In Akwatia, the main occupation at that time (the late ’90s) was

mining. Because of the mining, my mother refrigerated water in

small sachets. We carry the packed refrigerated water on our heads

to the mining center and sell them with my siblings.

In the mining center, there were deep pits all around. One can fall

into these dangerous pits and die because it was uncovered. The
mining centers were often in deep bushes, so I had to enter these

bushes to get customers.

On one faithful business day, I entered one of the bushes in the

mining center. As I was carrying my refrigerated sachet water on my

head, one of the strange workers called me to buy one of my iced

sachet waters.

In my heart, I felt I shouldn’t go because I could sense danger. The

man kept calling me, but I refused to enter his arena. I ran to the
main mining center because I felt the man wanted to destroy me.

Sometimes we hear people die in the pit. What would happen if the

Lord didn’t press my heart to resist the man’s call? The Lord has

shown me in the spirit some ministers of God I honoured out of


These ministers tried to attack me with knives, dangerous weapons,

and destructive words in the spirit. Some ministers God showed me

in the spirit; as I sat with them in their car, they were leading me to
the path of destruction. Some were also counseling me in the spirit.

Seeing yourself sitting in a car in the spirit is a call into the ministry.
The car is a symbol of God’s ministry you have entered. Some

ministers of God too that loved and agreed with the ministry God

has given me.

Child of God, Christ Jesus can deliver us from the enemy and
people that desire our destruction if we walk and live in the Spirit.

The love of God is the key to deliverance. If your heart is after God’s
kingdom, He will do anything to set you free from the traps of the

wicked one.

Master Key: Matthew 11:28-30

Chapter Four

The Encounter with the Witch

At the age of eight, I was playing with some friends in a neighbour’s

house. It was in the evening, and a mature lady was among us. This
lady almost lured me into committing sexual intercourse with her.

This possessed lady took us to a washroom near their house. She

opened her two legs wide and told each of us to sleep with her. She

told me to sleep on her when it got to my turn.

At first, I was shaking because I had some fear in me! She pressured
me several times, but I refused and fled from the washroom. As I

grew in the Lord, I realized she wanted to destroy me with that evil

act. God delivered me from this witch!

Child of God, understand that fornication, adultery, lesbianism, gay,

harlotry, womanizing, bestiality, masturbation, and other sexual

immoral behaviors are weapons of the devil to make you backslide.

The devil has hijacked and destroyed the stars and destinies of

talented, gifted, potential, innocent, and spiritual people because of

sexual immorality. Get my books,

1. The Mysteries of Sexual Immorality

2. The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail.

3. How to Walk and Live in the Spirit

4. How to Activate the Anointing of Gladness and

5. Visions of the Night.

I have exposed some revelations in these books. You can also read

my articles.

1. Sexual Immorality (Breaking the chains)

2. The Power of Sexual Purity

3. How to Break the Spirit of Lust

Child of God, there are dangers in the seed of sin. The holy

scriptures declare that the wages of sin are death (See Romans

6:23). Never joke with evil because it is a slow poison that breaks

your fellowship and relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Master Key: 1 Corinthians 6:13-20

Chapter Five

The Encounter with the Two Murderers

I loved playing electronic games because they made me happy. As

I’m growing in the Lord, I have little time and passion for games.
The Lord has shown me several visions of computer games and the

game of football.

Don’t spend your precious time on electronic games because it

weakens the anointing of God upon your life. I speak from spiritual
experience and the visions God has shown me.

I remember on my way home late in the night (around 11:30 pm)

after spending several hours on electronic games in koforidua

township; I encountered two murderers on a lonely road on my way


I had no option but to run for my life. As they were running after

me, I went to hide at the back of someone’s house. As I was shaking

and hiding at the back of the house, I made a covenant with God
from my heart that if He saves me from these serial and occult

murderers, I will serve Him all the days of my life.

Miraculously, God saved me from these wicked men who pursued

my life in the middle of the night! This is my testimony! Christ

Jesus can also save you if you call Him from your heart with faith!

Master Key: Romans 10:13

Chapter Six

My Encounter with the Unbeliever Friend and the Evil Traditional Priest

In Koforidua, I encountered a friend who was into idol worship.

