F3-P1-All Subjects - Marking-Scheme

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1. Highlight four factors for an ineffective communication in an organization


2. Give four circumstances under which a cooperative society may be dissolved


3. Outline any four characteristics of a imperfect competition market (4mks)

4. Highlight four clauses stipulated in the memorandum of association. (4mks)

5. Give four characteristics of a good filing system in an office (4mks)

6. Outline any four advantages of using intermediaries in the chain of

dissstribution (4mks)
7. Highlight any four benefits that the recently launched standard gauge railway
from Mombasa to Kisumu would bring to Kenya’s economy (4mks)

8. Name any four occupations that are found at the extractive level of production

9. Highlight any four methods used to determine prices of goods and services in
the economy (4mks)

10. Outline any four challenges that entrepreneurs face in Kenya (4mks)
- High taxes charged
- Poor infrastructure e.g roads to transport raw materials and
finished goods
- Long procedure of starting businesses
- Lacks access to cheap credit
- Stiff competition
11. Highlight four characteristics of free resources (4mks)
- They are gifts of nature
- They are provided and consumed freely
- They are plenty in supply/abundant
- They have no money value
12. Give four characteristics of land as factor of production (4mks)
- It a basic fop
- It is fixed in supply
- quality is not homogeneous
- It's a natural resource
- It is geographically immobile

13. Outline any four duties of an office receptionist (4mks)

- Supervision of messengers
- Receiving and directing visitors
- Keeping visitors record book
- Taking and passing messages
14. Name the types of advertising that are described below (4mks)
i. Brand name and other features of the brand features more prominently
– product advertising
ii. Advertising that aims at popularizing a new product –
informative/primary demand advertising
iii. Advertising that popularizes the business organization – institutional
iv. Used by organization that deals with similar products to convince
potential customers to buy their products and not the other –
competitive/persuasive advertising
15. Highlight any characteristics of direct production in Kenya (4mks)
- Goods are produced for personal use
- There is low output/carried out in small-scale
- Poor methods of production are used
- There is little or no specialization

1. a) Outline any five differences between a public limited company and a public
corporation (10mks)
public limited company public corporation
i. owned by private individuals who own shares i) fully owned by
ii. formed under companies act ii) formed by act of
iii. formed to make projects iii) formed to
perform specific tasks
iv. profits to shareholders iv) profits go to the
v. financed by shareholders v) financed by the
(5x2= 10mks)

b) Explain five factors that influence the location of business enterprises

i. Availability of raw materials – firms are located near sources of raw

materials, to obtain the raw materials when still fresh and to ensure
constant supply of raw materials
ii. Availability of market- firms are located near markets to reduce costs of
transporting finished products and to ensure steady supply of goods in the
iii. Availability of water and power- firms are located where there is power
because it’s used for lighting and moving machines. water is used for
moving machines, as a raw material and as a cleaning agent.
iv. Government policy –sometimes government influences location of firms in
order to reduce regional inequalities and encourage balanced regional
v. Availability of auxiliary services such as banking, insurance and transport (any
5well explained x2 =10mks)
2. a ) The diagram below shows the equilibrium price and quantity of commodity A
which is produced jointly with commodity B.

do do-demand curve
so so - supply curve
PE -Equilibrium
QE -Equilibrium



PE (1) s1 (1)

(1) PE1

s0 d0

QE QE1 (1)

i. On the diagram show the effect of a decrease of tax charged on commodity

B on the equilibrium price and quantity of commodity A (4mks)
ii. Explain the effect of a decrease of tax charged on commodity B on the
equilibrium price and quantity of commodity A (6mks)
- When tax charged on commodity B, decrease its supply and that of
commodity A increases(1)
- The supply curve of commodity A shifts outwards to the right to
S1S1 (1)
- The equilibrium price decreases from PE0 to PE1 (2)
- The equilibrium quantity increases from QE0 to QE 1 (2)
b) Bidco Kenya Ltd. is a manufacturer of soap and edible oil products. Highlight
five reasons why the company chooses to distribute its products through
wholesalers rather than selling directly to consumers (10mks)
- Wholesalers share the risks associated with trading goods with the
producers e.g handling risks.
- Wholesalers would provide vital information to the producer
- Wholesalers may engage in product promotion activities for the
producers products
- They would provide the much needed capitals to the company
- wholesalers would relieve the company of some costs, transport costs,
insurance and warehousing costs.
3. a) Explain any four ways in which the Kenya government involves itself in
government activities in the country (10mks)
i. Regulation of business activities by passing laws that affect businesses
and through licencing
ii. Training of business people on proper business management, problem
solving techniques etc.
iii. Trade promotion through agencies such as KETA, through
commercial attachees and the national chamber of commerce.
iv. Providing an enhancing environment to businesses e.g constructing
good roads, providing security etc.
v. Consumer protection-government passes some laws that ensure that
consumers are not exploited.
vi. Provision of public utilities such as water, health, education etc.

