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Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the sentence.
1. Are Mrs. Vui and Mrs. Ha businesswomen? (BUSINESS)
2. This shop is one of the most famous bakeries in my neighbourhood. (BAKE)
3. It is noisier in the city than in the countryside. (NOISE)
4. There are many useful activities in the summer. (ACT)
5. This river is the longest river in Vietnam. (LONG)
6. In math I am worse than you. (BAD)
7. In the library we read about many wonderful things. (WONDER)
8. Pham Tuyen and Trinh Cong Son are good musicians of Viet Nam. (MUSIC)
9. The road is very crowded. Be careful when riding to school. (CARE)
10. When autumn comes, many leaves turn yellow. (LEAF)
11. What is the longest of this river? (LONG)
12. I want to lengthen my trousers. They are too short. (LONG)
13. What is the width of your house? (WIDE)
14. They need to widen the road to our school because it is too narrow. (WIDE)
15. Do you know the depth of this lake? - It’s over 5 meters deep. (DEEP)
16. I don’t know what your heaviness is. (HEAVY)
17. The nurse is measuring Hoa. She wants to know Hoa’s height. (HIGH)
18. The nurse told the students to fill in the medical records. (MEDICINE)
19. Fruit juice and milk are healthy drink. (HEALTH)
20. Living near the garbage dump is unhealthy. (HEALTH)
21. Mai is absent from school because she has a toothache. (TOOTH)
22. Nick’s hobby is collecting stamps. He is a stamp collector. (COLLECT)
23. Hoa is very creative and she paints very well. (CREATE)
24. My uncle usually takes a lot of beautiful photos. (BEAUTY)
25. I think collecting old bowls is a very boring hobby. (BORE)
26. You can use carved eggshells as decoration in your house. (DECORATE)
27. I like reading books because it widens my knowledge. (WIDE)
28. Model making is a wonderful ways of spending time. (WONDER)
29. Reading books can also develop our imagination (IMAGINE)
30. That girl can use leaves to make musical sounds. (MUSIC)
31. You should choose a hobby because it will give you pleasure and help you relax. (PLEASE)
32. We like their friendliness (FRIENDLY).
33. The friendship between Vietnam and Cuba is good. (FRIEND)
34. They seem to be unfriendly. We dislike them. (FRIEND)
35. There will be a meeting in this street. (MEET)
36. We saw beautiful girls there. (BEAUTY)
37. The garden is beautiful with trees and flowers. (BEAUTY)
38. They enjoy the peaceful atmosphere here. (PEACE)
39. The Malaysian unit of currency is the Ringit. (MALAYSIA)
40. In addition, there are other religions. (ADD)
41. They like Pho Bo. Addition, they enjoy Bun Bo. (ADD)
42. The national anthem of Viet Nam is sung. (NATION)
43. There is a national match between Vietnam and Lebanon on VTV3. (NATION)
44. The language of instruction is Bahasa Malaysia. (INSTRUCT)
45. Ao Dai is the traditional dress of Vietnamese women. (TRADITION)
46. Traditionaly, Ao Dai is worn by women. (TRADITION)
47. To Huu is a famous poet. (POETRY). His poems are interesting.
48. Ao Dai is always fashionable. (FASHION)
49. Jeans are completely made from cotton. (COMPLETE)
50. The workers from Genoa enjoyed wearing jeans. (WORK)
51. Sale of clothes always goes up. (SELL)
52. At the entrance to the village, we saw the accident. (ENTER)
53. They had an enjoyable day by the river. (ENJOY)
54. They are well - qualified teachers. (GOOD)
55. We need further information (INFORM)
56. This book is very informative (INFORM)
57. Look at the advertisement. Rain Bi looks handsome. (ADVERTISE)
58. It is an interesting program. (INTEREST)
59. The song is interesting to me. (INTEREST)
60. We felt interested in the show. (INTERSET)