Initially, I never knew he was an evil traditional priest. He had a

shrine where he worshipped his gods. This friend initiated me into

the kingdom of darkness by bathing me with evil water and herbs.

I requested money, and he led me to some traditional priests. The

second evil traditional priest conjured some herbs, powder, strange

materials, and water for me. He commanded me to bathe with the

possessed water.

After bathing with the water and covenanting with the gods, this evil

traditional priest commanded me to walk barefooted. After that, he

took some dust from my foot and used it to seal the covenant.

I could have gone mad or died in the process, but Jesus Christ saved

me. You can listen to the audio version on my YouTube channel,

How God Delivered me from the power of darkness.

Child of God, there is nothing Jesus cannot do in your life. Jesus

Christ can set you free from all bondages. Maybe you have visited

strange gods, and they have commanded you to sacrifice human

beings and some impossible materials.

Child of God, you can return to Jesus Christ because all power

belongs to Him. The evil traditional priest may have told you that

you will die or go mad if you fail to follow his commands.

I have good news for you. The holy scriptures declare that whoever
calls on the name of the Lord (Jesus Christ) shall be saved (See

Romans 8:28). Every knee bows at the mention of the name Jesus

Christ. Know these truths.

Necromancers bow at the mention of the name Jesus


Witches bow at the mention of the name Jesus Christ.

Sorcerers bow at the mention of the name Jesus Christ.

Magicians bow at the mention of the name of Jesus

Marine spirits bow at the mention of the name Jesus


Dwarfs bow at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ.

The evil and accursed altars in your family must bow at

the mention of the name Jesus Christ.

The vicious occult society must bow at the mention of

Jesus Christ's name.

Wizards bow at the mention of the name Jesus Christ.

Satanists bow at the mention of the name Jesus Christ.

The spiritual host of wickedness bows at the mention of

the name Jesus Christ.

Rulers of darkness in the high places bow at the mention

of the name of Jesus Christ.

Every demonic astrologer bows at the mention of the

name Jesus Christ.

Every curse submits to the name of Jesus Christ.

Satan bows at the mention of the name Jesus Christ.

Every elemental spirit bows at the mention of the name

Jesus Christ.

Every fallen angel bows at the mention of the name of

Jesus Christ.
Every evil spirit bows at the mention of the name Jesus


Every demon bows at the mention of the name of Jesus


Every power in the sea, on earth, under the earth, and in

heaven bows at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ.

No power and authority can challenge or subdue the name of Jesus

Christ. Repent and surrender your life to Jesus Christ. Call on the

name of Jesus Christ from your heart with absolute faith, and He

will save you! Hallelujah!

Master Keys: Romans 8:28, Philippians 2:1-11, Acts 2:1-11.

Chapter Seven

How Jesus Christ Called Me into the Ministry

I completed Junior High School at Koforidua Prince of Peace

Preparatory School in 2008. I remember receiving the Holy Ghost

baptism when I was a student at Prince of Peace Preparatory School.

An elder from Pentecost Church led us in a prayer meeting in one of

the Pentecost Churches in Koforidua Adweso. I remember with my

Junior High School mates on the church premises. Whiles, we

prayed, the man (the Elder in the church of Pentecost) laid his

hands on some of my classmates.

The man of God said we should pray in our local dialect, and as we

keep praying, the Holy Spirit will touch our tongue to pray in the

Spirit. That was where I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Glory to God!

From there (Prince of Peace Preparatory School), I got admission to

Akim Swedru Secondary School (AKISSS) to study General Arts in

2008. In Akim Swedru Senior High School, I joined the Scripture

Union (SU) and the National Union of Presbyterian Student-Ghana


From childhood to Senior High School, I was stubborn in the house

and school. My parents, especially my mother and teachers, always

punished me because of my troublesome behavior.

My father cooperated with the school authority in AKISSS. The

school authority changed my course (General Arts) to Business

when I graduated to level two.

Initially, the Senior High School tenure was three years. However,
the government changed it to four years, so we were the second

badge in Ghana to complete the four-year term in Senior High


In 2009, in one of the prayer services in the Scripture Union in

AKISSS, as I was praying with the Christian believers on campus, I

heard a clear voice called out loud, my first name Henry!

It was an audible voice. I thought one of the Christian believers

called me, so I stopped praying and opened my eyes to see the caller.