b) Discuss five ways which county governments in Kenya can use to attract
entrepreneurs in their areas. (10mks)

providing access to cheap credit to potential entrepreneurs
Improving infrastructure in their areas
providing incentives such as cheap land to attract investors
Having favourable policies for entrepreneurs e.g. setting taxes and
other charges at manageable levels.
v. providing education and training to potential entrepreneurs
especially locals
vi. Enhances security in their areas
vii. Improving social amenities in their areas
4. a) Kenya association of manufacturers (KMA) brings Kenyan manufacturers
together to solve problems faced by the manufacturers as well as consumers.
Discuss five measures taken by the manufacturers to protect consumers (10mks)
i. Setting standards for products produced by their members to ensure
good quality for gods enjoyed by consumers
ii. investigating complaints made by consumers against their members
and taking action where possible
iii. Establishing a code of ethics to guide their members in their business
iv. selling pre-packaged and pre-weighed goods to intermediaries to
ensure consumers are protected from under-weight goods.
v. indicating the recommended retail price on products produced to
ensure consumers are not overcharged for the commodity

b) Discuss five importances of natural resources in a country (10mks)

i. Resources such as water bodies are habitat for fish and other aquatic animals
that the a source of food
ii. land is used for cultivation of crops thus increasing food production
iii. Minerals are used as raw materials in industries and some are exported to earn
iv. Mountains and other attractive sites attract tourists who in turn earns the
country forex
v. Exploitation of natural resources centres employment opportunities to citizens
who earn income and improve their standards of living.
vi. Water in rivers and lakes is used for irrigation thus increasing food production
5. a) A recent economic survey showed a very big gap between the rich and the poor
in Kenya Explain any five factors that could have led to this disparity in income
distribution among individuals in Kenya
- Differences in talents – those endowed with some talents e.g athletes,
professional footballers, artistes, tend to earn higher income
- Corruption has led to a few individuals being rich at the expense of
- Differences in access to quality education
- inheritance
- skewed economic policies that perpetuate the rich getting richer and
the poor getting poorer.

b) Highlight any five reasons why there are so many small-scale business firms
in Kenya despite the economy of scale enjoyed by large firms (10mks)

i. Small-scale firms require small amount of capital to start

ii. They are simple and easy to manage
iii. some services can only be provide in small scale
iv. Some businesses/professions have restrictions
v. Government policy may influence a firm to remain small
vi. Small markets are better served by small firms
6. a) Discuss any five circumstances under which an insurer may not compensate the
insured in the event of a loss (10mks)
- If insured has no insurable interest in insured property
- if property is destroyed by act of nature e.g earthquake
- If insured had stopped paying premium before occurrence of the risk
- if loss occurred due to willful action ie insured. property caused the
- if insured fails to report occurrence of the risk within the stipulated
period of time.
- if insurer is insolvent or declared bankrupt
- if insured went against the principle of utmost good faith.
b) Explain any five functions of marketing boards
i. ensure farmers produce is bought and sold at fair prices
ii. organize collection of produce from different parts
iii. Acquire farm inputs and sell them to farmers at fair prices
iv. Search for markets on behalf of the farmers
v. They extend credit to farmers


1. Benefits of studying business studies include. (4mks)

a) He acquire knowledge and skills that enables him run business

b) He would appreciate the role of business in provision of goods and services

c) He would appreciate the need for ethical practice and efficient business

d) He would play the role of government in business activities.

e) He would understand the role of communication and information technology in

modern business management.

f) He would acquire self-discipline and positive attitude toward work.

g) He would get a firm foundation for further education and training

h) He would develop positive environmental and health practice

2. Barriers to effective communication. (4mks)

a) Language barrier

b) Poor listening skills

c) Poor timing

d) Negative attitude

e) Prejudice

f) Noise

g) Lack of confidence

3. Characteristics of a successful entrepreneur. (4mks)

a) Should be good oriented

b) Should be confident

c) Should be able to network

d) Should have desire to achieve

e) Should be a problem solver/ability to solve problem

f) Should be ready to take risk

4. Human wants one would satisfy. (4mks)

a) Secondary

b) Basic

c) Secondary

d) Basic

5. Reasons for starting a business. (4mks)

a) To generate income/profit
b) To create employment for himself/herself and others

c) To provide goods/service to the people

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d) To utilise the available resources

e) To channel his creativity/ innovativeness

f) To utilise his leisure time/keep himself busy

6. Features of sea liners in sea transport include: (4mks)

a) They ferry passengers or cargo

b) Follow a regular time table/schedule

c) Call at port at regular intervals

d) Follow a regular route

e) Form conferences to protect themselves against unfair competition

f) Charge fixed freightage and fare regardless of demand

7. Advantages of a bonded warehouse to the importer. (4mks)

a) Helps importer to prepare goods for sale

b) Secure goods against risks like theft

c) Importer can look for market when good are still in the bonded warehouse

d) Importers can look for money to pay custom duty.

