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1. BEZAWIT GETU…………………………………0600407
2. BEZAWIT TEMESGEN………………………….0600410
3. BIEZAYE NIGUSSIE……………………………..0600000
4. BETELHEM WONDIM…………………………..0600000
5. BETELHEM DEBRU…………………………….0600000
6. BETELHEM ZELALEM…………………………0600000



APPROVAL ................................................................................................................ I
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................................. II
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................... III
1. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................ 1
2. CHAPTER 2 ROOF ANALAYSIS AND DESIGN ................................................. 1
2.1. ROOF LAYOUT ........................................................................................... 1
2.2. WIND LOAD ANALAYSIS ............................................................................ 1
2.3. DESIGN OF PURLIN ................................................................................... 7
2.4. ANALYSIS & DESIGN OF TRUSS ............................................................ 12
3. CHAPTER 3 DESIGN OF SLAB ....................................................................... 16
3.1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 16
3.2. SLAB CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................... 16
3.2.1. SOLID SLAB....................................................................................... 16
3.2.2. RIBBED SLAB .................................................................................... 16
3.3. DEPTH DETERMINATION ........................................................................ 16
3.4. DESIGN LOAD CALCULATION ................................................................ 31
3.5. MOMENT DISTRIBUTION FOR EACH PANEL ......................................... 31
3.5.1. MOMENT ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN SUPPORTS ............................ 44
3.6. RIBBED SLAB DESIGN............................................................................. 47
3.6.1. DESIGN OF REINFORCEMENTS ...................................................... 62
4. CHAPTER 4 STAIR CASE DESIGN ................................................................. 95
5. CHAPTER 5 FRAME ANALYSIS .................................................................... 118
5.1. LATERAL LOAD ANALYSIS .................................................................... 118
5.2. CALCULATION OF CENTER OF MASS ................................................. 123
5.3. LOAD TRANSFER ................................................................................... 132
5.4. 3D MODELING OF FRAME STRUCTURE USING ETABS ..................... 133
6. CHAPTER 6 BEAM DESIGN .......................................................................... 134
6.1. DESIGN OF BEAM FOR FLEXURE AND SHEAR ................................... 134
7. CHAPTER 7 COLUMN DESIGN ..................................................................... 150
8. DESIGN OF FOUNDATION ............................................................................ 187
8.1. REINFORCEMENT DESIGN ................................................................... 202
9. CAPTER 9 REFERENCE ............................................................................... 239




Figure 2-1: section view of roof truss



 Height of the building = 16.5m

 Roof type duo – pitch
 Our building structure to be designed is located on Bahir Dar which is
categorize under seismic zone 0, terrain categories lake or flat and its
grouped under terrain category 1
 The altitude of Bahir Dar is found 1800m above MSL
 For terrain category 1 site are characterized with the following
 Zo=0.01m ES EN -1991:2004 Art 4.3.2 table 4.1
 Z min = 1 m
Where Zo – roughness length
Zmin – minimum height
Determination of peak velocity pressure
Basic wind velocity
Vb = C dir *C season *V b,0 ES EN-1991: 2004 section 4.2
V b – basic wind velocity defined as a function of wind direction and time of year at
10 m above ground of terrain category 2
V b,0 – fundamental value of basic wind velocity Vb,0= 22m/s
C dir – directional factor to be taken as 1.0

C season – season factor to be taken as 1.0
Vb = 22m/s*1*1 = 22m/s

Mean wind velocity

The mean wind velocity Vm (z) at a height Z above the terrain depends on terrain
roughness and orography and on the basic wind velocity

V m(Z)= Cr(z)* Co(z)* Vb ES EN-1991: 2004 section 4.3

Terrain roughness
The roughness factors , Cr(z) , account for the variability of the mean wind velocity at
the site of the structure due to the height above ground level and the ground roughness
of the terrain up wind of the structure in the wind direction considered
Cr(z) = Kr * ln (Z/Zo) for Z min ≤ Z ≤ Z max ES EN 1991: 2004 Art 4.3.2
C r(z) = C r(Zmin) for Z ≤ Z min
Where Zo roughness length
Kr terrain factor depending on the roughness length Z0
Kr = 0.19 *( Z0 / Z0,11 )0.07
Z0,11 = 0.05m ( terrain category ΙΙ, table 4.1)
Z max is taken as 200 m
Kr = 0.19 *(0.01 / 0.05 ) 0.07 = 0.17
Cr(Z) = 0.17 * ln (16.5 / 0.01) = 1.26

Terrain orography
Where orography ( e.g. hills , cliffs etc. ) increases wind velocities by more than 5%
the effect should be taken into account using the orography factor Co , but in Bahir
Dar there is no hills and cliffs so we take Co = 1.0
Vm (Z) = Cr (Z)* Co (Z) * Vb
= 1.26 * 1.0 *22m/s = 27.71m/s

Wind turbulence
The turbulence intensity lv (Z) at height Z is defined as the standard deviation of the
turbulence divided by the mean wind velocity
𝜎𝑣 𝑘𝑙
lv (Z) =𝑉𝑚(𝑍) = 𝑍 for Zmin ≤ Z ≤ Zmax 4 ES EN 1991:2004 Art
𝐶𝑜(𝑍)∗ln( )
lv (Z) = lv (Zmin) for Z < Zmin

Kl is the turbulent factor taken as 1.0
lv (z) is turbulent intensity
lv(z) = 16.5 = 0.135
1∗ln( )
peak velocity pressure qp(z)
qp (Z) = [ 1+ 7*lv (Z)] *0.5*𝜌*V2m(Z) = Ce (Z)*qb ES EN 1991:2004
Art 4.5
𝜌 is the air density ,which is taken as 1.25 kg/m3
Ce(z) is exposure factor given as Ce(z) = 𝑞𝑏
qb is the basic velocity pressure
qb = ½(𝜌*V2b)
qp = [1+7 (0.135)*0.5*1.25*27.712 = 933.41 N/m2 =0.93341 KN /m 2

External pressure calculation

According to ES EN 1991:2004 ART 7.25, The duo pitch roof including protruding
parts should be divided in zones as shown in the figure.

Figure 2-2:zone for wind direction

Case 1 external pressure coefficient when the wind is perpendicular to the ridge(
𝜃 =00)
Reference height, Ze= 16.5
Ze = h = 16.5 (height of the building)
b = 10.5 m (cross wind dimension)
e = b or 2h whichever is smaller
e = min (10.5 , 2*16.5) =min. (10.5 , 33) = 10.5 m
hence the values are e/4 = 2.625m, e/10 = 1.05m
To determine the external pressure coefficient Cpe for buildings and parts of building
depends on the size of the loaded area A ,
Areas of roof zones

Zone Area (m2)

F 2.625 * 1.05 = 2.76

G 5.25 * 1.05 = 5.51

H 1.95 * 10.5 = 20.48

J 1.05 * 10.5 = 11.03

I 1.95 * 10.5 = 20.48

Table 1: area of roof zone for case 1

The recommended procedure for loaded areas up to 10m2 is given in the figure below

Table 2: Recommended procedure for determining the external pressure coefficient Cpe for building with
a loaded area A between 1m2 & 10m2

To determine the pressure on the roof section uses the following data
Cpe = Cpe,1 for A ≤ 1 m2
Cpe = Cpe,1 - (Cpe,1 -Cpe,10) log10 A for 1 m2 ≤ A ≤10 m2
Cpe=Cpe,10 for A ≥ 10m2
Assume the height of the roof 0.8m, so the pitch angle can be calculated as
𝜃 = tan−1( ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑓 /𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑓)
𝜃 = tan−1 ( 3 ) = 150
Zone Cpe,1 (-ve) Cpe,10 (-ve) Cpe (+ve)

F -2.0 -0.9 0.2

G -1.5 -0.8 0.2

H - -0.3 0.2

J - -1.0 0.0

I - -0.4 0.0

Table 3: external wind pressure coefficients for case 1

Calculation of external pressure coefficient which areas are less than 10m2
For zone F
Cpe = -2.0 – ( -2.0-(-0.9))*log 10 2.76 = -1.52
For zone G
Cpe = -1.50-(-1.5-(0.8))*log 10* 5.51 = -0.98
Case 2 external wind pressure coefficients for wind direction parallel to the ridge (𝜃 =
e = 10.5, e/4 = 2.625 , e/10 = 1.05
Area calculation for each zone

F 2.625*1.05=2.76
G 2.625*1.05=2.76
H 4.2*5.25=22.05
I 0.75*5.25=3.94
Table 4: area of roof zone for case 2

For pitch angle 150

Zone Cpe,1 Cpe,10
F -2.0 -1.3
G -2.0 -1.3
H -0.6
I -0.5
Table 5: external wind pressure coefficient for case 2

Calculation of external pressure coefficient which areas are less than 10m2
For zone F
Cpe = -2.0 – ( -2.0-(-1.3))*log 10 2.76 = -1.69
For zone G
Cpe = -2.0 – ( -2.0-(-1.3))*log 10 2.76 = -1.69
Determination of internal pressure coefficient
According to ES EN 1991:2004 Art 7.2.9
When the area of the openings at the dominant face is twice the area of the openings in
the remaining

Cpi = 0.75 * Cpe

When the area of the openings at the dominant face is at least 3 times the area of the
openings in the
remaining faces,

Cpi = 0.90 * Cpe

In our building the area of opening at the dominant face = 208.62m2 , and the area of
opening in the remaining face is 68.85m2
Therefore the area of opening at the dominant face is is 3 times the area of the
openings in the remaining face
Cpi = 0.75 * Cpe

Where cpe is the value for the external pressure coefficient at the openings in the
dominant face. When these openings are located in zones with different values of
external pressures an area weighted
Average value of should be used.

Then the average values for two cases (i.e when wind direction is 00 & 900)
Cpe = = -0.84 for case 1 (when 𝜃 = 00)
Cpe = = -1.12 for case 2 (when 𝜃 =900)
Cpi = 0.9*Cpe = 0.9*(-0.84) = -0.76 for case 1 (when 𝜃 = 00)
Cpi = 0.9*Cpe = 0.9*(-1.12) = -1.0 for case 2 (when 𝜃 =900)
Net wind pressure value on each zone when wind is perpendicular to ridge (𝜃 = 00)
Zone F G H J I
Cpe(+ve) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0
Cpe(-ve) -1.52 -0.98 -0.3 -1.0 -0.4
Cpi -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76
(Cpe – 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.76 0.76
(Cpe-Cpi)- -0.76 -0.22 0.46 -0.24 0.12
Table 6: net wind pressure coefficient for case 1

To calculate net wind load, out of these zones coefficient for zone F, G & H are
similar and critical, hence the load is considered based on the critical value.
Wnet = Wext – Wint
=qp (Z) * (Cpe – Cpi) qp =0.933KN/m2
Wnet =0.933*0.96 = 0.9KN/m2 (pressure)

Net wind pressure value on each zone when wind is parallel to ridge (𝜃 =900)
Zone F G H I
Cpe -1.69 -1.69 -0.6 -0.5
Cpi -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0
Cpe-Cpi -0.69 -0.69 0.4 0.5
Table 7:net wind pressure coefficient for case2

To calculate net wind load, out of these zones coefficient for zone F & H are similar
and critical, hence the load is considered based on the critical value.
Wnet =0.933*0.69= -0.64KN/m2 (suction)
Purlin c/c spacing=1m
Truss c/c spacing= 1.22
Design Load
Density=1.2g/cm3 *1\1000*106=12000Kg/m3
Dead load transferred from the roof cover (Acrylic sheet) will be approximated as:
Acrylic sheet=Thickness * unit weight of material
Loads on purlin
 Dead load
Dead load from Acrylic sheet =o.071KN/m2 *1m
Purlin size RT32 30*20*2.5 from kality hallow section specification
Weight/meter= 1.64Kg/m *9.81m/s2= 16.09N/m = 0.0161KN/m
Total dead load =DL acrylic sheet + DL purlin
=0.071+0.0161 = 0.0871KN/m
 Load perpendicular to the rafter
=0.0871*cos 150 =0.084KN/m
 Load parallel to the rafter
=0.0814*sin 150= 0.023KN/m
 Live load
Roofs shall be categorized According to their accessibility in to three categories. ES
EN 1991.1, article as shown below.

Categories of loaded Specific use
H Roofs not accessible except for normal maintenance and
I Roofs accessible with occupancy according to categories
A to D
K Roofs accessible for special service, such as helicopter
landing areas.
Table 8: categorization of roofs

Now our roofs are categories under H, Roofs not accessible except for normal
maintenance and repair.
Imposed load
For category H the following values are given according to ES EN 1991.1 table
6.9 ART 6.3.4
qk = 0.4 kN/m2
Qk = 1.0 kN
 uniformly distributed live load
 Load perpendicular to rafter
 Load parallel to the rafter
 Concentrated load
= 1KN
 Load perpendicular to the rafter
=1KN*cos150 =0.966KN
 Load parallel to the rafter
 Wind load
Suction Wnet=-o.64KN/m2*1m=-0.64KN/m
pressure Wnet=0.9KN/m2*1m=0.9KN/m

Load combination
1. 1.35DL
2. 1.35DL + 1.5LL
3. 1.35DL +/- 1.5WL
4. 1.00DL +/- 1.5WL
5. 1.35DL + 1.35LL + 1.35WL

1) Dead load
U =1.35DL
PD,⏊ = 1.35*0.084 = 0.1134KN/m
PD,⫽⫽ = 1.35*0.023 = 0.0311KN/m
2) Dead load +live load
 Dead load + distributed live load
U = 1.35 DL + 1.5 LL
PD,⏊ = 1.35*0.084KN/m + 1.5*0.386KN= 0.6924KN/m
PD,⫽⫽ = 1.35*0.023KN/m + 1.5*0.104KN = 0.1871KN/m
 Dead load + concentrated live load
U = 1.35 DL + 1.5 LL
PD,⏊ = 1.35*0.084KN/m + 1.5*0.0966KN=0.1134 KN/m + 0.1449KN
PD,⫽⫽ = 1.35*0.023KN/m + 1.5*0.259KN = 0.0311KN/m +0.3885KN
3) Dead load + wind load
 Dead load + wind load
U = 1.35DL + 1.5WL
PD,⏊ = 1.35 *0.084+ 1.5 * 0.9 = 1.4634KN/m
PD,⫽⫽ = 1.35 *0.023KN/m + 1.5 * 0.9KN/m = 1.3811KN/m
 Dead load - wind load
U = 1.35DL - 1.5WL
PD,⏊ = 1.35 *0.084 - 1.5 * 0.64 = -0.8466KN/m
PD,⫽⫽ = 1.35 *0.023KN/m - 1.5 * 0.64KN/m = -0.929KN/m
4) Dead load + wind load
 Dead load + wind load
U = 1DL + 1.5WL
PD,⏊ = 1 *0.084+ 1.5 * 0.9 = 1.434KN/m
PD,⫽⫽ = 1 *0.023KN/m + 1.5 * 0.9KN/m = 1.373KN/m
 Dead load - wind load
U = 1DL - 1.5WL
PD,⏊ = 1 *0.084 - 1.5 * 0.64 = -0.876KN/m
PD,⫽⫽ = 1*0.023KN/m - 1.5 * 0.64KN/m = -0.937KN/m
5) Dead load +live load + wind load
 Dead load +distributed live load + wind load
U = 1.35DL +1.35LL+ 1.5WL
PD,⏊ = 1.35 *0.084+1.35 *0.386 + 1.35 * 0.9 = 1.8495KN/m
PD,⫽⫽ = 1.35 *0.023KN/m +1.35 * 0.104 + 1.35 * 0.9KN/m = 1.522KN/m
 Dead load +distributed live load - wind load
U = 1.35DL +1.35LL+ 1.5WL
PD,⏊ = 1.35 *0.084+1.35 *0.386 - 1.35 * 0.64 = -0.2295KN/m

PD,⫽⫽ = 1.35 *0.023KN/m +1.35 * 0.104 - 1.35 * 0.64KN/m = -0.6926KN/m
 Dead load +concentrated live load + wind load
U = 1.35DL +1.35LL+ 1.5WL
PD,⏊ = 1.35 *0.084+1.35 *0.0966 + 1.35 * 0.9 = 1.3284KN/m + 0.1304KN
PD,⫽⫽ = 1.35 *0.023KN/m +1.35 * 0.259 + 1.35 * 0.9KN/m = 1.2461KN/m +
 Dead load +concentrated live load - wind load
U = 1.35DL +1.35LL+ 1.5WL
PD,⏊ = 1.35 *0.084+1.35 *0.0966 - 1.35 * 0.64 = -0.7506KN/m + 0.1304KN
PD,⫽⫽ = 1.35 *0.023KN/m +1.35 * 0.259 - 1.35 * 0.64KN/m = -1.184KN/m + 0.3497
 Critical load combination
Dead load +distributed live load + wind load
U = 1.35DL +1.35LL+ 1.5WL
PD,⏊ = 1.35 *0.084+1.35 *0.386 + 1.35 * 0.9 = 1.8495KN/m
From kality specification and manual
Dimension and sectional property
Weight/meter= 1.64Kg/m *9.81m/s2= 16.09N/m
Area of the section (A) = 2.09cm2


inde modules

NOM WALL Weigh Area X-axis Y-axis X- Y-axis

I TICK t per axis
H*B Ix Sx Iy sy ry Wplx Wply

Mm Mm Kg Cm2 Cm4 Cm3 c Cm Cm cm Cm3 Cm3

m 4 3

RT3 30*2 2.5 1.64 2.09 2.21 1.47 1. 1.15 1.15 0.74 1.92 1.44
2 0 03
Table 9: hollow section properties

 Classification of the cross section

The nominal values of the yield strength fy and the ultimate tensile strength fu for hot
rolled steel are given in ES EN 1992-2015 ART 3.2.2 Table 3.1 for steel grade Fe 430
for t ≤ 40mm
 fy = 275 Mpa
 fu = 430 Mpa
 E = 200 Gpa

235 235
ε=√ = = 0.92
fγ 275

From ES EN 1992-2015 ART 5.3.4 Table 5.3.1 Maximum width-to-thickness ratios

for compression elements
When web subjected to bending
d = h – 3t = 30 – 3(2.5) = 22.5
d/tw ≤ 72 ε => 22.5/2.5 = 9 ≤ 72*0.92
9 ≤ 66.24………….class 1
Internal flange element – section in bending
b/tf ≤ 33 ε …………20/2.5 =8 ≤ 33*0.92
8 ≤ 30.36……….class 1
The entire section is class 1 plastic section
From SAP Analysis
 Maximum moment = 0.38KNm

Table 10: purlin moment diagram

 Maximum shear = 0.85KN

Table 11: purlin shear force diagram

 Design for Bending moment
According to ES EN 1992:2015 Art 5.4.5, the design value of the bending moment
MSd at each cross-section shall satisfy:
Where Mc,rd is design moment resistance of cross-section taken as
Design plastic resistance moment of gross-section
Mpc,rd = γmo
Mpc,rd= 1.1
= 380000Nm
= 0.38KNm> 0.37KNm safe
 Design for shear force
According to ES EN 1992 ART 5.4.6 the design value of shear force Vsd at each x
section shall satisfy
Vsd ≤ vpl,rd
𝑓𝑦 1
Where vpl,rd = Av(√3) 𝛾𝑚𝑜 design plastic shear resistance
The shear area Av may be taken as follows:
rolled rectangular hollow sections of uniform thickness: load parallel to depth
Av = Ah/(b + h) where A is the cross-section area
b is the overall breadth
d is the depth of the web
h is the overall depth
Av = (30+20) = 125.4mm2
Vpl,rd = 125.4 ( ) = 18.1KN
18.1KN >> 0.85KN safe !!!!
 Design for deflection
Recommended limiting value for vertical deflection roof generally from ESEN 1993:
2015 Art4.2.3 Table 4.1
𝛿𝑚𝑎𝑥 = L/250
𝛿 = L/250
L/250 =1220/250 = 4.88mm
From SAP Analysis the maximum deflection is 0.001618m = 1.618mm
1.618mm < 4.88 mm safe!!!!


Loads on truss
The reaction from the purlin should be multiplied by two since a single truss carries the
reaction from adjacent purlins.

The reactions are applied at each node. (I.e. intersection b/n purlin & truss.
Self -weight of truss

 Is included by defining a trial section

 ST-30 with thickness 2.5mm for all top, bottom & vertical members

Weight per meter = 2.03kg/m

Total load = weight per meter * gravity
Total load = 2.03kg/m * 9.81m/s2 = 19.91N/m
= 0.02KN/m
Reaction on the nodes of truss
 Dead load = 0.12KN
 Live load = 0.96KN
 Wind load = 1.1KN

Table 12: joint load transferred from the purlin

Then we take trial section ST, 30*30*2.5mm from kality specification manual.
 From SAP 2000 Analysis results for each member

 Member AD for top chord (C) =1.27KN

 Member DG for top chord (C) = 1.27KN
 Member D for vertical brace (T) = 0.15KN
 Member AD for bottom chord (T) = 1.19KN

 Member DG for bottom chord (T) =1.19KN
Since the top, bottom & vertical members have the same section, the section will be
designed for the critical compression & tension from all the members.
 Critical axial force for design
 Compression = -1.27KN
 Tension = 1.19KN
Check top, bottom & vertical chords
Assume the same steel cross section with dimension of 30*30*2.5mm SHS, with the
following properties of the section.
Weight per meter = 2.03Kg/m r = 1.1cm
Area = 2.59cm2 s = wpl = 2.61cm3
I =3.16cm4 It = 5.4cm4
Z = 2.1cm3 Ct = 3.2Cm3
 Classify steel section
According to ES EN 1993: 2015 Art 5.3.4 table 5.3.1 maximum width-to-thickness
ratios for compression elements for section in compression.
235 235
(b – 3*tf)/tf ≤ 42 ε ε = √ fγ = = 0.92

(30 – 3*2.5)/2.5 = 9 ≤ 42 *0.92 = 38.64 the section is classified under class 1

When web subjected to compression
d= h – 3t = 30 – (3*2.5) = 22.5
d/t ≤ 33 ε
22.5/2.5 = 9 ≤ 33*0.92 = 30.36 the section is classified under class 1
Plastic resistance of the gross section according to ES EN 1992: 2015 art 5.4.4
Npl,RD = A*fy/γ m1 =259*275/1.1 = 64.75 KN
Npl,RD = 64.75 KN >> Nt ,sd = 1.27 KN …………………….OK
For the compression member
Weight per meter = 2.03Kg/m r = 1.1cm
Area = 2.59cm2 s = wpl = 2.61cm3

I =3.16cm4 It = 5.4cm4
Z = 2.1cm3 Ct = 3.2Cm3

 Classify steel section flange

According to ES EN 1993: 2015 Art 5.3.4 table 5.3.1 maximum width-to-thickness
ratios for compression elements for section in compression.
235 235
(b – 3*tf)/tf ≤ 42 ε ε = √ fγ = = 0.92

(30 – 3*2.5)/2.5 = 9 ≤ 42 *0.85 = 35.7 the section is classified under class 1

When web subjected to compression
d= h – 3t = 30 – (3*2.5) = 22.5
d/t ≤ 33 ε
22.5/2.5 = 9 ≤ 33*0.85 = 28.05 the section is classified under class 1
From ES EN 1993: 2015 art 5.5 the design buckling resistance of a compression
member shall be taken as
Nb,rd = XBAAfy/γm1
Where BA =1 for class 1, 2 or 3 cross – section
X is the reduction for the relevant buckling mode.
Values of the reduction factor X for the appropriate non-dimensional slenderness may
be obtained from Table 5.5.2.
Non – dimensional slenderness ratio λ
For steel grade F400 λ1 = 93.9 ε = 93.9* 0.92 = 86.388
Slenderness ratio for both axes λ = 𝑖 = 101.5/3.16 = 32.12

Non –dimensional slenderness ratio,λ = λ1/λ *√BA) =32.12/86.388*√ 1 = 0.372

h/b = 30/30 = 1 tf = 2.5mm < 40mm
From ES EN 1993: 2015 from table5.5.3 Selection of buckling curve for a cross-
section use curve a for SHS sections determine the reduction factor.
X = 0.9428 by interpolation
The buckling resistance Nb,rd = XBAAfy/γm1
= 0.9428 *1 *259 *275 /1.1

Nb,RD = 61.05KN >> 1.27KN …………………………….OK!


In our project B+G+ 4 contains 3 solid slabs and 3 ribbed slab section which is
Ground , First & roof floors are solids and Second , Third and Fourth floors are ribbed
Can be classified as one way or two way slab based on span ratio. This is
Ly/Lx >2 as one way slab
Ly/Lx <= 2 as two way slab where Ly- longer direction of slab
Lx- shorter direction of slab
mostly one way slab type also low cost structure section because it contains hollow
concrete block and less concrete section than other type of slab.


The thickness (depth) of the slab is checked for deflection requirement.
1. Determine Material Design values /specification/

 Concrete Steel
fyk 400
C25/30, fck = 25 Fyd = γs = 1.15 = 347.82 MPa
fcd = Es = 200GPa
fcd = =14.17MPa
Ec = 30GPa

2. Determine Geometry/Dimension
Consider one meter strip width, b=1000mm
D=effective depth (d) +Φlon/2
In order to determine the depth of the slab, first it is needed to find concrete cover and
effective depth.
a. Concrete Cover Determination
 The nominal concrete cover is the distance b/n the surface of reinforcement
closest to the nearest concrete surface (including links and stirrups).
Cnom = Cmin + ΔCdev ES EN 1992: 2015 𝐴𝑟𝑡 4.4.12(1)

Where; 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 − 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 Δ𝐶𝑑𝑒𝑣 𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟
Minimum cover, shall provide in order to ensure
 Safe transmission of bond force
 Corrosion resistance/ Durability
 Fire resistance
𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛+ Δ𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟, 𝛾 − Δ𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟, – Δ𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟,add
Cmin, b
10 mm
 Cmin,b -minimum cover due to bond requirement, Cmin,dur - minimum cover
due to environmental conditions
 ΔCdur,γ- additive safety element
 ΔCdur,st -reduction of minimum cover for use of stainless steel
 ΔCdur,add -reduction of minimum cover for use of additional protection

But; the recommended value of ΔCdur,γ , ΔCdur,st , and ΔCdur,add is zero

Cover Design for Bond

In order to transmit bond forces safely and to ensure adequate compaction of the
concrete, the minimum cover should not be less than Cmin,b given in ESEN
1992:2015 Table 4.2.

Bond Requirement

Type of steel Minimum Cover Cmin,b*

Ordinary Diameter of bar

Bundled Equivalent Diameter (Øn)

If the nominal maximum aggregate size is greater than 32mm Cmin,b should be
increased by 5mm
Table 13: minimum cover, Cmin,b, requirements with regard to bond

Assume Φ10 longitudinal bar and Φ20 nominal maximum aggregate size;
Therefore; Cmin,b=10mm

Cover Design for Corrosion/Durability

The condition of exposure is given to be XC2

Class Description of the Informative examples
Designation environment where exposure classes
may occur
1 No risk of corrosion or attack
2 Corrosion induced by carbonation
XC1 Dry or permanently wet Concrete inside buildings
with low air humidity
Concrete permanently
submerged in water
XC2 Wet, rarely dry Concrete surfaces subject
to long-term water
Many foundations
XC3 Moderate humidity Concrete inside buildings
with moderate or high air
External concrete
sheltered from rain
XC4 Cyclic wet and dry Concrete surfaces subject
to water contact, not
within exposure class
Table 14: exposure classes related to environmental conditions in accordance with EN 206 - 1

Structural Class
Criterion Exposure Class according to Table 4.1
X0 XC1 XC2 / XC4 XD1
XD3 / XD2 /
XC3 XS2 / XS1
Service Life increase increase Increase increase increase increase increase
of class by class by class by class by class by class by class by
100 years 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Strength ≥C30/37 ≥C30/37 ≥C35/45 ≥C40/50 ≥C40/50 ≥C40/50 ≥C45/55
Class reduce reduce reduce reduce reduce reduce reduce
class by class by class by class by class by class by class by
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Table 15: Expousure class to determine Cmin,dur

Exposure classes according to table 4.1

Carbonation-induced Chloride-induced Chloride-induced
corrosion corrosion corrosion from
3 4 1 2 2 3
Indicativ C20/2 C25/3 C30/37 C30/37 C35/4 C30/3 C35/45
e 5 0 5 7
Table 16: indicative minimum strength class

According to our building the exposure class will be Xc2 for the solid slab of the
terrace (roof slab) and exposure class Xc1 for the rest slabs. Then the exposure class
Xc1and Xc2 to determine C min, dur reduced class by 1
Member with slab geometry
Indicative minimum strength class
The indicative strength class Xc2 → c25/c30
Note: The recommended Structural Class (design working life of 50 years) is S4 for
the indicative concrete strengths given in Annex E and the recommended
modifications to the structural class is given in Table 4.3N. But based on the above
table the exposure class is reduce by 1 and the structural class would be S3.
Therefore the value of minimum cover required for durability of reinforcement steel is
determined using ES EN 1992:2015 table 4.4N. The structural class would be S3

Environmental Requirement for cmin (mm)

Structural Exposure Class according to Table 4.1
class X0 XC1 XC2 / XC4 XD1 / XD2 / XS2
XC3 XS1 XD3 / XS3
1 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
2 10 15 25 30 35 40 45
3 10 20 30 35 40 45 50
4 10 25 35 40 45 50 55
5 15 30 40 45 50 55 60
6 20 35 45 50 55 60 65
Table 17: values of minimum cover, Cmin,dur, requirements with regard to durability for prestressing

Cmin,dur = 20mm
Cmin = max Cmin ,b= 10mm
Cmin = 20mm

Cmin = 20mm
allowance in Design for Variation, ΔCdev
Note: The value of ΔCdev for use in a Country may be found in its National Annex.
The recommended value is 10 mm. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑛;
∆𝐶dev = 10mm

Cover Design for Fire

For the slab to sustain fire incident for 60 minutes the required cover and minimum
height of the section can be determined form Table 5.8 0f EN 1992-1-2

Standard fire Minimum Dimensions(mm)

Standard Axis Distance a
Thickness, hs(mm)
Two way
Ly/Lx≤ 1.5 1.5< 𝐿𝑦/𝐿𝑥 ≤ 2
REI30 10 10 10
REI60 20 10 15
REI90 30 15 20
REI120 40 20 25
REI180 55 30 40
REI240 65 40 50
Table 18: minimum dimensions and axis distance for reinforced and prestressed concrete simply
supported one-way and two-way solid slabs

Take – 60 min fire resistance

REI – 60
Cfire = 10mm
Slab thickness (hs) = 80mm
Governing Cover for Design
Governing cover accounting for
 Corrosion=
 Bond/Durability =30
 Fire =10


b. Effective Depth Determination: Serviceability requirement

According to ES EN 1992:2015; the limit state of deformation may be checked by
 By limiting the span/depth ratio, according to 7.4.2 or
 By comparing a calculated deflection, according to 7.4.3, with a limit value

𝑙/𝑑= [11+1.5√𝑓𝑐𝑘𝜌𝑜/𝜌+3.2√(𝜌𝑜/𝜌−1)3/2]∗𝐹1∗𝐹2∗𝐹3
…………….𝑖𝑓 𝜌≤𝜌𝑜 𝐴𝑟𝑡.7.4.2
……………..𝑖𝑓 𝜌≥𝜌𝑜 𝐴𝑟𝑡.7.4.2

l/d - is the limit span/depth
K -is the factor to take into account the different structural systems
ρo - is the reference reinforcement ratio =10−3√𝑓𝑐𝑘
ρ - is the required tension reinforcement ratio at mid-span to resist the moment due to
the design loads (at support for cantilevers)
ρ’ - is the required compression reinforcement ratio at mid-span to resist the moment
due to design loads (at support for cantilevers) fck is in MPa units.
F2=0.8, for flanged sections where the ratio of the flange breadth to the rib breadth
exceeds 3. Otherwise; F2=1 for other cases.
F3=7/leff , For beams and slabs, other than flat slabs, with spans exceeding 7 m, which
support partitions liable to be damaged by excessive deflections (leff in meters Or
F3=8.5/leff, For flat slabs where the greater span exceeds 8.5 m, and which support
partitions liable to be damaged by excessive deflections (leff in meters). Otherwise;
F3=1 for both cases.

Panel- 2
Initially we can’t know ρ and ρ’. So let’s assume ρ= ρo and use equation 7.16a.
As,req = As, provided.

𝑙/𝑑=𝐾∗𝑁∗𝐹1∗𝐹2∗𝐹3 𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒;

𝑁=11+1.5√ /𝜌+3.2√(𝜌𝑜/𝜌−1)3/2 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝜌𝑜=𝜌 (𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛)


F2=1 and F3=1 (because span of slab≤7m) 𝑁𝑜𝑤: 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐾 𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 7.4𝑁 𝑜𝑓
𝐸𝑆 𝐸𝑁1992:2015
500 500
F1 = As req =400=1.25
As provided

F2=1 and F3=1 (because span of slab≤7m) 𝑁𝑜𝑤: 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐾 𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 7.4𝑁 𝑜𝑓
𝐸𝑆 𝐸𝑁1992:2015

l/d = K*N*F1*F2*F3, F1=1.25 , F2=1 ,F3=1 & K=1.3

l =5.25m = 5250mm
5.25/d = 30.06 d (Effective depth) = 174.65mm
Depth D= d+d’
Where d’ = cover + ∅ , ∅𝑙𝑜𝑛 = 10𝑚𝑚
d’ = 30 +10/2 = 35 mm
D = 174.65mm + 35mm = 209.65 mm≈ 210 𝑚𝑚
Now d =D – d’ =210 – 35 = 175 mm

Design of roof slab (Terrace)

In the roof slab there are:
• Slabs with four sides support
• Cantilever Slabs
We have calculated the depth accordingly as tabulated below
Panels cover(mm) K N F1 F2 F3 l(mm) l/d d D
TP -1 35 1.3 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 30.063 174.64 209.64
TP -2 35 1.5 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 34.688 151.35 186.35
TP -3 35 1.3 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 30.063 174.64 209.64
TP -4 35 1.3 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 30.063 174.64 209.64
TP -5 35 1.3 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 30.063 174.64 209.64
TP -6 35 1.5 18.5 1.25 1 1 6000 34.688 172.97 207.97
TP -7 35 1.5 18.5 1.25 1 1 6000 34.688 172.97 207.97
TP -8 35 1.5 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 34.688 151.35 186.35
TP -9 35 1.5 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 34.688 151.35 186.35
TP -10 35 1.3 18.5 1.25 1 1 2000 30.063 66.528 101.528
C -1 35 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 132.30
C -2 35 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 132.30

C -3 35 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 132.30
C -4 35 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 132.30
C -5 35 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 132.30
C -6 35 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 132.30
C -7 35 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 132.30
C -8 35 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 132.30
C -9 35 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 132.30
Table 19: over all depth calculation

From this depths we take the maximum which is D = 209.64, USE D =210mm

Loading on the roof slab

 Dead load
Self-weight Dimension(m) Unit Dead
weight(KN/m3) load(KN/m2)
Marble floor finish 0.02 27 0.54
Cement screed 0.03 23 0.69
Rc slab 0.21 25 5.25
Celling plaster 0.01 18 0.18
Σ 6.66KN/m2
Table 20: total dead load

Total dead load = 6.66KN/m2

 Live load
According to ESEN1991:2015 art 6.3.4 table 6.9, the flat roof is categorized under I,
which is roofs accessible with occupancy according to categories A to D. Imposed
loads for roofs of category I are given in Tables 6.2, according to the specific use (C5:
Areas susceptible to large crowds, e.g. in buildings for public events like concert halls,
sports halls including stands, terraces and access areas and railway platforms).
Live load = 5KN/m2
 Wind load
According to ESEN1991:2015 art 5.2 the wind pressure acting on the external surfaces
of the structure, we, shall be
We= q(Ze ) ⋅ Cpe
And the internal pressure acting on the internal surfaces becomes,
Wi= = q(Ze) ⋅ Cpi
peak velocity pressure qp(z)
qp (Z) = [ 1+ 7*lv (Z)] *0.5*𝜌*V2m(Z) = Ce (Z)*qb ES EN 1991:2004
Art 4.5
qp = [1+7 (0.135)*0.5*1.25*27.712 = 933.41 N/m2 =0.93341 KN /m 2

Panel 1
Reference height = 16.4m
Ze= h =16.4m
e=b or 2h whichever is smaller
e=min (10.5, 2*16.4) = min. (10.5,32.8) =10.5m
e/4= 10.5/4 = 3.225
Calculation of Cpe and Cpi
To determine Cpe the roof is categorized as flat roof, according to ESEN 1991:2015
art 7.2.3. Flat roofs are defined as having a slope (α) of –5°< α < 5°
The reference height for flat roofs with parapets should be taken as h + hp, in our
building the height of parapets = 0.8m
Hp 0.8
= =0.05
h 16.5
Zone F G H

Cpe -1.4 -0.9 -0.7

We = q(Ze ) ⋅ -1.307 -0.84 -0.654
Table 21: net wind external pressure

Internal pressure
According to ES EN 1991:2004 Art 7.2.9
When the area of the openings at the dominant face is at least 3 times the area of the
openings in the
Remaining faces,

Cpi= 0.90 * Cpe

In our building the area of opening at the dominant face = 208.62m2, and the area of
opening in the remaining face is 68.85m2
Where Cpe is the value for the external pressure coefficient at the openings in the
dominant face. When these openings are located in zones with different values of
external pressures an area weighted
Average value of should be used.

Cpe = = -0.882
Cpi = 0.9 * 0.882 =- 0.794
Wi = q(Ze) * Cpi =0.9334KN/m2 * -0.794 = 0.741KN/m2
Wnet = Wext – Wint
= -1.307 – 0.741 = -2.048KN/m2

Load combination
Dead load, Gk =6.41KN/m2

Live load, Qk =5 KN/m2
Wind load, WL= -2.048 KN/m2
COMB 1 =1.35DL + 1.5LL = 1.35(6.66) + 1.5(5) =16.49 KN/m2
COMB 2 = 1.35DL+ 1.5WL =1.35(6.66) + 1.5(-2.048) = 5.92 KN/m2
Therefore Combination one governs.
The factored design load is:
PD = = 1.35(6.66) + 1.5(5) =16.49 KN/m2


The design of roof slab has been done according to EBCS-2 using coefficient method.
Slabs with four sides support (rectangular slab)
Panel T – 1
Ly 6
= 5.25 = 1.14 two – way slab

Conditions to be checked Remark

Qk 5 OK
= 6.41 = 0.78 < 0.8

𝑄𝑘 ≤ 5𝑘𝑁/𝑚2 OK
All loads are uniformly distributed loads OK
All panels are rectangular in shape OK
No panels contain any openings OK
All panels are supported by beams in all OK
Table 22: checking the possibility of using coefficient method for analyzing the given slab

1. Analysis
Using support condition 2 on coefficient table of the old code (EBCS 2) Use
interpolation for determination of αxs and αxf
Ly/Lx = 1.1 Ly/Lx =1.14 Ly/Lx = 1.2
Αxs 0.044 αxs 0.048
Αxf 0.033 αxf 0.036
Table 23: coefficient for moment calculation

Using linear interpolation the values are found to be

αxs = 0.0456
αxf = 0.0342

From the same table, αys= 0.039
αyf = 0.029
Now compute the moment using the following formulas
𝑀𝑖𝑗 = 𝛼𝑖𝑗 ∗ 𝐸𝑑 ∗ 𝑙𝑥 2
 𝑀𝑥𝑓 = 𝛼𝑥𝑓 ∗ 𝐸𝑑 ∗ 𝑙𝑥 2 = 0.0342 * 16.49 * 5.252 = 15.54KNm/m
 𝑀𝑥𝑠 = 𝛼𝑥𝑠 ∗ 𝐸𝑑 ∗ 𝑙𝑥 2 = 0.0456 * 16.49 * 5.252 = 20.725KNm/m
 𝑀𝑦𝑓 = 𝛼𝑦𝑓 ∗ 𝐸𝑑 ∗ 𝑙𝑥 2 = 0.029 * 16.49 * 5.252 = 13.18KNm/m
 𝑀𝑦𝑠 = 𝛼𝑦𝑠 ∗ 𝐸𝑑 ∗ 𝑙𝑥 2 = 0.039 * 16.49 * 5.252 = 17.726KNm/m

panels condition Ly Lx Ly/Lx αxs αxf αys αyf Pd Lx2 Mxs Mxf Mys Myf
Tp- 1 Type -2 6 5.25 1.14 0.046 0.0342 0.039 0.029 16.49 27.56 20.725 15.544 17.726 13.181
Tp- 2 Type -1 6 5.25 1.14 0.039 0.0296 0.032 0.024 16.49 27.56 17.726 13.453 14.544 10.908
Tp- 3 Type -2 6 5.25 1.14 0.046 0.0342 0.039 0.029 16.49 27.56 20.725 15.544 17.726 13.181
Tp- 4 Type -2 6 5.25 1.14 0.046 0.0342 0.039 0.029 16.49 27.56 20.725 15.544 17.726 13.181
Tp- 5 Type -1 6 6 1.00 0.032 0.024 0.032 0.024 16.49 36.00 18.996 14.247 18.996 14.247
Tp- 6 Type -1 6 6 1.00 0.032 0.024 0.032 0.024 16.49 36.00 18.996 14.247 18.996 14.247
Tp- 7 Type -1 6 5.25 1.14 0.039 0.0296 0.032 0.024 16.49 27.56 17.726 13.453 14.544 10.908
Tp- 8 Type -1 6 5.25 1.14 0.039 0.0296 0.032 0.024 16.49 27.56 17.726 13.453 14.544 10.908
Tp- 9 Type -2 6 5.25 1.14 0.046 0.0342 0.039 0.029 16.49 27.56 20.725 15.544 17.726 13.181

Table 24: moment calculation

Balance of support moments

Moments from the two panels may not be the same, In these circumstances, the slab
may be reinforced throughout for the worst case span and support moments. However,
this might be uneconomic in some cases. In such cases, the following distribution
procedure may be used:
Obtain the support moments for panels 1 and 2 from Table. Treating M1 and M2 as
fixed end moments, the moments may be distributed in proportion to the stiffness’s of
span Lx in panels 1 and 2. Thus, a revised bending moments may be obtained for the
Panel TP-1 & TP -2
Calculated support moments Mys1 = 17.36KNm/m
Mys2 = 14.244KNm/m
Relative stiffness

Kp1= I/Lx =I/5.25
Kp2= I/Lx=I/5.25
Distribution factors
For p-1 DF = I I = 0.5
5.25 5.25
For p-2 DF = I I = 0.5
5.25 5.25

For P -1 = 0.5* (17.36 - 14.244) = 1.558

= 17.36 – 1.558 = 15.802KNm/m
For P – 2 = 0.5 * (17.36 – 14.244) = 1.558
= 14.244 + 1.558 = 15.802KNm/m
According to the above recommendations we balanced the support moments
respectively and tabulated as follows.
Panels length(Lx) K DF Mxs Mys moment Mxs Mys
TP-1 5.25 0.19 0.5 17.360 1.558 15.802
TP -1&
TP-2 TP -2 5.25 0.19 0.5 14.244 1.558 15.802
TP -2 5.25 0.19 0.5 14.244 1.558 15.802
TP -2&
TP-3 TP -3 5.25 0.19 0.5 17.36 1.558 15.802
TP -3 5.25 0.19 0.5 20.298 0 20.298
TP -3&
TP-4 TP -4 5.25 0.19 0.5 20.298 0 20.298
TP -5 6 0.17 0.5 18.605 0 18.605
TP -5&
TP-6 TP -6 6 0.17 0.5 18.605 0 18.605
TP -6 6 0.17 0.467 18.605 2.035 16.570
TP -6&
TP-7 TP -7 5.25 0.19 0.533 14.244 2.326 16.570
TP -7 5.25 0.19 0.5 14.244 0 14.244
TP -7&
TP-8 TP -8 5.25 0.19 0.5 14.244 0 14.244
TP -8 5.25 0.19 0.5 14.244 1.558 15.802
TP -8&
TP-9 TP -9 5.25 0.19 0.5 17.36 1.558 15.802
TP -9 5.25 0.19 0.5 20.298 0 20.298
TP -9&
TP-4 TP -4 5.25 0.19 0.5 20.298 0 20.298

Table 25: adjustment of support moments

Adjustments of field moments
The field moments should be re calculated as follows
M’+1 = (M-1 + M+1) – Msupport
M’+2 = (M-2 + M-2 + M+2) –Msupport –M-2
Where M+1 field moment in panel 1
M+2 field moment in panel 2
M’+1 adjusted field moments in panel 1
M’+2 adjusted field moments in panel 2
M-1 unbalanced support moment of panel 1
M-2 unbalanced support moment of panel 2
Msupport balanced support moment between panel 1 & panel 2

For roof slab TP - 1

Balanced support moment, Mys =15.802KNm/m = Msupport
Unbalanced support moment, Mys = 17.36KNm/m = M-1
field moment Myf = 12.09
M’+1 = (17.36 + 12.09) – 15.802 = 13.648KNm/m

For roof slab panel TP – 2

Balanced support moment, Mys = 15.802KNm/m
Unbalanced support moment, Mys = 14.244KNm/m
Field moment Myf = 10.683KNm/m
M’+2 = (14.244+14.244+10.683) – 15.802 -14.244 = 9.125KNm/m

For roof slab panel TP - 6

Balanced support moment, Mys = 16.57KNm/m
Unbalanced support moment, Mys = 18.605KNm/m
Field moment Myf = 13.954KNm/m
M’+1 = (18.605 + 13.954) – 16.57 = 15.989KNm/m

For roof slab panel TP – 7

Balanced support moment, Mys = 16.57KNm/m
Unbalanced support moment, Mys = 14.244KNm/m
Field moment Myf = 10.683KNm/m
M’+2 = (14.244+14.244+10.683) – 16.57 -14.244 = 8.357KNm/m

For roof slab panel TP – 8

Balanced support moment, Mys = 15.802KNm/m
Unbalanced support moment, Mys = 17.36KNm/m
Field moment Myf = 10.683KNm/m
M’+2 = (17.36 +17.36+10.683) – 15.802 – 17.36 = 12.241KNm/m

For roof slab panel TP - 9
Balanced support moment, Mys = 15.802KNm/m
Unbalanced support moment, Mys = 14.244KNm/m
Field moment Myf = 12.909KNm/m
M’+1 = (14.244 + 12.909) – 15.802 = 11.351KNm/m

Design load calculation for slabs

Buildings contains different rooms for different purposes, hence the thickness of the
finishing materials and their unit weight or density are listed as per ES EN 1991: 2015

Purpose Finishing material Thickness Unit weight

(mm) (KN/m3)
Bed room Parquet 20 9

Toilet/bath room Ceramic 10 21

Corridor Marble chips 20 27
Janitor room Marble chips 20 27
Landing / flight Marble chips 20 27
Cantilever Ceramic 10 21
Restaurant Ceramic 10 21
Shop Ceramic 10 21
Office Ceramic 10 21
Beauty salon Ceramic 10 21
Barber Ceramic 10 21
Meeting hall Ceramic 10 21
Terrace Marble chips 20 27
Kitchen Marble chips 20 27
Table 26: finishing material for each functional room

The density of concrete taken is 25KN/m³ for C-20/25 concrete.

 Live load from ES EN 1991:2015 table 6.2

Purpose of the Category Live load
room (KN/m2)
Bed room A 2

Toilet/bath room A 2
Corridor 2

Janitor room A 2
Landing / flight Stair 3
Cantilever balconies 3
Restaurant C1 3
Shop D1 4
Office B 3
Beauty salon C1 3
Barber C1 3
Meeting hall C2 4
Kitchen A 2
Table 27: live load for each functional room

 Dead load calculation for each panel

Slab is sub divided in to several panel and each panel dead loads are computed for the
analysis of the design load of the panel for the floor.
A) Self weight - the self-weight of each panel the summation of floor finish weight,
cement screed weight, RC slab and plastering. Panels which have similar floor finishes
are grouped in one-
Material Unit weight( Thickness(m) Load
KN/m3) (KN/m2)
Ceramic tile 21 0.01 0.21
Cement screed 23 0.03 0.69
RC slab 25 0.235 5.88
Gypsum(celling 18 0.01 0.18
Total = Σ 6.96KN/m2
Table 28: dead load from self-weight

B) Dead load from partition and glazing - - in most structures the panels consists
partition walls and glazing materials, Hence the dead loads of such structures should
be accounted in design of slabs. The unit weight of hallow block concrete is 14KN/m³
with a thickness of 10cm and the unit weight of the glazing material is 27KN/m³ with
thickness of 6cm .since these partition wall are to be plastered both sides a thickness
of 2cm plaster should be considered with a unit weight of 23KN/m³.each calculated
values of partition loads are divided by the area of each panels to get an aerial load per
unit meter square.

For panel GP- 4
Partition wall
Length of partition (2) = lp =1.4m
Thickness of partition = tp = 0.1m
Unit weight = 14KN/m2 Area of panel = 6m * 6m = 36m2
Height of partition = hp = 2.2m (for the toilet partition)
Partition load = lp * tp * hp = 2*1.4*0.1*2.2* 14KN/m2 = 8.62KN

Length of partition (2) = lp =1.4m
Thickness of partition = tp = 0.02m
Unit weight = 23KN/m2
Height of partition = hp = 2.2m (for the toilet partition)
Plaster load = 4 * 23* (2.2*1.4*0.02) = 5.67KN
Ceramic tile
Length of partition (2) = lp =1.4m
Thickness of partition = tp = 0.01m
Unit weight = 23KN/m2
Height of partition = hp = 1.5m (for the toilet partition)
Ceramic load = 2 *21*(1.5*0.3*0.01) =1.76
Total dead load from each partition wall and then computed as follows.
Σ 76.91 KN
Total dead load = 76.91/36 =2.14KN/m2

For panel GP- 7

Length of glazing = 5.6m and unit weight = 27KN/m³
Thickens of glazing = 0.06m
Height of glazing = 2.92m
Weight of glazing = 5.6m* 0.06m* 2.92* 27KN/m³ = 26.5
Area of panel = 6m* 5.25m = 31.5m2
Total load/Area of panel = (26.5)/31.5 =1.44KN/m²


Design load calculation for ground and first floor slab can be calculated as follows;
PD = 1.35DL + 1.5LL
For GP 1
PD = 1.35 *6.96 + 1.5* 3 = 13.896KN


The moment calculated using the design load is distributed to each individual panel.
Individual panel moments
Moments for individual panels with edges either simply supported or fully fixed are
calculated as:
Mi  i Pd Lx2

Where Mi is the design moment per unit width at the point of reference
αi is the coefficient given in Table A-l as function of aspect ratio Ly/Lx, and
Support conditions
Pd is uniformly distributed design load
Lx is the shorter span of the panel
Subscripts for moments and moment coefficients (αi ) have the following meanings:
S-support X-direction of shorter span
F-field (span) Y-direction of longer span

Mxf xf Pd Lx2 Mxs  xsPdLx2

Myf  yfPdLx2 Mys  ysPdLx2
Notations for different critical moments and edge numbers are shown in Fig.

Figure 3-1: notation for critical moment

Moment distribution for each panel discussed as follow

For panel GP -1

Panel 1 (S1)
Type of support is condition1, Lx = 5.25m and Ly = 6m and Ly/Lx = 1.14
For Ly/Lx =1.14 the cross ponding coefficient values by interpolation are
xf = 0.0296 xs = 0.039
yf = 0.024 ys = 0.032
Mxs = αxs* Pd *Lx = 0.039 *13.9 *5.252 =14.94KNm/m

Mys = αys* Pd *Lx2 = 0.032 *13.9 *5.252 =12.26KNm/m

Mxf = αxf* Pd *Lx2 = 0.0296 *13.9 *5.252 =11.34KNm/m
Myf = αyf* Pd *Lx2 = 0.024 *13.9 *5.252 =9.19KNm/m
The largest moment is distributed to the shorter direction and the smaller moment is
transferred to the longest span of the panel.

Analysis of cantilever slabs

Cantilevers are designed by taking 1m strip width along the short side of the element.
Mc = ½ Pd *le + Pdconc * le
Where Pd – design load

Pd – concentrated design load
Le – effective length (1m strip width along the short side)

For cantilever panel -1, 2 & 3 (ground floor)

Support condition



Figure 3-2: cantilever support condition

Ly/Lx = 5.25/2 = 2.63

According to ES EN 1991:2015 art 6.4 the characteristic values of the line load qk
acting at the height of the partition wall or parapets but not higher than 1,20 m should
be taken as 1KN/m from table 6.12 under category C2 to C4.

