History and Schools of Psy Outline

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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Academic Year Fall 2023

Basic Information

Course code:PS1303 Course Title: History and Schools of Psychology

Program: BS Psychology Semester:Fall 2023

Credit Hours: 3 Total classes: 32

Teacher Name: Ms. Saba fayyaz Email:saba.fayyaz@ucp.edu.pk

Course Objectives

This course aims at increasing the awareness of the roots of contemporary psychology amongst
students. Indeed, the history taught in this course will offer the best foundation for understanding
the present psychology. Further, it will teach many lessons such as the continuity of ideas, the
role of the Zeitgeist in history, and the existence of psychology in the broader contexts of science
and society. In addition to an appreciation of our past and an understanding of the present, the
students will learn the true relationship between philosophy and psychology.

Course Content

It includes topics like:

 The importance of Wundt and James in the development of psychology

 Understanding of the basic tenets of functionalism and structuralism
 Freud’s influence on psychology
 Understanding of the basic tenets of Gestalt psychology
 The important role that behaviourism played in psychology’s history

Teaching Method

 Lectures
 Recommended text/supplementary texts
 Reading materials
 Case studies/Movie/Documentary
 Group project Report/Presentation
 Assignments/quizzes

Assessment and Evaluation

Final examination 40%

Mid Term 20%

Quiz 10%

Assignments 15%

Group Project/ Presentation 10%

Class participation 5%

Total 100%

Grades and Grading System

Letter Grade Grade Point Numerical Equivalence

A 4.00 86-100%

A- 3.67 82-85%

B+ 3.33 78-81%

B 3.00 74-77%

B- 2.67 70-73%

C+ 2.33 66-69%

C 2.00 62-65%

C- 1.67 58-61%

D+ 1.33 54-57%

D 1.00 50-53%

F 0.00 Below 50%

W --- Withdrawn

I --- Incomplete

N --- Continued

P/F --- No points

Recommended Textbook:

Shultz, D. (2011). A History of modern psychology. Florida: Cengage Learning


Goodwin, C. J. (2012). A History of Modern Psychology. Wiley

Hergenhahn (2001). An Introduction to the History of Psychology. New York: Wadsworth.

Sharma, N. & Sharma, R. (2003). History and Schools of Psychology. New Delhi: Atlantic


Week Contents Tasks

Week 1 Introduction to History of Psychology

 Why Study the History of Psychology?
 The Development of Modern Psychology
 Historiography

Week 2 Introduction to History of Psychology Assignment 1

 Contextual Forces in Psychology
 Conceptions of Scientific History
 Schools of Thought in the Evolution of
Modern Psychology

Week 3 Philosophical Influences on Psychology Quiz 1

 Relationship of Philosophy and
 Determinism and Reductionism
 Rene Descartes

Week 4 Philosophical Influences on Psychology

 Auguste Comte
 John Locke
 George Berkley
 David Hartley
 James Mill
 John Stuart Mill
Week 5 Physiological Influence on Psychology Quiz 2
 Beginning of experimental psychology
 Herman von Helmholtz
 Ernst Weber
 Gustav Theodor Fechner
Week 6 Islamic Contributions Assignment 2
 Overview on Islamic contribution in
Week 7 Modern Psychology
 Wilhelm Wundt
 Herman Ebbinghaus
 Oswad Kulpe

Week 8 Structuralism and Functionalism

 Introductions
 Contributions
 Criticisms
 Differences
Week 9 Mid Term Examination

Week 10 Behaviorism Assignment 3

 Development of behaviorism
 Three stages of behaviorism
 Types of Behaviorism
 Key Concepts in Behaviorism

Week 11 Behaviorism Quiz 3

 B. F. Skinner
 Albert Bandura
 Julian Rotter

Week 12 Gestalt
 A Brief History of Gestalt Psychology
 Major Gestalt Psychologists
 Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization

Week 13 Psychoanalysis Assignment 4

 Development of psychoanalysis
 Psychoanalysis as a method of treatment
 The Conscious and Unconscious Mind
 Case Studies
Week 14 Psychoanalysis
 The Id, Ego, and Superego
 The Ego's Defense Mechanisms
 Anna Freud
 Carl Jung
 Alfred Adler
Week 15 Humanistic
 Introduction to Humanistic Approach Quiz 4
 Basic Assumptions of this Humanistic
 Abraham Maslow
Week 16 Presentations

Week 17 Presentations

Week 18 Final Term Examination

Statements of Assignments

Teachers name Ms. Saba Fayyaz

Assignment 1

Week/date of assignment Week 2

Week/date of submission Week 3

Details of assignment Will be announced

Assignment 2

Week/date of assignment Week 6

Week/date of submission Week 7

Details of assignment Will be announced

Project presentation

Week/date of project Week 10

Week/date of submission Week 11

Details of project Will be announced

Assignment 4

Week/date of assignment Week 13

Week/ date of submission Week 14

Details of assignment Will be announced


Teachers name Ms.Saba fayyaz

Quiz 1

Week/date of quiz Week 3

Topic Introduction to History of Psychology

Quiz 2

Week/date of quiz Week 5

Topic Philosophical Influences on Psychology

Quiz 3

Week/date of quiz Week 11

Topic Behaviorism

Quiz 4

Week/date of quiz Week 15

Topic Psychoanalysis

Rules and regulations for class room

1. Students will be marked ‘late’ after the 15minutes of the commencement of class.
2. Students can consult teacher for any query after class or via email.
3. The following behaviors should be avoided:
 Using mobile phone, attending calls, using social media.
 Chatting, sleeping, improper way of sitting.
 Entering and leaving classroom without permission.
 Illogical arguments, taunting, degrading, sarcastic comments on each other.
 Distracting classmates/lecture in any way.

Instructions for Assignment, Quizzes, Presentation and Class Participation

1. Assignments are to be submitted on time . Late submissions will result in deduction of marks
(-1/ day).
2. No academic theft/plagiarism is allowed in any assignment.
3. The assignments should be in APA format (minimum 3 pages and maximum 5 pages
typed,12 font size, Times New Roman font style, 1inch margins, double line spacing,
references mentioned on a separate page)

4. The scheduled quizzes will be taken on its assigned time. If anyone misses any quiz, retake
will be only taken on conditional basis. Everyone is not going to be eligible for retake of
5. The presentation should be precise, comprehensive and creativity is appreciated.
6. The presentation format includes 10 minutes each student, 10-15slides with clear mentioning
of topic, examples, statistics graph or any other tables, videos (maximum 3-4mins).
7. The class participation score could be awarded to those who would fulfill the following

✓ Active and fruitful participation in class activities/discussions.

✓ well read about topics to contribute their knowledge.

✓ Punctual and regular in class, submissions of assignments.

✓ Waiting for your turn and not interrupting others while they talk.

Teachers’ signature: Ms. Saba Fayyaz

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