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1. 4th year Criminology students used a sampling where it has limited certain number of
respondents. 1m
A. Systematic sampling C. Quota Sampling
B. Pure-random sampling D. Snowball sampling

2. The students were researching on physical books and libraries for their review of related
literature to find their basis to the: 1D
A. Research problem C. Research Gap
B. Gap D. Hypothesis

3. Do the College of Criminal Justice practice Disaster risk reduction management? 2d

A. Problem C. Null Hypothesis
B. Statement of the problem D. Alternative Hypothesis

4. The seminar conducted of the Police in the baranggay do not strengthen the relationship of
the Police and the Community. 3d
A. Hypothesis C. Specific Hypothesis
B. Problem D. Alternative Hypothesis

5. The researcher used questionnaire, specifically yes or no and recognition questionnaire to

gather the desired data from 1st year students of CCJ of CVSU Main 4 d
A. Data Gathering C. Sampling design
B. Research Design D. Research Locale

6. Three possible reasons for conducting criminological research, except. 2m

A. Exploration C. Explanation
B. Descriptive D. Description

7. The following are the importance of Criminological research, except. 5d

A. To ascertain or recognize what works in the area of law enforcement, prosecution, legal
service, court system and correctional institution
B. Provides the basis for the formulation of Criminal justice policies
C. Helps not to identify more effective approaches to law enforcement and administrative of
D. None of the above

8. The criminological research relies on the application of the scientific method on harnessing
of curiosity. Scientific research is funded by public authorities and can be subdivided into
different classification. 6d
A. Statement no. 1 is not false
B. Statement no. 2 is not true
C. Both statements are not false
D. Both statements are not true

9. Ms. Yza asked Yvan to look for the results and findings and the tables of their Research
paper. Which chapter should Yvan find? 7d
A. Chapter 5 C. Chapter 4
B. Chapter 2 D. Chapter 6

10. Students were asked to go to the library to search some informations about their activity.
a. Applied Research C. Field research
b. Pure research D. Library research

11. The researchers found that police patrol is one of the preventive measure in reducing
crime rate of certain place. The police patrol is the ____ variable while the crime rate is
_____ variable. 8d
A. Independent; dependent C. Mediator; Dependent
B. Dependent:Moderator D. Moderator; Independent

12. The researchers went to the concealed native place where they do not know who their
respondents are. 3m
A. Fidelity C. Anonymity
B. Confidentiality D. Both B and C

13. The following are the definitions of Sampling Technique, except. 9d

A. A sample reflects the characteristics of the population
B. A basic concept in sampling is that what is called randomness
C. Sampling seeks to insure that every individual in the population has an equal chance of
being included
D. All of the above

14. According to period, it describes what will be. 2e

A. Historical C. Descriptive
B. Experimental D. None of the above

15. Provides an explanation why crime occurs. 3e

A. Research C. Criminological Theory
B. Criminology D. Criminological Research

16. A disadvantage of the interview type of survey is that. 10d

a. It does not permit follow up question
b. The subject answer cannot be clarified
c. A person is less likely to complete a survey of contacted personally
d. The researcher may inadvertently influence the subject

17. Significance of the study focuses on who will be the benificiary of the main research,
choose best answer that implies significance of the study.
A. The main focus of this quantitative research is to identify the various practices of SHS
students SSC-RdC in preventing dengue. 11d
B. What are the different practices that the 3rd year students of CCJ of CVSU Main do in
order to fight the Corona Virus?
C. They are also recommended to improve their practices in order to practice dengue
prevention more effectively.
D. “The result of the study will benefit the following:”

18. Which of the following best describes Criminological research? 12d

A. a claim made for discussion or approval in the area of Criminology
B. The foundation of criminological theory is criminological research, which also shapes
social policy and criminal justice practice.
C. The systematic review of information and sources with the goal of establishing facts and
drawing innovative conclusions.
D. None of the above
19. Field research is conducted were research subjects live or where the activities of interest
take place. What do you call a complete set individuals or measurement in the field research?
A. Population C. Field sample
B. Field population D. Field Sampling

