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狄克生片語 L16-L19 總

__________年__________班 座號__________姓名__________ 分

一 、 選 擇 題 (21 題 每 題 2.5 分 共 52.5分 )

( ) 1.Teddy was very angry. He seemed to be ______. (A) at the end of his pipe (B) at the
end of his tips (C) at the end of his road (D) at the end of his rope
( ) 2.We are ______ water. What can we do? (A) by all means (B) inside out (C) at
any cost (D) out of
( ) 3.When in danger, most parents will do what they can to ______ their children from harm.
(A) help (B) protect (C) provide (D) handle
( ) 4.This company is very young, established only five years ago, but it made a good deal of profits
this year. ( 請 選 出 畫 底 線 的 同 義 字 ) (A) dropped out (B) taken after (C) put
forward (D) set up
( ) 5.We ______ all the food we needed and went on a picnic in the park. (A) backed up
(B) packed up (C) backed off (D) paid off
( ) 6.Friends of the understanding kind are those whom you can always ______ in times of need or
trouble. (A) turn to (B) turn into (C) turn in (D) turn on
( ) 7.New Zealand has its unique landscape; it is ______ of two main islands, North Island and
South Island. (A) made up (B) thrown into (C) put off (D sold out
( ) 8.In the workplace, many people ______ addicted players ______ lazy workers; their bosses are
not sympathetic to their addiction. (A) turn... into (B) stop... from (C) divide... into (D) see... as
( ) 9.My sister is a lazybones. I can’t ______ her anymore. (A) make up with (B) put up
with (C) keep up with (D) catch up with
( ) 10.Olivia: What’s the biggest source of pollution? The answer might surprise you.
Fenny: Plastic bags?
Olivia: No, throwaway diapers.
Fenny: But how come they became a source of pollution?
Olivia: ______
(A) About fifty years ago. (B) They don’t break down easily. (C) Cotton diapers are good for the
environment. (D) People are using fewer throwaway diapers.
( ) 11.Many people think a new therapy for cancer is ______. So they encourage the patients not to
give up trying. (A) in person (B) from day to day (C) all over (D) around the corner
( ) 12.His actions didn’t ______ his words. (A) count on (B) cut off (C)
correspond to (D) light up
( ) 13.Your child looks unhappy. You should ______ her. (A) keep eyes on (B) keep an
eye on (C) keep away from (D) keep up with

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( ) 14.We ______ fireworks near the river last night (A) set off (B) put off (C) went
off (D) took off
( ) 15.I invited her to my birthday party, but she ______. I felt disappointed. (A) heard from me
(B) backed me up (C) turned me down (D) put up with me
( ) 16.No one can ______ air and water. (A) do with (B) do without (C) keep up
with (D) do over
( ) 17.They ______ the big stones and blended ( 混 合 ) them with the sand. (A)
broke up (B) broke through (C) broke out (D) broke into
( ) 18.The escalator ______ and we had to climb the stairs. (A) broke down (B) broke
away (C) broke out (D) broke through
( ) 19.Sarah ______ the painting on the wall yesterday. (A) woke up (B) handed in
(C) hanged up (D) hung up
( ) 20.If you don’t study, you ______ fail the exam. (A) are bound for (B) are bound to
(C) are bound up (D) are worn out
( ) 21.Identical twins look exactly the same. Sometimes even their parents cannot tell one from the
other. ( 請 選 出 畫 底 線 的 同 義 字 ) (A) completely (B) suddenly (C)
naturally (D) partially
二 、 引 導 式 翻 譯 題 (19 題 每 題 2.5 分 共 47.5分 )
1. 我 想 點 根 菸 , 你 有 打 火 機 嗎 ?
I want to l______ ‚______ a cigarette. Do you have a lighter?
2. 別 放 出 那 隻 惡 犬 ! 牠 會 咬 人 。
Don’t s______ the fierce dog ‚f______! It might bite someone.
3. 你 想 要 喝 一 杯 咖 啡 來 當 作 下 午 茶 嗎 ?
Do you f______ ‚______ a cup of coffee as an afternoon tea?
4. 相 關 單 位 燒 光 所 有 的 鴉 片 。
The authorities concerned b______ed ‚u______ all the opium.
5. 那 件 襯 衫 是 你 的 , 因 為 它 的 顏 色 跟 我 的 不 同 。
The shirt is yours because its color is d______ ‚f______ mine.
6. 過 馬 路 時 , 那 小 女 孩 總 是 緊 抓 住 媽 媽 的 裙 子 。
The little girl always h______ds ‚o______ to her mother’s skirt when crossing the road.
7. 幸 虧 你 及 時 警 告 , 我 們 躲 過 那 場 災 難 。
T______ ‚t______ your timely warning, we escaped from the disaster.
8. 你 喜 歡 跟 我 在 一 起 嗎 ?
Do you like to b______ ‚w______ me?
9. 他 把 頭 髮 染 成 紅 色 以 跟 上 流 行 。
He dyed his hair red to k______ ‚______ ƒ______ the fashion.

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