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GIS Applicant - Natural Resource Management - Engineering - Navigation - Vehicle

tracking and fleet management - Marketing and Business applications - Case studies.



GIS Applications in Geology: Geologists use GIS in a various applications. The GIS is
used to study geologic features, analyze soils and strata, assess seismic information, and or create
three dimensional (3D) displays of geographic features.

Mapping locations:
GIS can be used to map locations. GIS allows the creation of maps through automated
mapping, data capture, and surveying analysis tools.

Mapping quantities:
People map quantities, like where the most and least are, to find places that meet their
criteria and take action, or to see the relationships between places. This gives an additional level
of information beyond simply mapping the locations of features.

Mapping densities:
While you can see concentrations by simply mapping the locations of features, in areas
with many features it may be difficult to see which areas have a higher concentration than others.
A density map lets you measure the number of features using a uniform areal unit, such as acres or
square miles, so you can clearly see the distribution.

Finding distances:
GIS can be used to find out what's occurring within a set distance of a feature.

Mapping and monitoring change:

GIS can be used to map the change in an area to anticipate future conditions, decide on a
course of action, or to evaluate the results of an action or policy.
5.2 GIS

5.2. GIS Application in Natural Resource Management

Spatial Information is the base for natural resource management. It has been very much
essential to know the spatial as well as temporal distribution of the resource if they are to be
properly managed in a sustainable manner. Based on the resource base situation, certain
management prescriptions can be recommended. The Remote Sensing (RS), Geographic
Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) are such technologies that are
much more reliable, precise and efficient as well than any other resource assessment technology in
resource assessment, change detection, suitability analysis, scenario study impact assessment etc.

Management of natural resources is the need of the hour and therefore commands due
importance in the GIS, CAD and Software industry as well. The technical specifications of
geographic information system (GIS) and computer aided designing and drafting services assist in
management of natural resources.

The GIS for Natural Resource Management maps are useful tool that help in fast and
effective decision making as they create comprehensive maps.

GIS services for Natural Resource Management to the following sectors:

• Environment
• Mining and Geology
• Oil and Gas
• Forestry
• Agriculture

The services offered by a part of its GIS for Natural Resource Management are:
• Thematic Mapping for Natural Resource Management
• Geospatial Livelihood planning
• Spatial Data modelling
• Site suitability analysis
• Satellite image processing
• Land Use Land Cover Mapping
• Geological database creation
• Environmental management using GIS
• Forestry mapping services
Applications 5.3

5.2.1. Environmental Management

The world is developing at an astonishing rate and while this development has aided in
improving the quality of life, it has also escalated the unaccounted consumption of natural
resources. GIS for Environmental Management acts as important management tool that helps in
maintaining sustainability of natural resources, environment management. The environmental
reforms and policies have grown leaps and bounds from the times of its foundation and therefore
the use of modern technologies is inevitable. Modern day technologies like GIS for Environmental
Management can help in understanding the effects on the environment from an inter-disciplinary
aspect. This holistic approach is not only benefits the flora and fauna but also benefits mankind by
achieving sustainable development using GIS for Environmental Management.

GIS for Environmental Management experience in the following fields:

• Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies which define the status of
environment (like air quality, water quality data etc.).
• Creating maps that assist in management of environment in times of natural disaster.
• Thematic maps focusing on development and loss of habitat for specific flora and
• Wild life management for endangered species
• Carbon Mapping
• Geospatial Livelihood planning
• Spatial Data modelling
• Corridor Mapping
• Thematic maps focusing on areas such as water management, air quality management
and waste management.
IT caters to the need of creating deliverables of GIS for Environmental Management for
various governmental and privately owned organisations. The environmental data for various
developmental initiatives is created and stored in multiple GIS formats using high end software
such as Arc-GIS, ERDAS Imagine/ER Mapper, MapInfo and AutoCAD Map, and Arc-FM.

GIS stands for Geographic Information system. It is a computer system that collects,
analyzes, stores and disseminates geographic information for use by different entities to facilitate
informed and smooth decision making. GIS has important uses in different fields, including in the
environmental field. Below are some of the importance of GIS in environment.

5.2.2. Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA)

EIA is an important policy initiative to conserve natural resources and environment. Many
human activities produce potential adverse environmental effects which include the construction
and operation of highways, rail road‘s, pipelines, airports, radioactive waste disposal and more.
Environmental impact statements are usually required to contain specific information on the
5.4 GIS

magnitude and characteristics of environmental impact. The EIA can be carried out efficiently by
the help of GIS, by integrating various GIS layers; assessment of natural features can be

5.2.3. Disaster Management

Today a well-developed GIS systems are used to protect the environment. It has become
an integrated, well developed and successful tool in disaster management and mitigation. GIS can
help with risk management and analysis by displaying which areas are likely to be prone to natural
or man-made disasters. When such disasters are identified, preventive measures can be developed.

5.2.4. Zoning of Landslides hazard

Landslide hazard zonation is the process of ranking different parts of an area according to
the degrees of actual or potential hazard from landslides. The evaluation of landslide hazard is a
complex task. It has become possible to efficiently collect, manipulate and integrate a variety of
spatial data such as geological, structural, surface cover and slope characteristics of an area, which
can be used for hazard zonation.

Determination of land cover and land use

Land cover means the feature that is covering the barren surface .Land use means the area
in the surface utilized for particular use. The role of GIS technology in land use and land cover
applications is that we can determine land use/land cover changes in the different areas. Also it
can detect and estimate the changes in the land use/ land cover pattern within time. It enables to
find out sudden changes in land use and land cover either by natural forces or by other activities
like deforestation.

5.2.5. Estimation of flood damage

GIS helps to document the need for federal disaster relief funds, when appropriate and can
be utilized by insurance agencies to assist in assessing monetary value of property loss. A local
government need to map flooding risk areas for evaluate the flood potential level in the
surrounding area. The damage can be well estimate and can be shown using digital maps .

