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Guidelines on Fidelity Bond

Key Points Legal Basis Particulars

1 Public Officer Covered TC 1-2022 3.1: Public officers designated as Property Officers, Supply Officers, Disbursing Officers, Collecting
Officers and Cashiers

TC 2-2019 4.1.1: Every officers, employees and agents of the Government of Republic, its agencies and
instrumentalities, GOCCs, SUCs (regardless of the status of their appointment) where the nature of
duty/s performed by such officer permits/requires possession/custody/control of fund/property
for which he/she is accountable, be deemed a bondable officer and shall be bonded or bondable
and shall be his/her fidelity insured/bonded

4.1.2 Every officer, agent, and employee of an LGU whose duties permit or require possession,
custody or control of local government funds and properties, including but not limited to the
following: (a) Regional/Provincial Governors, (b) City and Municipal Mayors, (c) Provincial, City,
Municipality, Barangay, SK Treasurers, Punong Barangays and SK Chairperson including those
employed as job order, contractual and casual employees, shall be accountable and responsible
for said funds and properties for the safekeeping thereof and shall be his/her fidelity

4.1.3 Accountable officer discharging their duties in a foreign country.

4.1.4. Accountable officers who are secondarily accountable to a person who is primarily
accountable to public funds and properties of his/her Government Agency.

4.1.5. Public officers designated as authorized signatories, counter, or alternate signatories in

government banks of his/her agencies, issuances of checks or Authority to Debit Account (ADA),
approval of disbursement vouchers, and those in custody of accountable forms.

TC 02-2009 4.1 Public Officers Covered Every officer, employees and agents of the GoP or of companies or
corporations of which majority of the stock is held by NG (regardless of the status of their
appointment) where the nature of duty/s performed by such officer permits/requires
possession/custody/control of fund/property for which he/she is accountable, be deemed a
bondable officer and shall be bonded or bondable and shall be his/her fidelity insured/bonded

4.2 Coverage in LGUs

Including but not limited to the following: (a) Provincial Governors, (b) City and Municipal Mayors,
(c) Provincial, City, Municipality and Barangay Treasurers, Punong Barangays, shall be accountable
and responsible for said funds and properties for the safekeeping thereof and shall be his/her
fidelity insured/bonded

4.3 Others Covered

(a) Accountable public officers discharging their duties in a foreign country
(b) Public officers accountable to others who are primary accountable
(c) Public Officers designated as authorized signatories and counter signatories in the issuance of
checks/approval of disbursement vouchers
(d) Heads of departments, bureaus, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Government
2 Accountability TC 01-2022 3.4. Accountable Officers in NGAS, GOCCs, LGUs supervising multiple stations in concurrent
capacity shall be bonded separately. The basis of accountability and the issuance of risk number
is per station

4.1.1 Cash. This refers to money in its physical form, ether on hand or in bank and shall be limited
to nationally accepted currencies and legal tender (paper bills and coins). Money orders,
marketable securities, authority to debit account (ADA) and checks with face value. It may also
include overdraft facility or line or credit. National Collecting Officer (NCO). The accountability shall be based on the highest amount
collected in a given day in the preceding year, which is the possible amount of accountability of
the NCO exposed to risk. Disbursing Officer (DO). The accountability shall be based on the highest amount held in
custody and disbursed in the preceding year, which is the possible amount of accountability of the
DO exposed to risk in a given day. Only permanently appointed officials shall be designated as
disbursing officers, except for officers and employees who are given cash advances for official
travel. (COA Circular 97-002, Item 4.1.4-5) Special Disbursing Officer (S DO). The accountability shall be based on the amount of cash
advance released for a given project or activity, which is the possible amount of accountability of
the SDO exposed to risk.

4.1.2 Investments. These comprise investments in government securities or debt instruments or

products issued or offered by the government in the form of Treasury bills, bonds, and notes,
including stock certificates, placements in time deposits and high yield accounts and other forms
of marketable investments.
The accountability of the Investment Officer or any officer tasked to perform investment activities
shall be based on the amount of outstanding investments of the preceding year.

