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[ clinical commentary ]


Suggestions From the Field for Return

to Sports Participation Following Anterior
Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Soccer

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ootball (soccer) is the most popular sport worldwide, “when the patient toler-
with an estimated 300 million active players (as ates sport-specific activi-
SUPPLEMENTAL ties.”51 This description,
documented by the Fédération Internationale de VIDEO ONLINE
albeit offering a minimal
Football Association). Anterior cruciate ligament standard for the knee, is
Copyright © 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

(ACL) injury is one of the most serious injuries in soccer and a clearly not detailed enough when dealing
potentially career-ending one.54 The incidence of ACL injuries in with athletes (ie, soccer players) aiming
soccer players accounts for thousands of ACL tears per year.1 Despite for a return to competitive sports after
ACL reconstruction.
the high number of injuries1,3,14 and re- interventions for the early rehabilitation Some authors have described guide-
lated literature, there is still no consen- phases, which included pain/swelling lines for return to play after ACL sur-
sus on the optimal surgical technique control, neuromuscular training, and ear- gery10,28,34; however, few publications
for ACL reconstruction5 and even less ly weight-bearing, range-of-motion, and have specifically discussed the return to
agreement on the ideal rehabilitation strengthening exercises, are supported by competitive soccer.43,44 In a recent review,
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

protocol following surgery.30,51 Recently, evidence. Criteria for return to sports in- Kvist28 located 39 articles that presented
van Grinsven et al51 proposed an optimal clude “hop tests and strength of the ham- outcomes after ACL reconstruction and
evidence-based rehabilitation program. strings and quadriceps at least of 85% criteria for returning to sports. In most
Their systematic review indicated that compared to the contralateral side” and cases, the decision of when to allow the
patient/athlete to return to sport was
TTSYNOPSIS: Successful return to play remains
empirical and time based, ranging from
sports. The individual coaching of the player by the
a challenge for a soccer player after anterior sports physiotherapist and compliance with the
3 to 12 months postsurgery. Functional
cruciate ligament reconstruction. In addition to a training program by the player are key factors in training and testing have also been ad-
successful surgical intervention, a soccer-specific the rehabilitation process. To minimize reinjury risk vocated, ranging from plyometrics and
functional rehabilitation program is essential to and to maximize the player’s career, concepts of running programs to isokinetic train-
achieve this goal. Soccer-like elements should ing/testing and jump/hop training/test-
soccer-specific injury prevention programs should
be incorporated in the early stages of rehabilita-
be incorporated into the training routine during ing.10,20,37 However, descriptions of the
tion to provide neuromuscular training specific
to the needs of the player. Gym-based and, later, and after the rehabilitation of players post–ACL late phases of the rehabilitation process
field-based drills are gradually intensified and pro- reconstruction. often remain generic. Myer et al34 also
gressed until the player demonstrates the ability to TTLEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapy, level 5. J introduced a detailed criteria-based re-
return to team practice. In addition to the recovery Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2012;42(4):304-312. habilitation protocol for the return to
of basic attributes such as mobility, flexibility, sport after ACL reconstruction; however,
strength, and agility, the surgically repaired knee
TTKEY WORDS: ACL, football/soccer, functional
the “reintegration to interval sport par-
must also regain soccer-specific neuromuscular
control and conditioning for an effective return to training, injury prevention ticipation” was not specifically described.
Therefore, it is perhaps understandable

Research Associate, FIFA-Medical Assessment and Research Centre (F-MARC), Schulthess Clinic, Zürich, Switzerland. 2Director of Training and Conditioning, New York
Knicks (NBA), New York, NY; Physical Therapist of the England National Football Team (UK); Former Head Physical Therapist, Leeds United Football Club and Chelsea Football
Club (Premier League, England), UK. 3Scientific Director of CeRiSM, Research Center for Sports, Mountain and Health, University of Verona, Rovereto (TN), Italy. Address
correspondence to Dr Mario Bizzini, F-MARC, Schulthess Clinic, Lengghalde 2, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland. E-mail:

304 | april 2012 | volume 42 | number 4 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy

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TABLE 1 Phases of Rehabilitation

Phase 4
Return to Reduced Return to Full
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Soccer Practice Soccer Practice
Timing* 4-6 wk 4-6 to 8-12 wk 8-12 to 16-24 wk 16-24 to ? wk
Criteria to enter this • Minimal pain/swelling • No pain/swelling • No pain/swelling • No pain/swelling
phase • Near full ROM • Full ROM • Symmetrical ROM • Symmetrical ROM
• Good patella mobility • Good neuromuscular • Optimal soccer-specific • Optimal soccer-specific
• Sufficient quadriceps control at knee, hip, trunk neuromuscular control neuromuscular control
control • Quadriceps and hamstrings • Quadriceps and hamstrings • Quadriceps and
• Normal gait pattern strength >75% of strength >85% of hamstrings strength >95%
noninvolved limb noninvolved limb of noninvolved limb
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• Good hop/jump and land- • Hop index >80% of • Hop index >90% of
ing techniques noninvolved limb noninvolved limb
• Satisfactory Yo-Yo and
RSSA test results
Copyright © 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Goals of this phase • Control pain/swelling • Prepare basic soccer- • Optimize soccer-specific • Bring the player back • Final preparation of the
• Improve ROM specific neuromuscular neuromuscular control to unrestricted team player for the needs and
• Quadriceps activation control • Prepare the player for practice, with full demands of competitive
• ADL activities • Prepare the player for the return to team practice possession of his soccer soccer
more intense phase 3 skills and conditioning
Functional training†
Additional training • Strengthen noninvolved • Core stability • Core stability/strength • Core stability/strength • Continue additional train-
limb • Strengthen involved limb • Strength training (body- • Strength training (body- ing, in the form of a soccer-
• Trunk and hip basic core (open/closed chain) machine exercise) machine exercise) focused specific warm-up (11+)
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

stability exercises • Cardiovascular training • Cardiovascular soccer- on addressing remaining

• Cardiovascular (upper-body (basic, bike) specific training (interval, deficits
ergometer) • Flexibility bike) • Flexibility
• Flexibility
Pool activities • Gait training • Progression toward water • Water running: endurance
• Simple exercises (ROM, running (wet vest) training
balance) • Flexibility/ROM
• Simulated basic soccer
drills (heading the ball)
Abbreviations: ADL, activities of daily living; ROM, range of motion; RSSA, repeated-shuttle-sprint-ability test; Yo-Yo, Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test.
*The timing of each phase is dependent on additional surgical procedures and individual progress in rehabilitation/training.

Details provided in the text.

that Walden et al53 found a significantly or basketball player.49 One of the key or near maximal actions (eg, striding,
higher risk of new knee injury (either elements to a soccer-specific rehabili- turning, cutting, sprinting, jumping) of
reinjury or contralateral injury) in elite tation program is an understanding of short duration with brief recovery peri-
soccer players who had a previous ACL the physical demands of the sport and ods.33,48,49 These activities, which require
injury/reconstruction. the level of play to which the player coordination and power, place consid-
The major challenge is to integrate needs to return. Consideration of the erable demands on the neuromuscular
sports-specific elements within the re- frequency and intensity of training ses- system. A carefully planned rehabilita-
habilitation and training of the soccer sions and games is very important. Soc- tion program that addresses all aspects
athlete, considering that a soccer player cer is a physically demanding sport, with of the game is vital to return the player
has different neuromuscular and physi- match analysis studies showing that soc- to maximum function, while minimiz-
ological demands than an ice hockey cer players repeatedly produce maximal ing risk of reinjury. The following is our

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[ clinical commentary ]

FIGURE 3. Male professional soccer player sitting on

a soccer ball (and juggling another ball).
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Phase 1
This phase, focusing on recovery of mo-
tion and ambulation and control of swell-
ing immediately postsurgery, will not be
discussed. The criteria that the patient
Copyright © 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

has to fulfill to enter phase 2 are de-

scribed in TABLE 1.

