Assignment 4 - MVP Revisited

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MVP Revisited

MVP Revisited.............................................................................................................................................2
Pivot or Go-to-Market?...............................................................................................................................2
Updated Vision............................................................................................................................................2
Updated Reason..........................................................................................................................................2
Updated Problem Hypotheses.................................................................................................................3
Updated Solution Hypotheses.................................................................................................................3
a. User Narrative................................................................................................................................4
b. First Day Experience – Day 0...........................................................................................................4
c. MVP Features.................................................................................................................................4
d. MVP-1 Live......................................................................................................................................5
e. MVP-1 Live Feedback......................................................................................................................5
Updated Strategic Differentiation...............................................................................................................5
Updated Competition..................................................................................................................................5
Updated Risks and Dependencies...............................................................................................................5
MVP Revisited
In this assignment, you will revisit your Problem/Solution Hypotheses and proposed MVP. Now
that you have feedback from your faculty members and fellow students, you can choose
to pivot or try your proposed MVP with real users (let’s call it MVP live). The groups opting for
MVP live; this is an opportunity to develop their MVP further and try it with real users. For the
groups opting for pivot ( i.e., pursue an updated set of problem/solution hypotheses), the
assignment requires you to redo the user interviews and surveys.

PIVOT group – Total 10 points

Those who choose to pivot will do a substantial amount of work in Updated Vision (0.5/10 points),
Updated Reason (0.5/10 points), Updated Problem Hypothesis (4/10 points), and Updated Solution
Hypothesis (4/10 points), Updated strategic differentiation (0.33 point), Updated competition (0.33
point), Updated risks and dependencies (0.33 point), and will spend less/no time in other sections (i.e.

MVP Live group – Total 10 points

Those who opt for MVP Live will do more work on making changes to their MVP for testing with real
users (User Narrative – 3 points, First day experience – 2 point, MVP features - 1 point, MVP live – 1.5
point, MVP-1 Live Feedback – 1.5 point), and less work in other sections (Updated Vision, Updated
Reason, Updated strategic differentiation, Updated competition, Updated risks and dependencies –
total 1 point).

Pivot or MVP live?

Clearly state whether you are opting to PIVOT or MVP live. This would determine how the assignment
gets graded.


Updated Vision
1-2 sentence description of target customers, their unmet needs, and your proposed solution.

Updated Reason
Who are your target customers – try and get precise about the segment you are targeting.
What problem are you solving?

Updated Problem Hypotheses

Outline your problem hypotheses (in the format described during the class), and the validation status.
Attach the cohort details and validation methods data (per hypotheses if different) in the Appendix,
including how and why you chose a customer cohort or a validation method.

Problem Hypotheses Validation Status

Updated Solution Hypotheses

Outline your solution hypotheses (in the format described during the class), and the validation status.
Attach the cohort details and validation methods data (per hypotheses if different) in the Appendix,
including how and why you chose a customer cohort or a validation method.

Solution Hypotheses Validation Status

Define the requirements and provide customer experience narratives. Pay careful attention to what
was mentioned in the lectures regarding MVP which has be to minimal and viable.
a. User Narrative

Describe the key interactions that your primary personas will take through the product’s user
interface with the greatest frequency. Use a customer narrative approach describing new user
experiences along with product usage scenarios, interspersing user interface wireframes and/or
detailed mocks throughout your text narrative. Be sure to specify your product’s modality, e.g.,
whether it is a native mobile app, a responsive website, desktop client software, etc.

Narrative should depict your user interface wireframes / mocks.

While the narrative should focus on users’ interactions with the product, it should also include some
description of technical activities required to support those actions. For example, “After the user
clicks pay, the site should redirect the user to a payment gateway

If your product serves both demand and supply sides, be sure to include narratives for both sides.

b. First Day Experience – Day 0

Customer Experience Narrative – New (Greenfield)

First day experience of a new customer experiencing this capability. This should start from how the
customer learns about the capability, to her setup/configuration experience, all the way to getting
productive with the solution. If there are multiple paths/approaches, mention all of them here as
distinct narratives, or as variations within the same narrative.
Outline all the features needed to light up the narratives stated above. Ensure to assign priority for
each feature and include all features related to error handling and telemetry needs.

Feature name Requirement Priority

c. MVP Features
What constitutes your MVP?

Explain why is it minimal and why is it viable?

What user need does it solve?

d. MVP-1 Live
Customer interviews (and surveys) are not enough to validate your solution hypotheses. This is
because users often don’t buy/use products that they think they would. To better validate that your
solution satisfies user needs, you will need to try your MVP-1 with real users.

You already have UI mockups/wireframes/prototypes from the last section. You can use them to get
a live version on an MVP-1. Please paste a link to you live MVP here. If that’s not feasible, please
provide screenshots of your live MVP.

e. MVP-1 Live Feedback

How did you get users’ feedback (/usage data) for your MVP-1? Present your results in a table.

Describe how the data differed or matched the data collected while doing user interviews for
solution hypothesis validation.

Updated Strategic Differentiation

Why are you best equipped to win?

Updated Competition
What existing solutions do target customers currently rely upon?

Updated Risks and Dependencies

What are your possible failure reasons?
● Privacy concerns?
● Legal/patent risks?
● Piracy concerns?
● Availability of complementors

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