4.1.3 Plant, Property and Equipment. These are non-current assets which is expected to be used
more than one accounting cycle/reporting period: machinery, equipment, vehicles, furniture and
fixtures (excluding land and building) which shall be taken up at Net Book Value. Equipment or
vehicles that are covered with other insurance shall also be included in the basis for the
computation of accountability. These may also include gold and silver bullions.
The total accountability of the accountable public officer is the net book value of such
accountabilities as of assumption of position for new applicant/s or the current net book value for
renewal applicant/s.

4.1.4 Inventories. These are goods/supplies and materials classified as current assets,
expendable/semi-expendable and are held for consumption, distribution and/or for sale and shall
be taken up at acquisition cost.

T00 11-2021 1. An accountable public officer who has accountability for money, property and accountable
forms shall be bonded only once to cover all accountabilities except in cases where such
accountable official handles other accountabilities from another office or is designated as
SCO/SDO of public funds from other source of funds, shall be bonded separately based on the
amount of such accountability such as:
*Brgy Treasurer designated as SCO/SDO of KALAHI CIDSS
*NGA/GOCC accountable officer who is designated as Brgy/SK Treasurer
* NGA/GOCC accountable officer who is designated as SCO of two diff.agencies

TC 02-2019 4.2 Accountability for Public Property - Every officer. agent and employee of a Government
Agency. who is accountable for public property shall be liable for its money value in case of
improper or unauthorized use or misapplication thereof. by himself/herself or any person for
whose acts he/she may be responsible. He/she shall likewise be liable for all losses. damages or
deterioration due to negligence in the keeping or use of the property. whether or not it be. at the
time of such loss, damage, or deterioration, in his/her actual custody.

4.3 Accountability for Public Funds - Every officer, agent, and employee accountable for public
funds shall be liable for all losses resulting from the unlawful deposit, use, or application thereof,
and for all losses attributable to negligence in the keeping of such funds. 4.4 Accountability for
Money, Property and Accountable Forms - An accountable officer who has accountability for
money, property, and accountable forms shall be bonded only once to cover all accountabilities in
accordance with the Schedule of Premium Rates.
TC 02-2009 4.4 For Public Property Every AO accountable for public property shall be liable for its money
value in case of improper or unauthorized use or misapplication thereof, by himself or any person
for whose acts he may be responsible. He shall likewise be liable for all losses, damages or
deterioration due to negligence in the keeping or use of property ,whether or not it be, at the
time of such loss, damage or deterioration, in his custody

4.5 For Public Funds. Every AO shall be liable for all losses resulting from unlawful deposit, use, or
application thereof, and for all losses attributable to negligence in keeping such funds. The officer
directing illegal payment, application or disposition of public funds/property shall be primarily
liable for the losses while the AO who fails to serve its required notice shall be secondarily

4.6 Money & Property Accountability. An accountable public officer who has both money and
property accountability shall be bonded only once to cover both accountabilities in accordance
with the schedule of premiums.

4.7 For Public Officers acting on orders of Superiors. No accountable officer shall be relieved from
accountability by reason of his having acted under the direction of a superior officer in paying
out, applying of disposing of public funds and property which he is accountable unless prior to
the act he notified his superior in writing of the illegality
3 Increase in Accountability TOO 11-2021 7.1 The BTr DO/PO shall be advised by the NGA/GOCC/LGU/SUC for any increase in the amount of
accountability. The bond applicant shall follow procedure 7.1.1 of TC 02-2019 indicating the new
amount of accountability in the Fidelity Bond Application Form. The BTR DO/PO shall issue new CL
indicating the cancelled previous bond and new risk number commencing on the date of payment
of the new bond premium.

7.2 The bond premium shall be computed based on the new amount of bond less the portion of
unexpired premium on the previous bond. In cases where the amount of bon is the same, the
premium corresponding to the difference between date of cancellation of the previous bond and
effective date of the new bond shall be paid.

