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(i) Training of Key staff in County Assemblies such as Clerks of the Finance and
Budget Committees and and fiscal analysts on their roles and mandates within the
Assembly, specifically on analyzing and scrutinizing the Finance Act to ensure
Counties have realistic own source revenue projections in their budgets, the role of
finance and budget committee in Own Source Revenue. Due to the high turn over of
MCAs after every 5 years it appropriate to focus on training of key staff in the County
Assembly to ensure institutional memory and sustainability even after the arrival of
the newly elected MCAs.

(ii) Training of CA Finance and Budget Committee to ensure County Assemblies pass
their Finance Bills as the same time or before their Appropriation Bills and both are
consistent with fiscal frameworks in Budget Policy Statements and County Fiscal Strategy

(iii) Train County Assemblies Service Boards on efficient Public Wage Management at
County Assemblies in accordance to SRC guidelines.

(iv)Sectoral Committees/Liaison Committee and Budget and Appropriations

Committee on rationale of parliamentary scrutiny, review and approval processes of
budget documents including County Integrated Development Plan, County Budget
Review and Outlook Paper, County Fiscal Strategy Paper, County Debt Management
Strategy Paper, Budget Estimates, Finance Bill (County Revenue), Supplementary
Estimates, performance management reports from the Executive and budget
performance reports from the Office of the Controller of Budget whilst mainstreaming
issues of gender, climate change and strengthening civic education and public
participation in governance.

(v) Public Accounts and Investment Committee on scrutiny of Office of the Auditor
General Reports, mandate and effectiveness. Partnerships with Non- Governmental
Offices, Civil Society Organizations, think tanks will inform debates during review
and approval of Assembly reports.

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