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Pearson Australia

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459–471 Church Street, Level 1, Building B
Richmond, Victoria 3121
Copyright © Pearson Australia 2023
(a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)
First published 2023 by Pearson Australia
eBook and assessment credits
Project Lead: Fiona Cooke
Content and Learning Specialists: Sam Trafford (eBook resources), Monica Schaak (assessment)
eBook Resource Authors: Liz Black, Cider House Tech and PASCO Scientific, Kaitlin Jobson,
Svetlana Marchouba, Daniela Nardelli, Bryonie Scott
Schools Programme Manager: Michelle Thomas
Production Managers: Chris Woods (eBook resources), Ilona Wallace (assessment)
Lead Development Editors (assessment): Kellyanne Martin, Nick Tapp
Development Editor (eBook resources): Naomi Campanale
Editors: Lorna Hendry (eBook resources), Piper Editorial (assessment)
Senior Rights and Permissions Analyst: Amirah Fatin Binte Mohamed Sapi’ee
Desktop Operator: Jit-Pin Chong
Illustrators: DiacriTech, QBS Learning
eBook Production Coordinator: Louise Grundy
ISBN 978 0 6557 0021 0
Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd ABN 40 004 245 943
eBook attributions
We would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce copyright material.
ACARA: © Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2010 to present,
unless otherwise indicated. This material was downloaded from the Australian Curriculum website
( (Website) (accessed 2022-23 and was not modified. The material
is licensed under CC BY 4.0 ( Version updates are tracked in
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( of the Australian Curriculum
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achievement standards (endorsed by all education Ministers), not the elaborations (examples provided
by ACARA).
Learnetic Copyright © 2014 Learnetic S.A.
Science Photo Library: Parker, David, front pages of SPARKSlab.
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE): Globally Harmonized System of
Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS Pictograms), Practical activity support.
VCAA: Selected VCE extracts from the VCE Physics Study Design (2024–2027) are copyright
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), reproduced by permission. VCE ® is a
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The Victorian Curriculum F-10 content elements are © VCAA, reproduced by permission. The
VCAA does not endorse or make any warranties regarding this resource. The Victorian Curriculum F-
10 and related content can be accessed directly at the VCAA website. This may be a modified extract
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The selection of internet addresses (URLs) provided for these resources was valid at the time of
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Indigenous Australians
We respectfully acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands upon which the many schools
throughout Australia are located. We acknowledge traditional Indigenous Knowledge systems are
founded upon a logic that developed from Indigenous experience with the natural environment over
thousands of years. This is in contrast to Western science, where the production of knowledge often
takes place within specific disciplines. As a result, there are many cases where such disciplinary
knowledge does not reflect Indigenous worldviews, and can be considered offensive to Indigenous
Some of the images used in Heinemann Physics 12 5th edition eBook + Assessment might have
associations with deceased Indigenous Australians. Please be aware that these images might cause
sadness or distress in Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities.
Practical activities
All practical activities, including the illustrations, are provided as a guide only and the accuracy of
such information cannot be guaranteed. Teachers must assess the appropriateness of an activity and
take into account the experience of their students and facilities available. Additionally, all practical
activities should be trialled before they are attempted with students and a risk assessment must be
completed. All care should be taken and appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment
should be worn when carrying out any practical activity. Although all practical activities have been
written with safety in mind, Pearson Australia and the authors do not accept any responsibility for the
information contained in or relating to the practical activities, and are not liable for loss and/or injury
arising from or sustained as a result of conducting any of the practical activities described in this

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