7.3 Any increase due to additional designation/assignment that fall under the same bracket/range
of accountability as the previous bond, the same process as increase in accountability shall be

TC 02-2019 7.1.1. 7.1.1 The applicant shall accomplish and submit online the Fidelity Bond Application Form
(Form 3: Annex D) in the NGCDS Fidelity Bond Module. Two (2) copies shall be printed, subscribed
and sworn to before any officer authorized to administer oath, attaching therewith two (2)
passport size identification pictures taken within the last three (3) months prior to the date of
application for submission to BTr PO/DO. The Fidelity Bond Application Form shall be
accompanied by the following: List of Bonded Accountable Officer's, to be generated from NGCDS Fidelity Bond Module,
certified by the agency officer in charge of Administrative and/or Finance Department, Service,
Division or unit (Form 4: Annex E). If an administrative or criminal case is still pending, copies of pertinent pleadings, orders
and resolutions filed or issued by the disputing parties. prosecutor or investigatory offices and
judicial bodies and all legal documents and orders relative to the said case together with an
Affidavit/Undertaking setting forth the following that:
a) an Administrative or Criminal Case is still pending at the time the application for fidelity bond is
b) the case does or does not involve the misappropriation and/or malversation of public funds
and/or misuse of public properties and other charges relative to public funds. properties and
accountable forms.
c) the applicant shall furnish the DO/PO of the final decision, or any appeal taken therefrom that
may have occurred after the application of the bond and during the time that the bond is
effective: and
TC 02-2009 7.3 Increase in Accountability — Any increase in the amount of accountability, resulting to an
increase in the amount of bond shall be subject to increase in premium.
7.3.1 The applicant shall accomplish and submit General Form 57A to the concerned DO/PO
together with the following: Special Order increasing the amount of accountability; and List of bonded public officers certified by the agency official in charge of: Administrative
and/or Finance department, service, division or unit.
7.3.2 The amount of bond premium shall be computed based on the increased amount of bond.
The bond shall take effect upon the time of payment of premium on the new bond application.
7.3.3 The CTOO II concerned shall cancel the previously assigned risk number to the applicant and
issue a new risk number to the new bond application.

4 Decrease in Accountability TOO 11-2021 10. Decrease in Accountability. There is no refund of premium paid for the decrease in premium
resulting to decrease in accountability and amount of bond.
5 Duties and Responsibilities of TC 02-2019 6.1 Primary Liability - The head of any government agency at all levels, whether national.
the Heads of Agencies/Offices corporate or local is primarily responsible and accountable for all government funds and property
or Persons Primarily pertaining to his/her agency.
6.2 Duty to Notify - The head of any government agency at all levels shall. upon appointment or
lawful accession by any accountable officer to a bondable position or office pertaining to their
respective jurisdiction, or separation therefrom of any such accountable officer. notify in writing
the TOP through the BTr DO/PO having jurisdiction over the agency/office/GOCC/LGU/SUC within
five (5) days from such appointment, lawful accession, or separation and to submit the required
application for bond or cancellation thereof, as applicable.

6.3 Preferential Attention - The immediate performance of the above duty shall receive
preferential attention of such head of departments, bureaus and offices of the NG including
GOCCs, SUCs, heads of LGUs, provincial and local treasurers and other officials concerned.

6.4 Effect of Failure to Notify - Failure on the part of the Head of Agency to make the required
notification to the TOP through the concerned DO/P0 shall render him/her primarily liable to any
such loss or damage to public funds or properties their respective agency, province, city or
municipality, barangay, as the case may be, may incur on account of such failure.

TC 02-2009 6.1 Primary Liability - The head of any government agency at all levels, whether national.
corporate or local is primarily responsible and accountable for all government funds and property
pertaining to his/her agency.

6.2 Duty to Notify - The head of any government agency at all levels shall. upon appointment or
lawful accession by any accountable officer to a bondable position or office pertaining to their
respective jurisdiction, or separation therefrom of any such accountable officer. notify in writing
the TOP through the BTr DO/PO having jurisdiction over the agency/office/GOCC/LGU/SUC within
five (5) days from such appointment, lawful accession, or separation and to submit the required
application for bond or cancellation thereof, as applicable.

