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Section 1: Know why you want to run a brainstorming Section 2: 5 Basic Rules of Brainstorming

session Rule 1: Postpone and withhold your judgment of ideas

Do not pass judgment on ideas until the completion of the brainstorming session. Do not suggest that an
One of the first things you need to determine is whether you need to use a brainstorming
idea will not work or that it has negative side effects. All ideas are potentially good so do not judge them
session at all. A brainstorming session should be used for generating lots of new ideas and until afterwards. At this stage, avoid discussing the ideas at all, as this will inevitably involve either criticizing
solutions. It should not be used for analysis or for decision‐making. Of course, you will or complimenting them.
need to analyze and judge the ideas but this is done afterwards and the analysis process
does not involve brainstorming techniques. Ideas should be put forward either as solutions or as a basis to spark off solutions. Even seemingly foolish ideas
can spark off better ones. Therefore, do not judge the ideas until after the brainstorming process. Note
down all ideas. There is no such thing as a bad idea.
A brainstorming session must be targeted to a specific topic or else you run the risk of
downgrading any future sessions. The facilitator must define the problem area or the The evaluation of ideas takes up valuable brainp o w e r that should be devoted to the creation of ideas.
opportunity area you want to create ideas for. The facilitator must draw up a specific Maximize your brainstorming session by only spending time generating new ideas.
probortunity statement that describes what you are trying to achieve. This statement must
Rule 2: Encourage wild and exaggerated ideas
not even suggest what a typical solution might be because this will hinder the idea
It is much easier to tame a wild idea than it is to think of an immediately valid one in the first place. The 'wilder'
generation. the idea the better. Shout out bizarre and unworkable ideas to see what they spark off. No idea is too ridiculous.
State any outlandish ideas. Exaggerate ideas to the extreme.
It is perfectly acceptable to propose a brainstorming session to investigate a whole area of
interest that you wish to explore. You will have no fixed perceptions about the area and can Rule 3: Quantity counts at this stage, not quality
often discover new ideas and markets precisely because you did not follow the normal Go for quantity of ideas at this point; narrow down the list later. All activities should be geared towards extracting
training path. Creative thinkers often suggest that before you do research in a specific area, as many ideas as possible in a given time.
you should generate your own ideas because if you follow what everyone else has done, you
The more creative ideas a person or a group has to choose from, the better. If the number of ideas at the end of
will follow the normal line of thinking and come up with the same or similar answers. the session is very large, there is a greater chance of finding a really good idea.

Once you have an initial probortunity statement, you should decide whether a brainstorming Keep each idea short, do not describe it in detail – just capture its essence. Brief clarifications can be requested.
session is required. The time and costs spent brainstorming can sometimes be saved by just Think fast, reflect later.
implementing a currently known solution and spending your valuable time on more crucial
probortunities. Sometimes, simulations (through pilots, trials, etc.) or mathematical Rule 4: Build on the ideas put forward by others
Build and expand on the ideas of others. Try to add extra thoughts to each idea. Use other people's ideas as
calculations best solve some problems because they do not need a change in perception. inspiration for your own. Creative people are also good listeners. Combine several of the suggested ideas to
explore new possibilities.
You should not be planning a brainstorming session if you already have several solutions and
all you want to do is to decide which one to use (this is done by analyzing existing data). It's just as valuable to be able to adapt and improve other people's ideas as it is to generate the initial idea that
sets off new trains of thought.
A final note on inviting your session members – alert them with as little time as possible. The
reasoning here is that the longer participants think about a session, the longer they have to Rule 5: Every person and every idea has equal worth
Every person has a valid viewpoint and a unique perspective on the situation and solution. We want to know
formulate ideas in their head about what should be done, effectively killing the spontaneity of yours. In a brainstorming session, you can always put forward ideas purely to spark off other people and not just
a brainstorming session. as a final solution. Please participate, even if you need to write your ideas on a piece of paper and hand it out.
Encourage participation from everyone

Each idea presented belongs to the group, not to the person who said it. It is the group's responsibility and an
indication of its ability to brainstorm if all participants feel able to contribute freely and confidently.