5.2.6. Management of Natural Resources

By the help of GIS technology the agricultural, water and forest resources can be well
maintain and manage. Foresters can easily monitor forest condition. Agricultural land includes
managing crop yield, monitoring crop rotation, and more. Water is one of the most essential
constituents of the environment. GIS is used to analyze geographic distribution of water resources.
They are interrelated, i.e. forest cover reduces the storm water runoff and tree canopy stores
approximately 215,000 tons carbon. GIS is also used in aforestation.
Applications 5.5

5.2.7. Soil Mapping

Soil mapping provides resource information about an area. It helps in understanding soil
suitability for various land use activities. It is essential for preventing environmental deterioration
associated with misuse of land. GIS Helps to identify soil types in an area and to delineate soil
boundaries. It is used for the identification and classification of soil. Soil map is widely used by
the farmers in developed countries to retain soil nutrients and earn maximum yield.

5.2.8. Wetland Mapping

Wetlands contribute to a healthy environment and retain water during dry periods, thus
keeping the water table high and relatively stable. During the flooding they act to reduce flood
levels and to trap suspended solids and attached nutrients. GIS provide options for wetland
mapping and design projects for wetland conservation quickly with the help of GIS. Integration
with Remote Sensing data helps to complete wetland mapping on various scale. We can create a
wetland digital data bank with spices information using GIS.

5.2.9. Irrigation management

Water availability for irrigation purposes for any area is vital for crop production in that
region. It needs to be properly and efficiently managed for the proper utilization of water.

5.2.10. Identification of Volcanic Hazard

Volcanic hazard to human life and environment include hot avalanches, hot particles gas
clouds, lava flows and flooding. Potential volcanic hazard zone can be recognized by the
characteristic historical records of volcanic activities, it can incorporate with GIS. Thus an impact
assessment study on volcanic hazards deals with economic loss and loss of lives and property in
densely populated areas.

5.2.11. Mining and Geology

The depletion of resources at a fast rate and implementation of policies that ensure
sustainability of the resources have led mining and geology industry to realise the importance of
technologies such as, GIS for mining and geology GIS. While mining and geology industry is a
traditional industry, the use of GIS for mining and geology GIS has brought about a revolution by
ensuring cost efficient and detailed studies of the concerned area. GIS for mining and geology GIS
help in creation of maps that are an amalgamation of all the information regarding the concerned

The GIS for mining and geology GIS services at IT can assist the industry by providing:
• Site suitability analysis
• Mineral mapping to identify potential mineral zones
• Lithological structural features detection
5.6 GIS

• Geological database creation

• Map updation for mineral exploration
• Capturing, gridding, contouring of features
• Georeferencing
• Topographical & Physiographical mapping
• Satellite image processing
• Image Classification
• Well-log data capturing
• Digitization and Attribution
• Theme Creation and Map Preparation
• Data Analysis and Report Generation
• Trench & Surface mapping
• Rock / Mineral mapping and Analysis
• Geological Thematic mapping
GIS for mining and geology GIS services use image analysis software packages such as
ENVI, ER-Mapper, ERDAS Imagine, MultiSpec, ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine / ER Mapper, Arc-
GIS, MapInfo, AutoCAD Map and Micro-Station to easily build focused and detailed spectral
libraries tailored to the application requirements.

5.2.12. Oil and Gas

The growth and development of nations worldwide has led to a steep rise in the demands
for oil and gas. This trend has led to the oil and gas mining industries to invest more in
progressive and adaptive technologies like GIS for oil and gas. Crude oil and gas is now found in
further deep across the earth‘s surface than it was previously, and hence it is essential to use
precise technologies like GIS for oil and gas for fuel exploration and appropriate utilization. GIS
for oil and gas deals with large amounts of data daily such as data based on the geographic
features of the site to data for well-logging, pipeline planning, etc., the data required to understand
the impact of the project on the environment. GIS for oil and gas also helps in land management
which includes working on centralisation of the data for report creation for regulators or for better
analysis of the project.

IT has been providing GIS for oil and gas to leading oil and petroleum exploration and
distribution companies globally. Their operational and research teams have been using GIS for oil
and gas for the following:
• Data index maps creation
• Exploration Survey
Applications 5.7

• Block ranking via quantitative analysis

• Land management
• Well log digitization
• Thematic maps
• Field operations using high resolution imagery
• Pipeline planning
• Environmental management
• Disaster management
GIS for oil and gas use industry standard software such as Arc-GIS, ERDAS Imagine / ER
Mapper, MapInfo and AutoCAD Map for projects pertaining to oil and gas industry.

5.2.13. Forestry
Forestry mapping services such as Forestry GIS are often required by government and
commercial agencies to perform value assessments for certification, funding, policy
recommendations and regulatory compliances. Often, the forest-cover data available with the
private and govt. agencies is dated and unreliable. This data is not helpful to the user, forestry GIS
can enable creation of updated data. The fast paced growth and the effect of multiple industries
have led to the need for a more precise and unique response to manage the forestry data.

IT‘s forestry mapping services use Forestry GIS and other techniques to provide
project specific solutions in the field of forest management, watershed management,
desertification combat, biodiversity management, environmental monitoring and wildlife
habitat encroachment.

The services provided a Forestry GIS sector to help in managing the forestry assets can
be summarized as:
• Forestry GIS management and suitable livelihood development
• Forest Spatial Data Information portal
• Forestry mapping services for corridor identification
• Species level classification and biodiversity forestry mapping services
• Change detection studies of forest management
• Environment impact assessment studies
• Identifying sites for eco-restoration
• Forestry mapping services of plantations and zonal mapping
• Ortho rectification, haze removal, NDVI for deforestation, forest management and fire
5.8 GIS

IT‘s Forestry GIS services use high end software such as Arc-GIS, ERDAS Imagine/ER
Mapper, MapInfo and AutoCAD Map, and Arc-FM.