6.3 Preferential Attention - The immediate performance of the above duty shall receive
preferential attention of such head of departments, bureaus and offices of the NG including
GOCCs, SUCs, heads of LGUs, provincial and local treasurers and other officials concerned.

6.4 Effect of Failure to Notify - Failure on the part of the Head of Agency to make the required
notification to the TOP through the concerned DO/P0 shall render him/her primarily liable to any
such loss or damage to public funds or properties their respective agency, province, city or
municipality, barangay, as the case may be, may incur on account of such failure.
6 Requirements TC 1-2022 3.5 FBAF, generated in the OFBS (shall be subscribed and sworn to before any officer authorized
to administer oath, 2 passport size taken within the last (3) months)

3.7 List of Bonded Accountable officer/s generated in the OFBS (certified by the agency head or
his/her authorized representatives or officer in charge)

The following additional requirements for Barangay and SK Officials:

*Approved Annual Budget and Barangay Appropriation Ordinance
*Annual Inventory of Plant, Property, and Equipment and/or Annual Post-Closing Trial Balance
with stamp receive by COA
*Current monthly Inventory of Supply and Material at the Time of application; and,
*LGU applicants who are not included in the List of LHGU incumbent officials with BTr DO/PO
shall secure any of the following documents:
-Certificate of Incumbency
-Oath of Office
-Duly notarized Resolution for appointment of Barangay/SK treasurer
TOO 11-2021 1.1.1 Application for fidelity bonding, increase/decrease of accountability and cancellation of
bonds. Fidelity Bond Application Form (FBAF) (Attachment 1) shall be duly accomplished,
notarized, and accompanied by: List of Bonded Accountable Officer/s (Attachment 2) certified by the agency officer in
charge of Administrative and/or Finance Department, Service, Division or Unit

1 1 1.2. If the accountable officer has pending administrative or criminal case, copies of pertinent
pleadings, orders and resolutions filed or issued by the disputing parties, prosecutor or
investigatory offices and judicial bodies and all legal documents and orders relative to the said
case together with an affidavit/Undertaking as provided for under Sections 7 1 1.2. a to d of TC
02-2019 For Barangay and SK Officers. Oath of Office by Barangay/SK Chairperson; Duly notarized Resolution for Appointment of Barangay/Sk treasurer Approved Annual Budget and Barangay Appropriation Ordinance Annual Inventory and/or Annual Post-Closing Trial Balance with stamp receive by COA Certificate of Incumbency If the submitted documents are lacking in requirements or insufficient in information, the
FBAF and its supporting documents shall be returned to the bond applicant for necessary
corrections or compliance. The bond applicant maybe required to submit additional documents
deemed necessary to support the application. This may include but not limited to certification/s
from other government or private agencies or court of law.
TC 02-2019 7.1 Procedure for Application and Renewal

7.1.1 The applicant shall accomplish and submit online the Fidelity Bond Application Form (Form
3: Annex D) in the NGCDS Fidelity Bond Module. Two (2) copies shall be printed. subscribed and
sworn to before any officer authorized to administer oath, attaching therewith two (2) passport
size identification pictures taken within the last three (3) months prior to the date of application
for submission to BTr PO/DO. The Fidelity Bond Application Form shall be accompanied by the
following: List of Bonded Accountable Officer/s, to be generated from NGCDS Fidelity Bond Module.
certified by the agency officer in charge of Administrative and/or Finance Department. Service,
Division or unit (Form 4: Annex E). If an administrative or criminal case is still pending. copies of pertinent pleadings. orders
and resolutions filed or issued by the disputing parties. prosecutor or investigatory offices and
judicial bodies and all legal documents and orders relative to the said case together with an
Affidavit/Undertaking setting forth the following that:
a) an Administrative or Criminal Case is still pending at the time the application for fidelity bond is
b) the case does or does not involve the misappropriation and/or malversation of public funds
and/or misuse of public properties and other charges relative to public funds, properties and
accountable forms;
c) the applicant shall furnish the DO/P0 of the final decision or any appeal taken therefrom that
may have occurred after the application of the bond and during the time that the bond is
effective; and,
d) the applicant understands that his/her application is subject to thorough evaluation and legal
review by BTr —Legal Service, for a maximum period of fifteen (15) days upon submission of
complete documents, before a Confirmation Letter may be approved and issued by the CTOO II. For LGU applicants who are not included in the List of LGU Incumbent Officials with BTr
DO/PO, a Certificate of Incumbency shall be secured from DILL Office in their respective Regions.
TC 02-2009 7.1 Procedure for Application