“Probortunity”: Because of the difficulty in determining the difference between a problem and an opportunity and because there are many negative
implications in using the word "problem", the word probortunity has been created. Probortunity is the merging of the word "problem" and “opportunity”. A
probortunity can take any form: challenge, question, mystery, concern, problem, puzzle, difficulty or opportunity. Probortunity is an all‐inclusive word to
describe something you want to improve or change for the better.
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 That's a good idea/point/comment
Section 3: Ways to kill and ways to help an idea  Great, let's try it
 How can we make time to see if it will work?
It is far easier to kill an idea than to encourage it and tum it into a useful solution Be careful not to destroy  What resources would we need to do it?
people's ideas or they will stop telling you about them and go and tell someone else.  Let's prove everyone else/the boss wrong
 Tell me more
It is extremely hard to sound constructive when someone tells you about an idea they have had, especially  How can we make it work?
if the idea seems foolish and unworkable. But remember, people do not willingly put forward bad ideas in  Let's try and test it
normal situations and you should first try to understand why they are telling you about the idea. There is
 What are the advantages?
likely to be something in the idea which is very useful to you. Alternatively you will have the opportunity to
 How can we remove the dis‐advantages?
help them understand why the idea will not work . You must first understand why they think it will work if
 Can you draw up a plan of action?
you are to explain it in a way that they appreciate,
 What can I do to help this happen?
 I like it
To kill an idea, say...  That sounds interesting, tell me more
 Ignore the way it is done now
 A good idea, but...
 What small parts of the idea can we use immediately in the current situation?
 Good in theory, but...
 Be practical, that’s too futuristic  How can we convince everyone else?
 People won't like it  Let's turn the idea into a workable solution
 Costs too much
and you can
 Don't start anything yet
 It needs more study
 look enthusiastic and interested
 It's not budgeted, maybe next year
 listen and try to understand why it is being suggested
 It's not good enough
 not interrupt until they are finished
 Too much hassle
 build on their idea
 Let's make a survey first
 Against the company policy
Hopefully you will see that there are many ways in which you can be constructive. There are even ways to
 It's not part of your job encourage an idea without saying you agree or that you will do it. Be on a constant watchout for putting
 It is not our problem down an idea too early without understanding the positive reasons for it being suggested.
 The directors won't go for it
 The old timers won't use it
 Too hard to organize
 We have been doing it another way for a Jong time and it works fine
 If it's so good, why hasn't someone suggested it already?
 Ahead of its time, people are not ready for it
 Let's sit on it a while
 Let's discuss it (•and then not doing so•)
 We've never done it that way before
 Has anyone else tried it successfully?
 We have tried that before and it didn't work
 Just ignoring what they have said.
 Is anyone crazy enough to try that?
 We're already doing that
 Let me show it to my manager

or you can just ignore the person and their idea! (Is this wise?)

To help an idea, say...

 Yes, and ...

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is especially true if your manager tells you how to do your work and they check regularly to see if you are
Section 4: Tips for specific roles doing so.