5.2.14. Agriculture
GIS application in agriculture has been playing an increasingly important role in crop
production throughout the world by helping farmers in increasing production, reducing costs, and
managing their land resources more efficiently. GIS application in agriculture such as agricultural
mapping plays a vital role in monitoring and management of soil and irrigation of any given farm
land. GIS agriculture and agricultural mapping act as essential tools for management of
agricultural sector by acquiring and implementing the accurate information into a mapping
environment. GIS application in agriculture also helps in management and control of agricultural
resources. GIS agriculture technology helps in improvement of the present systems of acquiring
and generating GIS agriculture and resources data.

IT uses GIS application in agriculture sector such as GIS agriculture for improving present
method of acquiring and generating agricultural and resources data.

The company uses different spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions for:
• Crop mapping yield estimation
• Crop assessment and Crop health
• Irrigated landscape mapping
• Application development for GIS agriculture
• Soil and irrigation amendment analysis
• Suitability assessment studies
• Erosion identification and remediation
• Agricultural mapping for detailed vegetation cover and monitoring
• Change detection studies and developing crop models
• Damage and land degradation assessment studies
• Elevation models for efficient drainage
These studies and projects can be executed on any standard GIS formats using high end
software such as Arc-GIS, ERDAS Imagine/ER Mapper, MapInfo and Auto-CAD Map, and Arc-


An advanced information system like GIS plays a vital role and serves as a complete
platform in every phase of infrastructure life cycle. Advancement and availability of technology
has set new marks for the professionals in the infrastructure development areas. Now more and
Applications 5.9

more professionals are seeking help of these technologically smart and improved information
systems like GIS for infrastructure development. Each and every phase of infrastructure life-cycle
is greatly affected and enhanced by the enrolment of GIS.

5.3.1. Planning
In planning its major contribution is to give us with an organized set of data which can
help professionals to combat complex scenarios relating to the selection of site, environmental
impact, study of ecosystem, managing risk regarding the use of natural resources, sustainability
issues, managing traffic congestion, routing of roads and pipelines etc.

5.3.2. Data Collection

Precise and accurate data is the core driving factor of any successful project. GIS is
equipped with almost all those tools and functions that enables user to have access to the required
data within a reasonable time.

5.3.3. Analysis
Analysis is one of the major and most influential phases of infrastructure life cycle.
Analysis guides us about the validity or correctness of design or we can say that analysis is a
method which supports our design. Some of the analyses that can be performed by GIS are:

• Water distribution analysis

• Traffic management analysis
• Soil analysis
• Site feasibility analysis
• Environment impact analysis
• Volume or Area analysis of catchment
• River or canals pattern analysis
• Temperature and humidity analysis

5.3.4. Construction
It is the stage when all layout plans and paper work design come into existence in the real
world. The GIS helps the professionals to understand the site conditions that affect the schedule
baseline and cost baseline. To keep the construction within budget and schedule GIS guides us
about how to utilize our resources on site efficiency by:
• Timely usage of construction equipment.
• Working Hours
• Effects of seasonal fluctuations.
5.10 GIS

• Optimizing routes for dumpers and concrete trucks

• Earth filling and cutting
• Calculation of volumes and areas of constructed phase thereby helping in Estimation
and Valuation.

5.3.5. Operations
Operations are controlled by modeling of site data and compared by the baselines prepared
in planning phase. Modeling of site may be in the form of raster images or CAD drawings. These
can help us to keep track of timely operations of activities.

GIS can help to make a record of work that has been completed and can give us
visualization in the form of thematic maps which will guide us about rate of operations, completed
operations and pending operations.

In short we can say that GIS will prove to be the foundation of next generation civil

5.3.6. Soil and foundation

GIS helps in generating soil maps and geology maps of the area that needs to be
investigated. This will greatly help in finalising the type and depth of foundation, load bearing
capacity of the soils etc. Though the complete finalisation is not possible without in-situ lab tests
of the soil, GIS is definitely an aid in this respect.

5.3.7. Structural engineering

For designing, modelling, scheduling work flow and for maintenance of building, GIS
geo-databases can be created which will be immensely useful and saves lot of time. Oh and GIS
can be integrated with CAD too.
5.3.8. Construction management
Along with Infrastructure management, GIS can be employed to calculate the costs; do
site suitability analysis which will save lot of time.

5.3.9. Transportation engineering

Specifically, traffic engineering is boosted with the help of GIS. Once the database is
created (It might take lot of time and needs constant up gradation too) and network analysis is
performed, it becomes immensely useful to predict the traffic conditions, finalise the optimum
route, locate nearest police stations, hospitals, find alternate routes, you name it, all can be done
using GIS.

A GIS application needs to be explored even more and the near future is heavily relying
on GIS.
Applications 5.11

Navigation mapping assists the navigation content providers using GIS, GPS, and Remote
sensing technologies instead of traditional method of manual assimilation of data for generation of
navigation content. The accuracy of the new technology ensures creation of flawless maps. The
rampant increase in the number of people who use computerised navigational services for
everyday use. This trend has led to the development of new and innovative geodata content
services and products.

IT offers mapping of:

• Street and road network
• Point of interest
• 2D Landmarks
• 2D footprints
• 3D city models
• Indoor Building Maps
• Street Digitization
• 3D Landmarks
The maps are created while paying attention to details such as grid alignment, capturing
dimensions accurately, positional accuracy and completeness of content. The data can be provided
on multiple platforms.

Its uses high end software such as Arc-GIS, ERDAS Imagine / ER Mapper, MapInfo and
AutoCAD Map to generate the final product in varied formats according to the project‘s

5.4.1. Direction-Finding
The use of GIS in navigation industry has been growing at a steady rate. These days the
navigation industry uses new technologies such as GIS, GPS, Remote sensing instead of
traditional method of manual assimilation of data for generation of navigation content. The GIS
services assist the navigation industry in creating flawless maps.

