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The #1 Stock for America's

Great Distortion
10x Gains on a Small Firm Disrupting
a Critical American Industry

The #1 Stock for America’s Great Distortion

10x Gains on a Small Firm Disrupting a Critical American Industry
And Bank of America reported: “Tech, economy and
DISTORTION REPORT markets meet to solve a $150tn crisis.”

As this transfer unfolds, you can either use it to

The world we grew up with is gone. grow your wealth…

Ten years from now, we’ll look back and realize Or you can ignore it… hope for a “return to
nearly every industry has been fundamentally normal”… and risk missing out on this historic
reshaped. Distorted like nothing we’ve ever seen wealth-building opportunity.
The choice is yours.
I’ve gone down every rabbit hole to follow the
money on Wall Street and in Washington, D.C. for Most Americans – those who choose to ignore my
decades... warning… or, even worse, those who see it and fail to
I’ve traveled tens of thousands of miles… from
Berlin to Shanghai… from Sao Paulo to Tokyo… They may never be able to forgive themselves for
missing out.
All to get the pulse of the global economy and what
it means to ordinary people and their money. But if you make the right moves today, you could set
yourself up for the retirement of your dreams.
I’ve met with government leaders and financial
movers and shakers… all while writing seven In this special report, I’ll show you my favorite way
books on economics, history, the stock market, and to profit from this $150 trillion wealth transfer.
Wall Street.
But first, you need to understand the major trend
And what I’ve learned is this… behind it all.

This transformation will lead to the biggest transfer MAKE-OR-BREAK MOMENT

of wealth in history. FOR INVESTORS

$150 trillion, to be exact, according to U.S. Treasury Over the past five decades, the financial world has
Secretary Janet Yellen. Yellen said we’re about to see: drifted from reality.

...a global transition for which we have an We started on this path in 1971, when Richard Nixon
estimated price tag between $100 and $150 cut the dollar’s last ties to gold. Since then, the
trillion over the next three decades. markets have become more and more disconnected
from the real economy.


The nearby chart puts this in

perspective. You can see how
productivity and wages have drifted
apart since the 1970s. In other
words, life has been getting harder
for most people.

The 2008 financial crisis… and the

pandemic crisis of 2020…
supercharged this distortion. Now,
there’s no going back.

This distortion is disrupting every

single facet of our lives in ways most
folks can’t even imagine.

And that’s what makes today a

What just happened at ExxonMobil is a perfect
make-or-break moment for investors. Because where
example… The world’s biggest oil company just put
there are challenges, there are also opportunities.
three people on their board who despise oil.
And one of the biggest opportunities today is in a
At first glance, it sounds too crazy to be true. But it
massive trend I call “New Energy.”
makes sense once you understand this one
Over the last few months, conflicts around the world fundamental thing…
and shortages at home have injected urgency into
This trend toward New Energy is inevitable. It will
the plans for a New Energy reality.
move forward whether we like it or not.
On March 9, The New York Times reported:
In the years ahead, we’ll see new oil drilling
Loss of Russian Oil Leaves a Void Not Easily technologies, synthetic energy sources… maybe
Filled, Straining Market even something that replaces oil altogether.

Global production will take time to ramp up, so In fact, the distortion of the energy industry will be
the U.S. and other buyers will chase limited one of the biggest drivers of the $150 trillion
supplies, creating upheaval unseen in decades. transfer of wealth.

We can no longer rely on foreign dictators and In a moment, I’ll show you my favorite New Energy
adversaries for America’s energy needs. stock today.

In short, the old reality is gone… and a new reality is This company is already in full production. And
taking its place. every major institution on Wall Street owns it.

And yet most people don’t realize it. Many are still From Citadel… to Vanguard… to Morgan Stanley…
living in the reality of the past. In the last 12 months, Wall Street has bought almost
60 million shares.
But the energy industry – worth $2.1 trillion – is one
of the biggest industries transformed by the But we’re still early. Billions of dollars are set to be
distortion I’ve mentioned. deployed into its cutting-edge technology.


In the near term, this company’s stock has the In January, Russia completed building the pipeline.
potential to double or more. And, if all goes A month later, it invaded Ukraine.
according to plan, this stock has the potential to 10x
within the next five years. Russia’s logic was simple. It believed Europe could
do nothing to stop it – because Europe relies on
But before I tell you what this company is – and how Russian energy.
you can stake your claim today – you’re probably
wondering… But when Russia invaded Ukraine, Germany put the
final approval for the pipeline on hold. Now, Nord
What exactly is this $150 trillion I’m talking about? Stream 2 might never carry gas.

