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UNLOCK 4 U5R2-U7R1 Matching Review

Part One
( D ) 1. (adj) at the beginning; first
( H ) 2. (adv) away from or at a distance from the land
( I ) 3. (adj) relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty, or showing
great beauty
( J ) 4. (n) a difference between similar things
( B ) 5. (adj) making you feel unhappy and without hope
( G ) 6. (n) a belief or idea
( E ) 7. (adj) in such large amounts that it cannot be used up
( C ) 8. (v) to make use of something
( F ) 9. (adj) not accepting of something
( A ) 10. (v) to reduce or be reduced in size or importance

A. diminish B. depressing C. utilize D. initial E. inexhaustible

F. resistant G. notion H. offshore I. aesthetic J. distinction

Part Two
( ) 1.(adj) living in, happening in or connected with water
( ) 2.(n) a purpose, or the way something works
( ) 3.(adj)existing everywhere or involving everyone
( ) 4.(v) to give attention to or to deal with a matter or problem
( ) 5.(adj) having a well-developed way of life and social systems
( ) 6.(n) importance
( ) 7.(adj) causing worry or fear
( ) 8.(v) to cause an event or situation to happen
( ) 9. (adj) giving you new ideas and making you feel you
want to do something
( ) 10.(n) the general opinion that people have about someone

A. instigate B. significance C. address D. universal E. function

F. alarming G. reputation H. civilized I. inspiring J. aquatic
Part Three

( ) 1. (adj) needing immediate attention

( ) 2. (v phr) causes people to think of someone or something
in a specified way
( ) 3. (v) to cause to exist; produce
( ) 4. (adj) existing or happening now
( ) 5.(v) to accept or begin to use something
( ) 6.(adj) generally accepted or familiar; having a long history
( ) 7.(adj) necessary or extremely important for the success or continued
existence of something
( ) 8.(v) show how to do something; explain
( ) 9.(adj) based on ideas or principles

A. contemporary B. established C. urgent D. conceptual E .demonstrate F.

adopt G. generate H. vital I. reflect on

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