16th Group Theory

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16th GROUP ELEMENTS Main & Advanced SANTOSH KUMAR K LG Yogi ae Tneyoduction: - =y 0S, Se sTe & Po constitute qioup 16 of the Pastiodic torte. Thue Eleminks arte ago Known ag .charcogens, Cmineras filming elements), —y Most of the’ Gu’ minerous contain elu ‘O" B'S? and Freauently athe othet numberr of the Gloup, is Shont lived (Gh), = 1B.B days Te shows Hadionaivity bly Emission. => ‘fo’ & Hadioadive and Onder f abundance =) oy sy SepTerPo A) Occunnence” | xe the most abundant of ail tne elements on earth: + OLygeD: + xefdens about 46-67. by mass of earths Crust = Duy ain Conkeins — Qo.AHeby, oaygn by Volume. -Suytuss + Abuadorce G's) Mthe easein’s Crest Gonly O-03—0-1% + Swphur extits Primarily as 1) Swuphates =) Gypsum, Kesom , Bareyte i) Suuphides => Galena, Zincblende , copprpyrcites (curs «Traces of ‘S? occuras Hys ™ wolcanoes, + Oniganie-mosetiat Such os &3gS, Pridteins, garlic, onion, orrutstard, hain and cveovl contain ‘S$? Sete: Se &vearfound a4 metat Selenides ond -Kellusides in Swiphide ones. Te occurs innature asthe decay produce? “THE U! omineias. 2) Electronic Structure» Eleasonic Seen (Hey otept Be S (wey 35" 34 34 Se Car] 3a? as ae eye CKrg aate ssh set Pra Cxey asitsat? os® ort z My Genwyat Valence Ercexnoni¢ Configuration ¢5 magnet 3) Atomic and Tonic Nadi Due to ewase in->he “Tuambor of Shells, atomic and ionic radkti increase. From kop to bottom in the ptoup. wy The SiZeef (OP atom 4 excegtionainy Smait- in Sige from =O? to (5? but from Hen ancrease g Viele. Fe & dlse > Poort Shieuding ay There | tGe onwards the iNtrease In SIZE ehbeu of A-fuctrens in'se &'ve? and = di, § Electons in Po’ onder f radi =) ofs {sect Po 4) Lonisesion Enthasry: won the gfoup. Tee dus tv increase Im Siger 4, GE diouases d wy Tr Elements FahIS gieup have bw jomed to those of Boup-!5 in athe ConnesPonding fertiods. ams & be dhe fact thar Ploup-is Eemunts hare Cana Stable lb fitted PronbiLass Eleehenic configurasions. omg 223 0 8) Sy THY 194 lonisavion Enthaipy Valoes 5) Kiemungain sunerry comport nakare Of O1ygin ator, te has less magotive > Because f the eleckongein Eniharey Anan ‘Ss stds the Value again becomes lege regavie +p ‘Po? —» From ‘S' one Onder of Electron goin Enthaspy => s>) se wey mS Bi (winite compening Bleerom goin Enthatpy only magnitude & comidered ) 6) Blea nonegarivitys* —» ‘o’ has 2nd frighage Zlednonagasvity TH the pododic tone 9 5 Blectxongarvity decreases From ‘0’ fo Onder of Elecetonagasivity = ° sy Se) Tey fe earare of the Elements: 4) New = oO&s > nonmnetots Seg tesy Meratioids fo =) merot. ey esa repay Sey SPO Onde of matting Points > a) Boiling foinks* oniden of boiting Points => Tey Poy Se>S7O to) Density* onder of densities => ods (se (te —y Oaygen erisisk OF diatomic gas ~y Suiphur exttts ag octarotumic Sstid. 12) Qxidation States & RsvisIn xbemicat neactiviry: commen 0°51 dacuases down the grup. ‘Po tn stability of —Zorstare ote of thse eluments pws —2 Orstore + nosdly Sh H2,—ny THEE: are (of, One ) All o-Stotes Shown PY ‘o positive O-skater of ‘or are only witty Fe 5 Olu Eluments $,Se,Te &Po Show 4%, th &+b odong with cre Stability of +6 orsbore decreases doun *egioug ond stability of => gonding in” +4 +k o-Skases and anioknory of the Elemenes 13): Segue au axe Polymorphic , that ey they etise xn-this Gloup Except “Ye” aw mone than one auiotnopic Form. i) Qaugen y oFygeN oceans a4 two snonmetanic forms Oz) 2 =) On & Poramagrente + 03, & diamagqneric. wi) Soups Susphey has MONE aslotropi srnege diffrunr forms arise Patly ror dg polymesized and pooikly Frm the Coussor Stoucaures = Tivo common Cruystastine Forms are oS & ps < fos than any ony Element. she een KO Chicky 'S? Ho Suaphart [phomeie Suture] ~y xt y yellow in colour. a> MP yy 3BS-8K —) speciticgfaviry § 2-069 insduite In Water but hissoives to Scme extent in benZene a4 rey aicchol and EL. my xe yy readily