13.896 1KN/m

R 0.05m
Mys = (1*1.95) + (13.896*22 /2) = 29.742KNm/m

For panel – 5,6,7 & 8

13.896 1KN/m
Mys = (1*1.95) + (13.896*22 /2) = 29.742KNm/m

For cantilever panel – 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 (first floor)


Mys = (1*1.95) + (13.896*22 /2) = 29.742KNm/m

Analysis of one way slab
For GP – 11
Ly/Lx = 5.25/2.3 = 2.28 one - way
5.25 Mxs
2.3 R1 R2
Analysis of one way slab can be done by taking one meter strip along the longer direction (Ly)


R1 2.3m R2
Since the slab is one – way the load will be transfer to only into one direction which is into the shorter side.
From ETABS V 9.2 the moments of support and span becomes

Span moment (Mxs) = 12.75KNm/m
Support moment (Mxf) = 7.23KNm/m


Pd = 1.35Dl + 1.5LL
Computation of dead load
Dead load = self-weight of slab + partition load
Partition load = plastering + HCB
Partition load
Length= 6m
Thickness = 0.02m
Unit weight = 23KN/m2
Height of wall = 2.92m
Plaster load = 6m*0.02*23*2.92= 16.12KN
Length =6m
Thickness = 10cm=0.1m
Unit weight = 14KN/m3
Height = 2.92m
HCB load = 6m*0.1*14*2.92 = 24.528KN
Partition load = 16.12+24.528= 40.648KN
Area of a partition = 6m*2.3m = 13.8m2
Partition load per area =partition load / load rea
= 40.648kn/13.8m2
= 2.95KN/m2

Dead load =
Finishing material = ceramic =21*0.01= 0.21
Cement screened = 23*0.03 = 0.69
Rc slab = 0.235*25 = 5.875
Gypsum ceiling =18 * 0.01 = 0.18
∑TDL = 6.96KN/m
Live load selection
According to ES EN 1991:2015 art 6.4 live load selection it’s under category A = 2kn/m2
PD= 1.35 DL + 1.5 LL
Dead load = 6.39 + 2.95
= 9.91KN/m2
Pd = 1.35 *9.91 + 1.5*2
= 16.38KN/m2
Step 2 strips Axis E E

Axix A - A -qk/2
(1+K)/2 Qd2 Axis B-B 6m

Axis C - C
b/4 b/2 b/4

Axis D - D


Step 3 determine the value of k from strip b

Q Mxs

<Ma = 0
Mxs + (Kq +b/4)(a – b/8) – (qb/4*b/8)
Determination of mxs
There are two cases to determine the value of Mxs
I ) when its cantilever
ii) when it is propped

case 1

Mxf =

B = 2.3m
q = Pd = 16.4 kn
b/4 = 0.575m
Mcan = Pd * l2/2

= 16.34*2.5/2
= 20.425knm
Mxs = 2/3*Mcant
= 2/3*20.425

Case 2 propped cantilever

Mxs = -qL2/8(1 +a/l)2

= -16.34*2.5/8( 1+ 5.425/6)2
= 15.68knm
From those 2 moment we choose the maximum one which is 15.63knm
K = 1+32*Mxs/qb2
= 0.266
Step 4 moment x direction
Middle strip ( section B -B )

Q =16.34kn

-kq = 0.2226*16.34
= 3.7kn
Mxs = 15.63knm
Take SF = 0
Mxf = ?
X = (1-0.2)*2.3/4
= 0.46m
X = 0.45 Mxs

Mxf = 16.34 * 0.52/2 +15.68

= 17.334knm
Edge strip A – A


-Kq/2 = 1.634knm

Mxs = ½(middle strip mxs)

= ½(15.68)
= 7.84knm

Mxf = ½(middle strip)
= ½(17.344)
= 8.672knm

Strip 5 moment in y- direction

Middle strip ( section D – D)


Mys = WL2/12
= 16.34*2.32/12
= 8.52knm
Mxf = 1/2(Mxf)
= 4.2552knm
Edge strip 16.34/2=8.17kn
16.34/2 = 8.17

0.575m 1.125m 0.575m

Mys = Wl2/96
= 8.17*2.32/96 = 0.45KNM
Myf = WL2/192
= 0.22knm

Edge strip along ( E – E)

( 1+K)Q=17.98
Q/2 =8.17 Q/2=8.17

2.3 M

Mys = (1+k)*q*b2/12
= (1+0.45)16.34*2.32/12
= 10.44knm
Myf =1/2(Mys)
= ½(10.44)

For panel 15
By doing the same procedure we get the following result
Moment on the x direction Moment on the y direction
For middle strip For middle strip
Mxs = 12.4knm Mys=8.33knm
Mxf=9.6knm Myf = 4.17knm
For edge strip For edge strip
Mxs=6.2knm Mys = 0.34knm
Mxf=4.8knm Myf=0.17knm

For edge strip along strip D D
Mys = 12.67knm
First floor for panel 13
Moment on x direction Moment on the y direction
For middle strip For middle strip
Mxs=16.5knm Mys=16.5knm
Mxf=18.9knm Myf = 8.25knm
For edge strip For edge strip
Mxs = 8.25knm Mys =15.67knm
Mxf= 13.16knm Myf=7.85knm

For panel 14
Moment in the x direction Moment in the y direction
Mxs = 12.4knm Middle strip
Mxf= 14.48knm Mys = 10.936knm
Edge strip Myf=5.4678knm
Mxs = 6.2knm Edge strip
Mxf=7.24knm Mys = 5.468knm
Myf = 2.734knm

Moments from the two panels may not be the same, In these circumstances, the slab may be reinforced throughout for the
worst case span and support moments. However, this might be uneconomic in some cases. In such cases, the following
distribution procedure may be used:
Obtain the support moments for panels 1 and 2 from Table. Treating M1 and M2 as fixed end moments, the moments may
be distributed in proportion to the stiffness’s of span Lx in panels 1 and 2. Thus, a revised bending moments may be obtained
for the support.

DF1 M-2 DF2
L1 L2
M+1 M+2

Figure 3-3: moment distribution

M’+1 = (M-1 +M+1) – M’B

M’+2 = (M-2 + M-2 +M+2) –M’B –M-2
Balancing support moments between panel GP -4 & GP -5
Calculated support moments Mxs1 =21.467KNm/m
Mxs2 = 14.942KNm/m
Relative stiffness
Kp4 = I/Lx =I/6
Kp5 = I/Lx=I/5.25
Distribution factors

For p- 4 DF = I I = 0.533
6 5.25
For p-5 DF = I I = 0.467
6 5.25

For P -4 = 0.533* (21.467- 14.942) = 3.478

= 21.467 – 3.478 = 17.989KNm/m
For P – 5 = 0.467 * (21.467– 14.942) = 3.047
= 14.942 + 3.047= 17.989KNm/m

Span moment adjustment

Span moment adjustment is dependent on the adjustment of support moments.
The field (span) moments should be recalculated as follows
M’+1 = (M-1 + M’+1) – Msupport
M’+2 = (M-2 + M-2 + M+2) –Msupport –M-2
Where M+1 field moment in panel 1
M+2 field moment in panel 2
M’+1 adjusted field moments in panel 1
M’+2 adjusted field moments in panel 2
M-1 unbalanced support moment of panel 1
M-2 unbalanced support moment of panel 2
Msupport balanced support moment between panel 1 & panel 2

Span moment adjustment for panel GP -1 along Y direction

Balanced support moment, Mys =15.802KNm/m = Msupport
Unbalanced support moment, Mys = 17.36KNm/m = M-1
field moment Myf = 12.09

M’+1 = (17.36 + 12.09) – 15.802 = 13.648KNm/m

Designing the slab for flexure

Designing of the slab for field moment using design chart method
from analysis Mxf =11.34*106Nmm

μ𝑠𝑑,=0.025 < μu𝑠*=0.295 (for 0% moment redistribution) design as singly reinforced section
Using μ𝑠𝑑,=0.025 read Kz from the general design chart No. 1a. (EBCS 2)
From design chart reading , kz= 0.99
Kz= z/d
Z= 0.99*200=198mm
𝐴𝑠𝑡,𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐=𝑀𝐸𝐷 / 𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧
= 11.34*106/347.82*198
= 164.66mm2/m
The minimum and maximum value of area of reinforcement is computed in accordance with the provision of the code.
𝐴𝑠𝑡,min=𝑀𝑎𝑥 0.26𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚∗𝑏𝑡𝑑𝑓𝑦𝑘
0.0013𝑏𝑡𝑑 ………………𝐸𝑆 𝐸𝑁 1992:2015 𝐴𝑟𝑡.

Bt denotes the mean width; for a T-beam with the flange in compression, only the
width of the web is taken into account in calculating the value of bt.

Fctm should be determined with respect to the relevant strength class according to ES EN 1992:2015 art 3 Table 3.1
𝐴𝑠𝑡,=𝑀𝑎𝑥 0.26*2.2*1000*200/400 = 286mm2
0.0013*1000*200 = 260mm2
Ast, min = 286mm2 /m
Ast,max = 0.04*Ac
= 0.04*1000*235
= 9400mm2\
In our case As calculated ≤ As min …………………so we .use As min=286mm2/m
Now determining spacing of 10mm reinforcement bars by taking
Ast = 286mm2/m
As = 𝜋D2/4
= 𝜋*102/4
= 78.54mm2
S = b*As/Ast calculated
= 1000*78.54/286
= 274.6mm2≈ 270 mm
For slab maximum spacing in transverse direction is defined in Section of ES EN 1992-1-1
𝑆𝑚𝑎𝑥,𝑏𝑠=𝑀𝑖𝑛 3.5∗ℎ=3.5∗235=705𝑚𝑚
S calculated=270mm <400mm
S calculated < S max


Ribbed slab are formed by placing blocks on the slab and concrete ribs. But the block are consider as non-structural element as
they do not contribute to strength of slab.

Ribbed and waffle slabs provide a lighter and stiffer slab than an equivalent flat slab, reducing extend of foundations. Ribbed
slab composed of ribs, toppings, and HCB .They provide a very good form where slab vibration is an issue, such as
laboratories, class room and restaurant ribbed slabs are made up of wide band beams running between columns with equal
depth narrow ribs spanning the orthogonal direction. A thick top slab completes the system.
To analysis and design ribbed slab first the slab should be divided in to strips which are called joists. The stripes are modeled
as continuous beams supported by columns.
 Saving on weight and materials
 Long spans
 Attractive soffit appearance if exposed
 Economical when reusable formwork pans used
 Depth of slab between the ribs may control the fire rating
 Requires special or proprietary formwork
 Greater floor-to-floor height

Depth of the rib

According to ES EN 1992:2015; the limit state of deformation may be checked by limiting the span/depth ratio,
l/d= [11+1.5√fck𝜌𝑜/𝜌+3.2√(𝜌𝑜/𝜌−1)3/2]∗𝐹1∗𝐹2∗𝐹3

l/d - is the limit span/depth
K -is the factor to take into account the different structural systems
ρo - is the reference reinforcement ratio =10−3√𝑓𝑐𝑘

ρ - is the required tension reinforcement ratio at mid-span to resist the moment due to the design loads (at support for
ρ’ - is the required compression reinforcement ratio at mid-span to resist the moment due to design loads (at support for
cantilevers) fck is in MPa units.
𝐹1=300𝜎𝑠=500(fyk∗As,,⁄As provided)
F2=0.8, for flanged sections where the ratio of the flange breadth to the rib breadth exceeds 3. Otherwise; F2=1 for other cases.
F3=7/leff , For beams and slabs, other than flat slabs, with spans exceeding 7 m, which support partitions liable to be damaged
by excessive deflections (leff in meters Or
F3=8.5/leff, For flat slabs where the greater span exceeds 8.5 m, and which support partitions liable to be damaged by
excessive deflections (leff in meters). Otherwise; F3=1 for both cases.

Panel- 2
Initially we can’t know ρ and ρ’. So let’s assume ρ= ρo and use equation 7.16a.
As,req = As, provided.

𝑙/𝑑=𝐾∗𝑁∗𝐹1∗𝐹2∗𝐹3 𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒;

𝑁=11+1.5√ /𝜌+3.2√(𝜌𝑜/𝜌−1)3/2 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝜌𝑜=𝜌 (𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛) 𝜌𝑜=√𝑓𝑐𝑘∗10−3=√25∗10-3=0.5%


F2=1 and F3=1 (because span of slab≤7m) 𝑁𝑜𝑤: 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐾 𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 7.4𝑁 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑆 𝐸𝑁1992:2015
500 500
F1 = As req =400=1.25
As provided

F2=1 and F3=1 (because span of slab≤7m) 𝑁𝑜𝑤: 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐾 𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 7.4𝑁 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑆 𝐸𝑁1992:2015

l/d = K*N*F1*F2*F3, F1=1.25 , F2=1 ,F3=1 & K=1.3


l =5.25m = 5250mm

5250/d = 28.78 d (Effective depth) = 182.41mm

Depth D= d+d’
Where d’ = cover + ∅ , ∅𝑙𝑜𝑛 = 10𝑚𝑚
d’ = 20+10/2 = 25 mm
D = 182.41mm + 25mm = 207.42 mm≈ 210 𝑚𝑚
Use over all depth D =210mm which is less than 300mm
But the minimum over all depth recommended for ribbed slab is 300mm Hence take D =300mm for all panels of the
ribbed slab to get uniform depth

Size of Ribs
According to ES EN 1992:2015 art 5.3.1 Ribbed or waffle slabs need not be treated as discrete elements for the purposes of
analysis, provided that the flange or structural topping and transverse ribs have sufficient torsional stiffness. This may be
assumed provided that: -
 The rib spacing does not exceed 1500 mm
 The depth of the rib below the flange does not exceed 4 times its width.
 The depth of the flange is at least 1/10 of the clear distance between ribs or 50 mm, whichever is the greater.
 Transverse ribs are provided at a clear spacing not exceeding 10 times the overall depth of the slab. The minimum
flange thickness of 50 mm may be reduced to 40 mm where permanent blocks are incorporated between the ribs.


Figure 3-4: typical ribbed slab section

Figure 3-5: typical HCB section

Loads for ribbed floors are calculated as follows
1. Dead loads (Gk)
Unit weight of materials is taken from ES EN 1991:2015 table
Finishing materials
 Marble chips = 0.02*27*0.4 = 0.216 KN/m
 Ceramic tiles = 0.01*21 *0.4 = 0.084KN/m
 Parquet tile = 0.02 *9 * 0.4 = 0.072KN/m
 Cement screed = 0.03*23*0.4 = 0.276 KN/m
 Plastering (gypsum) = 0.02*23*0.4 = 0.184 KN/m

Self – weight
 Topping = 0.4*0.06*25 = 0.6 KN/m
 Ribs (Joist) = 0.2*0.08*25 = 0.4KN/m
 HCB = (0.04*0.4+0.04*0.32+3*0.04*0.1+0.5*(0.32+0.2)*0.06)*14
= 0.7896KN/m
For marble chips
Total dead load (Gk) = 0.216+0.276+0.184+0.6+0.4+0.4+0.7896 = 2.866KN/m
For ceramic tiles
Total dead load (Gk) = 0.084+0.276+0.184+0.6+0.4+0.4+0.7896 = 2.734KN/m
For parquet tiles
Total dead load (Gk) = 0.072+0.276+0.184+0.6+0.4+0.4+0.7896 = 2.722KN/m
Partition load supported by the ribbed slab is included in the calculation of design load for each rib

2) Live load (Qk)

Live loads are given in ES EN 1991:2015 table 6.2 as per the room function and category.

For Rib – 1
Live load = 3KN/m2 * 0.4m = 1.2KN/m
Live load = 4KN/m2 *0.4m = 1.6KN/m
Design load (Pd)
Pd1 = 1.35*Gk + 1.5Qk = 1.35 *(2.734) +1.5 (1.2) = 5.491KN/m
Pd2 = 1.35*Gk + 1.5*Qk = 1.35 *(2.734) +1.5 (1.6) = 6.091KN/m

For Rib – 2
Live load = 4KN/m2 *0.4m = 1.6KN/m
Live load = 3KN/m2 * 0.4m = 1.2KN/m
Design load

Pd1 = 1.35*Gk + 1.5*Qk = 1.35 *(2.734) +1.5 (1.6) = 6.091KN/m
Pd2 = 1.35*Gk + 1.5*Qk = 1.35 *(2.734) +1.5 (1.6) = 5.491KN/m

For Rib – 3
Live load = 3KN/m2 * 0.4m = 1.2KN/m
Design load
Pd1 = 1.35*Gk + 1.5Qk = 1.35 *(2.734) +1.5 (1.2) = 5.491KN/m

For Rib – 4
In this rib strip there are partitions walls and they should be calculated.
Load from partition wall 1 = 1.65KN/m2 * 0.4 = 0.66KN/m
Live load 1 = 2KN/m2 * 0.4 = 0.8KN/m
Live load 2 = 3KN/m2 * 0.4 = 1.2KN/m
Total dead load = self- weight + load from partition load
Total dead load 1 = 2.734KN/m + 0.66KN/m = 3.39KN/m
Design load
Pd1 = 1.35*Gk + 1.5*Qk = 1.35 *(3.39) +1.5 (0.8) = 5.77KN/m
Pd2 = 1.35*Gk + 1.5*Qk = 1.35 *(2.734) +1.5 (1.2) = 5.491KN/m

For Rib – 5
Load from partition wall = 3.41KN/m2 * 0.4 = 1.364KN/m
Live load = 3KN/m2 * 0.4m = 1.2KN/m
Self – weight = 2.734KN/m
Total dead load = 1.364KN/m + 2.734KN/m = 4.098KN/m
Design load
Pd1 = 1.35*Gk + 1.5*Qk = 1.35 *(2.734) +1.5 (1.2) = 5.491KN/m
Pd2 = 1.35*Gk + 1.5*Qk = 1.35 *(4.098) +1.5 (1.2) = 7.33KN/m

Loading and analysis

Shear forces and moments for continuous rib slabs can be obtained by elastic analysis with due consideration to live load
Material specification for design condition

 Grade of concrete :C-20/25
 Partial safety factor γc =1.5
 Class one work ( I )
 Density of concrete ρ = 25KN/m3
 Modulus of elasticity :Ec =29Gpa
fcu 25
 Characteristic strength :fck = 1.25 = 1.25
𝑓𝑐𝑘 20
 Design strength: fcd = 0.85 * 1.15 = 0.85* 25 = 20mpa

 Grade of steel :fy =400Mpa
 Partial safety factor : γ s = 1.15
 Modulus of elasticity: E =210Gpa
 Characteristic yield strength :fyk = 400Mpa
 Design strength :fyd = fyk/ γ s = 400/1.15 = 347.83Mpa

Rib 1

Shear force diagram

Bending moment diagram

For Rib 2

For Rib 3

For Rib 4

For Rib 5

Figure 3-6: moment diagram and shear force diagram for each section


The mid-span section is designed as a T-beam with flange width equal to the distance between ribs. The support section is
designed as a rectangular beam. The slab may be made solid near the support to increase shear resistance. Moment
reinforcement consisting of one or more bars is provided in the top and bottom of the ribs.

Reinforcement in the topping: a mesh reinforcement with a cross-sectional area of not less than 0.12% of the area of the
topping in each direction should be provided. The spacing of bars should not exceed one-half the center-to-center distance of
the ribs. The mesh is placed in the center of the topping and requirements of cover in the code should be satisfied. If the ribs
are widely spaced the topping may need to be designed for moment and shear as a continuous one-way slab between ribs
Material properties - Concrete fcd = 11.33mpa
-steel fyd = 347.83mpa
Section properties
D = 240mm
be= 400mm
bw= 80mm

The topping shall be provided with a reinforcement mesh of providing in each direction a cross
sectional area not less than 0.012% of the section of the slab
Take 1m width
As =0.0012*1000*60 = 72mm²
Assume 𝜙 8 bar for span moment, as =82 * = 50.26mm2

Spacing S = 1000*𝑎s/𝐴s = 1000*50.265/72 = 698.125mm

Provide 𝜙8 center to center 350mm
For T- beams the flange width is the lesser of
 Web width+1/5*effective span
 Actual width of the top slab

beff ≥ 0.08+1/5*(5.25) = 1.13m
beff = 0.4m

For rib 1
 Design of support section
Mmax = 11.78KNm (maximum support moment)
The support section is designed as a rectangular beam, so take b = 80mm
Assume 𝜙14 bar for support moment
Effective depth d = 260mm
μ𝑠𝑑,𝑠=11.78*106/11.33*80*2602 = 0.192
μ𝑠𝑑, =0.192 < μu𝑠*=0.295 (for 0% moment redistribution) design as singly reinforced section
Using μ𝑠𝑑, =0.192 read Kz from the general design chart No. 1a. (EBCS 2)
From design chart reading, kz= 0.88
Kz= z/d
Z= 0.88 *260 = 228.8mm
Ast,calc =MED / 𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧
= 11.78*106/347.82*228.8
= 148.024mm2
Number of reinforcement (as = 153.94mm2)
= As/as = 148.024/153.94 =0.96 ≈ 1bars

Provide 2 bars Ø12
 Design of span moment
Msd = 19.06KNm
μ𝑠𝑑,𝑠=19.06*106/11.33*80*2602 = 0.311
μsd, s = 0.311 > μus ∗= 0.295 (For 0% moment redistribution) => Design the rib as doubly reinforced section (provide
compression reinforcement)
μus*=0.295 => Msd, s ∗= μus ∗ fcdbd2
Msd, s = 0.295 ∗ 11.33 ∗ 80 ∗ 2602 = 18.075KNm
Kz = 0.8 => Z = Kz*260 = 0.8*260 = 208mm
Msd,s∗ Msd,s−Msd,s∗ 18.075∗106 (19.06−18.075)∗106
Thus, As1 = + (d−d2)fyd
=347.83∗208 + (260−32)∗347.83

As1 = 262.25mm2 For tension zone

Msd, s − Msd, s ∗
As2 =
(d − d2)fyd
(19.06 − 18.075) ∗ 106
= = 12.42mm2
(260 − 32) ∗ 347.83
Now Determine No. of bar using Φ14mm tension reinforcement
Ast,calc 262.25mm2 262.25mm2
# 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑟= = πd2
= 142
= 1.704
as (π∗ )mm2
4 4

Provide 2Φ14 bar @ tension zone

Now Determine No. of bar using Φ10mm compression reinforcement
𝐴𝑠𝑡,𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐 12.42𝑚𝑚2 12.42𝑚𝑚2
# 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑟= = 𝜋𝑑2
= 102
= 0.158
𝑎𝑠 (𝜋∗ )𝑚𝑚2
4 4

Provide 2Φ10 bar @ compression zone

Other rib design of span moments and support moments are tabulated as follows for each floor.

Shear reinforcement
For Rib 1

Shear force diagram of Rib 1

VED = 20.02KN
The design value of the shear resistance is given in ES EN 1992:2015 section 6.2.2 as follows VRd,c = [CRd,ck(100 ∗ 𝜌1 fck)
+ 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑 ≤ [Vmin + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑
fck is in MPa
k=1+√ ≤ 2.0 with d in mm

k = 1 + √260 = 1.877 take k = 1.877

 = bwd
≤ 0.02 = 0.0073 ≤ 0.02 OK!

Asl is the area of the tensile reinforcement, which extends  (fcd + d) beyond the section considered
bw is the smallest width of the cross-section in the tensile area [mm]
cp = NEd/Ac< 0.2 fcd [MPa]
NEd is the axial force in the cross-section due to loading or prestressing [in N] (NEd> 0 for compression). The influence of
imposed deformations on NEd may be ignored.
AC is the area of concrete cross section [mm2]
VRd,c is [N]
0.18 0.18
CRD,c = = = 0.12
γc 1.5

Vmin = 0.035 ∗ 𝑘 3/2 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘 1/2 = 0.035 ∗ 1.877 3/2 ∗ 20 1/2 = 0.403

VRd,c = [CRd,ck(100 ∗ 𝜌1 fck) 1/3 + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑 ≤ [Vmin + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑

VRd,c = [0.12*1.877(100 ∗ 0.0073* 20) 1/3 + 0.15*0]80 * 260 ≤ [0.421+ 0.15* 0]80*260

VRD,c = 11450.55N ≥ VRD,c(min) = 8756.8N……………..OK!!!!

Take VRD,c = 11.45KN

Since VRd,c = 11.45 < VED =20.02 KN the concrete section doesn’t resist the coming shear alone, thus the section require
design for shear reinforcement ES EN 1992-1-1 Section 6.2.3

For members with vertical shear reinforcement, the shear resistance, VRd is the smaller value of:
VRD = Max VRD,s = *fyd *Z *cotӨ
VRD,s = cotӨ+tanӨ
α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the main tension chord (Recommended value of 1 for non prestressed
θ is the angle between concrete compression struts and the main tension chord
Ftd is the design value of the tensile force in the longitudinal reinforcement
Fcd is the design value of the concrete compression force in the direction of the longitudinal member axis.
bw is the minimum width between tension and compression chords
z is the inner lever arm, for a member with constant depth, corresponding to the maximum bending moment in the element
under consideration. In the shear analysis, the approximate value z = 0.9d may normally be used. (z = 0.9*260 = 234mm)
Asw is the cross-sectional area of the shear reinforcement s is the spacing of the stirrups
fywd is the design yield strength of the shear reinforcement
V V = 0.6 for fck ≤ 60 MPa
Now let’s determine the angle θ between the concrete compression strut and the main tension chord by considering Vrd,s =
(αc∗bw∗z∗v∗fcd) (αc∗bw∗z∗v∗fcd)
VED= =
cotӨ+tanӨ sinӨ/2
(2∗VED) (2∗20020)
Ө = 1/2arcsinαc∗bw∗z∗v∗fcd = 0.5 * arcsin1∗80∗234∗0.6∗11.33 =9.17º
Thus 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜃 = cot(9.17°) = 6.19 but the limiting value of 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜃 is 1 ≤ 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜃 ≤ 2.5 Take 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜃 = 2.5 => 𝜃 = 22°
Asw Asw (𝑉𝑅𝐷,𝑆)
VRD,s = *fyd *Z *cotӨ = =
s s 𝑍∗𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜃
Asw 20020
= 234∗347.83∗2.5 = 0.098mm2/mm
Scal = 512.91

Now determining the maximum spacing of shear reinforcement from ES EN 1992-1-1 Section 9.2.2
The ratio of shear reinforcement is given by the expression.
ρw = 𝑆∗𝑏𝑤∗𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼 where, ρw is the shear reinforcement ratio
√fck √20
ρw ≤ ρw,min = 0.08 ∗ =0.08 ∗ 400 = 0.000894 => take ρw=0.000894

Asw is area of shear reinforcement with length s

α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the longitudinal axis
s is the spacing of the shear reinforcement measured along the longitudinal axis of the member
sl,max = 0.75d(1 + 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛼) , considering α=90o
sl,max = 0.75d = 0.75 ∗ 260 = 195mm
bw is the breadth of the web of the member
Thus Smax = ρw∗bw∗sinα
Consider 8 mm dia stirrup with 2 legs
𝑑2 8∗8
Asw = 2 ∗ 𝜋 ∗ =2∗𝜋∗ = 100.53mm2
4 4
Smax = 0.000894∗80∗𝑠𝑖𝑛90 = 1405.62mm
Sl,max = 195mm<Scal =512.91 < Smax= 1405.62mm Take S provided = 190mm
Provide Ø 8 center to center 190mm for Rib 1.

For Rib 2
Applied shear force for Rib2 VED is determined as above done.
VED = 20.87KN
Asw Asw (𝑉𝑅𝐷,𝑆)
VRD,s = s *fyd *Z *cotӨ = s = 𝑍∗𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜃
Asw 20870
= 234∗347.83∗2.5 = 0.103mm2/mm

Scal = 488mm
sl,max = 0.75d = 0.75 ∗ 260 = 195mm

Asw 100.53
Smax = = = 1405.62mm
ρw∗bw∗sinα 0.000894∗80∗𝑠𝑖𝑛90

Sl,max = 195mm<Scal = 488mm < Smax= 1405.62mm Take S provided = 190mm

Provide Ø 8 center to center 190mm for Rib 2.

For Rib 3

Applied shear force for Rib 3 VED = 19.09KN

Provide Ø 8 center to center 190mm for Rib 3.

For Rib 4

Applied shear force for Rib 4 VED = 23.71KN

Provide Ø 8 center to center 190mm for Rib 4.

For Rib 5

Applied shear force for Rib 5 VED = 23.24KN

Provide Ø 8 center to center 190mm for Rib 5.

Flat slab design

Flat slab is a reinforced concrete slab supported directly by concrete column without the use of beams.

There are three types of flat slab

1. flat plate
2. flat slab with drop panels/ capitals
3. waffle slab

Our slab type is flat slab.

1. Material design values

Concrete steel
Fcd=αcc*fck/ɤc fyd=fyk/ɤs

Fcd=(0.85*20)/1.5=11.33MPa fyd=400/1.15=347.82

Ec=30GPa Es=200GPa

2. Geometry/Dimension
Consider one meter strip width, b=1000mm
D=effective depth(d) + ᵩlong/2
In order to determine the depth of the slab, first it is needed to find concrete cover and effective depth

Assume use Ø10 bar for the reinforcement design of the slab.

Effective Depth Determination: Serviceability requirement

According to ES EN 1992:2015; the limit state of deformation may be checked by

Initially we can’t know ρ and ρ’. So let’s assume ρ= ρo and use equation 7.16a.
As,req = As, provided.

𝑙/𝑑=𝐾∗𝑁∗𝐹1∗𝐹2∗𝐹3 𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒;

𝑁=11+1.5√ /𝜌+3.2√(𝜌𝑜/𝜌−1)3/2 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝜌𝑜=𝜌 (𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛) 𝜌𝑜=√𝑓𝑐𝑘∗10−3=√25∗10-3=0.5%


F2=1 and F3=1 (because span of slab≤7m) 𝑁𝑜𝑤: 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐾 𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 7.4𝑁 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑆 𝐸𝑁1992:2015

500 500
F1 = As req = =1.25
fyk∗As provided 400

F2=1 and F3=1 (because span of slab≤7m) 𝑁𝑜𝑤: 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐾 𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 7.4𝑁 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑆 𝐸𝑁1992:2015

l/d = K*N*F1*F2*F3, F1=1.25 , F2=1 ,F3=1 &

K=1.2 Slab supported on columns without beams (flat slab) (based on longer span)

l/d=1.2*18.5*1.25*1*1= 27.753

l =5.25m = 5250mm

5.25/d = 27.753 d (Effective depth) = 189.19mm

Depth D= d+d’
Where d’ = cover + ∅ , ∅𝑙𝑜𝑛 = 14𝑚𝑚

Cover = 30mm

d’ = 30 +10/2 = 35mm

D = 189.19mm + 35mm = 224.19 mm≈ 230 𝑚𝑚

Now d =D – d’ =230 – 35 = 195 mm

Determination of design load

 Dead load
i. Self-weight of the slab

Cement screed = 0.03m * 23KN/m3 = 0.69KN/m2

RC – slab = 0.23m * 25KN/m3 = 5.75KN/m2

Celling plaster (gypsum) = 0.01m *18KN/m3 = 0.18KN/m2

Total dead load = 6.62KN/m2

ii. Dead load from water tank

The water tank act as a dead load with its water.
We assume that the water tank carries a volume of 10,000L of water it carries.
Since; V=10000l of water in the tank. Then from mathematical relation 1000L=1m3, so 10000L=10m3
To change DL 1st calculate weight of water at g=10m/s2
So, γw=ƿ*g=science, ƿ=density of water 1000kg/m3
Finally, γw=1000kg/m3*10m/s2=10KN/ m2
Wt. = γw*v=10KN/m3*10m3=100KN.
𝑊𝑡 100 100
Then, 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 𝐴
= 𝐿𝑥∗𝐿𝑦 = 6∗5.25 = 3.174𝐾𝑁/𝑚2

iii. Total dead load = DLself-weight +DLwater tank = 6.62 + 3.174 = 9.794KN/m2
 Live load
Live load for water tank slab is not specified in ES EN 1992:2015, but as factor of safety we give 1 KN/m2

 Design load

Design load (Pd) = 1.35DL +1.5LL

Design load (Pd) = 1.35 * 9.794 +1.5 * 1 = 14.72KN/m2

Analysis of flat slab

According to ES EN 1992:2015 ANNEX I art I.1.1 Flat slabs should be analyzed using a proven method of analysis, such as grillage (in
which the plate is idealized as a set of interconnected discrete members), finite element, yield line or equivalent frame.

Therefore in this project the flat slab analyzed by using equivalent frame analysis method.

The structure should be divided longitudinally and transversely into frames consisting of columns and sections of slabs contained between
the center lines of adjacent panels (area bounded by four adjacent supports). The stiffness of members may be calculated from their gross
cross-sections. For vertical loading the stiffness may be based on the full width of the panels. For horizontal loading 40% of this value
should be used to reflect the increased flexibility of the column/slab joints in flat slab structures compared to that of column/beam joints.
Total load on the panel should be used for the analysis in each direction.

Figure 3-7: division of panels in flat slab

Frame analysis along Y- direction

Design load

Pd = 1.35DL + 1.5LL

Dead load along y-direction = 9.794KN/m2 * 5.25m= 51.42KN/m

Live load along y- direction = 1KN/m2 * 5.25m = 5.25KN/m

Pd= 1.35*51.42 + 1.5 *5.25 = 77.29KN/m

Analyze the frame by using displacement method of analysis: moment distribution




3.15m 3.15m


 Fixed end moments


FEMBC = WLBC2/12 = 77.29 * 62/12 = -231.87KNm

FEMCB = WLCB2/12 = 77.29 * 62/12 = 231.87KNm


 Relative bending stiffness, K

Joint B

ΣK = KBA + KBC = IBA/LBA + IBC/LBA = I/3.15 + I/6 = 0.318 +0.167 =0.525

Joint C

ΣK = KCB + KCD = ICB/LCB + ICD/LCD = I/6 + I/3.15 = 0.167 + 0.318 =0.525

 Distribution factor, DF

At joint B
LBA 3.15
DFBA= I I = I I = 0.656
+ +
LBA LBC 3.15 6

DFBC= I I = I I = 0.344
+ +
LBA LBC 3.15 6

At joint C
DFCB= I I = I I = 0.344
+ +
LCB LCD 3.15 6

LCD 3.15
DFCD= I I = I I = 0.656
+ +
LCB LCD 3.15 6

The results of analysis using moment distribution method are usually presented in a tabular form.

Joint A B C D
member AB BA BC CB CD DC
DF 1 0.656 0.344 0.344 0.656 1
FEM -231.87 231.87
Dist. 152.2 79.76 -79.76 -152.2
CO -39.88 39.88
Dist. 26.16 13.72 -13.72 -26.16
CO -6.86 6.86
Dist. 4.5 2.36 -2.36 -4.5
CO -1.18 1.18
Dist. 0.774 0.41 -0.41 -0.774
CO -0.2 0.2

Dist. 0.133 0.07 -0.07 -0.133
ΣM 0 183.767 -183.67 183.67 -183.767

Free body diagram of the beam.


183.67KNm 183.67KNm


Consideration of the horizontal equilibrium of the entire frame gives:

ΣFy = RBA+ RCD = 2*77.29*6/2 = 231.87KN

By taking X – section of the beam

V = 77.29X – 231.87

M = 231.87X – 77.29X2/2 – 183.67

The moment will be maximum when the shear equals to zero.

0 = 77.29X – 231.87 X = 3m

M = 231.87 *3 – 77.29 *9 /2 – 183.67 = 164.135KNm

Frame analysis along X- direction

Design load Pd = 1.35DL + 1.5LL

Dead load along x-direction = 9.794KN/m2 * 6m= 58.764KN/m

Live load along x- direction = 1KN/m2 * 6m = 6KN/m

Pd= 1.35*58.764 + 1.5 *6 = 88.33KN/m

Analyze the frame by using displacement method of analysis: moment distribution




3.15m 3.15m


 Fixed end moments


FEMBC = WLBC2/12 = 88.33 * 5.252/12 = -202.88KNm

FEMCB = WLCB2/12 = 88.33 * 5.252/12 = 202.88KNm


 Relative bending stiffness, K

Joint B

ΣK = KBA + KBC = IBA/LBA + IBC/LBA = I/3.15 + I/5.25 = 0.318 +0.19 =0.508

Joint C

ΣK = KCB + KCD = ICB/LCB + ICD/LCD = I/5.25 + I/3.15 = 0.19 + 0.318 =0.508

 Distribution factor, DF

At joint B
LBA 3.15
DFBA= I I = I I = 0.625
+ +
LBA LBC 3.15 5.25

LBC 5.25
DFBC= I I = I I = 0.375
+ +
LBA LBC 3.15 5.25

At joint C
LCB 5.25
DFCB= I I = I I = 0.375
+ +
LCB LCD 3.15 5.25

LCD 3.15
DFCD= I I = I I = 0.625
+ +
LCB LCD 3.15 5.25

The results of analysis using moment distribution method are usually presented in a tabular form.

Joint A B C D
member AB BA BC CB CD DC
DF 1 0.625 0.375 0.375 0.625 1
FEM -202.88 202.88
Dist. 126.8 76.08 -76.08 -126.8
CO -38.04 38.04
Dist. 23.775 14.265 -14.265 -23.775
CO -7.13 7.13

Dist. 4.458 2.672 -2.672 -4.458
CO -1.336 1.336
Dist. 0.835 0.5 -0.5 -0.835
CO -0.25 0.25
Dist. 0.156 0.094 -0.094 -0.156
ΣM 0 156.024 -156.025 156.025 -156.024

Free body diagram of the beam.


156.024KNm 156.025KNm


Consideration of the horizontal equilibrium of the entire frame gives:

ΣFy = RBA+ RCD = 2*88.33*5.25/2 = 231.87KN

By taking X – section of the beam

V = 88.33X – 231.87

M = 231.87X – 88.33X2/2 – 156.024

The moment will be maximum when the shear equals to zero.

0 = 88.33X – 231.87

X = 2.625m

M = 231.87 *2.625 – 88.33 *6.89/2 – 156.024 = 148.34KNm

Since the above analysis are for total moments, we need to distribute it in to column strip moment and middle strip moment as per ES EN
ANNEX I table I .1

Negative moments Positive moments

Column Strip 60 – 80% 50 – 70%
Middle strip 40 – 20% 50 – 30%
Note: Total negative and positive moments to be resisted by the column and middle strips
together should always add up to 100%.
Table 29: apportionment between column and middle strip expressed as percent of the total negative or positive design moment

Then we take those percentages for middle strip and column strip together to give 100%

Column strip Middle strip

Negative 75 25
Positive 55 45

Along Y- direction

1) Middle strip moment

(0.25∗ )
M-1 = =- 7.66KNm
(0.45∗ )
M-2 = = 12.31KNm

2) Column strip moment

(0.75∗ )
M-1 = = -22.97KNm

(0.55∗ )
M-2 = = 15.05KNm

Along X- direction

1) Middle strip moment

(0.25∗ )
M-1 = = -7.43KNm
(0.45∗ )
M-2 = =12.72KNm

2) Column strip moment

(0.75∗ )
M-1 = =- 22.29KNm
(0.55∗ )
M-2 = =15.54KNm

Design of flat slab for flexure

The minimum and maximum value of area of reinforcement is computed in accordance with the provision of the code.

Ast,in=max 0.26fctm∗btd/fyk

0.0013btd ………………ES EN 1992:2015 art.

Bt denotes the mean width; for a T-beam with the flange in compression, only the
width of the web is taken into account in calculating the value of bt.

Fctm should be determined with respect to the relevant strength class according to ES EN 1992:2015 art 3 Table 3.1

Ast,in=max 0.26*2.2*1000*195/400 = 278.85mm2

0.0013*1000*195 = 253.5mm2

Ast, min = 278.85mm2 /m

Ast,max = 0.04*Ac

= 0.04*1000*230

= 9200mm2

For slab maximum spacing in transverse direction is defined in Section of ES EN 1992-1-1

Smax,slab=Min 3.5∗h=3.5∗230=805mm


Smax,slab = 400mm

On this panel we have 4 axis which is axis y3-y3, y4-y4, x1-x1 and x2-x2

1) For axis x1-x1 & x2-x2

 For middle strip

Negative moment = -7.66KNm

Positive moment = 12.31KNm

a) Exterior negative moment

(Msd =-7.66KNm)

μsd = Msd/(fcd*b*d2)=7.66*106/(11.33*1000*1952)=0.018

From the general design chart no. 1 for μsd=0.018; Kz=0.98

As=Msd/(Z*fyd) Z=Kz*d


So take As=275.85mm2

As = 𝜋D2/4

= 𝜋*102/4

= 78.54mm2

S = b*As/Ast calculated

= 1000*78.54/275.85 = 284.7mm2≈ 280 mm

Provide Ø10 c/c 280mm

b) Interior positive moment

(Msd =12.31KNm)

μsd = Msd/(fcd*b*d2)=12.31*106/(11.33*1000*1952)= 0.029

From the general design chart no. 1 for μsd=0.029; Kz=0.97

As=Msd/(Z*fyd) Z=Kz*d

As=12.31*106/(0.97*195*347.8)= 187.12<As-min=275.85mm2

So take As=275.85mm2

S = b*As/Ast calculated

= 1000*78.54/275.85 = 284.7mm2≈ 280 mm

Provide Ø10 c/c 280mm

 For column strip

Negative moment = -22.97KNm

Positive moment = 15.05KNm

a) Exterior negative moment

(Msd =-22.97KNm)

μsd = Msd/(fcd*b*d2)=22.97*106/(11.33*1000*1952)= 0.053

From the general design chart no. 1 for μsd=0.053; Kz=0.96

As=Msd/(Z*fyd) Z=Kz*d

As=22.97*106/(0.96*195*347.8)=352.8 > As-min=275.85mm2

So take As= 352.8mm2

S = b*As/Ast calculated

= 1000*78.54/352.8 = 222.6mm2≈ 220 mm

Provide Ø10 c/c 220mm

b) Interior positive moment

(Msd =15.05KNm)

μsd = Msd/(fcd*b*d2)=15.05*106/(11.33*1000*1952)= 0.035

From the general design chart no. 1 for μsd=0.035; Kz=0.97

As=Msd/(Z*fyd) Z=Kz*d

As=15.05*106/(0.97*195*347.8)= 228.7<As-min=275.85mm2

So take As=275.85mm2

S = b*As/Ast calculated

= 1000*78.54/275.85 = 284.7mm2≈ 280 mm

Provide Ø10 c/c 280mm

2) For axis y3-y3 & y4-y4

 For middle strip

Negative moment = -7.43KNm

Positive moment = 12.72KNm

a) Exterior negative moment

(Msd =-7.43KNm)

μsd = Msd/(fcd*b*d2)=7.43*106/(11.33*1000*1952)=0.017

From the general design chart no. 1 for μsd=0.017; Kz=0.98

As=Msd/(Z*fyd) Z=Kz*d


So take As=275.85mm2

S = b*As/Ast calculated

= 1000*78.54/275.85 = 284.7mm2≈ 280 mm

Provide Ø10 c/c 280mm

b) Interior positive moment

(Msd =12.72KNm)

μsd = Msd/(fcd*b*d2)=12.72*106/(11.33*1000*1952)= 0.029

From the general design chart no. 1 for μsd=0.029; Kz=0.97

As=Msd/(Z*fyd) Z=Kz*d

As=12.72*106/(0.97*195*347.8)= 187.12<As-min=275.85mm2

So take As=275.85mm2

S = b*As/Ast calculated

= 1000*78.54/275.85 = 284.7mm2≈ 280 mm

Provide Ø10 c/c 280mm

 For column strip

Negative moment = -22.29KNm

Positive moment = 15.54KNm

a) Exterior negative moment

(Msd =-22.29KNm)

μsd = Msd/(fcd*b*d2)=22.29*106/(11.33*1000*1952)= 0.052

From the general design chart no. 1 for μsd=0.052; Kz=0.96

As=Msd/(Z*fyd) Z=Kz*d

As=22.29*106/(0.96*195*347.8)=342.35 > As-min=275.85mm2

So take As= 342.35mm2

S = b*As/Ast calculated

= 1000*78.54/342.35 = 229.4mm2≈ 220 mm

Provide Ø10 c/c 220mm

b) Interior positive moment

(Msd =15.54KNm)

μsd = Msd/(fcd*b*d2)=15.54*106/(11.33*1000*1952)= 0.036

From the general design chart no. 1 for μsd=0.036; Kz=0.97

As=Msd/(Z*fyd) Z=Kz*d

As=15.54*106/(0.97*195*347.8)= 236.22<As-min=275.85mm2

So take As=275.85mm2

S = b*As/Ast calculated

= 1000*78.54/275.85 = 284.7mm2≈ 280 mm

Provide Ø10 c/c 280mm

Checking for punching

Punching shear can result from a concentrated load or reaction acting on a relatively small area, called the loaded area Aload of a slab or a

Figure 3-8: verification model for punching shear

The shear resistance should be checked at the face of the column and at the basic control perimeter u1. If shear reinforcement is required a
further perimeter uout,ef should be found where shear reinforcement is no longer required.
The basic control perimeter u1 may normally be taken to be at a distance 2d from the loaded area and should be constructed so as to
minimise its length.

The effective depth of the slab is assumed constant and may normally be taken as:

(d y  d z )
Deff 
where dy and dz are the effective depths of the reinforcement in two orthogonal directions.

Figure 3-9: control perimeter for loaded areas at the corner

 Effective depth in longer direction

 Effective depth in short direction
 Average depth = ½(d1+d2)
We have column size 400*400
Hence, punching perimeter U1=4*(2d+400)
= 4*(2*190+400)
= 3120mm
U2 = (((400+190)*2) + (400+380)*2) + 298.45) = 3038.45
Punching area AP1 = U1*d
= 3120mm*190mm
= 592,800mm2
Punching area AP2 = U2 * d
= 3038.45mm *190mm
= 577305.5mm2

Punching shear calculation
The design procedure for punching shear is based on checks at the face of the column and at the basic control perimeter u1
The following checks should be carried out:

(a) At the column perimeter, or the perimeter of the loaded area, the maximum punching shear stress should not be exceeded:


(b) Punching shear reinforcement is not necessary if:

(c) Where VEd exceeds the value VRd,c for the control section considered, punching shear reinforcement should be
Vrd,c = vrd,c*Ud

vrd, c = Crd, c ∗ K(100 ∗ ρ1 ∗ fck)3 + k1 ∗ σcp<= [Vmin+ 𝑘1*𝜎𝑐𝑝]

0.18 0.18
𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = = = 0.12
𝛾𝑐 1.5

200 200
𝐾 = 1+ √ 𝑑
= 1 + √190 = 2.023 > 2, so take K = 2

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 2.9
𝜌1 = 0.26 ∗ = 0.26 ∗ = 0.001885
𝑓𝑦𝑘 400

Now 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 0.12 ∗ 2(100 ∗ 0.001885 ∗ 20)3 + 0.15 ∗ 3000∗2625

= 0.3757N/mm2

Vrd,c1 = vrd,c*U*d = (0.3757*592800)/1000

Vrd,c1 = 222.72KN

Vrd,c2 = vrd,c*U*d = (0.3757*577305.5)/1000

Vrd,c2 = 216.89KN

Where the support reaction is eccentric with regard to the control perimeter, the maximum shear stress should be taken as

VED = β ∗
(Ui ∗ d)

115.94 ∗ 1000
VED1 = 0.15 ∗ = 0.19558

115.94 ∗ 1000
VED1 = 0.15 ∗ = 0.20083

VED1 = 195.58KN

VED2 = 200.83KN

Hence Vrd,c1 = 222.72KN > VED1 = 195.58KN…………. OK

Vrd,c2 = 216.89KN > VED2 = 200.83KN…………. OK

Stair case 1

Figure 4-1: sectional view

The stairs are designed as cantilever beam fixed to the shear wall.

Effective Depth Determination: Serviceability requirement

According to ES EN 1992:2015; the limit state of deformation may be checked by

Initially we can’t know ρ and ρ’. So let’s assume ρ= ρo and use equation 7.16a.
As,req = As, provided.


𝑁=11+1.5√ /𝜌+3.2√(𝜌𝑜/𝜌−1)3/2 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝜌𝑜=𝜌 (𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛) 𝜌𝑜=√𝑓𝑐𝑘∗10−3=√20∗10-3= 0.00447%


F2=1 and F3=1 (because span of beam ≤7m) Now: determine K using table7.4𝑁 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑆 𝐸𝑁1992:2015

500 500
F1 = As req =400=1.25
As provided

F2=1 and F3=1 (because span of beam ≤7m) 𝑁𝑜𝑤: 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐾 𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 7.4𝑁 𝑜𝑓 𝐸𝑆 𝐸𝑁1992:2015

l/d = K*N*F1*F2*F3, F1=1.25 , F2=1 ,F3=1 & K=0.4

l/d=0.4*17.71*1.25*1*1= 8.855

l =1.6m = 1600mm

1600/d = 8.855 d (Effective depth) = 180mm

Depth D= d+d’
Where d’ = cover + ∅ 2
, ∅𝑙𝑜𝑛 = 12𝑚𝑚

d’ = 25 +12/2 = 31mm

D = 180mm + 31mm = 211mm≈ 215mm

Now d =D – d’ =215 – 31 = 184mm

Take D = 215mm

Load on beam

 Dead load of single step

i. Own weight of concrete
= 0.215 * 0.3 *25 + (0.5 *0.15 *0.3 *25) = 2.175KN/m
ii. Mortar for thread
= 0.02 * 0.3 *23 = 0.138KN/m
iii. Mortar for riser
= 0.02 * 0.15 *23 = 0.069KN/m
iv. Marble for thread
= 0.02 * 0.3* 27 = 0.162KN/m
v. Marble for riser
= 0.02 *(0.15 – 0.02) *27 = 0.07KN/m
Total dead load
=2.175 +0.138 +0.069 +0.162 +0.07 = 2.614KN/m
 Live load

According to ES EN 1991: 2015 table 6.2 imposed loads on floors, balconies and stairs in building. Stairs are classified as category A.

Live load = 3KN/m2 * 0.3 = 0.9KN/m

 Design load

Pd = 1.35DL + 1.5LL

Dead load on flight = 1.35 * 2.614 = 3.53KN/m

Live load on flight = 1.5 * 0.9 = 1.3KN/m

Total Pd = 4.88KN/m

Moment determination and steel reinforcement

I. Maximum bending moment

Bending moment diagram

II. Longitudinal reinforcement design


μ𝑠𝑑,𝑠=8.97*106/11.33*300*1842 = 0.078


μ𝑠𝑑, =0.078 < μu𝑠*=0.295 (for 0% moment redistribution) design as singly reinforced section

Using μ𝑠𝑑, =0.078 read Kz from the general design chart No. 1a. (EBCS 2)

From design chart reading, kz= 0.95

Kz= z/d
Z= 0.95 *184=174.8mm

Ast,calc =MED / 𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧

= 8.97*106/347.82*174.8
= 147.54mm2

Number of reinforcement (as = 113.1mm2)

= As/as = 147.54/113.1 =1.3 ≈ 2bars

Provide 2 bars Ø12

Shear reinforcement

The design value of the shear resistance is given in ES EN 1992:2015 section 6.2.2 as follows VRd,c = [CRd,ck(100 ∗ 𝜌1 fck) 1/3 +
𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑 ≤ [Vmin + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑

fck is in MPa
k=1+√ ≤ 2.0 with d in mm

k=1+√ = 2.04 take k = 2

 = ≤ 0.02 = 0.0026 ≤ 0.02 OK!

Asl is the area of the tensile reinforcement, which extends  (fcd + d) beyond the section considered
bw is the smallest width of the cross-section in the tensile area [mm]
cp = NEd/Ac< 0.2 fcd [MPa]

NEd is the axial force in the cross-section due to loading or prestressing [in N] (NEd> 0for compression). The influence of imposed
deformations on NEd may be ignored.
AC is the area of concrete cross section [mm2]
VRd,c is [N]

0.18 0.18
CRD,c = = = 0.12
γc 1.5

Vmin = 0.035 ∗ 𝑘 3/2 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘 1/2 = 0.035 ∗ 2 3/2 ∗ 20 1/2 = 0.443

VRd,c = [CRd,ck(100 ∗ 𝜌1 fck) 1/3 + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑 ≤ [Vmin + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑

VRd,c = [0.12*2(100 ∗ 0.0026* 20) 1/3 + 0.15*0]300 * 184 ≤ [0.443+ 0.15* 0] 300*184

VRD,c = 22951.87N ≤ VRD,c(min) = 24453.6N……………..OK!!!!

Take VRD,c = 22.95KN

Since VRd,c = 22.95KN > VED = 11.21KN the section doesn’t require design for shear reinforcement. Thus provide minimum
reinforcement for shear given in ES EN 1992-1-1 Section 9.2.2

The ratio of shear reinforcement is given by the expression.

ρw = where, ρw is the shear reinforcement ratio

ρw ≤ ρw,min = 0.08 ∗
=0.08 ∗
= 0.000894 => take ρw=0.000894

Asw is area of shear reinforcement with length s

α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the longitudinal axis

s is the spacing of the shear reinforcement measured along the longitudinal axis of the member

sl,max = 0.75d(1 + 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛼) , considering α=90o

sl,max = 0.75d = 0.75 ∗ 184 = 138mm

bw is the breadth of the web of the member

Thus Smax =

Consider 8 mm dia stirrup with 2 legs

𝑑2 8∗8
Asw = 2 ∗ 𝜋 ∗ 4
=2∗𝜋∗ 4
= 100.53mm2

Smax = = 374.83

Sl,max = 138mm < Smax= 374.83 Take S provided = 130mm

Provide Ø10 center-to-center 130mm

Design of landing
Material properties

Concrete class fck = 20Mpa

Steel grade fyk = 400Mpa

Depth determination

The landings are designed as a cantilever beam fixed to the shear wall.

Take D = 215mm

d= 215 – 31 = 184mm

Determination of the design load

 Dead load

a) Own weight of the concrete

= 0.215 * 1.6 *25 = 8.6KN/m

b) Mortar for landing

= 0.02 * 1.6 *23 = 0.736KN/m

c) Marble for landing

= 0.02 * 1.6 *27 = 0.864KN/m

Total dead load = 8.6 + 0.736 + 0.864 = 10.2KN/m

 Live load

According to ES EN 1991: 2015 table 6.2 imposed loads on floors, balconies and stairs in building. Stairs are classified as category A.

