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Unit I

Two Mark Questions

1. What is an algorithm?
2. What is best case?
3. Define worst case?
4. What is Time efficiency?
5. What is space efficiency?
6. Differentiate between iteration and recursion
7. What do you mean by dynamic programming
8. What is basic operation?

Four mark Questions

1. Explain is Time complexity?

2. Explain space complexity?
3. What do you mean by order of growth?
4. How will you measure the running time of an algorithm?
5. How the efficiency of an algorithm can be measured?

Eight Mark Questions

1. Explain algorithmic problem solving with neat diagram

2. Discuss the about the various implementation methods of an algorithmic problem
3. Explain in detail about best case, worst case and average case

Unit II

Two Mark Questions

1. Define Big O notation
2. State the difference between small o and small omega
3. What is Theta notation?
4. What is big Omega notation?
5. State the best case time complexity of binary search
6. State the worst case time complexity of bubble sort
7. State the best case, worst case, average case running time of merge sort.
8. What is meant by Asymptotic notation?

Four mark Questions

1. How will you analyse the time efficiency of a non-recursive algorithm
2. How will you analyse the time efficiency of a recursive algorithm
3. Write an algorithm for element uniqueness problem
4. Write an algorithm for matrix multiplication
5. State and explain the problem statement of Tower of Hanoi.
6. Explain Big O notation in detail
7. Write short notes on Big Omega notation
8. Write short notes on Theta notation
Eight Mark Questions
1. Explain in detail about asymptotic notations.
2. Explain the mathematical analysis of recursive algorithms
3. Explain the mathematical analysis of non-recursive algorithms

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