20. Research that aims to advance theory and broaden the body of knowledge is referred to as
pure research. On the other hand Criminological research is best described. 14d
A. A systematic examination of the past that aims to distinguish factual from fictitious
versions of historical events through the review of numerous pertinent source materials.
B include gathering and examining non-numerical material (such text, audio, or video) in
order to comprehend ideas, viewpoints, or experiences.
C. Research Conduct in the field of criminology
D. All of the above

21. An effective method for studying major, widely distributed populations. 15d
A. Simple random C. CLuster
B. Stratified D. Probability

22. In order for this to be effective, you have to be absolutely certain that the sample frame
has no hidden patterns or hierarchical order, as this could skew your results. 16d
A. Systematic C. Cluster
B. Random D. Non-probability

23. When your population is large, dispersed geographically, or challenging to reach, you
must use a. 17d
A. Simple random method C. Likert Scale
B. Sampling method D. Population Method

24. You and your group mates must ensure that you have the authority, time, labor, and
resources necessary to complete the task. 18d
A. Specific C. Measurable
B. Time bound D. Attainable

25. “ 8 weeks from now, we must have a final decision in the experiment” this best described
as? 19d
A. Specific C. Measurable
B. Time bound D. Attainable

26. Criminological research is an extensive overview of the evolution of ______ data analysis
and qualitative and quantitative research methods. 20d
A. Sociological related C. PSychological related
B. Criminology related D. Environmental related

27. When subjects are randomized to either a treatment or control group in an experiment, the
placebo effect is frequently seen. How about the hawthorne effect? 21d
A. takes place in both observational and experimental research designs in disciplines
including as education, organizational psychology, and medicine.
B. can result in discriminatory behavior in a variety of settings, including the workplace,
healthcare, and educational institutions.
C. Research subjects often respond to questionnaires in a way that presents them in a way that
is socially acceptable or in an effort to win over other people.
D. tendency to overestimate the degree of predictability in historical occurrences.
28. Research subjects often respond to questionnaires in a way that presents them in a way
that is socially acceptable or in an effort to win over other people. 22d
A. Social Desirability Bias C. Implicit bias
B. Hawthorne effect D. Hindsight bias

29. Which among the following best describes Explanatory design. 23d
A. Researcher is interested in the extend to which two variables co-vary
B. Collecting data at one point in time
C. Using survey to collect data about trends
D. All of the above

30. In a research that investigates the effect of reviewing on final examination scores, your
dependent variable is. 24d
A. Hours spent on reviewing B. Final examination scores

31. Causality in research can only be established in. 25d

A. Survey research C. Correlational
B. Experimental research D. B and C

32. The element that distinguishes experimental from non experimental 26d
A. Generality C. Reliability
B. Control D. Objectivity

33. Unintentionally studied variables that might have an impact on the result 27d
A. Extraneous Variable C. Demographic Variable
B. Dependent variable D. Categorical Variable

34. consult the individual data of your interviewees. Another name for them is sample
characteristics. 28d
A. Extraneous Variable C. Demographic Variable
B. Dependent variable D. Categorical Variable

35. In a research that determining the effect of police patrol In nigh time, which is the
independent variable? 29d
A. Police patrol B. Crime rate changes

36. Which of the following describes characteristics of good sub-questions. 30d

A. Should be less complex than the main question
B. Should only be asked if you need the findings to answer your main question
C. Either a and b
D. Neither a and b

37. “ How often do High school students experience Body shaming?” is an example of? 31d
A. Descriptive C. Comparative
B. Relationship D. None of the above

38. They start with phrases such as “ what is the difference in? “ 32d
A. Descriptive C. Comparative
B. Relationship D. None of the above

39. The general research has all of these characteristics, except 33d
A. Should have only one possible answer
B. Should not be too broad
C. Should not be too narrow
D. May be derived from the purpose of your research
40. “There is no significant difference in the relationship of police and community when
respondents are grouped according to gender” 34d
A. Causal Hypothesis C. Alternative
B. Null hypothesis D. Hypothesis