Live load = 3KN/m2 * 1.6m = 4.8KN/m

Design load (Pd) = 1.35DL + 1.5LL

Total dead load =10.2KN/m

Total live load = 4.8KN/m

Deign load (Pd) = 1.35*(10.2) + 1.5 * (4.8) = 20.97KN/m

Moment determination and steel reinforcement

 Maximum bending moment

Bending moment diagram

 Longitudinal reinforcement

Msd = 36.13KNm


μ𝑠𝑑,𝑠=36.13*106/11.33*1000*1842 = 0.094


μ𝑠𝑑, =0.094 < μu𝑠*=0.295 (for 0% moment redistribution) design as singly reinforced section

Using μ𝑠𝑑, =0.094 read Kz from the general design chart No. 1a. (EBCS 2)

From design chart reading, kz= 0.93

Kz= z/d
Z= 0.93 *184=171.12mm

Ast,calc =MED / 𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧

= 36.13*106/347.82*171.12
= 607.03mm2

Number of reinforcement (as = 113.1mm2)

= As/as = 607.03/113.1 =5.37 ≈ 6 bars

Provide 6 bars Ø12

Shear reinforcement

The design value of the shear resistance is given in ES EN 1992:2015 section 6.2.2 as follows VRd,c = [CRd,ck(100 ∗ 𝜌1 fck) 1/3 +
𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑 ≤ [Vmin + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑

fck is in MPa
k=1+√ ≤ 2.0 with d in mm

k=1+√ = 2.04 take k = 2

 = ≤ 0.02 = 0.0033 ≤ 0.02 OK!

Asl is the area of the tensile reinforcement, which extends  (fcd + d) beyond the section considered
bw is the smallest width of the cross-section in the tensile area [mm]
cp = NEd/Ac< 0.2 fcd [MPa]
NEd is the axial force in the cross-section due to loading or prestressing [in N] (NEd> 0 for compression). The influence of imposed
deformations on NEd may be ignored.
AC is the area of concrete cross section [mm2]
VRd,c is [N]

0.18 0.18
CRD,c = = = 0.12
γc 1.5

Vmin = 0.035 ∗ 𝑘 3/2 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘 1/2 = 0.035 ∗ 2 3/2 ∗ 20 1/2 = 0.443

VRd,c = [CRd,ck(100 ∗ 𝜌1 fck) 1/3 + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑 ≤ [Vmin + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑

VRd,c = [0.12*2(100 ∗ 0.0033* 20) 1/3 + 0.15*0]1000 * 184 ≤ [0.443+ 0.15* 0]1000*184

VRD,c = 82834.33N ≤ VRD,c(min) = 81512N……………..OK!!!!

Take VRD,c = 82.834KN

Since VRd,c = 82.834KN > VED = 45.16KN the section doesn’t require design for shear reinforcement. Thus provide minimum
reinforcement for shear given in ES EN 1992-1-1 Section 9.2.2

The ratio of shear reinforcement is given by the expression.

ρw = where, ρw is the shear reinforcement ratio

ρw ≤ ρw,min = 0.08 ∗
=0.08 ∗ 400 = 0.000894 => take ρw=0.000894

Asw is area of shear reinforcement with length s

α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the longitudinal axis

s is the spacing of the shear reinforcement measured along the longitudinal axis of the member

sl,max = 0.75d(1 + 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛼) , considering α=90o

sl,max = 0.75d = 0.75 ∗ 184 = 138mm

bw is the breadth of the web of the member

Thus Smax =

Consider 8 mm dia stirrup with 2 legs

𝑑2 8∗8
Asw = 2 ∗ 𝜋 ∗ 4
=2∗𝜋∗ 4
= 100.53mm2

Smax = = 112.45mm

Sl,max = 138mm > Smax= 112.45 Take S provided = 110mm

Provide Ø10 center-to-center 110mm

Stair case 2
Stair dimension

Thread = 300mm

Riser = 150mm

Flight length = √(1502 + 3002) = 335.4mm

Load on stair

1) Dead load on flight

a) Own weight of concrete
= = 5.26KN/m

b) Steps

(0.5∗ 0.15∗0.875∗25)
= =1.83KN/m

c) Base mortar plaster

= = 0.45KN/m

d) Mortar for trade

= = 0.4KN/m
e) Mortar for riser

= 2.7
= 0.2KN/m
f) Marble for trade

= =0.47KN/m

g) Marble for riser

= 2.7
= 0.204KN/m
Total dead load of flight = 8.814KN/m

2) Dead load on landing
a) Concrete slab = 0.215 * 25 * 0.875 = 4.703KN/m
b) Cement screed = 0.03 * 23 *0.875 = 0.604KN/m
c) Marble = 0.02 * 27 * 0.875 = 0.47KN/m
d) Plastering = 0.01 * 18 * 0.875 = 0.157KN/m

Total dead load of landing = 5.934KN/m

3) Live load

According to ES EN 1991: 2015 table 6.2 imposed loads on floors, balconies and stairs in building. Stairs are classified as category A.

Live load = 3KN/m2 * 0.875m = 2.625KN/m

4) Design load

Design load (Pd) = 1.35DL + 1.5LL

Total dead load on flight =8.814KN/m

Total live load on flight = 2.625KN/m

Deign load on flight (Pd) = 1.35*(8.814) + 1.5 * (2.625) = 15.84KN/m

Total dead load on landing =5.934KN/m

Total live load on landing = 2.625KN/m

Deign load on landing (Pd) = 1.35*(5.934) + 1.5 * (2.625) = 11.95KN/m

Moment determination and steel reinforcement

 Maximum bending moment

Bending moment diagram

 Longitudinal reinforcement

Support moment Msd = 19.26KNm


μ𝑠𝑑,=19.26 *106/11.33*875*1842 = 0.057


μ𝑠𝑑, =0.072 < μu𝑠*=0.295 (for 0% moment redistribution) design as singly reinforced section

Using μ𝑠𝑑, =0.057 read Kz from the general design chart No. 1a. (EBCS 2)

From design chart reading, kz= 0.96

Kz= z/d
Z= 0.96 *184=176.64mm

Ast,calc =MED / 𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧

= 19.26*106/347.82*176.64
= 313.48mm2

Ast,min=Max 0.26fctm∗btd/fyk


Ast,min = Max 0.26*2.2*875*184/400 = 230.23mm2

= 0.0013*875*184= 209.3mm2

Ast,min = 230.23mm2

Number of reinforcement (as = 113.1mm2)

= As/as = 313.48/113.1 = 2.77 ≈ 3 bars

Provide 3 bars Ø12

Provision of secondary reinforcement

Section and Section of ES EN 1992-1-1, provide an information about secondary transverse reinforcement.

According to Section of ES EN 1992-1-1, Secondary transverse reinforcement of not less than 20% of the principal reinforcement
should be provided in one way slab.

Ast, transverse = 0.2 * Ast,calc = 0.2*313.48mm2/m = 62.69mm2/m

Using the ∅ 8 mm diameter of reinforcement in the secondary direction, As = 50.3mm2

Scalc = b * As/Ast, transverse = 875*50.3/62.69 = 702.07mm

For slab maximum spacing in transverse direction is defined in Section of ES EN 1992-1-1

3.5ℎ = 3.5 ∗ 215 = 752.5𝑚𝑚

Smax,slabs = Min { }

Smax,slabs = 450mm

Provide secondary reinforcement of ∅ 8mm c/c 450mm

Span moment Msd = 10.08KNm


μ𝑠𝑑,=10.08 *106/11.33*875*1842 = 0.03


μ𝑠𝑑, =0.03 < μu𝑠*=0.295 (for 0% moment redistribution) design as singly reinforced section

Using μ𝑠𝑑, =0.03 read Kz from the general design chart No. 1a. (EBCS 2)

From design chart reading, kz= 0.98

Kz= z/d
Z= 0.98 *184=180.32mm

Ast,calc =MED / 𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧

= 10.08*106/347.82*180.32
= 160.72mm2

Ast,min = 230.23mm2

Ast,cal<Ast,min so take Ast,calc = 230.23mm2

Number of reinforcement (as = 113.1mm2)

= As/as = 230.23/113.1 = 2.04 ≈ 3 bars

Provide 3 bars Ø12

Provision of secondary reinforcement

Section and Section of ES EN 1992-1-1, provide an information about secondary transverse reinforcement.

According to Section of ES EN 1992-1-1, Secondary transverse reinforcement of not less than 20% of the principal reinforcement
should be provided in one way slab.

Ast, transverse = 0.2 * Ast,calc = 0.2*230.23mm2/m = 46.046mm2/m

Using the ∅ 8 mm diameter of reinforcement in the secondary direction, As = 50.3mm2

Scalc = b * As/Ast, transverse = 875*50.3/46.046 = 955.84mm

For slab maximum spacing in transverse direction is defined in Section of ES EN 1992-1-1

3.5ℎ = 3.5 ∗ 215 = 752.5𝑚𝑚

Smax,slabs = Min { }

Smax,slabs = 450mm

Provide secondary reinforcement of ∅ 8mm c/c 450mm

Shear reinforcement

The design value of the shear resistance is given in ES EN 1992:2015 section 6.2.2 as follows VRd,c = [CRd,ck(100 ∗ 𝜌1 fck) 1/3 +
𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑 ≤ [Vmin + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑

fck is in MPa
k=1+√ ≤ 2.0 with d in mm

k=1+√ = 2.04 take k = 2

 = ≤ 0.02 = 0.0033 ≤ 0.02 OK!

0.18 0.18
CRD,c = = = 0.12
γc 1.5

Vmin = 0.035 ∗ 𝑘 3/2 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘 1/2 = 0.035 ∗ 2 3/2 ∗ 20 1/2 = 0.443

VRd,c = [CRd,ck(100 ∗ 𝜌1 fck) 1/3 + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑 ≤ [Vmin + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑

VRd,c = [0.12*2(100 ∗ 0.0033* 20) 1/3 + 0.15*0]875 * 184 ≤ [0.443+ 0.15* 0]875*184

VRD,c =72480.04 ≤ VRD,c(min) = 71323N……………..OK!!!!

Take VRD,c = 72.48KN

Since VRd,c = 72.48KN > VED = 29.66KN the section doesn’t require design for shear reinforcement. Thus provide minimum
reinforcement for shear given in ES EN 1992-1-1 Section 9.2.2

The ratio of shear reinforcement is given by the expression.

ρw = where, ρw is the shear reinforcement ratio

ρw ≤ ρw,min = 0.08 ∗
=0.08 ∗
= 0.000894 => take ρw=0.000894

Asw is area of shear reinforcement with length s

α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the longitudinal axis

s is the spacing of the shear reinforcement measured along the longitudinal axis of the member

sl,max = 0.75d(1 + 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛼) , considering α=90o

sl,max = 0.75d = 0.75 ∗ 184 = 138mm

bw is the breadth of the web of the member

Thus Smax =

Consider 8 mm dia stirrup with 2 legs

𝑑2 8∗8
Asw = 2 ∗ 𝜋 ∗ =2∗𝜋∗ = 100.53mm2
4 4

Smax = = 128.51mm

Sl,max = 138mm > Smax= 128.51 Take S provided = 120mm

Provide Ø10 center-to-center 110mm



Building structure is designed to with stand the lateral loads such as earth quake and wind actions without any crack, deflection
and excessive deformation.
Earthquake Analysis Methods

i) Design lateral force method
ii) Response spectrum method
iii) Linear time history method

Equivalent lateral force method is applied to the buildings if the following conditions are satisfied
1) Shall be applied to buildings whose response is primarily dominated by the 1st mode.
2) And that are regular in elevation Regularity

Design steps for lateral force method:

1) The design force shall first be completed for the building as a whole.
2) This design lateral force shall then be distributed to the various floor levels.
3) The overall design seismic force thus obtained at each floor shall then be distributed to individual lateral load resisting elements
depending on the floor diaphragm.

1. Base Shear Force Fb

It shall be calculated for each horizontal direction.

a.) Sd(T1)- Ordinate of the design Spectrum at T1
T1 Fundamental Natural Period
Based on any equation coming from Structural Mechanics

For the building height


Ct Structural Coefficient
H Building height (in m) from foundation or top of rigid basement

Ct = 0.085 gor moment Resistant Steel frames

=0.075 for moment resistant concret frames and eccentricity braced steel frames

=0.05 for all other Structures

b.) λ Correction factor is 0.85 if T1<=2Tc and the building has more than two stories other wise λ=1
2. Calculation of design spectrual acceleration Sad dependent on soil class and behavior.”q”

2 𝑇1 2.5 2
For 0≤T1≤TB Sad (T1) = ag*S⟦3 + 𝑇𝐵 ( 𝑞 − 3)⟧
For TB≤ 𝑇1 ≤ 𝑇𝑐 Sad (T1) = ag*S*
2.5 𝑇𝐶
For TC≤ 𝑇1 ≤ 𝑇𝐶 Sad (T1) = ag*S* 𝑞 ∗ 𝑇1
2.5 𝑇𝐶∗𝑇𝐷
For TD≤ 𝑇1 ≤ 4𝑆 Sad (T1) = ag*S* 𝑞 ∗ 𝑇12

3. Distribution of horizontal seismic forces Fi to all Story levels can be done by two ways.
1. Dependent of height of masses

Zi – height of the respective masses

2. Dependent on absolute horizontal Displacement of masses

Sj- Lateral displacement of mass I in the 1st Mode
1. Select Ground Type

Our ground type is Type C (Deep deposits of dense or medium dense Sand gravel or stiff Clay with thickness from several tens to
many hundreds of meters.

The values of the period TB, TC and TD and the soil factor S describing the shape of the elastic response spectrum depend upon the
ground type.
Note The values tobe described to TB, TC, TD and S for each ground type and type (Shape) of spectrum to be used. If deep
Geology is not accounted for the recommended choice is the use of two types of spectrum. Type1 and Type2 if the earth quakes
that contribute most to the seismic hazard defined for the site for the purpose of probabilistic hazard assessment have a surface
wave magnitude Ms., not greater than 5.5, it is recommended that the Type 2 spectrum is adapted. For the five ground types A, B,
C, D and E the recommended values of the parameters S, TB, TC and TD are given in table.

Ground Type S TB(s) TC(s) TD(s)

A 1 0.05 0.25 1.2
B 1.35 0.05 0.25 1.2
C 1.5 0.1 0.25 1.2
D 1.8 0.1 0.3 1.2
E 1.6 0.05 0.25 1.2
Table 30: Values of Parameter describing the recommended type 2 elastic response spectra

Values of the Parameters describing the recommended Type1 elastic response spectra

Then S=1.5 TB=0.1 TC=0.25 TD=1.2

T1= C*H3/4

= 0.075*18.93/4=0.679sec

2. Design Spectrum

TC≤ 𝑇1 ≤ 𝑇𝐷
2.5 𝑇𝑐
Sad(T1)=ag*S* 𝑞 *𝑇1
Importance Classes for Buildings
Importance Buildings
I. Building of minor importance for public safety, e.g. ,agricultural buildings,
II. Ordinary Buildings, not belonging in the other categories.
III. Buildings whose seismic resistance is of importance in view of the
consequences associated with a collapse, e.g., schools, assembly halls,
cultural institutions etc.
IV. Buildings whose integrity during earth quakes is of vital importance foe civil
protection, e.g, Hospitals, Fire stations, power plants,etc.
Table 31: Importance Class for building

Importance Class II


agr= 0.15*9.81=1.47

ag= 𝛾𝑎𝑔𝑟 =1*1.47

q=qd*Kwqd=3(𝛼1)= 3*1.3= 3.9 Kw=1

q=3.9*1=3.9m/s2 Check q> 1.5

3.9> 1.5 so q is Safe

2.5 TC
Sd(T1) = ag*S* *
𝑞 T1

2.5 0.25
= 1.47*1.5* *
3.9 0.679

= 0.52sec


Total imposed Load =12327.05+981.89=13308.94KN


From the above Sd(T1)=0.52sec

Fb = Sd(T1)*𝜆 ∗ 𝑀

= 0.52*1*33,976.312

= 17667.68KN

Distribution of the base shear over the height of the building

Distribution of horizontal seismic forces Fi to all Story levels by Dependent Height of Mass


Type Fb Zi(m) Mi Zi*Mi Fi
Terace 17667.68 18.9 2060.828 38949.65 2635.493
4th floor 17667.68 15.75 4812.956 75804.06 5129.213
3rd Floor 17667.68 12.6 4247.265 53515.54 3621.08
2nd Floor 17667.68 9.45 4840.894 45746.45 3095.392
1st Floor 17667.68 6.3 4414.216 27809.56 1881.709
Ground 17667.68 3.15 6121.714 19283.4 1304.794
Total 261108.7
Table 32: values of distribution for base shear

Zi∗Mi 38949.65
Fi=Fb* =17667.68* 261108.7 = 2635.493KN


Wind load is one of the lateral loads acting on the structure. In addition to Earth quake and it should be accounted in the design and
analysis of the civil engineering structures.

Vertical walls of rectangular plan buildings

The reference heights, ze, for windward walls of rectangular plan buildings (zone D,) depend on the aspect ratio h/b and are always the
upper heights of the different parts of the walls.
They are three case based on the relation of h (height of the building ) and b(width of the building)
There are
1. A building, whose height h is less than b should be considered to be one part.

2. A building, whose height h is greater than b, but less than 2b, may be considered to be two parts, comprising: a lower part extending
upwards from the ground by a height equal to b and an upper part consisting of the remainder.

3. A building, whose height h is greater than 2b may be considered to be in multiple parts,

Comprising: a lower part extending upwards from the ground by a height equal to b; an upper part extending downwards from the top by a
height equal to b and a middle region, between the upper and lower parts, which may be divided into horizontal strips with a height h strip.

The external pressure coefficients cpe,10 and cpe,1 for zone A, B, C, D and E are defined in Figure

Figure 2:External pressure diagram Zones

Fundamental value of the basic wind velocity is 22 m/sec

vb = cdir × cseason × vb,0

Vb basic wind velocity
Cdir directional factor
Cseason seasonal factor
Vb,0 fundamental value of the basic wind velocity

Basic velocity pressure

qb = 12 x ρair x vb2
Where: ρair = 1.25 kg/m³ (air density) ⇒ qb =12 x 1.25 x 22 2 = 302.5 N/m2

Peak pressure
qp(z) = [1+7lv(z)] x 12 x ρ x vm(z)2
lv = 𝜎𝑣𝑉𝑚(𝑧)== 𝐾𝑙𝐶𝑜(𝑧)∗ln (𝑧𝑧𝑜) for Zmin≤ z ≤zmax
lv = 𝑙𝑣(𝑧𝑚𝑖𝑛) for z ≤ Zmin


Kl is the turbulent factor taken as 1.0

lv (z) is turbulent intensity

lv(z) = 16.5 = 0.135
1∗ln( )

peak velocity pressure qp(z)

qp (Z) = [ 1+ 7*lv (Z)] *0.5*𝜌*V2m(Z) = Ce (Z)*qb ES EN 1991:2004 Art 4.5


𝜌 is the air density ,which is taken as 1.25 kg/m3

Ce(z) is exposure factor given as Ce(z) = 𝑞𝑏

qb is the basic velocity pressure

qb = ½(𝜌*V2b)

qp = [1+7 (0.135)*0.5*1.25*27.712 = 933.41 N/m2 =0.93341 KN /m 2

1. Determination of External wind pressure


Calculation of Cpe

e= min {b,2h}

=min (22,16.55*2)= min (22,33.1)



to compute cpe, first area of each zone must be known n computed

in order to compute the area we compare the value of e and d

e is computd as 22m , and d is 18.5m

e/d = 22m/18.5m = 1.33

based on this e > d , from ES EN recommendation when e>d there is only two area zone.

zone A bZone A zone B bBabb

Area calculation for zone

zone Area
A 72.6
B 232.65

Pressure coefficients for buildings

The external pressure coefficients cpe for buildings and parts of buildings depend on the size of the loaded area A, which is the area of the
structure that produces the wind action in the section to be calculated. The external pressure coefficients are given for loaded areas A of 1
m2 and 10 m2 in the tables for the appropriate building configurations as cpe,1, for local coefficients, and cpe,10, for overall coefficients,
 Values for cpe,1 are intended for the design of small elements and fixings with an area per element of 1 m2 or less such as
cladding elements and roofing elements. Values for cpe,10 may be used for the design of the overall load bearing structure of
 For calculating external pressure coefficients for loaded areas above 1 m2 based on external pressure coefficients cpe,1 and cpe,10.
All area is greater than 10m2 then cpe,10 is used

Recommended values of external pressure coefficients for vertical walls of rectangular plan buildings.

Table 33: Recommended values of external pressure coefficients for vertical walls of rectangular plan building

The external wind pressures are calculated as follow in tabular form

zone Cpe,10
A -1.2
B -0.8

We =qp*cpe

2 Determination Internal pressure

Determination of internal pressure coefficient

According to ES EN 1991:2004 Art 7.2.9

Cpi = 0.9 * Cpe

Wi = qp*cpi

The internal wind pressures and Wnet are calculated as follow in tabular form.

Zone A B
We -1.12 -0.75
Wi -1.008 -0.675

Wnet -0.105 -0.075

Note: When the wind action flows at north south direction to the building the Maximum net wind pressure will act on zone A with
magnitude of Wnet = 0.105KN/m² which is suction.


Load transfer from two-way slab (for ground first and terrace)


Vy Vy Lx



1. Dead load transfer:- the dead load transfer is accomplished as follow using the following typical formula
2. Live Load transfer:- the live load transfer is accomplished as follow using the following typical formula’s


Load transfer for panel 1.

Lx = 5.25m Ly = 6m and Ly/Lx = 6/5.25 = 1.14m
Support condition for type 3
Dead Load: DL = 6.96KN/m2
For Ly/Lx = 1.14 the shear coefficients are

βVxc = 0.4 βVxd = 0.27

βVyc = 0.36 βVyd = -- from EBCS 2, 1995 Table 7.2

VDxc=βVxc*DL*Lx = 0.4 * 6.96 * 5.25 = 14.616KN

VDxd=βVxd*DL*Lx = 0.27 * 6.96 * 5.25 = 9.69KN

VDyc=βVyc*DL*Lx = 0.36 * 6.96 * 5.25 = 13.15KN

VDyd=βVyc*DL*Lx = --


Beams are horizontal members of frame structure which transfer load to the vertical member(columns) without any deflection.

Material data

 Grade of concrete C20/25

 Steel grade S-400
 Ø20 bar for flexure
 Ø8 bar for shear
 Use concrete cover c=30mm
Cross-section of beams are

 Top tie beam=200*250mm

 Typical beam(ground, first, second, third, fourth and terrace)=200*400mm
 Grade beam=400*500mm

1) Determine material design values /specification/

Concrete: steel:

αcc∗fck fyk
fcd = γc
fyd = γs

=0.85*20/1.5=11.33mpa = 300/1.15=260.87
Es=200GPa Ec =30GPa
2) Determine Geometry/Dimension

Given; b=200mm

D=effective depth (d) +cover+Φst+Φlon/2

In order to determine the depth of the beam, first it is needed to find concrete cover and effective depth.

I. Concrete cover determination
The nominal concrete cover is the distance b/n the surface of reinforcement closest to the nearest concrete surface

C𝑛𝑜𝑚 = C𝑚𝑖𝑛 + ∆C𝑑𝑒𝑣 ES EN 1992:2015 Art 4.4.12(1)

Where; 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 –minimum ∆𝐶𝑑𝑒𝑣 is allowance in design for deviation.

Minimum cover, shall provide in order to ensure

 Safe transmission of bond force

 Corrosion resistance/ Durability

 Fire resistance


Cmin = 𝑀𝑎𝑥 {𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛, + ∆𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟, − ∆𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟, − ∆𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟,



Cmin,b -minimum cover due to bond requirement,

Cmin,dur - minimum cover due to environmental

∆Cdur,γ- additive safety element,

∆Cdur,st -reduction of minimum cover for use of stainless steel

∆Cdur,add -reduction of minimum cover for use of additional protection,

But; the recommended value of ∆Cdur,γ , ∆Cdur,st , and ∆Cdur,add is zero.

 Cover Design for Bond

In order to transmit bond forces safely and to ensure adequate compaction of the concrete, the minimum cover should not be less than

Bond Requirement

Type of steel Minimum Cover Cmin,b*

Ordinary Diameter of bar

Bundled Equivalent Diameter (Øn)

If the nominal maximum aggregate size is greater than 32mm C min,b should be increased by 5mm

Assume Φ20 longitudinal bar and Φ20 nominal maximum aggregate size;

Therefore; Cmin,b=20mm

 Cover Design for Corrosion/Durability

The condition of exposure is XC1, which the environment condition is dry or permanently wet.

According to the exposure XC1 position of reinforcement not affected by construction process exposure class will be reduced by 1class
which is indicative strength class C20/25

The recommended Structural Class (design working life of 50 years) is S4 for the indicative concrete strengths given in Annex E and the
recommended modifications to the structural class is given in Table 4.3N. But based on the above table the exposure class is reduce by 1
and the structural class would be S3.

According to table 4.4N values of minimum cover Cmin,dur requirement with regard to durability for reinforcement steel for structural
class S3 Cmin,dur = 10mm

Cmin,b = 20mm

Then; Cmin = Max {Cmin,dur = 10mm,Cmin,b= 20mm ,10mm

Therefore; Cmin = 20mm

 ΔCdev (allowance in Design for Variation

The value of ∆Cdev for use in a Country may be found in its National Annex. The recommended value is 10 mm.

Then; Cnom = Cmin + ∆Cdev = 20mm + 10mm = 30mm

II. Effective Depth Determination: Serviceability requirement

According to ES EN 1992:2015; the limit state of deformation may be checked by either:

by limiting the span/depth ratio,

by comparing a calculated deflection

𝑖𝑓 𝜌 ≤ 𝜌𝑜

𝑖𝑓 𝜌 ≥ 𝜌𝑜


Initially we can’t know ρ and ρ’. So let’s assume ρ= ρo and As,req = As,provided.

𝑁 = 11 + 1.5√𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 11 + 1.5√20 = 17.71

500 500
𝐹1 = = = 1.25
𝑓𝑦𝑘 400

𝑓2 = 𝑓3 = 1

Now determine K using table 7.4 of ES EN 1992:2015 for structural system, simply supported beam K=1

Determination of depth for top tie beam, beam for (ground. First floor and terrace), beam for (second, third & fourth floor) and grade


CATEGORY SPAN Lx(mm) K F1 F2 F3 N l/d d(mm) (mm) D(mm)
top tie beam Span 7-8 5250 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 237.1542 48 285.1542
Span 7-12 6000 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 271.0333 48 319.0333
Ribbed slab
beam Span 1-2 6000 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 271.0333 48 319.0333
Span 1-5 6000 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 271.0333 48 319.0333
Span 4-5 5250 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 237.1542 48 285.1542
Span 5-10 6000 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 271.0333 48 319.0333
solid slab
beam Span 1-2 6000 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 271.0333 48 319.0333
Span 1-5 6000 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 271.0333 48 319.0333
Span 4-5 5250 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 237.1542 48 285.1542
Span 5-10 6000 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 271.0333 48 319.0333
grade beam Span 1-2 6000 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 271.0333 48 319.0333
Span 1-5 6000 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 271.0333 48 319.0333
Span 4-5 5250 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 237.1542 48 285.1542

Span 5-10 6000 1 1.25 1 1 17.71 22.138 271.0333 48 319.0333

d′ = 30 + 8 + = 48

D = 319 + 48 = 367, take D = 400

d = D − d′ = 400 − 48 = 352mm

Then according to effective depth determination, serviceability requirement the depth of each beam

 Top tie beam=200*400mm

 Typical beam(ground, first and terrace)=200*400mm
 Typical beam (second, third and fourth) in X- direction = 1000*300mm
 Typical beam (second, third and fourth) in X- direction = 200*300mm
 Grade beam=400*500mm

3) Analysis

The analysis of each beam moment is done by ETABS

For ground floor

beam on axis A
location (KNm) deff(mm) b(mm) fcd µ Kz remark
span 16-11 41.45 352 200 11.33 0.15 0.91 singly reinforced
span 11-6 72.66 352 200 11.33 0.26 0.85 singly reinforced
span 6-1 40.88 352 200 11.33 0.15 0.91 singly reinforced
beam on axis 2
span 11-12 66.37 352 200 11.33 0.24 0.85 singly reinforced
span 12-13 69.8 352 200 11.33 0.25 0.85 singly reinforced
span 13-14 79.9 352 200 11.33 0.28 0.82 singly reinforced
span 14-15 83.38 352 200 11.33 0.30 reinforced

4) Check the depth for flexure (for singly reinforced beam)

The beam is designed so as fail in tension rather than other types of flexural failures. Flexural capacity of the section can be determined as;

𝑀𝑟𝑑 = 0.8(𝑑 − 0.4𝑥) 𝐵𝑢𝑡: 𝑥 = 𝐾𝑥 ∗ 𝑑

𝑀𝑟𝑑 = 0.8(𝑑 − 0.4𝑥) …… … …… … …… … … …… … …… (1) 𝐵𝑢𝑡: 𝑥 = 𝐾𝑥 ∗ 𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (1)

𝑀𝑟𝑑 = 0.8𝐾𝑥 ∗ 𝑏𝑑 ∗ (𝑑 − 0.4 ∗ 𝐾𝑥 ∗ 𝑑) = 0.8(1 − 0.4𝐾𝑥)𝑏𝑑2 …… . . (2)

𝛿 ≤ 𝐾1 + 𝐾2 𝑥𝑢⁄𝑑 = 𝐾1 + 𝐾2𝐾𝑥, … … …… … …(3) 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑓𝑐𝑘 ≤ 50𝑀𝑝𝑎.

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒;1 = 0.44; 𝐾2 = 1.25(0.6 + 0.0014⁄ 𝑐𝑢2) 𝑎𝑛𝑑

𝛿 – is the ratio of redistributed moment to the elastic bending moment

𝛿 = 1 for zero percent moment redistribution

Substituting the above values in to equation to (3) and we get 𝐾𝑥,𝑥 = 0.448

𝑁𝑜𝑤; 𝑀𝑟𝑑 = 0.8(1− 0.4𝐾𝑥)2

𝑀𝑟𝑑 = 0.8 ∗ 0.448(1− 0.4 ∗ 0.448) ∗ 11.33N/mm2 ∗ 200mm ∗ (352𝑚𝑚)2

𝑀𝑟𝑑 = 82.6KNm > 𝑀𝐸𝑑… …… … … …… … …… . .OK!


Design of singly reinforced beam for flexure



μ𝑠𝑑,=0.26 μu𝑠*=0.295

μ𝑠𝑑,=0.26 < μu𝑠*=0.295 (for 0% moment redistribution) design as singly reinforced section

Using μ𝑠𝑑,=0.26 read Kz from the general design chart No. 1a. (EBCS 2)

From design chart reading , kz= 0.85

Kz= z/d 0.85=z/352

Z= 0.85*352=299.2mm

𝐴𝑠𝑡,𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐=𝑀𝐸𝐷 / 𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧

= 72.66*106/347.82*299.2

= 698.18mm2

The minimum and maximum value of area of reinforcement is computed in accordance with the provision of the code.

𝐴𝑠𝑡, min=Max 0.26𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚∗𝑏𝑡𝑑𝑓𝑦𝑘

0.0013𝑏𝑡𝑑 ………………ES EN 1992:2015 Art.

𝐴𝑠𝑡, min=𝑀𝑎𝑥 0.26*2.2*200*352/400 = 100.67mm2

0.0013*200*352 = 91.52mm2

Ast, min = 100.67mm2

Ast,max = 0.04*Ac

= 0.04*200*400

= 3200mm2

Ast, min=100.67mm2 ≤ Ast, calc = 698.18mm2 ≤ Ast, max = 3200mm2

Now Determine No. of bar using Φ20mm reinforcement

calc 698.18mm2 698.18mm2

# 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑟=Ast, = πd2
= 202
= 1.18
as (π∗ )mm2
4 4

Provide 2 bar @ tension zone

At top part it needed to provide minimum of two reinforcement for keeping its geometric shape and for temperature & shrinkage.

Using As, min = 100.67mm2 determine number of bar using Φ10 reinforcement.

Ast,min 100.67mm2 100.67mm2

# 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑟= as
= πd2
= 102
= 1.28
(π∗ )mm2
4 4

Provide 2Φ10 at top for temperature & shrinkage

Design of doubly reinforced beam for flexure

Since Mrd< MED increase the beam depth or provide compression reinforcement.

Designing the beam as double reinforced beam using Design Charts

Msd,s 83.38∗106
μ𝑠𝑑,=fcd∗b∗d2 = 11.33∗200∗352 = 0.3

𝜇𝑠𝑑, 𝑠 = 0.3 > 𝜇𝑢𝑠 ∗= 0.295 (For 0% moment redistribution) => Design the beam as doubly reinforced section (provide compression

μus*=0.295 => Msd, s ∗= μus ∗ fcdbd2

Msd, s = 0.295 ∗ 11.33 ∗ 200 ∗ 3522 = 82.83KNm

Kz = 0.8 => Z = Kz*d = 0.8*352 = 281.6mm

Msd,s∗ Msd,s−Msd,s∗ 82.83∗106 (83.38−82.83)∗106

Thus, As1 = + (d−d2)fyd
=347.83∗281.6 + (352−48)∗347.83

As1 = 845.61mm2 For tension zone

𝑀𝑠𝑑, 𝑠 − 𝑀𝑠𝑑, 𝑠 ∗
𝐴𝑠2 =
(𝑑 − 𝑑2)𝑓𝑦𝑑

(83.38 − 82.83) ∗ 106

= = 5.24mm2
(352 − 48) ∗ 347.83

Now Determine No. of bar using Φ20mm tension reinforcement

𝐴𝑠𝑡,𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐 845.61𝑚𝑚2 845.61𝑚𝑚2

# 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑟= 𝑎𝑠
= 𝜋𝑑2
= 202
= 2.71
(𝜋∗ )𝑚𝑚2
4 4

Provide 3Φ20 bar @ tension zone

Now Determine No. of bar using Φ20mm compression reinforcement

𝐴𝑠𝑡,𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐 5.24𝑚𝑚2 5.24𝑚𝑚2

# 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑟= 𝑎𝑠
= 𝜋𝑑2
= 202
= 0.17
(𝜋∗ )𝑚𝑚2
4 4

Provide 2Φ20 bar @ compression zone

Design for shear

VED = 90.84KN

The design value of the shear resistance is given in ES EN 1992:2015 section 6.2.2 as follows VRd,c = [CRd,ck(100 ∗ 𝜌1 fck) 1/3 +
𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑 ≤ [Vmin + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑

fck is in MPa
k=1+√ ≤ 2.0 with d in mm

k=1+√ = 1.754 take k = 1.754

 = ≤ 0.02 = 0.0053 ≤ 0.02 OK!

Asl is the area of the tensile reinforcement, which extends  (fcd + d) beyond the section considered
bw is the smallest width of the cross-section in the tensile area [mm]
cp = NEd/Ac< 0.2 fcd [MPa]
NEd is the axial force in the cross-section due to loading or prestressing [in N] (NEd> 0 for compression). The influence of imposed
deformations on NEd may be ignored.
AC is the area of concrete cross section [mm2]
VRd,c is [N]

0.18 0.18
CRD,c = = = 0.12
γc 1.5

Vmin = 0.035 ∗ 𝑘 3/2 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘 1/2 = 0.035 ∗ 1.754 3/2 ∗ 20 1/2 = 0.189

VRd,c = [CRd,ck(100 ∗ 𝜌1 fck) 1/3 + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑 ≤ [Vmin + 𝑘1𝜎𝑐𝑝]𝑏𝑤𝑑

VRd,c = [0.12*1.754(100 ∗ 0.0053* 20) 1/3 + 0.15*0]200 * 352 ≤ [0.189+ 0.15* 0]200*352

VRD,c = 32.51KN ≥ VRD,c(min) = 13.29KN……………..OK!!!!

Take VRD,c = 32.51KN

Since VRd,c = 32.51KN < VED =90.84 KN the concrete section doesn’t resist the coming shear alone, thus the section require design for
shear reinforcement ES EN 1992-1-1 Section 6.2.3

For members with vertical shear reinforcement, the shear resistance, VRd is the smaller value of:

VRD = Max VRD,s = *fyd *Z *cotӨ

VRD,s =


α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the main tension chord (Recommended value of 1 for non prestressed structures)

θ is the angle between concrete compression struts and the main tension chord

Ftd is the design value of the tensile force in the longitudinal reinforcement

Fcd is the design value of the concrete compression force in the direction of the longitudinal member axis.

bw is the minimum width between tension and compression chords

z is the inner lever arm, for a member with constant depth, corresponding to the maximum bending moment in the element under
consideration. In the shear analysis, the approximate value z = 0.9d may normally be used. (z = 0.9*352 = 316.8mm)

Asw is the cross-sectional area of the shear reinforcement s is the spacing of the stirrups

fywd is the design yield strength of the shear reinforcement

V V = 0.6 for fck ≤ 60 MPa

Now let’s determine the angle θ between the concrete compression strut and the main tension chord by considering Vrd,s = VEd

(αc∗bw∗z∗v∗fcd) (αc∗bw∗z∗v∗fcd)
VED= =
cotӨ+tanӨ sinӨ/2

(2∗VED) (2∗90840)
Ө = 1/2arcsin = 0.5 * arcsin =12.47º
αc∗bw∗z∗v∗fcd 1∗200∗316.8∗0.6∗11.33

Thus 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜃 = cot(12.47°) = 10.83 but the limiting value of 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜃 is 1 ≤ 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜃 ≤ 2.5 Take 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜃 = 2.5 => 𝜃 = 22°

Asw Asw (𝑉𝑅𝐷,𝑆)

VRD,s = *fyd *Z *cotӨ = =
s s 𝑍∗𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑐𝑜𝑡𝜃

Asw 90840
= = 0.33mm2
s 316.8∗347.83∗2.5

Scal = 152.32mm

Now determining the maximum spacing of shear reinforcement from ES EN 1992-1-1 Section 9.2.2

The ratio of shear reinforcement is given by the expression.

ρw = where, ρw is the shear reinforcement ratio

ρw ≤ ρw,min = 0.08 ∗
=0.08 ∗
= 0.000894 => take ρw=0.000894

Asw is area of shear reinforcement with length s

α is the angle between shear reinforcement and the longitudinal axis

s is the spacing of the shear reinforcement measured along the longitudinal axis of the member

sl,max = 0.75d(1 + 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝛼) , considering α=90o

sl,max = 0.75d = 0.75 ∗ 352 = 264mm

bw is the breadth of the web of the member

Thus Smax =

Consider 8 mm dia stirrup with 2 legs

𝑑2 8∗8
Asw = 2 ∗ 𝜋 ∗ 4
=2∗𝜋∗ 4
= 100.53mm2

Smax = = 562.304mm

Scal= 152.32 < Sl,max = 264 < Smax= 562.53 take S = 150mm

Provide Ø 8 center to center 150mm

A column is a vertical structural member transmitting axial compression loads with or without moments. The cross sectional
dimensions of a column are generally considerably less than its height. Column support mainly vertical loads from the floors
and roof and transmit these loads to the foundation.

Design based on Nominal stiffens

From ETABS 9 analysis output column C-3A from 4th floor to terrace.

Design action

NED= 634.98 KN

Mx-x,T= -37.42 KN.m My-yT = 55.86KN.m

Mx-x,B = 16.83 KN.m My-yB =67.16 KN.m

Cross sectional property in xx and yy direction.

element depth(mm) width(mm) length(mm)

column 400 400 2915
top beam
B1(x-x) 400 200 5250
B2(x-x) 400 200 5250

B3(y-y) 400 200 6000
B4(y-y) 400 200 6000
bottom beam
B1(x-x) 300 1000 5250
B2(x-x) 300 1000 5250
B3(y-y) 300 200 6000
B4(y-y) 300 200 6000

Design producers

Our column is bi axial column

 Determine material design value

αcc∗fck 0.8∗25
fcd = γc
= 1.5
= 13.33N/mm2

fyk 400
fyd = γs
= 1.15 = 347.83N/mm2

 design cover

The nominal concrete cover is the distance b/n the surface of reinforcement closest to the nearest concrete surface

C𝑛𝑜𝑚 = C𝑚𝑖𝑛 + ∆C𝑑𝑒𝑣 ES EN 1992:2015 Art 4.4.12(1)

Where; 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 –minimum ∆𝐶𝑑𝑒𝑣 is allowance in design for deviation.

Minimum cover, shall provide in order to ensure

 Safe transmission of bond force

 Corrosion resistance/ Durability

 Fire resistance


Cmin = 𝑀𝑎𝑥 {𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛, + ∆𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟, − ∆𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟, − ∆𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟,



Cmin,b -minimum cover due to bond requirement,

Cmin,dur - minimum cover due to environmental

∆Cdur,γ- additive safety element,

∆Cdur,st -reduction of minimum cover for use of stainless steel

∆Cdur,add -reduction of minimum cover for use of additional protection,

But; the recommended value of ∆Cdur,γ , ∆Cdur,st , and ∆Cdur,add is zero.

 Cover Design for Bond

In order to transmit bond forces safely and to ensure adequate compaction of the concrete, the minimum cover should not be less than

Bond Requirement

Type of steel Minimum Cover Cmin,b*

Ordinary Diameter of bar

Bundled Equivalent Diameter (Øn)

If the nominal maximum aggregate size is greater than 32mm C min,b should be increased by 5mm

Assume Φ20 longitudinal bar and Φ20 nominal maximum aggregate size;

Therefore; Cmin,b=20mm

 Cover Design for Corrosion/Durability

The condition of exposure is XC1, which the environment condition is dry or permanently wet.

According to the exposure XC1 position of reinforcement not affected by construction process exposure class will be reduced by 1class
which is indicative strength class C20/25

The recommended Structural Class (design working life of 50 years) is S4 for the indicative concrete strengths given in Annex E and the
recommended modifications to the structural class is given in Table 4.3N. But based on the above table the exposure class is reduce by 1
and the structural class would be S3.

According to table 4.4N values of minimum cover Cmin,dur requirement with regard to durability for reinforcement steel for structural
class S3 Cmin,dur = 10mm

Cmin,b = 20mm

Then; Cmin = Max {Cmin,dur = 10mm,Cmin,b= 20mm ,10mm

Therefore; Cmin = 20mm

 ΔCdev (allowance in Design for Variation

The value of ∆Cdev for use in a Country may be found in its National Annex. The recommended value is 10 mm.

Then; Cnom = Cmin + ∆Cdev = 20mm + 10mm = 30mm

d′ h′
= h, h’=30+20/2+10=50mm

h′ 50
= = 0.125
h 400

 Calculation of effective length (Lo)

Lo=f*L, L=3.15-0.3=2.85m

k1 k2
lo = 0.5l√(1 + ∗ , for braced member …from ES EN 2015 eqn(5.15)
0.45+k1 0.45+k2


K1, K2 are the relative flexibilities of rotational restraint at ends 1 and 2 respectively. The minimum value of K is 0.1 for both K1 and K2.

EI is the bending stiffness of compression member

L is the clear height of compression member between end restraints

𝑏ℎ 3 0.4∗0.43
Ic= 12 = 12

bh3 0.2∗0.43 bh3 0.3∗13 bh3 0.3∗0.23

Ib1= = =0.0011mm4 Ib2= = =0.025mm4 Ib2= = =0.0002mm4
12 12 12 12 12 12

(EI/L)c 0.0021/2.85c
K1x-x = EI EI = 0.0011 0.025 = 0.9
( )B1+( )B2 (2∗( )+( ))B
L L 5.25 5.25

(EI/L)c ∗0.0021/2.85c
K2x-x = (EI/L)B = 0.0011 0.025 = 0.43
2∗(( )+( ))B
5.25 5.25

0.9 0.43
Lo(x) =2.85 ∗ 0.5√1 + ∗ 0.45+0.43 =2.294m

(EI/L)c 0.0021/2.85c
K1y-y = EI EI = 0.0011 0.0002 = 1.03m
( )B1+( )B2 (2∗( )+( ))B
L L 6 6

(EI/L)c ∗0.0021/2.85c
K2y-y = = 0.0011 0.0002 = 2.44m
(EI/L)B 2∗(( )+( ))B
6 6

1.03 2.44
Lo(y) =2.85 ∗ 0.5√1 + ∗ =2.577m
0.45+1.03 0.45+2.44

For unbraced member from figure 5.7(g) equation 5.1.6 of ES EN2 2015.

Effective length
Axis x-x Axis y-y
K1= 0.9005 K1= 1.0292
K2= 0.4269 K2= 2.4395
Lo,x[mm]= 2294.46 Lo,y[mm]= 2577.531

Calculation of minimum and maximum reinforcement

Minimum reinforcement
0.1 ∗ 𝑓𝑦𝑑
As,min≥{ Article

0.1 ∗ 347.83 = 182.55
0.002 ∗ 400 ∗ 400 = 320
As, min= 320mm2

Maximum reinforcement

As,max = 0.04*Ac =0.04*400*400 = 6400mm2

d=400-30-20/2 -10 = 350mm

 design actions
Imperfection eccentricity

e1x-x= max⟨lox/400, |h/30|, 20⟩

= max⟨2294.46/400, |400/30|, 20⟩

= max (5.74, 13.33, 20) mm = 20mm

e1y-y = max⟨loy/400, |h/30|, 20⟩

= max⟨2577.53/400|400/30|20⟩

= max (6.44, 13.33, 20) = 20mm

Reinforcement requierment imperfection ecentricity[mm]

As,min 320.000 ei(x-x)[mm] 20
Asmax 6400.000 ei(y-y)[mm] 20

Msd=max{ oe + M2
M01 + 0.5M2

top momet x − x
M01x-x= Min{ +elx-x*Ned
buttom momont x − x
M01x-x= Min{ +0.02*634.98
M01x-x = 16.83+12.7 =29.53KN.m

top momet x − x
M02x-x = Max{ +elx-x*Ned
buttom momont x − x
M02x-x = Max{ +0.02*634.98

M02x-x = 37.42+12.7 = 50.12KN.m

top momet y − y
M02y-y = Max{ +e *Ned
buttom momont y − y ly-y

M02y-y = Max{ +0.02*634.98
M02y-y = 67.16+12.7 = 79.86KN.m

top momet y − y
M01y-y = Min{ +e *Ned
buttom momont y − y ly-y

M01y-y = Min{ +0.02*634.98
M01y-y = 55.86+12.7 = 68.56KN.m

0.6 ∗ M02x − x + 0.4M01x − x
Moex-x= Max{
0.4M02x − x
0.6 ∗ 50.12 + 0.4 ∗ 29.53 = 41.884
Moex-x= Max{
0.4 ∗ 29.53 = 11.812
Moex-x = 41.884KN.m

0.6 ∗ M02y − y + 0.4M01y − y

Moey-y= Max{
0.4M02y − y

0.6 ∗ 79.86 + 0.4 ∗ 68.56 = 75.34

Moey-y= Max{
0.4 ∗ 68.56 = 27.424

Moey-y = 75.34KN.m

First order moment

x-x axis y-y axis
M01= 29.53 68.56
Mo2= 50.12 79.86
Moe= 41.88 75.34

 check slenderness
𝜆= from article of ES EN2 2015.

𝐼 0.4∗0.43 /12
Where i=√ =√ =0.1155
𝐴 0.4∗0.4

lo= β*lw

Where lwis the clear height of the member

β is Co-efficient which depends on support conditions. For column β =1 should in general be assumed.

lo= 1*2.85 = 2.85m

𝜆𝑥𝑥 = 0.1155 = 24.67

λlim =

Where A= If φef is not known, A =0.7 may be used

B= √1 + 2𝜔 If ω is not known B = 1.1 may be used

C=1.7-rm, If rm is not known C = 0.7 may be used

Where 𝜑𝑒𝑓 is effective creep ratio

ω= ; mechanical reinforcement ratio

As is the total area of longitudinal reinforcement

n= Acfcd; relative normal force

rm= ; moment ratio

M01, M02 are the first order end moments

If the end moments M01 and M02 give tension on the same sign, rm should be taken positive.(i.e. C≤1.7), otherwise negative (i.e. C>1.7)

rm= M01/M02 = 29.53/50.12 = 0.589

C=1.7-rm =1.7-0.589 = 1.111
20∗A∗B∗C 20∗0.7∗1.1∗1.111
λlimx−x= = = 31.34
√n √0.298

𝜆𝑥 − x= 24.67 <λlimx−x = 31.34 So the column is not slender.

λ= i
From article of ES EN2 2015.

λyy = 0.1155 = 22.31

λlim =

Where A= (1+0.2φ If 𝜑𝑒𝑓 is not known, A =0.7 may be used

B= √1 + 2𝜔 ,If 𝜔 is not known B = 1.1 may be used

Mo1 68.56
rm=M02 = 79.86 = 0.859

C=1.7-rm =1.7-0.859 = 0.841

20∗A∗B∗C 20∗0.7∗1.1∗0.841
λlimy−y= = = 23.73
√𝑛 √0.298

λy−y =22.37 < λlimy−y = 23.73 So the column is not slender.

check slenderness
Axis x-x Axis y-y
λ= 19.847 22.296
λmin= 31.36 23.753

Remark Not slender Not slender

 Design moments Msd

Mo1x − x
Msd x-x is maximum of {M02x − x
M0ex − x
= maximum of {50.12 Msd x-x =50.12KN.m
Mo1y − y
Msd y-y is max of {M02y −y
M0ey − y

=Maximum of {79.86 Msd y-y = 79.86KN.m
Ned 634.98
Ved= = 400∗400∗13.33 = 0.3

M 50.12∗10^6 sdy−y M 79.86∗10^6

μed x−x = bdsdx−x
2 ∗fcd = 400∗4002 ∗13.33 = 0.06 μed y−y = bd2 ∗fcd = 400∗4002 ∗13.33 = 0.09

ℎ′ 𝑑′ 50
For ℎ
= 𝑑
= 400
= 0.125≈ 0.13, let’s assume 0.2

fyd 347.83
ϵyd = Es
= 200000
= 0.00174 ≈ 0.002

From biaxial chart no.17, ω = 0.1

From interaction diagram ω= 0.1 the value of Kr is now calculated.

Kr = (nu-n)/(nu-nbal) ≤ 1

Where n = 0.298

nbalanced = 0.4

nu= 1+ 𝜔 = 1+0.1 = 1.1

Kr = (1.1-0.298)/ (1.1-0.4) = 1≤ 1 so take Kr = 1.

= KrK𝜑1/ro

Where K𝜑 is a factor for taking account of creep. From section of ES EN1992:2015.
𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝜆 400 24.67
K𝜑 = 1+𝛽𝜑𝑒𝑓 ≥ 1, 𝛽 = 0.35 + - = 0.35 + - = 2.186 ≥ 1 ok.
200 150 200 150

The effect of creep may be ignored i.e. 𝜑𝑒𝑓 =0 may be assumed if the following three cases are met;

1. 𝜑(∞,𝑡𝑜) ≤ 2
2. λ≤ 75
3. MoED/NED≥ h
1. ho= 2Ac/u it is the notional size

= 2*400*400/ (2*(400+400)) = 200mm

To the time at application of load is taken as design time of the building which is 5o years.

For h0 = 200mm, to = 50years, C20/25 concrete compressive strength and Relative humidity (RH)=50% for inside conditions.𝜑(∞,𝑡𝑜) =

2. λxx = 24.67 < 75

3. MoED/NED= 50.12/634.98 =400mm

h= 400mm

MoED/NED=400mm = h=400mm

There for the effect of creep could be ignored i.e. φef=0

= Kr K𝜑1/ro

K𝜑= 2.186, Kr = 1,1/ro= (0.45d)

𝑓𝑦𝑑 347.83
𝜀𝑦𝑑 = = = 1.739*10-3
𝐸𝑠 200

𝑥𝑥= 2.186*1*1.739*10-3/(0.45*350) = 1.1042*10-5

1 1
𝑦𝑦 =𝑟 𝑥𝑥 = 1.1042*10-5

Second order moment M2 and e2

M2 = NED*e2

e2 is the deflection which is = c

C is the factor depending on the curvature distribution, for constant cross section, c=10(≈ 𝜋 2 ) is normally used. If the first order moment
is constant, a lower value should be considered (8 is a lower limit, corresponding to constant total moment). Article of ES EN 2

C = 10

e2xx= 1.1042*10-5*2294.462/10

e2xx= 5.813mm

e2yy = c

e2yy = 7.336mm
41.884 75.34
etotal =e1+e2+ee etotalxx= 20+634.98 = 20.066mm etotalyy= 20+634.98 = 20.118mm

Msd = etotal*Ned

Msdx-x = etotalxx-x*Ned = 0.020066*634.98 = 12.742KN.m

Msdy-y = etotaly-y*Ned = 0.020118*634.98 = 12.775KNm

Nsd 634.98
υsd = fcdAc = 13.33∗400∗400 = 0.2977

Msdx−x 12.742∗106
μsdx−x = fcdAc∗d = 13.33∗400∗400∗350 = 0.017

Msdy−y 12.775∗106
μsdy−y = fcdAc∗d = 13.33∗400∗400∗350 = 0.017

From interaction diagram ω= 0.2 the value of Kr is now calculated.

Kr = (nu-n)/(nu-nbal) ≤ 1
Kr = = 1.128

𝑓𝑦𝑑⁄ 347.83⁄
𝐸𝑠 200∗1000
1/ro= = = 1.104*10^-5
0.45𝑑 0.45∗350

= Kr K𝜑1/ro = 1.128*1*1.104*10^-5 = 1.246*10^-5

Remark: - The iteration will be stop when the Kr value converges and take the corresponding mechanical ratio𝜔 values (0.2).

Design moment, MEd

Msdx-x Msdy-y Ved μed,x μed,y ω Kr 1/rx 1/ry e2,x e2,y

50.12 79.86 0.30 0.06 0.09 0.2 1.00 1.1042E-05 1.1E-05 5.813 7.336

 Reinforcement calculation;
a) Longitudinal reinforcement

𝜔 = 0.2

ω∗Acfcd 0.2∗13.33∗400∗400
8As = = = 1226.67mm2
fyd 347.83

8AS min < As < As max, (320 < 1226.67 < 6400) mm2 okay!!!

