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Pre-IELTS 1 Adults- Unit 1: People

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Lesson 1 Topic: PEOPLE WID: Pre-IELTS1Adults_01_RW

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Reading: Previewing, Key words, Scanning
and skimming to find information
Grammar focus: Nouns & verbs - Singular & ...... pts/10
plural nouns - The verb be - Personal
pronouns - Possessive determiners

Writing portfolio 1: Write about somebody in

...... pts/10
your family

Exercise 1: [Vocabulary] Write down the term for the opposite sex?

1. mum - _______ 6. granddaughter - _______

2. brother - _______ 7. Nephew - _______
3. son - _______ 8. wife - _______
4. uncle - _______ 9. boyfriend - _______
5. grandmother - _______ 10. cousin -_______

Exercise 2: [Nouns and verbs] Identify the verbs and nouns in the following sentences:
1. My brother is a sportsman. _____________________________________________
2. My family lives in a small town. _____________________________________________
3. His friend has a pet. _____________________________________________
4. They swim in a lake. _____________________________________________
5. My sister loves football. _____________________________________________
6. Sam and Tom watch TV. _____________________________________________
7. I go to bed at 9 o’clock. _____________________________________________
8. My bedroom is upstairs. _____________________________________________
9. Listen to the song! _____________________________________________
10. I always feed my hamster. _____________________________________________
Pre-IELTS 1 Adults- Unit 1: People

Exercise 3: [Nouns and verbs] Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. My (uncle/ is/ Cambridge) is from London but he is in (uncle/ is/ Cambridge) now. He (uncle/
is/ Cambridge) a teacher.
2. I have a (student/ hobbies/ sister). She is 20, her name is Rita and she is a (student/ hobbies/
sister) in London. She has many (student/ hobbies/ sister) but her favourite is shopping.
3. We (works/ are/ have) a son and a daughter – they (works/ are/ have) both at university in
Cairo. My son (works/ are/ have) in a restaurant in the evening.
4. We have a baby (son/ love/ name) – he's two months old. His (son/ love/ name) is Jack and we
(son/ love/ name) him.
5. My grandmother is 78 and she (Wales/ speaks/ lives) in Beddgelert, a small town in (Wales/
speaks/ lives). She (Wales/ speaks/ lives) Welsh. She also knows a lot of English.

Exercise 4: [Singular and plural nouns] There is a mistake in each sentence. Find the mistake
and correct it.

1. I have a brothers.
2. They have two uncle.
3. My aunt and uncle are both teacher.
4. She only has one grandfathers.
5. We have two childrens.
6. I have many hobby – swimming, running and cycling.
7. She speaks four language – English, Arabic, French and Farsi.
8. My sisters live in Londons.
9. My grandfather is 85 year old.
10. My brothers are student.

Exercise 5: [The verb ‘be’] Write the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Who is your favourite person in your family?

My favourite person______ my aunt.
2. Why is she your favourite?
She_______ older than me but we have the same hobbies.
3. What _______ your hobbies?
We both like cooking and reading.
Pre-IELTS 1 Adults- Unit 1: People

4. _______ she married?

Yes, she ______ married to my uncle. They______ both nice people but I like my aunt most.

Exercise 6: [Personal pronouns] Match sentences 1–6 with the sentences A- F.

1. My grandparents are not from London. A. I go to the beach every weekend.

2. My mother is a teacher. B. It is a difficult job.
3. My sister lives at home. C. He is 65.
4. My brother and I live in different countries. D. She's a student.
5. My father is not young. E. We meet every summer.
6. My hobby is swimming. F. They were born in Poland.

Exercise 7: [Possessive determiners] Write the words in brackets in the correct places in the

1. Some people think hobby is dangerous, but it's completely safe. (my)
2. When is birthday – is it in July? (your)
3. Aydin has three brothers and four sisters – family is very big. (his)
4. Suzanne's father is from Ireland and mother is from Spain. (her)
5. Istanbul is Turkey's biggest city, but capital is Ankara. (its)
6. We see grandparents every weekend. (our)
7. My daughters are not the same – hobbies are very different. (their)

Exercise 8: [Personal pronouns and possessive determiners] Choose the correct word to
complete the sentences.

1. (I/ My) grandfather's name is Jack.

2. What is (you/ your) brother's name?
3. (We/ Our) are both from Italy.
4. I have two sisters. (They/ Their) names are Leyla and Sara.
5. Which country is (he/ his) from?
6. Where do (you/ your) work?
7. I don't know my family well – (They/ Their) live in different countries.
8. We have a dog. (It/ Its) name is ‘Rover'.
9. My grandmother is 80. (She/ Her) birthday is next week.
Pre-IELTS 1 Adults- Unit 1: People

10. There are many people in (our/ we) family.

Exercise 9: [Family tree] Look at the family tree and complete the sentences:

1. Frank is Rita’s ___________ 9. George is my ___________

2. Gina is George’s ___________ 10. Glenn is my ___________
3. George and Sophia are my ___________ 11. Sophia is Kathy’s ___________
4. George is Rita’s ___________ 12. George is Kathy’s___________
5. Rita and Glenn are my ___________ 13. Glenn is Kathy’s ___________
6. Rita is Kathy’s ___________ 14. Rita and Glenn are Kathy’s ___________
7. Kathy is my ___________ 15. Frank is my ___________
8. Sophia is my ___________
Pre-IELTS 1 Adults- Unit 1: People

Exercise 10: [Reading]

Family stories

It is important for a young child to know the

older people in the family. Here is Eva's story.

