AUX 2 NOx Tech. File

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Technical File for C18 Marine Auxiliary Engine @ 1200&1500&1800 RPM 7 (Engine Family C18A1200&1500&1800) Engine Model “C18 Engine Serial No. CYG00248 [Performance Spec. __|__ 0K-6669 GL Family Approval No. |_37755-03HH Do Not Discard This Document is to be kept on board. EMISSION CERTIFICATION Approval No, Date: 46021-07 HH 2007 -93 - 20 Germanischer H.-J. Rein K. Diekmann Page 1 of 19 Technical File C18A1200& 15008 1800-06 Table of Contents 3 C18 Engine Part Number Table*.. 6 Installation Requirements. 6 Engine Performance .. 6 Engine Emissions... 7 ‘On-board Nox Verification procedure. 4 Engine Parameter Check Method. 3 1. Check Engine Parameters... = 8 2. Identify Emission-Related Engine Component 2 3. Record Changes to Emissions Related Components A 4. Identify Adjustable Features :. : ia Appendix A: IMO Certification Test Repo 7 Engine Information* mn Engine Family Information®.. i Test Cell Information* ng Ambient and Gaseous Emissions Data* a Engine Test Data® .... oa Page 2 of 19 Technical File C18A 12008 1500& 1800-06 90-0081 2001 FO0TIV8ID Alty fearuyseL 6150 ¢ o8eq Looz % yareW :paepdn] €aS581z [EBSSEZe |casseze| casseze|S1S58Lc |SZSSBLz | vLSSeLe | PLSSRLE zg9ozz2| ce90zzz| se90zvz| 9890722 |6z90z2z|6z90zzz|s290z22]ez90z2| | sequnN wed ‘exemyos einpow Ayjeuosieg levsazoz| apsezor| pesezar| yrsezoz | zéverrc| severr2| sereryz |sérerrZ| [szocrre|ezoerte|ezoctte|ecoerrelezoetizlecocticlecoetic|ecoetie|Jequinn wea soxafuy sLecvoz|Szezt0e|Szez+02|SzeLt0e| Szezvoe|Szezt0z|SzeLt0e|SZ2z107 zavtoz|vearto2| yeartoz| pzap.oz|yzerioz|reerloz|reerloz| pzertoz| “eawnN UPd aa are aermtaril 'es00997 | es0099e | eS0099z | ES0992 |eS0098z | ES009e | eSoO90 | ES00NIE eizezve|sizezve |eizecvz|erzezvz|eizezve|eizezvz|elzeeve|sizeere zaeeave| 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€50099z | ESO8Nz | €S00997 | Es00902| S099 |EsoOSEE | eizeerz |eizezrz |erzeerz |eizezvz elzezve|etzecyz|erzcerc|eizece 1a zeeearz | Leecavz| Zeceavz | zeeeerc| seeeave| zeceovz|zeetor2|ceccavz| *aWNN Hed eel ssezaiz|sspzaiz|ssvoiz|ssezo.z| ssezaiz|ssrz91z|sov/91z|SsPzolz [Bevoeez jecrastz Ser ase |[6e 19607 [Bc L9see [Be roeez | 6E Losec eers6ez| JeqUINN Wed weusuiea e9zl6z2 |eeeceze | coezeez |Cocceee |[eaeLeee | eoecece | eazLece |PozlEce| zeoizze |zesizze |eeeizze eeetzee|casizee|zesizze|cesizee|zesizec| “otunNUed Exaclaseaae Pral6ez | prSL6ez | pyeLetz | prelotc|PreL6ec|yyBLEez|yrelecc|yyeLetc| FeQWINN Hed worsid wn | wN | WN | WN | WN | WN | WN | WN “bea Surwn nes rsa | psor | rsor | rset | voor | reer | veer | rs9r ‘onew uorssaudwiod arZl192|/StLztee |PLZZt9z |SLessbe |eecozve | reeocve|OBeOzrZ |6ZE0zPZ| seqUINN Wed quawebueny sui6u3 ao] ero | ero | eo | sto | #0 | B10 | 810 aequinN wed Tepow eul6ua Ta3)_| (6vs) | (ers) | (509) | Cosa) | (oae) | (ers) | (ers) (dua) zis_| or | 60r | tsp | cs | zis | 60h | 60 wie Au soursua Aenxny auuew oi soriddy :310N [doar | ooar | oot | oor | ooar | cost | oer | cost wd (peoyerg) s6uney au6ug za za 2 2a 7 2a 2 7 ‘epkoiseL [wear | ee) | tear) | (oss) | (wea) | tea) _| (ear) | (66r) (ua) [sar] ee [ee | ov | Sov | sov | ele [ele wa (Pesivenry) etuvma eursea oar | oat | oer | ooar | oer | oer | ooat | Oost wd S999H0 | F999n0 | E99an0 | 9zzSH0 | Z99SH0 | V99SNO | O999H0 | 6S9SHO uonesyioeds eoueuuoyed 21921 saquinn wed eulbuz 8b 90-008 17800190071 ¥819 AIty eIUYyDaL, 61J0 ¢ aBeq { I 7 ‘Looe Z waIeW :Parepdh] ‘es59Le 6159012) 61S90L2| 8155012] 115502|r 155077 OLSGR72 OLssaLe ise9ozez |eesozzz |easozzz |zesozzz|svo0zzz|sz90zz2| pz90z2| yz90z/2| sequiny wea ‘sremyos ainpow Aufeuosiog 2vsezaz_ sesecez| arsezaz | gesezec| savervz earevre |avewr| severe (8 90tsz |8190esz | st 90esz| BL s0eSz |BLooesz| sl a0esz [ei a0esz | ro0Esz | \stzzvez sizeyy2|etzzyy2|sizzvez|sizzvec| sLzzyre| steve |eLLiey2| JequnN wed soroeluy 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| vee wa ‘uo souj6ug Arenirxny ouuew 03 soriddy :310N Oost | Oost | Oost | cost | Oost | cost | oost | Oost wd (peoyang) s6uney aui6u3 za_| 2a | | |e |< || za epKo wel as) | (wis) | Wis) | (row) | wor) | ris) | (ish | (or) (dua) iE eae | eee | toe | toe | tee | tee | toe ma ost | oost | Oost | oosr | cost | cost | o0s1 | 0st wd (pastueapy) s6uney eursu3 (09990 | 8599n0 | Z599H0 | 95990 | Ss99n0 | ysesHO | ts9Sy0 | zs95HO | woneoyioadg eoueuopag 21921 ft sequiny Wed oulbuy 819 90-0081 F00S IPOOTI VBI Aid feuyoaL 6150 L 28d ees8lz L00z 7% yaeW :parePdn| wgze | eeresre Jequinn wed asemyos ainpow Amjeuosied tanree oes: BASE BEST | aire Jequinn ued soratuy am Ssheee usar. | Leave sequin ued dnoip o18eq s9BseyDOqINL esiree, | WHET Sieve | Breeze ood igeam | taint Joquinn wed sejoo2104y sovenz | sseuaiz | eoLecet | eOLeOeL JequinN Wed weusures waeleee | eacLeze i” zenszzz | zosizee aoe weg peer sopurjAD velit | _wrelete_| Tequnn wea word wn vn “Bag Buna, ones tsar | FSF ‘oney uoIssaidwoo oucceve | tLeasve | wequinN wed Juswebueny ouibuy [ao TT | JequinN wea Tepow suibuy [tony [ (auay jimatee 57 me Au sour6ug Areixny auvew 0) sarddy :310N [0034 00zr wd (peoyeag) s6uney oulbuz za zt aiaKD S81 (oor) Ger) (ua) [toe Zit aa (pestieapy) s6unew oubug 0st oozt wid 92950, woneoyiseds soueuopeg HzLsH0 421981 sequin wed aulBuy gL Installation Requirements The following installation requirements must be met at rated load and speed to enable the engine 10 comply withthe nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission limits of regulation 13 of Annex VI of MARPOL- 378: 7 Max. Jacket Water Inlet Temperature °C (198'F) Max. Aftercooler Water Inlet Temperature For seawater aftercooled engines: 52°C (126°F) Combined Circuit Keel Cooled 32°C (90F) Heat Exchanger Cooled Maxi Air let Restriction 6.5 kPa (26" Water) Maxin Exhaust Backpressure 10 kPa (40" Water) Engine Performance “The rated speed and rated power of the engine is included on the engine information nameplate. For right hand service engines, this nameplate is located on top of the engine oil cooler. For left hand service engines, the nameplate is located on left hand side of the valve mechanism base. Engine Emissions Emissions data measurement is consistent with the procedures described in Resolution 2 of the 1997 MARPOL Conference “Technical Code on Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Enzines”. This engine's exhaust emissions are in compliance with the International Maritime Orzanization’s Regulation 13 of Annex VI to the MARPOL 73/78 Convention. The NOx limit for the nes in this family is 10.1 g/kw-hr. Page 8 of 19 Technical File C18A 12008 15008 1800-06 46071-0714 2007-03 ~2 9 On-board Nox Verification Procedure Engine Parameter Check Method Introduction; The engine parameter check method that follows shall be used by the surveyor to verify that the engine, as installed on board the ship, complies with the nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission limits of Regulation perce tex VI of MARPOL 73/78. This method is to be used forthe witel eonfcation survey, Periodic and intermediate surveys. Procedures: The procedures listed below are detailed on the following pages. They can be used to demonstrate Compliance with the NOx emissions limits, Steps of Engine Parameter Check Method: 1. Check Engine Parameter 2. Identify Emission-Related Engine Components 3. Record Changes to Emissions Related Components 4. Identify Adjustable Features Page 9 of 19 Technical File C18A1200& 15008 1800-06 1. Cheek Engine Parameter {cre ate no adjustable engine parameters related to NOx emissions that are physically capable