Strangely, when I opened my eyes to see the caller, everybody was

earnestly praying!

Let me share with you how the voice resembled. The voice sounded

like a mature man. It was clear and direct. When I heard the voice, I

felt something touch me.

After the prayer meeting, I expected someone to tell me he had

called me, but no one did that. At that time, I was not all that

mature in the Lord, so I did not recognize it was the voice of Jesus

Christ (Holy Spirit) calling me into the ministry.

From that time, I develop a great zeal for the Lord. Already I was

preaching to some of my classmates in Junior High School, but it

wasn’t consistent. In AKISSS, I began bible studies with my

classmates in the business class. I led some of the morning

devotions and preached to my classmates.

I had some spiritual leaders and friends I connected to when I

needed counseling. These spiritual friends were in the Presbyterian

Student Union in AKISSS.

In AKISSS, the Presbyterian Student Union executives appointed

me as the Financial secretary. My zeal for God upgraded to another

level. I had some friends in church who were more spiritual than I


I remember Isaac Quarshie, the prayer secretary in the Presbyterian

Student Union on campus. Stephen Awuakye Danso (now founder

and the president of Messiah's Global Evangelistic Ministry), the

evangelism leader and Logozo Wisdom, is also a committed

member of the denomination.

Isaac Quarshie, Stephen Awuakye, Logozo Wisdom, and some

executives were active in the things of God, so we occasionally went

to different secondary schools and villages to do evangelism.

Sometimes we pray on the school field. We did many spiritual

works in the town of Oda and AKISSS because the Holy Spirit

empowered us.

I completed AKISSS in 2012. From there, I returned to Koforidua,

where my parents lived. In Koforidua, I worked with the Vodafone

Ghana Network. We traveled to different towns and villages to sell

sim cards, mobile phones, and modems. This work upgraded my

marketing and human relationship skills.

I also did some minor work to get some experience in life. In 2013, I

got admission to the University of Professional Studies, Accra

(UPSA), to study a course that led to a Bachelor in Science in

Accounting award.

Initially, I did not buy the school forms. Neither did I choose to

study accounting. My father purchased the school forms and chose

the course for me without my approval.

In my life, I loved to study psychology because I wanted to

understand human beings, and the world (animals and nature). I

wanted to study the philosophy and purpose of life.

I loved and wanted to travel to caves and historical places to

research, but I didn’t have the chance. I loved to be alone in the

library with my laptop connected to the internet, doing research,

downloading, and watching documentary videos.

I wanted to be in a secluded area and study on my own. I had no

option but to enter the University and study accounting. Oh, my

God! The course was challenging, but I managed.

In level 100, I joined the First Love Church and rededicated my life

to Jesus Christ. Before I joined First Love Church, I preached to

students on campus in their lecture halls.

My zeal for the Lord increased when I joined the First Love Church.

First Love Church is full of young men and women ready to work

with God and for God.

The First Love Church leader in Heaven’s Gate hostel in UPSA was

Elder Kwadwo Bonsu. In First Love Church, every school hostel has

a branch fellowship. They called the branch a bacenter.

There was an arena in the school hostel we had prayer meetings and

church services. We occasionally join as a family and have

combined prayer meetings on the UPSA school field. We also do

joint services on some specific days.

After Sunday service early in the morning in our hostel, a bus will
take us to Legon Campus (University of Ghana) to meet Bishop Dag

Heward Mills for a megachurch service.

In First Love Church, I was a shepherd helping Elder Kwadwo

Bonsu visit and organize the place for church activities. Some

committed students in the church also helped Elder Bonsu in the

church activities.

I joined the Ushers in First Love Church. The church organized

special bible studies for the shepherds in the First Love Church. The
Church added me to the bible studies students. I passed the exams
and received a certificate from Dag Heward Mills in the First Love
Church on the Legon Campus to God be the glory.

Bishop Dag Heward Mills had not built the First Love Church at
that time so that the church service could change anytime. When

school vacated, I joined the Lighthouse Church in Koforidua and

became an Usher.