$150 TRILLION TRANSFER Instead, Germany is making moves to wean itself off
OF WEALTH Russian energy imports. For example, it’s partnering
with a Dutch company to build its first natural gas
$150 trillion is the estimated cost of decarbonizing terminal.
the global economy.
In short, the world changed in less than a month.
At the United Nations Climate Change Conference
in 2021, governments promised to achieve that goal. The $150 trillion in spending from the UN’s 2021
It will upend the global economy in both predictable conference is more urgent than ever. Countries are
and unpredictable ways. now fighting for energy independence.

Most of all the headline figure of $150 trillion And at the top of that is the push toward electric
grabbed headlines. But that is only a starting volley vehicles (EVs) – and the infrastructure to support
in the money creation that is to come. them.

For a few months, there was heavy media coverage AMERICA’S FIGHT FOR AN
of the story. The stock market did not pay it much ELECTRIC FUTURE
heed. After all, governments often make newsbyte-
ready statements only to forget them later. In the U.S., the government is working hard to
support this New Energy transition. And one of the
Then Russia invaded Ukraine. That injected urgency biggest trends is the push toward EVs.
into the plans for the energy transition. The invasion
presented us with a harsh new reality. Corrupt, The Biden administration has vowed to make 50% of
despotic regimes are no longer willing to act nice. all vehicles sold in the U.S. “zero-emissions” by 2030.

That unveiled an existential threat for major energy And major automakers are already jumping on the
importers like Europe and Japan. The commitments trend.
to decarbonize from the UN’s conference took on In early March 2022, Ford reorganized its business.
new urgency. It put its pickup truck and electric vehicle in
It’s no longer about saving the planet. Now, it’s separate units.
about survival. Countries need to decarbonize so It plans to produce 2 million electric vehicles per
they will not be beholden to countries like Russia. year by 2026.
The Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a prime example. The media reported it as Ford’s plan to compete
Russia built it to take natural gas from its coast near with Tesla. But it’s not just Ford.
St. Petersburg to Lubmin in Germany.
Every other automotive company has similar plans.


By 2030, automotive executives expect 52% of new THE #1 STOCK FOR AMERICA’S
vehicle sales to be all-electric. GREAT DISTORTION

Within the next four years there are going to be tens ChargePoint Holdings (CHPT) is an American EV
of millions of new electric vehicles sold. And all infrastructure company at the forefront of the
these new EVs will need charging stations. electric revolution.

Think about it this way… The internal combustion It built the largest network of EV charging stations
engine gave people freedom. They could go in North America and Europe.
anywhere, any time. To catch on, electric vehicles
In July 2017, ChargePoint had 35,900 charging spots.
will need to do the same.
By 2020, that number had grown to 114,000 spots in
Building out a robust EV charging infrastructure is 14 countries.
the key to achieving that.
ChargePoint’s reach is so wide, a driver connects to a
That’s why the Biden administration is building ChargePoint station every 15 seconds.
400,000 new EV chargers by 2030. That’s up from
But this is just the beginning for ChargePoint. Let’s
100,000 today.
take a look.
Here’s how Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg
put it in a press release: THREE THEMES PUSHING
A century ago, America ushered in the modern
automotive era; now America must lead the ChargePoint benefits from three themes.
electric vehicle revolution. First, it provides chargers to fleets of vehicles, which
To do that, the government expects to build will grow as the economy recovers.
“Alternative Fuel Corridors.” In the U.S. alone, the market for fleet-charging
In other words, it plans to line the interstate services could be worth $15 billion per year,
network with chargers. This will allow anyone to according to consulting firm McKinsey.
stop and charge their vehicle whenever necessary. Second, ChargePoint provides chargers for office
Deputy Federal Highway Administrator Stephanie buildings. It will benefit as workers return to the office.
Pollack said in the press release: Large companies like Microsoft, Ford, and Wells
Americans need to know that they can purchase Fargo have already announced plans to bring
an electric vehicle and find convenient charging employees back to the office this year.
stations when they are using Interstates and Even President Biden wants Americans to work from
other major highways. the office again. In his State of the Union address on
But interstate and highway stations aren’t the only March 1, he said:
solutions. As the EV industry grows, people will also It’s time for Americans to get back to work and
need convenient charging at home and at work. fill our great downtowns again. People working
Altogether, the EV charging market is projected to from home can feel safe to begin to return to the
grow to $111.9 billion by 2028. It was worth $17.5 office. We’re doing that here in the federal
billion in 2021. That would be a jump of nearly 540%. government. The vast majority of federal
workers will once again work in person.
Which brings us to the company I mentioned earlier.

