Summer Training Report: THE Newspapers Pvt. LTD

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(Paper Code : 209)




the partial fulfillment of the requirements of

Bachelors of Journalism and Mass Communication degree
(Batch: 2014-2017)

Submitted by: Submitted to:

RuchiSaksham NaveenGupta Ms. Charulata

Vivekananda School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies
ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Institution
(Affiliated to: GGSIP University & Recognized by Bar Council of India)

AU Block, Outer Ring Road, Pitampura, Delhi – 110034


I, Ms. RuchiSaksham NaveenGupta Roll No. 0432980241401961102422 certify that

the Summer Training Report (BJMC Paper code – 209) is completed by me and it is an
authentic work carried out by me at The PioneerPawan Sansar Newspaper Pvt. Ltd..
The matter embodied in this report has not been submitted earlier for the award of any
degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge and belief.
A PowerPoint presentation of the Summer Training Report was made on
18 October, 2015 and the suggestions given by the faculty were duly incorporated.

Date – 18 October 2015 Signature of the Student-

Certified that the Functional Exposure Report submitted in partial fulfillment of

Bachelors of Journalism and Mass Communication to be awarded by G.G.S.I.P.
University, Delhi by RuchiSaksham NavenGupta, Enrolment No.-
0432980241401961102422 has been completed under my supervision.

Date: 18 October, 2015 Faculty Incharge


I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the people behind this report. Starting with
my family whose unconditional love and support has always been of great importance
boosting my spirits and urging me to farewell in my career.

I would like to thank my Print Journalism teacher Mr. Radhe krishan for their
teachings and guidance that proved very helpful while my training. Also, I would like to
thank Mrs. Meenakshi, the director of our department respectively for providing me the
opportunity to work in their organization. I also want to thank Ms.Sangeeta Yadav, Mrs.
Deebashri monathy and Mrs. Shalini Saksena for their constant help and support
throughout my internship and for teaching me new ways and tactics to stand up in the
world of media journalism and communication.

Finally I would like to thank Ms. Charulata Singh for helping me to make this report in
an organized and presentable form and also Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies
to provide me with this course and the platform to move ahead.

It has been a month full of challenges and new learning opportunities that made me aware
of the professional world and taught me ways how to positively grow in it.




Industry Profile 5
Company Profile 12

2 Relevance of Jobs Assigned 14

3 Job Specific Details 16

4 Learning Outcomes 20

5 Summary and Conclusions 21

7 Bibliography 22

8 By Lines


 History Of Print Media

Indian print media is at a massive business in the media world and its newspapers are said
to offer majority of national and international news. The history newspaper in India
began in 1780, with the publication of the Bengal Gazette from Calcutta.

The advent of the first newspaper in India occurred in the capital city of West Bengal,
Calcutta. James Augustus Hickey is considered the "father of Indian press" as he
started the first Indian newspaper from Calcutta, the `Bengal Gazette` or `Calcutta
General Advertise` in January, 1780. This first printed newspaper was a weekly
publication. In 1789, the first newspaper from Bombay, the `Bombay Herald` appeared,
followed by the `Bombay Courier` in the following year. Later, this newspaper merged
with the Times of India in 1861. These newspapers carried news of the areas under the
British rule. The first newspaper published in an Indian language was the Samachar
Darpan in Bengali. The first issue of this daily was published from the Serampore
Mission Press on May 23, 1818. Samachar Darpan, the first vernacular paper was
started during the period of Lord Hastings. In the same year, Ganga Kishore Bhattacharya
started publishing another newspaper in Bengali, the `Bengal Gazette`. On July 1, 1822
the first Gujarati newspaper, the Bombay Samachar, was published from Bombay, which
is still in existence. The first Hindi newspaper, the Samachar Sudha Varshan started its
circulation in 1854. Since then, the prominent Indian languages in which newspapers had

been published over the years are Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Urdu and

