1-Introduction (OS Mobile, La Plateforme Android) - Eng

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Faculty of Sciences, Computer Science department

Mobile application development


Carried out by Mr. BITIT Rahmoune

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Module content

 Mobile operating systems (iOS, WindowsPhone, Android)

 Overview of the Android platform
 The development environment
 Structure and components of mobile applications
 Building the user interface
 Use of resources: XML, images, files, etc.
 Mobile programming (JSON, SQLite, etc.)
 Deploying a mobile application

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 References
 Android 5 Programming by Example, Kyle Mew; Packt Publishing 2015.
 M. Dalmau, "Développement d'applications pour Android"
 Pierre Nerzic, "Programmation mobile avec Android"
 Jean-FrancoisLalande, "Développement Android«
 https://developer.android.com/develop/index.html
 https://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/
 https://www.javatpoint.com/android-tutorial
 http://www.tutos-android.com/
 https://android-developers.googleblog.com/
 http://www.tutos-android.com/
 ….

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Mobile operating systems

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 Introduction
 Mobile technologies (mobile phones and tablets) have become essential
tools in daily life.
 Smartphones/tablets are considered as small computers (they can
replace the laptop in different situations)
 They are becoming more and more popular due to the different mobile
operating systems which continue to develop, such as: Android, iOS and
Windows Phone.
 Mobile applications have become an essential way to create new
services for mobile users.

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 Smartphones ?
 That is to say “smart phones”.
 Are generally touchscreen, although some models still offer a
keyboard (certain BlackBerry models for example).
 In addition to calling and sending messages, smartphones allow
you to do many other things using applications: access the
Internet, read and send emails, listen to music, watch films, play
games, take photos and videos ......
 Adding applications allows you to personalize the device as

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 Smartphone, Phablette, Tablette ?

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 What is a mobile OS?

 A mobile phone has a platform that controls all of its features.

This is known as a mobile Operating System (OS).
 Commonly known as mobile OS, it is an operating system that
runs a mobile device.
 It controls all the basic operations of the mobile device like touch
screen option, Bluetooth,Wifi, camera...
 Example: iOS, Windows Phone, Android, BlackBerryOS,
Symbian, ….

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 Mobile OS

Android de Google iOS d’Apple Windows Phone de

• Developed in 2007.
• Windows Phone
• It became an open • Derived from Mac OS appeared in 2010.
platform in 2008
• Developed in 2007 • Successor to
• Free and open OS. Windows Mobile.
• Used in Apple devices.
• Major manufacturers • It doesn't find much
use Android in their place on the market.

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 Mobile OS
 Android, iOS and MS phone applications are programmed in
different programming languages.


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 Global market share of Mobile OS

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 Global market share of Mobile OS

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Types of mobile applications

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 Types of mobile applications
 Native application
 It is custom-developed using a native language (e.g. Java for
Android) and must be adapted to each operating system.
 A different version for each type of phone.
 It functions optimally.

 Web application
 Designed with HTML and CSS.
 Created to be consulted from a smartphone’s internet browser
 Accessible from any mobile device.
 Offers less functionality and performance.

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 Types of mobile applications

 Hybride application
 It is a mobile application that merges the characteristics of
the web application (development in HTML) and those of the
native application.
 It is multiplatform.
 Compared to native applications, hybrid applications are
cheaper and quicker to develop but offer less performance.

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 Types of mobile applications

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Presentation of the Android platform

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 Introduction
2004: Android emerged from the work of a startup
2005:The Android startup bought by Google
2007: Creation of the OHA (Open Handset Alliance)
• It is a consortium created by Google bringing together actors in the mobile
technology market (manufacturers, operators, software publishers).
• The goal is to develop standards for mobile devices
11-2007: Official announcement of the Android platform and release of the 1st SDK

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 Introduction
• Android was first designed for smartphones and touchscreen tablets,
then diversified into connected objects such as televisions (Android TV),
cars (Android Auto), computers (Android-x86) and smartwatches
• The Android platform offers:
• A complete development environment
• Dalvik virtual machine
• Integrated browser
• 2D and 3D graphics
• SQLite Database
• Audio and video CODEC (MPEG4, MP3, AAC, PNG, etc.)
• Hardware options: GSM telephony, camera, GPS, Wifi, Bluetooth,
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 Android versions
● Google publishes version usage distribution
● Information collected via Google Play
– link : http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html
● Here on 16/04/2019

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 Android platform architecture

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 Android platform architecture

• Android comes with a set of basic programs (called native
applications) allowing access to features such as: emails, SMS,
calendar, photos, theWeb…
• These applications are developed using the Java programming
• For the end user, it is the only accessible and visible layer

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 Android platform architecture

Application Framework
• Offers developers the ability to create extremely rich and
innovative applications
• Developers are free to take advantage of hardware, location
information, background services, set alarms, add notifications,...