Since we assume ∅long= 20mm

As1 = As2 = = 153.33mm2. The provided 153.33mm2 reinforcement.

Reinforcement calculation
ω= 0.2 4
As,tot= 1226.666667 use4#20
Remark ok

b) Transverse reinforcement
According to ES EN 2, 2015 diameter of bar

 6mm
 4
of longitudinal reinforcement = 20/4 =5mm

Let’s use ∅10𝑚𝑚

c) Spacing of transverse reinforcement

 20*∅long = 20*20 = 400mm
 Less dimension of column =400mm
 400mm
Then use ∅10 center to center-400mm

Tie reinforcement
Ø[mm]= 10
Spacing= 400mm

Shear wall Design for Lift

Shear walls — walls that primarily resist lateral loads due to wind or earthquakes acting on the building are called shear walls or structural
walls. These walls often provide lateral bracing for the rest of the structure. They resist gravity loads transferred to the wall by the parts of
the structure tributary to the wall, plus lateral-loads (lateral shears) and moments about the strong axis of the wall.

Figure 3: Lift diagram

Design loads and moments

Depth determination

The effective depth on requirement of deflection can be calculated using the formula from the new code ES:EN 1992:2015

=𝐾 ∗ 𝑁 ∗ 𝐹1 ∗ 𝐹2 ∗ 𝐹3 where

𝜌0 𝜌 2
N = [11 + 1.5 ∗ √𝑓𝑐𝑘 ∗ + 32√𝑓𝑐𝑘 ∗ ( 0 − 1) ] but 𝜌0 = 𝜌 (𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛)
𝜌 𝜌

Now determine ρ0, F1, F2, F3, N

 F1 = 500/(𝑓𝑦𝑘 ∗ 𝐴𝑠,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑙))
= 500 / (400(*1/1))
= 1.25
 F2 = F3 = 1
 N = 11 + 1.5√𝑓𝑐𝑘
= 11 + 1.5√25

= 18.5

 K = 1.3 for end span

NOW, 𝑑 =𝐾 ∗ 𝑁 ∗ 𝐹1 ∗ 𝐹2 ∗ 𝐹3





D = d + cover + /2

Now Calculate Cover

Concrete Cover Determination

Cnom = Cmin + ΔCdev

Where; 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 − 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 Δ𝐶𝑑𝑒𝑣 𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛+ Δ𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟, 𝛾 − Δ𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟, – Δ𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟,add

Cmin, b

10 mm

But; the recommended value of ΔCdur,γ , ΔCdur,st , and ΔCdur,add is zero

Cover Design for Bond

Assume Φ12 longitudinal bar and Φ20 nominal maximum aggregate size;

Therefore; Cmin,b=12mm

Cover Design for Corrosion/Durability

The condition of exposure is given to be XC1

The indicative strength class XC1 → C20/C25

Note: The recommended Structural Class (design working life of 50 years) is S4 for the indicative concrete strengths given and the
recommended modifications to the structural class is given. But the exposure class is reducing by 1 and the structural class would be S3.

Therefore the value of minimum cover required for durability of reinforcement steel is determined using ES EN 1992:2015 table 4.4N.
The structural class would be S3.

Cmin,dur = 10mm

Cmin = max Cmin ,b= 12mm

Cmin,dur = 10mm


Therefore Cmin=10mm

Allowance in Design for Variation, ΔCdev

Note: The value of ΔCdev for use in a Country may be found in its National Annex. The recommended value is 10 mm. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑛;


∆𝐶dev = 10mm

Cover Design for Fire

Take – 60 min fire resistance

REI – 60

Cfire = 20mm

Governing Cover for Design

Governing cover accounting for
 Corrosion
 Bond/Durability

 Fire


D = 199.58 + 22 + 12/2 = 227.58mm……take D = 230mm

Determination of vertical load

Table 34; Specification for Shear wall Design

From the above table data, we have just selected the following dimensions.

Capacity of lift =640 Kg and number of person to accommodate =8

Shaft width =1700mm and Shaft depth =1780mm

Car width =1100mm and Clear opening =800*2000

Pit depth =1500 and Overhead height =3600

The design load can be determined from dead load and live load.

1) Dead load
Self-weight = Depth * Unit Weight of concrete
= 0.23*25


Plastering = Thickness * Unit Weight of plastering

= 0.03 x 23=0.69KN/m2

From Self weight of the elevator car = 6.4/(2.4x2.4)=1.11KN/m2

Total dead load=5.75+0.69+1.11


2) Live load
For category C3 access areas for mixed used building Live load = 5.00 kN/m2 and 5KN

Design load=1.35*DL+1.5*LL


Design Moments

Mi= αi*pd*Lx2


Mi =design moment

αi = coefficient

Pd = design load

Lx= length of shorter span

For ly/lx =1 from the table we can get

∝xf = 0.044…………..∝xs = 0

∝yf= 0.044…………...∝ys = 0.058

Now, Mxs = 0

Mxf = 0.044*17.69*1.72= 2.25KNm

Myf = 0.044*17.69*1.72= 2.25 KNm

µsd= d=230-22-12/6= 202mm



µsd=0.0039< µ*=0.295
Ascal=𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧 Where: Z = Kz*d

KZ from the kz chart method Kz=0.97


2.25∗106 𝑁.𝑚𝑚
Ascal= 347.83∗195.94


𝐴𝑠𝑡,mi𝑛=𝑀𝑎𝑥 0.26𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚∗𝑏𝑡𝑑𝑓𝑦𝑘= 0.26*2.9*1000*202/400=380.77mm2

0.0013𝑏𝑡𝑑= 0.0013*1000*202=262.6mm2

𝐴𝑠𝑡,mi𝑛> Ascal

Take 𝐴𝑠𝑡,mi𝑛=380.77mm2
𝐴𝑠𝑡.𝑐𝑎𝑙 3.14∗12∗12
No of bar= 𝑎𝑠
as= 4

=113.09 = 3.36=4bars


= 380.77
= 297.0mm take 290mm

Type M(KNm) Mrd(KNm) µsd µ* Kz Z AScal ASmin Scal Smax

Mxs 0 17.84 0 0.295 0
Mxf 2.25 17.84 0.0039 0.295 0.97 195.94 33.01 380.77 290 400
Mys 2.97 17.84 0.00514 0.295 0.94 189.88 44.96 380.77 290 400
Myf 2.25 17.84 0.0039 0.295 0.97 195.94 33.01 380.77 290 400

Table 35; Shear Walldesign for Shaft Slab

Load detrmination
The loads on the shear wall supporting the lift shaft includes the lateral load due to seismic action and vertical loads from self-weight of
the elevator car, top slab and from live load.

Unlike that of frame system where lateral loads are resisted by the bending of beams and columns, in the case of shear walls the lateral
loads are resisted by the walls themselves in their major axes.
The lateral loads on the wall include earthquake and wind loads. But, in our case as the wall is not exposed to external wind loads, it is
mainly subjected to earthquake load. Therefore, in the following section we will determine the total earthquake load on the wall.

Base Shear Determination

Using equivalent static analysis provided on Fb=Sd(T1)m𝜆

, Base shear
(𝑇1) , is the ordinate of design spectrum at the period T1
m , is the seismic dead load
𝑇1 , is fundamental period of building, in second



Which implies the base shear is 12.72% of the weight of the building wall. That is 12.72% of the total weight of the building wall is acting
as a horizontal load on the building.

28.47KN 28.47KN 115.18KN

23.47KN 138.19KN 7 362.65KNm

18.77KN 157.36KN


14.08KN 171.448KN 1294.946KNm

9.38KN 180.83KN 240 1835KNm


4.69KN 242 2404



Figure 4:Shear force and Bending Diagram for the wall

Load transfer to the walls

The design loads on walls supporting solid slab as simply supported spanning into two directions at right angles supporting distribution
load may be assessed from the following equation.




Vx = 0.3*17.69*2.4 = 12.74 KN/m


Vy = 0.45*17.69*2.4 = 19.10 KN/m

Pd in the short direction

Pd =Vy*Lx = 19.10 KN/m*2.4 = 45.84 KN……………total vertical load transferred or acting at the top of the wall

Pd = Pd in the long direction

Pd =Vx*Ly = 12.74 KN/m*2.4= 30.576 KN……………total vertical load transferred or acting at the top of the wall

Hence, total axial load including self-weight at the bottom of the wall is:

For shorter wall

Nsd1 = pd + wall weight at the bottom

= 45.84 + 0.2*18.9*2.4*25 = 272.64KN
In the long direction

Nsd2 = pd + wall weight at the bottom

= 30.58+ 0.2*18.9*2.4*25 = 257.38KN

Design Eccentricity determination in both directions

As previously model the top slab with the wall model as simply supported, we can assume the Wall as simply supported at the top in this

I) In H – Direction

Determination of effective buckling length


Additional eccentricity due to various imperfections


First order eccentricity

eo=Md/Nsd=2989*10^3/272.64= 10963.17mm

Second order eccentricity

e2=0.4h (Le/10h)^2


Total eccentricity

= ea+ +e2 +eo =44.1+291.72+10963.17=11298.99mm

Relative eccentricity

etot /h=11298.99mm /2400= 4.7

In the B-Direction

Determination of effective buckling length


Since we were model the top slab of the shear wall behaves as simply supported at the top.

Similarly, we can model the wall act as simply supported at the top in this direction.

First -order eccentricity

Since the lateral force in the direction perpendicular to wall -one is carried by Wall 2&3. Hence,

no bending moment in this direction will occur.

Msd = 0

Hence eo=Md/Nsd = 0

Additional eccentricity due to various imperfections

ea= Le/300=13230/300=44.1mm

Second order eccentricity

e2=0.4h (Le/10h)^2


Total eccentricity

etot= ea+ +e2 +eo = 44.1+291.72=335.82mm

Relative eccentricity

etot /b=335.82mm /200=1.68

Relative eccentricity ratio

(𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑒𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦) 1.68
𝐾 = (𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦) = 4.7
= 0.35

𝑁𝑠𝑑 272.64 ∗ 1000

𝑣= = = 0.04
𝑓𝑐𝑑 ∗ 𝐴𝑐 14.167 ∗ 200 ∗ 2400

For v =0.04 α=0.64 by interpolation………….from table 4.1 of EBCS -2, 1995

Equivalent eccentricity

eeq = etot (1+kα)

= (11298.99*(1+0.35*0.64))


Design of shear wall

Design moment, Msd

Msd = eeq*Nsd = 13829.96*272.64KN

= 3770.6KNm


µ= = 0.326

𝜔 = 0.62 from the table using u and v

Total reinforcement
𝐴𝑠, 𝑡𝑜𝑡 = 𝑓𝑦𝑑

AS,tot= 347.83
= 12121.15mm2

𝐴𝑠𝑡,mi𝑛=𝑀𝑎𝑥 0.26𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚∗𝑏𝑡𝑑𝑓𝑦𝑘= 0.26*2.9*2400*200/400=904.8mm2

0.0013𝑏𝑡𝑑= 0.0013*2400*200=624mm2

Ast, max = 0.04Ac =0.04*2400*200 =19200mm2

In our case the calculated total vertical reinforcement, =12121.15mm2, is within the range

Vertical Reinforcement

Assume ɸ20 => as = 314.16mm2

𝐴𝑠𝑡,𝐶𝑎𝑙 12121.15
No of bar = 𝐴𝑠,𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒= 314.16
= 38.58 use 40 bar for both side

Provide 20 ɸ20 in each side.

𝑏∗𝑎𝑠 2400∗314.15
Spacing = 𝐴𝑆𝑡,𝐶𝑎𝑙 = 12121.15
= 62.20mm

Provide 20 ɸ20 c/c 60mm

Horizontal Reinforcement

As, h =0.5*As,v=0.5*12121.15 =6060.575mm²

Use 10 bar; as=(π*10^2)/4=78.5mm²

𝐴𝑆,ℎ 6060.575
n= 𝑎𝑠
= 78.5
=77.2 use 78 bar (39 on each side)


Provide 39 ∅10 C/C 80mm


Retaining walls are structures used to provide stability of earth or other material where conditions disallow the mass to assume its natural

In our design of retaining wall , we use cantilever retaining wall

Common Proportions of Retaining walls

The usual practice in the design of retaining walls is to assign tentative dimensions and then check for the overall stability of the structure.

i) Determine the thickness of the wall

ℎ 𝑜𝑟 𝑤(min 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑤𝑜) 3000𝑚𝑚
T= 12
= 12
= 250mm


Use t= 200mm

Cross sectional area of the shear is 200mm*3000mm

ii) Determine ka
Pa = 2

Where ka = tan2(45-𝜃) = 1/3

Where 𝜃 𝑖𝑠 angles of friction

Pa = 1/2*1/3*17.5*3*3
= 27.75kpa

Calculation of detail for vertical loads

We have only one section which resist the coming soil which is 200mm*3000mm

Area of section = 3*0.2 = 0.6m2

Unit weight = 25kn/m3

Weight = unit weight * area of the section
= 25*0.6 =kn/m

Lever arm = 1.5m

Moment = lever arm * weight

From analysis we get the vertical force and moment

Stability of Retaining Walls

Retaining walls should be designed to provide adequate stability against sliding, overturning, foundation bearing failure and overall or
deep foundation failure.

The force that resist the moment is the footing ,if the wall and the foundation soil
Horizontal resisting force
1. Sliding stability=
Horizontal sliding force

Fr= CaB + Rtan𝛿

Ca = 2/3*Cb = 2/3*60 = 40
R is the vertical load = 15KN

δ =2/3*30=20
B is the thickness of the shear wall
Fr = 2/3*40 + 15*tan20 = 13.45kn

Fr = 13.46/8.75 = 1.57> 1.5 ………safe

2 check for overturning

Fs = Mo


Mr the resisting moment due to weight of soil and concrete and due to passive earth pressure

Mo is the overturning moment due to the lateral earth pressure

Mo = Pa*h/3 = 8.75knm

=22.5knm/8.75knm = 2.571 >2……safe

3 check for bearing capacity failure

Q= R/t (1+6e/b)

E = T/2 –(Ma – Mo) = 0.2/2 – (22.5 – 8.75) = -0.81

Qmax = 18.075kpa


Fs = allowable /maximum stress

= 600/18.07= 33.19>>3……over safe

Reinforcement design

Short direction

C 20/25 S – 400

Fck =20Mpa Fyk = 347.82Mpa

Med is the design moment for coming the lateral earth pressure

MED = Pa*1/3H = 8.75 * 1/3*3 = 8.75knm

D = T + c+ o/2= 200+25+10/2= 230mm

Med = 8.75*106 knm

µ= Med/b*d2*t = 0.00832

Z= 0.95d = 0.95*230 =218.5mm

As= Med/ 0.87*Z*fyk= 147.54mm2

But As < As, min so we take As ,min = 0.0004Ac= 240mm2

Spacing = b*as/As = 1000*78.54/240= 327mm.....use 320 mm

Provide ∅ 10mm c/c 320mm

Long/vertical reinforcement design

Area of vertical reinforcement is 4*Ah or 4*shorter direction

Av =4*Ah = 2*240 = 480mm2

Spacing = b*as/Av

= 1000*78.54/480

= 162.5mm….160mm

Provide ∅ 10mm c/c 160mm

Footings are one sub structural components found below the natural ground level as a sub structure element which transfer all the loads of
the super structure to the ground without any settlement, crack and deflection.
There are different types of footing, namely isolated footings, Combined Footing, Mat footing and strap footing. To design footing for a
give super structure selection of footings from economy point of view is fundamental. Most of the priority is given for Isolated if all the
loads are capable by the selected footing all footing could be isolated if not we proceed to the next type footing called combined footing.
The isolated footings that we are going to design are with bending moment in both direction and axial Loads. The ultimate bearing capacity
of the soil should be exceed the applied load of the structure.

Selection of footing type: foundation footing for structure is selected depending on the following criteria.
 Function of the structure
 Load it must carry
 Subsurface condition
 Cost of foundation in comparison with cost of the superstructure.
For our purpose we select a square isolated footing for simplicity of analysis.

Spread or Isolated Footings: used to support individual column.

 These are the most common type of foundation, primarily because of their cost and ease of construction.

 They are most often used:
 In small to medium size structures,
 On sites with moderate to good soil conditions,
 On some large structures when they are located at sites underlain by exceptionally good soil or shallow

Grouping of footings according to their load to support

Using sap analysis output we group our footing based on their axial load.

Axial Load Range (KN) Governing Axial Load Pd or Q Foundation Group

472.64-770.37 770.37 F-1
1094.17-2786.56 2786.56 F-2
2938.52-3165.05 3165.05 F-3
3280.03-3833.87 3833.87 F-4
4169.00-4441.7 4441.7 F-5
Table 36: Grouping of footing based on Axial load

Foundation category and No.pcs in each category

Axial Governing
Foundation Load Q Moment No Pcs
Mx My
F-1 770.37 32.46 5.75 5

F-2 2786.56 -25.15 3.11 6
F-3 3165.05 0.33 -1.71 2
F-4 3833.87 -7.68 -7.60 10
F-5 4441.7 6.13 -2.46 2
Table 37; Axial load and Moments for the grouping footings

Assume the following datas

 Deformed bar ∅ = 20𝑚𝑚

 Bearing Capacity of the Soil = 600Kpa(Gravel, Sand and Gravel Compact)

In order to determine the depth of the slab, first it is needed to find concrete cover and effective depth.

Concrete Cover Determination

The nominal concrete cover is the distance b/n the surface of reinforcement closest to the nearest concrete surface.

Cnom = Cmin + ΔCdev ES EN 1992: 2015 𝐴𝑟𝑡 4.4.12(1)

Where; 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 − 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 Δ𝐶𝑑𝑒𝑣 𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛+ Δ𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟, 𝛾 − Δ𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟, – Δ𝐶𝑑𝑢𝑟,add

Cmin, b

10 mm

Cover Design for Bond

In order to transmit bond forces safely and to ensure adequate compaction of the concrete, the minimum cover should not be
less than Cmin,b given in ESEN 1992:2015 Table 4.2.

Assume Φ20 longitudinal bar and Φ20 nominal maximum aggregate size;

Therefore; Cmin,b=20mm

Cover Design for Corrosion/Durability

The condition of exposure is given to be XC2

XC2 - Wet, Rarely Dry and Concrete Surface Subject to Long term Water Contact Many Foundation

Exposure Class to determine Cmin,dur


Indicative minimum strength class

The indicative strength class XC2 → C25/C30

The recommended Structural Class (design working life of 50 years) is S4 for the indicative concrete strengths given and the
recommended modifications to the structural class is given. The exposure class is reducing by 1 and the structural class would be S3.
Therefore the value of minimum cover required for durability of reinforcement steel is determined using ES EN 1992:2015 table 4.4N.
The structural class would be S3

Cmin,dur = 20mm

Cmin = max Cmin ,b= 20mm

Cmin = 20mm


Cmin = 20mm

Allowance in Design for Variation, ΔCdev

Note: The value of ΔCdev for use in a Country may be found in its National Annex. The recommended value is 10 mm. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑛; ∆𝐶dev =


Cover Design for Fire

For the slab to sustain fire incident for 60 minutes the required cover and minimum height of the section ca Take – 60 min fire resistance

REI – 60

Cfire = 20mm be determined form Table 5.8 0f EN 1992-1-2

Governing Cover for Design

Governing cover accounting for
 Corrosion
 Bond/Durability
 Fire


Material Properties

𝑓𝑦𝑘 400
Fyk=400 fyd= = = 347.82Mpa
1.15 1.15

0.85∗𝑓𝑐𝑘 0.85∗25
C25/30 fcd = = = 14.167Mpa
1.5 1.5

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑘 1.79
Fctk = 0.21*fck 2/3 fctd = = = 1.19Mpa
1.5 1.5

=0.21*25 2/3 = 1.79

40cm L


Figure 5:Footing Pad

For sample calculation we select F5 to show the procedures and methods how to find the dimensions and how to check it for different failure

For F5 Q = 4441.70 KN

Mx = 6.13KNm

My = -2.6KNm

Figure 6: Lay out for footing

Since there was no profile of the soil, we assumed the ground soil type as gravel, sand and

Gravel compact. Hence from the code we found the presumed design bearing resistance

to be 600KPa. And the soil pressure distribution was assumed to be planar.

Assume A = B => square footing

Now, initially we consider only the axial load and later after we find the dimensions we check the dimension for axial load including the
self-weight of the soil and the self-weight of the pad.

Only Axial Load

𝑀𝑦 6.13𝐾𝑁.𝑚 𝑀𝑥 −2.46𝐾𝑁.𝑚
ex = =
𝑄 4441.70𝐾𝑁
= 0.00138 ey = =
𝑄 4441.70𝐾𝑁
= -0.00055m

𝑄 6∗𝑒𝑥 6∗𝑒𝑦
Qmax/min= 𝐴*(1± 𝐵
± 𝐴
) , Qmax=Qallowable

But A = B and minimum requirement of the capacity of the footing is it should be equal to at least the applied load.

4441.7𝐾𝑁 6∗0.00138 6∗0.00055

600KN/m2= * (1+ − )
𝐵2 𝐵 𝐵

4441.7 0.00498
600KN/M = 𝐵2
∗ (1 + 𝐵


B3= 7.4028B+0.368

By trial and error method B=2.72m

Now considering the self-weight of the soil and the pad

Assume unit weight of the soil = 18KN/M3

Depth of footing = 2.5m

Thickness of the pad = 50cm

 Self-weight of the soil = (2.722 – 0.42 ) *2 *18= 260.58KN

 Self-weight of the footing = (2.722 * 0.5 * 25) = 92.48KN

Total axial load = 4441.70 + 260.58 + 92.48= 4794.76KN

𝑀𝑦 6.13𝐾𝑁.𝑚 𝑀𝑥 −2.46𝐾𝑁.𝑚
Now, ex = 𝑄
= 4794.76
= 0.00128m ey = 𝑄
= 4794.76
= -0.000513m

4794.76 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513

600KN/m2 = 𝐵2
∗ (1+ 𝐵 − 𝐵

Simplifying this it gives

B3= 7.9912B+0.0036775

By trial and error B = 2.83m take B = 2.85m

Check the stress including self-weight of the soil and the pad if Q =4794.76KN

4794.76 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513

600KN/m2= 2.85∗2.85 ∗ (1 + 2.85
− 2.85

600KN/m2 > 591.25KN/m2 ……………………………… OK

Contact Stress distribution

Q = 4794.76KN

𝑄 6∗𝑒𝑥 6∗𝑒𝑦
Qmax/min= * (1± ± )

4794.76 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513

QA = 2.85∗2.85 * (1+ 2.85
− 2.85 ) = 591.25KN/m2

4794.76 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513
QB = 2.85∗2.85 * (1+ 2.85
+ 2.85 ) =592.53KN/m2

4794.76 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513

QC = 2.85∗2.85 * (1- 2.85
− 2.85 ) =588.0KN/m2

4794.76 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513

QD = 2.85∗2.85 * (1- 2.85
+ 2.85 ) = 591.25KN/m2

Qave = QA+QB+QC+QD/4 = 4

= 590.75KN/m2 < 600KN/m2 ………………… OK


591.25KN/m2 592.53KN/m


588.0 KN/m2


Figure 7: Stress distribution for footing

Calculate depth which withstands different failures

A) Check for punching failure

The new ES: EN 1992: 2015 recommend checking the punching failure at 2d from the face of the column.

Figure 8: Tributary Action for Punching Area

We have square footing and square column which is 2.85x2.85 and 0.4x0.4 respectively

In order to simplify the process let us assume d and check it for safety and economy.

Assume d = 0.5m = 500mm

Perimeter U = column perimeter + 4πd

4*0.4+ 4π*0.5 = 7.88m= 7883mm

Vrd,c = vrd,c*Ud

= 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 ∗ 𝐾(100 ∗ 𝜌1 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘)3 + 𝑘1 ∗ 𝜎𝑐𝑝 <= [Vmin+ 𝑘1*𝜎𝑐𝑝]

0.18 0.18
𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = = = 0.12
𝛾𝑐 1.5

200 200
𝐾 = 1+ √ = 1+ √ = 1.632
𝑑 500

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 2.9
𝜌1 = 0.26 ∗ = 0.26 ∗ = 0.001885
𝑓𝑦𝑘 400

Now 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 0.12 ∗ 1.632(100 ∗ 0.001885 ∗ 25)3 + 0.15 ∗ 2850∗500

= 0.83301N/mm2

Vrd,c = vrd,c*U*d = (0.83301*7883mm*500)/1000

Vrd,c = 3283.31KN

To get the applied shear stress, we can divide it by the area first

= 590.3KN/m2

Area with in the perimeter can be obtained as

𝐴𝑝 = (𝑏 + 4𝑑)2 – (4 − 𝜋) ∗ (2𝑑)2

𝐴𝑝 = (400 + 4 ∗ 500)2 – (4 − 𝜋) ∗ (2 ∗ 500)2

Ap = 4.9 *106 mm2 = 4.9m2

The applied punching shear force in the perimeter can obtained as

VED = 590.3 * (2.852-4.9) = 1902.24KN

Hence Vrd,c = 3283.31KN > VED = 1902.24KN…………. OK

Check this depth for wide beam shear and check it for the economy

B) Check for wide beam shear

For wide beam shear check at the distance d from the column face

Using similar procedure

Vrd,c = vrd,c*bw*d

= 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 ∗ 𝐾(100 ∗ 𝜌1 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘)3 + 𝑘1 ∗ 𝜎𝑐𝑝 <= [Vmin+ 𝑘1*𝜎𝑐𝑝]

0.18 0.18
𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = = = 0.12
𝛾𝑐 1.5

200 200
𝐾 = 1+ √ = 1+ √ = 1.6324
𝑑 500

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 2.9
𝜌1 = 0.26 ∗ = 0.26 ∗ = 0.001885
𝑓𝑦𝑘 400

Now, 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 0.12 ∗ 1.6324(100 ∗ 0.001885 ∗ 25)3 + 0.15 ∗

= 0.83301N/mm2

Vrd,c = vrd,c*bw*d = (0.83301*2850mm*500)/1000

= 1187.04KN

The design shear force VED = 590.3*2.85*0.5 = 841.1KN ………..OK

C) Check depth for flexure

Moment is critical at the face of the column. Since we have square column and footing we can check only in one side.

𝐵−𝑏 2
𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑄𝑎𝑣𝑒 ∗ ( ) ∗𝐿

590.75𝐾𝑁 2.85−0.5 2
= 𝑚2
∗( 2
) ∗ 2.85


To check the depth for flexure using the formula

𝑀𝑟𝑑 = 0.8𝐾𝑥(1 − 0.4𝐾𝑥)𝑓𝑐𝑑 ∗ 𝑏 ∗ 𝑑2

= 0.8*0.448(1-0.4*0.448)*14.167*2850*500^2

= 2969.39KNm > Mmax = 2324.47KNm……………. OK

Assume cover = 30mm, use 20mm diameter bar

Total depth Dlong = d + cover + bar diameter + dia/2

= 500 + 30 + 20 + 20/2

= 560mm

Use D = 600mm

Effective depth d, long = 600 – 30 -20 = 550mm

d, short = 600 – 30 -20 – 20/2 = 540mm

d,ave = 2
= 545mm


𝑀𝑠𝑑𝑠 2324.47∗106
µ𝑠𝑑, 𝑠 = 𝑓𝑐𝑑∗𝑏∗𝑑2 = 14.167∗2850∗5452 = 0.1938

µsd,= 0.1938 <µus*=0.295 (for 0% moment redistribution) design as singly reinforced section Using µ𝑠𝑑,= 0.1938

From the chart for usd,s = 0.174, Kz = 0.95

Now, 𝑧 = 𝐾𝑧∗ 𝑑 =0.95*545 = 517.75mm

𝑀𝐸𝐷 2324.47∗106
Thus, 𝐴𝑠𝑡,𝑐𝑎𝑙 = = = 12907.34mm2
𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧 347.83∗517.75

The minimum and maximum value of area of reinforcement is computed in accordance with the provision of the code

𝐴 (0.26∗𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚∗𝑏𝑡∗𝑑 … …… … ES:EN 1992: 2015 . 9.2. 1.1(1


= 𝑚𝑎𝑥 { 400 = max(2927.87 , 2019.225)mm2
0.0013 ∗ 2850 ∗ 545

Therefore Ast,min = 2927.87mm2 < Ast,cal = 12907.34mm2…………….OK

,= 0. 04𝐴c… … … … … … … … . .1992: 2015 .

,= 0. 04𝐴𝑐= 0.04 ∗ 2850𝑚𝑚 ∗ 545𝑚𝑚 = 62130𝑚𝑚2/𝑚 >Ast,cal……......OK

Use Φ20mm, as=𝜋∗Φ2//4 = 𝜋∗20^2/4= 314𝑚𝑚2

No of bar = Ast, cal/as

= 12907.34/314 = 41.10 use 42 bar

Spacing = b*as/Ast,cal

= 2850*314/(12907.34)

= 69.33mm≈ 65𝑚𝑚

Use 42 Φ20 c/c 65mm

Length of the bar

L =B – 2*cover + 2(D – cover)

L = 2850 – 2*30 + 2*(500 – 30)

= 3730mm = 3.73m

Design of footing F4

Q=3833.87KN Mx=-7.68KNm


Let’s assume A=B, square footing

𝑀𝑦 −7.68
ex = = = −0.002
𝑄 3833.87

𝑀𝑥 −7.6
ey= = = −0.0019
𝑄 3833.87

let’s assume Qall=Qmax

𝑄 6∗𝑒𝑥 6∗𝑒𝑦
Qall == 𝐴 * (1± 𝐵
± 𝐿

3833.87 6∗0.002 6∗0.0019

600= 𝐵2
*(1- 𝐵 − 𝐵 )

Therefore by trial the value of B will be equal to 2.5


Now considering the self-weight of the soil and the pad we will found the total axial load

Assume unit weight of soil=18KN/m3 and

Assume unit weight of concrete=25KN/m3

Depth of footing=2m

Thickness of the pad=0.5m

Self-weight of the soil=(B2-0.42)*1.5*18=164.43KN

Self-weight of the footing=(B2*0.5*25)=78.125KN

Total axial load=3833.87+164.43+78.125=4076.425KN

𝑀𝑦 −7.68
ex= 𝑄 = 4076.425 = −0.0019

ey=4076.425 = −0.0018

4076.425 6∗0.0019 6∗0.0018
600= (1 − − )
𝐵2 𝐵 𝐵

Therefore by trial the value of B will be equal to 2.7




Stress distribution

We have Q=4076.425KN

ex= 𝑄 =-0.0019

ey= = −0.0018

𝑄 6∗𝑒𝑥 6∗𝑒𝑦
Qmax/min=== 𝐴 * (1± 𝐵
± 𝐿

4076.425 6∗0.0019 6∗0.0018

QA= (1 − − )
2.7∗2.7 2.7 2.7


4076.425 6∗0.0019 6∗0.0018

QB= 2.7∗2.7
(1 − 2.7 + 2.7 )


4076.425 6∗0.0019 6∗0.0018

QC= 2.7∗2.7
(1 + 2.7 - 2.7 )


4076.425 6∗0.0019 6∗0.0018

QD= 2.7∗2.7
(1 + 2.7 + 2.7 )


Qavg= 4


A) Check for punching failure

We have square footing and square column which is 2.7x2.7 and 0.4x0.4 respectively

In order to simplify the process let us assume d and check it for safety and economy.

Assume d = 0.5m = 500mm

Perimeter U = column perimeter + 4πd

4*0.4+ 4π*0.5 = 7.88m= 7883mm

Vrd,c = vrd,c*Ud

= 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 ∗ 𝐾(100 ∗ 𝜌1 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘)3 + 𝑘1 ∗ 𝜎𝑐𝑝 <= [Vmin+ 𝑘1*𝜎𝑐𝑝]

0.18 0.18
𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝛾𝑐
= 1.5
= 0.12

200 200
𝐾 = 1+ √ = 1+ √ = 1.632
𝑑 500

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 2.9
𝜌1 = 0.26 ∗ = 0.26 ∗ = 0.001885
𝑓𝑦𝑘 400

Now 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 0.12 ∗ 1.632(100 ∗ 0.00189 ∗ 25)3 + 0.15 ∗ 2700∗500

= 0.7812N/mm2

Vrd,c = vrd,c*U*d = (0.7812*7883mm*500)/1000

Vrd,c = 3080.38KN

To get the applied shear stress, we can divide it by the area first

= 559.1KN/m2

Area with in the perimeter can be obtained as

𝐴𝑝 = (𝑏 + 4𝑑)2 – (4 − 𝜋) ∗ (2𝑑)2

𝐴𝑝 = (400 + 4 ∗ 500)2 – (4 − 𝜋) ∗ (2 ∗ 500)2

Ap = 4.9 *106 mm2 = 4.9m2

The applied punching shear force in the perimeter can obtained as

VED = 559.1 * (2.72-4.9) = 1336.25KN

Hence Vrd,c = 3080.38KN > VED = 1336.25KN…………. OK

Check this depth for wide beam shear and check it for the economy

B) Check for wide beam shear

Using similar procedure

Vrd,c = vrd,c*bw*d

= 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 ∗ 𝐾(100 ∗ 𝜌1 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘)3 + 𝑘1 ∗ 𝜎𝑐𝑝 <= [Vmin+ 𝑘1*𝜎𝑐𝑝]

0.18 0.18
𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝛾𝑐
= 1.5
= 0.12

200 200
𝐾 = 1+ √ = 1+ √ = 1.6324
𝑑 500

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 2.9
𝜌1 = 0.26 ∗ = 0.26 ∗ = 0.001885
𝑓𝑦𝑘 400

Now, 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 0.12 ∗ 1.6324(100 ∗ 0.001885 ∗ 25)3 + 0.15 ∗

= 0.7812N/mm2

Vrd,c = vrd,c*bw*d = (0.7812*2700mm*500)/1000

= 1054.62KN

The design shear force VED = 559.1*2.7*0.5 = 754.8KN ………..OK

VRD.C=1054.62>VED=754.8KN……okay therefore the design is safe.

C) Check depth for flexure

𝐵−𝑏 2
𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑄𝑎𝑣𝑒 ∗ ( ) ∗𝐿

559𝐾𝑁 2.7−0.5 2
= ∗( ) ∗ 2.7
𝑚2 2


To check the depth for flexure using the formula

𝑀𝑟𝑑 = 0.8𝐾𝑥(1 − 0.4𝐾𝑥)𝑓𝑐𝑑 ∗ 𝑏 ∗ 𝑑2

= 0.8*0.448(1-0.4*0.448)*14.167*2.7*500^2

= 2813.11KNm > Mmax = 1996KNm……………. OK

Assume cover = 30mm, use 20mm diameter bar

Total depth Dlong = d + cover + bar diameter + dia/2

= 500 + 30 + 20 + 20/2

= 560mm

Use D = 600mm

Effective depth d, long = 600 – 30 -20 = 550mm

d, short = 600 – 30 -20 – 20/2 = 540mm

d,ave = 2
= 545mm

Reinforcement design

𝑀𝑠𝑑𝑠 1996∗106
µ𝑠𝑑, 𝑠 = = = 0.175
𝑓𝑐𝑑∗𝑏∗𝑑 2 14.167∗2700∗5452

µsd,= 0.175 <µus*=0.295 (for 0% moment redistribution) design as singly reinforced section Using µ𝑠𝑑,= 0.175

From the chart for usd,s = 0.175, Kz = 0.93

Now, 𝑧 = 𝐾𝑧∗ 𝑑 =0.93*545 = 506.85mm

𝑀𝐸𝐷 1996∗106
Thus, 𝐴𝑠𝑡,𝑐𝑎𝑙 = 𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧 = 347.83∗506.85 = 11321.76mm2

The minimum and maximum value of area of reinforcement is computed in accordance with the provision of the code

𝐴 (0.26∗𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚∗𝑏𝑡∗𝑑 … …… … ES: EN 1992: 2015. 9.2. 1.1(1


= 𝑚𝑎𝑥 { 400 = max (2773.77, 1912.95) mm2
0.0013 ∗ 2700 ∗ 545

Therefore Ast,min = 2773.77mm2 < Ast,cal = 11321.76mm2…………….OK

, = 0. 04𝐴c… … … … … … … …. .1992: 2015.

, = 0. 04𝐴𝑐= 0.04 ∗ 2700𝑚𝑚 ∗ 545𝑚𝑚 = 58860𝑚𝑚2/𝑚 >Ast,cal……......OK

Use Φ20mm, as=𝜋∗Φ2//4 = 𝜋∗20^2/4= 314𝑚𝑚2

No of bar = Ast, cal/as

= 11321.76/314 = 36.05 use 37 bar

Spacing = b*as/Ast,cal

= 27000*314/11321.76

= 74.88mm

Use 37 Φ20 c/c 70mm

Length of the bar

L =B – 2*cover + 2(D – cover)

L = 2700 – 2*30 + 2*(500 – 30)

= 3580mm = 3.58m

Design of Footing F-3

P =3165.05kn



Assume there us a square footing


𝑀𝑋 −1.71
ex = =
𝑄 3165.05
= −0.0054

𝑀𝑦 0.33
ey= 𝑄 = 3165.05 = −0.000104

Let’s assume Qall=Qmax

𝑄 6∗𝑒𝑥 6∗𝑒𝑦
Qall == 𝐴 * (1± 𝐵
± 𝐿

3165.05 6∗0.002 6∗0.0019

600= 𝐵2
*(1- 𝐵 − 𝐵 )

Simplifying this it gives

B3= 5.275B-0.14

By trial and error B = 2.28m take B = 2.3m

Check the stress including self-weight of the soil and the pad if Q =3351.217KN

3351.217 6∗0.00051 6∗0.0001

600KN/m2= 2.85∗2.85 ∗ (1 + 2.3
− 2.3 )

600KN/m2 ……………………………… OK

Contact Stress distribution

Q = 3351.217

𝑄 6∗𝑒𝑥 6∗𝑒𝑦
Qmax/min= * (1± ± )

3351.217 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513

QA = 2.4∗2.4
* (1+ 2.4
− 2.4

= 580.2KN/m2

3351.217 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513

QB = 2.4∗2.4
* (1+ 2 .4
+ 2.4


3351.217 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513

QC = * (1- − )
2.4∗2.4 2.4 2.4


4794.76 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513

QD = * (1- + )
2.4∗2.4 2.4 2.4

= 580.19KN/m2

Qave= QA+QB+QC+QD/4

= 4

= 583.2KN/m2 < 600KN/m2 ………………… OK

Calculate depth which withstands different failures

A) Check for punching failure

We have square footing and square column which is 2.4*2.4 and 0.4x0.4 respectively

In order to simplify the process let us assume d and check it for safety and economy.

Assume d = 0.5m = 500mm

Perimeter U = column perimeter + 4πd

4*0.4+ 4π*0.5 = 7.88m= 7883mm

Vrd,c = vrd,c*Ud

= 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 ∗ 𝐾(100 ∗ 𝜌1 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘)3 + 𝑘1 ∗ 𝜎𝑐𝑝<= [Vmin+ 𝑘1*𝜎𝑐𝑝]

0.18 0.18
𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝛾𝑐
= 1.5
= 0.12

200 200
𝐾 = 1+ √ 𝑑
= 1 + √500 = 1.632

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 2.9
𝜌1 = 0.26 ∗ = 0.26 ∗ = 0.001885
𝑓𝑦𝑘 400

Now 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 0.12 ∗ 1.632(100 ∗ 0.001885 ∗ 25)3 + 0.15 ∗

= 0.6614N/mm2

Vrd,c = vrd,c*U*d = (0.6614*7883mm*500)/1000

Vrd,c = 2606.9KN

To get the applied shear stress, we can divide it by the area first

= 521.86KN/m2

Area with in the perimeter can be obtained as

𝐴𝑝 = (𝑏 + 4𝑑)2 – (4 − 𝜋) ∗ (2𝑑)2

𝐴𝑝 = (400 + 4 ∗ 500)2 – (4 − 𝜋) ∗ (2 ∗ 500)2

Ap = 4.9 *106 mm2 = 4.9m2

The applied punching shear force in the perimeter can obtained as

VED = 521.86 * (2.852-4.9) = 1681.69KN

Hence Vrd,c = 2606.90KN > VED = 1681.69KN…………. OK

B) Check for wide beam shear

Using similar procedure

Vrd,c = vrd,c*bw*d

= 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 ∗ 𝐾(100 ∗ 𝜌1 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘)3 + 𝑘1 ∗ 𝜎𝑐𝑝<= [Vmin+ 𝑘1*𝜎𝑐𝑝]

0.18 0.18
𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = = = 0.12
𝛾𝑐 1.5

200 200
𝐾 = 1+ √ 𝑑
= 1 + √500 = 1.6324

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 2.9
𝜌1 = 0.26 ∗ = 0.26 ∗ = 0.001885
𝑓𝑦𝑘 400

Now, 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 0.12 ∗ 1.6324(100 ∗ 0.001885 ∗ 25)3 + 0.15 ∗

= 0.7239N/mm2

Vrd,c = vrd,c*bw*d = (0.7239*2400mm*500)/1000

= 868.717KN

The design shear force VED = 583.2*2.4*0.5 = 699.84KN ………..OK

C) Check depth for flexure

𝐵−𝑏 2
𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑄𝑎𝑣𝑒 ∗ ( ) ∗𝐿

583.2𝐾𝑁 2.4−0.5 2
= ∗( ) ∗ 2.4
𝑚2 2


To check the depth for flexure using the formula

𝑀𝑟𝑑 = 0.8𝐾𝑥(1 − 0.4𝐾𝑥)𝑓𝑐𝑑 ∗ 𝑏 ∗ 𝑑2

= 0.8*0.448(1-0.4*0.448)*14.167*2400*500^2

= 2500.54KNm >Mmax = KNm……………. OK

Assume cover = 30mm, use 20mm diameter bar

Total depth Dlong = d + cover + bar diameter + dia/2

= 500 + 30 + 20 + 20/2

= 560mm

Use D = 600mm

Effective depth d, long = 600 – 30 -20 = 550mm

d, short = 600 – 30 -20 – 20/2 = 540mm

d,ave = 2
= 545mm

Reinforcement design

𝑀𝑠𝑑𝑠 2324.47∗106
µ𝑠𝑑, 𝑠 = = = 0.1938
𝑓𝑐𝑑∗𝑏∗𝑑 2 14.167∗2850∗5452

µsd,= 0.1938 <µus*=0.295 (for 0% moment redistribution) design as singly reinforced section Using µ𝑠𝑑,= 0.1938

From the chart for usd,s = 0.1938, Kz = 0.92

Now, 𝑧 = 𝐾𝑧∗𝑑 =0.92*545 = 501.4mm

𝑀𝐸𝐷 1296∗106
Thus, 𝐴𝑠𝑡,𝑐𝑎𝑙 = 𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧 = 347.83∗501.4 = 7431.1mm2

𝐴 (0.26∗𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚∗𝑏𝑡∗𝑑 /400… …… … ES: EN 1992: 2015. 9.2. 1.1(1


= 𝑚𝑎𝑥 { 400 = max (2927.87, 2019.225) mm2
0.0013 ∗ 2850 ∗ 545

Therefore Ast,min = 2927.87mm2<Ast,cal = 7431.1mm2…………….OK

, = 0. 04𝐴c… … … … … … … …. .1992: 2015.

, = 0. 04𝐴𝑐= 0.04 ∗ 2850𝑚𝑚∗ 545𝑚𝑚 = 62130𝑚𝑚2/𝑚>Ast,cal……......OK

Use Φ20mm, as=𝜋∗Φ2//4 = 𝜋∗20^2/4= 314𝑚𝑚2

No of bar = Ast, cal/as

= 7431.1/314 = 23.66use 25bar

Spacing = b*as/Ast,cal

= 2400*314/(7431.1)

= 101.4m≈ 100𝑚𝑚

Use 25 Φ20 c/c 100mm

Length of the bar

L =B – 2*cover + 2(D – cover)

L = 2400 – 2*30 + 2*(500 – 30)

= 3280mm= 3.28mm

Design for Footing F-2




Let’s assume A=B, square footing

𝑀𝑦 −25.15
ex = 𝑄 =2786.56 = −0.009025

𝑀𝑥 3.11
ey= = = 0.001116
𝑄 2786.56

Let’s assume Qall=Qmax

𝑄 6∗𝑒𝑥 6∗𝑒𝑦
Qall == 𝐴 * (1± 𝐵
± 𝐿

2786.56 6∗−0.009025 6∗0.001116

600= *(1+ + )
𝐵2 𝐵 𝐵

Therefore by trial the value of B will be equal to 2.13


Now considering the self-weight of the soil and the pad we will found the total axial load

Assume unit weight of soil=18KN/m3 and

Assume unit weight of concrete=25KN/m3

Depth of footing=2m

Thickness of the pad=0.5m

Self-weight of the soil= (B2-0.42)*1.5*18=157.56KN

Self-weight of the footing= (B2*0.5*25)=56.71KN

Total axial load=2786.56+157.56+56.71=3000.83KN

𝑀𝑦 −25.15
ex= 𝑄 = 3000.83 = −0.00838

ey=3000.83 = 0.001036

3000.83 6∗0.00838 6∗0.001036

600= (1 − + )
𝐵2 𝐵 𝐵

Therefore by trial the value of B will be equal to 2.3


600= 2.3∗2.3∗2.3


Stress distribution

We have Q=3000.83KN

ex= 𝑄 =-0.00838

ey= 𝑄 = 0.001036

𝑄 6∗𝑒𝑥 6∗𝑒𝑦
Qmax/min=== 𝐴 * (1± 𝐵
± 𝐿

3000.83 6∗0.00838 6∗0.001036
QA= (1 − + )
2.3∗2.3 2.3 2.7


3000.83 6∗0.00838 6∗0.001036

QB= (1 − − )
2.3∗2.3 2.3 2.3


3000.83 6∗0.00838 6∗0.001036

QC= (1 + − )
2.3∗2.3 2.3 2.3


3000.83 6∗0.00838 6∗0.001036

QD= 2.3∗2.3 (1 + 2.3
+ 2.3




A) Check for punching failure

We have square footing and square column which is 2.3x2.3 and 0.4x0.4 respectively

In order to simplify the process let us assume d and check it for safety and economy.

Assume d = 0.5m = 500mm

Perimeter U = column perimeter + 4πd

4*0.4+ 4π*0.5 = 7.88m= 7883mm

Vrd,c = vrd,c*Ud

= 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 ∗ 𝐾(100 ∗ 𝜌1 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘)3 + 𝑘1 ∗ 𝜎𝑐𝑝 <= [Vmin+ 𝑘1*𝜎𝑐𝑝]

0.18 0.18
𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝛾𝑐
= 1.5
= 0.12

200 200
𝐾 = 1+ √ 𝑑
= 1 + √500 = 1.632

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 2.9
𝜌1 = 0.26 ∗ = 0.26 ∗ = 0.001885
𝑓𝑦𝑘 400

Now 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 0.12 ∗ 1.632(100 ∗ 0.00189 ∗ 25)3 + 0.15 ∗

= 0.719N/mm2

Vrd,c = vrd,c*U*d = (0.719*7883mm*500)/1000

Vrd,c = 2836.74KN

To get the applied shear stress, we can divide it by the area first

= 567.26KN/m2

Area with in the perimeter can be obtained as

𝐴𝑝 = (𝑏 + 4𝑑)2 – (4 − 𝜋) ∗ (2𝑑)2

𝐴𝑝 = (400 + 4 ∗ 500)2 – (4 − 𝜋) ∗ (2 ∗ 500)2

Ap = 4.9 *106 mm2 = 4.9m2

The applied punching shear force in the perimeter can obtained as

VED = 567.26 * (2.32-4.9) = 221.23KN

Hence Vrd,c = 2836.74KN > VED = 221.23KN…………. OK

B) Check for wide beam shear

Using similar procedure

Vrd,c = vrd,c*bw*d

= 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 ∗ 𝐾(100 ∗ 𝜌1 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘)3 + 𝑘1 ∗ 𝜎𝑐𝑝 <= [Vmin+ 𝑘1*𝜎𝑐𝑝]

0.18 0.18
𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = = = 0.12
𝛾𝑐 1.5

200 200
𝐾 = 1+ √ 𝑑
= 1 + √500 = 1.6324

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 2.9
𝜌1 = 0.26 ∗ = 0.26 ∗ = 0.001885
𝑓𝑦𝑘 400

Now, 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 0.12 ∗ 1.6324(100 ∗ 0.001885 ∗ 30)3 + 0.15 ∗

= 0.719N/mm2

Vrd,c = vrd,c*bw*d = (0.719*2300mm*500)/1000

= 826.85KN

The design shear force VED =567.26*2.3*0.5 = 652.35KN ………..OK

VRD.C=826.85>VED=652.35KN……okay therefore the design is safe.

C) Check depth for flexure

𝐵−𝑏 2
𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑄𝑎𝑣𝑒 ∗ ( 2
) ∗𝐿

567.26𝐾𝑁 2.3−0.5 2
= ∗( ) ∗ 2.3
𝑚2 2


To check the depth for flexure using the formula

𝑀𝑟𝑑 = 0.8𝐾𝑥(1 − 0.4𝐾𝑥)𝑓𝑐𝑑 ∗ 𝑏 ∗ 𝑑2

= 0.8*0.448(1-0.4*0.448)*14.167*2.3*500^2

= 2396.35KNm > Mmax = 1056.8KNm……………. OK

Assume cover = 30mm, use 20mm diameter bar

Total depth Dlong = d + cover + bar diameter + dia/2

= 500 + 30 + 20 + 20/2

= 560mm

Use D = 600mm

Effective depth d, long = 600 – 30 -20 = 550mm

d, short = 600 – 30 -20 – 20/2 = 540mm

d,ave = 2
= 545mm

Reinforcement design

𝑀𝑠𝑑𝑠 1056.8∗106
µ𝑠𝑑, 𝑠 = = = 0.109
𝑓𝑐𝑑∗𝑏∗𝑑 2 14.167∗2300∗5452

µ ,= 0.109 <µus*=0.295 (for 0% moment redistribution) design as singly reinforced section Using µ𝑠𝑑,= 0.109

From the chart for usd,s = 0.098, Kz = 0.94

Now, 𝑧 = 𝐾𝑧∗ 𝑑 =0.94*545 = 512.3mm

𝑀𝐸𝐷 1056.8∗106
Thus, 𝐴𝑠𝑡,𝑐𝑎𝑙 = = = 5930.63mm2
𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧 347.83∗512.3

𝐴 (0.26∗𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚∗𝑏𝑡∗𝑑 /400… …… … ES: EN 1992: 2015 . 9.2. 1.1(1


= 𝑚𝑎𝑥 { 400 = max(2362.84, 1629.55)mm2
0.0013 ∗ 2300 ∗ 545

Therefore Ast,min = 2362.84mm2 < Ast,cal = 5930.63mm2…………….OK

, = 0. 04𝐴c… … … … … … … …. .1992: 2015.

, = 0. 04𝐴𝑐= 0.04 ∗ 2300𝑚𝑚 ∗ 545𝑚𝑚 = 50140𝑚𝑚2/𝑚 >Ast,cal……......OK

Use Φ20mm, as=𝜋∗Φ2//4 = 𝜋∗20^2/4= 314𝑚𝑚2

No of bar = Ast, cal/as

= 5930.63/314 = 18.89 use 20 bar

Spacing = b*as/Ast,cal

= 2300*314/5930.63)

= 121.77mm

Use 20 Φ20 c/c 115mm

Length of the bar

L =B – 2*cover + 2(D – cover)

L = 2300 – 2*30 + 2*(500 – 30)

= 3180mm = 3.18m

Design of Footing F-1

P =770KN



Assume there us a square footing


𝑀𝑦 5.75
ex = 𝑄 = 770 = 0.0075

𝑚𝑦 32.46
ey= 𝑄
= 770
= 0.042

Let’s assume Qall=Qmax

𝑄 6∗𝑒𝑥 6∗𝑒𝑦
Qall == 𝐴 * (1± 𝐵
± 𝐿

770 6∗0.0075 6∗0.042

600= 𝐵2 *(1- 𝐵
− 𝐵 )

Simplifying this it gives

By trial and error B = 1.2m

Check the stress including self-weight of the soil and the pad if Q =836KN

836 6∗0.0075 6∗0.0042

600KN/m2= 1.3∗1.3 ∗ (1 + 1.3
+ 1.3 )

600KN/m2 > 521.38 ……………………………… OK

Contact Stress distribution

Q = 836KN

𝑄 6∗𝑒𝑥 6∗𝑒𝑦
Qmax/min= 𝐴 * (1± 𝐵
± 𝐿

836 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513
QA = 1.3∗1.3 * (1+ 1.3
− 1.3


836 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513

QB = 1.3∗1.3 * (1+ 1.3
+ 1.


836 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513

QC = 1.3∗1.3 * (1- 1.3
− 1.3


836 6∗0.00128 6∗0.000513

QD = 1.3∗1.3 * (1- 1.3
+ 1.3

= 502.203KN/m2

Qave= QA+QB+QC+QD/4

= 4

= 498.35 < 600KN/m2 ………………… OK

Calculate depth which withstands different failures

A) Check for punching failure

We have square footing and square column which is 1.3*1.3 and 0.4x0.4 respectively

In order to simplify the process let us assume d and check it for safety and economy.