The Indian language newspapers eventually took over the English newspapers according
to the NRS survey of newspapers. The main reason was the marketing strategy that was
followed by the regional papers, commencing with Eenadu - a Telugu daily started by
Ramoji Rao. The second reason was the growing literacy rate. Increase in the literacy rate
had direct positive effect on the rise of circulation of the regional papers. The people
were first educated in their mother tongue according to their state in which they live for
and eventually, the first thing a literate person would try to do is read the vernacular
papers and gain knowledge about his own locality. Moreover, localization of news has
also contributed to the growth of regional newspapers in India. Indian regional papers
have several editions for a particular state to offer a complete scenario of local news for
the reader to connect with the paper. Malayala Manorama features about 10 editions in
Kerala itself and six others outside Kerala. Thus regional papers in India aim at providing
localized news for their readers.

Eventually, the advertisers also realized the huge potential of the regional paper market,
partly due to their own research and more owing to the efforts of the regional papers to
make the advertisers aware of the huge market. These advertisers paid revenues to the
newspaper house and in return publicised their products throughout the locality. Thus,
newspapers in India not only acted as news providers but also promoters of certain
market products. Some of the prominent newspapers in India in the recent times are The
Times of India, The Statesman, The Telegraph, The Economic Times, Indian Express and
so on. The Economic Times is one of the India`s leading business newspapers; carrying
news about the Economy, Companies, Infrastructure, Trends in the Economy, Finance,
Stocks, Forex and Commodities, news from around the world and from the world of
politics besides editorial and various other features. The Malayala Manorama releases
daily, weekly, monthly and annual publications from Kerala. Started in 1988 in Tamil
and Telegu languages, it is now published in other regional languages like Hindi,
Bengali, as well as in English. Among the various publications, the Malayala Manorama
Daily has the largest circulation, selling about 11 lakhs 50 thousand copies daily. The
Times of India was founded in 1838 as The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce by
Bennett, Coleman and Company, a colonial enterprise now owned by an Indian
conglomerate. The Times Group publishes The Economic Times (launched in 1961),
Navbharat Times (Hindi language), and the Maharashtra Times (Marathi language).

The newspapers collected their news from the news agencies. India has four news
agencies namely, the Press Trust of India (PTI), United News of India (UNI),
Samachar Bharti and Hindustan Smachar. Newspapers and magazines in India are
independent and usually privately owned. About 5,000 newspapers, 150 of them major
publications, are published daily in nearly 100 languages. Over 40,000 periodicals are
also published in India. The periodicals specialize in various subjects but the majority of
them deal with subjects of general interest. During the 1950s, 214 daily newspapers were
published in the country. Out of these, 44 were English language dailies while the rest
were published in various regional languages. This number rose to 2,856 dailies in 1990
with 209 English dailies. The total number of newspapers published in the country
reached 35,595 newspapers by 1993 (3,805 dailies). Newspaper sale in the country
increased by 11.22% in 2007. By 2007, 62 of the world`s best selling newspaper dailies
were published in countries like China, Japan, and India. India consumed 99 million
newspaper copies as of 2007, making it the second largest market in the world for

Newspapers in India have almost created a huge industry in the nation. It publishes the
largest number of `paid-for titles` in the world. In 1997, the total number of newspapers
and periodicals published in India was around 41705, which include 4720 dailies and
14743 weeklies. However, in the last one decade the news media in India has changed
rapidly. All the major news media outlets have an accompanying news website. A new
class of newspapers in India is entirely Internet based.

 Distribution Process Of Paper Industry

 The newspaper sales involve distributing highly perishable products under severe time
 The printed newspapers have to be dispatched to various distributors across the
 The revenue of the newspaper distributor is based on a commission on the sale of
every newspaper.
 The circulation is normally through salesmen appointed and salaried by the
distributors, who in turn pass it on to hawkers.
 Hawkers, vendors and book stall owners are the last link of the supply chain before
newspaper reaches readers.
 Responsiveness and efficiency play an important role in newspaper distribution

 Current Scenario

 Indian newspaper industry is slated to grow manifold, with growth rate circling
around 6%.
• Market share is projected to grow from Rs 56,300 crore to Rs 92,900 crore by the
end of 2013, as per the research done by the Pricewater house cooper.
• Indian readership survey 2009 says that almost all of the English dailies are losing
readership at a rate much faster than the rate of their growth including the biggies
such as Times of India and HT, etc.