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 Android platform architecture
• A set of libraries used by many components of the Android platform.
• Accessible to the developer via the Android framework.
• Examples:
Skia: 2D graphics library
OpenGL: 3D graphics library
SQLit: Application data storage
WebKit: Web navigation engine (used in the browser)

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 Android platform architecture
Android Runtime
• Dalvik VM:
• Provides a virtual machine adapted to the limitations of mobile devices.
• Dalvik allows multiple applications to run simultaneously.
• It executes bytecode dedicated to it (the .dex bytecode)
• From Android version 5, Dalvik was replaced by ART (Android Run Time)

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 Android platform architecture
Linux Kernel
• Android is based on a Linux kernel which manages
• System services, memory, processes, drivers,...
• Hardware, sensors (camera, GPS, wifi, etc.)
• It acts as an abstraction layer between hardware and software

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Development environment for Android
(Android Studio, SDK Android, AVD Manager)

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Android Studio
• The official IDE for Android
• It provides the tools to create apps on every type of Android device.
• Available for free at the link:
• https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html
Development language : Java, Kotline, XML
• Some JDK classes are not available (e.g. Swing)
Required configuration
• Microsoft Windows 8/10/11(64 bits) / Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits / Max OsX
• 4 Go de RAM minimum, 8 Go de RAM recommended;
• 4 GB recommended disk space (500 MB for IDE + 1.5 GB for Android
SDK and emulation system image)
• For an accelerated emulator: 64-bit operating system
• Java Development Kit (JDK)
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Software Development Kit (SDK) :
Is a set of software tools intended for developers,
facilitating the development of software on the Android
Android SDK provides::
• Java libraries for Android
• Images of the Android system
• An emulator for testing applications

Android Virtual Device (AVD) :

Allows you to launch and run the application on
a virtual device that emulates the behavior of an
Android device.

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Software Development Kit (SDK) :

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IDE installation :

1. Download and install the 64-bit JDK (Java Development Kit)

(Uninstall any previous versions of the JDK)

2. Download Android Studio. It contains the development environment,

the Android SDK and an emulator.

3. Run the executable to start the installation and follow the wizard

Remark :
• On first launch, the IDE automatically downloads tools necessary
for creating and compiling an Android project (SDK and Gradle)

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First Android Studio project
Creating a new project : File/New/New Project

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Choice of Android version

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Result of the project creation wizard

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Structure of an Android project
manifests : application description

java : sources, ordered by package

ressources XML files and images of the interface

Drawable: images, icons used in the interface

layout: graphical interfaces

mipmap: icons used in the interface

values : configuration values, texts...

Gradle scripts : This is the project compilation tool

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Java source code

The setContentView method loads an interface on the screen.

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AndroidManifest.xml file

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AndroidManifest.xml file

<manifest> The root of the file

The namespace android

Application package declaration

android:versionCode : an integer (positive) that indicates the current version

of the application.
Not shown to the user, but considered by the Play Store.
If we put an application with a version code higher than that of the old one, then
the Play Store considers that the application has been updated.

android:versionName : can be a string and will be shown to the user.

Example android:versionName="First alpha version - 0.01a"
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AndroidManifest.xml file

The version of Android (API 15) or higher to use this application (this
application will only be offered on Google Play if a user is using this version
of Android or higher).

The SDK version on which the application was designed and tested
.i.e. from this version we will be able to fully exploit the application

Android version or lower to use this application

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AndroidManifest.xml file

It describes the attributes and components of the application.

By default, the application has only one component, the main activity.

Setting the application icon, name, and theme

Declaration of activities

Indicates that the activity is the

entry point to the application
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Running the app on a real device
connected by USB

1. Enable Developer Mode on Android Device

1) Go to settings.
2) Go to About device.
3) Tap the “Build number” box seven (07) times, a message will appear
“You are now a developer”
4) In the settings menu, we will see a new submenu “Developer

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Running the app on a real device
connected by USB

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Running the application on a virtual device
Creating a virtual device

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Running the application on a virtual device
Creating a virtual device

3- Choose a virtual device

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Running the application on a virtual device
Creating a virtual device

4- Choose the Android OS version

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Running the application on a virtual device

Virtual device name

Advanced settings

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Running the application on a virtual device
Creating a virtual device

Advanced settings

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Running the application

2. Select a real or virtual

Android device

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