41. Similar to questionnaire but is a qualitative tool for problem diagnosis. 4m

A. Opinionated questionnaire C. Oppinionaire
B. Interview Protocol D. Interview

42. “ Do you believe in Demonological theory?” 35d

A. Brief C. Specific
B. Relevant D. Unambiguous

43. If an instrument is given to the same set of respondents a number of times and produces
the same results, it is. 36d
a. Redundant c. valid
b. Reliable d. objective

44. Use when your key findings lie in structured numeric information. 37d
A. Text C. CHarts
B. Tables D. None of the above

45. Your problem should be the one that genuinely interests you 38d
A. The problem should be suitable to the researcher
B. The problem must be searchable
C. The problem should be ethically appropriate

46. Consider consent, protection from harm, and privacy of your respondents. 39d
A. The problem should be suitable to the researcher
B. The problem must be searchable
C. The problem should be ethically appropriate

47. If randomization means that all members of the sampling frame have an equal opportunity
of being selected of the study. What is the source material, usually a list, from which a sample
is drawn? 40d
A. Sample Size C. Population
B. Sampling frame D. Sampling technique

48. The smaller the margin of error, the closer you are having the exact answer. 5m
A. Confidence level C. Population
B. Margin of error D. Tests

49. When the researchers tests for the difference between group means after any other
variance in the outcome variable is accounted for. 41d
A. Correlational C. Paired t test
B. Spearman COrrelation D. ANOVA

50. If Criminology is the science of Crime and criminals, which of the following best
describes Sociology? 42d
A. scientific investigation of the workings of the human mind, particularly as they relate to
conduct in particular situations.
B. examines human civilizations, their relationships, and the mechanisms that both maintain
and alter them.
C. the theory of knowledge, particularly in terms of its applications, reliability, and extent.
D. None of the above.
51. “Twelve multinational firms passed internal carbon emissions regulations in the same
year, according to research. “ 43d
A. Deductive research C. Comparative
B. Cross sectional D. Action Research

52. “A doctoral candidate in education investigates strategies for raising student participation
in the classroom.” 44d
A. Fundamental research C. Comparative
B. Deductive research D. Cross sectional

53. contains data that is both quantitative and qualitative. A combination of words, photos,
and graphs are frequently used to present the results.45d
A. Mixed research C. Action research
B. Deductive research D. Cross sectional

54. The following are examples of qualitative research, except 46d

a. Survey C. COrrelation
b. Observation D. Interview

55. Make sure you have enough time to research the matter, gather information, and assess
your conclusions. 6m
a. Clear objective c. TIme availability
b. Proper representation d. None of the above

56. Hindrances to Scientific investigation that is persisting to believe an observed pattern

from an over generalization and ignoring other pertinent? 47d
A. Selective information C. Overgeneralization
B. Selective observation D. Authority

57. Two foundations of science are 7m

A. Logic and theory C. Theory and observation
B. Observation and logic D. All of the above

58. This is making up information to explain away information. 8m

A. Selective information C. Made up information
B. Overgeneralization D. None of the above

59. Which among the following best describes Explanatory design. 48d
E. Researcher is interested in the extend to which two variables co-vary
F. Collecting data at one point in time
G. Using survey to collect data about trends
H. All of the above

60. The research problem is one or more questions to be answered ____? 9m

A. Systematically
B. Scientifically
C. Doubtlfully
D. Empirically

61. Three possible reasons for conducting criminological research, except. 10m
C. Exploration C. Explanation
D. Descriptive D. Description

62. This analysis is a research method in which a researcher uses data collected by others.11m
A. Secondary
B. Marginal
C. Residual
D. Ethnographic

63. The following are examples of interval scales, except 12m

A. Test scores
B. Personality inventories
C. Age
D. Temperature in Celsius

64. If city of birth, gender and marital status are under nominal scales, which of the following
best describes Ordinal scales 13m
A. Language ability
B. Height
C. Inventory
D. Car brands

65. The multivariate techniques can serve as powerful tools for 14m
A. Predicting variable
B. Reacting to issues
C. Diagnosing social problem
D. All of these