 Hierarchy Of News Room

The newsroom hierarchy is the manner in which a news-gathering operation is

organized. The complexity of the hierarchy changes with the size of the news entity. A
very small, weekly newspaper might have a hierarchy of just two people, an editor and
a reporter. A very large organization might have several layers of editors and reporters.

Upper-level management in newspapers:

At the top of the organizational chart stands the editor, according to J Prof, an online
guide for journalism instructors. The editor is tasked with setting editorial policy and
overseeing the newsroom budget. In many cases, the editor is a member of the editorial
board. Below the editor stands the managing editor, responsible for the day-to-day
operations of the newsroom. A managing editor ensures that deadlines are met and often
decides, in consultation with other members of management, which stories go on the
front page. Several editors may report to the managing editor, including the chief of the
copy desk, the chief of the design desk, and section editors, such as the business editor,
features editor, sports editor and photo editor.

Newspaper middle management:

Each section editor may have a deputy or assistant editor. Below the section editors
stand the reporters. Photographers report to the photo editor. Designers, who organize
the physical layout of words, headlines and pictures, report to the design chief. Reporters
report to the section editors or their deputy. Members of the copy desk read stories to
ensure grammar, accuracy and taste. They also write headlines.


The role of Internet operations differs from newsroom to newsroom, reflecting,

perhaps, the newness of Internet operations. In some cases, Internet operations are
completely set apart from the newsroom. They have access to news content, but little say
in its development. In other operations, Internet operations are closely intertwined with
the newsroom and may have a role in selection and allocation of resources. Web staffers
may report to the managing editor or editor in the newspaper.

Non-newsroom managers:

In newspapers, the editor reports to the publisher, who oversees the business operations
of the newspaper. The publisher usually has a say in the development of opinion-based
editorials, but is not considered a member of the newsroom. Similarly, the ad director at
both types of news organizations is not a member of the newsroom.

The newspaper organization setup of a Capsule Organization is divided into 3 main


1. Editorial department
2. Administration or business department
3. Mechanical or technical department

The newspaper organization set up of a Big Organization is divided into 5 major parts:

1. Editorial department
2. Administration department
a. Time office
b. HR (Human Resource)
3. Advertisement department
4. Circulation department
5. Mechanical or technical department

Importance Of Print Media

Over the last 10 years print media has lost ground in the digital media boom, facing
competition from smart phones, iPad, internet, social media and many other digital
media. The recent announcement of four large daily newspapers, including the New
Orleans Times-Picayune, cutting back to less-than-daily frequency while boosting digital
efforts, is yet another of many examples.

Although print has declined, there is still a need for print in marketing and
advertising. Print media is tangible, portable and moldable, it can be carried with a person

without the need of technology. A person can feel the texture of the paper, turn the pages
of a magazine, and see the brilliant colors shine on the page of a high-gloss photography
book. Paper can be any size, shape or color; it can enhance an idea and become a work of
art. In advertising print can become larger than life in the form of billboards that can
drive traffic to a website or inform you of discounts at the closest hotel. It can be the
smallest printed teaser card to generate buzz of a new restaurant opening.

A print piece can engage a person, interact with a person in ways the web cannot. Print
has the diversity of being able to stand alone or work with other media to create dynamic
and effective multimedia marketing campaigns. The use of QR codes can drive traffic to
websites in a quick and effective way. Statistics show that campaigns that combine
printed direct mail pieces with internet advertising yield up to a 25% higher response rate
than using internet alone, according to the Direct Marketing Association.

Print has a credibility that the internet is lacking. There is an ease with print that you
don’t get with onscreen text, a sense of being more trustworthy. In fact many studies have
shown that print is still considered more credible than online material. This is because
print is more permanent, it has to stand up over time, while the web is fluid, it changes,
and information can be rewritten very easily or even deleted.