7.1.1 The applicant shall accomplish in duplicate General Form Nos. 57A (Request Form) and 58A
(Application Form), copies of which can be secured from BTr DOs/POs. General Form No. 58A shall
be subscribed and sworn to before any officer authorized to administer oath, attaching therewith
two (2) passport size identification pictures taken within the last three (3) months prior to the
date of application. The Request and Application Forms shall be accompanied by the following: Latest Sworn Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN); List of bondable public officers certified by the agency officer in charge of Administrative
and/or Finance Department, Service, Division or unit (Form Annex D).

7.1.2 The Request and Application Forms, together with required supporting documents, shall be
filed with the CTOO II assigned at the BTr DOs/POs having jurisdiction over the agency. The CTOO
II shall verify, ascertain, and determine the following: If General Form Nos. 57A and 58A have been properly accomplished and in order; If the required supporting documents are complete and in order; If the name of the applicant appears on the list of bondable public officers submitted by
the agency; If the applicant is a safe and conservative risk in accordance with Sec. 320 of the PBL.

7.1.3 In case of non-compliance with Sec. 7.1.2 (Sec. -, the CTOO II shall return to
the applicant the Request and Application Forms and its supporting documents for necessary
corrections and/or compliance. In case the applicant is determined to be an unsafe risk, the CTOO
II shall follow the procedure under Sec. 7.1.8.
7 Effectivity of Bond TC 01-2022 3.3 Provisions of Treasury Circular No. 01-2020 are hereby repealed and Section 4.8 of Treasury
Circular No. 02-2019 is hereby reworded and amended to read as follows:

4.8 Effect of Approved Bond — An approved fidelity bond shall be non-transferable and personal
to the accountable public officer and shall remain valid and effective for a period of one (1) year,
two (2) years or three (3) years at the option of the accountable public officer from the date of
over-the-counter payment or approval date of CL for online payments. The fidelity bond shall be
subject to renewal, before or 30 days prior to the expiration of the present bond coverage while
the accountable public officer is holding such position for which he/she was bonded. Failure to
renew shall consider such bond as automatically cancelled and shall have no legal effect."

T00 11-2021 6. Effectivity of Bond

6.1 Over-the-Counter payment

6 1 1 For new application, the effectivity of bond shall commence on the date of payment of bond

6.1.2 For renewal, if premium is paid one (1) month in advance. the effect its date shall
commence on the date of cancellation of year bond: or if premium is paid after the lapsing or
automatic cancellation of previous year's bond, the effectivity date of the bond renewed shall be
on the date of payment of bond premium.

6.2 Online/Electronic

61.1 The effectivity of the bond shall commence on the date the as a roved or after evaluation of
the submitted documents as to correctness and completeness.

TC 02-2019 4.7 Effectivity of Bond - The fidelity bond of an accountable officer whose application for bond has
not been contested shall be valid and effective upon payment of bond premium for
over-the-counter payments and approval of CL for online payments. The accountable officer shall
submit to the BTr DO/PO a copy of the AGDB validated deposit slip/LDDAP-ADA and ATAP as proof
of payment of bond premium. For advance payments, the effectivity shall be upon the maturity of
existing fidelity bond.