This steep rise in use of GIS can be credited to the rampant increase in the number of
people who use computerised navigational services for everyday use. This trend has led to the
development of new and innovative geo-data content services and products. IT offers high quality
and cost effective navigational map data services.

IT services include mapping of:

• Road and street network data creation
5.12 GIS

• Point of interest (POI) data creation

• 3D Building Landmark creation (3DLM)
• 2D building footprints digitization (2DFP)
• 3D city model creation
• Indoor Building Maps creation
• Street Digitization
IT creates the maps while paying attention to details such as grid alignment, capturing
dimensions accurately, positional accuracy and completeness of content. The data can be provided
in multiple platforms. IT has extensive experience across multiple technologies, platforms for
product development and sustenance engineering.

The experts use high end software such as ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine / ER Mapper,
MapInfo and AutoCAD Map to generate the final product in varied formats according to the
client‘s requirements.


Vehicle Security is a primary concern for all vehicle owners. Owners as well as
researchers are always on the lookout for new and improved security systems for their vehicles.
One has to be thankful for the upcoming technologies, like GPS systems, which enables the owner
to closely monitor and track his vehicle in real-time and also check the history of vehicle's

This new technology, popularly called vehicle Tracking Systems has done wonders in
maintaining the security of the vehicle.

Vehicle Tracking System is one of the biggest technological advancements to track the
activities of the vehicle. The security system uses Global Positioning System GPS, to find the
location of the monitored or tracked vehicle and then uses satellite or radio systems to send to
send the coordinates and the location data to the monitoring center. At monitoring center various
software‘s are used to plot the Vehicle on a map. In this way the Vehicle owners are able to track
their vehicle on a real-time basis. Due to real-time tracking facility, vehicle tracking systems are
becoming increasingly popular among owners of expensive vehicles.
Applications 5.13

The vehicle tracking hardware is fitted on to the vehicle. It is fitted in such a manner that it
is not visible to anyone who is outside the vehicle. Thus it operates as a covert unit which
continuously sends the location data to the monitoring unit.

When the vehicle is stolen, the location data sent by tracking unit can be used to find the
location and coordinates can be sent to police for further action. Some Vehicle tracking System
can even detect unauthorized movements of the vehicle and then alert the owner. This gives an
edge over other pieces of technology for the same purpose

Monitoring center Software helps the vehicle owner with a view of the location at which
the vehicle stands. Browsing is easy and the owners can make use of any browser and connect to
the monitoring center software, to find and track his vehicle. This in turn saves a lot of effort to
find the vehicle's position by replacing the manual call to the driver.

As we have seen the vehicle tracking system is an exciting piece of technology for vehicle
security. It enables the owner to virtually keep an eye on his vehicle any time and from anywhere
in the world.

5.5.1. Vehicle Tracking Systems - Overview

Vehicle tracking systems are devices used for tracking location of vehicles in real time.
This is made possible by installing electronic devices in the vehicle; it is the signals sent out by
the devices that enable owners or other parties entrusted with the tracking job to trace and follow
the vehicle.

It was the shipping industry that first started using vehicle tracking systems. When large
fleet of vehicles were spread out over the vast expanses of ocean, the owner corporations often
found it difficult to keep track of what was happening. As the saying goes necessity is the mother
of invention; thus GPS tracking systems which originally were used in military operations found
their application here. The commercial application grew poular very soon and these days
5.14 GIS

consumer vehicles of all sorts use tracking systems as devices to prevent theft and enhance
The Technology
GPS (Global Positioning System) is the technology most commonly used for vehicle
tracking these days. There are also other variants of AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) that
enable easy location of vehicles. The GPS modules with their satellite linked positioning
technique make easy and accurate location of the vehicle possible. The information can be viewed
on electronic maps that are connected to the Internet or otherwise supported by specialized
software. Advanced GPS modules may also have cellular or satellite transmitters that
communicate with remote users apart from the central station from where the tracking is done.

As we saw earlier, the GPS system uses satellite signals. These systems were originally
developed by the government for defense purposes. The satellite part is thus available to civilians
and commercial users free of cost. All the user needs to do is install the appropriate devices for
sending out and receiving signals. This makes GPS an inexpensive technology.

The other AVL systems like Loran and LoJack are terrestrial based and use radio
frequency (RF) transmitters. RF transmitters send out powerful signals that can pass through
walls, garages and other indoor barriers. Terrestrial or otherwise, most of these do not need
antenna to be in direct line of sight with the satellite. This is a major advantage of the technology‘s

Active and Passive Tracking

In the case of passive tracking, the device simply stores information of the vehicle like
GPS location, speed, change in direction and events. This information is downloaded onto a
computer for study purposes when the vehicle gets back to its original destination. In the case of
active tracking, the device not only collects the information mentioned above, but it also transmits
the information in real time through satellite or cellular networks.

Uses of Vehicle Tracking

Commercial fleet operators are by far the largest users of vehicle tracking systems. These
systems are used for operational functions such as routing, security, dispatch and collecting on-
board information.

These systems are also used in consumer vehicles as devices for preventing theft and
retrieving stolen/lost vehicles. The signal sent out by the installed device help the police to track
the vehicle. These tracking systems can be used as an alternative for traditional car alams or in
combination with it. Installing tracking systems can thus bring down the insurance costs for your
vehicle by reducing the risk factor.
Applications 5.15

Vehicle Tracking systems often have several alternatives, like sending automatic alerts to
a phone or email if the vehicle is moved without due authorization. They can also work as one
layer of several combined security measures.