So while many may think print is a thing of the past, there are many practical uses for
print media in today’s digital world. Print has been around for thousands of years in one
form or another and print will continue to be an important part of society for years to


CEO Michael A. Gugliotto, President

Ticker Web pioneerPawan

PioneerPawan Sansar Newspapers is a family media business owned by members of the Scripps
family. The family has a long history in newspapers, starting with E.W. Scripps in Cleveland in
1878. PioneerPawan Sansar Newspapers was formed in 1974 by James G. Scripps.

Seattle-based PioneerPawan Sansar Newspapers is the majority owner of a number of

publishing businesses, each of which operates a daily newspaper in communities such as
Klamath Falls, Ore.; Logan, Utah; Pocatello, Idaho; Bozeman, Mont., and Ellensburg,
Washington. The company also owns weekly newspapers in Montana, Idaho, Utah and Oregon.

Below is a count of the company’s news outlets by media sector.


Sector: Newspapers
 Daily Chronicle - Boseman, MT
 Daily Record - Ellensburg, WA
 Herald and News - Klamath Falls, OR
 Herald Journal - Logan, UT
 Press-Tribune - Nampa, ID
 Skagit Valley herald - Mount Vernon, WA

 State Journal - Pocatello, ID


 Address: Link house. 2nd Floor, 3 bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, new Delhi-110002
 Phone: 011- 40754100
011- 23755271
 Fax: 011- 23755275
 E-mail: pioneerPawan Sansar@dailypioneerPawan
Website: www.dailypioneerPawan


Relevance of Training and Job assigned

This one month of internship provided me a good experience with lots of lessons. During my
internship at The PioneerPawan Sansar, I realized that there is immense pressure on every
person who is associated in the print media. Whether it is the reporter who has to find the
news and submit the news story before the deadline. The sub- editor who has the immense
pressure for each and every story given, to give the headline, edit the whole story, coordinate
with the other journalist to get the work done.

The editor, who is the leader of the newspaper company has so much work to do everyday.
The knowledge and exposure which I have got during the internship is very much different to
what I have learnt in the college. Practical work adds to knowledge more than what we learn in

My mentor always made a point that stick to the norms of the company and gradually the
growth of mind and experience starts. My mentor always gave me the task in which I learnt
something, which made me an independent worker. I followed the basic work culture of the
company which helped me to progress every day.

There are certain things which I did during the internship which will be explained in the


I got to interview some famoe famous personalities through telephone a well as direct.this
made me much more comfortable and confident with different people.

Technology Stories

Stories which were related to technology has always been interesting. In this modern world, the
advancement of the technology has made people’s life much easier

New innovations are always a part of developing technology and I was fortunate enough to go
and experience one of these and write about it.


Entertainment has always been the most interesting and creative beat. I was able to experience
and interview famous personalities and even write about different television shows and these




 Organisation’s Style Sheet

Week- 1  Telephonic Interview 17
 Discussion
 Proof Reading
Week- 2  Interviewing and writing 17
 Discussion
 Reporting and writing
Week-3  Page designing 18
 Interviwing
 Reporting and writing
Week-4  Creating a story
 Editing 19

(editing, proof-reading, translating)

 WEEK-1

In the initial days, Ms. Sangeeta, my mentor made me read news-stories, articles,
features etc. just to make me comfortable to write, edit news-stories, articles for
PioneerPawan Sansar newspaper

Initially I was given news stories for reading, to get comfortable with style of writing
and then I was given my first telephinic interview with 3 of the jhalak’s contestants,
Shamita Shetty, Scarlett Mellish Willson and Dipika Kakkar, and preparing that for

In first week itself I got my first byline on 12th of july

On every Monday a discussion took place amongst staff and Interns and was judged by
Ms. Meenakshi. The discussion was about new stories and upcoming trends.