In one of my evangelism activities on campus (UPSA), I met a

Nigerian evangelist from the Deeper Life Bible Church. He invited

me to one of their services. That was my first day at Deeper Life

Bible Church. I got convicted with Bishop Williams F. Kumuyi’s

message, so I decided to study with Deeper Life Bible Church on


I became inactive in First Love Church, and Elder Kwadwo Bonsu

couldn’t hold on to me. Elder Kwadwo Bonsu broke up with me

when I joined the Deeper Life Bible Church on campus. I remember

joining the Deeper Life Bible Church when I was in level 200.
When school vacated, I joined the Deeper Life Bible Church in
Koforidua. I received my water baptism in Koforidua Deeper Life

Bible Church in river Densu, led by two Pastors.

On-campus (UPSA), I became a dedicated member of the Deeper

Life Bible Church. The church board in Deeper Life made me the

evangelism coordinator on campus.

In Deeper Life Campus Fellowship, God used me to do many

spiritual work. We traveled to villages to do evangelism and went to

camping meetings. On-campus, I did street evangelism and

preached to people on buses.

I preached to students in their hostels and led people to Christ

Jesus. My mates at the University knew me because of my radical

evangelism on campus. Sometimes I wish there were no lectures

because I loved the work of God!

I was zealous for the church without knowledge. I did not have time
for my studies. Some of my friends advised me to study my books,

but I ignored their advice.

Another reason I didn’t have much interest in my studies because I
hated accounting! I loved the work of God more than my studies! I

only studied for a few days before the examination!

Child of God, the fact that God has called you into the ministry does
not mean you shouldn’t study your books in school. Failure to study

your books because of God’s work can lead to poor performance in

your academics. Apply wisdom in God’s work! I made a mistake in

my tertiary education, so don’t repeat my mistake. Do the work of

God, but please study!

I completed UPSA in 2017, but I couldn’t graduate with my mates

because I failed some courses. As I served the nation of Ghana at

Accra College of Education, I wrote my failed papers.

Glory to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, I passed all my failed
courses and received my Bachelor of Science certificate.
I came to my father’s house in koforidua after my national service.

In Koforidua, I started a campus ministry. I evangelize at Koforidua

Technical University (KTU). I went to their hostels and taught them

the Word of God.

I did street evangelism (preaching to people on buses and

strangers), which I am still doing. I remember I started an online

ministry in 2017, but I was inactive. I was also into book and article

I created an evangelism team with some Koforidua Technical

University students. I started preaching to students in their hostels.

I became discouraged because most of the students were inactive.

I dissolved the evangelism group in 2018. In Koforidua, I rarely

visited the Deeper Life Bible Church and Lighthouse Church

because of the ministry I started at the Koforidua Technical

University campus.
In Koforidua, I met an anointed man of God trained in Deeper Life
Bible Church, who was into deliverance and church building. His

name, I remember, was Joseph Mensah.

I helped him establish his ministry in Koforidua. He was the man

who imparted me with deliverance anointing. Because of some

doctrinal issues in his ministry, I couldn’t continue with him.

Although I occasionally contact him (Pastor Joseph Mensah) for

spiritual advice when I want to make critical decisions in my

spiritual life, he assists me with spiritual guidance.

In 2019, I decided to open a new ministry with the level 100

students at Koforidua Technical University. I printed some of my

books and started evangelizing to students in the vocational school

near koforidua adweso.

This time, the church I started with the KTU level of 100 students

was successful. We had a day for prayer meetings, evangelism,

visitations, and church service.
We did all our church services on the KTU campus. For some
months, I experienced another breakdown. Some of the students

were not cooperating with me in the church, so I dissolved the

church meetings.

I have to seek the face of God for direction. With the help of God, I
became active in my online ministry. Miraculously, I found a Bible

school called Transforming Lives Theological University around

August 2020.

I studied with them in koforidua and Nkawkaw in the eastern

region of Ghana for some months. The founder (Apostle Vicking

Dzaka) and the director of the ordination council (Prophet Richard
Asare Amoh) of the Theological College, together with some
ordained men of God-ordained me and some bible students in

Koforidua on October 17, 2020, at Koforidua Winners Chapel

Ghana. You can watch some of my ordination pictures on
my site.
I made the mistake of not seeking the face of God. I joined the
ministry of a man of God whose vision differs from the vision God

has given me. Because of that, I have had some challenges with the
minister and his ministry.