Phase 2
FIGURE 1. Male professional soccer player on
swinging platform (simulation of kicking ball with This phase includes soccer-specific neu-
nonoperated leg). romuscular training. Initially, the focus is
on knee (and lower extremity) stabiliza-
perspective on a return-to-play model to tion in weight-bearing positions, starting
prepare soccer players to compete after with static, then dynamic, and eventually
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

ACL reconstruction. reactive exercises.41 Particular attention is

given to the varus/valgus and rotational
PHASES OF THE PROGRAM FIGURE 2. Female amateur soccer player on foam control of the surgically repaired knee
pad (passing back the soccer ball with nonoperated and lower extremity, emphasizing prop-

key aspect for successful reha- leg). er lower extremity alignment (avoiding
bilitation of a professional soccer collapse of the knee medially) and pelvis
player is a one-to-one (sports phys- cific, criteria based, and intensive but not and trunk stabilization.6,40 Training on
iotherapist-to-athlete) approach. This al- aggressive (TABLE 1).7,17,21,43 unstable surfaces is particularly useful to
lows daily monitoring of the knee status Myer et al34 presented a criteria-driv- enhance neuromuscular activation and
and progress, and also permits optimal en progression through the return-to- control (FIGURE 1). Rotational stabiliza-
adaptation of the intensity and content sport phase of rehabilitation following tion can be trained on a simple rotatory
of the rehabilitation program. A close ACL reconstruction. The authors pro- unstable surface.7
cooperation between the athlete, phys- posed objective assessments of strength, According to motor-learning prin-
iotherapist, surgeon, athletic trainer, and stability, balance, limb symmetry, power, ciples (blocked/random practice),46 it is
coach is another key factor. agility, technique, and endurance to important to exercise in different envi-
The rehabilitation may arbitrarily be guide the athlete back to sports. Recently, ronmental conditions (eg, in the gym-
divided into 4 phases: (1) protection and Impellizzeri and Marcora23 critically dis- nasium, indoor hall, and on the pitch)
controlled ambulation, (2) controlled cussed the validity of physiological and and with different footwear (eg, with no
training, (3) intensive training, and (4) performance tests in sports. As the focus shoes, athletic shoes, and soccer shoes).
return to play.7,8 The time frame for each of this paper is on functional rehabilita- The soccer ball should be used, as much
phase varies depending on the surgical tion, we will not cover the assessments for as possible, as a tool to enhance reactive
procedure and individual response to all phases in detail but, rather, provide stabilization strategies (FIGURE 2). With
treatment. The overall guiding principle updated evidence-based and clinical- a field player, the basic passes (feet) are
is that the program should be soccer spe- expertise guidelines. simulated, while basic ball receptions

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TABLE 2 Progression of Running and Soccer Drills

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Level 1 Running: straight line Passing Dribbling
a. Endurance (time/distance) Side footing: start with standing ball and move through the a. Straight-line ball control
b. Player-specific runs, midfield/center forwards distances progressions, then progress to a moving ball both on the floor b. Forward/backward turns
c. Shorter distances and on the volley. c. Instep ball control
d. Gradually increasing speed a. Short distances d. Outstep ball control
e. Forward/backward runs: 1:4 min run-rest ratio building up b. Longer distances
to 1:1 min (×4) and 2:1 (×3) to train the anaerobic lactate c. Greater velocity on the pass
threshold. A long recovery time is needed between each set
of exercises (4 min)
Level 2 Running: figure-of-eight runs Passing: forefoot (on the laces) Lateral dribbling movements
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With the same progressions as straight line a. Short distances a. Long distances
b. Longer distances b. Short distances
c. Greater velocity on the pass: same as with the side-foot c. At speed
pass once, moved through the progressions, progress to d. Side movement with the ball, changing
Copyright © 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

moving the ball on the floor first to eventually on the volley direction on command, at speed
a. Volleys side foot/laces/outside of foot
b. Volleys with quick-feet: incorporate quick-feet and volley to
ladders/hurdles/left-right foot on command, quick reaction
volley drills
Level 3 Running: open lateral zigzag runs Corners
a. Endurance base with long turns Goal kicks from the hands to on the floor
b. Gradually reducing distance between cones Follow the above kicking progressions
c. Increase number of turns and increase speed of turn
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Level 4 Running: rotations Free kicks Rotation dribbling movements

a. Without the ball Follow the above progressions on kicking the ball (distance/ a. Long rotations with the ball at the feet
b. With the ball force/speed) b. Short rotations with the ball
c. Including pass increase as with the above Shooting c. Quick, sharp turns with the ball to both
Progressions: endurance/distance/repetitions/speed As above with regard to progression left and right sides
d. Sharp turns on receiving a pass or volley