of being adjusted without taking the engine outside of the manufacturers limits, Other than the Paramet ts programmed in the KOM. (lectronie Control Module), all programmable featur the factory. Theretiore a section to recor adjustable parameters becomes unnecessary. sare set at 2. Wentify Emi jon-Related gine Components: The table below lists the components that influence he list under section. Engine Part Numbers Table of this document shows the part numbers of those components as shipped from Caterpillar Ine. factories, These part numbers can be identitied through the personality module part number and the engine rating, which is also listed in this same table of this Technical File. The personality module part number and the engine rating can be found on the Information Plate or film on this engine, the engine's NOx emissions for this engine model. Note to surveyor: See also section “Record Changes to ission Related Components” Note to Caterpillar dealers: Part numbers for the components influencing the NOx can also be found in the Technical Marketing Information (TMI) system by viewing the engine test specification number. ‘Compare the observed part number with the part number from the tables on pages 3, 4, and 5 to insure that the part numbers are correct for these emissions related components, Page 10 of 19 Technical File C18A1200&1500& 1800-06, mission Related Component Lists Component Location on engine Mem Description; of component part No. Also sce diagrams —., below: (On the top of the piston crown assembly. 1 [Piston Stamped on the end of the camshan See note 1) Etched on top of the injector, 4 c Stamped on the aftercooler core body or 7 See note 1) _|mounting flange. Turbocharger [On nameplate of turbocharger on center section, a ~ Personality [On Information Plate of engine located on module top of oil cooler for right hand service 6 [Settware _Jengines or on the left hand side of the valve mechanism base for left hand service lengines or use the Electronic Technician (ET) Service Tools. Cylinder [Cast into the left hand side face of the Head cylinder head, Visible from above. Also, 7 |(Sce note 1) _|lowest level assembly part number of cylinder is affixed by label to front face of [cylinder head. Note 1 Part number not accessible without significant engine disassembly. Therefore it is not necessary to be checked by the surveyor, Numb 1, Piston 2. Camshaft 3. Injector Page 11 of 19 Technical File C18A 1200& 15008 1800-06 MRM 216-7455 & 246-3387 5. Turbocharger 6. Personality Module Software Right Hand Service Left Hand Service 6. Personality Module Software 7. Cylinder Head Page 12 of 19 Technical File C18A12008& 15008 1800-06 Verification proce for the Electronic Engine Software 1. Hoek up the laptop computer (with E:T) to the engine Llectroni¢ Control Module (1 (CM) as shown in the diagram below, nett COMMUNICATION ADAPTER It 1400133 UNVEREAL, soot DDATALUNK CABLE @2PT) ‘semua CABLE 2677) (PC SERIAL PORT {comm PORT) ‘CONNECTOR. “ADAPTER 174-4400 (07) Start the Electronic Technician (ET) program on the computer. 3. Select the desired ECM from the displayed list. Ifthe engine has only one ECM, only one ECM option will be displayed. 4, The display screen will show the engine model, engine location, and engine serial number. Displayed below this information will be a list of two columns, the first column lists the “Parameter”. ‘The second column lists the value for that parameter. The fourth parameter listed is the “Personality Module Part Number”. This is the engine software. The corresponding value is the software part number. Page 13 of 19 Technical File C18A.1200&1500& 1800-06 3. Record Changes to Emissions Related ‘Components: ble. A record must be kept of the changes to the emissions related