Sample-Paper-See Xi Cs Ms Lucknow

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M.M.: 35 TIME: 2 HRS

Section – A
Each question carries 2 marks
1. [2]
i). L1.extend(L2)

½ mark for each correct function and ½ mark for correct syntax /example.

ii). L1.clear()

½ mark for each correct function and ½ mark for correct syntax /example.
2. i) [2]
a). L * 2 - will replicate the list two times but L will remain unaffected.
b). L *= 2 - will replicate the list two times and contents of L will be changed to
['abc', [6, 7, 8], 3, 'mouse', 'abc', [6, 7, 8], 3, 'mouse']
a). L[::2] - will return ['abc', 3]
b). L[1][1] – will return 7

½ mark for each correct explanation / output

3. Correct output = ii). 30#40#50# [2]
Maximum Values of FROM and TO 3, 4 respectively.
1 mark for correct output
½ mark for correct maximum value of FROM
½ mark for correct maximum value of TO
4. Various ways of creating a tuple are – [2]
t=tuple(6, 7, 8)
t=tuple([6, 7, 8])

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Example of membership operator in

T=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
3 in T
Will give True
7 in T
Will give False

1 mark for any two correct method of creating tuple and 1 mark for correct example of
using in operator
5. Find the errors in the statement(s) and rewrite the same after correcting them – [2]
Wrong Code Correct Code
i). tup1= 1, 2, 3, 4 i). tup1= 1, 2, 3, 4
tup1=tup1 + 10 tup1=tup1 +(10,)
print(tup1) print(tup1)
ii). tup1= 1, 2, 3, 4 ii). tup1= 1, 2, 3, 4
a, b, c = tup1 a, b, c, d = tup1
print (tup1) print (tup1)

1 mark for each correction

6. i). E-waste disposal – E-waste should not be given to unauthorized vendors / buyers. [2]
The respective pollution control boards in different states , authorize agencies to
collect e-waste from generators. The dealers should have valid consent and
authorization. This authorization is given based on the competency of the recycler,
infrastructure and other factors as decided by the regulatory authorities.

1 mark for correct definition / explanation

ii). Sending email / posting any thing in social media account etc.

1 mark for any one option or similar to this option

7. Digital property – It refers to any information about you or created by you that exist in [2]
digital form either online or on an electronic storage device. Example – email / social
media / online shopping / video gaming account etc

Threats to digital properties –

1. Digital software penetration tools such as cracks and keygen, tools created by
2. Stealing and plagiarizing codes of your digital properties.

1 mark for correct definition and ½ mark for each threat (any two)

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Possible causes that contribute gender and disability issues are –
 Differences in parental support
 Restricted access to computers
 Fewer female role model and casual approach towards computer related activities.
 Societal mindsets
 Uneven access to education

½ mark for each point quoted (any four), maximum 2 marks.

Section – B
Each question carries 3 marks
8. # Program to delete all odd numbers and negative numbers from a list [3]

List1=eval(input("enter a comma seperated list of numbers enclosed in []"))

print("Original List ", List1)

for i in range(l):

print("List after deletion", List1)


# Program to delete all odd numbers and negative numbers from a list

List1=eval(input("enter a comma seperated list of numbers enclosed in []"))

print("Original List ", List1)

while i<l:
if (List1[i]<0) or (List1[i]%2==1) :
del List1[i]
i= i-1
print("List after deletion", List1)

1 mark for taking input correctly

1 mark for correct looping

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1 mark for correct output

9. python module – A python module is a chunk of python code that exist in its own .py file [3]
and is intended to be used by python code outside itself. It can be imported in other
python program
i). floor - it returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the passed value
example –

math.floor(-45.17) will return 46

math.floor(100.72) will return 100

ii). mode – It returns the most repeated value of the list / sequence passed.
Example –
import statistics
statistics.mode(1,2,3,4,3,5,3,6,3) will return 3

10. i). Open Source Software - OSS refers to software whose source code is available and it [3]
can be modified and redistributed without any limitation. OSS may come free of cost or
with a payment of nominal charges that it developer may charge in the name of
development / support of software.

ii). Eavesdropping - An eavesdropping attack, also known as a sniffing or snooping

attack, is a theft of information as it is transmitted over a network by a computer,
smartphone, or another connected device. The attack takes advantage of unsecured
network communications to access data as it is being sent or received by its user.

iii). Ransomware - Ransomware is malware that employs encryption to hold a victim's

information at ransom. A user or organization's critical data is encrypted so that they
cannot access files, databases, or applications. A ransom is then demanded to provide

1 mark for each correct definition

Section – C
Each question carries 4 marks
11. i). Hacking - Hacking is an act of gaining information that is not authorized. When a [4]
hacker gains access to an account, he can use it for personal gains and can use it against
the person or company and in worst cases demand ransom to release the information

Phishing - Phishing is scamming you with links to steal your important information. It
could be an email that looks like it came from a bank or could be a link that seems to
force you to sign in again to your account. The Sender, in this case, gets access to your
accounts and important information by directing you to a site or link and making you

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share your account details.

1 mark for each definition / difference, maximum 2

ii). Cyber trolls – A cyber troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the
internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous or
off-topic message to an online community such as news group, forum, chat room or blog
with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing
tangential discussion whether for the troll’s amusement or for a specific gain.

Bullying – Cyberbullying is an attack on an individual or a group through the use of

electronic means such as instant messaging, social media, email and other forms of online
communication with the intent to abuse, intimidate or over power.

1 mark for each definition / difference, maximum 2

12. # Aim to Search price in dictionary [4]

n=int(input("How many Products "))
for i in range(1,n+1):
pname=input("Enter Product Name ")
price=input("Enter Unit Price")
s=input("Enter the Product name whose Price you want ")
for i in k:
if i==s:
print("Such record does not exist")

1 mark for taking input correctly

1 mark for adding the input data in dictionary correctly
1 mark for setting loop for searching the required data
1 mark for correct output

# Program to read N integer numbers in a tuple and display three greatest integer numbers
present in the tuple

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Tup1=eval(input("enter a comma seperated list of numbers"))
print("Original Tuple ", Tup1)
for i in Tup1:
if i%10==3 :
elif i%2==0:
print("Sum of all even numbers present in the tuple ", s)

1 mark for taking input correctly

1 mark for setting loop correctly
1 mark for putting condition for checking 3 at ones place in all the element
1 mark for calculating sum of all even elements of tuple

13. Identify the type of crime for the following situations – [4]
i). “Tom got to know the password of Tim’s Social Media Handle and used it to posts
as if Tim posted them.” - IDENTITY THEFT
ii). Sita placed an order online and made full payment but no goods were delivered to
iii). “A research student is expected to write a research paper on a topic. The student
had a friend who took a similar class five years ago. The student asks his older
friend for a copy of his paper and then takes the paper and then submits the entire
paper as his own research work. PLAGIARISM
iv). Manya received an email warning her of closure of her bank accounts if she did
not update her banking information. She clicked the link in email and entered her
banking information. Next she got to know was ‘she was duped’. PHISHING


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