(hands) are used with a goalkeeper. The focusing on knee stabilization. Working ample, the athlete stands still, then, at the
athlete is allowed to bounce/juggle the against elastic resistance is considered start signal, performs soft sprinting over
ball, and also to execute simple passes a powerful tool to train neuromuscular a few meters before stopping and stabiliz-
(using the internal and external sides of control, as the knee, lower extremity, pel- ing on the operated knee, then kicks the
the foot) with the operated leg. Some- vis, and upper body need to be controlled ball with the nonoperated leg. This may
times the athlete may combine specific based on the direction of the resistance. be performed first in the gym and then
training with less-focused activities First, the focus is on proper stabiliza- on the pitch to best stimulate the motor-
(FIGURE 3). Incorporating the soccer ball tion at slower speeds (side to side, with- learning process.
and soccer-specific equipment (shoes) out jumping), then speeds and dynamic The basic plyometric techniques
in phase 2 is not only important to en- movements are gradually increased. Ba- (proper landing and stabilization) are
hance soccer-specific neuromuscular sic exercises, such as lunges (front, lat- progressed from double-leg to single-leg
stabilization strategies but also to pro- eral, or diagonal), performed with and activities (horizontal and vertical jump),
mote a positive psychological attitude in without trunk rotations, are useful in emphasizing quality versus quantity of
rehabilitation. promoting multiplanar stabilization of movement. Heading the ball is also prac-
Later in phase 2, the goal is to con- the surgically repaired knee. ticed, with proper take-off and landing
trol forward, backward, lateral, diagonal, Some simple forms of quickness drills technique(s).
and rotational body displacements, while are also included in this phase. For ex- Pool activities are a popular form of

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 42 | number 4 | april 2012 | 307

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[ clinical commentary ]
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FIGURE 4. Star run drill. Basic setup and different drills: (A) star run outline, (B) star run with zigzag cutting drill, (C) star run with forward/backward ladder drills, (D) star run
with running curves through poles.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

additional training for soccer players in progression for a level at the same fre- square and the intensity with which the
this controlled phase.43 Using the prop- quency for 3 days is recommended before player is working. Research from match
erties of water, the athlete may exercise moving to the next level, whether it be analyses49 has shown that the sprints
balance and coordination, in addition to distance, time, repetitions, or intensity. are between 10 and 25 m in length and
performing running exercises (eventually This allows for a gradual progression of 3 and 5 seconds in duration. The energy
with a wet vest), with minimal loading on each part and thus ensures correct func- systems being used are also an important
the operated knee. tion and that no adverse knee reaction consideration during these phases of re-
The athlete is ready to move to phase is noted before moving on to the next habilitation. Soccer players need to train
3 when he/she has reached the criteria level. Rehabilitation programs have been both the anaerobic and aerobic systems,
described in TABLE 1. shown to fail due to a rapid increase in as distances up to 10 km (central defend-
exercise load, whether of speed or dura- ers) or 12 km (midfielders) are covered
Phase 3 tion, or the addition of different exercises by top-level professional players in a
More complex and challenging soccer- that place a higher demand on the knee match.49
specific drills characterize phase 3 (TABLE and graft.34 Combined Drills Different activities such
1). Star Run Drill This drill can be adapted as quick-feet, short sprints, cutting and
Soccer-Specific Drills TABLE 2 shows an to running and soccer-specific training. accelerating, and body rotations can be
outline of a “classical” progression (3 It can incorporate all aspects of soccer, trained in a rapid sequence over a pre-
parts with 4 levels each) for running and including forward, backward, or multidi- defined distance (eg, 20 m). Incorporat-
soccer drills. Specific parts/levels can rectional drills, and explosive and reac- ing various skills into a rapid sequence
be added or removed as the player pro- tive drills with cutting. The outline of the has proven to be an effective specific
gresses. There are no set time frames to drill is simple (FIGURE 4). The distances quickness and dynamic body control
complete each part at a given level, but may be increased or decreased, but player training method for soccer players after
performing each point (a, b, c, etc) of the position tends to dictate the size of the knee surgery (ONLINE VIDEO 1).

