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The Internet: A Global Network of Networks

The Internet, an intricate tapestry of interconnected computers and networks, has revolutionized
communication and information dissemination on a global scale. Originating from the U.S. Department
of Defense's ARPANET project in the 1960s, the Internet's evolution has been marked by collaborative
efforts and technological advancements. Today, it serves as a conduit for diverse entities, including
private users, businesses, academic institutions, and governments, fostering an unparalleled level of
connectivity. Internet access is facilitated by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), offering a range of options
such as broadband, wireless, and satellite connections.

The World Wide Web and Browsing

Central to the Internet's functionality is the World Wide Web (WWW), a system of interlinked hypertext
documents and multimedia content. Invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, the WWW enables users
to access information through web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Browsing the
Internet involves navigating through websites, interacting with diverse content, and utilizing online
services. The Web has become integral to daily life, serving as a platform for communication, commerce,
education, and entertainment. In addition to the Web, the Internet encompasses various services,
including email (Electronic Mail), which facilitates electronic communication, connecting individuals and
organizations across the globe. The Internet's pervasive influence continues to shape and redefine how
we interact, work, and access information in the digital age.

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