66. Which of the following describes analysis of one or more than two variables? 15m
A. Feminist research
B. Multivariate
C. Univariate
D. Bivariate

67. The methodology section should written in the ___ tense 16m
A. Prsent
B. Future
C. Past
D. Past participle

68. Extended immersion and close observation are the methods used to gather data.17m
A. Case study
B. Ethnography
C. Grounded theory
D. Phenomenology

69. Numerous sources and techniques can be used to gather data.18m

E. Case study
F. Ethnography
G. Grounded theory
H. Phenomenology

70. Utilizing technologies such as eye tracking, neuroimaging, or computer-based tasks to

gather information on variables including reaction time, emotional response, and attention.
A. Psychology
B. Education
C. Physical science
D. Media
Numbers 71-78, determine if it is questionnaire or interview

71. More common in quantitative research 20m

A. Questionnaire
B. Interview

72. conducted by the researcher online, over the phone, or in person 21m
A. Questionnaire
B. Interview

73. Allow participants to answer subjectively 22m

A. Questionnaire
B. Interview

74. Idea can be explored in-depth 23m

A. Questionnaire
B. Interview

75. May be distributed online 24m

A. Questionnaire
B. Interview

76. Numerous individuals can provide consistent data collection. 25m

A. Questionnaire
B. Interview

77. More common in qualitative research 26m

A. Questionnaire
B. Interview

78. Offer restricted options and closed questions most of the time. 27m
A. Questionnaire
B. Interview

79. Do the components of your measuring materials pass all conceptual tests? 28m
A. Validity
B. Reliability
C. Objectivity
D. None of the above

80. Does it yield the same outcomes in various situations?29,m

A. Validity
B. Reliability
C. Objectivity
D. None of the above

81. The descriptive research is a kind of research according to time element that describes?
A. What is
B. What was
C. What will be
D. What are

82. Also known as “wise guess”

A. Conclusion
B. Hypothesis
C. Data gathering
D. Survey

83. Research involves?

A. Mere opinion
B. Mere hearsay
C. Original work
D. None of the above

84. Fabricating, manipulating, or inventing data and reporting it as a finding.

A. Plagiarism
B. Falsifyinh data
C. Cheating
D. Academic cheating

85. High quality are chosen for participation

A. Modal instance sampling
B. Convenience
C. Expert
D. Snowball

86. Members are selected intentionally across the possible types of responses to capture all
A. Proportional
B. Diversity
C. Expert
D. Modal

87. SPecific number of people, cases, or pieces of data in your population.

A. Samples
B. Sample size
C. Unit
D. Sampling bias

88. Also known as gap

A. Problematic
B. Plagiarism
C. Problem
C. None of the above

89. Synopsis of a thesis

A. Acknowledgement
B. Reccomendation
C. Introduction
D. Abstract

90. Research involves mere exercise of opinion instead of the original word.
A. True
B. False
C. Partially ture
D. Partially false

91. A model or pattern which presents root assumption parameters within which a research is
A. Paradigm
B. Median
C. Population
D. Mean

92. A method of gathering data primary through close visual inspection of a natural setting
A. Interview
B. Direct observation
C. Data collection
D. Indirect observation

93. Scientific investigation or inquiry

A. Interview
B. Interrogation
C. Research
D. None of the above

94. Quantification is the process of converting data to numerical format.

A. True
B. False
C. Partially true
D. Partually false

95. Is reliability the quality of consistency in measurement?

A. Yes
B. True
C. No
D. False

96. High quality are chosen for participation

E. Modal instance sampling
F. Convenience
G. Expert
H. Snowball

97. Pure research goal is done for the development of application and socialization
A. True
B. False
C. Yes
D. No
98. Curriculum Vitae is also known as the resume
A. True
B. False
C. Yes
D. No

99. Sources of information which includes journals, thesis, or dissertation?

A. Related readings
B. Related studies
C. Key information
D. Artifacts

100. When criminlogists study variables, they focus on

A. Theories
B. Logic
C. Relationship
D. People

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