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Business Idea Generation

Creating positive thinking ideas that lead to good things from bad things is seen as experience and the
best teacher. This way of thinking can be said to be a creative and productive way. Creativity is the
ability to create something new.

There are four dimensions of creativity known as the "four p's of creativity", namely person process,
press, and product.

- Personal creative action arises from the uniqueness of personality in interaction with its environment.

- The process of thinking so that unique or creative ideas emerge

- Product ability to produce/create something new

- Press / urge or desire to create or be busy creatively.

Manage ideas to bring up ideas that are tailored to solve the findings of challenges from users/target
consumers. There are seven things to remember in building ideas:

- Stay focused on the topic

- Pursue quantity

- Think visually

- Complete one thing at a time

- Encourage wild ideas

- Postpone assessment

- Build on and develop other people's ideas

Identify opportunities

The creation of new ideas can be realized by identifying existing opportunities. Here are some to create
opportunities in business:

- The scamper technique

To adjust on some part of an existing idea or process to achieve the best solution.

- Think outside the box

It is a way of thinking with opposite thoughts to reading an opportunity to be a differentiator from the

- Brainstorming

Team activity to share ideas related to a problem.

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Opportunities from challenges in starting a business

The planning process can be done by looking at the opportunities and threats of the business to be run.
Many business people who start a business or business without planning must end in failure. Opportunities
and challenges that must be prepared before starting a business.

- Digital transformation

Digital transformation, which is getting more advanced and sophisticated every day, has many benefits for
the development of today's business world. Technological developments can save time, effort, and costs
with maximum results.

- Service speed

Just as technology requires business owners to be adaptive, today's society demands products and services
that are fast-paced and practical. And if the business owner cannot fulfill this desire, the consequence is
that the business will be slowly abandoned by consumers.

- The role of human resources

Apart from adapting to technology, another thing that can be an opportunity as well as a challenge is
educating the company's human resources to be adaptive to technology.

- Changes in consumer behavior

Always wanting things quickly and practically, the challenge for today's consumers is change, both in terms
of tastes, desires and wholeness.

- Higher competition

Technological developments are able to integrate business channels so that they can be carried out without
space and time limitations.

- Zero surveillance

Business that can be conducted and controlled remotely using the website, e-mail and chat features. The
problem that often occurs with this long-distance communication method is the loss of a leader or can be
called zero surveillance.

Creating a competitive advantage in running a business

The emergence of competition and changes that are so fast, both in terms of technology, customer needs
and product cycles that are getting shorter in the business world, including businesses that are just being
started or established, is something that cannot be avoided. Every entrepreneur
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required to always understand and understand what is about market changes, consumer
desires, and the dynamics of the business industry environment. Thus, business actors
are required to choose and determine strategies that can be used to face competition.
Strategies that can be used by companies to win the competition include creating value in
the products and services they produce. Products and services are not only based on
product quality but also on the value expected by consumers. Therefore, understanding
the market is very important for companies. Entrepreneurs must have a oriented attitude

on the market. The information needed regarding the market includes the needs and
wants of consumers, the strategies implemented by competitors, as well as the
implementation of coordination between company divisions against competitors. In
addition to having a market-oriented attitude, business actors must also have an
entrepreneurial-oriented attitude. This is reflected in the willingness of business actors to
innovate, business actors being proactive in every change, and the courage to take risks
in business. This becomes the basis for planning corporate strategy and winning market competition.

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