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Research Proposal: Projection of racism in the media

Date: March8, 2020

To: Nasrin Pervin
From: Mohammed Ishmam, NSUID #1831814630, ENG105


In the 21st century media is known to be one of the most powerful sources of racial and ethnic

presentation which has broad impact on individual perspective. Individuals themselves buy the

ethnic scenarios put forward by media and also help them in creating the scenarios. The

scenarios put forward by media influence development of ethnic identity, which is done by

various process in human psychology. The core process being categorizing casts and promotion

of social comparison amongst people. However, the rise of social media has further promoted

media contents and influence individual’s interaction with the contents through social media

platforms, television, movies etc. Such contents have great impact on people’s development of

identity and other aspects including ethnic and racial identity.

The effect of mediated scenarios and differentiation of race and ethnicity is more subconscious to

humankind. Media has the power to direct people towards a destination which guides us in better

understanding our racial and ethnic identities. Media is well known for rigorous positive and

negative open discussions of race and ethnicity, but it also forwards explicit messages on the

absence of racial and ethnic groups. Considering the categorizing of media on various racial and

ethnic groups and their minorities have forced individual to look at them very negatively.

Furthermore, these perceptions are often seen to play a key role when it comes to development of

ethnic identity.

In this research various controversies regarding the portrayal of racial and ethnic personalities

through mediated contents will be highlighted. This research aims to highlight key issues created

by media which has more negative than positives impact of certain ethnic groups and races. The

research also looks to provide justifications on how medias portrayals have created boundaries

between people around the globe through social comparisons and categorization. The projection

of racism in social media has destroyed many lives specially in low-income countries and have

always promoted inequality which must be addressed in order to make our planet a better place

for everyone.


In my research, I plan to investigate why media is seen to present certain race and racial
identities which highlights negativities. My research will address the following research

1.What role do media play in our culture?

2.How do media highlight racism?
3.How manipulative can the media be?
4.How do media explore identity?
5.What can result due to inappropriate portrayal of identities?
6.How can the negative implications of media be altered?


The subject of media impacting prejudice in our general public is huge in research. It targets

media predisposition, and consequently it is shrewd to investigate how media adds to bigotry

unequivocally. During the early phases of film and media, African Americans attempted to

address their own stories, convictions, conclusions and personalities since White individuals

controlled the diversion industry and picked what pictures of Black individuals to depict. This

examination fused an understanding remaining of Bandura's Learning Theory to acquire

comprehension of how media messages sway our conviction and worth framework. This

examination analyzed what data was accessible to perusers and watchers of the news media and

what that data means for our convictions, feelings, and practices towards others. In particular, as

it identifies with racial contrasts, generalizations, racial miniature hostilities and view of African

American guys.

Significant discoveries incorporate models and data identified with racial miniature animosities

and the effects as it relates to media openness. The exploration additionally perceives "identifier"

word designs utilizing "dark" and "white". The exploration offers an end, that overall, "dark" is

utilized multiple times, more in news detailing than "white". The overuse of "dark" turns into a

racial microaggression since it can condition the brain to connect the word with negative

meaning. Examples of criminalization and avocation are uncovered. Individuals of color are

frequently condemned and addressed as brutal is the media. As differentiation, in case of a White

official as the shooter of an Individual of color, the official's activities are legitimized or upheld

paying little heed to the culpability of the officials own activities. In thought with how race is

introduced in the media verifiably, it appears to be that this examination would show a

relationship that bigotry is likely actually built up through news media.


Textual Analysis

A Textual Analysis Method will be used for this examination. This technique is by and large

utilized to address an examination question by dissecting public messages, for example, paper

articles, media stories, and diary articles. It can likewise join authoritative an authentic record.

For this research, just news stories were used.

The purpose behind utilizing a printed investigation technique was created accordingly analyst

needing to use media news stories to inspect whether the media supports prejudice with respect

to African American guys. To begin to analyze whether prejudice exists in the media one should

have a decent comprehension of the definitions. For this examination, bigotry is characterized

"As any mentality, activity, or institutional design which subordinates an individual or then again

bunch due to his or their shading"

Media is characterized as:

Correspondence channels through which news, diversion, training, information, or limited time

messages are scattered. Media incorporates each communicating and narrowcasting medium like

papers, magazines, TV, radio, announcements, regular postal mail, phone, fax, and web.

An incorporation rule was utilized to limit the extent of exploration for pertinence. It was

moreover used to distinguish a particular example populace and time span. The consideration

standards were moreover used to distinguish what kind of media was utilized to direct research


My research paper will be divided into 4 distinct chapter:

Chapter 1: Introduction and Background, Chapter 2: Research Methods and Procedures, Chapter

3: Presentation Analysis and Interpretation of Data and Chapter 4: Summary, Conclusions and


The research paper will also contain Acknowledgements and an abstractprior to the chapters. It

will include in text citations and have References and an appendix at the end of the Chapters. It

will also include all paperwork and drafts that will be required to complete the research paper.


I hope to complete my primary research by the 8th of March, 2021, and my secondary research

by the 30th of March, 2021. I shall complete writing the final draft of my research paper by the

1st of May, 2021 and submit it by the 7th of May, 2021.


I hereby request your approval for my research proposal. If you wish to modify or improve my

proposal, I will submit it after incorporating the necessary changes. I would also be grateful for

your advice and help in conducting my research and completing the project. I thank you in

anticipation of the approval of the research proposal.

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