This is a photo of my daughter. Her name is

Anna, and she is now one year old. And also in
the photo is my father. His name is Peter, and
he's 68 – that's a big age difference!

My father is always busy and doing things. He has many hobbies. He likes doing sports (he likes
fishing most) and cooking. He made a little birthday cake for Anna! The only bad thing is that he
lives in a different city. It's a long way – 12 hours by train. But he likes travelling, and he comes
to see Anna every month. He also talks to Anna on the internet every week – Anna knows his
face very well.

Anna has no brothers or sisters, so it is very important that she can be with my father. And she is
always happy with him. That's great. But she is always sad when he goes home.

A. Look quickly at the text and the photo. Choose the correct answers.

1. The photo shows: 3. The text is from:

A. a baby's mother and grandfather. A. a news story.

B. a baby's mother and father. B. a magazine.

C. a baby's father and grandmother. C. an email.

2. The text is about:

A. hobbies.

B. brothers and sisters.

C. an important person in a family.

B. Read the article and answer the questions below. Use the words in the box.

68 cooking and fishing one Anna

Peter every month yes

1. Who is Eva's daughter? _____________

2. How old is Anna? _____________

3. Who is Eva’s father? _____________

Pre-IELTS 1 Adults- Unit 1: People

4. How old is Peter? _____________

5. What are Peter’s hobbies? _____________

6. When does Peter visit Anna? _____________

7. Does Peter use the internet? _____________

Exercise 11: [Reading] Read the text in exercise 10 and complete the sentences with the words
in the box. There are three words you do not need.

father daughter cooking

happy fishing brothers

grandfather mother sad

1. Peter is Anna's________________.

2. Eva is Anna’s________________.

3. Peter is Eva's ________________.

4. Peter's favourite sport is ________________.

5. Anna has no ________________.

6. Anna is always ________________to see Peter.

Exercise 12: [Reading] Read the text bellow and answer the questions:

Hello! My name is Ana. I am eight years old and I am from the USA. I’m going to introduce you to
my lovely family. It’s quite big and we are very happy.
My mother’s name is Laura and my father’s name is Peter. My mother has got blonde hair and
she is a teacher. My father is tall and slim and he is a funny person.
My parents have got three children. There’s my brother Tim, my baby brother David and me.
Tim is a sweet boy who loves playing and being with me all the time. He is only three years old
so he attends the kindergarten. My younger brother, David, is a seven-month baby but he is full
of personality. He likes being at my father’s lap and he never disposes of Eddy, his bunny.
My father has got a sister. Her name is Olivia and she is my aunt. My mother has got two
brothers. Their names are Richard and Williams and they are my uncle.
I have also got my grandparents and my cousins Jacob, Kevin and Chloe.
Pre-IELTS 1 Adults- Unit 1: People

We have got a pet called Pirate, he is my favorite dog!

I love my family and my pet.

A. Answer the following questions about the text:

1. How old is Ana? 6. How old is Tim?

______________________ ______________________

2. Is she British? 7. Who’s Eddy?

______________________ _____________________

3. How many brothers has she got? 8. How many cousins has Ana got?

______________________ _____________________

4. What’s her mother’s name? 9. What is her pet’s name?

______________________ _____________________

5. What’s her father’s name?


B. Match the opposites

1. Old a. Small

2. Big b. Short

3. Happy c. Serious

4. Tall d. Fat

5. Slim e. Young

6. Funny f. Hate

7. Love g. Unhappy

C. What can be the title for the passage?

a. My lovely family

b. My three cousins

c. Pirate, my pet
Pre-IELTS 1 Adults- Unit 1: People

Exercise 13: [Reading] Read the text. Answer the questions.


Ruby Taylor and Rachel Storr are very unusual. They are identical twins, but they’ve got different
parents. The twins are from China, but they are adopted. They both live in Scotland, Ruby near
Aberdeen, and Rachel in Edinburgh, 150 km away. In her Scottish family, Rachel has got two
brothers, but Ruby is an ‘only child’. Ruby often visits Rachel, and their parents are now friends.

Both girls have got two ‘families’: their parents, an ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle’ (the other twin’s parents)
and eight grandparents!

Rachel and Ruby have got long, dark hair and brown eyes. They aren’t just identical, they are
mirror-image twins. Rachel writes with her right hand and Ruby writes with her left hand, for
example. Their favourite hobby is art and they both love clothes. Ruby wears Rachel’s clothes
and Rachel wears Ruby’s clothes, and they play a game with their grandparents called “Am I
Ruby or am I Rachel?”. Their grandparents haven’t got any idea!

I. Match the words with definitions.

1. A child with no brothers or sisters. identical twins

2. Brothers or sisters who look the same and have the same birthday. an only child

3. An interest. unusual

4. Very different or strange. a hobby

II. Are these sentences true or false?

1. Rachel and Ruby live in the same family. True False

2. One of the twins lives in England. True False

3. They've got four grandmothers True False

4. They've got the same hair and eyes. True False

5. Ruby and Rachel use the same hand to write. True False

6. They've got the same interests. True False

7. Their grandparents think the game that Rachel and Ruby play is easy. True False
Pre-IELTS 1 Adults- Unit 1: People

WRITING PORTFOLIO 1: Write sentences about someone in your family.

In order to write about somebody in your family, answer the following questions:

 What is the name of that person?

 What is the relationship between you and that person?

 When is his/her date of birth?

 Which city is he/she living in? Which country?

 Who does he/she live with?

 What is his/her job?

 How does he/she look?

 What are his/her hobbies?

 What special features does he/she have?

Write at least 100 words.


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