Apart from security concerns, the tracking systems can also help users such as taxi
services to improve their customer service. The systems enable the operators to identify the empty
taxis and direct the nearest one to pick up the customer.
Vehicle tracking systems can also be applied for monitoring driving behavior for both
commercial and individual situations. Parents for instance can use tracking devices to keep an eye
on their teenage son‘s driving.

5.5.2. Markets for Vehicle Tracking Systems

Based on the uses described above, we can categorize the users of vehicle tracking
systems into the following segments.

Tracking and Recovery of Stolen Vehicles: GPS, or better still RF, can help to trace and
recover stolen vehicles. LoJack devices can even be activated remotely by the police

Vehicle Tracking System

Vehicle Tracking System is the technology used to determine the location of a vehicle
using different methods like GPS and other radio navigation systems operating through satellites
and ground based stations. By following triangulation or trilateration methods the tracking system
enables to calculate easy and accurate location of the vehicle. Vehicle information like location
details, speed, distance traveled etc. can be viewed on a digital mapping with the help of a
software via Internet. Even data can be stored and downloaded to a computer from the GPS unit at
a base station and that can later be used for analysis. This system is an important tool for tracking
each vehicle at a given period of time and now it is becoming increasingly popular for people
having expensive cars and hence as a theft prevention and retrieval device.

The system consists of modern hardware and software components enabling one to track
their vehicle online or offline. Any vehicle tracking system consists of mainly three parts mobile
vehicle unit, fixed based station and, database and software system.
• Vehicle Unit: It is the hardware component attached to the vehicle having either a
GPS/GSM modem. The unit is configured around a primary modem that functions
with the tracking software by receiving signals from GPS satellites or radio station
points with the help of antenna. The controller modem converts the data and sends the
vehicle location data to the server.
• Fixed Based Station: Consists of a wireless network to receive and forward the data
to the data center. Base stations are equipped with tracking software and geographic
5.16 GIS

map useful for determining the vehicle location. Maps of every city and landmarks are
available in the based station that has an in-built Web Server.
• Database and Software: The position information or the coordinates of each visiting
points are stored in a database, which later can be viewed in a display screen using
digital maps. However, the users have to connect themselves to the web server with
the respective vehicle ID stored in the database and only then s/he can view the
location of vehicle traveled.
No doubt, Vehicle tracking system whether it is GPS based or any other wireless medium
has brought one of the most important technological advances in today‘s communication field.
Now one doesn‘t have to leave a place to know where a particular vehicle is at a given period of
time. The automatic vehicle locating system only with the help of a tinny electronic device and
tracking software can detect the real-time location of a vehicle by using the conventional cell
phone network and Internet.

5.5.3. Various applications of GIS based tracking are:

Vehicle Tracking System
Vehicle tracking systems are used to manage the fleet of vehicles. The vehicles are fitted
with GPS receiver and radio based transmitter device to transfer the vehicle location data on the
server for further analysis. On the server GIS maps are used to plot the location.

Vehicle navigation systems

The vehicle navigation systems are used to help the vehicle in navigating to its destination.
The GPS based navigation system uses GIS based maps to guide the vehicle.

5.5.4. Vehicle Tracking and Recovery System

Vehicle tracking originated from the shipping industry, where the need for managing fleets
is the top priority. The tracking system makes it easy in locating ships or vehicle easily on real
time basis. It provides power to individual or operator to have full control over its moving asset.

It is also used as a defense mechanism which protects the vehicles such as construction
equipments, trucks, trailers etc. from theft. This is done with the help of some electronic
equipment attached to the vehicles so that the location of the missing vehicle can be identified as
early as possible.

Devices used to locate and recover:

• Various systems are used to locate the stolen vehicle Mostly GPS, the Global
Positioning System, is used to find out the exact geographic position of the vehicle.
Applications 5.17

• Another device is satellite transmitters, which transmits signal to a remote user about
the location of the vehicle.
• Loran and Lojack units locate the vehicle by radio frequency that can penetrate
through stone-built structures such as walls, buildings and garages.

Mainly two types of tracking are described: Active tracking and Passive tracking.
• Active tracking works on real time basis that is after collecting information about
location, speed, and destination, the device sends it to data centre. Radio frequency is
active technology.
• Passive tracking works as long as vehicle is on destination. It stores GPS data that can
be later downloaded to the computer. Here different tracking software is available for
storing and downloading data.

This technology is best used by fleet operators for better management. Everything routing,
dispatch, onboard information, security is managed efficiently. Driving behaviour can also be
known by this device.

Technology holds good for consumers‘ vehicles also. Device also makes the task of police
to recover the stolen vehicles easily. It also works as alert system and raise an alarm when vehicle
is removed from the place without authority. Information regarding its location, status and daily
reports can be taken on real time basis from the vehicle itself.

Field of uses:
Technology can be used for different purposes including service management, fleet
management, stolen vehicle recovery, field sales and trailer tracking.

5.5.5. Features and Functions of GPS Vehicle Tracking System

While handing over the vehicle to the children, there is always a rule book attached. But
there are always chances of violation of the instructions given to children. Way out lies in the GPS
vehicle tracking system. By this device one can easily monitor whether the rules are being
followed by the child or not.

The devices with various facilities help to keep a watch and control on them. You just
need to attach a small tracking device with your vehicle and the service providers do the rest with
tracking software that provides timely details of the vehicle. Some of the basic features are given

5.18 GIS

Device identifies the location of the vehicle on a real time basis. Just through internet you
can easily track your exact position of the vehicle.

Whether passive or active the tracking devices store all location and speed details that you
can collect through your PC by using internet and a special software made for this purpose. Even
one can set the speed limitation in the device attached. If somebody drives the car beyond the
specified speed limit, it will alert you immediately.

Device helps not only to keep limit on its speed but also on its area. Similarly you can
create safety zones so that the moment your vehicle goes out of the designated area, the device
alerts you through SMS, email or by using any other wireless media.