61. English is his nationality. (NATION)
62. It is cheap. It’s inexpensive. (EXPENSIVE)
63. Interactive TV is available now. (INTERACT)
64. The interaction between this computer and the others is good. (INTERACT)
65. The development of TV is always fast. (DEVELOP)
66. Libraries are helpful in developing children’s love for books. (DEVELOP)
67. The Internet has increasingly developed nowadays. (INCREASE)
68. The Internet is one of the most important inventions of our life. (INVENT)
69. Everyone has their limitations which are hardly recognized by themselves. (LIMIT)
70. The website is not useful for teenagers. It’s useless. (USE)
71. Their communication is always good. (COMMUNICATE)
72. She is a communicative girl. (COMMUNICATE)
73. Listen carefully please. (CARE)
74. We’re dissapointed that our environment is spoiled. (DISAPPOINT)
75. Our boys play dissapointedly today. (DISAPPOINT)
76. We’re worried about the pollution here. (POLLUTE)
77. This river is extremely polluted. (POLLUTE)
78. A dripping faucet may waste 500 liters of water a month. (DRIP)
79. In Viet Nam, electricity, gas, and water are not only luxury but also nessesary. (LUX/ NEED)
80. Her appearance is nessesary today. (NEED)
81. Farm products are always exported. (PRODUCE)
82. This plant’s productivity is high, so it attracts a lot of investment. (PRODUCE)
83. The production of this machine requires the latest techniques. (PRODUCE)
84. This energy - saving bulb is not cheap. (SAVE)
85. The consumers are requiring us to repair the machines. (CONSUME)
86. Watching Korean films on TV is a time - consuming activity. (CONSUME)
87. Water consumption is increasing this summer. (CONSUME)
88. The efficiency of the model attracts us. (EFFICIENT)
89. They are working effectively, so we are satisfied. (EFFECT / SATISFY)
90. Life always needs a lot of innovations. (INNOVATE)
91. The conservationtists are cleaning the beach. (CONSERVE)
92. Untimately, our environment must be protected. (ULTIMATE)
93. Tet is the most important celebration in Viet Nam. (CELEBRATE)
94. Fruits’ festival in Suoi Tien park is a very joyful activity. (JOY)
95. Look at the colorful bulbs. They are so beautiful. (COLOR)
96. My feelings are so strong that the word “love” can’t describe them. (FEEL)
97. The vocanic eruption caused a lot of bad effects. (VOLCANO/ ERUPT)
98. Our scientists have not warned our fishermen about the typhoon carefully. (SCIENCE)
99. A disastrous eruption occurred here last night. (DISASTER)
100. The beach is full of all kinds of pollutants. (POLLUTE)
101. He used all his strength to force the door open. STRONG
102. The police are interested in the sudden disapearence of the valuable painting. APPEAR
103. My teacher encourages me to take this examination. COURAGE
104. Recently health foods have increased in popularity. POPULAR
105. The old lady hid all her savings under the floor. SAVE
106. Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your complete satisfaction. SATISFY
107. The council has promised to deal with the problem of unemployment among young people.
108. Tung had eaten so much he had to loosen his belt. LOOSE
109. The dictionaries are with the other reference books. REFER
110. I had to check the wages in addition to my normal work. ADD
111. He was very proud of the work he had done. PRIDE
112. There is a reduction of 10% in the amount of money available for buying new books.
113. He is interested in the preservation old buildings. PRESERVE
114. Saucepans are sold in the household goods department. HOUSE
115. 'Friends of the Earth' is concerned about the conservation of the natural environment.