Assume d = 0.5m = 500mm

Perimeter U = column perimeter + 4πd

4*0.4+ 4π*0.5 = 7.88m= 7883mm

Vrd,c = vrd,c*Ud

= 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 ∗ 𝐾(100 ∗ 𝜌1 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘)3 + 𝑘1 ∗ 𝜎𝑐𝑝<= [Vmin+ 𝑘1*𝜎𝑐𝑝]

0.18 0.18
𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = = = 0.12
𝛾𝑐 1.5

200 200
𝐾 = 1+ √ = 1+ √ = 1.632
𝑑 500

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 2.9
𝜌1 = 0.26 ∗ = 0.26 ∗ = 0.001885
𝑓𝑦𝑘 400

Now 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 0.12 ∗ 1.632(100 ∗ 0.001885 ∗ 25)3 + 0.15 ∗

= 0.505

Vrd,c = vrd,c*U*d = (0.505*7883mm*500)/1000

Vrd,c = 1990.45KN

To get the applied shear stress, we can divide it by the area first

= 495KN/m2

Area with in the perimeter can be obtained as

𝐴𝑝 = (𝑏 + 4𝑑)2 – (4 − 𝜋) ∗ (2𝑑)2

𝐴𝑝 = (400 + 4 ∗ 500)2 – (4 − 𝜋) ∗ (2 ∗ 500)2

Ap = 4.9 *106 mm2 = 4.9m2

The applied punching shear force in the perimeter can obtained as

VED = 836 * (1.32-4.9) = -2683KN

Hence Vrd,c = 1990.45KN > VED =-2683KN…………. OK

B) Check for wide beam shear

Using similar procedure

Vrd,c = vrd,c*bw*d

= 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 ∗ 𝐾(100 ∗ 𝜌1 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑘)3 + 𝑘1 ∗ 𝜎𝑐𝑝<= [Vmin+ 𝑘1*𝜎𝑐𝑝]

0.18 0.18
𝐶𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 𝛾𝑐
= 1.5
= 0.12

200 200
𝐾 = 1+ √ = 1+ √ = 1.6324
𝑑 500

𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 2.9
𝜌1 = 0.26 ∗ = 0.26 ∗ = 0.001885
𝑓𝑦𝑘 400

Now, 𝑣𝑟𝑑, 𝑐 = 0.12 ∗ 1.6324(100 ∗ 0.001885 ∗ 25)3 + 0.15 ∗ 1300∗500

= 0.505N/mm2

Vrd,c = vrd,c*bw*d = (0.505*1300mm*500)/1000

= 328.25KN

The design shear force VED = 583.2*1.3*0.5 = 323.927KN ………. OK

C) Check depth for flexure

𝐵−𝑏 2
𝑀𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑄𝑎𝑣𝑒 ∗ ( ) ∗𝐿

498.35 1.3−0.5 2
= 𝑚2
∗ ( 2
) ∗ 1.3


To check the depth for flexure using the formula

𝑀𝑟𝑑 = 0.8𝐾𝑥(1 − 0.4𝐾𝑥)𝑓𝑐𝑑 ∗ 𝑏 ∗ 𝑑2

= 0.8*0.448(1-0.4*0.448)*14.167*1300*500^2

= 1354.46KNm >Mmax = 103.65KNm……………. OK

Assume cover = 30mm, use 20mm diameter bar

Total depth Dlong = d + cover + bar diameter + dia/2

= 500 + 30 + 20 + 20/2

= 560mm

Use D = 600mm

Effective depth d, long = 600 – 30 -20 = 550mm

d, short = 600 – 50 -20 – 20/2 = 540mm

d,ave = 2
= 545mm

Reinforcement design

𝑀𝑠𝑑𝑠 1720.092∗106
µ𝑠𝑑, 𝑠 = 𝑓𝑐𝑑∗𝑏∗𝑑2 = 14.167∗1300∗5452 = 0.3144

µsd,= 0.3144 <µus*=0.295 (for 0% moment redistribution) design as singly reinforced section Using µ𝑠𝑑,= 0.3144

From the chart for usd,s = 0.3144, Kz = 0.94

Now, 𝑧 = 𝐾𝑧∗𝑑 =0.94*545 = 512.3mm

𝑀𝐸𝐷 157∗10^6
Thus, 𝐴𝑠𝑡,𝑐𝑎𝑙 = 𝑓𝑦𝑑∗𝑧 = 347.83∗512.3 = 881.06mm2

The minimum and maximum value of area of reinforcement is computed in accordance with the provision of the code

𝐴 (0.26∗𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚∗𝑏𝑡∗𝑑 /400… …… … ES:EN 1992: 2015 . 9.2. 1.1(1


= 𝑚𝑎𝑥 { 400 = max(2927.87 , 2019.22)mm2
0.0013 ∗ 2850 ∗ 545

Therefore Ast,min = 2927.87mm2>Ast,cal =881.06…………….

Use the Asmin 2927.87mm2

Use Φ20mm, as=𝜋∗Φ2//4 = 𝜋∗20^2/4= 314𝑚𝑚2

No of bar = Ast, cal/as

=2927.87/314 = 9.32use 10bar

Spacing = b*as/Ast,cal

= 1300*314/(2927.87)

= 139.41mm≈ 135𝑚𝑚

Use 10 Φ20 c/c 135mm

Length of the bar

L =B – 2*cover + 2(D – cover)

L = 1300 – 2*30 + 2*(500 – 30)

= 2180mm




panels Ly(m) Lx(m) Ly/LX type cover(mm) K N F1 F2 F3 l(mm) l/d=K*N*F1*F2*F3 d D
two -
GP - 1 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
two -
GP - 2 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
two -
GP - 3 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
two -
GP - 4 6 6 1.00 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 6000 28.776 208.51 233.51
two -
GP - 5 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
two -
GP - 6 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
two -
GP - 7 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 28.776 182.44 207.44
two -
GP - 8 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 28.776 182.44 207.44
two -
GP - 9 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
two -
GP - 10 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
one -
GP - 11 5.25 2.3 2.28 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 2300 28.776 79.93 104.93
one -
GP - 12 5.25 2.3 2.28 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 2300 28.776 79.93 104.93

two -
GP - 13 2.3 1.86 1.24 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 1860 28.776 64.64 89.64
one -
GP - 14 6 2.5 2.40 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 2500 28.776 86.88 111.88
two -
GP - 15 2.5 2.3 1.09 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 2300 28.779 79.92 104.92
one -
C -1 5.25 2 2.63 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 2000 8.854 225.88 250.88
one -
C -2 5.25 2 2.63 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 2000 8.854 225.88 250.88
one -
C -3 5.25 2 2.63 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 2000 8.854 225.88 250.88
two -
C -4 2 1.65 1.21 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 1650 8.854 186.35 211.35
one -
C -5 6 1.65 3.64 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 1650 8.854 186.35 211.35
one -
C -6 6 1.65 3.64 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 1650 8.854 186.35 211.35
one -
C -7 2.3 1.65 1.39 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 1650 8.854 186.35 211.35
First floor
two -
FP - 1 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
two -
FP - 2 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
two -
FP - 3 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
two -
FP - 4 6 6 1.00 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 6000 28.776 208.51 233.51
two -
FP - 5 6 6 1.00 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 6000 33.203 180.71 205.71

two -
FP - 6 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
two -
FP - 7 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
two -
FP - 8 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
two -
FP - 9 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 17.71 1.25 1 1 5250 33.203 158.12 183.12
one -
FP - 10 5.25 2.3 2.28 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 2300 28.776 79.93 104.93
one -
FP - 11 5.25 2.3 2.28 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 2300 28.776 79.93 104.93
one -
FP - 12 5.25 2.3 2.28 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 2300 28.776 79.93 104.93
one -
FP - 13 6 2.3 2.61 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 2300 28.776 79.93 104.93
two -
FP - 14 2.5 2.3 1.09 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 2300 28.776 79.93 104.93
one -
FP - 15 6 2.5 2.40 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 2500 28.776 86.88 111.88
FP - one -
16,17,18,19 5.25 1.7 3.09 way 25 1.3 17.71 1.25 1 1 1700 28.779 59.07 84.07
one -
C -1 5.25 2 2.63 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 2000 8.854 225.88 250.88
one -
C -2 5.25 2 2.63 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 2000 8.854 225.88 250.88
one -
C -3 5.25 2 2.63 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 2000 8.854 225.88 250.88
one -
C -4 2 1.65 1.21 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 1650 8.854 186.35 211.35
one -
C -5 3.36 1.65 2.04 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 1650 8.854 186.35 211.35

one -
C-6 3.36 1.65 2.04 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 1650 8.854 186.35 211.35
one -
C-7 2.3 1.65 1.39 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 1650 8.854 186.35 211.35
one -
C-8 3.75 2 1.88 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 2000 8.854 225.88 250.88
one -
C-9 2.75 0.55 5.00 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 550 8.854 62.12 87.12
one -
C - 10 2.75 0.55 5.00 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 550 8.854 62.12 87.12
one -
C - 11 2.75 0.55 5.00 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 550 8.854 62.12 87.12
one -
C - 12 2.75 0.55 5.00 way 25 0.4 17.71 1.25 1 1 550 8.854 62.12 87.12
two -
TP -1 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.3 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 30.063 174.64 199.64
two -
TP -2 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 34.688 151.35 176.35
two -
TP -3 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.3 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 30.063 174.64 199.64
two -
TP -4 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.3 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 30.063 174.64 199.64
two -
TP -5 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.3 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 30.063 174.64 199.64
two -
TP -6 6 6 1.00 way 25 1.5 18.5 1.25 1 1 6000 34.688 172.97 197.97
two -
TP -7 6 6 1.00 way 25 1.5 18.5 1.25 1 1 6000 34.688 172.97 197.97
two -
TP -8 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 34.688 151.35 176.35

two -
TP -9 6 5.25 1.14 way 25 1.5 18.5 1.25 1 1 5250 34.688 151.35 176.35
one -
C -1 5.25 0.9 5.83 way 25 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 122.30
one -
C -2 5.25 0.9 5.83 way 25 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 122.30
one -
C -3 5.25 0.9 5.83 way 25 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 122.30
one -
C -4 5.25 0.9 5.83 way 25 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 122.30
one -
C -5 5.25 0.9 5.83 way 25 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 122.30
one -
C -6 5.25 0.9 5.83 way 25 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 122.30
one -
C -7 6 0.9 6.67 way 25 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 122.30
one -
C -8 6 0.9 6.67 way 25 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 122.30
one -
C -9 1.2 0.9 1.33 way 25 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 900 9.250 97.30 122.30
one -
C -10 3.45 2 1.73 way 25 0.4 18.5 1.25 1 1 2000 9.250 216.22 241.22


partition Dead Live load design

panel ID self weight load glazing load(DL) (LL) load(PD)
Ground floor
GP-1,2,3 6.96 - - 6.96 3 13.896
GP - 4 6.96 2.14 9.1 2 15.285

GP - 5,6 6.96 - - 6.96 3 13.896
GP - 7 6.96 0.84 7.8 3 15.030
GP -
8,9,10 6.96 6.96 4 15.396
GP -
11,12 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
GP - 13 6.96 4.2 11.16 2 18.066
GP - 14 6.96 8.04 15 2 23.250
C1 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
C2 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
C3 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
C4 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
C5 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
C6 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
C7 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
C8 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
First floor 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
FP -1,2 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
FP -3 6.96 6.96 4 15.396
FP -4 6.96 0.86 7.82 4 16.557
FP -5 6.96 2.14 9.1 2 15.285
FP -6 6.96 1.55 8.51 3 15.989
FP -7 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
FP -8,9 6.96 6.96 4 15.396
FP - 10 -
16 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
FP - 17

FP - 18 6.96 6.01 12.97 3 22.010
C1 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
C2 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
C3 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
C4 6.96 6.96 3 13.896
C5 6.96 6.96 3 13.896


panels condition Ly Lx Ly/Lx αxs αxf αys αyf Pd Lx2 Mxs Mxf Mys Myf
Ground floor
GP-1 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 13.9 27.56 14.942 11.340 12.260 9.195
GP-2 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 13.9 27.56 14.942 11.340 12.260 9.195
GP-3 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 13.9 27.56 14.942 11.340 12.260 9.195
GP-4 Type - 2 6 6 1.00 0.04 0.029 0.04 0.029 15.29 36.00 21.467 15.963 21.467 15.963
GP-5 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 13.9 27.56 14.942 11.340 12.260 9.195
GP-6 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 13.9 27.56 14.942 11.340 12.260 9.195
GP-7 Type - 2 6 5.25 1.14 0.05 0.034 0.04 0.029 15.03 27.56 18.890 14.168 16.156 12.014
GP-8 Type - 2 6 5.25 1.14 0.05 0.034 0.04 0.029 15.4 27.56 19.355 14.517 16.554 12.309
GP-9 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 15.4 27.56 16.554 12.564 13.583 10.187
GP-10 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 15.4 27.56 16.554 12.564 13.583 10.187
GP- 13 2.3 1.8 1.28 13.9 3.24 16.020 19.700 8.700 4.350
GP - 14 6 2.5 2.40 16.38 6.25 15.360 15.940 18.380 9.200
GP - 15 2.8 2.5 1.14 12.4 6.25 7.740 9.600 12.670 6.340

FP-1 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 13.9 27.56 14.942 11.340 12.260 9.195
FP-2 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 13.9 27.56 14.942 11.340 12.260 9.195
FP-3 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 15.4 27.56 16.554 12.564 13.583 10.187
FP-4 Type - 2 6 5.25 1.14 0.05 0.034 0.04 0.029 16.56 27.56 20.813 15.610 17.801 13.237
FP-5 Type - 1 6 6 1.00 0.03 0.024 0.03 0.024 15.29 36.00 17.614 13.211 17.614 13.211
FP-6 Type - 1 6 6 1.00 0.03 0.024 0.03 0.024 16 36.00 18.432 13.824 18.432 13.824
FP-7 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 13.9 27.56 14.942 11.340 12.260 9.195
FP-8 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 15.4 27.56 16.554 12.564 13.583 10.187
FP-9 Type - 1 6 5.25 1.14 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.024 15.4 27.56 16.554 12.564 13.583 10.187
FP-10 5.3 2.3 2.28 13.9 5.29 12.750 7.230
FP-11 5.3 2.3 2.28 13.9 5.29 12.750 7.230
FP-12 5.3 2.3 2.28 13.9 5.29 12.750 7.230
FP-13 6 2.3 2.61 13.9 5.29 12.750 7.230
FP-14 2.8 2.4 1.17 12.4 5.76 10.330 14.480 10.936 5.468
FP-15 6 2.5 2.40 17.92 6.25 13.410 18.700 15.690 7.850


panels moments L1 L2 K1=I/L1 K2=I/L2 DF Balance balanced noment
Ground floor Along X direction Mys
GP -1&5 12.26 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 0 12.26
12.26 12.26
GP -2 &6 12.26 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 0 12.26
12.26 12.26
GP - 3 &7 12.26 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.50 1.95 14.21

16.165 1.95 14.21
GP - 5 &8 12.26 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 2.147 14.407
16.554 2.147 14.407
GP - 6 &9 12.26 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 0.66 12.92
13.583 0.66 12.92
GP - 7 &10 16.165 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 1.29 14.87
13.583 1.29 14.87
GP - 9&11 13.583 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 0.42 13.17
12.75 0.42 13.17
GP - 10&12 16.165 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 1.71 14.46
12.75 1.71 14.46
GP -1 & C1 12.26 5.25 2 0.19 0.50 0.28 29.74
29.742 29.74
GP- 2 & C2 12.26 5.25 2 0.19 0.50 0.28 29.74
29.742 29.74
GP - 3 & C3 12.26 5.25 2 0.19 0.50 0.28 29.74
29.742 29.74
GP -8 &13 16.554 5.25 1.8 0.19 0.56 0.26 0.745 2.01 14.55
8.7 5.85 14.55
GP -14 &15 18.38 2.5 2.5 0.40 0.40 0.50 2.86 15.53
12.67 2.86 15.53
Along Y direction Mxs
GP - 1 &2 14.942 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 0 14.942
14.942 0 14.942
GP - 2 &3 14.942 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 0 14.942
14.942 0 14.942

GP- 4 &5 21.467 6 5.25 0.17 0.19 0.47 0.53 3.05 18.42
14.942 3.48 18.422
GP - 5 &6 14.942 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 0 14.942
14.942 0 14.942
GP - 6 &7 14.942 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 1.97 16.92
18.89 1.97 16.92
GP - 8 &9 18.89 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 1.168 17.722
16.554 1.168 17.722
GP - 9 &10 16.554 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 0 16.554
16.554 0 16.554
GP - 3 & C5 14.92 5.25 1.65 0.19 0.61 0.23913 0 20.56
20.56 0 20.56
GP -10& C6 16.554 5.25 1.65 0.19 0.61 0.23913 0 20.56
20.56 0 20.56
GP -12& C7 12.75 5.25 1.65 0.19 0.61 0.23913 0 20.56
20.56 20.56
First floor
FP - 1 &2 Along Y direction Mxs
14.942 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 0 11.34
FP - 2 &3 14.942 0 11.34
14.942 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 0.806 15.748
FP - 6 &7 16.554 0.806 15.748
18.432 6 5.25 0.17 0.19 0.47 0.53 1.63 16.80
FP - 7 &8 14.942 1.86 16.80
14.942 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 1.189 13.753
FP - 8 &9 12.564 1.189 13.753

16.554 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 0 16.554
FP - 3 & C5 16.554 0 16.554
16.554 5.25 1.65 0.19 0.61 0.24 0 20.56
FP - 9 & C6 20.56 0 20.56
16.554 5.25 1.65 0.19 0.61 0.24 0 20.56
FP -10 & C7 20.564 0 20.56
12.75 5.25 1.65 0.19 0.61 0.24 0 20.56
FP - 5 & C8 20.564 0 20.56
17.614 5.25 2 0.19 0.50 0.28 0 29.742
29.742 29.742
FP - 3&4 Along X direction Mys
13.583 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 2.109 15.692
FP - 4 &9 17.801 2.109 15.692
17.801 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.5 2.109 15.692
FP - 5 &6 13.583 2.109 15.692
17.614 6 6 0.17 0.17 0.5 0.409 18.023
FP -1 & C1 18.432 0.409 18.023
12.26 5.25 2 0.19 0.50 0.28 29.742
FP - 2 & C2 29.742 29.742
12.26 5.25 2 0.19 0.50 0.28 29.742
FP - 3 & C3 29.742 29.742
13.583 5.25 2 0.19 0.50 0.28 29.742
FP - 13& C9 29.742 29.742
12.75 2.3 0.55 0.43 1.82 0.19 12.75
FP -12& C10 2.6 12.75
12.75 2.3 0.55 0.43 1.82 0.19 12.75

FP -11& C11 2.6 12.75
12.75 2.3 0.55 0.43 1.82 0.19 12.75
FP-10& C12 2.6 12.75
12.75 2.3 0.55 0.43 1.82 0.19 12.75
FP -1& C13 2.6 12.75
12.26 5.25 1.7 0.19 0.59 0.24 21.73
FP -2 & C14 21.73 21.73
12.26 5.25 1.7 0.19 0.59 0.24 21.73
FP -7& C15 21.73 21.73
12.26 5.25 1.7 0.19 0.59 0.24 21.73
FP -8 & C16 21.73 21.73
13.583 5.25 1.7 0.19 0.59 0.24 21.73
FP-6 & 13 21.73 21.73
18.43 6 6 0.17 0.17 0.50 2.84 15.59
FP-7 & 12 12.75 2.84 15.59
12.26 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.50 0.25 12.51
FP- 8 & 11 12.75 0.25 12.51
13.583 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.50 0.42 13.17
FP -9 & 10 12.75 0.42 13.17
13.583 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.50 0.42 13.17
12.75 0.42 13.17
FP-14&15 10.936 2.5 2.5 0.40 0.40 0.50 2.38 13.31
15.69 2.377 13.31
panels moments L1 L2 K1=I/L1 K2=I/L2 DF Balance balanced Moment
along y-axis

TP 1&2 20.725 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.50 1.4995 19.2255
17.726 19.2255
TP-2&3 20.725 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.50 2.5905 18.1345
15.544 18.1345
TP 5&C10 14.247 6 2 0.17 0.50 0.25 0 34.93
34.93 34.93
TP 6&C8 18.996 6 1.2 0.17 0.83 0.17 0 18.996
13.02 18.996
TP 6&7 18.996 6 5.25 0.17 0.19 0.47 0.53 0.59 18.40
17.726 0.68 18.40
TP 7&8 17.126 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.50 0 17.126
17.126 17.126
TP 8&9 17.126 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.50 1.80 18.9255
20.725 18.9255
Along X-axis Mys
TP 1&c1 17.726 5.25 0.9 0.19 1.11 0.15 17.726
7.53 17.726
TP 2&C2 14.544 5.25 0.9 0.19 1.11 0.15 14.544
7.53 14.544
TP 3&C3 17.726 5.25 0.9 0.19 1.11 0.15 17.726
7.53 17.726
TP 3&4 17.726 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.50 0 17.726
17.726 17.726
TP 5&6 18.996 6 6 0.17 0.17 0.50 18.996
18.996 18.996
TP 6&C7 18.996 6 0.9 0.17 1.11 0.13 0 18.996

7.53 18.996
TP 7&C6 14.544 5.25 0.9 0.19 1.11 0.15 14.554
7.53 14.554
TP 8&C5 14.544 5.25 0.9 0.19 1.11 0.15 14.554
7.53 14.554
TP 4&9 17.726 5.25 5.25 0.19 0.19 0.50 0 17.726
17.726 17.726
TP 9&C4 17.726 5.25 0.9 0.19 1.11 0.15 17.726
7.53 17.726


along x-axis along y-axis
Panel Panel
ID Mxs Mxf Mxs'1 Mxs'2 adj Mxf ID Mys Myf Mys'1 Mys'2 adj Myf
GP -1 14.942 11.34 14.942 11.34 GP -1 12.26 9.195 12.26 29.74 -8.285
GP -2 14.942 11.34 14.942 14.942 11.34 GP -2 12.26 9.195 12.26 29.74 -8.285
GP -3 14.942 11.34 14.942 20.56 5.722 GP -3 12.26 9.195 29.74 14.21 -10.235
GP -4 21.467 15.963 18.42 19.01 GP -4 21.467 15.963
GP -5 14.942 11.34 18.42 14.942 7.862 GP -5 12.26 9.195 12.26 14.407 7.048
GP -6 14.942 11.34 14.942 16.92 9.362 GP -6 12.26 9.195 12.26 12.92 8.535
GP -7 18.89 14.168 16.92 16.138 GP -7 16.156 12.014 14.21 14.87 15.246
GP -8 19.355 14.517 17.722 16.15 GP -8 16.554 12.309 14.408
GP -9 16.554 12.564 17.722 16.554 11.396 GP -9 13.583 10.187 12.92 13.17 11.263
GP -10 16.165 12.564 16.554 20.56 7.78 GP -10 13.853 10.187 14.87 14.46 8.563

GP-11 12.75 7.23 13.17 6.81
GP-12 12.75 7.23 14.46 5.52
GP-13 16.02 19.7 14.57 21.15
GP-14 15.36 15.94 15.53 15.77
GP-15 7.74 9.6 15.53 1.81
along x-axis along y-axis
Panel Panel
ID Mxs Mxf Mxs'1 Mxs'2 adj Mxf ID Mys Myf Mys'1 Mys;2 adj Myf
FP -1 14.942 11.34 11.34 14.942 FP -1 12.26 9.195 29.742 21.73 -17.757
FP -2 14.942 11.34 11.34 15.748 14.136 FP -2 12.26 9.195 29.742 21.73 -17.757
FP -3 16.554 12.564 15.743 13.375 FP -3 13.583 10.187 29.742 29.742 -22.131
FP -4 20.813 15.61 FP -4 17.801 13.237 15.692 15.692 17.455
FP -5 17.614 13.211 29.742 1.083 FP -5 17.614 13.211 18.023 12.802
FP -6 18.432 13.824 16.8 15.456 FP -6 18.432 13.824 18.023 14.233
FP -7 14.942 11.34 16.8 13.753 10.671 FP -7 12.26 9.195 21.73 12.51 -0.525
FP -8 16.554 12.564 13.753 16.554 15.365 FP -8 13.583 10.187 21.73 13.17 2.453
FP -9 16.554 12.564 16.554 12.564 FP -9 13.583 10.187 15.692 13.17 8.491
FP-10 12.75 7.23 13.17 12.75 6.81
FP-11 12.75 7.23 13.17 12.75 6.81
FP-12 12.75 7.23 12.51 12.75 7.47
FP-13 12.75 7.23 15.59 12.75 4.39
FP-14 10.936 5.468 13.31 3.094
FP-15 15.69 7.85 13.31 10.23


As As As
PANEL ID DIRECTION Msd de μs=Msd/fcd*b*d2 Kz As(mm2) mim max prov S, cal S,prov Smax(mm)


GP -1 SHORT 11.34 210 0.023 0.98 158.42 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 8.285 200 0.018 0.98 121.53 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
GP -2 SHORT 11.34 210 0.023 0.98 158.42 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 8.285 200 0.018 0.98 121.53 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
GP -3 SHORT 10.235 210 0.020 0.98 142.98 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 5.722 200 0.013 0.985 83.51 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
GP -4 SHORT 19.01 210 0.038 0.97 268.31 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 15.963 200 0.035 0.97 236.57 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
GP -5 SHORT 7.862 210 0.016 0.98 109.83 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 7.048 200 0.016 0.98 103.38 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
GP -6 SHORT 9.362 210 0.019 0.98 130.79 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 8.535 200 0.019 0.98 125.20 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
GP -7 SHORT 16.138 210 0.032 0.97 227.77 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 15.246 200 0.034 0.97 225.94 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
GP -8 SHORT 16.459 210 0.033 0.97 232.30 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 16.15 200 0.036 0.97 239.34 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
GP -9 SHORT 11.396 210 0.023 0.96 162.52 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 11.263 200 0.025 0.956 169.36 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
GP -10 SHORT 8.563 210 0.017 0.98 119.63 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400

LONG 7.78 200 0.017 0.98 114.12 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
GP -11 SHORT 6.81 210 0.014 0.98 95.14 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 200
GP -12 SHORT 5.52 210 0.011 0.98 77.12 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 200
GP -13 SHORT 21.15 210 0.042 0.96 301.62 300.3 9400 308.04 254.837 250 400
LONG 200
GP -14 SHORT 15.77 210 0.032 0.97 222.58 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 200
GP -15 SHORT 1.81 210 0.004 0.99 25.03 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
Along X - direction
GP -1&5 12.26 210 0.025 0.98 171.27 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -2&6 12.26 210 0.025 0.98 171.27 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP - 3&7 14.21 210 0.028 0.97 200.56 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -5&8 14.407 210 0.029 0.97 203.34 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -6&9 12.92 210 0.026 0.975 181.42 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP - 7&10 14.87 210 0.030 0.97 209.88 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -9&11 13.17 210 0.026 0.975 184.93 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -10&14 14.46 210 0.029 0.97 204.09 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -1&C1 29.74 210 0.060 0.96 424.13 300.3 9400 424.13 185.0848 180 400
GP - 2&C2 29.74 210 0.060 0.96 424.13 300.3 9400 424.13 185.0848 180 400
GP -3& C3 29.74 210 0.060 0.96 424.13 300.3 9400 424.13 185.0848 180 400

GP - 8&13 14.55 210 0.029 0.97 205.36 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -14&15 15.53 210 0.031 0.97 219.19 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
Along Y- direction
GP -1& 2 14.942 210 0.030 0.97 210.89 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -2&3 14.942 210 0.030 0.97 210.89 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -4&5 18.42 210 0.037 0.97 259.98 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP- 5&6 14.942 210 0.030 0.97 210.89 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP - 6&7 16.92 210 0.034 0.97 238.81 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -8&9 17.722 210 0.035 0.97 250.13 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -9&10 16.554 210 0.033 0.97 233.65 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -3& C5 20.56 210 0.041 0.97 290.19 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP - 10& C6 20.56 210 0.041 0.97 290.19 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
GP -12 &C7 20.56 210 0.041 0.97 290.19 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 1 SHORT 17.757 210 0.036 0.97 250.62 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 14.942 200 0.033 0.97 221.44 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
FP - 2 SHORT 17.757 210 0.036 0.97 250.62 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 14.136 200 0.031 0.97 209.49 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
FP - 3 SHORT 22.131 210 0.044 0.968 313.01 300.3 9400 313.01 250.7907 250 400
LONG 13.375 200 0.030 0.97 198.22 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
FP - 4 SHORT 17.455 210 0.035 0.97 246.36 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 13.237 200 0.029 0.97 196.17 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400

FP - 5 SHORT 13.211 210 0.026 0.98 184.56 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 12.802 200 0.028 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
FP - 6 SHORT 15.456 210 0.031 0.97 218.15 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 14.233 200 0.031 0.97 210.93 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
FP - 7 SHORT 10.671 210 0.021 0.98 149.08 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 9.195 200 0.020 0.98 134.88 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
FP - 8 SHORT 15.365 210 0.031 0.97 216.86 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 10.187 200 0.022 0.98 149.43 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
FP - 9 SHORT 14.564 210 0.029 0.97 205.56 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
LONG 8.491 200 0.019 0.98 124.55 286 9400 286 274.4755 270 400
FP - 10 SHORT 6.81 210 0.014 0.98 95.14 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 11 SHORT 6.81 210 0.014 0.98 95.14 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 12 SHORT 7.47 210 0.015 0.98 104.36 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 13 SHORT 4.39 210 0.009 0.98 61.33 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 14 SHORT 3.094 210 0.006 0.98 43.22 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 15 SHORT 10.23 210 0.020 0.98 142.91 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400

Along Y -direction
FP - 1&2 11.34 210 0.023 0.98 158.42 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP -2&3 15.748 210 0.032 0.97 222.27 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 6&7 16.8 210 0.034 0.97 237.12 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP -7&8 13.753 210 0.028 0.98 192.13 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP -8&9 16.554 210 0.033 0.97 233.65 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 3&C5 20.56 210 0.041 0.97 290.19 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 9& C6 20.56 210 0.041 0.97 290.19 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP -10 & C7 20.56 210 0.041 0.97 290.19 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 5& C8 29.742 210 0.060 0.96 424.16 300.3 9400 424.16 185.0717 180 400
Along X - direction
FP -3&4 15.692 210 0.031 0.97 221.48 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 4&9 15.692 210 0.031 0.97 221.48 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 5&6 18.023 210 0.036 0.97 254.38 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 1&C1 29.742 210 0.060 0.96 424.16 300.3 9400 424.16 185.0717 180 400
FP - 2& C2 29.742 210 0.060 0.96 424.16 300.3 9400 424.16 185.0717 180 400
FP - 3& C3 29.742 210 0.060 0.96 424.16 300.3 9400 424.16 185.0717 180 400
FP -13 & C1 12.75 210 0.026 0.98 178.12 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 12 & C10 12.75 210 0.026 0.98 178.12 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 11& C11 12.75 210 0.026 0.98 178.12 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP -10 & C12 12.75 210 0.026 0.98 178.12 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP -1 & C13 21.73 210 0.043 0.968 307.33 300.3 9400 307.33 255.4258 250 400
FP - 2 & C14 21.73 210 0.043 0.968 307.33 300.3 9400 307.33 255.4258 250 400

FP - 7 & C15 21.73 210 0.043 0.968 307.33 300.3 9400 307.33 255.4258 250 400
FP - 8 & C16 21.73 210 0.043 0.968 307.33 300.3 9400 307.33 255.4258 250 400
FP - 6 & 13 15.59 210 0.031 0.97 220.04 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP 7 &12 12.51 210 0.025 0.98 174.77 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP - 8 & 11 13.17 210 0.026 0.98 183.99 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP -9 &10 13.17 210 0.026 0.98 183.99 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
FP 14 & 15 13.31 210 0.027 0.98 185.94 300.3 9400 300.3 261.4053 260 400
TP -1 SHORT 17.049 175 0.049 0.965 290.25 250.25 8400 290.25 270.4565 270 400
LONG 13.181 165 0.043 0.965 238.00 235.95 8400 238 329.8319 320 400
TP -2 SHORT 11.545 175 0.033 0.97 195.54 250.25 8400 250.25 313.6863 310 400
LONG 10.908 165 0.035 0.97 195.95 235.95 8400 235.95 332.6976 330 400
TP -3 SHORT 18.038 175 0.052 0.97 305.51 250.25 8400 305.51 256.9474 250 400
LONG 13.181 165 0.043 0.965 238.00 235.95 8400 238 329.8319 320 400
TP -4 SHORT 15.544 175 0.045 0.965 264.63 250.25 8400 264.63 296.6406 290 400
LONG 13.781 165 0.045 0.965 248.84 235.95 8400 248.84 315.4638 310 400
TP -5 SHORT 14.247 175 0.041 0.97 241.30 250.25 8400 250.25 313.6863 310 400
LONG 14.247 165 0.046 0.965 257.25 235.95 8400 257.25 305.1506 300 400
TP -6 SHORT 14.849 175 0.043 0.97 251.50 250.25 8400 251.5 312.1272 310 400
LONG 14.247 165 0.046 0.965 257.25 235.95 8400 257.25 305.1506 300 400
TP -7 SHORT 13.375 175 0.039 0.97 226.53 250.25 8400 250.25 313.6863 310 400
LONG 10.898 165 0.035 0.97 195.77 235.95 8400 235.95 332.6976 330 400

TP -8 SHORT 13.349 175 0.038 0.97 226.09 250.25 8400 250.25 313.6863 310 400
LONG 10.898 165 0.035 0.97 195.77 235.95 8400 235.95 332.6976 330 400
TP -9 SHORT 17.344 175 0.050 0.965 295.28 250.25 8400 295.28 265.8494 260 400
LONG 13.181 165 0.043 0.965 238.00 235.95 8400 238 329.8319 320 400
Along Y
TP - 1 & 2 19.225 175 0.055 0.96 329.01 250.25 8400 329.01 238.5946 230 400
TP - 2 & 3 18.134 175 0.052 0.96 310.33 250.25 8400 310.33 252.9565 250 400
TP - 5& C10 34.93 175 0.101 0.94 610.49 250.25 8400 610.49 128.5852 120 400
TP -6 & C8 18.996 175 0.055 0.96 325.09 250.25 8400 325.09 241.4716 240 400
TP - 6 & 7 18.4 175 0.053 0.96 314.89 250.25 8400 314.89 249.2934 240 400
TP - 7& 8 17.126 175 0.049 0.96 293.08 250.25 8400 293.08 267.845 260 400
TP - 8 & 9 18.925 175 0.055 0.96 323.87 250.25 8400 323.87 242.3812 240 400
Along X
TP - 1& C1 17.726 175 0.051 0.96 303.35 250.25 8400 303.35 258.777 250 400
TP - 2& C2 14.544 175 0.042 0.97 246.33 250.25 8400 250.25 313.6863 310 400
TP 3 & C3 17.726 175 0.051 0.96 303.35 250.25 8400 303.25 258.8623 250 400
TP - 3& 4 17.726 175 0.051 0.96 303.35 250.25 8400 303.25 258.8623 250 400
TP - 5 &6 18.96 175 0.055 0.96 324.47 250.25 8400 324.47 241.933 240 400
TP - 6& C7 18.96 175 0.055 0.96 324.47 250.25 8400 324.47 241.933 240 400
TP - 7& C6 14.554 175 0.042 0.97 246.50 250.25 8400 250.25 313.6863 310 400
TP - 8 & C5 14.554 175 0.042 0.97 246.50 250.25 8400 250.25 313.6863 310 400

TP -4 &9 17.726 175 0.051 0.96 303.35 250.25 8400 303.35 258.777 250 400
TP - 9 & C4 17.726 175 0.051 0.96 303.35 250.25 8400 303.35 258.777 250 400


Rib ID support Msd fcd bw d µsd Kz fyd AS provided
Support moment design
1 B 11.78 11.33 80 260 0.192 0.86 347.83 151.46 use2Ø14
2 B 20.15 11.33 80 260 0.329 reinforced
3 B 17.01 11.33 80 260 0.278 0.84 347.83 223.92 use2Ø14
4 B 24.29 11.33 80 260 0.396 reinforced
5 B 19.48 11.33 80 260 0.318 0.79 347.83 272.66 use2Ø14
span moment
1 AB 19.06 11.33 400 260 0.062 0.96 347.83 219.54 use2Ø14
2 AB 13.24 11.33 400 260 0.043 0.97 347.83 150.93 use2Ø14
3 AB 13.75 11.33 400 260 0.045 0.975 347.83 155.94 use2Ø14
4 AB 16.87 11.33 400 260 0.055 0.966 347.83 193.11 use2Ø14
5 AB 15.47 11.33 400 260 0.050 0.968 347.83 176.72 use2Ø24
Support moment design
1 B 8.51 11.33 80 260 0.139 0.92 347.83 102.28 use2Ø14

2 B 20.1 11.33 80 260 0.328 reinforced
3 A 8 11.33 80 260 0.131 0.92 347.83 96.153 use2Ø14
4 B 15.77 11.33 80 260 0.257 0.86 347.83 202.76 use2Ø14
5 B 22.03 11.33 80 260 0.360 reinforced
6 B 17.37 11.33 80 260 0.283 0.84 347.83 228.65 use2Ø14
span moment
design 260
1 AB 18.48 11.33 400 260 0.060 0.96 347.83 212.86 use2Ø14
2 AB 13 11.33 400 260 0.042 0.98 347.83 146.68 use2Ø14
3 AB 24.13 11.33 400 260 0.079 0.94 347.83 283.85 use2Ø14
4 AB 12.47 11.33 400 260 0.041 0.98 347.83 140.7 use2Ø14
5 AB 15.06 11.33 400 260 0.049 0.97 347.83 171.68 use2Ø14
6 BC 13.09 11.33 400 260 0.043 0.98 347.83 147.7 use2Ø14
Support moment design
1 B 8.51 11.33 80 260 0.139 0.92 347.83 102.28 use2Ø14
2 B, C 19.91 11.33 80 260 0.325 reinforced
3 B, C 19.92 11.33 80 260 0.325 reinforced
4 B 25.17 11.33 80 260 0.411 reinforced
5 B 4.92 11.33 80 260 0.080 0.98 347.83 55.514 use2Ø14
span moment
design 260
1 AB 20.03 11.33 400 260 0.065 0.94 347.83 235.62 use2Ø14

2 CD 15.05 11.33 400 260 0.049 0.96 347.83 173.35 use2Ø14
3 CD 16.99 11.33 400 260 0.055 0.95 347.83 197.76 use2Ø14
4 AB 14.89 11.33 400 260 0.049 0.96 347.83 171.51 use2Ø14
5 AB 6.87 11.33 400 260 0.022 0.99 347.83 76.733 use2Ø14


locat Msd(K def b(m fc K As Ast As Asm as(m As num provi

ion Nm) deff f2 m) d µ z z fyd As1 2 ot min ax m2) prov ber de
supp 11 0.3 doubly
ort 2 20.15 260 80 .3 3 reinforced
supp 23 11 0.2 0. 20 347 25. 275. 29.7 153.9 275. 1.78 @bott
ort 2 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 8 8 .8 249.8 38 22 4 832 4 218 78 om
supp 23 11 0.2 347 25. 25.3 29.7 153.9 29.7 0.19 2Ø20
ort 2 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 .8 38 8 4 832 4 4 32 @top
supp 11 0.4 doubly
ort 4 24.29 260 80 .3 0 reinforced
supp 23 11 0.2 0. 20 347 76. 325. 29.7 153.9 325. 2.11 @bott
ort 4 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 8 8 .8 249.8 03 87 4 832 4 866 68 om
supp 23 11 0.2 347 76. 76.0 29.7 153.9 76.0 0.49 2Ø20
ort 4 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 .8 03 28 4 832 4 285 39 @top


locat Msd(K deff( def b(m fc K As1(m As Ast As Asm as(m As num provi
ion Nm) mm) f2 m) d µ z z fyd m2) 2 ot min ax m2) prov ber de
supp 11 0.3 doubly
ort 2 20.15 260 80 .3 3 reinforced
supp 23 11 0.2 0. 20 347 25. 275. 29.7 153.9 275. 1.78 @bott
ort 2 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 8 8 .8 249.8 38 22 4 832 4 218 78 om
supp 23 11 0.2 347 25. 25.3 29.7 153.9 29.7 0.19 2Ø20
ort 2 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 .8 38 8 4 832 4 4 32 @top
supp 11 0.3 doubly
ort 5 22.03 260 80 .3 6 reinforced
supp 23 11 0.2 0. 20 347 48. 298. 29.7 153.9 298. 1.93 @bott
ort 5 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 8 8 .8 249.8 38 22 4 832 4 218 72 om
supp 23 11 0.2 347 48. 48.3 29.7 153.9 48.3 0.31 2Ø20
ort 5 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 .8 38 8 4 832 4 798 43 @top


locat Msd(K deff( def b(m fc K As1(m As Ast As Asm as(m As num provi
ion Nm) mm) f2 m) d µ z z fyd m2) 2 ot min ax m2) prov ber de
supp 11 0.3 doubly
ort 2 19.91 260 80 .3 2 reinforced
supp 23 11 0.2 0. 20 347 22. 272. 29.7 153.9 272. 1.76 @bott
ort 2 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 8 8 .8 249.8 44 28 4 832 4 282 88 om
supp 23 11 0.2 347 22. 22.4 29.7 153.9 29.7 0.19 2Ø20
ort 2 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 .8 44 44 4 832 4 4 32 @top
supp 11 0.3 doubly
ort 3 19.92 260 80 .3 3 reinforced
supp 23 11 0.2 0. 20 347 22. 272. 29.7 153.9 272. 1.76 @bott
ort 3 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 8 8 .8 249.8 57 4 4 832 4 404 95 om
supp 23 11 0.2 347 22. 22.5 29.7 153.9 29.7 0.19 2Ø20
ort 3 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 .8 57 66 4 832 4 4 32 @top
supp 11 0.4 doubly
ort 4 25.17 260 80 .3 1 reinforced
supp 23 11 0.2 0. 20 347 86. 336. 29.7 153.9 336. 2.18 @bott
ort 4 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 8 8 .8 249.8 79 63 4 832 4 632 68 om
supp 23 11 0.2 347 86. 86.7 29.7 153.9 86.7 0.56 2Ø20
ort 4 18.08 260 5 80 .3 95 .8 79 94 4 832 4 943 38 @top



panel condition shear coeff DL Lx Vx Vy 0.94*Vx 0.94*Vy
1 type 3 βVxc 0.4 6.96 5.25 14.616 13.73904
βVxd 0.27 9.8658 9.273852
βVyc 0.36 13.1544 12.36514
2 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
3 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
4 type 3 βVxc 0.36 9.1 6 19.656 18.47664
βVxd 0.24 13.104 12.31776
βVyc 0.36 19.656 18.47664
5 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
6 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514

βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
7 type 3 βVxc 0.36 7.8 5.25 14.742 13.85748
βVxd 0.24 9.828 9.23832
βVyc 0.33 13.5135 12.70269
8 type3 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVxd 0.24 8.7696 8.243424
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
9 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
10 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471

dead load transfer
panel condition shear coeff DL Lx Vx Vy 0.94Vx 0.94Vy
1 type 3 βVxc 0.4 6.96 5.25 14.616 13.73904
βVxd 0.27 9.8658 9.273852
βVyc 0.36 13.1544 12.36514

2 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
3 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
4 type 3 βVxc 0.4 7.82 5.25 16.422 15.43668
βVxd 0.27 11.08485 10.41976
βVyc 0.36 14.7798 13.89301
5 type 2 βVxc 0.36 9.1 6 19.656 18.47664
βVyc 0.36 19.656 18.47664
βVyd 0.24 13.104 12.31776
6 type 1 βVxc 0.33 8.51 6 16.8498 15.83881
βVyc 0.33 16.8498 15.83881
7 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
8 type1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514

βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
9 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471

dead load transfer
panel condition shear coeff DL Lx Vx Vy 0.94Vx 0.94Vy
1 type 3 βVxc 0.4 6.96 5.25 14.616 13.73904
βVxd 0.27 9.8658 9.273852
βVyc 0.36 13.1544 12.36514
2 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
3 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
4 type 3 βVxc 0.4 7.82 5.25 16.422 15.43668
βVxd 0.27 11.0849 10.41976

βVyc 0.36 14.7798 13.89301
5 type 2 βVxc 0.36 9.1 6 19.656 18.47664
βVyc 0.36 19.656 18.47664
βVyd 0.24 13.104 12.31776
6 type 1 βVxc 0.33 8.51 6 16.8498 15.83881
βVyc 0.33 16.8498 15.83881
7 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
8 type1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471
9 type 1 βVxc 0.36 6.96 5.25 13.1544 12.36514
βVyc 0.33 12.0582 11.33471



panel support condition shear coeff LL Lx Vx Vy 0.94*Vx 0.94*Vy
1 type 3 βVxc 0.4 3 5.25 6.3 5.922
βVxd 0.27 4.2525 3.99735
βVyc 0.36 5.67 5.3298
2 type 1 βVxc 0.36 3 5.25 5.67 5.3298
βVyc 0.33 5.1975 4.88565
3 type 1 βVxc 0.36 3 5.25 5.67 5.3298
βVyc 0.33 5.1975 4.88565
4 type 3 βVxc 0.36 2 6 4.32 4.0608
βVxd 0.24 2.88 2.7072
βVyc 0.36 4.32 4.0608
5 type 1 βVxc 0.36 3 5.25 5.67 5.3298
βVyc 0.33 5.1975 4.88565
6 type 1 βVxc 0.36 3 5.25 5.67 5.3298
βVyc 0.33 5.1975 4.88565
7 type 3 βVxc 0.36 3 5.25 5.67 5.3298

βVxd 0.24 3.78 3.5532
βVyc 0.33 5.1975 4.88565
8 type3 βVxc 0.36 4 5.25 7.56 7.1064
βVxd 0.24 5.04 4.7376
βVyc 0.33 6.93 6.5142
9 type 1 βVxc 0.36 4 5.25 7.56 7.1064
βVyc 0.33 6.93 6.5142
10 type 1 βVxc 0.36 4 5.25 7.56 7.1064
βVyc 0.33 6.93 6.5142
panel support condition shear coeff LL Lx Vx Vy 0.94*Vx 0.94*Vy
1 type 3 βVxc 0.4 3 5.25 6.3 5.922
βVxd 0.27 4.2525 3.99735
βVyc 0.36 5.67 5.3298
2 type 1 βVxc 0.36 3 5.25 5.67 5.3298
βVyc 0.33 5.1975 4.88565
3 type 1 βVxc 0.36 4 5.25 7.56 7.1064

βVyc 0.33 6.93 6.5142
4 type 3 βVxc 0.4 4 5.25 8.4 7.896
βVxd 0.27 5.67 5.3298
βVyc 0.36 7.56 7.1064
5 type 2 βVxc 0.36 2 6 4.32 4.0608
βVyc 0.36 4.32 4.0608
βVyd 0.24 2.88 2.7072
6 type 1 βVxc 0.33 3 6 5.94 5.5836
βVyc 0.33 5.94 5.5836
7 type 1 βVxc 0.36 3 5.25 5.67 5.3298
βVyc 0.33 5.1975 4.88565
8 type1 βVxc 0.36 3 5.25 5.67 5.3298
βVyc 0.33 5.1975 4.88565
9 type 1 βVxc 0.36 3 5.25 5.67 5.3298
βVyc 0.33 5.1975 4.88565


panel support condition shear coeff LL Lx Vx Vy
1 type 3 βVxc 0.44 5 5.25 11.55 10.857
βVxd 0.29 7.6125 7.15575
βVyc 0.4 10.5 9.87
βVyd 0.26 6.825 6.4155
2 type 1 βVxc 0.36 5 5.25 9.45 8.883
βVyc 0.36 9.45 8.883
βVyd 0.24 6.3 5.922
3 type 3 βVxc 0.4 5 5.25 10.5 9.87
βVxd 0.27 7.0875 6.66225
βVyc 0.36 9.45 8.883
4 type 6 βVxc 5 5.25
βVxd 0.3 7.875 7.4025
βVyc 0.4 10.5 9.87
5 type 3 βVxc 0.4 5 6 12 11.28
βVxd 0.26 7.8 7.332
βVyc 0.4 12 11.28
βVyd 0.26 7.8 7.332
6 type 1 βVxc 0.33 5 6 9.9 9.306

βVyc 0.33 9.9 9.306
7 type 1 βVxc 0.36 5 5.25 9.45 8.883
βVyc 0.36 9.45 8.883
βVyd 0.24 6.3 5.922
8 type1 βVxc 0.36 5 5.25 9.45 8.883
βVyc 0.36 9.45 8.883
βVyd 0.24 6.3 5.922
9 type 3 βVxc 0.4 5 5.25 10.5 9.87
βVxd 0.27 7.0875 6.66225
βVyc 0.36 9.45 8.883




ID LX(m) PD(KN/m2) V=PD*LX (KN/m) ID LX(m) PD(KN/m2) (KN/m)
C1 2 13.896 27.79 C1 2 13.896 27.79
C2 2 13.896 27.79 C2 2 13.896 27.79
C3 2 13.896 27.79 C3 2 13.896 27.79
C4 1.65 13.896 22.93 C4 1.65 13.896 22.93
C5 1.65 13.896 22.93 C5 1.65 13.896 22.93
C6 1.65 13.896 22.93 C6 1.65 13.896 22.93

C7 1.65 13.896 22.93 C7 1.65 13.896 22.93
C8 1.86 13.896 25.85 C8 2 13.896 27.79
C9 0.55 13.896 7.64
C10 0.55 13.896 7.64
C11 0.55 13.896 7.64
C12 0.55 13.896 7.64
C13 1.7 13.896 23.62
C14 1.7 13.896 23.62
C15 1.7 13.896 23.62
C16 1.7 13.896 23.62


PANEL ID LX(m) PD(KN/m2) (KN/m)
C1 0.9 13.896 12.51
C2 0.9 13.896 12.51
C3 0.9 13.896 12.51
C4 0.9 13.896 12.51
C5 0.9 13.896 12.51
C6 0.9 13.896 12.51
C7 0.9 13.896 12.51
C8 1.2 13.896 16.68
C9 0.9 13.896 12.51
C10 2 13.896 27.79



ID LX(m) PD(KN/m2) (KN/m) V/2(KN/m) ID LX(m) PD(KN/m2) (KN/m) V/2(KN/m)
GP-11 2.3 13.896 31.96 15.9804 FP-10 2.3 13.896 31.96 15.98
GP-12 2.3 13.896 31.96 15.9804 FP-11 2.3 13.896 31.96 15.98
FP-12 2.3 13.896 31.96 15.98
FP-13 2.3 13.896 31.96 15.98


Hollow block
concrete (HCB) Plastering
unit unit
axis height thickness weight W(KN/m) axis height thickness weight W(KN/m) 2*W W=WHCB+WP
y2(x1- y2(x1-
2) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 2) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
y2(x2- y2(x2-
3) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 3) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
y3(x1- y3(x1-
2) 2.8 0.1 14 3.92 2) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 6.496
y3(x2- y3(x2-
3) 2.8 0.2 14 7.84 3) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 10.416
y4(x2- y4(x2-
3) 2.8 0.2 14 7.84 3) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 10.416

x1(y1- x1(y1-
2) 2.8 0.2 14 7.84 2) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 10.416
x1(y2- x1(y2-
3) 2.8 0.2 14 7.84 3) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 10.416
4) 2.8 0.2 14 7.84 x1(y3-) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 10.416
x2(y1- x2(y1-
2) 2.8 0.2 14 7.84 2) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 10.416
x2(y2- x2(y2-
3) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 3) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
x2(y3- x2(y3-
4) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 4) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
x3(y1- x3(y1-
2) 2.8 0.2 14 7.84 2) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 10.416
x4(y1- x4(y1-
2) 2.8 0.2 14 7.84 2) 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 10.416
axis height thickness weight W(KN/m)
3) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
4) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
5) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
4) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
5) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
3) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536

3) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
5) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
2) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
3) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
4) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
5) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
3) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
4) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
2) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
4) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
Hollow block
concrete (HCB) Plastering
unit unit
axis height thickness weight W(KN/m) height thickness weight W(KN/m) 2*W WHCB+2W
2) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
3) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
2) 2.8 0.1 14 3.92 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 6.496

3) 2.8 0.2 14 7.84 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 10.416
4) 2.8 0.2 14 7.84 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 10.416
2) 2.8 0.1 14 3.92 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 6.496
3) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
4) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
2) 2.8 0.2 14 7.84 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 10.416
4) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
2) 2.8 0.2 14 7.84 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 10.416
4) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
axis height thickness weight W(KN/m)
2) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
3) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
4) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
5) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
4) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536

5) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
3) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
4) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
5) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
2) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
3) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
4) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
5) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
3) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
4) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
2) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
3) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
4) 2.8 0.06 27 4.536
Hollow block
concrete (HCB) Plastering
unit unit
axis height thickness weight W(KN/m) height thickness weight W(KN/m) 2*W WHCB+2W

2) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
3) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
2) 2.85 0.1 14 3.99 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 6.612
3) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
4) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
2) 2.85 0.1 14 3.99 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 6.612
4) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
2) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
axis height thickness weight W(KN/m)
2) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
5) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
2) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617

5) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
5) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
2) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
5) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
2) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
Hollow block
concrete (HCB) Plastering
unit unit
axis height thickness weight W(KN/m) height thickness weight W(KN/m) 2*W WHCB+2W

2) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
2) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
2) 2.85 0.1 14 3.99 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 6.612
2) 2.85 0.1 14 3.99 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 6.612
3) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
4) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
2) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
4) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
axis height thickness weight W(KN/m)
2) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
5) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617