TC 02-2009 4.9 When Considered Bonded - An accountable public officer shall be considered bonded/insured
with the Fidelity Fund upon payment of the bond premium. The Fidelity bond shall be valid and
effective at the time of payment and receipt of bond premium by the AGDB. The accountable
public officer shall submit to the BTr DO/PO a copy of the AGDB validated deposit slip and ATAP as
proof of payment of bond premium, after which the Confirmation Letter shall be issued.

4.10 Effect of Approved Bond — An approved fidelity bond shall be non-transferable and personal
to the accountable public officer and shall remain valid and effective for one (1) year from the
time of payment and receipt of the bond premium. The fidelity bond shall be subject to renewal
yearly before the expiration of the present bond coverage while the accountable public officer is
holding such position for which he was bonded. Failure to renew shall consider such bond as
automatically cancelled and shall have no legal effect.
8 Effect of Approved Bond TC No. 2-2009 Non-transferrable and personal to the accountable officer and shall remain valid for a period of
Issued: August 6,2009 one year from time of payment and receipt of bond premium (Sec 4.10)

Effective for a period of (1) one,(2) two or (3) three years from date of payment of premium (for
OTC) and approval of CL (for Online)
TC No. 01-2020
Issued: August 4,2020 Subject to renewal before or 30 days prior to expiration of the present bond coverage. Failure to
renew shall consider such bond as automatically cancelled and no legal effect (Sec 4.8)

Bond applicants are enjoined to pay the premium immediately within the month of the issuance
of the ATAP for accounting purposes

...1,2 or 3 yrs "at the option of the AO"

TC 1-2022
Issued: May 30,2022 Online/Electronic Payment:
The effectivity shall commence on the date indicated in the CL after evaluation of the submitted
documents as to correctness and completeness

For advance payments in case of renewal, the effectivity shall be upon the maturity of existing
fidelity bond

9 Amount of Bond TC No. 2-2009 Based on total accountability (cash, property and accountable forms) as determined by the Head
Issued: August 6,2009 of Agency

Maximum individual accountability: 11 Million (Sec 5.1)

TC No. 2-2019 Brgy. Treasurer shall be bonded in an amount of accountability to be determined by the
Issued: April 25, 2019 Sangguniang Barangay. Provided that the maximum amount of bond shall not exceed P10,000 as
authorized by RA 7160 (Sec 5.1.1)

A Brgy. Treasurer who is designated as SCO/SDO of public funds from other sources (e.g KALAHI
CIDSS and other special projects) shall be bonded separately based on the amount of such
accountability (Sec 5.1.2)

10 Rate of Premium TC No. 2-2009 1.5% of the amount of bond but not less than P150.00. See Revised Scheduled of Premium Rates
Issued: August 6,2009 (Sec 5.3)

1.5% of the amount of bond but not less than P150.00 nor shall exceed P165,000.00
TOO 11-2021
Issued: April 26,2021
The rate of premium shall be based on the prescribed FB premium and be paid for (1) one,(2) two
or (3) three years

NGA: Based on the accountability set by the Head of Agency

LGU (Brgy Level): Based on the barangay annual budget/sources of income and annual inventory
of fixed assets
** 90% for PB and 10% for SK divided by 12 months since IRA is released on a monthly basis
(Average monthly exposure)

11 Cancellation TC No. 2-2009 Issued: The Head of Agency or authorized representative shall immediately submit a written request for
August 6,2009 bond cancellation to the concerned BTr DO/PO involving AO who are no longer accountable by
reason of retirement, separation from the service, promotion, transfer, suspension from office or
for any other cause rendering them not bondable to their present position. (Sec 7.4)

They shall accomplish GF 57(A), items 10-16

12 Effect of Cancellation TC No. 2-2009 Issued: Limiting liability of the Fidelity Fund to the transactions within the period covered until the time
August 6,2009 of cancellation. The amount of premium cancelled is non-transferable and non-refundable (Sec.