e) Burden of paying custom duty goes to the new buyer if goods sold while still in
the bonded warehouse

f) Quality of goods and wine improves fetching higher prices

8. Features of land as factor of production include: (4mks)

a) It is geographically immobile

b) Supply of land is fixed

c) It’s a basic factor of production

d) It’s a natural resource

e) Its fertility/productivity differs from one place to another.

f) The reward of land is rent, rates and royalties

9. Limitations that make consumers’ initiated methods ineffective in protecting
consumers in Kenya.


a) Lack of proper registration on consumer protection

b) Poor funding to undertake their operations

c) Poor /inadequate /government support

d) Ignorance by consumers on existence of avenues to follow to ensure they are not


e) Lack of adequate information by consumers about their rights.

f) Majority of consumers buy goods individually.

g) Lack of strong bodies for collective bargaining

h) Emergence of vigilante groups.

10. Rewards of the resources as used in production include: (4mks)

a) Wages

b) Rent

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c) Profit

d) Interest

11. Types of insurance policies include: (4mks)

a) Burglary or theft policy

b) Motor vehicles insurance

c) Fire policy

d) Goods on transits policy

e) Employer’s liability policy/workman’s compensation policy

f) Fidelity guarantee policy

g) Consequential loss/loss of profit policy

h) Glass plate or showroom policy

i) Bad debtors’ policy.

12. Ways of implementing a business idea. (4mks)

a) Creating a new good

b) Improving on existing good

c) Improving the process of production

d) Improving the marketing strategies

e) Offering unique services

f) Improving quality of services

g) Improve quality of goods

13. Characteristics of chain stores include: (4mks)

a) Made up several shops located in different places but all owned by one

b) Branches are coordinated from a head office

c) The branches have similar outlooks

d) The branches sell similar goods

e) Their prices are standardised in all branches

f) Buying of stock is done collectively for all branches

g) The promotional activities are collectively done for all branches

14. Importance of communication to a business. (4mks)

a) Promote public relations

b) Help people in charge to issue instructions

c) Helps to clarify issues

d) Enable coordination of business

e) Help to enhance the image of the business

f) Leads to improved production in business

g) Help to promote interpersonal relationships in business

h) Lead to provision of better services to the customers

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15.Types of business environment. (4mks)

a) External

b) Internal

c) Internal

d) External

16. Duties of commercial attaches. (4mks)

a) Identifying markets for their countries' products.

b) Evaluating the performance of their country’s products

c) Advising traders on standards and legal requirements of products in foreign


d) Developing trade agreements between their countries and foreign countries.

e) Organising trade fairs and exhibitions for their country’s products in foreign

17.Circumstances under which cash with order may be used include: (4mks)

a) When the business is conducted through past/mail order business

b) Where the buyer is new

c) Where the buyer’s credit worthless is in doubt

d) When the seller’s policy is not to advance credit

e) When the seller wants to avoid the high cost of debt collection.

f) When the seller needs working capital

g) When the seller want to avoid debtors’ record maintenance

18. Advantages of containerization include: (4mks)

a) Reduces incidences of pilferage and damage of goods since handling of goods is


b) Loading and off-loading of goods is highly mechanised hence containerized

goods are handled quickly thus

saving time

c) Containers carry big quantities of goods than if goods are stored on the floor of
the ship thus saving space
d) Because of the enhance security of the goods the insurance premiums are low

e) Packing costs are minimised since goods are packed at the factory usually using
conveyor belts.

f) Special containers can be made to facilitate carriage of special goods

19. Features of services. (4mks)

a) Are intangible

b) Can’t be stored

c) Can only be experienced or felt.

d) Inseparable from the service provider

e) Highly perishable

20. Reasons about poor services in Wakulima warehouse. (4mks)

a) Unsuitable poor location that inconvenience the trader

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b) Inappropriate equipment

c) Not secure/poor security system

d) Inadequate space

e) Poor inventory central system

f) Lack of clear procedure leading to delay in receiving goods

g) Untidy environment

h) Lack of specialised facilities to store special goods

i) Not adhering to government policy/strong illegal goods

21. Advantages of running a sole proprietorship business. (10mks)

a) It is easy to form because only a trading licence required to start a sole


b) Quick decision making due to lack of consultation

c) They are flexible since one can easily adapt to the changes in the market due to
quick decision making.

d) The owner enjoy all profits because there is no sharing

e) The owner is able to maintain business secrets which enhances confidentiality

f) The owner is able to offer personalised services to the customers due to personal

g) The sole trader is accountable to himself/herself and thus he/she enjoyed

freedom and prestige

22. Ways in which the working environment can be improved. (10mks)

a) Provision of proper and adequate lighting

b) Maintaining tidiness in the office/cleanliness

c) Provision of adequate space of working

d) Provision of proper ventilation

e) Provision of relevant furniture and equipment

f) Beautifying the office to give it a pleasant appearance

g) Provision of smoking zones

h) Discourage unnecessary noise

i) Provision of adequate furniture and equipment

j) Provision of welfare facilities (tea, lunch, music)

k) Provision of special facilities for disadvantaged


Answer any five questions in the answer sheet provided

1.a) Identify eight historical books in the old testament (8x1 =8 mks)
Joshua 1st Kings Ezra
Judges 2nd Kings Nehemiah
Ruth 1 Chronicles Esther
Ist Samuel 2nd Chronicles
2nd Samuel
b) Give seven reasons why the Bible is referred to as a library (7x1 =mks)
● Bible contains many books