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patient to slide in and kick the ball away
from the therapist’s feet. Sets and repeti-
tions can be added gradually, with speed
only being added as the patient is starting
to join group training. It is vital, however,
that before adding these late-stage drills,
all aspects of single-leg hopping and rota-
tion training have been completed. The
grass surface must also be inspected prior
to performing these types of drills, as ex-
ternal conditions, such as a slippery wet
surface, could place the athlete at great-
FIGURE 5. Block tackles at different angles and er risk. The criteria to allow the athlete
intensities, on different types of surfaces, from a soft to progress to phase 4 are described in
FIGURE 7. In-air body contact, trying to simulate
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deflated soccer ball to a harder leather medicine ball. TABLE 1.

heading and body contact in the gym environment.
Specific instructions are given on landing correctly on
the forefoot/toes and absorbing the landing forces. Phase 4, Return to Play:
Progressions can be added by different directional What Does It Mean?
forces and intensity of body weight contact.
Respecting a gradual and progressive re-
Copyright © 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

turn to competitive soccer is crucial for

they gradually rejoin training. Although the player following ACL reconstruction.
there is always risk with contact, we sug- Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate
gest that it may be better to include this between various types of return:
aspect of the game in a controlled envi- • Return to reduced team training prac-
ronment of rehabilitation rather than tice (no contact)
leave it to the unpredictable environment • Return to full (normal) team training
of a training session. If the player’s knee practice (with contact)
FIGURE 6. Kicking action into pads while balancing is able to gradually withstand forces of • Return to “friendly” games (initially
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

on an unstable surface, incorporating standing

valgus/varus with and without rotation, not over the full duration of a match)
balance while making contact. The use of unstable
surfaces helps to promote different reactive they must be able to cope with the grad- • Return to competitive match (initially
stabilization strategies. ual load/forces of contact. Controlling not over the full duration of a match)
the decelerating forces from a contact is This first return is often the most
Contact Situations One aspect of the lat- vital, as it has been shown to reduce the crucial. The player must be physically
er sport-specific drills is contact, which is incidence of ACL rupture.9,16 Repetitive and psychologically ready to shift from
a major element of the game of soccer. Al- training of proper landing techniques individual training, where most situa-
though ACL ruptures tend to occur more has enabled athletes to develop learned tions are intense but controlled, to team
often without contact,42 those occurring responses that may help minimize or pre- training, where the player is also exposed
from contacts cannot be ignored. Roi et vent injury when they are placed in game to uncontrolled situations. In this phase,
al,44 analyzing data from the Italian Serie or practice situations.34,52 the player also continues to perform
A League, determined that ACL contact Contact can be controlled with block specific training, focusing on improving
injuries occurred more frequently during tackles (FIGURE 5) and single-leg kicking identified deficits (strength, coordina-
competitive games, while noncontact in- of objects that move (FIGURE 6), eventually tion, and endurance) under supervision.
juries occurred more often during train- progressing to actual body load, whether Recent research has clearly shown that
ing and nonofficial games. Mihata et al32 on the ground or in the air (FIGURE 7). strength/power and functional deficits
compared a number of different sports Tackle Situations The sliding tackle is in the involved lower extremity may
(basketball, soccer, and lacrosse) and another type of contact that must be ad- persist up to 6 or more months after pri-
suggested that the level of allowed con- dressed, as it is an important function mary ACL reconstruction,20,35,36 and that
tact in pivoting sports may be a factor in of the knee in the defensive side of the persistent strength imbalances may be
determining sport-specific ACL risk. game. Graded progressions of landing linked with an increased risk of reinjury
Often, the level of contact of the sport on the floor and kicking a ball away can in soccer.12,29
is overlooked in the rehabilitation pro- be included first without another person, Thomeé et al50 critically discussed the
gram and left to players to manage as and eventually with a therapist asking the common muscle strength and hop per-