Third, ChargePoint supplies Level 2 chargers to the PRIMED TO BENEFIT FROM THE
residential sector. $150 TRILLION TRANSFER OF
Level 2 chargers are most useful in offices and at
home. That’s where vehicles stay still for a long time. ChargePoint has the biggest independently owned
network of chargers connected to the internet.
These chargers deliver between 18-28 miles of range
per hour. It’s the fastest way to charge an EV at home. ChargePoint built its hardware to be safe, reliable,
and efficient. It can manage and repair it remotely
Since everyone who buys an EV wants to have a through sensors in each unit.
charger at home, that’s a major market as the
number of vehicles grows. That allows ChargePoint to come in at a lower cost
of ownership than any of its competitors.
ChargePoint is a market leader in Level 2 charging
hardware in the U.S. It has over 65% market share. ChargePoint also makes life easy for corporate
customers by offering Charge-as-a-Service
That means the company sells 13 of every 20 new modeling.
chargers in the U.S. And it has plans to keep
expanding internationally. For as little as $39.99 a month companies can install
chargers in their office. That makes for sticky
The number of installed EV charging stations will revenue. Once customers install units, they’re less
jump seven-fold by 2027, according to a report likely to cancel service.
published by leading market research firm Research
and Markets. ChargePoint already has 5,000 customers globally.
That includes major companies like Dell, 3M,
If ChargePoint sustains its market share, the Google, eBay, and Johnson & Johnson.
company will have millions of charging stations
within the next five years. With its subscription It also has charging stations at Disney’s theme parks
model, that’s billions in reliable charging income. in Florida and California.

ChargePoint’s market capitalization is only $6.2 Plus, it has partnered up with one of the busiest
billion today. As sales ramp higher, it could be a $60 franchises in the world…
billion company within five years.
That 10x increase would put ChargePoint’s share
ChargePoint is teaming up with carmarker Volvo to
price at $200 within five years.
build a network of EV chargers at Starbucks across
But there are two more reasons why I call the country.
ChargePoint the #1 stock for America’s Great
They already have plans to build 60 chargers in five
states, stretching from Washington to Colorado. And
The first is ChargePoint’s impressive customer base. they expect their chargers to be fully installed by the
And the second is its position to benefit from the end of 2022.
government’s latest clean-energy spending splurge.
That’s the first advantage that puts ChargePoint
Let’s take a closer look at both. ahead of other EV charging companies.

The second advantage is that ChargePoint is active

in the government contract space.


As of April 2022, ChargePoint had active contracts business model are its competitive advantage when
with the State of New York, Ohio, and Rhode Island, it comes to driving sales.
among others.
And that advantage is paying off. ChargePoint’s
ChargePoint also has a solid history of benefitting quarterly revenue increased 90% year over year for
from the kind of government program I mentioned its fiscal year 2022. And annual revenue increased
earlier in this report. 65% year over year.

In 2016 the company secured a contract with the And this is just the beginning. As the number of
California Energy Commission to build the West electric vehicles on the roads grows, ChargePoint
Coast Electric Highway. That connected British will thrive.
Columbia, Canada to Baja California, Mexico via an
electric charging network. The market for electric vehicle chargers was valued
at $3.8 billion in 2019. By 2027, it’s expected to grow
In 2020, the company signed a deal with NATSO to to $25.5 billion.
create a National Highway Charging Collaborative.
As a leading EV charging network in the U.S.,
NATSO stands for National Association of Truck Stop ChargePoint is perfectly positioned to capture a
Owners. It's the only national trade association that huge chunk of that growth.
represents America's travel plazas and truck stops.
My 12-month target for ChargePoint’s share price
Over the next decade, the collaborative will spend $1 is $40. Within five years, the share has the potential
billion to put charging stations in 4000 travel plazas to 10x.
and fuel stations all over the country.
Action to Take: Buy ChargePoint Holdings
The new government program borrows from that (CHPT) up to $22.50 per share. If ChargePoint
template. ChargePoint is in a strong position to rises above my recommended buy-up-to-price, be
benefit from the spending splurge. patient. Don't chase the price.


ChargePoint’s share pulled back sharply following the

initial surge in 2020. It was not spared the selling
pressure experienced by the wider innovation sector.

Yet, there’s one big difference that sets it apart from

other high growth companies: ChargePoint has no
debt. It is funding its growth through organic sales. Nomi Prins
Editor, Distortion Report
Its exceptional customer service and innovative


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