3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
2) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
5) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
2) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
Hollow block
concrete (HCB) Plastering
unit unit
axis height thickness weight W(KN/m) height thickness weight W(KN/m) 2*W WHCB+2W
2) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602

3) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
4) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
5) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
2) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
3) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
4) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
5) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
3) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
4) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
5) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
y2) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
3) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
4) 2.85 0.2 14 7.98 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 10.602
2) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
4) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
2) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607

4) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
2) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
4) 2.85 0.15 14 5.985 2.85 0.02 23 1.311 2.622 8.607
axis height thickness weight W(KN/m)
2) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
5) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
2) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
5) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
2) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
3) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617

2) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
4) 2.85 0.06 27 4.617
Hollow block
concrete (HCB) Plastering
unit unit
axis height thickness weight W(KN/m) height thickness weight W(KN/m) 2*W WHCB+2W
3) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576
4) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576
5) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576
3) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
2) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
2) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576
3) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576
4) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576
5) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576
y2) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576
3) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576

4) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576
2) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
4) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
2) 2.8 0.15 14 5.88 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 8.456
2) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576
3) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576
4) 2.8 0.2 25 14 2.8 0.02 23 1.288 2.576 16.576


Center of Mass of Basement Floor Slab

Structure Length, Width, Depth Volume (KN/m3 Weight
Type Ly (m) Lx (m) (m) (m3) ) (KN) Center of Mass Moment
Xi Yi W*Xi W*Yi
P-1 6 5.25 0.15 4.725 25 118.125 8.625 15 1018.828 1771.875
P-2 6 5.25 0.15 4.725 25 118.125 13.875 15 1638.984 1771.875
P-3 6 5.25 0.15 4.725 25 118.125 19.125 15 2259.141 1771.875
P-4 6 5.25 0.15 4.725 25 118.125 19.125 9 2259.141 1063.125
P-5 6 5.25 0.15 4.725 25 118.125 13.875 9 1638.984 1063.125

P-6 6 5.25 0.15 4.725 25 118.125 8.625 9 1018.828 1063.125
P-7 6 6 0.15 5.4 25 135 3 9 405 1215
P-8 6 6 0.15 5.4 25 135 3 3 405 405
P-9 6 5.25 0.15 4.725 25 118.125 8.625 3 1018.828 354.375
P-10 6 5.25 0.15 4.725 25 118.125 13.875 3 1638.984 354.375
P-11 6 5.25 0.15 4.725 25 118.125 19.125 3 2259.141 354.375
C-1 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0.2 18 2.52 226.8
C-2 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 18 75.6 226.8
C-3 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 18 141.75 226.8
C-4 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.5 18 207.9 226.8
C-5 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 18 274.05 226.8
C-6 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0.2 12 2.52 151.2
C-7 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 12 75.6 151.2
C-8 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 12 141.75 151.2
C-9 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.5 12 207.9 151.2
C-10 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 12 274.05 151.2
C-11 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0.2 6 2.52 75.6
C-12 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 6 75.6 75.6
C-13 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 6 141.75 75.6
C-14 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.5 6 207.9 75.6
C-15 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 6 274.05 75.6
C-16 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0.2 0.2 2.52 2.52
C-17 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 0.2 75.6 2.52

C-18 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 0.2 141.75 2.52
C-19 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.5 0.2 207.9 2.52
C-20 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 0.2 274.05 2.52
1585.125 18368.14 13468.73

Center of Mass of ground floor Slab

Structure Length, Width, Depth Volume Weght Weight
Type Ly (m) Lx (m) (m) (m3) (KN/m3 ) (KN) Center of Mass Moment
Xi Yi W*Xi W*Yi
Gp1 5.25 6 0.23 7.245 25 181.125 8.625 15 1562.203 2716.875
Gp2 5.25 6 0.23 7.245 25 181.125 13.875 15 2513.109 2716.875
Gp3 5.25 6 0.23 7.245 25 181.125 19.125 15 3464.016 2716.875
Gp4 6 6 0.23 8.28 25 207 3 9 621 1863
Gp5 5.25 6 0.23 7.245 25 181.125 8.625 9 1562.203 1630.125
Gp6 5.25 6 0.23 7.245 25 181.125 13.875 9 2513.109 1630.125
Gp7 3.75 6 0.23 5.175 25 129.375 18.375 9 2377.266 1164.375
Gp8 5.25 6 0.23 7.245 25 181.125 8.25 3 1494.281 543.375
Gp9 5.25 6 0.23 7.245 25 181.125 13.875 3 2513.109 543.375
Gp10 5.25 6 0.23 7.245 25 181.125 18.375 3 3328.172 543.375
Gp11 5.25 2.3 0.23 2.77725 25 69.43125 13.875 3 963.3586 208.2938
Gp12 5.25 2.3 0.23 2.77725 25 69.43125 -2.25 -1.15 -156.22 -79.8459
Gp13 5.25 2.3 0.23 2.77725 25 69.43125 10.3 -1.15 715.1419 -79.8459
Gp14 2.5 6 0.23 3.45 25 86.25 1.25 3 107.8125 258.75
Gp15 2.5 2.3 0.23 1.3225 25 33.0625 1.25 1.15 41.32813 38.02188

Floor Beam
axis y4(x1-
x5) 21.25 0.2 0.4 1.7 25 42.5 10.875 18 462.1875 765
axis y3(x5-
x3) 11.25 0.2 0.4 0.9 25 22.5 5.625 12 126.5625 270
axis y3(x4-
x5) 5.25 0.2 0.4 0.42 25 10.5 19.125 12 200.8125 126
axis y2(x1-
x2) 6 0.2 0.4 0.48 25 12 3 6 36 72
axis y2(x3-
x5) 10.5 0.2 0.4 0.84 25 21 16.5 6 346.5 126
axis y1(x2-
x5) 15.75 0.2 0.4 1.26 25 31.5 13.875 0.1 437.0625 3.15
axis x1(y4-
y1) 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.016 25 0.4 0.1 9 0.04 3.6
axis x2(y4-
y1) 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.016 25 0.4 0.1 9 0.04 3.6
axis x3(y2-
y1) 11.45 0.2 0.4 0.916 25 22.9 11.45 3 262.205 68.7
axis x4(y2-
y1) 16.5 0.2 0.4 1.32 25 33 16.5 3 544.5 99
axis x5(y4-
y3) 21.75 0.2 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 9 473.0625 391.5
axis x5(y1-
y2) 21.75 0.2 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 3 473.0625 130.5


c1 5.25 1.65 0.25 2.165625 25 54.14063 8.625 19 466.9629 1028.672
c2 5.25 1.65 0.25 2.165625 25 54.14063 13.875 19 751.2012 1028.672
c3 5.25 1.65 0.25 2.165625 25 54.14063 19.125 19 1035.439 1028.672
c4 1.65 1.65 0.25 0.680625 25 17.01563 22.575 19 384.1277 323.2969
c5 1.65 1.65 0.25 0.680625 25 17.01563 22.575 9 384.1277 153.1406
c6 1.65 1.65 0.25 0.680625 25 17.01563 22.575 3 384.1277 51.04688
c7 1.65 2.3 0.25 0.94875 25 23.71875 22.575 -1.15 535.4508 -27.2766

y4(x2-x3) 6.2 2 0.4 4.96 25 124 6 19 744 2356
y5(x3-x4) 5.25 2 0.4 4.2 25 105 11.25 19 1181.25 1995
c-2 axis
x4(y5-y4) 5.25 2 0.4 4.2 25 105 13.875 20 1456.875 2100
c-3 axis
y5(x4-x5) 5.25 2 0.4 4.2 25 105 16.5 20 1732.5 2100
c-3 axis
x5(y5-y4) 5.25 2 0.4 4.2 25 105 19.125 20 2008.125 2100
c-4 axis
y5(x5-x6) 5.25 2 0.4 4.2 25 105 21.75 20 2283.75 2100

c-4 axis
x6(y4-y5) 2.5 2 0.4 2 25 50 22.725 20 1136.25 1000
c-5 axis
y4(x5-x6) 2.5 2 0.4 2 25 50 21.85 20 1092.5 1000

c-5 axis
y6(y4-y3) 2.5 6 0.4 6 25 150 21.85 15 3277.5 2250
c-5 axis
y3(x5-x6) 2.5 12 0.4 12 25 300 23.3 15 6990 4500
c-6 axis
y1(x5-x6) 2.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 25 5 23.3 12 116.5 60
c-6 axis
x6(y2-y1) 2.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 25 5 23.3 0.1 116.5 0.5

c-6 axix y1
(x5-x6) 2.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 25 5 23.3 3 116.5 15

c-7 axis
x3(y1-y1') 2.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 25 5 23.3 3 116.5 15

c-7 axis
x3(y1-y2') 2.5 2.3 0.4 2.3 25 57.5 23.3 0.1 1339.75 5.75
c 7axis (y1-
y3) 2.5 2.3 0.4 2.3 25 57.5 23.3 1.15 1339.75 66.125
axis Y4 b/n
x2-x3 1.1 0.2 2.75 0.605 25 15.125 6.55 18.1 99.06875 273.7625
x2(y4,y3) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 6 18.1 462 1393.7
axix y3 (x2
- x3) 1.1 0.2 2.75 0.605 25 15.125 6.55 18.1 99.06875 273.7625

axis x1(y4-
y3) 0.2 3.5 2.75 1.925 25 48.125 0.1 16.25 4.8125 782.0313
axis y3 (x1
- x2) 3.8 0.2 2.75 2.09 25 52.25 1.9 12.1 99.275 632.225
axis y2 (x1-
x2) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 3 6.1 231 469.7
axix (y2 -
y1) 2.7 6 2.75 44.55 25 1113.75 -1.35 3 -1503.56 3341.25
axis y1 2.7 0.2 2.75 1.485 25 37.125 -1.3 0.1 -48.2625 3.7125

axis x2(y3 -
y2) 0.2 4.08 2.75 2.244 25 56.1 6.1 8.04 342.21 451.044
axis y2(x2-
x3) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 8.8 6.1 677.6 469.7
axis x2(y2-
y1) 0.2 5.6 2.75 3.08 25 77 6.1 2.9 469.7 223.3
axis x3 (y1-
y2) 0.2 3.8 2.75 2.09 25 52.25 11.25 4.3 587.8125 224.675

axis x4(y1 -
y2) 0.1 5.6 2.75 1.54 25 38.5 16.5 3 635.25 115.5


axix x1 &x2 0.1 1.35 2.75 0.37125 25 9.28125 3.85 5.325 35.73281 49.42266
0.1 1.8 2.75 0.495 25 12.375 3.1 8.1 38.3625 100.2375

3 0.1 2.75 0.825 25 20.625 1.55 2.16 31.96875 44.55
0.1 1.35 2.75 0.37125 25 9.28125 3.85 6.675 35.73281 61.95234
3.8 0.1 2.75 1.045 25 26.125 1.9 2.15 49.6375 56.16875
0.1 0.38 2.75 0.1045 25 2.6125 0.675 6.85 1.763438 17.89563
0.1 0.38 2.75 0.1045 25 2.6125 0.675 7.7 1.763438 20.11625
0.1 0.38 2.75 0.1045 25 2.6125 0.675 8.5 1.763438 22.20625
0.1 0.38 2.75 0.1045 25 2.6125 0.675 9.3 1.763438 24.29625
2.1 0.1 2.75 0.5775 25 14.4375 1.05 1.5 15.15938 21.65625

C-1 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 18 0 226.8
C-2 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 18 75.6 226.8
C-3 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 18 141.75 226.8
C-4 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 18 204.75 226.8
C-5 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 18 274.05 226.8
C-6 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 12 0 151.2
C-7 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 12 75.6 151.2
C-8 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 12 141.75 151.2
C-9 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 12 204.75 151.2
C-10 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 12 274.05 151.2
C-11 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 6 0 75.6
C-12 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 6 75.6 75.6
C-13 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 6 141.75 75.6
C-14 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 6 204.75 75.6

C-15 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 6 274.05 75.6
C-16 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 0 0 0
C-17 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 0 75.6 0
C-18 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 0 141.75 0
C-19 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 0 204.75 0
C-20 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 0 274.05 0
C-21 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 -2.3 0 -28.98
C-22 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 -2.3 75.6 -28.98
C-23 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 -2.3 141.75 -28.98
C-24 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 -2.3 204.75 -28.98
C-25 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 -2.3 274.05 -28.98
Total 6121.794 61821.98 54918.36

Center of Mass of 1st Floor Slab

Structure Length, Width, Depth Volume (KN/m3 Weight
Type Ly (m) Lx (m) (m) (m ) ) (KN) Center of Mass Moment
Xi Yi W*Xi W*Yi
C-1 2 5.25 0.25 2.625 25 65.625 8.625 19 566.0156 1246.875
C-2 2 5.25 0.25 2.625 25 65.625 13.875 19 910.5469 1246.875
C-3 2 5.25 0.25 2.625 25 65.625 19.125 19 1255.078 1246.875
C-4 2 1.65 0.25 0.825 25 20.625 22.57 19 465.5063 391.875
C-5 3.36 1.65 0.25 1.386 25 34.65 22.57 16.31 782.0505 565.1415

C-6 3.36 1.65 0.25 1.386 25 34.65 22.57 1.68 782.0505 58.212
C-7 2.3 1.65 0.25 0.94875 25 23.71875 22.57 -1.15 535.3322 -27.2766
C-8 3.75 2 0.25 1.875 25 46.875 -1 7.875 -46.875 369.1406
C-9 0.55 2.75 0.25 0.378125 25 9.453125 3.275 -2.745 30.95898 -25.9488
C-10 0.55 2.75 0.25 0.378125 25 9.453125 8.625 -2.745 81.5332 -25.9488
C-11 0.55 2.75 0.25 0.378125 25 9.453125 13.875 -2.745 131.1621 -25.9488
C-12 0.55 2.75 0.25 0.378125 25 9.453125 19.125 -2.745 180.791 -25.9488
C-13 1.7 5.3 0.25 2.2525 25 56.3125 8.65 11.15 487.1031 627.8844
C-14 1.7 5.2 0.25 2.21 25 55.25 13.85 11.15 765.2125 616.0375
C-15 1.7 5.3 0.25 2.2525 25 56.3125 8.65 6.85 487.1031 385.7406
C-16 1.7 5.2 0.25 2.21 25 55.25 13.85 6.85 765.2125 378.4625

P-1 6 5.25 0.235 7.4025 25 185.0625 8.625 15 1596.164 2775.938
P-2 6 5.25 0.235 7.4025 25 185.0625 13.875 15 2567.742 2775.938
P-3 6 5.25 0.235 7.4025 25 185.0625 19.125 15 3539.32 2775.938
P-4 6 5.25 0.235 7.4025 25 185.0625 19.125 9 3539.32 1665.563
P-5 6 5.25 0.235 7.4025 25 185.0625 3 9 555.1875 1665.563
P-6 6 5.25 0.235 7.4025 25 185.0625 3 3 555.1875 555.1875
P-7 6 5.25 0.235 7.4025 25 185.0625 8.625 3 1596.164 555.1875
P-8 6 5.25 0.235 7.4025 25 185.0625 13.875 3 2567.742 555.1875
P-9 6 5.25 0.235 7.4025 25 185.0625 19.125 3 3539.32 555.1875
P-10 2.3 5.25 0.235 2.837625 25 70.94063 19.125 -1.15 1356.739 -81.5817
P-11 2.3 5.25 0.235 2.837625 25 70.94063 13.875 -1.15 984.3012 -81.5817
P-12 2.3 5.25 0.235 2.837625 25 70.94063 8.625 -1.15 611.8629 -81.5817
P-13 2.3 5.25 0.235 2.837625 25 70.94063 3 -1.15 212.8219 -81.5817

P-14 2.3 2.5 0.235 1.35125 25 33.78125 -1.25 -1.15 -42.2266 -38.8484
P-15 6 2.5 0.235 3.525 25 88.125 -1.25 3 -110.156 264.375

1st Floor
Beam dim
Axis 20*40
Axis Y4
b/n (X1-
X5) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 18 473.0625 783
Axis Y3
b/n (X1-
X5) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 12 473.0625 522
Axis Y2
b/n (X1-
X5) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 6 473.0625 261
Axis Y1
b/n (X1-
X5) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 0 473.0625 0
Axis X1
b/n (Y1-
Y4) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 0 6 0 261
Axis X2
b/n (Y1-
Y4) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 6 9 261 391.5

Axis X3
b/n (Y1-
Y4) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 11.25 9 489.375 391.5
Axis X2
b/n (Y1-
Y4) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 16.5 9 717.75 391.5
Axis X1
b/n (Y1-
Y4) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 21.65 9 941.775 391.5

1st Floor
C-1 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 18 0 226.8
C-2 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 18 75.6 226.8
C-3 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 18 141.75 226.8
C-4 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 18 204.75 226.8
C-5 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 18 274.05 226.8
C-6 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 12 0 151.2
C-7 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 12 75.6 151.2
C-8 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 12 141.75 151.2
C-9 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 12 204.75 151.2
C-10 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 12 274.05 151.2
C-11 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 6 0 75.6
C-12 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 6 75.6 75.6
C-13 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 6 141.75 75.6
C-14 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 6 204.75 75.6

C-15 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 6 274.05 75.6
C-16 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 0 0 0
C-17 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 0 75.6 0
C-18 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 0 141.75 0
C-19 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 0 204.75 0
C-20 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 0 274.05 0
C-21 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 -2.3 0 -28.98
C-22 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 -2.3 75.6 -28.98
C-23 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 -2.3 141.75 -28.98
C-24 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 -2.3 204.75 -28.98
C-25 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 -2.3 274.05 -28.98

Axis X1
Y3) 3.5 0.2 2.75 1.925 25 48.125 0 16.25 0 782.0313
Axis X2
Y3) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 5.9 15 454.3 1155
Axis X3
Y3) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 11.15 15 858.55 1155
Axis X4
Y3) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 16.4 15 1262.8 1155

Axis X1
Y3) 3.65 0.2 2.75 2.0075 25 50.1875 0 9.925 0 498.1109
Axis X1
Y1) 6.4 0.2 2.75 3.52 25 88 -2.5 3.2 -220 281.6
Axis X3
Y1) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 11.9 2.9 916.3 223.3
Axis X4
Y1) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 17.9 2.9 1378.3 223.3
Axis Y2
b/n (X2-
X') 2.3 0.2 2.75 1.265 25 31.625 -1.35 5.9 -42.6938 186.5875
Axis Y2
b/n (X2-
X1) 4.2 0.15 2.75 1.7325 25 43.3125 2.3 6.075 99.61875 263.1234
Axis Y1
b/n (X'-
X1) 2.1 0.2 2.75 1.155 25 28.875 -1.25 0 -36.0938 0
Y1) 4.2 0.15 2.75 1.7325 25 43.3125 2.1 2.875 90.95625 124.5234
Y1) 2.2 0.15 2.75 0.9075 25 22.6875 1.1 2.875 24.95625 65.22656
1.1 0.15 2.75 0.45375 25 11.34375 4.1 5.5 46.50938 62.39063
2.12 0.1 2.75 0.583 25 14.575 4.25 2.99 61.94375 43.57925

9.2 0.1 2.75 2.53 25 63.25 4.25 0.46 268.8125 29.095

wall on
4.2 0.15 2.75 1.7325 25 43.3125 2.3 6.25 99.61875 270.7031
4.2 0.15 2.75 1.7325 25 43.3125 2.3 12.175 99.61875 527.3297
1.25 0.15 2.75 0.515625 25 12.89063 8.7 11.46 112.1484 147.7266
1.4 0.15 2.2 0.462 25 11.55 0.9 11.225 10.395 129.6488
1.4 0.15 2.2 0.462 25 11.55 0.9 9.175 10.395 105.9713
3 0.15 2.75 1.2375 25 30.9375 1.7 9.975 52.59375 308.6016
1.8 0.15 2.2 0.594 25 14.85 3.275 10.15 48.63375 150.7275
1.3 0.15 2.75 0.53625 25 13.40625 4.175 8.125 55.97109 108.9258
0.3 0.1 2.2 0.066 25 1.65 1.65 11.15 2.7225 18.3975
0.3 0.1 2.2 0.066 25 1.65 1.65 9.15 2.7225 15.0975
0.1 0.1 2.75 0.0275 25 0.6875 1.45 12.05 0.996875 8.284375
0.1 0.1 2.75 0.0275 25 0.6875 1.45 8.2 0.996875 5.6375
0.1 0.1 2.75 0.0275 25 0.6875 1.65 10.25 1.134375 7.046875
0.1 0.1 2.75 0.0275 25 0.6875 1.65 14.65 1.134375 10.07188
Total 4414.216 44694.51 34359.07

Center of Mass of 2ndFloor Slab

Structure Length, Width, Depth Volume (KN/m3 Weight
Type Ly (m) Lx (m) (m) (m3) ) (KN) Center of Mass Moment

Xi Yi W*Xi W*Yi
C-1 2 5.25 0.3 3.15 25 78.75 8.625 19 679.2188 1496.25
C-2 2 5.25 0.3 3.15 25 78.75 13.875 19 1092.656 1496.25
C-3 2 5.25 0.3 3.15 25 78.75 19.125 19 1506.094 1496.25
C-4 2 1.65 0.3 0.99 25 24.75 22.57 19 558.6075 470.25
C-5 3.36 1.65 0.3 1.6632 25 41.58 22.57 16.31 938.4606 678.1698
C-6 3.36 1.65 0.3 1.6632 25 41.58 22.57 1.68 938.4606 69.8544
C-7 2.3 1.65 0.3 1.1385 25 28.4625 22.57 -1.15 642.3986 -32.7319
C-8 3.75 2 0.3 2.25 25 56.25 -1 7.875 -56.25 442.9688
C-9 0.55 2.75 0.3 0.45375 25 11.34375 3.275 -2.745 37.15078 -31.1386
C-10 0.55 2.75 0.3 0.45375 25 11.34375 8.625 -2.745 97.83984 -31.1386
C-11 0.55 2.75 0.3 0.45375 25 11.34375 13.875 -2.745 157.3945 -31.1386
C-12 0.55 2.75 0.3 0.45375 25 11.34375 19.125 -2.745 216.9492 -31.1386
C-13 1.7 5.3 0.3 2.703 25 67.575 8.65 11.15 584.5238 753.4613
C-14 1.7 5.2 0.3 2.652 25 66.3 13.85 11.15 918.255 739.245
C-15 1.7 5.3 0.3 2.703 25 67.575 8.65 6.85 584.5238 462.8888
C-16 1.7 5.2 0.3 2.652 25 66.3 13.85 6.85 918.255 454.155

P-1 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 8.625 15 2037.656 3543.75
P-2 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 13.875 15 3277.969 3543.75
P-3 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 19.125 15 4518.281 3543.75
P-4 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 19.125 9 4518.281 2126.25
P-5 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 3 9 708.75 2126.25

P-6 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 3 3 708.75 708.75
P-7 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 8.625 3 2037.656 708.75
P-8 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 13.875 3 3277.969 708.75
P-9 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 19.125 3 4518.281 708.75
P-10 2.3 5.25 0.3 3.6225 25 90.5625 19.125 -1.15 1732.008 -104.147
P-11 2.3 5.25 0.3 3.6225 25 90.5625 13.875 -1.15 1256.555 -104.147
P-12 2.3 5.25 0.3 3.6225 25 90.5625 8.625 -1.15 781.1016 -104.147
P-13 2.3 5.25 0.3 3.6225 25 90.5625 3 -1.15 271.6875 -104.147
P-14 2.3 2.5 0.3 1.725 25 43.125 -1.25 -1.15 -53.9063 -49.5938
P-15 6 2.5 0.3 4.5 25 112.5 -1.25 3 -140.625 337.5

2nd Floor
C-1 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 18 0 226.8
C-2 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 18 75.6 226.8
C-3 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 18 141.75 226.8
C-4 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 18 204.75 226.8
C-5 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 18 274.05 226.8
C-6 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 12 0 151.2
C-7 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 12 75.6 151.2
C-8 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 12 141.75 151.2
C-9 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 12 204.75 151.2
C-10 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 12 274.05 151.2
C-11 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 6 0 75.6
C-12 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 6 75.6 75.6
C-13 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 6 141.75 75.6

C-14 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 6 204.75 75.6
C-15 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 6 274.05 75.6
C-16 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 0 0 0
C-17 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 0 75.6 0
C-18 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 0 141.75 0
C-19 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 0 204.75 0
C-20 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 0 274.05 0
C-21 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 -2.3 0 -28.98
C-22 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 -2.3 75.6 -28.98
C-23 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 -2.3 141.75 -28.98
C-24 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 -2.3 204.75 -28.98
C-25 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 -2.3 274.05 -28.98

Beam dim
Axis 20*40
Axis Y4
b/n (X1-
X5) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 18 473.0625 783
Axis Y3
b/n (X1-
X5) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 12 473.0625 522
Axis Y2
b/n (X1-
X5) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 6 473.0625 261

Axis Y1
b/n (X1-
X5) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 0 473.0625 0
Axis X1
b/n (Y1-
Y4) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 0 6 0 261
Axis X2
b/n (Y1-
Y4) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 6 9 261 391.5
Axis X3
b/n (Y1-
Y4) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 11.25 9 489.375 391.5
Axis X2
b/n (Y1-
Y4) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 16.5 9 717.75 391.5
Axis X1
b/n (Y1-
Y4) 0.2 21.75 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 21.65 9 941.775 391.5
Axis X1
Y3) 3.5 0.2 2.75 1.925 25 48.125 0 16.25 0 782.0313
Axis X4
Y3) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 16.4 15 1262.8 1155

Axis X1
Y3) 3.65 0.2 2.75 2.0075 25 50.1875 0 9.925 0 498.1109
Axis X1
Y1) 6.4 0.2 2.75 3.52 25 88 -2.5 3.2 -220 281.6
Axis X3
Y1) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 11.9 2.9 916.3 223.3
Axis Y2
b/n (X1-
X2) 6 0.2 2.75 3.3 25 82.5 3 6 247.5 495

wall on
4.2 0.15 2.75 1.7325 25 43.3125 2.3 6.25 99.61875 270.7031
4.2 0.15 2.75 1.7325 25 43.3125 2.3 12.175 99.61875 527.3297
1.25 0.15 2.75 0.515625 25 12.89063 8.7 11.46 112.1484 147.7266
1.4 0.15 2.2 0.462 25 11.55 0.9 11.225 10.395 129.6488
1.4 0.15 2.2 0.462 25 11.55 0.9 9.175 10.395 105.9713
3 0.15 2.75 1.2375 25 30.9375 1.7 9.975 52.59375 308.6016
1.8 0.15 2.2 0.594 25 14.85 3.275 10.15 48.63375 150.7275
1.3 0.15 2.75 0.53625 25 13.40625 4.175 8.125 55.97109 108.9258
0.3 0.1 2.2 0.066 25 1.65 1.65 11.15 2.7225 18.3975
0.3 0.1 2.2 0.066 25 1.65 1.65 9.15 2.7225 15.0975
0.1 0.1 2.75 0.0275 25 0.6875 1.45 12.05 0.996875 8.284375

0.1 0.1 2.75 0.0275 25 0.6875 1.45 8.2 0.996875 5.6375
0.1 0.1 2.75 0.0275 25 0.6875 1.65 10.25 1.134375 7.046875
0.1 0.1 2.75 0.0275 25 0.6875 1.65 14.65 1.134375 10.07188

Beam on
C-1 5.25 0.2 0.4 0.42 25 10.5 8.625 20.1 90.5625 211.05
2 0.2 0.4 0.16 25 4 5.9 19 23.6 76
2 0.2 0.4 0.16 25 4 11.55 19 46.2 76
C-2 2 0.2 0.4 0.16 25 4 16.4 19 65.6 76
5.25 0.2 0.4 0.42 25 10.5 13 20.1 136.5 211.05
C-3 5.25 0.2 0.4 0.42 25 10.5 18.925 20.1 198.7125 211.05
2 0.2 0.4 0.16 25 4 21.65 19 86.6 76
C-4 1.9 0.2 0.4 0.152 25 3.8 22.9 17.9 87.02 68.02
6 0.2 0.4 0.48 25 12 22.5 3 270 36
C-6 6 0.2 0.4 0.48 25 12 22.5 0 270 0
1.9 0.2 0.4 0.152 25 3.8 22.5 5.9 85.5 22.42
1.9 0.2 0.4 0.152 25 3.8 22.5 -1.05 85.5 -3.99
C-7 1.9 0.2 0.4 0.152 25 3.8 22.5 -1.05 85.5 -3.99
2.3 0.2 0.4 0.184 25 4.6 23.75 -1.05 109.25 -4.83
C-8 0.55 0.2 0.4 0.044 25 1.1 20.63 -2.775 22.693 -3.0525
2.75 0.2 0.4 0.22 25 5.5 19.095 -2.8 105.0225 -15.4
0.55 0.2 0.4 0.044 25 1.1 17.82 -2.775 19.602 -3.0525
C-9 2.75 0.2 0.4 0.22 25 5.5 12.47 -2.8 68.585 -15.4
0.55 0.2 0.4 0.044 25 1.1 12.57 -2.775 13.827 -3.0525

0.55 0.2 0.4 0.044 25 1.1 15.38 -2.775 16.918 -3.0525
C-10 2.75 0.2 0.4 0.22 25 5.5 8.625 -2.8 47.4375 -15.4
0.55 0.2 0.4 0.044 25 1.1 7.35 -2.775 8.085 -3.0525
0.55 0.2 0.4 0.044 25 1.1 10.1 -2.775 11.11 -3.0525
C-11 2.75 0.2 0.4 0.22 25 5.5 3.375 -2.8 18.5625 -15.4
0.55 0.2 0.4 0.044 25 1.1 4.85 -2.775 5.335 -3.0525
0.55 0.2 0.4 0.044 25 1.1 2.1 -2.775 2.31 -3.0525
C-12 3.75 0.2 0.4 0.3 25 7.5 2.1 7.875 15.75 59.0625
2 0.2 0.4 0.16 25 4 -1 9.85 -4 39.4
2 0.2 0.4 0.16 25 4 -1 6.1 -4 24.4
Total 4840.894 51741.32 37845.46

Center of Mass of 3rd Floor Slab

Structure Length, Width, Depth Volume (KN/m3 Weight
Type Ly (m) Lx (m) (m) (m ) ) (KN) Center of Mass Moment
Xi Yi W*Xi W*Yi
p1 5.25 6 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 8.625 15 2037.656 3543.75
p2 5.25 6 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 13.875 15 3277.969 3543.75
p3 5.25 6 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 19.125 15 4518.281 3543.75
p4 5.25 6 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 19.125 9 4518.281 2126.25
p5 5.25 6 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 3 9 708.75 2126.25
p6 5.25 6 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 3 3 708.75 708.75
p7 5.25 6 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 8.625 3 2037.656 708.75

p8 5.25 6 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 13.875 3 3277.969 708.75
p9 5.25 6 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 19.125 3 4518.281 708.75
p10 5.25 2.3 0.3 3.6225 25 90.5625 19.125 -1.15 1732.008 -104.147
p11 5.25 2.3 0.3 3.6225 25 90.5625 13.875 -1.15 1256.555 -104.147
p12 5.25 2.3 0.3 3.6225 25 90.5625 8.625 -1.15 781.1016 -104.147
p13 5.25 2.3 0.3 3.6225 25 90.5625 2.625 -1.15 237.7266 -104.147
p14 -2.5 2.3 0.3 1.725 25 43.125 -1.25 -1.15 -53.9063 -49.5938
p15 -2.5 6 0.3 4.5 25 112.5 -1.25 3 -140.625 337.5

x4) 21.75 0.2 0.3 1.305 25 32.625 10.875 18 354.7969 587.25
axis y3(x1-
x4) 16.5 0.2 0.3 0.99 25 24.75 8.25 12 204.1875 297
axis y2(x1-
x4) 16.5 0.2 0.3 0.99 25 24.75 8.25 6 204.1875 148.5
axis y1(x1-
x5) 16.5 0.2 0.3 0.99 25 24.75 8.25 0.12 204.1875 2.97
axis x1 (y4-
y1) 0.2 18 0.3 1.08 25 27 0.1 18 2.7 486

axis x2(y4 -
y3) 0.2 6 0.3 0.36 25 9 6.1 15 54.9 135

axis x2(y2 -
y1) 0.2 6 0.3 0.36 25 9 6.1 3 54.9 27

axis x4 (y3-
y2) 0.2 3.1 0.3 0.186 25 4.65 16.5 9 76.725 41.85
axis x5(y4-
y3) 0.2 3.36 0.3 0.2016 25 5.04 21.75 16.32 109.62 82.2528
axis x5(y3-
y2) 0.2 6 0.3 0.36 25 9 21.75 9 195.75 81
axis x5(y1-
y2) 0.2 6 0.3 0.36 25 9 21.75 1.68 195.75 15.12

c1 5.25 1.1 0.25 1.44375 25 36.09375 8.625 18.55 311.3086 669.5391
c2 5.25 1.1 0.25 1.44375 25 36.09375 13.875 18.55 500.8008 669.5391
c3 5.25 1.1 0.25 1.44375 25 36.09375 19.125 18.55 690.293 669.5391
c4 1.65 1.1 0.25 0.45375 25 11.34375 22.56 18.55 255.915 210.4266
c5 3.36 1.65 0.25 1.386 25 34.65 22.56 16.32 781.704 565.488
c6 3.36 1.65 0.25 1.386 25 34.65 22.56 1.68 781.704 58.212
c7 1.65 2.3 0.25 0.94875 25 23.71875 22.575 -1.15 535.4508 -27.2766
c8 2 3.75 0.25 1.875 25 46.875 -1 7.875 -46.875 369.1406
c9 2.75 0.55 0.25 0.378125 25 9.453125 3.375 -2.275 31.9043 -21.5059
c10 2.75 0.55 0.25 0.378125 25 9.453125 8.625 -2.275 81.5332 -21.5059
c11 2.75 0.55 0.25 0.378125 25 9.453125 13.875 -2.275 131.1621 -21.5059
c12 2.75 0.55 0.25 0.378125 25 9.453125 19.125 -2.275 180.791 -21.5059
c13 5.1 1.45 0.25 1.84875 25 46.21875 8.625 6.725 398.6367 310.8211
c14 5.1 1.45 0.25 1.84875 25 46.21875 13.6 11.25 628.575 519.9609
c15 5.1 1.45 0.25 1.84875 25 46.21875 8.625 6.725 398.6367 310.8211
c16 5.1 1.45 0.25 1.84875 25 46.21875 13.6 11.25 628.575 519.9609


c11 0.2 1.1 0.4 0.088 25 2.2 6 18.6 13.2 40.92

c12 3.5 0.2 0.4 0.28 25 7 8.25 19.2 57.75 134.4
c13 0.2 1.1 0.4 0.088 25 2.2 11.25 19.2 24.75 42.24
c22 3.5 0.2 0.4 0.28 25 7 13.875 19.2 97.125 134.4
c23 0.2 1.1 0.4 0.088 25 2.2 16.5 19.2 36.3 42.24
c32 3.5 0.2 0.4 0.28 25 7 19.125 19.2 133.875 134.4
c33 0.2 1.1 0.4 0.088 25 2.2 21.75 19.2 47.85 42.24
c42 1.65 0.2 0.4 0.132 25 3.3 22.525 18.88 74.3325 62.304
c41 4.65 0.2 0.4 0.372 25 9.3 21.75 18.75 202.275 174.375
c51 0.2 3.5 0.4 0.28 25 7 23.5 16.25 164.5 113.75
c53 1.45 0.2 0.4 0.116 25 2.9 22.475 12 65.1775 34.8
c62 0.2 3.6 0.4 0.288 25 7.2 22.86 1.75 164.592 12.6
c71 0.2 0.65 0.4 0.052 25 1.3 21.75 0.325 28.275 0.4225
c72 1.7 0.65 0.4 0.442 25 11.05 22.6 0.325 249.73 3.59125
c82 3.5 0.1 0.4 0.14 25 3.5 19.125 -1.1 66.9375 -3.85
c83 0.1 1 0.4 0.04 25 1 16.5 -0.5 16.5 -0.5
c92 3.5 0.1 0.4 0.14 25 3.5 13.875 -0.5 48.5625 -1.75
c93 0.1 1 0.4 0.04 25 1 11.25 -0.5 11.25 -0.5
c10 2 3.5 0.1 0.4 0.14 25 3.5 8.625 -0.5 30.1875 -1.75
c10 3 0.1 1 0.4 0.04 25 1 6 -0.5 6 -0.5
c11 2 3.5 0.1 0.4 0.14 25 3.5 2.625 -0.5 9.1875 -1.75
c11 3 0.1 0.65 0.4 0.026 25 0.65 0.1 0.325 0.065 0.21125


x1(y4-y3) 0.2 3.6 2.85 2.052 25 51.3 0.1 16.2 5.13 831.06
x1(y2-y1) 0.2 1.4 2.85 0.798 25 19.95 0.1 11.1 1.995 221.445
x1(y3-y2) 0.2 6 2.85 3.42 25 85.5 -2.4 3 -205.2 256.5
y1(y4-y3 2.4 0.2 2.85 1.368 25 34.2 -1.2 0.1 -41.04 3.42
y2(x3-x2) 2.4 0.2 2.85 1.368 25 34.2 -1.2 6 -41.04 205.2
x2(y4-Y3) 0.2 5.6 2.85 3.192 25 79.8 6 14.8 478.8 1181.04
x2(y1-Y2) 0.2 5 2.85 2.85 25 71.25 6 2.5 427.5 178.125
y2(x4-x3) 4.45 0.2 2.85 2.5365 25 63.4125 6 2.5 380.475 158.5313

partition wall

1 2.1 0.15 2.85 0.89775 25 22.44375 1.05 1.475 23.56594 33.10453

2 2.1 0.15 2.85 0.89775 25 22.44375 1.05 2.85 23.56594 63.96469
3 2.1 0.15 2.85 0.89775 25 22.44375 1.05 4.275 23.56594 95.94703
4 0.15 0.4 2.85 0.171 25 4.275 0.2 1.4 0.855 5.985
5 0.15 0.4 2.85 0.171 25 4.275 0.2 4.2 0.855 17.955
6 0.15 1.2 2.85 0.513 25 12.825 0 2.8 0 35.91
7 0.15 0.4 2.85 0.171 25 4.275 0.2 0.2 0.855 0.855
8 0.15 0.4 2.85 0.171 25 4.275 0.2 5.4 0.855 23.085

3rd Floor
C-1 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 18 0 226.8
C-2 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 18 75.6 226.8
C-3 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 18 141.75 226.8
C-4 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 18 204.75 226.8

C-5 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 18 274.05 226.8
C-6 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 12 0 151.2
C-7 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 12 75.6 151.2
C-8 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 12 141.75 151.2
C-9 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 12 204.75 151.2
C-10 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 12 274.05 151.2
C-11 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 6 0 75.6
C-12 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 6 75.6 75.6
C-13 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 6 141.75 75.6
C-14 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 6 204.75 75.6
C-15 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 6 274.05 75.6
C-16 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 0 0 0
C-17 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 0 75.6 0
C-18 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 0 141.75 0
C-19 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 0 204.75 0
C-20 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 0 274.05 0
C-21 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0 -2.3 0 -28.98
C-22 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 -2.3 75.6 -28.98
C-23 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 -2.3 141.75 -28.98
C-24 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.25 -2.3 204.75 -28.98
C-25 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 -2.3 274.05 -28.98
Total 4247.265 43474.18 30651.68

Center of Mass of 4th Floor Slab

Structure Length, Width, Depth Volume (KN/m3 Weight
Type Ly (m) Lx (m) (m) (m3) ) (KN) Center of Mass Moment
Xi Yi W*Xi W*Yi
C-1 1 2.5 0.3 0.75 25 18.75 8.625 15 161.719 281.25
C-2 1 2.5 0.3 0.75 25 18.75 13.85 18.5 259.688 346.875
C-3 1 2.5 0.3 0.75 25 18.75 19.1 18.5 358.125 346.875
C-4 1 2.5 0.3 0.75 25 18.75 19.1 0.5 358.125 9.375
C-5 1 2.5 0.3 0.75 25 18.75 13.85 0.5 259.688 9.375
C-6 1 2.5 0.3 0.75 25 18.75 8.6 0.5 161.250 9.375
C-7 1 2.5 0.3 0.75 25 18.75 3 0.5 56.250 9.375
C-8 3 1.4 0.3 1.26 25 31.5 0.7 1.5 22.050 47.25
C-9 3.5 1.4 0.3 1.47 25 36.75 0.7 7.75 25.725 284.8125
C-10 3 2 0.3 1.8 25 45 22.75 16.54 1023.750 744.3
C-11 3 2 0.3 1.8 25 45 22.75 1.5 1023.750 67.5

P-1 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 8.625 15 2037.656 3543.75
P-2 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 13.875 15 3277.969 3543.75
P-3 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 19.125 15 4518.281 3543.75
P-4 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 3 9 708.750 2126.25
P-5 6 7.56 0.3 13.608 25 340.2 20.28 9 6899.256 3061.8
P-6 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 19.125 3 4518.281 708.75
P-7 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 13.875 3 3277.969 708.75

P-8 6 5.25 0.3 9.45 25 236.25 8.625 3 2037.656 708.75
P-9 6 6 0.3 10.8 25 270 3 3 810.000 810

4th Floor
Beam dim
Axsis 20*40
Y-4 21.75 0.2 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 18.1 473.063 787.35
Y-3 21.75 0.2 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 12.1 473.063 526.35
Y-2 21.75 0.2 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 6.1 473.063 265.35
Y-1 21.75 0.2 0.4 1.74 25 43.5 10.875 0.1 473.063 4.35
X-1 18 0.2 0.4 1.44 25 36 0.1 18.1 3.6 651.6
X-2 18 0.2 0.4 1.44 25 36 6.1 18.1 219.6 651.6
X-3 18 0.2 0.4 1.44 25 36 11.35 18.1 408.6 651.6
X-4 18 0.2 0.4 1.44 25 36 16.6 18.1 597.6 651.6
X-5 18 0.2 0.4 1.44 25 36 21.85 18.1 786.6 651.6

Beam on
B/n axis
(X2-X3) 1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 7.48 18.5 14.96 37
2.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 25 5 8.63 18.5 43.15 92.5
1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 9.98 18.5 19.96 37

x4) 1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 12.83 18.5 25.66 37
2.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 25 5 13.88 18.5 69.4 92.5
1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 15.23 18.5 30.46 37
B/n axis
(X4-X5) 1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 17.98 18.5 35.96 37
2.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 25 5 19.13 18.5 95.65 92.5
1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 20.48 18.5 40.96 37
y3) 2 0.2 0.4 0.16 25 4 22.75 16.5 91 66
3 0.2 0.4 0.24 25 6 23.85 16.5 143.1 99
2 0.2 0.4 0.16 25 4 22.75 15.1 91 60.4
B/n (y1-
y2) 2 0.2 0.4 0.16 25 4 22.75 1.5 91 6
3 0.2 0.4 0.24 25 6 23.85 1.5 143.1 9
2 0.2 0.4 0.16 25 4 22.75 -0.2 91 -0.8
B/n axis
(x4-x5) 1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 17.98 -0.5 35.96 -1
2.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 25 5 19.13 -0.5 95.65 -2.5
1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 20.48 -0.5 40.96 -1
x3) 1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 12.73 -0.5 25.46 -1
2.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 25 5 13.88 -0.5 69.4 -2.5
1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 15.23 -0.5 30.46 -1

x2) 1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 7.48 -0.5 14.96 -1
2.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 25 5 8.63 -0.5 43.15 -2.5
1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 9.98 0.5 19.96 1
x1) 1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 2.25 -0.5 4.5 -1
2.5 0.2 0.4 0.2 25 5 3.4 -0.5 17 -2.5
1 0.2 0.4 0.08 25 2 4.75 -0.5 9.5 -1
y2) 1.3 0.2 0.4 0.104 25 2.6 -0.7 1.5 -1.82 3.9
3 0.2 0.4 0.24 25 6 -1.45 1.5 -8.7 9
1.3 0.2 0.4 0.104 25 2.6 -0.7 0.1 -1.82 0.26
y3) 1.8 0.2 0.4 0.144 25 3.6 -0.9 6.1 -3.24 21.96
3.55 0.2 0.4 0.284 25 7.1 -0.9 7.775 -6.39 55.2025
1.8 0.2 0.4 0.144 25 3.6 -0.9 9.65 -3.24 34.74

4th Floor
C-1 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0.2 18 2.52 226.8
C-2 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 18 75.6 226.8
C-3 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 18 141.75 226.8
C-4 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.5 18 207.9 226.8

C-5 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 18 274.05 226.8
C-6 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0.2 12 2.52 151.2
C-7 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 12 75.6 151.2
C-8 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 12 141.75 151.2
C-9 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.5 12 207.9 151.2
C-10 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 12 274.05 151.2
C-11 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0.2 6 2.52 75.6
C-12 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 6 75.6 75.6
C-13 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 6 141.75 75.6
C-14 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.5 6 207.9 75.6
C-15 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 6 274.05 75.6
C-16 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 0.2 0.2 2.52 2.52
C-17 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 6 0.2 75.6 2.52
C-18 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 11.25 0.2 141.75 2.52
C-19 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 16.5 0.2 207.9 2.52
C-20 0.4 0.4 3.15 0.504 25 12.6 21.75 0.2 274.05 2.52


axis x1
b/n(y4-y3) 3.5 0.2 2.75 1.925 25 48.125 0.1 13.75 4.8125 661.7188
x2(y4-y3) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 6.1 14.8 469.7 1139.6
y3(x1-x2) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 2.8 12 215.6 924
y4(x2-x3) 2.36 0.2 2.75 1.298 25 32.45 6.69 18 217.0905 584.1
2.36 0.2 2.75 1.298 25 32.45 10.47 18 339.7515 584.1
x3(y4-y3) 5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 11.25 15 866.25 1155

y3(x2-x3) 2.3 0.2 2.75 1.265 25 31.625 9.85 12 311.5063 379.5
0.76 0.2 2.75 0.418 25 10.45 6.58 12 68.761 125.4
0.7 0.2 2.75 0.385 25 9.625 8.22 12 79.1175 115.5
y4(x3-x4) 2.36 0.2 2.75 1.298 25 32.45 11.94 18 387.453 584.1
2.36 0.2 2.75 1.298 25 32.45 15.72 18 510.114 584.1
5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 16.4 18 1262.8 1386
y3(x3-x4) 2.5 0.2 2.75 1.375 25 34.375 12.5 18 429.6875 618.75
0.7 0.2 2.75 0.385 25 9.625 14.3 18 137.6375 173.25
0.77 0.2 2.75 0.4235 25 10.5875 15.92 18 168.553 190.575
y4(x4-x5) 1.18 0.2 2.75 0.649 25 16.225 17.29 18.1 280.5303 293.6725
1.18 0.2 2.75 0.649 25 16.225 20.97 18.1 340.2383 293.6725
x5 3.4 0.2 2.75 1.87 25 46.75 22.4 14.9 1047.2 696.575
x1(y3-y2) 2.06 0.2 2.75 1.133 25 28.325 -0.1 10.58 -2.8325 299.6785
1.15 0.2 2.75 0.6325 25 15.8125 -0.1 6.575 -1.58125 103.9672
y2(x1-x2) 1.65 0.2 2.75 0.9075 25 22.6875 1.025 6 23.25469 136.125
3.05 0.2 2.75 1.6775 25 41.9375 4.285 6 179.7022 251.625
y2(x2-x3) 3.2 0.2 2.75 1.76 25 44 7.8 6 343.2 264
0.76 0.2 2.75 0.418 25 10.45 10.68 6 111.606 62.7
y2(x3-x4) 0.76 0.2 2.75 0.418 25 10.45 11.83 6 123.6235 62.7
3.2 0.2 2.75 1.76 25 44 14.7 6 646.8 264
y2(x4-x5) 2.6 0.2 2.75 1.43 25 35.75 17.8 6 636.35 214.5
1.7 0.2 2.75 0.935 25 23.375 17.35 6 405.5563 140.25
y2(x5-x') 1.65 0.2 2.75 0.9075 25 22.6875 17.325 6 393.0609 136.125
x1(y1-y2) 2.95 0.2 2.75 1.6225 25 40.5625 0.1 4.475 4.05625 181.5172
x2(y1-y2) 5.6 0.15 2.75 2.31 25 57.75 6 2.8 346.5 161.7
x3(y1-y2) 5.6 0.15 2.75 2.31 25 57.75 11.25 2.8 649.6875 161.7

x4(y1-y2) 5.6 0.15 2.75 2.31 25 57.75 16.5 2.8 952.875 161.7
y1(x1-x2) 1.92 0.2 2.75 1.056 25 26.4 1.16 -0.1 30.624 -2.64
1.18 0.2 2.75 0.649 25 16.225 5.21 -0.1 84.53225 -1.6225

P-2 2.6 0.15 2.75 1.0725 25 26.8125 9.88 14.015 264.9075 375.7772
1.1 0.15 2.75 0.45375 25 11.34375 8.655 13.55 98.18016 153.7078
0.4 0.15 2.75 0.165 25 4.125 8.645 12 35.66063 49.5
P-3 2.6 0.15 2.75 1.0725 25 26.8125 12.55 14.015 336.4969 375.7772
1.1 0.15 2.75 0.45375 25 11.34375 13.845 13.55 157.0542 153.7078
0.4 0.15 2.75 0.165 25 4.125 13.85 12 57.13125 49.5
P-5 2.06 0.15 2.75 0.84975 25 21.24375 20.225 11.03 429.6548 234.3186
2.4 0.15 2.75 0.99 25 24.75 19.08 16.075 472.23 397.8563
1.37 0.15 2.75 0.565125 25 14.12813 17.825 16.165 251.8338 228.3811
P-6 2.3 0.15 2.75 0.94875 25 23.71875 17.75 2.74 421.0078 64.98938
1.2 0.15 2.75 0.495 25 12.375 18.875 3.24 233.5781 40.095
0.45 0.15 2.75 0.185625 25 4.640625 18.795 5.775 87.22055 26.79961
P-7 2.6 0.15 2.75 1.0725 25 26.8125 10.02 2.74 268.6613 73.46625
1.2 0.15 2.75 0.495 25 12.375 8.645 3.24 106.9819 40.095
0.45 0.15 2.75 0.185625 25 4.640625 8.645 5.775 40.1182 26.79961
P-8 2.6 0.15 2.75 1.0725 25 26.8125 7.4 2.74 198.4125 73.46625
0.85 0.15 2.75 0.350625 25 8.765625 8.675 4.225 76.0418 37.03477
0.45 0.15 2.75 0.185625 25 4.640625 8.325 5.775 38.6332 26.79961
P-9 2.6 0.15 2.75 1.0725 25 26.8125 4.75 2.74 127.3594 73.46625
0.85 0.15 2.75 0.350625 25 8.765625 3.535 3.24 30.98648 28.40063
0.45 0.15 2.75 0.185625 25 4.640625 3.685 5.775 17.1007 26.79961

Total 4812.959 55732.65 44526.45

Center of Mass of 5th Floor Slab

Structure Length, Width, Depth Volume (KN/m3 Weight
Type Ly (m) Lx (m) (m) (m ) ) (KN) Center of Mass Moment
Xi Yi W*Xi W*Yi

P-1 6 5.25 0.21 6.615 25 165.375 8.625 15 1426.359 2480.625
P-2 6 5.25 0.21 6.615 25 165.375 13.875 15 2294.578 2480.625
P-3 6 5.25 0.21 6.615 25 165.375 19.125 15 3162.797 2480.625
P-4 6 5.25 0.21 6.615 25 165.375 3 9 496.125 1488.375
P-5 6 7.56 0.21 9.5256 25 238.14 20.28 9 4829.479 2143.26
P-6 6 5.25 0.21 6.615 25 165.375 19.125 3 3162.797 496.125
P-7 6 5.25 0.21 6.615 25 165.375 13.875 3 2294.578 496.125
P-8 6 5.25 0.21 6.615 25 165.375 8.625 3 1426.359 496.125
P-9 6 6 0.21 7.56 25 189 3 3 567.000 567

C-1 5.25 0.9 0.135 0.637875 25 15.94688 8.625 18.45 137.542 294.2198
C-2 5.25 0.9 0.135 0.637875 25 15.94688 13.875 18.45 221.263 294.2198
C-3 5.25 0.9 0.135 0.637875 25 15.94688 19.125 18.45 304.984 294.2198
C-4 5.25 0.9 0.135 0.637875 25 15.94688 19.125 -0.45 304.984 -7.17609

C-5 5.25 0.9 0.135 0.637875 25 15.94688 13.875 -0.45 221.263 -7.17609
C-6 5.25 0.9 0.135 0.637875 25 15.94688 8.625 -0.45 137.542 -7.17609
C-7 5.25 0.9 0.135 0.637875 25 15.94688 3 -0.45 47.841 -7.17609
C-8 5.25 0.9 0.135 0.637875 25 15.94688 -0.6 3 -9.568 47.84063
C-9 5.25 0.9 0.135 0.637875 25 15.94688 -0.6 -0.45 -9.568 -7.17609
C-10 5.25 0.9 0.135 0.637875 25 15.94688 -1 7.725 -15.947 123.1896

5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 0 15 0.000 1155
5.6 0.2 2.75 3.08 25 77 6.1 15 469.700 1155
1.55 0.2 2.75 0.8525 25 21.3125 0.975 18.1 20.780 385.7563
1.55 0.2 2.75 0.8525 25 21.3125 5.225 18.1 111.358 385.7563