Best feature of the system is its easiness with which it can be used. From anywhere one
can get the information about that particular vehicle by logging in the information required.
Details about the car are displayed within seconds.
Some devices work even in a smarter way by making a chart of the entire activities of the
vehicle over a period of time that you can analyse later on. Hence, these tracking devices have
really revolutionised the communication medium by providing various cool features at your

5.5.6. GPS for better fleet management

GPS technology was developed by US for military purposes to help navigation in air,
water as well as on land. Later it became indispensable in commercial areas. A group of satellites
are used to send the received data back to receivers on the surface of the earth.

For tracing the time lag between the time code signal sent and the time it was actually
received on earth GPS makes use of theory of relativity propounded by Einstein and four signals
to provide accuracy.

Once the technology was confined to military domain, today it became a $15 billion
industry. Mostly GPS is being used by the public transportation agencies as they generally have to
deal with larger area. For example school buses in cities to keep the track of the buses to make
safety of the passengers sure. GPS gives drivers information about the other vehicle so that on the
basis of information received may align its own course avoiding traffic congestion. Thus keeping
passengers safe and also saving time.

This also gives parents peace of mind as they find that vehicle carrying their children are
regularly being monitored or kept watch.

In India, a fleet of one fifty GPS enabled metered taxis were launched in Mumbai. This
enhanced fleet provided better customer services as they now were able to book a taxi in advance
just by few strokes on internet or phone and call taxi at a preferred location. This added one more
to the list of benefits to the customer that now customer will be charged appropriately as all the
Applications 5.19

data regarding mileage will be sent back to the control centre. This also ensures the safety of the
passenger as there are reduced chances of kidnapping or harming the passenger by virtue of
monitoring of the vehicle.

In companies device is used to track especially supply trucks and trucks used by the
contractors going to job sites. This permits real time tracking of the mobile asset. This also
abridges the gap between the actual mileage and the bill paid for it. Transparency naturally comes
in the system.

Thus tracking of vehicles reduces the cost of labour, fuel and culminates into the efficient
service delivery system.

GIS provides more in-depth analysis, assessment, and understanding of your marketing
and promotions. Visualize where your customers are located by analyzing demographic,
psychographic, purchasing, and spending characteristics for accurate customer segmentation and
helping you find more like them. Use market potential to your advantage so you can optimize your
store network and maximize sales from every outlet by improving marketing outreach, campaign
performance, and brand interaction. Location analytics is a key element to the successful
development, evolution, and growth of all aspects of marketing, from social media to display
advertising, coupon optimization, and sentiment analysis.

Success stories
These stories show how business organizations are gaining benefits using GIS technology
and spatial analysis.

• Nike Learns Who Its Customers Are

• Location-based Choices Drive Growth at Starbucks
• Carrefour Group–Better Business Analytics by Understanding Location

5.6.1. Applications of GIS in Business

GIS, like many other industries, has found its way in business as well. There are various
aspects of the business and corporate world where GIS has found meaning. Below are some of the
applications of this very interesting invention in the field of business.

Being market driven banks need to provide customer centric services around planning of
resources and marketing. GIS plays an important role providing planning, organizing and decision

Assets Management:
5.20 GIS

GIS helps organizations to locate and store information about their assets. Operations and
maintenance staff can also deploy their enterprise and mobile workforce.

Dairy Industry:
Geographic Information Systems are used in the distribution of products, production rate,
location of shops and their selling rate. These can also be monitored by using a GIS system.

Tourists can get all the information they need on a click, measuring distance, finding
hotels, restaurants and even navigate to their respective links. This Information plays a vital role to
tourists in planning their travel from one place to another.

GIS is used for managing business information based on its location. GIS can keep track
of where customers are located, site business, target marketing campaigns, and optimize sales
territories and model retail spending patterns.

Market Share:
Examining branch locations, competitor locations and demographic characteristics to
identify areas worthy of expansion or determine market share in Maptitude.
ATM Machine:
Filling in market and service gaps by understanding where customers, facilities, and
competitors are with address locating, database management and query tools.

World Bank Economic Statistics:

Slicing and dicing raw financial data from the World Bank.

Merger and Acquisitions:

Profiling and finding opportunities to gain and build where customers are with market

Supply and Demand:

Identifying under-served areas and analyzing your competitor's market.

Community Reinvestment Act (CRA):

Fulfilling the obligations to loan in areas with particular attention to low- and moderate-
income households – using GIS to understand spatial demographics.

Mobile Banking:
Applications 5.21

Capturing locations where existing mobile transaction occur and assisting in mobile
security infrastructure.

Internet of Things:
Improving efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit through a network of physical
objects such as devices, vehicles, buildings and other items—embedded with electronics,
software, sensors, and network connectivity that enables these objects to collect and exchange
information with one another.

Market Share Analysis:

Optimizing the locations of facilities so the allocated demand is maximized in the presence
of competitors using tools like location-allocation in ArcGIS.

Integrated Freight Network Model:

Integrating highly detailed information about shipping costs, transfer costs, traffic volumes
and network interconnectivity properties in a GIS-based platform. (Integrated Freight Network

X Vision Sales and Marketing Data Management Application:

GIS Enabled Sales and Marketing Application is cloud based software to automate the
business process of sales and marketing department. Its primary functioning includes the
digitization of files & records, generation of reports including Maps functionality using GIS
Platform. This application helps the users in input, updation and retrieval of different set of
information to perform their daily tasks.
It has proven to be powerful Prospect Capturing & Follow Up tool from the first Phone
Call, Email, Site Visit, all information relating to a prospective customer is maintained in this
module to give continuity to customer handling across various sales force. The prospect database
is useful for profiling customers and using in launch of subsequent other projects. It also enables
Automation of the Sales business processes starting from Booking, Allotment, Transfer, Demand
Notice, Collection and Recovery Process, Pre Possession, Handover are handled smooth and A
detailed Customer History is maintained and available at the press of a key.