components listed on the previous tal Use the table below to record these changes in chronological order as they occur. Not Emission related components may only be replaced as listed im this Technical File or otherwise Spproved by the Adminstration or Recognised Organisation, which has approved the technical File. Caterpillar recommends emission relat ‘ed components and all other components be replaced with parts approved by your Caterpillar Dealer. Record Of Changes to Emissions Related Components: Manufacturer Date of Change Old Part No. New Part No. Component of Component _Approved By: 4, Identify Adjustable Features: i significantly affect NOx emissions. Other than i tures on the engine that will significant eeiaee eeanmed in the ECM (Electronic Control Module), all programmable features are ae aera facto Therefore a section to record ajusabeTealues becomes unnecessary. set : 14 0f 19 Technical File C18A1200& 1500& 1800-06 Page Appendix A: IMO Certi Parent Engine fication Test Report — D2 — ~eig Engine Information — sae] Engine a Manutactorer al iinois, USA en Conte Bea ne [amily of Group identification CigAT2008 150081600 ‘Senal number IAI2A79 Rated speed 800 rpm | Rated power a1 | Intermediate speed NA rpm | Maximum torque at ntermediate speed NAN [ Static injection timing NA deg CA BTOC Electronic injection timing es [Variable injection ting es. | Vanabie turbocharger geometny 10 | Bore 145 mith € 483 mm minal compression rato 1451 lean effective pressure ai faled power 1807 KPA Maximum eyinder pressure at rated power 74,300 kPa Gylinder number and configuration Number. 6 oj. Auxiliaries Tpump | Specified ambient conditions: ‘Maximum sea water temperature 3G. Maximum charge aif temperature NAC ‘Cooing system spec. intermediate cooler Yes ‘Cooling system spec. charge air stages. “stage r TNA®C aximi pression 5 KPa zl ‘Maximum exhaust back pressure 10.0 KPa [ Fue! oil specication TMO DNX Fuel Fuel ol temperature 30°C ‘Lubricating Oil specification ‘CHA TOW30 CAT PTHSP2585 | Applicationfintended for: [Customer nal applicatoninstallaton, Ship ‘Ship Final applicationinstallation, Engine Auxiliary Emissions test result: [ycie 2, [Nox BES QW [Test entficaton iB Certification Text [Datenme 7 September 2003/10:29 ANT Test ste/bench, TCL, Coli 614 “Test number 18-3 Surveyor _ Date and Piace of report [Signature “if applicable Page 15 of 19 Technical File C18A 1200815008 1800-06 Emission Test Report No.: C18.3 Engine Family Information Sheet 26 Engine Family Information (Common specifications) [ Combustion eyele a stroke cycle Cooling medium Water Cylinder configuration 6 Method of aspiration Pressure charged Fueltype to be used on board Distillate Combustion chamber ‘Open chamber Valve port configuration Cylinder head “4 valves per cylinder Intake dia.: 47.00 mm_ Valve port size and number Exhaust dia 41.81 mm “< Fuel system type Electronic Unit Injector = | Miscellaneous features: [ Exhaust gas recirculation No Water injectton/emulsion No Air injection No Charge cooling system 7 Yes Exhaust after-treatment No Exhaust afterireatment ype | NA Dual fuel No Engine Family Information (Selection of parent engine for test bed test Family Identification — - €18A12008150081800 ‘Method of pressure charging Turbocharged ‘Charge air cooling system Seawater aftercooled Criteria of the Selection (specify) Maximum D2 weighted NOx Number of eylinder (parent) é | Max. rated power per cylinder (parent) So KW Rated speed 1800 mpm Tajection timing (range) 6to 22 °BTOG Max. fuel parent engine 1408 g/min Selected parent engine C18, Performance Specification OK-5726 Application ‘Auxiliary "applicable Page 16 of 19 Technical File C18A1200&15008& 1800-06 Test Cell Information* Greet 315 Emissions Test Report Nos C18 |_She | Exhaust Pipe _ } [ Diameter 727, 203 | Mm. Length 0.46, 534 | M Insulation ns M Probe Location ‘eSmm From PIPE ext Remark 1 Measurement equipment Manufacturer Model Measurement Calibration Ranges ‘Span gas cone Deviation nalyser NOx Analyser Rosemont 255, [0-2500 ppm 2396 ppm | +1% CO Analyzer Rosemont 880) (0.3000 pom 245 ppm | 21% (CO2 Analyzer Rosemont 880 0-16 % 15.17% | 1% 02 Analyzer Rosemont T55R 025% 20.90% | _+1% HC Analyzer Rosemont | “0 (01000 ppm 9609 ppm | +1% ‘Speed CAT 3008 0-10000 ep 22% Torque Revere USP1-D3-2.5K-30¥5 (0-5084 Nm 21% [ Power, apicabie car [3008 NAKW | NA Fuel flow ‘Micro-Motion | CMFO25 10-3000 g/m | 22% Ai flow ‘Brandt NZP1443-10--MG 4117 kgfhr 22% Exhaust flow NA | NA, NA NA “Temperatures Coolant VAI-HP HP-ET2IB 760". 22% Lubricant VXI-HP HP-ET4216 760°C. 22% Exhaust gas VXI HP: HPE1a216 “000°C He% Tet ai VAP PEEVE 760 -C ari Tnlercooied ai VXI HP HP-EM21B 760°C. 22% Fuel VXI-HP | _-HPLETA218 760°C 22% Pressures Exhaust gas Sete 207, 340 KPa 3 Inlet manifold Setra 207 (0-340 kPa abe [Atmosphere ‘Sete 370 0-110 KPa a Vapor pressure intake ir Seva 207 025 pei 3 Dew Point Intake ar Edge Tech | _Dew Point Monitor 761020 Tx Fuol elemental analysie [Density 180 3675, 0.536 %Kah | Carbon or Shan Viscosity 150 3108 2.675 mmais | Hydrogen 13.28 na Nitrogen. <1 mae Onyger OA ‘meee Sulphur 0.0360 mea avin 22.6379 Ming “Teppicatie Page 17 of 19 Technical File C18A1200& 15008 1800-06 Ambient and Gaseous Emissions Data* Emunsons Tee Repon Wa G83 speot as Moe ++ 3 7 | 3 | Power! Torque - _ % Fa 76 ~ 25 10 ees “| 100 100 100 100 ag ene at boning of mode woavan[voasna | traraw | Travaw | 119508 Ambion Owe Aimosninene pressure KPa 1004 | 1008 100.4 100.1 100.4 tetahe aw temperature “c 268 27.0 aA 72 272 Intake ai humisty ong ose | 1070 | 1073 | 1068 | 1071 Atmospheric factor (fa) 1.013 10.14 1.015, 1.015 1.016 -oeseoun Emioione Dot Nox cocaine a as | ese | ress | anos | 20070 Concentration dry ppm 2925 173.88 168.82 172.44 197.65 Od ceneoneten ay * wor [ee [te | ss | aa 2 eonentalonar * oes [ voor] vane | sane | as. en 7a | mre | ee eae | ees NOE Ray eoreton oor Taos | tans | 00000 | onsen | 00821 Fl epeatenton ocr FH) asoor | 1aseee | rareee | r00es0 | 101000 | Dryiwet ‘correction factor 0.90241 | 0.90850 0.91947 0.93743 0.95369, Now mess tow om serra | soowee | wsmze7 | ovens | eam | co mass tow Tote ose [oz [ano [oars | ones coz mass now gine zeta | 21369 | 15240 | 0775 49.54 [oz mass tow kote soso | 13648 | 14069 | 15207 | 16010 THC _ mass tow kine 0017 | oo | ooze 0.025 (0.030 502 pews tow 1ore wa [wa [wa | wa [wa rNOx pectic ‘okie 9097 | 10064 | 7494 7.681 70.649 ~wappteave Page 18 of 19 al File C18A1200& 15008 1800-06 Engine Test Data* 1 2 a a wf Time at bepinning of moa *{ 100 | so fe i je toz0am | 1045AM | 1101 AM 1121 AM Engine Data _ oe om | 1800 veo [1000 | 1800 38 ‘Avaliary power ‘w i ai 7 ° ° ‘Dynamometer seting nm | _2176 1630 1088 543) 220 Power ww | a02 3072 2085 1023 a8 ‘Mean effective pressure vor | _ 8647 6401 4261 2.138 0.865 Fuel rack mm | 008 784 ant 427 3.35, | pine 3 oP: fet consumeon 205.99 720865 72188 255.90 362.94 Fuel flow kam | _ 8449 6408 45:36 26.13 15.07 ‘ir flow gir | _1967.81 162057 1388.56 70943 290-683 Exhaust fow (gexhw) attr [2052.3 16847 1396.8 11204 70058 Exhaust temperature sc] 489 a6 380 298 27 Exhaust back pressure mbar | 964 68 408 253 793 Cylinder Coolant temperature out °C 8 92 20 8 7 Gyinder Coolant temperature in °C 4 05 8 35 85 Cylinder Coolant pressure bar 128 1.29 129 | 120 4.30 “Temperature intercooled air “6 362 554 837 27 50.0 Lubricant temperature “ 8 6 gy 3 2 [Lubricant pressure ber 3.98 aot 408 16 aa7 inlet depression mbar | __ 6520 65:20 65.00 65.10 62.80 Page 19 of 19 Technical File C18A12008&15008 1800-06

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