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[ clinical commentary ]
formance criteria used prior to return to Yo and RSSA tests may also be used to SUMMARY
sport, which may not be demanding and monitor improvement of the athlete over

sensitive enough to detect side differenc- time. Additional specific tests, such as soccer player faces many chal-
es, and proposed new recommendations speed dribbling, short-long passing, and lenges following ACL reconstruc-
for muscle function tests in individuals shooting, have been proposed in the lit- tion. The player has to deal with the
after ACL reconstruction. erature45 but have never been fully scien- pressure of his entourage (club, coach,
Because soccer is a high-intensity tifically validated. These and other skills other) and the risk of jeopardizing his
intermittent activity, training should are practiced daily, and, similar to playing career, while pursuing the goal of a suc-
include physical exercises aimed to en- against an opponent, physical and mental cessful return to play. The sports phys-
hance aerobic fitness, anaerobic power preparation must be gradually optimized iotherapist plays an important role in
and capacity, repeated sprint ability, and (TABLE 2). monitoring a closely supervised criteria-
muscle power and strength. Other than Therefore, to return to full partici- based program and in guiding the athlete
coping with the physiological demands pation after ACL surgery, the soccer during the rehabilitation and training
of the match, physical training can coun- player must make a successful progres- process. Functional training is a key el-
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teract the decline in technical proficien- sion through the described rehabilitation ement in regaining the soccer-specific
cy caused by fatigue.26 Several studies phases and show satisfactory (as judged neuromuscular control necessary to per-
have shown different effective training by the sports physiotherapist) Yo-Yo and form skills ranging from basic to soccer-
strategies for improving these fitness RSSA test results. specific drills. Particular attention should
components.13,15,19,22,24 be given to the quality of the movement
Copyright © 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Functional Tests to Clear Return to Play PREVENTION OF REINJURY patterns and stabilization strategies. Re-
Myer et al35 recently presented a battery AFTER ACL RECONSTRUCTION sidual impairments in strength, power,
of performance tests (modified NFL agility, and sensorimotor capacity should

Combine testing) to show how unilateral n the last few years, ACL injury be specifically addressed while the athlete
deficits are present and may be hidden prevention programs for female and undergoes soccer-specific conditioning
in double-leg activities in athletes 1 year male soccer players have been devel- and fitness training.
after ACL reconstruction. Therefore, the oped and their effectiveness scientifi- The goal is to reintegrate the player
sports physiotherapist needs to regu- cally confirmed.2 A reduction of 30% to gradually in the game, taking into ac-
larly check single-leg hop tasks of the 50%, and even higher for females,18 has count his/her individual characteristics.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

involved limb, while ensuring that the been shown in the incidence of noncon- Several evidence-based and empirical cri-
player continues to demonstrate good tact ACL injuries.47 Programs such as the teria are needed to plan and monitor the
overall quality of movement (knee, hip, Perform and Enhance Performance31 and efficient return to competitive soccer. In-
and trunk). the 11+ (ONLINE VIDEO 2),47 which combine jury prevention education should be part
Unrestricted participation in team cardiovascular and specific injury pre- of this process to maximize the chance of
practice (without any adverse knee joint vention exercises, should be performed a durable career. Further research is nec-
reactions) is, of course, an important cri- as a warm-up prior to technical and essary to better understand and assess
terion to be able to return to compete in tactical training. Considering the risk different aspects of muscle function and
a soccer match. There are no validated of reinjury39,53 and that some aspects of motor control after ACL reconstruction
sports-specific tests to determine readi- biomechanical and neuromuscular func- in soccer players. t
ness to return to full participation in tion may be deficient up to several years
team practice and competitive matches after the ACL reconstruction,11,34,36 play-
for soccer players after ACL surgery. ers should ideally continue post–ACL REFERENCES
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