Key Features of the Application

• Maintain Sales Stock: Sold, Available, Blocked, On Hold, un-Released
• Customer Profile: CRM, Customer interaction Management, Sold Units Management.
Customer management via self-service Customer Portal
• Booking form, creation of payment schedule, receipts against schedule
• Receipt creation, Interest on Delayed payments, Excess Amounts,
• Auto Demand letter generation, Payment Reminders
• Collection reminders and collection aging lists
5.22 GIS

• Transfer of units. (Resale)

• Email Templates: Birthday Wishes, Greetings, Payments, general bulk email to
customers, SMS messages, etc
• Prospecting/pre-sales to sales closure lifecycle of sales mapping


5.7.1. Network Intelligence Portal
The Network Intelligence Portal is a secure cloud-based information service that brings
together asset condition and other survey data from across the network in real-time. It gathers data
directly from CCTV, ultrasonic and acoustic survey equipment. Using award winning mapping
tools, it delivers network insight to the right user at the right time. Provided by SCISYS in close
collaboration with Balfour Beatty and JD7 this novel service enables Asset Managers to:
• Direct & supervise remote ‗no-dig‘ survey operations using live site data;
• Make informed capital and operational expenditure decisions.
• Develop LEAN and sustainable operations that drive improved operational efficiency,
reduce carbon emissions and water footprint, and lower Health & Safety risk exposure
for the workforce;
• Provide assurance that ―as built‖ asset data is held securely, ensuring its availability
when needed and its integrity for future re-use;
• Improve client satisfaction by reducing the time taken to resolve issues
• Reduce SIM Impact by using a pro-active investigation and data capture, storage and
streaming service, avoiding dry holes and conservative customer disruptive fixes.

Fig.5.8. Network Intelligence Portal in action

Applications 5.23

5.7.2. Key Service Features

Trusted Supplier:
Asset condition data is captured on-site using state-of-the-art surveying technology
supplied by JD7 and operated by trained staff.

Remote Oversight:
Data is available on the desktop in real-time, subject to a suitable network connection in
the field, enabling decision makers to manage their time more effectively.

Intuitive User Interface:

The map-based interface makes the data accessible and easy to understand. Analysis tools
allow the full detail of the data to be scrutinised, enabling decisions based on the best possible
network condition information.

Data Security:
Video and pipe-wall condition data is held securely to prevent unauthorised access,
ensuring data quality and the audit trail are maintained. Only authorised users can view the data,
accessing the system using a secure user name and password.

High Availability:
Private cloud hosting ensures data is available when required. Data is backed-up to a
separate storage location to ensure business continuity in the unlikely event of data loss on the live

Extensible Service:
The service is designed to allow new data sources to be incorporated as and when they are
required, such as on the introduction of new network inspection technologies.
5.7.3. Benefits to Utility Companies
An increasing number of pipe condition assessment and camera systems provide asset
management information in a variety of formats. The SCISYS Network Intelligence Portal will
combine all of the data to provide a comprehensive view of this information, enabling focused and
astute solution design and delivery.

By combining the above data, asset managers and capital planners are able to take more
effective investment decisions, resulting in better service outcomes for their customers. This will
provide a robust, long term and sustainable solution that delivers a more targeted solution with
lower CAPEX, whilst driving progress towards water efficiency and leakage reduction targets.
5.24 GIS

5.7.4. Digiright
Digiright is a solution from SCISYS that allows users to quickly and efficiently capture
and edit real world features (point, line and polygon) through their web browser. Digiright can be
deployed on premise or provided as a fully managed cloud service, including the provision of base
mapping from Ordnance Survey or other mapping providers.

Fig.5.9. Digiright in action

Digiright is an enterprise-ready GIS framework for spatial vector editing. Digiright has
been designed to simplify and automate the process of feature capture and processing by putting
the tools in the hands of the end users, but with a high level of quality assurance.

Digiright has integrated security and is scalable. It will integrate with mainstream
Geographic Information data feeds as well as a customer‘s own spatial data.

Functional Overview
• Easily customised and extensible
• Lightweight and simple to deploy
• Easily integrated
• Inbuilt validation rules
Digiright is ideal for
• Capturing point, line and polygon data
• Editing in the office or the field
• Maintaining clean geometries
• snapping to existing features, guide lines or features from other data sources
• Overlaying raster / vector data
• Dragging Geometries
Applications 5.25

5.7.5. Cartosys

Cartosys delivers all of the essential tools an organisation needs to successfully deploy
location-based services.

The Cartosys toolkit, built on open standards, integrates proven and supported open source
tools into a single out-of-the-box solution that is quick and easy to deploy, configure and manage,
without the need for software coding.
• Built on open standards with an open API.
• Integrates with your existing open source and COTS products.
• Provides a rapid, cost effective way to deliver your geospatial needs.

5.7.6. SLD Editor

The SLD Editor is a Java desktop application developed by SCISYS and contributed to the
open-source community that allows the creation and editing of OGC Styled Layer Descriptors
interactively using a graphical user interface.

The application provides a toolset to improve workflow.

• Main features include:
• Vector (point, line and polygon) symbol editing
• Raster symbol editing
• Text symbol editing
• Functions, filters, expressions, transformations all configurable via dialog
• GeoServer vendor options supported:
• Labelling
• WKT geometry
• Windbarbs
5.26 GIS

• Integration with GeoServer

• Map viewer
• Ability to convert Esri MXD files to SLD files (requires separate licensed components
not supplied as part of this project)

Forestry commission - Tree Alert

Forestry Commission Tree Alert – leveraging the power of Open Source GI tools and
Crowd-sourcing techniques to track the spread of tree diseases

Ash dieback is a tree disease that has hit the headlines in recent years, threatening to
almost completely destroy Britain‘s estimated 130 million ash trees, but it‘s not the only threat to
native tree species. An increasing number of invasive pests and diseases threaten British trees. In
response, the Forestry Commission needed to have efficient processes to address the threats in a
proactive and consistent way.