● It was written by different authors

● It has different categories of books/divisions

● The books are written in different styles/forms

● The books were written at different times/situations background

● Books have different topics/themes/purpose

● Books were written for different audience/readers

● Books are systematically arranged/order/chronological

c) State five different occasions when Christians use the Bible (5x1 =5 mks)
● When preaching the word of God/seminars/crusades/church

● In court – Taking oaths

● Conducting Bible study/instructing new converts

● During religious ceremonies/festivals

● Teaching CRE in schools/colleges

● Composing songs/plays/Christian literature

● During fellowships/prayers/guidance & counselling

● During a swearing in ceremony

2.a) Outline the activities carried out by the Israelites on the night of the Passover
(5x1 =5 mks)
● Every man to choose a lamb or a young goat for his family

● Chosen animal was slaughtered

● Blood was put on the two doorposts of the house

● Animal was to be roasted

● Israelites were to eat unleavened bread and bitter herbs

● They stayed indoor till morning

● They burnt all the leftovers of the meal

b) Give five reasons why the Exodus was important to the Israelites (5x2 =10 mks)
● Exodus marked their end of suffering/slavery in Egypt

● It signified that Israelites were a special nation/chosen by God

● It was a fulfilment of God’s promises to Abraham

● It proved that God was more powerful (supreme God) than other gods
● It proved that Moses was the chosen leader of God

● It made them to understand the nature of God

● It taught them God needed obedience from Human beings

● Israelites received the 10 commandments which guided them in their

c) How do Christians show respect for God? (5mks)
● They set aside a day for worship

● They pray to God

● They give offerings/tithes

● They praise God for wonders

● They live exemplary lives/role models

● They look after the needy

● They take care of the environment

● They preach/spread the word of God

3. a) Explain the achievements of Solomon as the king of Israel (7x1 =7 mks)
● Solomon built a magnificent temple for God

● He brought the Ark of the Covenant to the temple

● He promoted trade with neighbouring countries/navy

● He initiated building programme/built the city of Megiddo/built royal

palaces/fortified city of Jerusalem
● He reorganised the country into Districts for effective administration

● He settled disputes among people wisely

● He composed songs/proverbs

● He established good diplomatic relationships with other nations through

● He initiated industrial activities/exploited copper at Edom

● He fortified major cities to enhance security

b) State the importance of the temple in Jerusalem to the Israelites (7x1 =7mks)
● Temple was a place of worship/prayers/sacrifices

● It was a treasury/foreign currency exchanged

● It was a source of Unity/security to Israelites

● It symbolized the presence of God among the people (Ark)

● People were taught the law in the temple

● It was a residence/training centre for religious leaders

● It was a law court for the Sanhedrin/settle disputes

● Religious ceremonies/rites were performed in the temple

● It was a place of pilgrimage for the Jews

c) Give six lessons that modern political leaders in Kenya can learn from King
Solomon (6x1 =6mks)
● To ask for wisdom from God to rule

● To obey God/have faith in God/trust God

● To support Christian projects/promote worship of God

● To rule with justice/fairness/not to oppress others

● To exercise self control/be leaders of self integrity

● Not to be extravagant/use Nations resources wisely

● To protect their Nations land/territory

● To have good diplomatic/trading relations with other Nations

4. a) Describe the call of Amos to become a prophet of God (5x1 =5mks)
● Amos was a farmer tending Sycamore trees/shepherd

● He came from Tekoa village in Judah

● He became a prophet during the reign of King Uzziah/Jeroboam

● God called him through a vision

● He responded to God’s call with faith/obedience

● He felt a strong compulsion to prophesy

b) Identify the five visions of prophet Amos (5mks)
● Amos saw a swarm of locusts

● He saw a great fire sent by God

● He saw a crooked wall being measured using a plumb line

● He saw a basket full of ripe fruits/summer fruits

● He saw the destruction of the temple/altar (Lord standing by the Altar)

c) Give five reasons why Amos was against the way Israelites worshipped God
(5x2 =10mks)
● Israelites worshipped Idols/neglected God

● They practiced insincere worship/had no inner faith

● They defiled the places of worship – drank wine

● They built high places for idol worship

● They worshipped God and Baal – Syncretism

● Worshippers were not righteous/mistreated fellow Israelites

● Were impatient during worship/go back to business

● They gave sacrificed to show off/pride/no love

● Had sexual immorality disrespect for God

5. a) Outline five teachings of prophet Amos on the remnant and restoration of the
Israelites (5x1 =5mks)
● Remnant refers to the small group that would survive God’s
● Those who repent sincerely would be spared