TC No. 2-2019 The cancellation of the bond shall take effect on the date of separation, relief, or transfer (Sec.
Issued: April 25, 2019 4.11)

13 Contested Application TC No. 2-2019 Application of FB by an accountable officer maybe contested by any person with the interest to
Issued: April 25, 2019 the said application within 30 days after the approval/issuance of CL

1. AO does not lawfully hold the said position/lawfully designated as such
2. Existence of pending case not declared by the applicant or the failure of the applicant or any
officer to properly declare a pending case involving public funds, property and accountable forms
3. Any valid and legal reasons which shall render the accountable officer an unsafe risk and of
questionable integrity to hold public funds, properties or accountable forms which shall be
supported by proper documents
14 Filing of Appeal (In case of TC No. 2-2009 The Head of Agency or authorized representative shall immediately submit a written request for
disapproval) Issued: August 6,2009 bond cancellation to the concerned BTr DO/PO involving AO who are no longer accountable by
reason of retirement, separation from the service, promotion, transfer, suspension from office or
for any other cause rendering them not bondable to their present position. (Sec 7.4)

They shall accomplish GF 57(A), items 10-16

TC No. 2-2019 Appeal fee increased to P1,000.00

Issued: April 25, 2019

15 Adjudication and Payment of TC No. 2-2009 Application for Relief from Accountability (Sec 8.1)- When loss of public funds or property occurs
Claim Againts the Fidelity Fund Issued: August 6,2009 while their in transit or loss is caused by fire, theft, or other casualty or force majeure, the AO
having possession, custody and control thereof shall immediately notify the COA within 30 days
or in longer period as the COA may in particular case allow, shall present his application for
relief with the supporting evidence Effect of Relief (Sec 8.2)- The relief from accountability
granted by COA shall relieve the agency from responsibility for the loss/damage to public
funds/property Fidelity Bond, when liable ( Sec 8.3)- When no relief is granted, the agency
may file claim for reimbursement from the Fidelity Fund to the extent of the approved bond
covered/ loss
whichever is lower. Claims (Sec 8.4)- Any and all claims against the Fidelity Fund shall be filed as a
money claim with COA, with copy of BTr together with the evidence relating thereto. Claims
approved by COA shall constitute a legal claim against the Fidelity Fund

16 Requirements for Payment of TC No. 2-2009 (Sec. 8.5)

Adjudicated Claims Issued: August 6,2009 Requirement: Favorable findings of COA Supporting Docs:
(a) Defalcation, shortage and unrelieved losses:
-Agency and COA finding and recommendation on the defalcation, shortage and unrelieved
-Latest SAN
-Proof of current bond

Note: In case of proven defalcation/shortage, the responsible officer should be removed/relieved

from his duties without prejudice to civil, criminal, or administrative cases be instilled


17 Mode of Payment TC No. 2-2009 Cash or Check

Issued: August 6,2009

TC No. 2-2019 (1) Cash/Check

Issued: April 25, 2019 (2) LDDAP (ExMDPS)

TOO 11-2021 Bond applicants may pay through electronic payment system (LBP Link.Biz Portal) or OTC
Issued: April 26,2021

18 Transfer of Work Station of an TOO 11-2021 When a bonded officer or employee of a NGA changes its workstations (e.g DepED's frequent
Accountable Officer Issued: April 26,2021 reshuffling of School Heads/Principals) the concerned AO can carry the current bond coverage to
the present workstation provided that there is no change in the responsibilities to be discharged
as an AO and in the amount of accountability from the previous work station.

19 Responsibilities of AGSBs TC 1-2022 (1) AGSBs shall require the transacting agency to submit CL as part of the exercise of due diligence
Issued: May 30,2022 and to prevent the unauthorized disbursement of government funds
(2) Shall require the presentation of ATAP for payment of bond premium

20 Help Desk TOO 11-2021 Help desk shall be provided to answer queries and/or concerns from DOs/POs under their
Issued: April 26,2021 respective areas of jurisdiction and NCR/Regional Coordinator, shall be responsible in addressing
queries/concerns from ROs subject to consultation with DTOP supervising RO Operations

TC 1-2022 In cases where there is technical difficulty in accessing OFBS or the system is down and in other
Issued: May 30,2022 exceptional cases, the BTr shall announce a business continuity measure including manual
processing of FB applications

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