In July 2013, EU LIFE+ approved funding for the 4 year Observatree project lead by the
Forestry Commission. As part of this project the opportunity was seized to take advantage of an
engaged public as ‗citizen scientists‘ as well as the 25,000 or so people who work in the arboreal
industry. What was needed was an easy to use application that would allow them to make
scientifically useful reports about their observations.

5.7.7. Solution
With limited time and budget available to the project team, an innovative and efficient
approach was required. Any solution needed to be ready for deployment prior to the start of the
next growing season, when most of the reports are made.

To achieve this goal the Forestry Commission engaged SCISYS to help them design and
deliver Tree Alert. Tree Alert is a browser based application that guides users through a series of
intelligent questions, which reflect previous answers, to help to identify the issue, including
confirmation of the species as well as the key symptoms.

Using an Open Architecture combining a number of Open Source and existing SCISYS
technologies, the project team were able to take advantage of functionality already available. The
basis of the site uses the content management system Joomla to provide an application framework.
This has been integrated with the SCISYS Digiright component to capture the location
information about the observation.
Tree Alert has significantly increased the reach of the Forestry Commission in collecting
observation about potential tree diseases and pests. Commenting on the solution Roger Coppock,
Head of Corporate and Forestry Support, Forestry Commission said ―The information gathered
Applications 5.27

on the Tree Alert site doesn‘t just allow us to investigate individual cases reported by the general
public, as we can now set priorities based on risk and track the incidence of new and invasive
pests and diseases. This information will prove invaluable in our understanding of how tree pests
and diseases spread in Britain, and help us to protect our woodlands for generations to come.‖

5.7.8. Natural Resources Wales Spatial Data Consultancy

The Environment Agency depends upon vast quantities of data and information to carry
out its statutory duties and responsibilities, a significant proportion of which is spatial. In
developing its information assets, the Environment Agency must adhere to European legislation
that governs access to and re-use of public sector information, including the future impacts of the
INSPIRE Directive.

Solutions and Services Delivered

Natural Resources Wales commissioned SCISYS to undertake strategic and technical
consultancy to provide advice and support for the successful operation of existing GIS
implementations as well as the development of new implementations. The services supplied by
SCISYS included:
• Recommendations and working examples of the most suitable spatial data comparison
tool to fit with their existing implementation.
• Improvements to existing data management processes and workflow , for example the
development and implementation of a methodology to update regional and area
datasets when updates are applied at the national or regional level.
• An INSPIRE compliant GEMINI 2.1 metadata export facility
• Review of existing data management and technical implementation for fly-tipping
photograph geo-tagging.

The benefits to Natural Resources Wales include:
• A data comparison tool that can be used to detect change within the flood zones. The
tool compares newly generated data to previous polygons to assist in the preparation of
data for delivery into external data products.
• Improved data management procedures and processes which are aligned to and
integrated with their data management lifecycle workflow.
• Gemini 2.1 INSPIRE compliant metadata integrated into the data management
• A set of recommendations and an associated roadmap to enable Natural Resources
Wales to streamline and develop its fly-tipping photograph geo-tagging process.
5.28 GIS

5.7.9. Coal Authority

The Coal Authority (TCA) manages the effects of past coal mining, including subsidence
damage claims which are not the responsibility of licensed coal mine operators. It deals with mine
water pollution and other mining legacy issues.

In undertakings these operations the Authority collects, uses and maintains a vast array of
spatial data in some cases dating back hundreds of years. TCA were using a wide variety of end-
of-life point solutions to deliver services from islands of data across their enterprise. Apart from
the considerable financial implications of maintaining this position it was identified as limiting the
business as it was unable to adapt to changing market conditions and predicted volumes of
business. Corporate knowledge was ―siloed‖ making it time consuming to provide the
highest quality safety advice.

TCA commissioned SCISYS to supply an enterprise information service: known as
"Inferis", this facilitates smarter working via corporate data sharing and service re-use. Services
supplied span the entire software life cycle from analysis to support. A centralised spatially
enabled database serves all functions. SCISYS worked closely with TCA to understand their
corporate business processes and policies, considering each process in isolation. These were then
translated into the minimum number of generic capabilities and provided as re-useable services,
including the innovative approach of embedding suitably configured mapping (GIS) services
within workflow steps. Previously isolated pools of data are now accessible via the re-useable
services from a spatially enabled database. This significantly empowers the business as all
information and opinion on a site is available in one system: making the most of TCA assets. The
same services are re-used in all aspects of the business, from web based customer self service to
forensic geospatial analysis of corporate data by TCA specialists.

Inferis uses a hybrid architecture combining Esri components for back-end data processing
combined with open source components (Open Layers and Geo-server) to visualise and capture
data via the internal corporate GIS browser, cartosys, and external feature capture tool (the
SCISYS Digiright component).

"Up to date and accurate operational information is key to every decision we make in the
business and to our customers who rely on our coal mining report when buying and selling
property. With Inferis, for the first time, we have a single integrated system which provides the
solutions we need across the business and access to the most up to date information including
Ordnance Survey products." Says Steve Pennell, The Coal Authority Director of Mining
Information and Services.
• All spatial data assets are now available across the whole enterprise
Applications 5.29

• 100% increase in mining report generation productivity

• 98% of reports ordered and returned electronically via self service
• >70% of property boundaries digitised by the customer
Commenting on the delivery Steve Pennell, The Coal Authority Director of Mining
Information and Services said "Up to date and accurate operational information is key to every
decision we make in the business and to our customers who rely on our coal mining report when
buying and selling property. With Inferis, for the first time, we have a single integrated system
which provides the solutions we need across the business and access to the most up to date
information including Ordnance Survey products."

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