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Expt No

Xlal and limt. af Kxamiinafeni 21-03-2022,2:30pm

kxaminapen Rell No: 21014511016

Wame hu hoqam 13A krgbish Hona

denuses lat
Cniqut lapur Cad }2182801
Zztl ef he lapes: nuisonmenfalcincu

Teacher's Sign... **************************


Expt No.

kxaminafon RollMo: 2101 4511 016

(ndia a a mipa h i u counby

edagicaeunt in h Janelnou hadia havs

proluotigCondilion hi high liu bioagecaf
duuessilAaplt n hi dinge qiantenbau
alound Y0 mullian yeaA ago cd h he fomahn
norRLin or sohin cenlinnd 2uilh hdia

patg Gondarana -/h souRun anelrau

ogubui buh rica duubalia and Adlastien
fcedomie maumnt ahifll rdia noth
hoased asess Ahe epuate p join Nar Euasin
Corlnunt di Mibi nrg dhallers hiinaua
cloud loun plati aned arrral Ra had
eusuc boh ia turaps andn he fas L a
mirqsaliq_pnlo (naia hefrss /uRumalayans
ad fm2id Afraualur.camu zromdica
uilth Ehiojouan prciia, uhuck, uueacdapig
h he asarnas and suni diig segian h u
nelia dpzeia/ geogrephiaa/ paulsn beluun
hu dianctint nthug bibsgicaf enbpon
and sadopon 4pLcia siapinuiblfr
nelassnih andlvaikug hioliueraity

Teacher's Sign. ***************************************

ENpNo 2

Éananon Kol NO: 21 01 45 11 016

Nmon he biolagicaly sich nahens.nelia starebe

amorg tke hp lo o16caurlz zarit gsuatvasu

phaná andarimafmarny fhich Lnotfrn

aeuhissnaliahas 35o frun mammalh
120aspecg biicd, 4534piciug eplils ad
450o0plartdpiciiu d auhich meif asLangiop
4psau, Thau uicluc eypecrallhigh zariu
airuesuil 7foru ard orchil
nola Aau 5o,oaaknouua Apiciu Aiinsrehipchudig
zgookuttnplu and mehuiu ehmalisl ha
h unmbii nineun4arci Coulel bi deue
hims hajhusi
u uhinald ha 184 afndan jplanti asz
endrmie p h CoundY
elu i n ho urasle Among
rund in_lnolia62as unip upihcaLunkyy
Ammg kizassa, m_153 dprciu sLcasolie
High enclimumhas aluo bun sicosdee ar
vamau q40yp unucá,-
marin hnasmu
andah Liau Apengu.
Teacher's Sign.* *

"Survey conducted by IMRB in t

Expt No. 3

ka minahon Kol No: 21o1 4621016

dpat frem phe hig biocduruily lndan

ilol lana and annalhuiia'aluo a gacat
_oliunaity eulianis napu and Lsuol1 J7
dormuhe i u f p e Thiu i ojrsut a u a n a
hornsare yras duing Luhiich cultivafons haus
4nun and lorusiakef in ndion Subconlinun
Jho praadhona cultiaralau ineluol T),00oh
J0,000 vasiitiui sictanglanumbis gcuLal
Lugefalluond fuih Jh highu diuusily
CulLinalass i corcnáakg in f high
harnpalYarcas g Luilua gholéaalih hah
Worfhun timalaiyau anolLNarh etua Hilu
Lns hank hauu eolliche ouu 34O00 CesLala
cnd 22,000 pulas qroun in lbdia'nodia ha
27lnodignsuu biudh a eatll, 4o biuci a
ahrrpu22 bALu goat and£bieesh
ataloLciu in hdà>122a aoo

65 GymnoApiums
2428 Bayo phyti
2021 Aichn
Teacher's Sign..

kraminahon Roll No: 1014 5.11016

14 500 ungi
65 00 Algas

91206dplcilu 4tauna.
Abaut 33/ ousing pant
44 mamma
55 bisd
187 sLptil
lo amphibiana

Luluap119un Aasg, muahu preiu az

nonuns haus asiginoli ua hda Mearlys o a a
pucii lousing ppni hod hiu_aiginin
_inolaErom atrodinuily paint aleo lnda
d l wsy sich
dtasin4_duuussily Afong 700kntong tia4tine
nadá uinh mangiouu sCipraiin cea
Aufd back walss etehuu erilaasich
hu 0er(2sfauno hiue: vhe riasinu
duuul siéA in nollupAChiufacar
polychades ardecotad Suvsaf ataiciu
Hahgreua plantans diagtasatu.asu ala

Teacher's Sign., ***** *****

Expt No.

kNaminahen Kall No: 2101 45 11016

papulaton a hodian 7iedusaity i

dll nra
sdil unexplorug
-Uhus au about 93 raju hut kandu, caua
A ana mangsanus shich nud to bo
Jiudiig ia dfaihnclán hLsa couu 64:01
millian hectasu haring a sih% biodussiy
Plant i nfhu liar Himalayan, narth-isst
uuut. Cnbal and caalun Fimalayon foat,
hupn ghab, cash. deasb, Gangilic plains
deccan plaaii andhL lndlarnan Micobas
and ka~ihw adep uhre Aup diunu qirmdlic
Condh'n hiau i l a cmplii ainbow dpchun
badiuuuity -in lndia.

Teacher's Sign..

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