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Planet and Profession

Sun Politician, Physician, Gold smith, Government servant, politics, minister, Prime
minister, chief minister, president, Association president, Business if 10 th lord
connected with 7th and if with 6th then will do Job, IAS, IPS officer, For becoming
surgeon also Sun is clubbed with 5th house or Mars, Medicine
Moon Water, Milk, liquid supplier, Farming, care taking industry, bursing, sailer
merchant, navy, travel agent, water department, liquid seller, rice seller
Mars Engineering, tool related, knife related job or business where he has use knife,
hardware shop, action forces, builder Mars & Saturn, mining, gym sun & mars &
1st house, Fire brigade, blood bank Mars+Moon+sun, Instrument manufacturing,
any tool used by person will have influence of Mars
Aries is cutting Mars – here person will use tool used for cutting etc
Scorpio is underground Mars – here person will do underground work like
Mer Information Passing are mercury, Maths teacher, Accounts teacher, writer,
Author, book seller, Broker, Trader, Detailing, Researcher, Analyst, Import
export, publisher, librarian, astrologer, clothes, stationary, any copier like
photography, xerox, newspaper
Virgo rashi in 12th house becomes Chartered Accountant
Jup Pandit, priest, teacher, banker, temple trustee, insurance department, finance
department, judge
If moon from 3rd house gives 90 hit to jup will have bank issue.
Ven Actor, jwellery, artist, musician, beauty parlor, luxury seller, five star hotelier,
wine shop only wine not alcohol, makeup artist, beauty related, money lending,
account auditor, bank commissioner, LIC department, cinema, marriage hall,
venus + Rahu is adultery industry.
Sat Watchman, peon, labor, servant advocate Sat+Jup, chemical industry, defence,
smuggling, corruption, prison department, Saturn foreign tradem slavery,
antique seller, Second hand car seller, bhangaar/scrap buyer/seller, Explosive,
poisonous chemical Rahu+Sat, Pesticides
Rahu Shoe maker, Leather shoe if Sat+Rahu, Car driver, shoe polisher, building worker,
actor, photographer, radio/tv repair, information technology, drug dealer
Ketu Doctor because of Ashwini Nakshatra, Yogu, Fakir, Occult, Siddh Purush,
Mustism, Wire related, Snake Charmer, Faith healer, reiki healer, begger

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