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Social Policy, Public

Health and Leadership

Seminar – 28 Nov 2023


Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives: Shaping

our Future in a Transforming World
“There is peril in new uncertainties, in
the insecurity, polarization and
demagoguery that grip many
countries. But there is promise, too—
an opportunity to reimagine our
futures, to renew and adapt our
institutions and to craft new stories
about who we are and what we value.
This is the hopeful path forward, the
path to follow if we wish to thrive in a
world in flux”
UNDP-Human Development Index Links

• HDI:
• Human development Insights:
• Country insights:
Country Insights | Human Development Reports (
• Specific country report (Nigeria):
Nigeria | United Nations Development Programme (
• Individually and in groups of 5-6, students are required to explore the
Human Development Index (HDI) and related datasets

• Each group should choose any 3 countries, one each from the very
high HDI, Medium HDI and Low HDI. The following parameters
should be recorded for each of the 3 countries:

o Human Development Index (HDI) value

(what does it tell us about health in the countries?)

o Life Expectancy at Birth

Seminar Tasks o Expected years of schooling

o Mean years of schooling

o Gross National Income (GNI) per capita

• As health policy analysis advisers, your task is to examine the above

datasets and from this identify key policy priorities for reducing
inequality and improving human development in the country of low
Watch Global Launch of
Optional Human development
report 2021/22:

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