Tips for directors If the top managers of the company have got there by being purely analytical and by ordering their
You are in a much easier position to change the environment of your company. However, you must bear in subordinates about then it is easy to follow their example and forget about being creative and just follow
mind that the current environment has been established by yourself, your colleagues and your predecessors what everyone else did to get promoted. Unfortunately you will become bored, uncreative and critical, and
over a long period of time, To really change the environment of a company it is your influence and power you will be sacrificing yourself for a meaningless existence. You need to decide if you can change the working
which will make the difference. You have the authority to make the changes happen to the whole company environment around you. If you decide you cannot change it then leave and get a better job.
whereas people lower down the management structure can only influence a much smaller part . They may
be struggling against a wall of critical thinking and rules whereas you are in a position to change those rules  Learn about creative thinking techniques and practice them so that you can turn on your creativity
and create new ones which will increase creativity. You are a role model for how to succeed in your company instantly.
so you cannot just tell others to be more creative if you do not accept their ideas.  Organize brainstorming sessions, initially with your peers and then invite your managers along later.
 Show the results of your brainstorming to your colleagues and managers. Show them the long list of
 Start an initiative into creativity and brainstorming . Make someone responsible for it so that it actually initial ideas and then indicate which ones you have selected. Explain how you arrived at the final ideas
happens. from the initial ones. Explain the thinking behind it and tell them that you find the techniques useful.
 Recognize that it will not take a short time to change the whole company culture.  Whenever you have a superb idea, tell people that you got it from using advanced brainstorming
 Give training to all your staff on creativity and brainstorming. techniques. This will not only make them interested in the techniques but they will also give you the
 Send a message to everyone to say that your company lives by the ideas of its staff and that you are freedom and credibility to be seen using them at later dates.
backing an initiative to increase the generation and introduction of new ideas.  Start up lists of problems and opportunities facing your department, company and industry. Share them
 Tell every group to discuss creativity and the need for new ideas. with your boss. Specifically tell them that you are not putting forward suggestions but that you are
thinking about the wider picture and want to find out if these problems were the real ones. Tell them
 Let your colleagues know that you are open to suggestions and that just because you give a specific
that you will think about the solutions later.
solution doesn't mean that you aren't open for alternatives and you don't like to be challenged. (Too
many colleagues are worried to speak out against the ideas of their managers even if they know the idea  Start up lists of problems and opportunities facing you and your job role. Share them with your boss at
will not work.) the earliest opportunity so they learn that you are always looking for problems to solve. This way they
learn not to just expect polished and finalized solutions to be presented to them.
 Thank people when they challenge your ideas. Be careful not to be defensive. They are challenging the
idea, not you!  Encourage your managers to produce their own list of problems and opportunities. Explain how useful
they will find it and how beneficial it will be to show that they are thinking of the future and trying to
 Reward people who have lots of little ideas, not just those that have the biggest ones.
influence it.
 Run your own brainstorming sessions and actively join in. Be the first to suggest radical ideas and to put
 Learn the reasons why creative thinking techniques work so that if anyone is critical of your ideas then
forward proposals that contradict the current way of working. Acknowledge that the ideas are only put
you can readily explain your reasoning. Why not educate others in what has worked for you? Be forgiving
forward as a stimulus.
and understanding of ideas given by other people Your own tolerance of challenging ideas will be
 Startup lists of problems and opportunities that you would like answers to and invite suggestions from
reflected by others. Be open to ambiguity.
everyone. Publish the list of probortunities and ask people to add to them.
 Openly thank your manager for the flexibility and space that they give you to be creative. Explain to
 Get everyone in your company to prepare probortunity lists for their own work and to share them with
them how helpful this is to you and how good and productive it makes you feel. Thank them to their
their managers. If you ever wanted to spot gaps in the market this is an ideal way.
face and also tell your manager's manager and your manager's colleagues. Become the person that
 Learn how to help ideas and not to kill them. people want to give creative space to, because they will be rewarded for it.
 In a very harsh environment you may need to analyze all of your ideas and only ever present your best
Tips for middle‐level managers ones It may be necessary to just tell your manager that you have specific ideas and that you got them
You are in a position where you can highly influence the creativity within your group, yet will often find it using creative thinking techniques, but not to reveal the intermediate ideas if they will be criticized or
hard to change the corporate structure and company‐wide rules. You will be able to help your company taken into consideration.
become more creative but you will be much more able to make a creative environment for those colleagues  Learn how to help ideas and not to kill them.
under your direct supervision. The expectation is that by doing this for your own group, you will all exceed  If you can, speak to a director and ask them what they are doing to increase the creativity of the
expectations and that you will be able to tell your colleagues how to do it Meanwhile, you will try to manage company They may not know that they can. Too many people think that they need to employ "creative
your managers using a creative probortunity list which will highlight to more senior managers what can be people" and they do not realize that everyone is creative and that their creativity can be brought out
achieved through the creative brainstorming process . using creative thinking techniques.

Tips for workers and new starters One of the key things for workers to realize is that once people think you are a creative person, it is only then
When you have no management authority or you have just joined a company at the bottom of the that they give you the space to be creative. They will also attribute your successes to being creative. The
management ladder then you will probably think you are in a very weak position for developing an more you mention your use of creativity and how helpful it is, the more people will accept you having good
environment where you and others can be creative. When there seem to be strict rules for doing everything ideas because of it, and they will also accept that you need thinking time to generate your idea
and there is an adversarial corporate culture it can be a daunting task seek any kind of change and it's easy
to feel that you should just go with the flow, keep your head down and do what everyone else is doing This

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