4 0.15 2.75 1.65 25 41.25 2.2 11.855 90.750 489.0188
1.9 0.2 2.75 1.045 25 26.125 0 10.95 0.000 286.0688
1.85 0.15 2.75 0.763125 25 19.07813 0.825 9.775 15.739 186.4887
1.2 0.15 2.75 0.495 25 12.375 3.05 9.825 37.744 121.5844
2.05 0.15 2.75 0.845625 25 21.14063 3.725 10.795 78.749 228.213
Total 2060.828 21825.23 18539.58

Center of Mass of Stair and Landing

Structure Length, Width, Depth Volume (KN/m3 Weight
Type Ly (m) Lx (m) (m) (m3) ) (KN) Center of Mass Moment

Xi Yi W*Xi W*Yi
Flight -1 1.8 1.6 0.215 0.6192 25 108.36 1 15.2 108.36 1647.072
Flight -2 1.6 1.8 0.215 0.6192 25 108.36 3 17.2 325.08 1863.792
Flight -3 1.8 1.6 0.215 0.6192 25 108.36 5 15.2 541.8 1647.072

1 6 2 0.215 2.58 25 451.5 3 13 1354.5 5869.5
2 1.6 1.6 0.215 0.5504 25 96.32 1 17.2 96.32 1656.704
3 1.6 1.6 0.215 0.5504 25 96.32 5 17.2 481.6 1656.704

Flight -1 2.4 0.9 0.215 0.4644 25 23.22 8.2 -0.65 190.404 -15.093
Flight -2 2.4 0.9 0.215 0.4644 25 23.22 8.2 -1.52 190.404 -35.2944
1 1.75 1 0.215 0.37625 25 18.8 0.5 -1.075 9.4 -20.21
2 1.75 1.85 0.215 0.696063 25 34.8 4.375 -1.075 152.25 -37.41

Wall-1 2.04 0.2 3.15 1.2852 25 224.91 2.1 19.2 472.311 4318.272
Wall-2 2 0.2 3.15 1.26 25 220.5 3 16.3 661.5 3594.15
Wall-3 2.4 0.2 3.15 1.512 25 264.6 4.1 19.3 1084.86 5106.78
Wall-4 0.55 0.2 3.15 0.3465 25 60.6375 2.275 14.1 137.9503 854.9888

Wall-5 0.55 0.2 3.15 0.3465 25 60.6375 3.725 14.1 225.8747 854.9888
Total 1900.545 6032.614 28962.02

Type Fb Zi(m) Mi Zi*Mi Fi
Terace 17667.68 18.9 2060.828 38949.65 2635.493
floor 17667.68 15.75 4812.956 75804.06 5129.213
Floor 17667.68 12.6 4247.265 53515.54 3621.08
Floor 17667.68 9.45 4840.894 45746.45 3095.392
Floor 17667.68 6.3 4414.216 27809.56 1881.709
Ground 17667.68 3.15 6121.714 19283.4 1304.794
Total 261108.7



beam design for flexure

beam on axis
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As Asmin Asmax as number provide

span 12-
13 23.2 202 200 11.33 0.25 0.86 174 347.83 383.91 57.772 2000 314.2 383.914 1.222033 2Ø20
span 13-
14 23.24 202 200 11.33 0.25 0.86 174 347.83 384.61 57.772 2000 314.2 384.609 1.224245 2Ø20
beam on axis
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As Asmin as number provide
span 7-8 23.09 202 200 11.33 0.25 0.86 174 347.83 382.06 57.77 2000 314.2 382.06 1.216133 2Ø20
span 8-9 23.4 202 200 11.33 0.25 0.86 174 347.83 387.24 57.77 2000 314.2 387.24 1.232621 2Ø20

beam on axis
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As Asmin as number provide
span 6-1 2.02 352 200 11.33 0.01 0.99 348 347.83 16.665 100.67 3200 314.6 100.67 0.319994 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 12-
7 37.96 352 200 11.33 0.14 0.93 327 347.83 333.36 100.67 3200 314.6 333.358 1.059624 2Ø20
span 7-2 39.39 352 200 11.33 0.14 0.93 327 347.83 345.93 100.67 3200 314.6 345.925 1.099572 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 19-
14 80.38 352 200 11.33 0.29 0.83 292 347.83 790.97 100.67 3200 314.6 790.97 2.51421 2Ø20
span 14-
9 36.63 352 200 11.33 0.13 0.93 327 347.83 321.65 100.67 3200 314.6 321.651 1.022413 2Ø20
beam on axis
352 200 E
span 20-
15 40.85 352 200 11.33 0.15 0.93 327 347.83 358.76 100.67 3200 314.6 358.765 1.140385 2Ø20

span 15-
10 39.99 352 200 11.33 0.14 0.93 327 347.83 351.23 100.67 3200 314.6 351.23 1.116433 2Ø20
span 10-
5 54.54 352 200 11.33 0.19 0.89 313 347.83 500.47 100.67 3200 314.6 500.467 1.590805 2Ø20

beam on axis
location Msd 352 200 fcd Kz fyd As Asmin as number provide
span 17-
18 74.11 352 200 11.33 0.26 0.84 296 347.83 720.59 100.67 3200 314.6 720.589 2.290494 3Ø20
span 18-
19 79.37 352 200 11.33 0.28 0.84 296 347.83 771.68 100.67 3200 314.6 771.685 2.452908 3Ø20
beam on axis
span 12-
13 23.23 352 200 11.33 0.08 0.95 334 347.83 199.75 100.67 3200 314.6 199.752 0.634939 2Ø20
span 13-
14 23.41 352 200 11.33 0.08 0.95 334 347.83 201.22 100.67 3200 314.6 201.222 0.639612 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 6-7 41.63 352 200 11.33 0.15 0.94 331 347.83 361.72 100.67 3200 314.6 361.717 1.149768 2Ø20
span 7-8 27.72 352 200 11.33 0.10 0.94 331 347.83 240.86 100.67 3200 314.6 240.855 0.765591 2Ø20
span 8-9 23.37 352 200 11.33 0.08 0.95 334 347.83 200.92 100.67 3200 314.6 200.921 0.638656 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 1-2 2.97 352 200 11.33 0.01 0.99 348 347.83 24.503 100.67 3200 314.6 100.67 0.319994 2Ø20
span 3-4 80.76 352 200 11.33 0.29 0.83 292 347.83 794.71 100.67 3200 314.6 794.71 2.526096 3Ø20


beam on axis
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
span 16-
11 24.49 252 200 11.33 0.17 0.91 229 347.83 307.03 72.072 2400 314.6 307.029 0.975935 2Ø20
span 11-
6 42.36 252 200 11.33 0.29 0.82 207 347.83 589.35 72.072 2400 314.6 589.352 1.873337 2Ø20
span 6-1 45.77 252 200 11.33 0.32 reinforced
beam on axis
span 17-
12 36.8 252 200 11.33 0.26 0.85 214 347.83 493.93 72.072 2400 314.6 493.925 1.570011 2Ø20
span 12-
7 34.77 252 200 11.33 0.24 0.85 214 347.83 466.68 72.072 2400 314.6 466.679 1.483404 2Ø20
span 7-2 39.54 252 200 11.33 0.27 0.85 214 347.83 530.7 72.072 2400 314.6 530.701 1.686908 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 18-
13 39.43 252 200 11.33 0.27 0.84 212 347.83 535.53 72.072 2400 314.6 535.525 1.702242 2Ø20
span 8-3 40.36 252 200 11.33 0.28 0.84 212 347.83 548.16 72.072 2400 314.6 548.156 1.742391 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 19-
14 41.62 252 200 11.33 0.29 0.83 209 347.83 572.08 72.072 2400 314.6 572.08 1.818435 2Ø20
span 14-
9 1.64 252 200 11.33 0.01 0.99 249 347.83 18.899 72.072 2400 314.6 72.072 0.229091 2Ø20
span 9-4 40.72 252 200 11.33 0.28 0.84 212 347.83 553.05 72.072 2400 314.6 553.046 1.757932 2Ø20
beam on axis

span 20-
15 21.98 252 200 11.33 0.15 0.91 229 347.83 275.56 72.072 2400 314.6 275.562 0.875911 2Ø20
span 15-
10 3.91 252 200 11.33 0.03 0.98 247 347.83 45.518 72.072 2400 314.6 72.072 0.229091 2Ø20
span 10-
5 22.31 252 200 11.33 0.16 0.91 229 347.83 279.7 72.072 2400 314.6 279.699 0.889062 2Ø20

beam on axis
location Msd 252 1000 fcd Kz fyd As Asmin as number provide
span 16-
17 121.5 252 1000 11.33 0.17 0.91 229 347.83 1522.7 360.36 12000 314.6 1522.73 4.840225 5Ø20
span 17-
18 82.81 252 1000 11.33 0.12 0.93 234 347.83 1015.9 360.36 12000 314.6 1015.86 3.229041 4Ø20
span 18-
19 89.34 252 1000 11.33 0.12 0.93 234 347.83 1096 360.36 12000 314.6 1095.96 3.483668 4Ø20
span 19-
20 83.04 252 1000 11.33 0.12 0.93 234 347.83 1018.7 360.36 12000 314.6 1018.68 3.238009 4Ø20
span 34-
span 20-
beam on axis
span 11-
12 211.2 252 1000 11.33 0.29 0.84 212 347.83 2868.3 360.36 12000 314.6 2868.31 9.117332 10Ø20
span 12-
13 70.07 252 1000 11.33 0.10 0.94 237 347.83 850.43 360.36 12000 314.6 850.426 2.703199 3Ø20
span 13-
14 89.63 252 1000 11.33 0.12 0.93 234 347.83 1099.5 360.36 12000 314.6 1099.52 3.494976 4Ø20

span 14-
15 112.4 252 1000 11.33 0.16 0.91 229 347.83 1408.8 360.36 12000 314.6 1408.77 4.477986 5Ø20
span 36-
span 15-
beam on axis
span 6-7 92.82 252 1000 11.33 0.13 0.93 234 347.83 1138.7 360.36 12000 314.6 1138.65 3.619364 4Ø20
span 7-8 90.4 252 1000 11.33 0.13 0.93 234 347.83 1109 360.36 12000 314.6 1108.97 3.525001 4Ø20
span 8-9 87.04 252 1000 11.33 0.12 0.93 234 347.83 1067.7 360.36 12000 314.6 1067.75 3.393983 4Ø20
span 9-
10 133.9 252 1000 11.33 0.19 0.91 229 347.83 1678.2 360.36 12000 314.6 1678.19 5.33437 6Ø20
span 10-
beam on axis
span 1-2 42.05 252 1000 11.33 0.06 0.96 242 347.83 499.72 360.36 12000 314.6 499.721 1.588431 2Ø20
span 2-3 91.71 252 1000 11.33 0.13 0.93 234 347.83 1125 360.36 12000 314.6 1125.04 3.576082 4Ø20

span 3-4 99.15 252 1000 11.33 0.14 0.93 234 347.83 1216.3 360.36 12000 314.6 1216.3 3.866193 4Ø20
span 4-5 81.14 252 1000 11.33 0.11 0.93 234 347.83 995.37 360.36 12000 314.6 995.37 3.163922 4Ø20

beam on axis
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
span 16-
11 38.88 252 200 11.33 0.27 0.84 212 347.83 528.06 72.072 2400 314.6 528.055 1.678497 2Ø20

span 11-
6 34.63 252 200 11.33 0.24 0.86 217 347.83 459.4 72.072 2400 314.6 459.395 1.460252 2Ø20
span 6-1 34.89 252 200 11.33 0.24 0.86 217 347.83 462.84 72.072 2400 314.6 462.844 1.471215 2Ø21
beam on axis
span 17- doubly
12 51.88 252 200 11.33 0.36 reinforced
span 12-
7 4.93 252 200 11.33 0.03 0.99 249 347.83 56.813 72.072 2400 314.6 72.072 0.229091 2Ø20
span 7-2 41.06 252 200 11.33 0.29 0.83 209 347.83 564.38 72.072 2400 314.6 564.382 1.793967 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 18-
13 22.68 252 200 11.33 0.16 0.91 229 347.83 284.34 72.072 2400 314.6 284.337 0.903806 2Ø20
span 8-3 812 252 200 11.33 5.64 reinforced
beam on axis
span 19-
14 19.17 252 200 11.33 0.13 0.93 234 347.83 235.16 72.072 2400 314.6 235.164 0.747503 2Ø20
span 14-
9 37.21 252 200 11.33 0.26 0.84 212 347.83 505.37 72.072 2400 314.6 505.374 1.606401 2Ø20
span 9-4 4.87 252 200 11.33 0.03 0.99 249 347.83 56.121 72.072 2400 314.6 72.072 0.229091 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 20-
15 38.88 252 200 11.33 0.27 0.84 212 347.83 528.06 72.072 2400 314.6 528.055 1.678497 2Ø20
span 15-
10 33.48 252 200 11.33 0.23 0.86 217 347.83 444.14 72.072 2400 314.6 444.14 1.411759 2Ø20
span 10-
5 35.85 252 200 11.33 0.25 0.86 217 347.83 475.58 72.072 2400 314.6 475.58 1.511696 2Ø20

beam on axis
location Msd 252 1000 fcd Kz fyd As Asmin Asmax as number provide
span 16-
17 131 252 1000 11.33 0.18 0.91 229 347.83 1642.6 360.36 12000 314.6 1642.59 5.221195 6Ø20
span 17-
18 117.4 252 1000 11.33 0.16 0.91 229 347.83 1471.3 360.36 12000 314.6 1471.33 4.676839 5Ø20
span 18-
19 116.2 252 1000 11.33 0.16 0.91 229 347.83 1457.2 360.36 12000 314.6 1457.17 4.631808 5Ø20
span 19-
20 142.8 252 1000 11.33 0.20 0.9 227 347.83 1810.2 360.36 12000 314.6 1810.16 5.753861 6Ø20
span 34-
span 20-
beam on axis
span 11- doubly
12 213.7 252 1000 11.33 0.30 reinforced
span 12-
13 84.73 252 1000 11.33 0.12 0.93 234 347.83 1039.4 360.36 12000 314.6 1039.41 3.303908 34Ø20
span 13-
14 95.98 252 1000 11.33 0.13 0.93 234 347.83 1177.4 360.36 12000 314.6 1177.42 3.742584 4Ø20
span 14-
15 144.2 252 1000 11.33 0.20 0.91 229 347.83 1807.3 360.36 12000 314.6 1807.32 5.744829 6Ø20
span 36-
span 15-

beam on axis
span 6-7 99.42 252 1000 11.33 0.14 0.93 234 347.83 1219.6 360.36 12000 314.6 1219.62 3.876721 4Ø20
span 7-8 110.3 252 1000 11.33 0.15 0.93 234 347.83 1353 360.36 12000 314.6 1352.96 4.300579 5Ø20
span 8-9 106.4 252 1000 11.33 0.15 0.93 234 347.83 1305 360.36 12000 314.6 1305 4.148115 5Ø20
span 9-
10 136.8 252 1000 11.33 0.19 0.91 229 347.83 1714.7 360.36 12000 314.6 1714.68 5.450335 6Ø20
span 10-
beam on axis
span 1-2 39.79 252 1000 11.33 0.06 0.96 242 347.83 472.86 360.36 12000 314.6 472.863 1.50306 2Ø20
span 2-3 114.5 252 1000 11.33 0.16 0.93 234 347.83 1405.1 360.36 12000 314.6 1405.1 4.4663 5Ø20
span 3-4 109.4 252 1000 11.33 0.15 0.93 234 347.83 1342 360.36 12000 314.6 1342.04 4.265875 5Ø20
span 4-5 104.9 252 1000 11.33 0.15 0.93 234 347.83 1287.2 360.36 12000 314.6 1287.21 4.091574 5Ø20

beam on axis
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
span 16- doubly
11 89.6 252 200 11.33 0.62 reinforced
span 11-
6 41.52 252 200 11.33 0.29 0.84 212 347.83 563.91 72.072 2400 314.6 563.911 1.792469 2Ø20
span 6-1 40.87 252 200 11.33 0.28 0.84 212 347.83 555.08 72.072 2400 314.6 555.083 1.764408 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 17-
12 38.77 252 200 11.33 0.27 0.84 212 347.83 526.56 72.072 2400 314.6 526.561 1.673749 2Ø20

span 12-
7 13.97 252 200 11.33 0.10 0.94 237 347.83 169.55 72.072 2400 314.6 169.551 0.538942 2Ø20
span 7-2 40.18 252 200 11.33 0.28 0.84 212 347.83 545.71 72.072 2400 314.6 545.711 1.73462 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 18- doubly
13 47.72 252 200 11.33 0.33 reinforced
span 8-3 8.11 252 200 11.33 0.06 0.96 242 347.83 96.379 72.072 2400 314.6 96.3789 0.306354 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 19-
14 11.72 252 200 11.33 0.08 0.96 242 347.83 139.28 72.072 2400 314.6 139.28 0.442721 2Ø20
span 14-
9 9.09 252 200 11.33 0.06 0.96 242 347.83 108.03 72.072 2400 314.6 108.025 0.343373 2Ø20
span 9-4 11.07 252 200 11.33 0.08 0.96 242 347.83 131.56 72.072 2400 314.6 131.555 0.418167 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 20-
15 25.25 252 200 11.33 0.18 0.91 229 347.83 316.56 72.072 2400 314.6 316.557 1.006222 2Ø20
span 15-
10 23.39 252 200 11.33 0.16 0.91 229 347.83 293.24 72.072 2400 314.6 293.239 0.9321 2Ø20
span 10-
5 20.47 252 200 11.33 0.14 0.91 229 347.83 256.63 72.072 2400 314.6 256.631 0.815737 2Ø20

beam on axis
location Msd 252 1000 fcd Kz fyd As Asmin as number provide
span 16-
17 152.1 252 1000 11.33 0.21 0.91 229 347.83 1907.2 360.36 12000 314.6 1907.24 6.062436 7Ø20
span 17-
18 119.2 252 1000 11.33 0.17 0.91 229 347.83 1494.9 360.36 12000 314.6 1494.9 4.751758 5Ø20

span 18-
19 124.3 252 1000 11.33 0.17 0.91 229 347.83 1558.3 360.36 12000 314.6 1558.34 4.9534 5Ø20
span 19-
20 119.9 252 1000 11.33 0.17 0.91 229 347.83 1502.7 360.36 12000 314.6 1502.68 4.776465 5Ø20
span 34-
span 20-
beam on axis
span 11- doubly
12 220 252 1000 11.33 0.31 reinforced
span 12-
13 85.07 252 1000 11.33 0.12 0.94 237 347.83 1032.5 360.36 12000 314.6 1032.48 3.281877 4Ø20
span 13-
14 99.7 252 1000 11.33 0.14 0.93 234 347.83 1223.1 360.36 12000 314.6 1223.05 3.887639 4Ø20
span 14-
15 156.5 252 1000 11.33 0.22 0.91 229 347.83 1961.7 360.36 12000 314.6 1961.65 6.235387 7Ø20
span 36-
span 15-
beam on axis
span 6-7 97.36 252 1000 11.33 0.14 0.93 234 347.83 1194.3 360.36 12000 314.6 1194.35 3.796394 4Ø20
span 7-8 121.2 252 1000 11.33 0.17 0.94 237 347.83 1470.5 360.36 12000 314.6 1470.5 4.674177 5Ø20
span 8-9 16.17 252 1000 11.33 0.02 0.98 247 347.83 188.24 360.36 12000 314.6 360.36 1.145455 2Ø20
span 9-
10 153.8 252 1000 11.33 0.21 0.91 229 347.83 1928.3 360.36 12000 314.6 1928.3 6.129385 7Ø20
span 10-

beam on axis
span 1-2 41 252 1000 11.33 0.06 0.96 242 347.83 487.24 360.36 12000 314.6 487.242 1.548768 2Ø20
span 2-3 117.9 252 1000 11.33 0.16 0.93 234 347.83 1445.7 360.36 12000 314.6 1445.7 4.595368 5Ø20
span 3-4 113.4 252 1000 11.33 0.16 0.93 234 347.83 1391.1 360.36 12000 314.6 1391.11 4.421848 5Ø20
span 4-5 116.7 252 1000 11.33 0.16 0.93 234 347.83 1431.1 360.36 12000 314.6 1431.1 4.548966 5Ø20

beam on axis
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
span 16- doubly
11 86.46 352 200 11.33 0.31 reinforced 100.67 3200
span 11- doubly
6 151.2 352 200 11.33 0.54 reinforced 100.67 3200
span 6-1 39.53 352 200 11.33 0.14 0.92 324 347.83 350.94 100.67 3200 314.6 350.937 1.115503 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 17- doubly
12 115.1 352 200 11.33 0.41 reinforced
span 12-
7 49.98 352 200 11.33 0.18 0.91 320 347.83 448.59 100.67 3200 314.6 448.585 1.425891 2Ø20
span 7-2 55.12 352 200 11.33 0.20 0.91 320 347.83 494.72 100.67 3200 314.6 494.718 1.572532 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 18- doubly
13 107.6 352 200 11.33 0.38 reinforced
span 8-3 107.5 352 200 11.33 0.38 reinforced

beam on axis
span 19- doubly
14 106.4 352 200 11.33 0.38 reinforced
span 14-
9 74.84 352 200 11.33 0.27 0.84 296 347.83 727.69 100.67 3200 314.6 727.687 2.313056 3Ø20
span 9-4 83.37 352 200 11.33 0.30 reinforced 100.67 3200
beam on axis
span 20- doubly
15 88.46 352 200 11.33 0.32 reinforced
span 15-
10 52.7 352 200 11.33 0.19 0.91 320 347.83 473 100.67 3200 314.6 472.998 1.503491 2Ø20
span 10- doubly
5 109.8 352 200 11.33 0.39 reinforced 100.67 3200

beam on axis
location Msd 352 200 fcd µ Kz fyd As Asmin as number provide
span 16- doubly
17 92.67 352 200 11.33 0.33 reinforced
span 17-
18 74.91 352 200 11.33 0.27 0.84 296 347.83 728.37 100.67 3200 314.6 728.368 2.315219 3Ø20
span 18-
19 75.37 352 200 11.33 0.27 0.84 296 347.83 732.84 100.67 3200 314.6 732.841 2.329436 3Ø20
span 19-
20 76.52 352 200 11.33 0.27 0.84 296 347.83 744.02 100.67 3200 314.6 744.022 2.364979 3Ø20
span 34-

span 20-
beam on axis
span 11- doubly
12 129.9 352 200 11.33 0.46 reinforced
span 12- doubly
13 92.06 352 200 11.33 0.33 reinforced
span 13-
14 77.01 352 200 11.33 0.27 0.84 296 347.83 748.79 100.67 3200 314.6 748.787 2.380123 3Ø20
span 14-
15 74.9 352 200 11.33 0.27 0.84 296 347.83 728.27 100.67 3200 314.6 728.271 2.31491 3Ø20
span 36-
span 15-
beam on axis
span 6-7 65.41 352 200 11.33 0.23 0.91 320 347.83 587.07 100.67 3200 314.6 587.074 1.866098 2Ø20
span 7-8 99.35 352 200 11.33 0.35 reinforced 100.67 3200
span 8-9 76.89 352 200 11.33 0.27 0.84 296 347.83 747.62 100.67 3200 314.6 747.62 2.376414 3Ø20
span 9-
10 78.02 352 200 11.33 0.28 0.84 296 347.83 758.61 100.67 3200 314.6 758.607 2.411339 3Ø20
span 10-
beam on axis
span 1-2 19.79 352 200 11.33 0.07 0.94 331 347.83 171.95 100.67 3200 314.6 360.36 1.145455 2Ø20
span 2-3 95.36 352 200 11.33 0.34 reinforced 100.67 3200

span 3-4 71.81 352 200 11.33 0.26 0.85 299 347.83 690.01 100.67 3200 314.6 690.011 2.193298 3Ø20
span 4-5 90.03 352 200 11.33 0.32 reinforced

beam on axis
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
span 16-
11 41.45 352 200 11.33 0.15 0.91 320 347.83 372.03 100.67 3200 314.6 372.026 1.182537 2Ø20
span 11-
6 72.66 352 200 11.33 0.26 0.85 299 347.83 698.18 100.67 3200 314.6 698.179 2.219259 3Ø20
span 6-1 40.88 352 200 11.33 0.15 0.91 320 347.83 366.91 100.67 3200 314.6 366.91 1.166275 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 17-
12 67.93 352 200 11.33 0.24 0.85 299 347.83 652.73 100.67 3200 314.6 652.729 2.074791 3Ø20
span 12- doubly
7 126.3 352 200 11.33 0.45 reinforced 100.67
span 7-2 64.78 352 200 11.33 0.23 0.85 299 347.83 622.46 100.67 3200 314.6 622.461 1.97858 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 18- doubly
13 108.3 352 200 11.33 0.39 reinforced
span 13-
8 67.04 352 200 11.33 0.24 0.85 299 347.83 644.18 100.67 3200 314.6 644.177 2.047607 3Ø20
span 8-3 83.72 352 200 11.33 0.30 reinforced
beam on axis

span 19- doubly
14 108.6 352 200 11.33 0.39 reinforced
span 14-
9 66.71 352 200 11.33 0.24 0.85 299 347.83 641.01 100.67 3200 314.6 641.006 2.037528 3Ø20
span 9-4 54.2 352 200 11.33 0.19 0.89 313 347.83 497.39 100.67 3200 314.6 497.393 1.581033 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 20- doubly
15 109 352 200 11.33 0.39 reinforced
span 15-
10 29.34 352 200 11.33 0.10 0.94 331 347.83 254.93 100.67 3200 314.6 254.931 0.810334 2Ø20
span 10- doubly
5 122.7 352 200 11.33 0.44 reinforced

beam on axis
location Msd fcd µ Kz Z fyd As Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
span 16-
17 2.24 352 200 11.33 0.01 0.99 348 347.83 18.48 100.67 3200 314.6 100.67 0.319994 2Ø20
span 17- doubly
18 84.91 352 200 11.33 0.30 reinforced
span 18- doubly
19 88.58 352 200 11.33 0.32 reinforced
span 19- doubly
20 89.96 352 200 11.33 0.32 reinforced
beam on axis
span 11-
12 66.37 352 200 11.33 0.24 0.85 299 347.83 637.74 100.67 3200 314.6 637.739 2.027143 3Ø20
span 12-
13 69.8 352 200 11.33 0.25 0.85 299 347.83 670.7 100.67 3200 314.6 670.698 2.131906 3Ø20

span 13-
14 79.9 352 200 11.33 0.28 0.82 289 347.83 795.84 100.67 3200 314.6 795.835 2.529674 3Ø20
span 14- doubly
15 83.38 352 200 11.33 0.30 reinforced
span 16-
beam on axis
span 6-7 62.75 352 200 11.33 0.22 0.87 306 347.83 589.09 100.67 3200 314.6 589.094 1.872518 2Ø20
span 7-8 81.81 352 200 11.33 0.29 0.8 282 347.83 835.23 100.67 3200 314.6 835.231 2.654899 3Ø20
span 8-9 55.16 352 200 11.33 0.20 0.87 306 347.83 517.84 100.67 3200 314.6 517.84 1.646026 2Ø20
span 9-
10 58.78 352 200 11.33 0.21 0.87 306 347.83 551.82 100.67 3200 314.6 551.824 1.75405 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 1-2 30.83 352 200 11.33 0.11 0.94 331 347.83 267.88 100.67 3200 314.6 360.36 1.145455 2Ø20
span 2-3 87.06 352 200 11.33 0.31 reinforced
span 3-4 82.68 352 200 11.33 0.29 0.8 282 347.83 844.11 100.67 3200 314.6 844.113 2.683132 3Ø20
span 4-5 97.73 352 200 11.33 0.35 reinforced

beam on axis
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
span 16-
11 59.33 452 400 11.33 0.06 0.96 434 347.83 393.1 258.544 8000 314.6 393.095 1.249508 2Ø20
span 11-
6 50.7 452 400 11.33 0.05 0.96 434 347.83 335.92 258.544 8000 314.6 335.916 1.067757 2Ø20

span 6-1 58.44 452 400 11.33 0.06 0.96 434 347.83 387.2 258.544 8000 314.6 387.198 1.230764 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 17-
12 44.1 452 400 11.33 0.05 0.96 434 347.83 292.19 258.544 8000 314.6 292.188 0.928759 2Ø20
span 12-
7 1.72 452 400 11.33 0.00 1 452 347.83 10.94 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
span 7-2 43.08 452 400 11.33 0.05 0.96 434 347.83 285.43 258.544 8000 314.6 285.43 0.907278 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 18-
13 39.61 452 400 11.33 0.04 0.97 438 347.83 259.73 258.544 8000 314.6 259.733 0.825599 2Ø20
span 13-
8 7.2 452 400 11.33 0.01 0.99 447 347.83 46.259 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
span 8-3 10.27 452 400 11.33 0.01 0.99 447 347.83 65.983 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 19-
14 8.1 452 400 11.33 0.01 0.99 447 347.83 52.041 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
span 14-
9 10.89 452 400 11.33 0.01 0.99 447 347.83 69.966 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
span 9-4 10.52 452 400 11.33 0.01 0.99 447 347.83 67.589 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 20-
15 53.47 452 400 11.33 0.06 0.96 434 347.83 354.27 258.544 8000 314.6 354.269 1.126094 2Ø20
span 15-
10 55.64 452 400 11.33 0.06 0.96 434 347.83 368.65 258.544 8000 314.6 368.647 1.171795 2Ø20
span 10-
5 53.81 452 400 11.33 0.06 0.96 434 347.83 356.52 258.544 8000 314.6 356.522 1.133255 2Ø20

beam on axis
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
span 16-
17 3.28 452 400 11.33 0.00 1 452 347.83 20.863 258.544 8000 314.6 258.86 0.822823 2Ø20
span 17-
18 42.66 452 400 11.33 0.05 0.96 434 347.83 282.65 258.544 8000 314.6 282.647 0.898432 2Ø20
span 18-
19 41.28 452 400 11.33 0.04 0.97 438 347.83 270.68 258.544 8000 314.6 270.684 0.860407 2Ø20
span 19-
20 44.63 452 400 11.33 0.05 0.96 434 347.83 295.7 258.544 8000 314.6 295.699 0.939921 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 11-
12 10.81 452 400 11.33 0.01 0.99 447 347.83 69.452 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
span 12-
13 32.68 452 400 11.33 0.04 0.97 438 347.83 214.29 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
span 13-
14 6.45 452 400 11.33 0.01 0.99 447 347.83 41.44 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
span 14-
15 8.68 452 400 11.33 0.01 0.99 447 347.83 55.767 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 6-7 42.37 452 400 11.33 0.05 0.96 434 347.83 280.73 258.544 8000 314.6 280.725 0.892325 2Ø20
span 7-8 3.91 452 400 11.33 0.00 1 452 347.83 24.87 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
span 8-9 8.89 452 400 11.33 0.01 0.99 447 347.83 57.116 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
span 9-
10 7.49 452 400 11.33 0.01 0.99 447 347.83 48.122 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
beam on axis
span 1-2 60.53 452 400 11.33 0.07 0.95 429 347.83 405.27 258.544 8000 314.6 405.267 1.288199 2Ø20

span 2-3 38.33 452 400 11.33 0.04 0.97 438 347.83 251.34 258.544 8000 314.6 258.544 0.821818 2Ø20
span 3-4 42.42 452 400 11.33 0.05 0.96 434 347.83 281.06 258.544 8000 314.6 281.057 0.893378 2Ø20
span 4-5 44.23 452 400 11.33 0.05 0.96 434 347.83 293.05 258.544 8000 314.6 293.049 0.931497 2Ø20


beam on axis B
location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1 As2 Astot
span 7-
12 52.748 202 200 11.33 0.57 doubly reinforced
span 7-
12 27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 161.6 347.83 485.26 475.5 960.8
span 7-
12 27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 475.5 475.5
beam on axis D

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 9-
14 52.986 202 200 11.33 0.57 doubly reinforced

span 9-
14 27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 161.6 347.83 485.26 480 965.2
span 9-
14 27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 480 480
beam on axis A

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)

span 16-
11 151.827 352 200 11.33 0.54 doubly reinforced
span 16-
12 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 652.6 1498
span 16-
13 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 652.6 652.6
span 11-
6 97.865 352 200 11.33 0.35 doubly reinforced
span 11-
6 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 142.2 987.8
span 11-
6 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 142.2 142.2
beam on axis C

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 18-
13 84.467 352 200 11.33 0.30 doubly reinforced
span 18-
13 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 15.52 861.1
span 18-
13 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 15.52 15.52
span 8-3 89.301 352 200 11.33 0.32 doubly reinforced

span 8-3 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 61.23 906.8
span 8-3 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 61.23 61.23
beam on axis D

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 9-4 108.679 352 200 11.33 0.39 doubly reinforced

span 9-4 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 244.5 1090

span 9-4 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 244.5 244.5
beam on axis 1

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 16-
17 159.845 352 200 11.33 0.57 doubly reinforced
span 16-
17 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 728.4 1574
span 16-
17 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 728.4 728.4
span 19-
20 88.116 352 200 11.33 0.31 doubly reinforced
span 19-
20 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 50.03 895.6
span 19-
20 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 50.03 50.03
beam on axis 2

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 11-
12 93.535 352 200 11.33 0.33 doubly reinforced
span 11-
12 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 101.3 946.9
span 11-
12 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 101.3 101.3
span 14-
15 83.423 352 200 11.33 0.30 doubly reinforced
span 14-
15 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 5.645 851.2
span 14-
15 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 5.645 5.645

beam on axis 3

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 9-
10 86.01 352 200 11.33 0.31 doubly reinforced
span 9-
10 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 30.11 875.7
span 9-
10 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 30.11 30.11
beam on axis 4

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 2-3 89.8 352 200 11.33 0.32 doubly reinforced
span 2-
3. 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 65.95 911.6
span 2-3 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 65.95 65.95
span 4-5 105.14 352 200 11.33 0.37 doubly reinforced

span 4-5 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 211 1057
span 4-5 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 211 211

beam on axis A

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 6-1 45.77 252 200 11.33 0.32 doubly reinforced

span 6-1 42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.38 46.78 652.2
span 6-1 42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 46.78 46.78

beam on axis B

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 17-
12 51.88 252 204 200 11.33 0.36 doubly reinforced
span 17-
12 42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.38 132.9 738.3
span 17-
12 42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 132.9 132.9
beam on axis C

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 8-3 81.2 252 204 200 11.33 0.56 doubly reinforced

span 8-3 42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.38 546.1 1151
span 8-3 42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 546.1 546.1
beam on axis 2

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 11-
12 213.68 252 204 1000 11.33 0.30 doubly reinforced
span 11-
12 212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3026.9 20.12 3047
span 11-
12 212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 20.12 20.12
beam on axis A

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)

span 16-
11 89.6 252 204 200 11.33 0.62 doubly reinforced
span 16-
11 42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.38 664.5 1270
span 16-
11 42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 664.5 664.5
beam on axis C

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 18-
13 47.72 252 204 200 11.33 0.33 doubly reinforced
span 18-
13 42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.38 74.26 679.6
span 18-
13 42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 74.26 74.26
beam on axis 2

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 11-
12 220.01 252 204 1000 11.33 0.31 doubly reinforced
span 11-
12 212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3026.9 109.3 3136
span 11-
12 212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 109.3 109.3
beam on axis A

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)

span 16-
11 86.46 352 200 11.33 0.31 doubly reinforced
span 16-
11 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 34.37 880
span 16-
11 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 34.37 34.37
span 11-
6 151.23 352 200 11.33 0.54 doubly reinforced
span 11-
6 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 646.9 1493
span 11-
6 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 646.9 646.9
beam on axis B

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 17-
12 115.1 352 304 200 11.33 0.41 doubly reinforced
span 17-
12 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 305.2 1151
span 17-
12 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 305.2 305.2
beam on axis C

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 18-
13 107.55 352 200 11.33 0.38 doubly reinforced
span 18-
13 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 233.8 1079
span 18-
13 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 233.8 233.8
span 8-3 107.48 352 200 11.33 0.38 doubly reinforced

span 8-3 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 233.2 1079
span 8-3 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 233.2 233.2
beam on axis D

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 19-
14 106.37 352 200 11.33 0.38 doubly reinforced
span 19-
14 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 222.7 1068
span 19-
14 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 222.7 222.7
span 9-4 83.37 352 200 11.33 0.30 doubly reinforced

span 9-4 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 5.144 850.7
span 9-4 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 5.144 5.144

beam on axis E

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 20-
15 88.46 352 200 11.33 0.32 doubly reinforced
span 20-
15 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 53.28 898.9
span 20-
15 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 53.28 53.28
span 10-
5 109.82 352 200 11.33 0.39 doubly reinforced
span 10-
5 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 255.3 1101

span 10-
5 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 255.3 255.3

beam on axis 1

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 16-
17 92.67 352 200 11.33 0.33 doubly reinforced
span 16-
17 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 93.09 938.7
span 16-
17 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 93.09 93.09
beam on axis 2

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 11-
12 129.92 352 200 11.33 0.46 doubly reinforced
span 11-
12 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 445.4 1291
span 11-
12 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 445.4 445.4
span 12-
13 92.06 352 200 11.33 0.33 doubly reinforced
span 12-
13 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 87.33 932.9
span 12-
13 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 87.33 87.33
beam on axis 3

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 7-8 99.35 352 200 11.33 0.35 doubly reinforced

span 7-8 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 156.3 1002
span 7-8 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 156.3 156.3
beam on axis 4

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 2-3 95.35 352 200 11.33 0.34 doubly reinforced

span 2-3 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 118.4 964
span 2-3 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 118.4 118.4
span 4-5 90.03 352 200 11.33 0.32 doubly reinforced

span 4-5 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 68.13 913.7
span 4-5 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 68.13 68.13

beam on axis B

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 12-
7 126.28 352 200 11.33 0.45 doubly reinforced
span 12-
7 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 410.9 1257
span 12-
7 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 410.9 410.9

beam on axis C

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)

span 18-
13 108.26 352 200 11.33 0.39 doubly reinforced
span 18-
13 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 240.5 1086
span 18-
13 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 240.5 240.5
span 8-3 83.72 352 200 11.33 0.30 doubly reinforced

span 8-3 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 8.454 854.1
span 8-3 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 8.454 8.454

beam on axis D

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 19-
14 108.6 352 200 11.33 0.39 doubly reinforced
span 19-
15 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 243.7 1089
span 19-
16 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 243.7 243.7

beam on axis E

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 20-
15 108.99 352 200 11.33 0.39 doubly reinforced
span 20-
15 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 247.4 1093
span 20-
15 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 247.4 247.4

span 10-
5 122.71 352 200 11.33 0.44 doubly reinforced
span 10-
5 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 377.2 1223
span 10-
5 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 377.2 377.2

beam on axis 1

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 17-
18 84.91 352 200 11.33 0.30 doubly reinforced
span 17-
18 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 19.71 865.3
span 17-
18 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 19.71 19.71
span 18-
19 88.58 352 200 11.33 0.32 doubly reinforced
span 18-
19 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 54.42 900
span 18-
19 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 54.42 54.42
span 19-
20 89.96 352 200 11.33 0.32 doubly reinforced
span 19-
20 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 67.47 913.1
span 19-
20 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 67.47 67.47

beam on axis 2

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 14-
15 83.38 352 200 11.33 0.30 doubly reinforced
span 14-
15 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 5.238 850.8
span 14-
15 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 5.238 5.238

beam on axis 4

location Msd(KNm) deff(mm) deff2 b(mm) fcd(N/mm2) µ Kz z fyd(N/mm2) As1(mm2) As2(mm2) Astot(mm2)
span 2-3 87.06 352 200 11.33 0.31 doubly reinforced

span 2-3 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 40.04 885.6
span 2-3 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 40.04 40.04
span 4-5 97.73 352 200 11.33 0.35 doubly reinforced

span 4-5 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.61 140.9 986.6
span 4-5 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 140.9 140.9


sopport single
beam on axis 2
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
13 56.91 352 200 11.33 0.20 0.88 309.76 347.8 528.2 100.7 3200 314.6 528.2 1.6789 2Ø20

beam on axis 3
7 82.421 352 200 11.33 0.29 0.82 288.64 347.8 820.9 100.7 3200 314.6 820.95 2.6095 3Ø20
8 60.336 352 200 11.33 0.21 0.88 309.76 347.8 560 100.7 3200 314.6 559.99 1.78 2Ø20
beam on axis 4
13 10.94 352 200 11.33 0.04 0.98 344.96 347.8 91.18 100.7 3200 314.6 100.67 0.32 2Ø20
beam on axis 1
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
16 187.17 252 1000 11.33 0.26 0.85 214.2 347.8 2512 360.4 12000 314.6 2512.2 7.9855 8Ø20
18 173.38 252 1000 11.33 0.24 0.85 214.2 347.8 2327 360.4 12000 314.6 2327.1 7.3969 8Ø20
19 158.54 252 1000 11.33 0.22 0.88 221.76 347.8 2055 360.4 12000 314.6 2055.3 6.5331 7Ø20
20 194.35 252 1000 11.33 0.27 0.84 211.68 347.8 2640 360.4 12000 314.6 2639.6 8.3904 9Ø20
beam on axis 2
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
13 204.85 252 1000 11.33 0.28 0.83 209.16 347.8 2816 360.4 12000 314.6 2815.7 8.9501 9Ø20
14 174.15 252 1000 11.33 0.24 0.85 214.2 347.8 2337 360.4 12000 314.6 2337.4 7.4299 8Ø20
beam on axis 3
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
6 147.32 252 1000 11.33 0.20 0.88 221.76 347.8 1910 360.4 12000 314.6 1909.9 6.0708 7Ø20

7 170.76 252 1000 11.33 0.24 0.85 214.2 347.8 2292 360.4 12000 314.6 2291.9 7.285 8Ø20
8 191.12 252 1000 11.33 0.27 0.83 209.16 347.8 2627 360.4 12000 314.6 2627 8.3502 9Ø20
9 205.14 252 1000 11.33 0.29 0.82 206.64 347.8 2854 360.4 12000 314.6 2854.1 9.0721 10Ø20
beam on axis 4
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
1 61.78 252 1000 11.33 0.09 0.94 236.88 347.8 749.8 360.4 12000 314.6 749.81 2.3834 3Ø20
2 184.79 252 1000 11.33 0.26 0.84 211.68 347.8 2510 360.4 12000 314.6 2509.8 7.9776 8Ø20
3 161.05 252 1000 11.33 0.22 0.88 221.76 347.8 2088 360.4 12000 314.6 2087.8 6.6365 7Ø20
4 114.25 252 1000 11.33 0.16 0.91 229.32 347.8 1432 360.4 12000 314.6 1432.3 4.5527 5Ø20
5 197.74 252 1000 11.33 0.27 0.83 209.16 347.8 2718 360.4 12000 314.6 2718 8.6397 9Ø20
beam on axis E
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
15 25.329 252 200 11.33 0.18 0.89 224.28 347.8 324.7 72.07 2400 314.6 324.68 1.0321 2Ø20
10 25.671 252 200 11.33 0.18 0.89 224.28 347.8 329.1 72.07 2400 314.6 329.07 1.046 2Ø20

beam on axis 1
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
20 148.81 252 1000 11.33 0.21 0.88 221.76 347.8 1929 360.4 12000 314.6 1929.2 6.1321 7Ø20

beam on axis 2
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
15 150.66 252 1000 11.33 0.21 0.88 221.76 347.8 1953 360.4 12000 314.6 1953.3 6.2087 7Ø20
beam on axis 3
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
6 160.41 252 1000 11.33 0.22 0.88 221.76 347.8 2080 360.4 12000 314.6 2079.6 6.6104 7Ø20
7 195.54 252 1000 11.33 0.27 0.83 209.16 347.8 2688 360.4 12000 314.6 2687.7 8.5432 9Ø20
10 205.05 252 1000 11.33 0.28 0.83 209.16 347.8 2818 360.4 12000 314.6 2818.5 8.9589 9Ø20
beam on axis 4
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
1 66.771 252 1000 11.33 0.09 0.94 236.88 347.8 810.4 360.4 12000 314.6 810.39 2.5759 3Ø20
2 194.73 252 1000 11.33 0.27 0.83 209.16 347.8 2677 360.4 12000 314.6 2676.7 8.5081 9Ø20
3 208.87 252 1000 11.33 0.29 0.82 206.64 347.8 2906 360.4 12000 314.6 2905.9 9.2369 10Ø20
beam on axis A
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
24 36.655 252 200 11.33 0.25 0.85 214.2 347.8 492 72.07 2400 314.6 491.98 1.5638 2Ø20
beam on axis C
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
13 31.331 252 200 11.33 0.22 0.88 221.76 347.8 406.2 72.07 2400 314.6 406.19 1.2911 2Ø20
8 3.169 252 200 11.33 0.02 0.98 246.96 347.8 36.89 72.07 2400 314.6 72.072 0.2291 2Ø20

3 18.545 252 200 11.33 0.13 0.92 231.84 347.8 230 72.07 2400 314.6 229.97 0.731 2Ø20
beam on axis D
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
4 18.277 252 200 11.33 0.13 0.92 231.84 347.8 226.6 72.07 2400 314.6 226.65 0.7204 2Ø20
beam on axis E
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
20 35.221 252 200 11.33 0.24 0.85 214.2 347.8 472.7 72.07 2400 314.6 472.73 1.5026 2Ø20
28 17.025 252 200 11.33 0.12 0.93 234.36 347.8 208.9 72.07 2400 314.6 208.85 0.6639 2Ø20

beam on axis 3
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
6 166.65 252 1000 11.33 0.23 0.86 216.72 347.8 2211 360.4 12000 314.6 2210.8 7.0273 8Ø20
beam on axis 4
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
1 73.761 252 1000 11.33 0.10 0.94 236.88 347.8 895.2 360.4 12000 314.6 895.22 2.8456 3Ø20
2 207.47 252 1000 11.33 0.29 0.82 206.64 347.8 2887 360.4 12000 314.6 2886.5 9.1752 10Ø20
beam on axis A
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
11 34.961 252 200 11.33 0.24 0.98 246.96 347.8 407 72.07 2400 314.6 72.072 0.2291 2Ø20
beam on axis C

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
8 3.468 252 200 11.33 0.02 0.98 246.96 347.8 40.37 72.07 2400 314.6 72.072 0.2291 2Ø20
3 32.587 252 200 11.33 0.23 0.86 216.72 347.8 432.3 72.07 2400 314.6 432.29 1.3741 2Ø20
beam on axis D
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
14 25.595 252 200 11.33 0.18 0.89 224.28 347.8 328.1 72.07 2400 314.6 328.09 1.0429 2Ø20
9 25.386 252 200 11.33 0.18 0.89 224.28 347.8 325.4 72.07 2400 314.6 325.41 1.0344 2Ø20
4 35.703 252 200 11.33 0.25 0.85 214.2 347.8 479.2 72.07 2400 314.6 479.2 1.5232 2Ø20
beam on axis E
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
28 35.765 252 200 11.33 0.25 0.85 214.2 347.8 480 72.07 2400 314.6 480.03 1.5259 2Ø20
beam on axis A
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
24 10.08 352 200 11.33 0.04 0.97 341.44 347.8 84.87 100.7 3200 314.6 100.67 0.32 2Ø20
beam on axis B
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
25 21.82 352 200 11.33 0.08 0.95 334.4 347.8 187.6 100.7 3200 314.6 187.6 0.5963 2Ø20
beam on axis C
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz fyd Asmin Asmax as provide

26 24.72 352 200 11.33 0.09 0.94 330.88 347.8 214.8 100.7 3200 314.6 214.79 0.6827 2Ø20
beam on axis D
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz fyd Asmin Asmax as provide
27 23.98 352 200 11.33 0.09 0.94 330.88 347.8 208.4 100.7 3200 314.6 208.36 0.6623 2Ø20
beam on axis E
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz fyd Asmin Asmax as provide
28 22.47 352 200 11.33 0.08 0.95 334.4 347.8 193.2 100.7 3200 314.6 193.18 0.6141 2Ø20

beam on axis 4
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
1 39.66 352 200 11.33 0.14 0.93 49.722 347.8 2293 100.7 3200 314.6 2293.2 7.2891 2Ø20

beam on axis 1
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
16 12.76 352 200 11.33 0.05 0.97 341.44 347.8 107.4 100.7 3200 314.6 107.44 0.3415 2Ø20
beam on axis 4
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
1 64.34 352 200 11.33 0.23 0.86 302.72 347.8 611 100.7 3200 314.6 611.04 1.9423 2Ø20
beam on axis
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide

24 35.85 352 200 11.33 0.13 0.93 327.36 347.8 314.8 100.7 3200 314.6 314.84 1.0008 2Ø20
beam on axis B
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
25 34.85 352 200 11.33 0.12 0.93 327.36 347.8 306.1 100.7 3200 314.6 306.06 0.9729 2Ø20
beam on axis C
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
26 32.03 352 200 11.33 0.11 0.94 330.88 347.8 278.3 100.7 3200 314.6 278.3 0.8846 2Ø20
beam on axis D
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
27 30.64 352 200 11.33 0.11 0.94 330.88 347.8 266.2 100.7 3200 314.6 266.23 0.8462 2Ø20
beam on axis E
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Ascal Asmin Asmax as Asprov number provide
25 29.63 352 200 11.33 0.11 0.94 330.88 347.8 257.5 100.7 3200 314.6 257.45 0.8183 2Ø20


beam on axis 1
location Msd deff deff2 b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot Asmin Asmax as
7 99.84 202 200 11.33 1.08 doubly reinforced
27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 161.6 347.83 485.3 1354.7 1840 57.77 2000 314.2
27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1354.7 1355 57.77 2000 314.2

8 43.92 202 200 11.33 0.48 doubly reinforced
27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 161.6 347.83 485.3 310.77 796 57.77 2000 314.2
27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 310.77 310.8 57.77 2000 314.2
9 87.56 202 200 11.33 0.95 doubly reinforced
27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 161.6 347.83 485.3 1125.5 1611 57.77 2000 314.2
27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1125.5 1125 57.77 2000 314.2
beam on axis 2
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As Asmin Asmax as
12 99.84 202 200 11.33 1.08 doubly reinforced
27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 161.6 347.83 485.3 1354.7 1840 57.77 2000 314.2
27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1354.7 1355 57.77 2000 314.2
13 47.52 202 200 11.33 0.51 doubly reinforced
27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 161.6 347.83 485.3 377.94 863.2 57.77 2000 314.2
27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 377.94 377.9 57.77 2000 314.2
14 97.05 202 200 11.33 1.05 doubly reinforced
27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 161.6 347.83 485.3 1302.6 1788 57.77 2000 314.2
27.28 202 154 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1302.6 1303 57.77 2000 314.2
beam on axis 1

location Msd deff deff2 b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
16 253.4 352 200 11.33 0.90 doubly reinforced

16 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1613.4 2459 100.7 3200 314.2
16 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1613.4 1613 100.7 3200 314.2
17 253.7 352 200 11.33 0.90 doubly reinforced
17 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1616.3 2462 100.7 3200 314.2
17 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1616.3 1616 100.7 3200 314.2
18 149.7 352 200 11.33 0.53 doubly reinforced
18 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 632.81 1478 100.7 3200 314.2
18 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 632.81 632.8 100.7 3200 314.2
19 159.9 352 200 11.33 0.57 doubly reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 728.61 1574 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 728.61 728.6 100.7 3200 314.2
20 127.9 352 200 11.33 0.46 doubly reinforced
20 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 425.99 1272 100.7 3200 314.2
20 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 425.99 426 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis 2

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
11 248.8 352 200 11.33 0.89 doubly reinforced

82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1570 2416 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1570 1570 100.7 3200 314.2
12 176 352 200 11.33 0.63 doubly reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 880.7 1726 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 880.7 880.7 100.7 3200 314.2
14 144.4 352 200 11.33 0.51 doubly reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 582.01 1428 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 582.01 582 100.7 3200 314.2
15 129.5 352 200 11.33 0.46 doubly reinforced

beam on axis 3

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
6 169.7 352 200 11.33 0.60 doubly reinforced
6 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 821.58 1667 100.7 3200 314.2
6 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 821.58 821.6 100.7 3200 314.2
9 147.4 352 200 11.33 0.52 doubly reinforced
9 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 610.59 1456 100.7 3200 314.2
9 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 610.59 610.6 100.7 3200 314.2

10 133.2 352 200 11.33 0.47 doubly reinforced
10 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 476.49 1322 100.7 3200 314.2
10 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 476.49 476.5 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis 4

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
2 166.1 352 200 11.33 0.59 doubly reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 787.39 1633 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 787.39 787.4 100.7 3200 314.2
3 164.6 352 200 11.33 0.59 doubly reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 773.06 1619 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 773.06 773.1 100.7 3200 314.2
4 189.3 352 200 11.33 0.67 doubly reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1006.5 1852 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1006.5 1006 100.7 3200 314.2
5 154.2 352 200 11.33 0.55 doubly reinforced
5 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 675.28 1521 100.7 3200 314.2
5 82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 675.28 675.3 100.7 3200 314.2

beam on axis 1

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
17 218.2 252 1000 11.33 0.30 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 84.099 3111 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 84.099 84.1 360.4 12000 314.2
beam on axis 2

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
11 271.3 252 1000 11.33 0.38 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 831.59 3858 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 831.59 831.6 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
12 322.2 252 1000 11.33 0.45 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 1549.9 4577 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 1549.9 1550 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
15 285.5 252 1000 11.33 0.40 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 1032.7 4060 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 1032.7 1033 360.4 12000 314.2
beam on axis 3

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
10 306.5 252 1000 11.33 0.43 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 1328.6 4356 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 1328.6 1329 360.4 12000 314.2
beam on axis A

