Events in Germany During The Cold War Summary Notes

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 Economic miracle in West – received economic aid ( Marshall Plan), larger than East,
larger population, greater industrial output
 Walter Ulbricht’s forced collectivization and socialization was disastrous for the
 West had a democracy (Federal Republic of Germany)
 East was rigidly Stalinist , authoritarian, no elections (German Democratic Republic)-
resulted in riots in 1953 – put down by Soviet tanks
 No further efforts to reunite the country
 Exodus of young skilled East Germans encouraged by the West.
 Divided city of Berlin allowed the west a unique propaganda and espionage base deep
into German territory
 In 1958 Khrushchev proposed a peace treaty that would recognize the two
 Berlin to be demilitarized, troops withdrawn and made a free city, otherwise would
turn over access routes to GDR allowing them to interfere
 West would be forced to negotiate with and in turn recognize GDR
 West could not contemplate losing berlin but resisting Khrushchev may risk Nuclear
 Khrushchev’s motives
o Fear of FRG acquiring nukes
o Concern over failing GDR economy
o Pressure from Walter Ulbricht
o Needed a propaganda victory - Validate USSR as the major communist power
in the region
 Eventually dropped the ultimatum but forced the west to discuss the German
 1959 – Geneva Summit to discuss German Unity but no solution reached – Paris
talks cancelled
 Khrushchev tried to renew his ultimatum with JFK in Vienna Summit 1961 (Post
Bay of Pigs) – Kennedy determined to appear tough not prepared to give any
 Khrushchev bowed to Ulbricht’s pressure – closed the border

 Defeat for Khrushchev - visible admission that the communist propaganda mission
had failed
 In the cold war dynamic Germany was removed as a key issue in negotiations
 Americans complained vigorously – at one point tanks confronted at Checkpoint
 US relieved that a war over Berlin had been averted
 Devastating for the Berliners, harbored greater resentment

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