Learning Experience

• Improvement in Language skills

• Reading newspaper becomes a habit.
• Structure for writing News-stories, articles, etc. was clear in the First Week only.
• Experience in interviewing people

First Discussion at PioneerPawan Sansar helped me in gaining a lot of knowledge as I

had never been a part of any such discussion, where everyone arrived with a new and
innovatve story idea and also I had my first experience of interviewing a celebratory, and
writing a story

 WEEK-2

In the second week, I worked as a reporter and learnt how to proof read articles. I went
to attemndn a press conference andgained experience in interviewing the jury of then
upcoming dance show ‘Dance+, Ms. Sangeeta guided me as how to interact with the
various people such as the one who needs to be interviewed, other journalists, head of the
event, audience, etc. and what are the essential documents or materials a reporter must
have before going to any event for reporting.

I went for a press conference about women education and development, which clearly
depiced the current status and future requirements, and also went for a conference to
interview captains of a dance show.

Learning Experience

• Reporting Skills were inculcated.

• Gained confidence.
• Improvement in communication skills.
• Command in writing stories

 WEEK-3

In the third week, I worked as an interviwer and reporter again and learnt how to
design the front page of Sunday pioneerPawan Sansar Newspaper. I went for
Bindass ‘NACH’ a then upcoming show where india was supposed to perform first time
at ‘world of dance’ in Los Angles this week and also took a telephonic interview of
CEO of freecultr ,a new online tremd, Mrs. Deebashree helped me out for this and also
taught me how design a page of a newspaper using style sheet


Learning Experience

• Reporting Skills.
• Revised page design Software. ( I was earlier familiar with this software as I
studied in semester-2)
• Build confidence.
• Improvement in confidence level.

 WEEK-4

I worked as a reporter again in this week, and also this week was a new experience on
creating a story.

The reporting was about a new cancer detecting machine launched in india for the first
time. A new advancement in technology, presented very precisely in a press conference.
Second was a story creation based on entertainment.

Learning Outcomes

 Reporting Skills
 Writing skills
 Time- Management.
 Knowledge enhancement


My experience at PioneerPawan Sansar was a very pleasant one. Working as team with
the editors, reporters and my co-interns was something that I truly treasured. It was
through them that I found it more enjoyable and easy to deal with my assignments.

Being given a chance to work with some of the best people in the organization and to see
how the work goes about in a newspaper office was phenomenal.

Regularly writing a news-story helped me in gaining command in writing, we are used to

write stories, articles and features, etc. but learning how to write for a newspaper was a
completely different experience.

Opportunity to meet and interview such personalities, helped me take my confidence to a

higher level.

• Reporting Skills were inculcated.
• Gained confidence.
• Field work.
• Learnt how to write news reports.
• Communication skills improved.
• Time- Management.

• Research work.
• Became outspoken


My Summer Training at PioneerPawan Sansar was a learning experience not only

professionally but personally as well. My internship there taught me the implications of
Journalism. As reminisce about my internship, I have realized that developed skills,
which certainly will help me in my future job prospects. I got to know, that the reporters
and editors prepare a lot of articles and news but, it’s not always necessary that would get

My job at The PioneerPawan Sansar was basically reporting and interviewingbut apart
of it I learnt several things, such as editing, gathering information, Indesign, Proof-
reading symbols, etc.

The best part of the internship was that I got to know my strengths and weaknesses. I
realized that I could actually write and could edit as well. It made me realize that I should
work harder to enhance my writing as well as editing skills and it was just the beginning
of my big dream. I would like to thank my Ms.sangeeta Yadav and Mrs.Deebashri
Monathy at the organisation.

My internship made me realized my potential and has given me the strength to strive for
excellence in the coming years of my life. This one month at the internship programme
also helped me in understanding the life of a journalist. I feel immensely grateful to have
been given this opportunity.

It has been a remarkable experience overall where other than developing my skills, I also
got to experience how the things move at professional front. I feel that the internship
undeniably boosts professional as well as personal abilities of a person. The experience
which I have gained is priceless and will help me throughout my journey in this industry

and will surely help me to excel in it with a positive approach and with great enthusiasm.
The opportunity to work in two organizations was unquestionably a major building block
of my career.
I owe my thanks to all those people who made my internship a successful endeavor. All
in all it was a great learning experience, an experience of a lifetime. It was an experience
that will be cherished throughout my life.







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