To God be the glory, Christ Jesus has divinely ordained me.

Currently, I am an ordained (licensed) Pastor who is into campus
ministry (evangelism). I am also into online ministry. Child of God,
never give up on God or in life because He can use your mistakes to

open doors for you.

We are vessels in God’s hand. God knows our weakness, and He is

always ready to help us when we call on Him in prayers. Christ
Jesus loves you, so never give.

Believe in your heart that whatever happens to you will work in

your favor because you love God and His church. Believe that God

has called you into the ministry. We don’t begin God’s ministry with
Although money helps, don’t solely depend on money to start a
church. I began ministry with God’s divine call, spiritual gifts, love,

and zeal for the things of God. I have seen myself in dreams several
times preaching, prophesying, and teaching people God’s Word.

I have seen myself with ministers of God several times in the spirit
anointing numerous people, and some of my dreams have
manifested in real life.

On the day of my ordination in Koforidua Winners Chapel, Ghana,

one of the ordained pastors bowed to me to pray for him. I was

surprised because we were all ordained on the same day!

Later I realized the Holy Spirit confirmed the dreams He showed

me. God has called and anointed me to train and ordain people into
the ministry.

Before I started the ministry, many prophets prophesied that God

had called me into the ministry. Great ministers of God have

anointed and imparted me in my dream and real life.

You are part of the workers in God’s vineyard. Never undermine
yourself because of your height, educational background, color,
financial status, or tribe. If God is with you, who can stop you. God
is not a respecter of persons. If He has done it for others, He will do

it for you.

Some people are perishing in the hands of the devil and evil human

beings. God is calling you to set the captives free. Don’t allow the
mockery and insults of the religious unbelievers and world (blind
people) to stop you from fulfilling the call of God upon your life.

Don’t wait till you are old before you respond to the call of God. Do
it now because time waits for no man. Avail yourself as a living

sacrifice, and God will use you.

Jesus Christ needs your heart and body. Surrender all your strength
and resource to Him, and He will never let you down. Sometimes
the ways and thoughts of God can be mysterious (Meditate on
Isaiah 55:7-9). Stand on God’s promises recorded in the Word of

God (Holy Bible) because that is our trusted foundation.

Don’t allow false prophecies to disconnect you from the call because
you are too precious and anointed to lose. Start the work of God
with faith, and the Holy Spirit will use you to do mighty works in
His kingdom.

Have you thought of God’s martyrs (Noah, Abraham, Moses,

Joseph, Joshua, Gideon, David, Deborah, Apostle Paul, and the

rest)? All of them did mighty works in God’s kingdom by faith. Walk
with God with the heart and mind of faith, and He will never ignore

You are called!

You are chosen!

It will work for your good if you love God and His kingdom above all

Never give up on God because He has promised us in His Word that

He will never fail us!

Glory to God!

Master Keys: Matthew 6:33, Romans 8:28, 2 Timothy 2:20-21, and

Hebrews 11:1-40

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Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Please forgive
me of all my sin and wash me by the blood of Jesus Christ. I confess Jesus
Christ as my Lord and personal Saviour. I will follow and love you with all

my heart.


1. Delete and format anything that will limit you from the presence of

2. Download a Holy Bible on all your electronic devices (King James

Version recommended).

3. Buy a hard copy of a Holy Bible (King James Version


4. Find a church that believes and follows the Holy Bible as their
source of final authority and as their reference of doctrine and get baptized

in water and with the Holy Spirit.

5. Build a consistent prayer life on your own.

6. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit through the word of God and anointed

spiritual songs (worship, praises, and hymnals).

7. Evangelize in your community.

Must-read books

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Bonus book: Spiritual keys for life

About the Author

I’m a Christian leader who loves to work with

God and serve the church of the living God with

all my heart. I love reading life-transforming and

self-help books, especially Christian books. I’m

an ordained Pastor who is into campus

(evangelism) and online ministry. I completed the University of

Professional Studies, Accra, in 2017, where I obtained a Bachelor of

Science in Accounting and completed several bible schools. By the grace

of God, I have been in the ministry of God since 2009. The Word of God is

one of my most exceptional spiritual food. I love to teach, preach,

prophesy, and help people understand the Word of God, especially those in

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