● Only sinners would perish

● Through the remnant God’s promises would be fulfilled and blessings would
come to the Nation
● After exile Judah and Israel would be restored and united into a strong
● Remnant would recover their homeland and rebuild their ruined cities and live
● God again would be their God and they will be his people.
b) State five ways in which God would punish Israel for her evils according to
prophet Amos (5x2 =10mks)
● Israelites would be taken to exile

● Amaziah the Priest would die by the sword

● Holy places would be destroyed

● The land would be occupied by a foreign Nation/cities would be destroyed

● There would be hunger/thirst for the word of God

● God would cover the land with total darkness/Eclipse

● There would be earthquakes

c) How does the church in Kenya punish errant members? (5x1 =5mks)
● The church suspends them

● They are denied participation in the church activities/rituals

● They are demoted/denied leadership roles/positions

● They are condemned publicly/asked to repent/apologise

● They may be warned

● Some are transferred to difficult areas

● They may be sacked/lose jobs/excommunicated

● Asked to pay fines
6. a) How do the aged in Traditional African communities prepare their family
members before they die? (7x1 =7mks)
● Inviting the family members to share a common meal

● Identifying the leader of the family

● Disclosing to the members all the property owned/secrets

● Sharing the property among family members

● Giving advice to family members

● Blessing the family members

● Reconciling family members/resolving conflicts

● Identifying the Debtors/creditors

● Identifying the burial site/giving instructions regarding the funeral

b) State the Traditional African understanding of spirits (5x1 =5mks)
● Spirits are invisible/do not have a physical form

● Spirits are more powerful than Human beings

● Spirits are believed to be residing in caves/rocks/rivers/trees

● Spirits can acquire physical form/appear to human beings in form of

● Spirits have the ability to enter human beings/convey messages through
them/reveal certain truths
● Spirits act as mediators between God and Human beings

● Spirits change according to the circumstances/they can bring either harm or

good to people
c) What is the responsibility of the living towards the ancestors in traditional
African communities? (8x1 =8mks)
● Naming children after them

● Pouring libation for them

● Taking care of their graveyards

● Making sacrifices to honour them

● Inviting/involving them in ceremonies

● Invoking their names during prayers

● Communicating to them in times of need

● Building shrines for them

● Invoking their names during prayers

● Teaching children about them

● Transmitting their wishes

● Managing their property wisely

● Holding commemoration ceremonies for them

1 a)explain how Jesus fulfilled the to prophecies
- He was born in the linage of David –Mary was engaged to Joseph who
was from the linage of David.
-Mary conception was through the power of holy spirit Mary was a virgin
-Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem as prophesied by Micha
-The messiah in the old testetament was to bring salvation to the world if came
to pass assted by simeon in the temple
-In the synague when preaching in Nazareth
-Jesus was betrayed by across friend
-He was crucified on the cross
-He was buried in rich mans tomb

b) Describe Zachariah’s vision in the temple

- Zachariah was performing his priestly duty at the temple.
- He had gone to burn incense inside the temple as other worshippers
where praying outside.
- An angle of God appeared to him standing at the right hand side of the
- He felt frightened and scared but the angel reassured him that he had
good news.
- He told Zachariah that God had heard his prayers and would bless him
with a son to be named John meaning God is gracious.
- The child will be a joy and delight to Zachariah and many people will
rejoice because of his birth.
- The child will be great in the sight of the Lord.
- He will never take wine and would be filled with the Holy Spirit.
- He will convert many people back to Christ
- He will be a forerunner of Christ in the spirit of Elijah.
- Zachariah could not believe because he was too old to have children and
his wife was barren.
- The angle gave him a sign by making him dumb until the child is born.
The people who were waiting outside were wondering why he took long in the
temple and when he came out he could not speak to them which made them
realize that he had
c) What lessons do Christians learn from the annunciation of the birth of john
the Baptist? (6mks)
- God answers people prayers and therefore as God for the needs.
- Christians should not doubt God’s message an commands delivered
through as servants.
- Christian’s couples should be devoted to God in prayers.
- Children are a gift from God and a joy to their parents
- God has a purpose for every child’s life.
- Christians should commit themselves in serving God..
- Christians should condemn evils in the society
- Christians should spread the gospel to non- believers so as to convert
them t o Christianity
- Christians should be prepared for second coming of Christ.