116. Thousands of people have been made homeless by the war. HOME
117. He wouldn't listen to her repeated refusal so in the end she went. REFUSE
118. The teacher gave his students permission to leave the classroom. PERMIT
119. He grew up poor, but he overcame all difficulties and hardships to become one of the most
successful actors in Vietnam. HARD
120. They said 'good-bye' to each other just because of some minor misunderstanding.
121. He is old. He's getting forgetful, and his forgetffulness often makes a lot of trouble. FORGET
122. This table may break under a lot of pressure. PRESS
123. Dr. Jones is a well - known historican. He has written several novels, one of which was about
the historical meeting between the great leaders at Yalta in 1945. HISTORY
124. You should go on a diet. You're a bit overweight. WEIGH
125. The car is a complete write - off. It is quite unrepairable. REPAIR
126. That little boy has a mouthful of cakes. MOUTH
127. The Saigon Giai Phong is a daily newspaper. DAY
128. She is from Russia. She is Russian. RUSSIA
129. Mary looks worried about something. She looks worriedly at everything. WORRY
130. I can't believe you, what you say is quite illogical. LOGIC
131. He is an inexperienced doctor who just graduated from the medical school last year.
132. There is a tendency that people nowadays get dressed beautifully. (TEND)
133. He was the pride of the school after winning the contest. (PROUD)
134. Disneyland is one of the famous areas of entertainment. (ENTERTAIN)
135. He had no explanation. (EXPLAIN) for his absence.
136. We live in a rather rich neighborhood. (NEIGHBOR).
137. Television is very popular. (POPULARITY) nowadays.
138. There is no entertainment. (ENTERTAIN) in the countryside
139. She has no parents or close relatives. (RELATE)
140. People in the country are often more friendly. (FRIEND) than people in the city.
141. Farmers are always faced with destruction. (DESTROY) brought about by typhoons, floods.
142. A lot of people believe that well-paying jobs are plentiful. (PLENTY) in the city.
143. Increased population is another unpleasant. (PLEASE) result.
144. The air is heavily polluted (POLLUTE) with traffic fumes.
145. They made a decision to close down the factory permanently. (PERMANENCE)
146. Jack thinks her hometown is a very boring (BORE) place. She really gets bored (BORE)
147. The remote desert area is accessible (ACCESS) only by helicopter.
148. He is one of the best photographers (PHOTO) in the world.
149. Their first public performance (PERFORM) was not very successful.
150. The shoes were very nice, but they were uncomfortable. (COMFORT)
151. Hoa and Nien used to be next-door neighbors. (NEIGHBORHOOD)
152. Surface mail is much cheaper. (CHEAP) than airmail
153. I can’t see him now; it’s not convenient. (CONVENIENCE)
154. They are very busy with celebrating (celebrate) the Teacher’s Day.
155. Nam thinks the food in this restaurant is tasty. (TASTE)
156. Unfortunatley, I won’t be able to attend the meeting (FORTUNATE)
157. There is a big difference (DIFFER) between the new shopping mall and the present shopping
158. I don’t like my neighbors because they are unfriendly. FRIEND
159. I want to rent a funished apartment, please. FURNITURE
160. Don’t eat too much, otherwise you will be overweight. WEIGHT
161. The library in our city has over 50 employees. EMPLOY
162. Walking in the rain gives me pleasant. PLEASE
163. Children look very excited while playing games during break time. EXCITE
164. We should eat body - building food, like dairy product. PRODUCE
165. Reports are a mixture of interviews, videos and news items. MIX
166. He occasionally flies to Phnom Penh, Hong Kong or Bangkok. OCCASION
167. Vietnamese is compared easy to learn. COMPARE
168. My birthday is on the twentieth of September. TWENTY
169. There are four bookselves in my bedroom. BOOKSHELF
170. The national language of Vietnam is Vietnamese. NATION
171. In my neighborhood, there is a supermarket, a hotel and a park. NEIGHBOR
172. There are a lot of interesting activities in the summer. ACT
173. Viet Nam has plenty of beautiful beaches. BEAUTY
174. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. HIGH
175. Lan’s mother goes shopping twice a week. SHOP
176. My parents work at a Secondary School. They are teachers of English. TEACH
177. I go to visit my grandparents once a month. ONE
178. He is a careless person, so he sometimes has accidents. CARE
179. He is interested in learning English. INTEREST
180. They are good students. STUDY
181. He often plays sports. He is very sporty. SPORT
182. Go Green is a non-profit organization that protects the environment. (ORGANISE)
183. Many people were made homeless after the flood. (HOME)
184. We talked to and sang for the elderly people at a nursing home. (OLD)
185. The campaign last week encouraged people to recycle glass, cans and paper. (COURAGE)
186. The children volunteered to clean up their neighborhood and local area. (NEIGHBOUR)
187. There are many kinds of environmental pollution such as air pollution, land pollution and water
pollution. (ENVIRONMENT)
188. We’ve donated books and clothes to the children in remote areas. (DONATION)
189. We’ve worked together for several months to provide good facilities for disabled people (ABLE)
190. This project has been funded by voluntary contributions. (VOLUNTEER)

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