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
16 82.07 252 200 11.33 0.57 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 558.33 1164 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 558.33 558.3 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
11 47.81 252 200 11.33 0.33 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 75.587 681 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 75.587 75.59 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
6 121.6 252 200 11.33 0.85 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 1115.4 1721 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1115.4 1115 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
1 97.62 252 200 11.33 0.68 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 777.49 1383 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 777.49 777.5 72.07 2400 314.2
beam on axis B

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
17 86.57 252 200 11.33 0.60 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 621.72 1227 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 621.72 621.7 72.07 2400 314.2

support doubly
12 66.63 252 200 11.33 0.46 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 340.69 946.1 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 340.69 340.7 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
7 75.83 252 200 11.33 0.53 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 470.36 1076 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 470.36 470.4 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
2 85.87 252 200 11.33 0.60 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 611.92 1217 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 611.92 611.9 72.07 2400 314.2
beam on axis C

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
18 72.55 252 200 11.33 0.50 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 424.15 1030 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 424.15 424.1 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
13 75.95 252 200 11.33 0.53 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 472.04 1077 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 472.04 472 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
8 70.8 252 200 11.33 0.49 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 399.53 1005 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 399.53 399.5 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
3 75.69 252 200 11.33 0.53 reinforced

42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 468.43 1074 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 468.43 468.4 72.07 2400 314.2
beam on axis D

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
19 82.15 252 200 11.33 0.57 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 559.54 1165 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 559.54 559.5 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
14 62.57 252 200 11.33 0.43 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 283.56 888.9 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 283.56 283.6 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
9 58.11 252 200 11.33 0.40 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 220.67 826.1 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 220.67 220.7 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
4 87.91 252 200 11.33 0.61 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 640.72 1246 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 640.72 640.7 72.07 2400 314.2
beam on axis E

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
20 52.8 252 200 11.33 0.37 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 145.78 751.2 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 145.78 145.8 72.07 2400 314.2

support doubly
5 54.86 252 200 11.33 0.38 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 174.84 780.2 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 174.84 174.8 72.07 2400 314.2


beam on axis 1

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
16 295.5 252 1000 11.33 0.41 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 1172.6 4199 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 1172.6 1173 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
17 241.6 252 1000 11.33 0.34 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 413.3 3440 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 413.3 413.3 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
18 236.7 252 1000 11.33 0.33 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 343.97 3371 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 343.97 344 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
19 243.5 252 1000 11.33 0.34 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 440.41 3467 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 440.41 440.4 360.4 12000 314.2

beam on axis 2

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
11 384.9 252 1000 11.33 0.53 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 2433 5460 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 2433 2433 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
12 327.5 252 1000 11.33 0.46 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 1624.6 4652 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 1624.6 1625 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
13 213 252 1000 11.33 0.30 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 10.674 3038 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 10.674 10.67 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
14 223.6 252 1000 11.33 0.31 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 159.23 3186 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 159.23 159.2 360.4 12000 314.2
beam on axis 3

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
8 231 252 1000 11.33 0.32 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 264.32 3291 360.4 12000 314.2

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 264.32 264.3 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
9 217.7 252 1000 11.33 0.30 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 76.77 3104 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 76.77 76.77 360.4 12000 314.2
beam on axis 4
location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
4 219.3 252 1000 11.33 0.30 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 560.16 3587 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 560.16 560.2 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
5 213.5 252 1000 11.33 0.30 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 560.16 3587 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 560.16 560.2 360.4 12000 314.2
beam on axis A

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
16 45.99 252 200 11.33 0.32 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 49.882 655.3 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 49.882 49.88 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
11 58.86 252 200 11.33 0.41 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 231.24 836.6 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 231.24 231.2 72.07 2400 314.2

support doubly
6 98.33 252 200 11.33 0.68 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 787.49 1393 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 787.49 787.5 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
1 89.36 252 200 11.33 0.62 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 661.05 1266 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 661.05 661.1 72.07 2400 314.2
beam on axis B

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
17 61.11 252 200 11.33 0.42 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 263 868.4 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 263 263 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
12 77.21 252 200 11.33 0.54 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 489.91 1095 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 489.91 489.9 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
7 51.26 252 200 11.33 0.36 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 124.15 729.5 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 124.15 124.2 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
2 95.32 252 200 11.33 0.66 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 745.06 1350 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 745.06 745.1 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
25 48.01 252 204 200 11.33 0.33 reinforced

42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 78.378 683.8 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 78.378 78.38 72.07 2400 314.2
beam on axis C

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
18 79.23 252 200 11.33 0.55 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 518.33 1124 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 518.33 518.3 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
26 49.77 252 200 11.33 0.35 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 103.21 708.6 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 103.21 103.2 72.07 2400 314.2
beam on axis D

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
19 79.09 252 200 11.33 0.55 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 516.35 1122 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 516.35 516.3 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
14 49.04 252 200 11.33 0.34 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 92.837 698.2 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 92.837 92.84 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
9 69.47 252 200 11.33 0.48 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 380.8 986.2 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 380.8 380.8 72.07 2400 314.2

support doubly
27 52.12 252 200 11.33 0.36 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 136.2 741.6 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 136.2 136.2 72.07 2400 314.2
beam on axis E

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
15 79.69 252 200 11.33 0.55 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 524.86 1130 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 524.86 524.9 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
10 69.49 252 200 11.33 0.48 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 381.05 986.4 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 381.05 381.1 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
5 65.51 252 200 11.33 0.46 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 324.93 930.3 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 324.93 324.9 72.07 2400 314.2


beam on axis 1

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
16 319.4 252 1000 11.33 0.44 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 1509.8 4537 360.4 12000 314.2

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 1509.8 1510 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
17 275.2 252 1000 11.33 0.38 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 886.69 3914 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 886.69 886.7 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
18 248.2 252 1000 11.33 0.34 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 506.14 3533 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 506.14 506.1 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
19 233 252 1000 11.33 0.32 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 291.69 3319 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 291.69 291.7 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
20 244.8 252 1000 11.33 0.34 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 458.11 3485 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 458.11 458.1 360.4 12000 314.2
beam on axis 2

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
11 415.1 252 1000 11.33 0.58 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 2859.3 5886 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 2859.3 2859 360.4 12000 314.2

support doubly
12 355.2 252 1000 11.33 0.49 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 2015 5042 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 2015 2015 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
13 216.9 252 1000 11.33 0.30 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 65.003 3092 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 65.003 65 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
14 258.3 252 1000 11.33 0.36 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 649.54 3676 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 649.54 649.5 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
15 244.3 252 1000 11.33 0.34 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 451.18 3478 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 451.18 451.2 360.4 12000 314.2
beam on axis 3

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
7 219.4 252 1000 11.33 0.30 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 100.33 3127 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 100.33 100.3 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
8 249.6 252 1000 11.33 0.35 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 526.89 3554 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 526.89 526.9 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
9 261.5 252 1000 11.33 0.36 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 693.62 3721 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 693.62 693.6 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
10 246.8 252 1000 11.33 0.34 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 486.2 3513 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 486.2 486.2 360.4 12000 314.2
beam on axis 4

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
3 221.3 252 1000 11.33 0.31 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 127.14 3154 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 127.14 127.1 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
4 226.7 252 1000 11.33 0.32 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 203.14 3230 360.4 12000 314.2
212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 203.14 203.1 360.4 12000 314.2
support doubly
5 236.7 252 1000 11.33 0.33 reinforced

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 3027 344.18 3371 360.4 12000 314.2

212.25 252 204 1000 11.33 0.295 347.83 344.18 344.2 360.4 12000 314.2
beam on axis A

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
16 71.81 252 200 11.33 0.50 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 413.71 1019 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 413.71 413.7 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
6 117.3 252 200 11.33 0.82 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 1054.8 1660 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1054.8 1055 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
1 104.1 252 200 11.33 0.72 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 868.97 1474 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 868.97 869 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
24 53.72 252 200 11.33 0.37 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 158.79 764.2 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 158.79 158.8 72.07 2400 314.2
beam on axis B

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
17 78.74 252 200 11.33 0.55 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 511.48 1117 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 511.48 511.5 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
12 79.3 252 200 11.33 0.55 reinforced

42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 519.32 1125 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 519.32 519.3 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
7 45.26 252 200 11.33 0.31 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 39.58 645 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 39.58 39.58 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
2 102.4 252 200 11.33 0.71 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 844.26 1450 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 844.26 844.3 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
25 64.68 252 200 11.33 0.45 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 313.21 918.6 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 313.21 313.2 72.07 2400 314.2
beam on axis C

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
18 75.39 252 200 11.33 0.52 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 464.24 1070 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 464.24 464.2 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
13 104.5 252 200 11.33 0.73 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 874.28 1480 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 874.28 874.3 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
26 63.42 252 200 11.33 0.44 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 295.56 900.9 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 295.56 295.6 72.07 2400 314.2

beam on axis D

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
19 85.17 252 200 11.33 0.59 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 602.02 1207 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 602.02 602 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
27 66.41 252 200 11.33 0.46 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 337.65 943 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 337.65 337.6 72.07 2400 314.2
beam on axis E

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
20 45.68 252 200 11.33 0.32 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 45.485 650.9 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 45.485 45.48 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
15 52.31 252 200 11.33 0.36 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 138.98 744.4 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 138.98 139 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
10 54.16 252 200 11.33 0.38 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 165.02 770.4 72.07 2400 314.2
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 165.02 165 72.07 2400 314.2
support doubly
5 64.94 252 200 11.33 0.45 reinforced
42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 201.6 347.83 605.4 316.92 922.3 72.07 2400 314.2

42.45 252 204 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 316.92 316.9 72.07 2400 314.2

beam on axis 1

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
16 187 352 200 11.33 0.67 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 985.19 1831 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 985.19 985.2 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
17 167.1 352 200 11.33 0.60 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 797.08 1643 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 797.08 797.1 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
18 150.9 352 200 11.33 0.54 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 643.78 1489 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 643.78 643.8 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
19 150.3 352 200 11.33 0.54 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 638.2 1484 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 638.2 638.2 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
20 140.97 352 304 200 11.33 0.50 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 549.87 1395 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 549.87 549.9 100.7 3200 314.2

beam on axis 2

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
11 255.6 352 200 11.33 0.91 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1633.8 2479 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1633.8 1634 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
12 247.6 352 200 11.33 0.88 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1558.6 2404 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1558.6 1559 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
13 175.3 352 200 11.33 0.62 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 874.92 1721 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 874.92 874.9 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
14 147.5 352 200 11.33 0.53 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 611.53 1457 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 611.53 611.5 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
15 149.7 352 200 11.33 0.53 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 632.15 1478 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 632.15 632.2 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis 3

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
6 131.3 352 200 11.33 0.47 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 458.05 1304 100.7 3200 314.2

82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 458.05 458 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
7 197.5 352 200 11.33 0.70 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1084.7 1930 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1084.7 1085 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
8 193.8 352 200 11.33 0.69 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1049 1895 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1049 1049 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
9 153.4 352 200 11.33 0.55 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 667.71 1513 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 667.71 667.7 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
10 154.2 352 200 11.33 0.55 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 674.71 1520 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 674.71 674.7 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
2 189.4 352 200 11.33 0.67 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1007.9 1853 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1007.9 1008 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
3 186.7 352 200 11.33 0.67 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 982.44 1828 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 982.44 982.4 100.7 3200 314.2

support doubly
4 175.1 352 200 11.33 0.62 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 872.74 1718 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 872.74 872.7 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
5 176.4 352 200 11.33 0.63 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 884.56 1730 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 884.56 884.6 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
16 166.4 352 304 200 11.33 0.59 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 790.75 1636 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 790.75 790.7 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
11 296.3 352 304 200 11.33 1.06 reinforced

82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 2018.8 2864 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 2018.8 2019 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
6 279.7 352 304 200 11.33 1.00 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1861.5 2707 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1861.5 1861 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
1 86.63 352 304 200 11.33 0.31 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 35.983 881.6 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 35.983 35.98 100.7 3200 314.2

beam on axis B

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
17 213.7 352 304 200 11.33 0.76 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1237.3 2083 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1237.3 1237 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
12 228.2 352 304 200 11.33 0.81 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1374.8 2220 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1374.8 1375 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
7 108.5 352 304 200 11.33 0.39 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 242.71 1088 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 242.71 242.7 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
2 116.4 352 304 200 11.33 0.41 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 317.42 1163 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 317.42 317.4 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis C

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
18 198.5 352 304 200 11.33 0.71 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1093.6 1939 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1093.6 1094 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
13 212.97 352 304 200 11.33 0.76 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1230.8 2076 100.7 3200 314.2

82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1230.8 1231 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
8 195.33 352 304 200 11.33 0.70 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1064 1910 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1064 1064 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
3 212.60 352 304 200 11.33 0.76 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1227.3 2073 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1227.3 1227 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis D

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
4 163.6 352 304 200 11.33 0.58 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 763.51 1609 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 763.51 763.5 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
9 160.4 352 304 200 11.33 0.57 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 733.25 1579 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 733.25 733.2 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
14 215.8 352 304 200 11.33 0.77 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1257.2 2103 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1257.2 1257 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
19 197.6 352 304 200 11.33 0.70 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1085.7 1931 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1085.7 1086 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis E

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
15 180.3 352 304 200 11.33 0.64 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 921.82 1767 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 921.82 921.8 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
10 206.9 352 304 200 11.33 0.74 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1173.7 2019 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1173.7 1174 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
5 218.5 352 304 200 11.33 0.78 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1283.2 2129 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1283.2 1283 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
20 164.3 352 304 200 11.33 0.59 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 770.7 1616 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 770.7 770.7 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis 1

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
17 161.86 352 304 200 11.33 0.58 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 747.43 1593 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 747.43 747.4 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
18 178.7 352 200 11.33 0.64 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 906.79 1752 100.7 3200 314.2

82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 906.79 906.8 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
19 179.5 352 200 11.33 0.64 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 914.64 1760 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 914.64 914.6 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
20 159.7 352 200 11.33 0.57 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 726.82 1572 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 726.82 726.8 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis 2

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
11 133.6 352 200 11.33 0.48 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 480.46 1326 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 480.46 480.5 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
12 137.3 352 200 11.33 0.49 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 514.69 1360 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 514.69 514.7 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
13 159.7 352 200 11.33 0.57 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 726.82 1572 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 726.82 726.8 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
14 164.3 352 200 11.33 0.59 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 770.7 1616 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 770.7 770.7 100.7 3200 314.2

support doubly
15 156.4 352 200 11.33 0.56 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 695.51 1541 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 695.51 695.5 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis 3

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
6 124.2 352 200 11.33 0.44 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 391.47 1237 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 391.47 391.5 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
7 162.8 352 200 11.33 0.58 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 756.7 1602 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 756.7 756.7 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
8 159.5 352 200 11.33 0.57 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 725.3 1571 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 725.3 725.3 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
9 117 352 200 11.33 0.42 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 323 1169 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 323 323 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
10 112.1 352 200 11.33 0.40 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 277.23 1123 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 277.23 277.2 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis 4

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
2 174.9 352 304 200 11.33 0.62 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 870.28 1716 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 870.28 870.3 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
3 170.5 352 200 11.33 0.61 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 828.86 1674 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 828.86 828.9 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
4 194.3 352 200 11.33 0.69 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1053.8 1899 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1053.8 1054 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
5 182.8 352 200 11.33 0.65 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 945.75 1791 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 945.75 945.7 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis

location Msd deff b fcd Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
16 83.01 352 304 200 11.33 0.30 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1.7391 847.3 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1.7391 1.739 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
11 132.1 352 304 200 11.33 0.47 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 466.27 1312 100.7 3200 314.2

82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 466.27 466.3 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
6 151.1 352 304 200 11.33 0.54 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 646.05 1492 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 646.05 646.1 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
1 85.34 352 304 200 11.33 0.30 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 23.774 869.4 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 23.774 23.77 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis B

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
17 124 352 304 200 11.33 0.44 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 389.77 1235 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 389.77 389.8 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
12 241.2 352 304 200 11.33 0.86 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1498 2344 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1498 1498 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
7 241.9 352 304 200 11.33 0.86 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1504.4 2350 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1504.4 1504 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
2 119.8 352 304 200 11.33 0.43 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 349.48 1195 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 349.48 349.5 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis C

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
18 204.6 352 304 200 11.33 0.73 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1151.4 1997 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1151.4 1151 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
13 210.00 352 304 200 11.33 0.75 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1202.7 2048 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1202.7 1203 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
8 167.69 352 304 200 11.33 0.60 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 802.57 1648 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 802.57 802.6 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
3 162.14 352 304 200 11.33 0.58 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 750.08 1596 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 750.08 750.1 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis D

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
4 106.9 352 304 200 11.33 0.38 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 227.29 1073 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 227.29 227.3 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
9 133.5 352 304 200 11.33 0.48 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 479.51 1325 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 479.51 479.5 100.7 3200 314.2

support doubly
14 206.5 352 304 200 11.33 0.74 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1169.7 2015 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1169.7 1170 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
19 206.8 352 304 200 11.33 0.74 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1172.8 2018 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1172.8 1173 100.7 3200 314.2
beam on axis E

location Msd deff b fcd µ Kz z fyd As1 As2 Astot(mm2) Asmin Asmax as
support doubly
5 229.7 352 304 200 11.33 0.82 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1389.2 2235 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1389.2 1389 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
10 235.9 352 304 200 11.33 0.84 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1447.2 2293 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1447.2 1447 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
15 203.1 352 304 200 11.33 0.72 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1137.2 1983 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1137.2 1137 100.7 3200 314.2
support doubly
20 209.13 352 304 200 11.33 0.74 reinforced
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 0.8 281.6 347.83 845.6 1194.5 2040 100.7 3200 314.2
82.83 352 304 200 11.33 0.295 347.83 1194.5 1194 100.7 3200 314.2



beam on axis 2
ID VED bw deff K Ast ρ1 Vmin min VRD,c VRD,c>VED Z Ө CotӨ 1<Co
span 12-13 78.47 200 202 2 383.91 0.0095 0.197 7.96 25.81 FALSE 182 19.71 0.864
span 13-14 107.6 200 202 2 384.61 0.0095 0.197 7.96 25.83 FALSE 182 30.27 -0.45
beam on axis 3 FALSE
span 7-8 108.5 200 202 2 382.06 0.0095 0.197 7.96 25.77 FALSE 182 30.70 -1.15
span 8-9 79.38 200 202 2 387.24 0.0096 0.197 7.96 25.89 FALSE 182 19.98 0.469

beam on axis A
ID VED(KN) bw(mm) deff(mm) K Ast(mm2) ρ1 Vmin min VRD,c VRD,c
span 16-11 219.2 200 352 1.75 1498.2 0.0213 0.189 13.29 51.73 FALSE 317 ##### #####
span 11-6 212.7 200 352 1.75 987.83 0.014 0.189 13.29 45.02 FALSE 317 40.50 -2.83
span 6-1 10.27 200 352 1.75 100.67 0.0014 0.189 13.29 21.03 21.0304104 317 1.37 0.207
beam on axis B
span 17-12 147.9 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 21.69 -3.21
span 12-7 81.18 200 352 1.75 333.36 0.0047 0.189 13.29 31.35 FALSE 317 11.07 -0.08
span 7-2 76.87 200 352 1.75 345.93 0.0049 0.189 13.29 31.74 FALSE 317 10.46 0.599
beam on axis C
span 18-13 143.6 200 352 1.75 861.12 0.0122 0.189 13.29 43.01 FALSE 317 20.91 -0.53
span 8-3 153.9 200 352 1.75 906.84 0.0129 0.189 13.29 43.76 FALSE 317 22.80 0.961
beam on axis D
span 19-14 149.1 200 352 1.75 790.97 0.0112 0.189 13.29 41.81 FALSE 317 21.90 -11.4

span 14-9 83.35 200 352 1.75 321.65 0.0046 0.189 13.29 30.97 FALSE 317 11.38 -0.41
span 9-4 198.3 200 352 1.75 1090.1 0.0155 0.189 13.29 46.53 FALSE 317 33.51 -0.57
beam on axis E
span 20-15 77.03 200 352 1.75 358.77 0.0051 0.189 13.29 32.12 FALSE 317 10.48 0.568
span 15-10 82.03 200 352 1.75 351.23 0.005 0.189 13.29 31.90 FALSE 317 11.19 -0.2
span 10-5 100.7 200 352 1.75 500.46 0.0071 0.189 13.29 35.89 FALSE 317 13.94 0.195
beam on axis 1
span 16-17 300.4 200 352 1.75 1574 0.0224 0.189 13.29 52.59 FALSE 317 ##### #####
span 17-18 189.4 200 352 1.75 720.59 0.0102 0.189 13.29 40.53 FALSE 317 30.80 -1.41
span 18-19 183.7 200 352 1.75 771.68 0.011 0.189 13.29 41.47 FALSE 317 29.26 0.664
span 19-20 190.7 200 352 1.75 895.63 0.0127 0.189 13.29 43.58 FALSE 317 31.16 -3.9
beam on axis 2
span 11-12 172.6 200 352 1.75 946.88 0.0135 0.189 13.29 44.39 FALSE 317 26.63 0.076
span 12-13 59.68 200 352 1.75 199.75 0.0028 0.189 13.29 26.43 FALSE 317 8.04 -0.19
span 13-14 61.08 200 352 1.75 201.22 0.0029 0.189 13.29 26.49 FALSE 317 8.24 -0.4
span 14-15 170.4 200 352 1.75 851.25 0.0121 0.189 13.29 42.84 FALSE 317 26.16 0.609
beam on axis 3
span 6-7 81.9 200 352 1.75 361.72 0.0051 0.189 13.29 32.21 FALSE 317 11.18 -0.18
span 7-8 65.87 200 352 1.75 240.86 0.0034 0.189 13.29 28.13 FALSE 317 8.90 -1.75
span 8-9 62.08 200 352 1.75 200.92 0.0029 0.189 13.29 26.48 FALSE 317 8.38 -0.58
span 9-10 174.8 200 352 1.75 875.72 0.0124 0.189 13.29 43.25 FALSE 317 27.12 -0.44
beam on axis 4
span 1-2 12.3 200 352 1.75 100.67 0.0014 0.189 13.29 21.03 21.0304104 317 1.64 -0.07
span 2-3 200.5 200 352 1.75 911.56 0.0129 0.189 13.29 43.83 FALSE 317 34.28 -3.57
span 3-4 190.9 200 352 1.75 794.71 0.0113 0.189 13.29 41.87 FALSE 317 31.20 -4.6
span 4-5 223.7 200 352 1.75 1056.6 0.015 0.189 13.29 46.05 FALSE 317 ##### #####

beam on axis A
ID VED(KN) bw(mm) deff(mm) K Ast(mm2) ρ1 Vmin min VRD,c VRD,c
span 16-11 59.93 200 252 1.89 307.03 0.0061 0.194 9.75 26.31 FALSE 227 11.44 -0.47
span 11-6 98.35 200 252 1.89 589.35 0.0117 0.194 9.75 32.70 FALSE 227 19.82 0.688
span 6-1 92.48 200 252 1.89 100.67 0.002 0.194 9.75 18.15 FALSE 227 18.43 -2.23
beam on axis B
span 17-12 75.82 200 252 1.89 493.93 0.0098 0.194 9.75 30.83 FALSE 227 14.73 -0.67
span 12-7 65.83 200 252 1.89 466.68 0.0093 0.194 9.75 30.26 FALSE 227 12.64 13.98
span 7-2 82.49 200 252 1.89 530.7 0.0105 0.194 9.75 31.58 FALSE 227 16.17 1.993
beam on axis C
span 18-13 79.25 200 252 1.89 535.53 0.0106 0.194 9.75 31.68 FALSE 227 15.47 -4.05
span 8-3 79.51 200 252 1.89 548.16 0.0109 0.194 9.75 31.92 FALSE 227 15.52 -5.32
beam on axis D
span 19-14 75.67 200 252 1.89 572.08 0.0114 0.194 9.75 32.38 FALSE 227 14.70 -0.63
span 14-9 12.73 200 252 1.89 72.072 0.0014 0.194 9.75 16.23 16.2328827 227 2.37 -1.02
span 9-4 83.59 200 252 1.89 553.04 0.011 0.194 9.75 32.02 FALSE 227 16.42 1.169
beam on axis E
span 20-15 49.45 200 252 1.89 275.56 0.0055 0.194 9.75 25.38 FALSE 227 9.35 -14
span 15-10 13.16 200 252 1.89 72.072 0.0014 0.194 9.75 16.23 16.2328827 227 2.45 -1.2
span 10-5 50.49 200 252 1.89 279.7 0.0055 0.194 9.75 25.51 FALSE 227 9.56 7.47
beam on axis 1
span 16-17 214.6 1000 252 2.99 1522.7 0.006 0.226 56.83 207.64 FALSE 227 8.08 -0.23
span 17-18 197.1 1000 252 2.99 1015.9 0.004 0.226 56.83 181.43 FALSE 227 7.41 0.481
span 18-19 200.3 1000 252 2.99 1096 0.0043 0.226 56.83 186.08 FALSE 227 7.53 0.337

span 19-20 196.9 1000 252 2.99 1018.7 0.004 0.226 56.83 181.60 FALSE 227 7.40 0.489
beam on axis 2
span 11-12 345.4 1000 252 2.99 2868.3 0.0114 0.226 56.83 256.43 FALSE 227 13.31 1.09
span 12-13 206.4 1000 252 2.99 850.42 0.0034 0.226 56.83 170.99 FALSE 227 7.77 0.088
span 13-14 210.7 1000 252 2.99 1099.5 0.0044 0.226 56.83 186.28 FALSE 227 7.93 -0.08
span 14-15 281.9 1000 252 2.99 1408.8 0.0056 0.226 56.83 202.32 FALSE 227 10.72 0.279
beam on axis 3
span 6-7 167 1000 252 2.99 1138.7 0.0045 0.226 56.83 188.46 188.461886 227 6.26 -35.8
span 7-8 209.3 1000 252 2.99 1109 0.0044 0.226 56.83 186.81 FALSE 227 7.88 -0.02
span 8-9 204.6 1000 252 2.99 1067.8 0.0042 0.226 56.83 184.47 FALSE 227 7.69 0.161
span 9-10 321.6 1000 252 2.99 1678.2 0.0067 0.226 56.83 214.47 FALSE 227 12.33 -4.1
beam on axis 4
span 1-2 75.26 1000 252 2.99 499.72 0.002 0.226 56.83 143.22 143.219568 227 2.80 -2.82
span 2-3 211 1000 252 2.99 1125 0.0045 0.226 56.83 187.71 FALSE 227 7.94 -0.09
span 3-4 205.2 1000 252 2.99 1216.3 0.0048 0.226 56.83 192.65 FALSE 227 7.72 0.137
span 4-5 197.5 1000 252 2.99 995.37 0.0039 0.226 56.83 180.20 FALSE 227 7.42 0.462

beam on axis A
ID VED(KN) bw(mm) deff(mm) K Ast(mm2) ρ1 Vmin min VRD,c VRD,c
span 16-11 59.93 200 252 1.89 528.05 0.0105 0.194 9.75 31.53 FALSE 227 11.44 -0.47
span 11-6 80.48 200 252 1.89 459.39 0.0091 0.194 9.75 30.10 FALSE 227 15.73 39.97
span 6-1 78.12 200 252 1.89 462.84 0.0092 0.194 9.75 30.17 FALSE 227 15.22 -1.89
span 16-24 42.45 200 252 1.89 FALSE 227 7.99 -0.14
beam on axis B
span 17-12 83.82 200 252 1.89 738.27 0.0146 0.194 9.75 35.25 FALSE 227 16.47 1.055

span 12-7 17.73 200 252 1.89 72.072 0.0014 0.194 9.75 16.23 FALSE 227 3.30 6.192
span 7-2 86.31 200 252 1.89 564.38 0.0112 0.194 9.75 32.24 FALSE 227 17.02 0.263
span 17-25 53.98 200 252 1.89 FALSE 227 10.25 0.929
beam on axis C
span 18-13 20.94 200 252 1.89 679.64 0.0135 0.194 9.75 34.30 34.2951813 227 3.90 1.049
span 8-3 17.71 200 252 1.89 1151.5 0.0228 0.194 9.75 40.88 40.8844037 227 3.30 6.343
span 18-26 62.79 200 252 1.89 FALSE 227 12.02 -1.63
beam on axis D
span 19-14 20.67 200 252 1.89 235.16 0.0047 0.194 9.75 24.08 24.0765696 227 3.85 1.162
span 14-9 70.37 200 252 1.89 505.37 0.01 0.194 9.75 31.07 FALSE 227 13.58 0.626
span 9-4 13.69 200 252 1.89 72.072 0.0014 0.194 9.75 16.23 16.2328827 227 2.55 -1.48
span 19-27 63.6 200 252 1.89 FALSE 227 12.18 -2.47
beam on axis E
span 20-15 74.36 200 252 1.89 528.06 0.0105 0.194 9.75 31.53 FALSE 227 14.42 -0.29
span 15-10 69.13 200 252 1.89 444.14 0.0088 0.194 9.75 29.76 FALSE 227 13.32 1.066
span 10-5 58.67 200 252 1.89 475.58 0.0094 0.194 9.75 30.45 FALSE 227 11.18 -0.19
span 20-28 25.21 200 252 1.89 FALSE 227 4.71 0.007
beam on axis 1
span 16-17 279 1000 252 2.99 1642.6 0.0065 0.226 56.83 212.95 FALSE 227 10.61 0.406
span 17-18 268.9 1000 252 2.99 1471.3 0.0058 0.226 56.83 205.27 FALSE 227 10.21 1.006
span 18-19 271.2 1000 252 2.99 1457.2 0.0058 0.226 56.83 204.61 FALSE 227 10.30 0.836
span 19-20 270.8 1000 252 2.99 1810.2 0.0072 0.226 56.83 219.95 FALSE 227 10.28 0.864
span 22-16 227.9 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 8.60 -0.92
span 20-31 19.74 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 0.73 1.109
beam on axis 2
span 11-12 393.7 1000 252 2.99 3047 0.0121 0.226 56.83 261.65 FALSE 227 15.35 -2.7

span 12-13 231.4 1000 252 2.99 1039.4 0.0041 0.226 56.83 182.82 FALSE 227 8.73 -1.21
span 13-14 229.6 1000 252 2.99 1177.4 0.0047 0.226 56.83 190.58 FALSE 227 8.66 -1.05
span 14-15 266.2 1000 252 2.99 1807.3 0.0072 0.226 56.83 219.84 FALSE 227 10.10 1.249
span 21-11 240.3 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 9.08 -2.79
span 15-32 19.74 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 0.73 1.109
beam on axis 3
span 6-7 187.5 1000 252 2.99 1219.6 0.0048 0.226 56.83 192.83 192.8272 227 7.04 1.06
span 7-8 256.5 1000 252 2.99 1353 0.0054 0.226 56.83 199.61 FALSE 227 9.72 3.339
span 8-9 249.3 1000 252 2.99 1305 0.0052 0.226 56.83 197.23 FALSE 227 9.43 112.4
span 9-10 267.6 1000 252 2.99 1714.7 0.0068 0.226 56.83 216.02 FALSE 227 10.16 1.113
span 10-29 101.3 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 3.77 1.363
beam on axis 4
span 1-2 91.3 1000 252 2.99 472.86 0.0019 0.226 56.83 140.61 140.606147 227 3.40 3.77
span 2-3 246.8 1000 #### 2.99 1405.1 0.0056 0.226 56.83 202.14 FALSE 227 9.33 -11.1
span 3-4 248.7 1000 #### 2.99 1342 0.0053 0.226 56.83 199.07 FALSE 227 9.41 -76.4
span 4-5 238.7 1000 #### 2.99 1287.2 0.0051 0.226 56.83 196.33 FALSE 227 9.02 -2.32
span 5-30 161.5 1000 #### 2.99 FALSE 227 6.05 -4.17
beam on axis
span 23-24 36.96 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 1.37 0.199
span 24-25 49.73 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 1.85 -0.29
span 25-26 38.68 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 1.44 0.134
span 26-27 38.2 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 1.42 0.152
span 27-28 36.39 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 1.35 0.221
span 28-43 19.74 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 0.73 1.109

beam on axis A

ID VED(KN) bw(mm) deff(mm) K Ast(mm2) ρ1 Vmin min VRD,c VRD,c
span 16-11 15.83 200 252 1.89 1269.9 0.0252 0.194 9.75 42.24 42.2400347 227 2.95 -5.06
span 11-6 92.99 200 252 1.89 563.91 0.0112 0.194 9.75 32.23 FALSE 227 18.55 -3.21
span 6-1 88.94 200 252 1.89 555.08 0.011 0.194 9.75 32.06 FALSE 227 17.62 -0.35
span 16-24 59.74 200 252 1.89 FALSE 227 11.40 -0.43
beam on axis B
span 17-12 76.21 200 252 1.89 526.56 FALSE 227 14.81 -0.8
span 12-7 20.95 200 252 1.89 169.55 0.0034 0.194 9.75 21.59 21.5893412 227 3.90 1.045
span 7-2 88.3 200 252 1.89 545.71 0.0108 0.194 9.75 31.88 FALSE 227 17.47 -0.19
span 17-25 66.88 200 252 1.89 FALSE 227 12.85 3.381
beam on axis C
span 18-13 95.55 200 252 1.89 679.64 0.0135 0.194 9.75 34.30 FALSE 227 19.15 3.246
span 8-3 18.16 200 252 1.89 96.38 0.0019 0.194 9.75 17.88 FALSE 227 3.38 4.076
span 18-26 65.2 200 252 1.89 FALSE 227 12.51 -17.3
beam on axis D
span 19-14 17.43 200 252 1.89 139.28 0.0028 0.194 9.75 20.22 20.2194674 227 3.25 9.58
span 14-9 16.7 200 252 1.89 108.03 0.0021 0.194 9.75 18.58 18.5772553 227 3.11 -30.8
span 9-4 19..41 200 252 1.89 131.55 0.0026 0.194 9.75 19.84 FALSE 227 ##### #####
span 19-27 70.62 200 252 1.89 FALSE 227 13.63 0.555
beam on axis E
span 20-15 41.68 200 252 1.89 316.55 0.0063 0.194 9.75 26.58 FALSE 227 7.84 0.012
span 15-10 50.64 200 252 1.89 293.24 0.0058 0.194 9.75 25.91 FALSE 227 9.59 6.096
span 10-5 53.26 200 252 1.89 256.63 0.0051 0.194 9.75 24.79 FALSE 227 10.10 1.237
span 20-28 39.83 200 252 1.89 FALSE 227 7.49 0.386
beam on axis

span 16-17 300.1 1000 252 2.99 1907.2 0.0076 0.226 56.83 223.82 FALSE 227 11.45 -0.49
span 17-18 276.9 1000 252 2.99 1494.9 0.0059 0.226 56.83 206.36 FALSE 227 10.52 0.51
span 18-19 278.3 1000 252 2.99 1558.3 0.0062 0.226 56.83 209.24 FALSE 227 10.58 0.439
span 19-20 277.6 1000 252 2.99 1502.7 0.006 0.226 56.83 206.72 FALSE 227 10.55 0.473
span 16-22 233.8 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 8.83 -1.47
span 20-44 186.5 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 7.00 1.148
beam on axis
span 11-12 406.1 1000 252 2.99 3136.2 0.0124 0.226 56.83 264.18 FALSE 227 15.89 5.3
span 12-13 229.2 1000 252 2.99 1032.5 0.0041 0.226 56.83 182.41 FALSE 227 8.65 -1.02
span 13-14 237.1 1000 252 2.99 1223.1 0.0049 0.226 56.83 193.01 FALSE 227 8.96 -1.97
span 14-15 311.3 1000 252 2.99 1961.7 0.0078 0.226 56.83 225.93 FALSE 227 11.91 -1.29
span 11-21 245.1 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 9.27 -6.33
span 15-45 84.59 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 3.15 120.8
beam on axis 3
span 6-7 181.4 1000 252 2.99 1194.3 0.0047 0.226 56.83 191.49 191.485595 227 6.80 1.742
span 7-8 279.9 1000 252 2.99 1470.5 0.0058 0.226 56.83 205.23 FALSE 227 10.65 0.365
span 8-9 272.8 1000 252 2.99 360.36 0.0014 0.226 56.83 128.43 FALSE 227 10.36 0.733
span 9-10 311.1 1000 252 2.99 1928.3 0.0077 0.226 56.83 224.64 FALSE 227 11.90 -1.27
span 10-46 91.07 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 3.39 3.905
beam on axis
span 1-2 72.2 1000 252 2.99 487.24 0.0019 0.226 56.83 142.02 142.017248 227 2.69 -2.05
span 2-3 259.1 1000 252 2.99 1445.8 0.0057 0.226 56.83 204.08 FALSE 227 9.82 2.39
span 3-4 259.2 1000 252 2.99 1391.1 0.0055 0.226 56.83 201.47 FALSE 227 9.82 2.364
span 4-5 267.2 1000 252 2.99 1431.1 0.0057 0.226 56.83 203.38 FALSE 227 10.14 1.155
span 5-47 162.8 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 6.10 -5.28

beam on axis
span 23-24 30.7 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 1.14 0.458
span 24-25 65.1 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 2.42 -1.14
span 25-26 50.36 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 1.87 -0.31
span 26-27 49.95 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 1.86 -0.29
span 27-28 53.54 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 1.99 -0.45
span 28-43 28.41 1000 252 2.99 FALSE 227 1.06 0.566

beam on axis A
ID VED(KN) bw(mm) deff(mm) K Ast(mm2) ρ1 Vmin min VRD,c VRD,c
span 16-11 176.3 200 352 1.75 879.97 0.0125 0.189 13.29 43.32 FALSE 317 27.48 -0.98
span 11-6 313.8 200 352 1.75 1492.5 0.0212 0.189 13.29 51.66 FALSE 317 ##### #####
span 6-1 85 200 352 1.75 350.94 0.005 0.189 13.29 31.89 FALSE 317 11.62 -0.73
span 16-24 25.56 200 352 1.75 350.94 FALSE 317 3.41 3.663
beam on axis B
span 17-12 231 200 352 1.75 1150.8 0.0163 0.189 13.29 47.38 FALSE 317 ##### #####
span 12-7 104.2 200 352 1.75 448.58 0.0064 0.189 13.29 34.61 FALSE 317 14.47 -0.35
span 7-2 115.8 200 352 1.75 494.72 0.007 0.189 13.29 35.75 FALSE 317 16.27 1.605
span 17-25 19.78 200 352 1.75 494.72 FALSE 317 2.63 -1.8
beam on axis
span 18-13 215.7 200 352 1.75 1079.4 0.0153 0.189 13.29 46.37 FALSE 317 ##### #####
span 8-3 215.2 200 352 1.75 1078.8 0.0153 0.189 13.29 46.36 FALSE 317 43.96 -56.5
span 18-26 23.16 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 3.09 -18.2
beam on axis

span 19-14 216.3 200 352 1.75 1068.3 0.0152 0.189 13.29 46.21 FALSE 317 ##### #####
span 14-9 157.6 200 352 1.75 727.69 0.0103 0.189 13.29 40.66 FALSE 317 23.53 0.036
span 9-4 163.9 200 352 1.75 850.75 0.0121 0.189 13.29 42.84 FALSE 317 24.78 -2.7
span 19-27 22.22 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 2.96 -5.48
beam on axis
span 20-15 181.2 200 352 1.75 898.88 0.0128 0.189 13.29 43.63 FALSE 317 28.63 2.686
span 15-10 114.2 200 352 1.75 472.99 0.0067 0.189 13.29 35.22 FALSE 317 16.01 3.241
span 10-5 221.6 200 352 1.75 1100.9 0.0156 0.189 13.29 46.68 FALSE 317 ##### #####
span 20-28 39.44 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 5.28 -0.63
beam on axis 1
span 16-17 192.2 200 352 1.75 938.7 0.0133 0.189 13.29 44.26 FALSE 317 31.60 5.441
span 17-18 172.5 200 352 1.75 728.37 0.0103 0.189 13.29 40.68 FALSE 317 26.61 0.092
span 18-19 171.7 200 352 1.75 732.84 0.0104 0.189 13.29 40.76 FALSE 317 26.44 0.273
span 19-20 172 200 352 1.75 744.02 0.0106 0.189 13.29 40.96 FALSE 317 26.50 0.205
span 16-22 86.36 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 11.82 -1.08
beam on axis
span 11-12 258.6 200 352 1.75 1291 0.0183 0.189 13.29 49.23 FALSE 317 ##### #####
span 12-13 212.1 200 352 1.75 932.93 0.0133 0.189 13.29 44.17 FALSE 317 39.97 -0.84
span 13-14 174.1 200 352 1.75 748.79 0.0106 0.189 13.29 41.05 FALSE 317 26.98 -0.28
span 14-15 175.4 200 352 1.75 728.27 0.0103 0.189 13.29 40.67 FALSE 317 27.27 -0.64
span 11-21 76.85 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 10.45 0.603
beam on axis
span 6-7 131.6 200 352 1.75 587.07 0.0083 0.189 13.29 37.85 FALSE 317 18.84 -69
span 7-8 228.5 200 352 1.75 1001.9 0.0142 0.189 13.29 45.24 FALSE 317 ##### #####

span 8-9 173.9 200 352 1.75 747.62 0.0106 0.189 13.29 41.03 FALSE 317 26.93 -0.23
span 9-10 181.6 200 352 1.75 758.61 0.0108 0.189 13.29 41.23 FALSE 317 28.73 2.031
beam on axis
span 1-2 46.01 200 352 1.75 360.36 0.0051 0.189 13.29 32.17 FALSE 317 6.17 -8.64
span 2-3 219.2 200 352 1.75 964.05 0.0137 0.189 13.29 44.66 FALSE 317 ##### #####
span 3-4 171.4 200 352 1.75 690.01 0.0098 0.189 13.29 39.95 FALSE 317 26.37 0.345
span 4-5 207.5 200 352 1.75 913.73 0.013 0.189 13.29 43.87 FALSE 317 37.22 -1.93
beam on axis
span 23-24 44.85 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 6.01 -3.57
span 24-25 138.1 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 19.94 0.518
span 25-26 126.1 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 17.91 -0.74
span 26-27 126 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 17.90 -0.72
span 27-28 126.6 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 18.00 -0.88

beam on axis A
ID VED(KN) bw(mm) deff(mm) K Ast(mm2) ρ1 Vmin min VRD,c VRD,c
span 16-11 90.84 200 352 1.75 372.03 0.0053 0.189 13.29 32.51 FALSE 317 12.47 -10.8
span 11-6 150 200 352 1.75 698.18 0.0099 0.189 13.29 40.11 FALSE 317 22.08 11.09
span 6-1 85.47 200 352 1.75 366.91 0.0052 0.189 13.29 32.36 FALSE 317 11.69 -0.84
span 16-24 49.4 200 352 FALSE 317 6.63 2.764
beam on axis B
span 17-12 140.6 200 352 1.75 652.73 0.0093 0.189 13.29 39.22 FALSE 317 20.38 0.042
span 12-7 249.5 200 352 1.75 1256.6 0.0178 0.189 13.29 48.78 FALSE 317 ##### #####
span 7-2 132.5 200 352 1.75 622.46 0.0088 0.189 13.29 38.60 FALSE 317 18.98 7.63

span 17-25 38.1 200 352 FALSE 317 5.09 -0.4
beam on axis
span 18-13 214.1 200 352 1.75 1086.1 0.0154 0.189 13.29 46.47 FALSE 317 41.91 0.547
span 13-8 13411 200 352 1.75 644.18 0.0092 0.189 13.29 39.04 FALSE 317 ##### #####
span 8-3 166.9 200 352 1.75 854.06 0.0121 0.189 13.29 42.89 FALSE 317 25.40 3.63
span 18-26 32.14 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 4.29 0.448
beam on axis
span 19-14 215.3 200 352 1.75 1089.4 0.0155 0.189 13.29 46.52 FALSE 317 44.52 1.689
span 14-9 134 200 352 1.75 641.01 0.0091 0.189 13.29 38.98 FALSE 317 19.24 2.414
span 9-4 107.9 200 352 1.75 497.39 0.0071 0.189 13.29 35.82 FALSE 317 15.03 -1.23
span 19-27 30.06 200 352 FALSE 317 4.01 0.843
beam on axis
span 20-15 215.1 200 352 1.75 1093 0.0155 0.189 13.29 46.57 FALSE 317 43.59 -2.42
span 15-10 63.67 200 352 1.75 254.93 0.0036 0.189 13.29 28.67 FALSE 317 8.60 -0.92
span 10-5 241.4 200 352 1.75 1222.8 0.0174 0.189 13.29 48.34 FALSE 317 ##### #####
span 20-28 43.38 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 5.81 -1.95
beam on axis 1
span 16-17 9.98 200 352 1.75 100.67 0.0014 0.189 13.29 21.03 21.0304104 317 1.33 0.248
span 17-18 189.7 200 352 1.75 865.31 0.0123 0.189 13.29 43.08 FALSE 317 30.88 -1.69
span 18-19 207.1 200 352 1.75 900.02 0.0128 0.189 13.29 43.65 FALSE 317 37.03 -1.26
span 19-20 207.9 200 352 1.75 913.07 0.013 0.189 13.29 43.86 FALSE 317 37.45 -3.89
span 16-22 86.36 200 352 FALSE 317 11.82 -1.08
beam on axis
span 11-12 133.2 200 352 1.75 637.74 0.0091 0.189 13.29 38.91 FALSE 317 19.10 3.857

span 12-13 161.1 200 352 1.75 670.69 0.0095 0.189 13.29 39.57 FALSE 317 24.21 -0.76
span 13-14 182.8 200 352 1.75 795.83 0.0113 0.189 13.29 41.89 FALSE 317 29.04 1.043
span 14-15 188.3 200 352 1.75 850.84 0.0121 0.189 13.29 42.84 FALSE 317 30.49 -0.75
span 11-21 76.85 200 352 FALSE 317 10.45 0.603
beam on axis
span 6-7 124.7 200 352 1.75 589.09 0.0084 0.189 13.29 37.90 FALSE 317 17.69 -0.44
span 7-8 185.9 200 352 1.75 835.23 0.0119 0.189 13.29 42.57 FALSE 317 29.84 0.003
span 8-9 128.5 200 352 1.75 517.83 0.0074 0.189 13.29 36.30 FALSE 317 18.32 -1.69
span 9-10 133 200 352 1.75 551.82 0.0078 0.189 13.29 37.08 FALSE 317 19.07 4.475
beam on axis
span 1-2 64.74 200 352 1.75 360.36 0.0051 0.189 13.29 32.17 FALSE 317 8.75 -1.24
span 2-3 204 200 352 1.75 885.65 0.0126 0.189 13.29 43.41 FALSE 317 35.63 0.541
span 3-4 190.2 200 352 1.75 844.11 0.012 0.189 13.29 42.72 FALSE 317 31.01 -2.33
span 4-5 221.4 200 352 1.75 986.55 0.014 0.189 13.29 45.00 FALSE 317 ##### #####
beam on axis
span 23-24 44.85 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 6.01 -3.57
span 24-25 9.72 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 1.29 0.285
span 25-26 8.51 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 1.13 0.469
span 26-27 92.32 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 12.69 7.931
span 27-28 92.32 200 352 1.75 FALSE 317 12.69 7.931

beam on axis A
ID VED(KN) bw(mm) deff(mm) K Ast(mm2) ρ1 Vmin min VRD,c VRD,c
span 16-11 107.9 400 452 1.94 393.09 0.0022 0.195 35.29 68.73 FALSE 407 5.62 -1.29

span 11-6 104.9 400 452 1.94 335.91 0.0019 0.195 35.29 65.22 FALSE 407 5.47 -0.94
span 6-1 110.7 400 452 1.94 387.19 0.0021 0.195 35.29 68.38 FALSE 407 5.77 -1.79
beam on axis B
span 17-12 80.12 400 452 1.94 292.19 0.0016 0.195 35.29 62.26 FALSE 407 4.16 0.61
span 12-7 21.94 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 59.7671462 407 1.14 0.464
span 7-2 73.29 400 452 1.94 285.43 0.0016 0.195 35.29 61.77 FALSE 407 3.81 1.273
beam on axis
span 18-13 76.93 400 452 1.94 259.73 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.86 FALSE 407 4.00 0.868
span 8-3 21.97 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 59.7671462 407 1.14 0.462
beam on axis
span 19-14 20.56 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 59.7671462 407 1.07 0.554
span 14-9 22.46 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 59.7671462 407 1.16 0.431
span 9-4 21.33 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 59.7671462 407 1.11 0.503
beam on axis
span 20-15 20.8 400 452 1.94 354.27 0.002 0.195 35.29 66.38 66.3842007 407 1.08 0.537
span 15-10 105.1 400 452 1.94 368.65 0.002 0.195 35.29 67.27 FALSE 407 5.47 -0.95
span 10-5 108.9 400 452 1.94 356.52 0.002 0.195 35.29 66.52 FALSE 407 5.68 -1.45
beam on axis 1
span 16-17 23.96 400 452 1.94 258.86 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.79 59.7917944 407 1.24 0.342
span 17-18 94.89 400 452 1.94 282.65 0.0016 0.195 35.29 61.57 FALSE 407 4.94 -0.23
span 18-19 95.28 400 452 1.94 270.68 0.0015 0.195 35.29 60.69 FALSE 407 4.96 -0.25
span 19-20 95.75 400 452 1.94 295.7 0.0016 0.195 35.29 62.50 FALSE 407 4.98 -0.28
beam on axis
span 11-12 22.75 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 59.7671462 407 1.18 0.414

span 12-13 63.91 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 FALSE 407 3.32 5.619
span 13-14 21.75 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 59.7671462 407 1.13 0.476
span 14-15 22.97 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 59.7671462 407 1.19 0.4
beam on axis
span 6-7 78.07 400 452 1.94 280.73 0.0016 0.195 35.29 61.43 FALSE 407 4.06 0.768
span 7-8 20.03 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 59.7671462 407 1.04 0.59
span 8-9 19.2 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 59.7671462 407 0.99 0.65
span 9-10 19.5 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 59.7671462 407 1.01 0.628
beam on axis
span 1-2 108.7 400 452 1.94 405.27 0.0022 0.195 35.29 69.43 FALSE 407 5.67 -1.41
span 2-3 101.6 400 452 1.94 258.54 0.0014 0.195 35.29 59.77 FALSE 407 5.29 -0.66
span 3-4 95.96 400 452 1.94 281.05 0.0016 0.195 35.29 61.45 FALSE 407 5.00 -0.29
span 4-5 97.93 400 452 1.94 293.05 0.0016 0.195 35.29 62.32 FALSE 407 5.10 -0.41


d b MEdx MEdy NEd As.tot Asmin #

story Column (mm) (mm) (KN.m) (KN.m) (KN) ʋEd(KN) µEd,x µEd,y ω (mm2) Asmax(mm2) (mm2) bar Provision

4th floor C-1 400 400 224.15 234.53 593.92 0.28 0.26 0.27 1 6133.33 6400 320 20 use20Ø20

C-2 400 400 50.52 142.88 605.54 0.28 0.06 0.17 0.3 1840 6400 320 6 use6Ø20.

C-3 400 400 50.12 79.86 634.98 0.3 0.06 0.09 0.2 1226.667 6400 320 4 use4Ø20.

floor C-1 400 400 59.35 46.96 924.6 0.43 0.07 0.06 0.05 306.67 6400 320 use1Ø20.

C-2 400 400 27.66 81.18 1148.53 0.54 0.03 0.1 0.1 613.33 6400 320 2 use2Ø20.

C-3 400 400 46.19 80.68 1334.93 0.63 0.05 0.09 0.1 613.33 6400 320 2 use2Ø20.

floor C-1 400 400 63.82 30.56 1462.59 0.67 0.07 0.04 0.05 306.67 6400 320 use1Ø20.

C-2 400 400 55.86 65.63 1906.45 0.89 0.07 0.08 0.3 1840 6400 320 6 use6Ø20.

C-3 400 400 73.41 80.59 2027.85 0.95 0.09 0.09 0.45 2760 6400 320 10 use10Ø20

C-4 600 200 40.28 7.92 150.25 0.09 0.04 0.01 0.05 230 4800 240 use1Ø20.

1st floor C-1 500 500 118.44 94.73 1974.9 0.59 0.07 0.06 0.1 958.33 10000 500 4 use4Ø20.

C-2 500 500 100.33 147.05 2650.21 0.8 0.06 0.09 0.2 1916.67 10000 500 8 use8Ø20.

C-3 500 500 147 125.15 2751.63 0.83 0.09 0.08 0.2 1916.67 10000 500 8 use8Ø20.

C-4 600 200 26.97 10.15 339.5 0.21 0.03 0.01 0.05 230 4800 240 use1Ø20.

Ground C-1 500 500 131.78 83.94 2454.06 0.74 0.08 0.05 0.1 958.33 10000 500 4 use4Ø20.

C-2 500 500 130.45 128.4 3490.48 1.05 0.08 0.08 0.5 4791.67 10000 500 16 use16Ø20

C-3 500 500 105.25 85.34 3557.05 1.07 0.06 0.05 0.35 3354.17 10000 500 12 use12Ø20

C-4 600 200 17.5 26.05 591.6 0.37 0.02 0.03 0.05 230 4800 240 use1Ø20.

Basment C-1 500 500 104.24 104.7 2641.64 0.79 0.06 0.06 0.1 958.33 10000 500 4 use4Ø20.

C-2 500 500 100.73 90.4 3931.03 1.18 0.06 0.05 0.5 4791.67 10000 500 16 use16Ø20

C-3 300 500 148.34 96.15 4259.23 1.28 0.09 0.06 0.6 5750 10000 500 20 use20Ø20


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