2 a) ) Mention six incidents where angels were used by God to communicate his
message in St.Luke’s Gospel
i. God used Angel Gabriel to speak to Zachariah of the Birth of John the
Baptist (Luke 1:11-20)
ii. God sent Angel Gabriel to Mary where he spoke of the birth of Jesus
(Luke 1:26-38)
iii. The Angel of the lord announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds
(Luke 2: 9-12)
iv. The angels accompany the son of man at his coming in a choir/ host of
heavenly angels singing the hymn of praise to God (Luke 2:13-14)
v. The angel appears as heavenly court attending to Jesus (Luke 5:10)
vi. Angels carry Lazarus to Abraham’s bosom
vii. Angels are ministers of God’s judgement during second coming of Jesus
Christ. (Parousia) and gather the sinners for judgement (Luke 17:34-35)
viii. Angels are seen present at the resurrection of Jesus (Luke 24:23)

(Any 6 points x 1 mark

total 6 marks
b) Describe Jesus rising of Jarus daughter (7mks)
● Jairus was an administrator in the synagogue

● when Jesus returned from healing the man with demons he found
Jairus desperate as his daughter was sick
● Jairus begged Jesus to come to his house to heal her

● before Jesus reach a messenger reported that Jairus daughter had

● Jesus arrived at Jairus and ordered mourned to stop crying and to
remain outside the house
● Jesus went in with the child’s parent peter john and James

● he took the child’s hand and ordered her to arise

● the child came back to life and Jesus asked the parents to feed her

● the parents were amazed

● Jesus asked them not so tell anybody about it
c) ) Describe ways in which Jesus observed the religious practice of the Jews
● He was circumcised at 8 days according to the Jews culture

● He was dedicated to God as a first born boy

● The respected the law of the Sabbath and visited synagogues

● He attended the Passover feast in Jerusalem as a Jewish annual

● Jesus lived with parents in Nazareth and was obedient to them as
required by Jewish law
● Jesus was given a name as required by the Jewish culture

● Jesus fasted and prayed in line with he Jewish way of worship

3 a) ) Narate the parable of the good Samaritan
-Jesus encountered a law experts
-He asked who is my neighbor
-In response Jesus gave the parable of good Samaritan
-He asked Jesus what he could to to have eternal life
-Jesus asked him about the law
-I had obeyed since youth
b) –Give six reasons why Jesus used parables in his teaching.
- Avoid direct confrontation
- Separation true +less disciples
- Establish faithful group
- Motivate listeners
- Thinking critically
- Gifted teachers
- Keep Messiah sylc secret full time
In which six ways do Christians show their faith in God today.
● readimg the bible

● preaching the gopel

● helping the needy

● commitment to Gods work

● being prayerful

● tithing

● visiting the sick

4 a) ) Identify the area of conflict arising from Jesus Galilean ministry (7mks)
● Jesus claimed to fulfill the prophesy of Isaiah of being the messiah

● Jesus healed the sick on a Sabbath day

● Jesus declared sins forgiven something that only God could do

● Jesus touched unclean people (leaper)

● Jesus mixed with sinners e.g. tax collectors

● Jesus disciple did not observe the rate of fasting

● Jesus refused to perform a miracle at home on the demand of the

● Jesus popularity and the scribes who felt that their authority was
being undermined

b ) What is the importance of transfiguration to the ministry of Jesus?

i. The incident prepared the disciples of Jesus of His death and

resurrection/ showed that there is life after death
ii. The appearance of Moses showed that Jesus had come to fulfill the
iii. The appearance of Elijah showed that Jesus had come to fulfill the
prophecies/ prophets
iv. The voice of God, (This is my son) was a voice to confirmation that
the son of God/ the expected messiah (that the disciples were right in
the following him)
v. It taught the disciples that Jesus was to be obeyed/ trusted
vi. The disciple witnessed/ experience the presence of God
vii. The disciples witnessed/ had a glimpse of Jesus in his heavenly glory
divine nature
viii. The episode teaches that Jesus had come to usher in the heavenly
kingdom/ the kingdom of God
ix. The episode prepared Peter for the future leadership of the church
x. It teaches the need for privacy during prayer
xi. The comforting words of God encouraged Jesus to continue in his
xii. It also strengthened the faith of the disciples who later become
leaders of the church
xiii. The tabernacle/ booths/ tents desired by Peter refer to the tabernacle
of the Old Testament where God dwelt among the people
xiv. It is in the transfiguration that Jesus even in his earthly existence is
the glorious son of God who would be fully recognized in his gory
after his passion and resurrection
(Any 8
points x 1 mark total 8marks)
c) Explain five reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians
i. It is the foundation of the Christian faith and hope without which
their believe would be useless
ii. Christian faith would be in vain if Jesus had not resurrected
iii. Through the resurrection, Christians have confidence and hope
because the one they believe in has been exalted and sits at the right
hand of God Almighty
iv. Through the resurrection , Christians are given the hope of eternal
v. The resurrection of Jesus led to the coming of the Holy Spirit who
help Christians to live according to the teachings of Christ, preach
the gospel and speak boldly against evils in the society
vi. The resurrection gives meaning to Baptism in that one dies in sin and
is raised with Christ to new life
vii. The resurrection confirms the divinity of Jesus as true (son of God,
the messiah)
viii. The resurrection gives Christians courage to face death because they
have hope of resurrecting at his second return
ix. The resurrection acts as a unifying factor for all Christians in the
x. It is remembered by Christians during the celebration of holy

5 a)what Jesus taught the disciples about the role of holy spirit
● it guides the believer in true

● It enables believers to send away evil spirit

● It revels the truth to the believers

● Act as covnsellor

● Enables the people to witness about Jesus Christ

● Give various gifts to the disciples

● Make the world aware of sin and Judgment of God

● Help the disciples endure temptation

b) Outline seven teachings about Jesus from Peter’s speech on the day of
i. Jesus was from Nazareth.
ii. He had divine nature.
iii. He had human nature.
iv. God raised Jesus from the dead.
v. His death and crucification was according to God’s plan.
vi. He was descendant of David.
vii. God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ.
viii. The Holy Spirit is a gift from Jesus.

c) Explain ways in which the gift of the Holy Spirit have been abused in the
church today (6mks
● the gift of healing-abused by preachers who perform the healing for
● the gift of performing miracles-abused to entice people /attract people
to church for popularity
● the gift of preaching-abused by preachers for economic gains

● speaking in tongues-abused when others are discriminated against

e.g. those without tongues
● discerning-abused by dismissing preachers as being false or true
preachers when they cannot really discern
● speaking in tongues when there is no interprators

● wisdom-abused to misinterpreted the bible

● performing miracles-abused by demanding pay or being proud

6a)Four teachings of Paul on Christian unity as illustrated (1st Corinthian 12-27)
● Christians are members of one body Christ

● The body is composed of many parts so are the Christians

● By one spirit all Christians are baptized into one body

● Members of the body/ church must cre for one another

● Each member of the body is important and likewise all the members of
the church are important.
● When one members suffers all members suffers as well

● All parts of the body must operate in harmony because they are
interdependent likewise Christians should work in harmony

b Problems faced by church at Corinth during the time of paul(6marks)

– Leadership wrangles
- eating of food offered to idols
- Worship – women – hair- coverage
- Spiritual gifts cafild
- Lords supper abuse
- Sexual /immorality
- Court + settled or by pagans
- Resurrection of the body

6 c) State seven fruits of the Holy Sprit according to Galatians 5:6-26(7mks)

● love

● joy
● peace

● kindness

● patience

● self control

● faithfulness

● goodness

● gentleness



TERM 1 2022




1.Define the term pre-history(1mk)

It is the study of history of man in the distant past that relies on excavated materials


2.Five one contribution of archaeology to the study of history (1mk)

-It is useful method of reconstructuring the history of man in pre-history times

-It give detailed information on material culture of the ancient man

-It complements other sources of information and ensures the truth of the
3.I identify two aspects of man's culture that had their origin in the late stone age

-permanent settlement

-Development of agriculture

-Development of government

4.Give two reasons why man moved from forests to settle in grasslands.


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➢ There were more wild animals in the grasslands

➢ The climate in the grassland was warmer

➢ The grass land provided the much needed water.. identify two 5.Idenrify two

agrarian changes that took place in Britain in 18th century.(2mks)

-crop rotation

-Land enclosure system

-Farm mechanization

-Abolition of fallows

6.State one natural factor that caused the Abagusii to migrate from mount Elgon
region to their

present homeland. (1mk)

➢ Famine

➢ Diseases

➢ Drought

7.Identify one age-group of elders among the Akamba. (1mk)

➢ Junior elders/Anake

➢ Intermediate elders/medium/nthele

➢ Full elders/Atumia ma kivalo

➢ Senior elders/Atumia ma ithembo

8.State the main factor that contributed to the growth of city states along the Kenya

before 1500 AD. (1mk)

➢ Trade between the coast and the outside world

9.Define ‘ National intergration’. (1mk)

➢ The processing of bringing together people of diverse backgrounds in a


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10.State two results of the construction of the suez canal. (2mks)

➢ It shortened the route to India for Europeans countries.

➢ It linked Mediterranean and red sea.

➢ It helped the movement of bulky goods hence increased the volume of trade.

11.Give two features of the Roman roads by 300 AD. (2mks)

➢ The were straight

➢ They were well drained

➢ They were durable

➢ They had bridges /tunnels

12.State the main contribution of the discovery of chroloform in the field of medicine.


➢ It reduced pain during operation

13. Give two ways in which the constitution of Kenya guarantees the rule of law.


➢ By ensuring independence of the judiciary

➢ By subjecting all Kenyans to the same law.

➢ Fair trial for all

14.Identify two developmental rights of a child. (1mk)

➢ Right to educate

➢ Right to leisure

➢ Right to express themselves

➢ Access to information

➢ Right to social security

15.state two characteristics of human rights. (2mks)

➢ They are universal

➢ They are indivisible

➢ They are interdependent

➢ They are inherent

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➢ They have limitations.

16.Give one reason why human rights are important. (1mk)

➢ Strengthen nationality since they limit conflict

➢ They empower citizens by giving them control in decision making organs of

the state

➢ They give general public access to information necessary for protection of

democracy and accountability

➢ They guide organs of state on the exercise of state power.

➢ They provide basis for granting special treatment to persons with special


17.Identify the the head of a county in Kenya. (1mk)

➢ County Governor


18. (a) State three characteristics of microlithics tools used by the late stone age


➢ They were very small

➢ They were fitted with handles

➢ They were sharp/refined

➢ They were efficient

➢ They used to perform multiple tasks

(b) Explain six problems faced by early humans in hunting and gathering activities.


➢ Attack by animals discouraged them as they posted threats to their lives.

➢ Scarcity of animals/fruits in some cases denied them regular foods.

➢ Unfavorable weather conditions made it difficult to carry out activities.

➢ Locating animals/fruits was difficult as it would involve large areas.

➢ Stiff competition with wild animals

➢ Poisonous fruits /roots could be gathered leading to loss of life .

➢ It was tedious as animals would run faster that human beings.

➢ It was time consuming.

19.(a) State five disadvantages of road transport. (5mks)

➢ The high number of accidents on roads leads to death.

➢ It is limited to specific areas.

➢ Increased number of vehicles on roads leads to traffic congestion.

➢ Construction of all weather roads is expensive

➢ Causes air pollution from exhaust fumes from vehicles.

➢ Cannot carry bulky goods compared to railway

(b) Explain five negative impacts of modern means of communication.


➢ Some means eg radio, TV have an addictive effect on users people which can

cause health problems.

➢ Violent is rampant among young people because of watching violent


➢ Some advertisements on television eg alcohol and cigarettes have encouraged

drug abuse.

➢ Some have exposed young people to pornography leading to immorality eg

mobile phones and computers.

➢ Has led to noise pollution ie if the volume from TV and radio is not controlled.

➢ The ease and speed of spread of ideas all over the worls had promoted

international social crime eg fraud, terrosism.

20.(a) Identify three ways in which water was used in industriesduring the 18th

( (3marks)

-To turn water wheels/grinding stones in flour mills

-To wash/clean the machines

-To cool the machines

-To turn spinning machines in textile industries

-To produce steam power to drive machine

(b) Explain six social effects of the industrial revolution in Europe during the 18th


-Many people migrates to towns to look for jobs leading to overcrowding

-Increased population in towns led to shortage of houses thereby resulting to the

development of slums

-To here was poor sanitation which made people to suffer from various diseases

-The factories emitted pollutants into the air,water and land thus affecting people's

-The who did not secure employment in industrial towns engaged in crime

and other social evils

-It led to social stratification where the poor were discriminated by the rich

-Women and children were exploited because they worked for long hours for little pay

-Due to long working schedules some industrial workers neglected rheir homes
leading to

family breakups

21.(a) Give three factors that led to the growth of the Buganda kingdom.(3mks)

➢ Good strong and able rulers eg Mutebi, Mawanda, Suna.

➢ Buganda started as a small united states thus easy to manage.

➢ Strategic location. She lay next to lake Victoria which gave her good means of

transport and acted as a natural defence against her neighbors.

➢ She had a centralized administration.

➢ She had strong firearms which she used to expand her kingdom.

➢ She had a strong economy base on agriculture.

➢ The decline of Bunyoro- Kitara kingdom created a vacuum for her rise.

➢ She had a strong army and navy.

➢ Cooperation with the British

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(b)Describe the political organization of the Asante kingdom.(12mks)

➢ Asante hene was the head of state and government.

➢ The empire consisted of three parts: Kumasi/Metropolitant Asante,

Amatoo/Asante state and provincial Ahsante.

➢ These parts pledged loyalty to the Asante hene by paying taxes.

➢ Power in the Asante kingdom was shared and it had a federal system of


➢ All states paid taxes to the Asante hene for administration and for the army.

➢ She had a standing army which was composed of man from all over the

Asante kingdom.

➢ The Asante Hene was the head of the army.

➢ There was a national festival known as Odwira festival where Omanhene

assembled every year in kumasi.

22.(a) Identify three ways in which Direct democracy is exercised in Kenya.


➢ By physical presence in important meetings.

➢ Through referendum

➢ Plebiscite

➢ Recall

(b)Explain six features of Kenya’s independence constitution. (12mks)

➢ Provided establishment of a federal government/regionalism.

➢ The executive power lay with the queen or crown who delegated it to the


➢ It spelt out the party with the majority forms the government and allowed for

multi party.

➢ Provided for establishment of national assembly; senate and house of


➢ Spelt out the powers and responsibilities of the central government and

regional government with regional assemblies and president.

➢ Provided for the post of prime minister to head the government and the

governor general to head the state.

➢ Provided for an elaborate protection of minority rights.

➢ Contained a detailed bill of rights fashioned on European convention of

human rights.

➢ Spelt out necessary conditions for acquisition of citizenship.

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