Solute in CZ > FEY ehemost Scalls anrorrere P'S) ake Mow tenPetaraye Le knansforms to monoclinic-S cohen heared above 369K. Xt has Puckered Sp Htings. ~ — Rhombic Surphurr crysteus ote 4oimed on Ai ove atornopes OFS? OMe conveded to K-S ak Heom empoaiure ay XE y a good electrics insuiate exten pure and is an exerttente Ahcimot insuLaron. yy commenciot oll Susphur, Stoves of Surphay ond mitk of Susphur ave atop this -fonm- paesuphur (rngcinic Surber) —5 mip (8 243K specitic graving 1S 698 Teg setupein CH 5 Fey stort obo Beak. = Gene BeaK #e tnangdms intv o- Surpray. Le mis tempo e Ss My A BbqK bok aheforms LEB are SEAM canned tHxansition tumpurature. 5 BS & Prepared by matting af-s in a dish and cooling ruse holes axe made inthe Crust and aN coteesk fs Fortmed. the xemaining Uauid Poured outs on removing the crust, colourtess meedie Shaped Crystors of PS are fonmed. } Xk has Sg -moiecudes. ~Y_ mono clinic Susphury® (on) motnwr of Peart Susphuy y Xt Y ets Catted / Nacreous chttuing hot, cone. Solutions of Susphurr in CHsoH, > xXecan be made by C52 oF hydnocarbuns. grepared as Pale-yeltow netdies by Ane Meaction of m7 rb & bet Pyridine coith — COPREYG J£nys aavhare Hy Like a and ‘pt , 7 memodinic Suspherr comprises Sg Molecules ur the Packing & mone ebbicient and leads. to a highest density 219g fen. E- Susphuey (Ersers susphuss | ee a Sg rungs arranged in the chain Conformation. Hs.05 3 sotwion Inte conc: Hel and exbacting + Fehas = -reymode bY Pouring dhe > with toluene, TAS aalloksope is bese Prtepered by the Heackon WiSy + S202 154 in e1 ail. goto Sy He > This atloknore of supra has highest density 2-209 alem? 5 This altotioe has the Smautest bond angie of ait Poly Suphecr Stecies Othey Modifications: He Sevetat other meeli fications cf Sutphur containing 6-20 Sutphur atoms pet Ming have been Symnesiged - > Plastic-$ g ebteined bY Touring Vquuid-§ Into waren y commerteiar fol of *S) & called CHUystex- = Fbrus-s) & PHeluced by stapidly euunening meiten-S at STOK in iawatert. composiien of YOrety suuphir eo a Actuot eentenkuarion of each Species defends on both 4empcrarure and pncssure: y EN ake Satareed vapour UP to 608e Sg & RE ‘Most commen SPecies eoitty $6 &$_ and the vapour is gteen- Genecen 6WC=— TSE SFES, Ore Lightly morte Prevalent than Sg = ut the concentMasions oe at Wes species faus Hapidly with Nesfect te anose of S24 S3, and Sy — Above acdc So ig the PHedeminanr Species. Ft & Postamaqnuti ¢ ike Cz and blue coroured, The got Stability of Sz in ah gas phose ak high wenftrarure by (regsmarly dueto the ecientiany double bond Choracten. S2 ey Stott: up te R205 C- wn oor? ~~ __ [Rosette 204 peo Se auntnopes of oir elenunts -3 ‘Se? has 8 altotxores CC Seg, Seq , See) => Te? has onby one Crystanine fim. and this composed F A network of SPinot chains > ‘Po’ & a brome mete Xk exkts ag an X-form eohich & cebic and a B-Folm cohich is sthombohedvet + Born ane Metalic Abnonmes, behaviour of ,Casgen Atndimes behaviour of ONG" & Aue to Sma side high Electronagaiviry absence of Vacant d-orbitoss Points of dittersnces onygen a. gas -cobile orhors ane SOUS: = —y oaygen diatomic put ofurs ore noe Adasen ( -y Dinggarive ion Bt ty auite common. Hy Caygen does nok Show +U +6 Or Skoes. ny fibsence of cronbitoss Units tes covaliney bo four, Acrrely it exceads 4wo- 5 Bond dissociation enngy & very high Hy Skatong hydacgen bonding 4 Present’ Ho which & not found in Iydoeides of OF Voy gop Element S 5 On & Paramagnatic 19 gaseous, Ueurid and Seid States. Compounds of 16'h mou Elements: =) Budeides Ati -these elaments foam hydiddes of the genwren Formate, HM (M= ©, S$; $e, Te ) Preparation: « H20 % obtained by buming Hz inthe atmosphere Of On+ « Hydyides of S, Se, TE ane but Prepared by the action of axids on metat Surphides , Selenides and elluscides. + Halo % Prepared only In tyacetuantities by aissoving “mig 'foi\ Plated cvity Po IN azn Het. Oat Op ——% 2H20 FS + Hyson —y HSOu4 425 Kise + H2S0q —y KrS0u+ Hse Proredies: > Except Hp, ait the hydrides ave Plourless, Poisonous gases having Unpleasant odours: Covalint and the Covalent Choviacter Ly “Ail hese Iyydoides are qncreoses Fromm = H120 to H,Te O45 the elecknonsgativiry difference gen and chalcogen dackinses from oO? to ‘Te, between hyd?eo onde of Covalent chosatet Hao C25 ¢ Hose CH, Te Ahounat Seavility => [Hoy rs> HaSe> HyTe + ps fin 2 eee Lewis bosic mature => [roy asd Hey Fare] + +4 4 > > = Boiling Points onder ~ Reducing Narare H20< His ¢ Hse ¢ H2Te| meiting points onder [20> HoTey Hrse> HS} Bond tengthy —» Gond angle Skyuucture! « Authese hydrides ave ongetort ANG in Ka}mole Hoy Hate) Hisey HS Hood His < He { He or ae Heo vas Hse wre 206 —20 13 too in shoge e oaygin in Hao: & SPP No hybridisation in Has, Hise, HaTe Tr) Oxides of Vel gfoup glemanks * peeaian two types of oxides 1) MOr Vet qtoup Elements ‘Tmainty Form i m03, A) MOz * ~y 05150, ave gases My Seog, seuis. SF ig Vet Solan conten ko give Setenous acid HoeOx o-TeOr Crasakelurcite) Br TeOr 5 TeOg, & Aimonpric . —y AL Loe tempuroture Por has a Siuoxite lattice. wy Reauucing Propeuy of dioxide decreases fom Sop. tv Ter So. Y ruducing nile Teor & anoaidising agent: —y Reacion of the Gioxides coll, waren differs, S02 | very Soldat pur largely fms hydrased $05, cuithy only minure amounts of Hps0g. $E0z, recrcky oly water and-forms Selenious acid H2Se03- 00g, | edmose insoluble iN Cake buk Alstowes In eAKedi to fori Letlurtites. XE aise disselves inacids to-form bask Sous. THs Tustroses ampholexie charade of Te2- em ae” rN frm i" ° 4 N Seo, Solid. > Gaseous Se02 has tre Some Stoundure os “S02” B) MO3: = S,Se & te Som Moz tyre oxides. + S03 g Sold and it hos three attotnopic Forms. - $03 B-S03 7-503 He Sedg 1S a WHC, hygtoscopic Solid modaup F cynic Aetoramers ($2,912) ken tha motten Stas iY Prbably Polymoric- xen tne vopour Phase wie Some. dissociation inky monomut. —y Teds exists in two modifications. -TeOz Yenc orange Be reos Bey (mmome state tess raaeive) o-TeOs Y Made by darydrating TeOH), (Tenuricecid), B-Yeds & mods by heating of-Te0, cory Telonlc > Po0, as deeded on a txace Scole bur has not pean Studied well wy $05, Se0g & TES ere acid onhydoeices S034 M20 —7 W280 susphwrucosid. Seo, + Hap —> HeseOu selenicacid reds + 3eL0 > HETEOE elluracotid i s ° lye ar (exo 2 oF im {yer Othe oxides of Suaphusi 5 Suuphur Forms otheronides ive gO, Sn? Cn: 6 ev 10) > $20 & formed cohen ‘6! and ‘S02’ ave Subjeded to a Silent elactric discharge - A Mange of oxides from <0 tv S_0 have ben mode by dissoiving Sy S154 oMd Sip 19 C52. 0% Hele and > sine cyclo forms oF 56> yufudopenowoatcasid ok —1Sc to “306 The colounand xukein ht origines of the oxidising with compounds are atl Orange -yeitowsin Hing of ‘Staloms, buk have an oygin atm Grube bended FO ors sing ‘S? atoms. ° ! Ss: S. Ve sy 5 5 Se SgO Ww) Houides of 16% gtoup BlernentSi- yet gnoup Elemants mainly form threatypes of halides. MxX2.) mete yeup MxXy Elemint mxe | x= haugen. My The seabitity Fame halides decreases inm onder Siuoreides’) cnididesy bromides) iodides, hetofiudides ave theenly Stable hotides. 5 Amongst hexahatides , Ske iS exesptionainy Stable AN hexafiudlides are fon stasie reasons. geseous iN Nature. —, fimengst tena fiuctides — SFiy Aga Sehy Wanid —y All elements except = onygen fon — cdiehidlides and dibnomides. _y Mono hatides are dimewe in nature. Examples S26» Srl Sufra+ sect, and SEB - Tree ctimedc hotides Undngo cListroportivnarion. Q Segeh, ——> Sech, + 3S Oxygenfuosides:: OFR 1 Oke A) OFg* Prepnaticn:: Fey Prefored by Passing Fi inty 27, Naot Solution. ah + eNaon ———7 RNAP + Ofp + N20 Physicos Propenies:: eee y Tey a colourless (on aie yenow) vers Poisonous gas xt condsnses to fole yero Uanid. kes meitingpoine 1S — 223-8" 4 ses boiling Potne is —1HS-3°C- 4 dy pure om 15 stab epee 2056 in glass VesseIS bur above ‘nls dempoarure it ducomposes by a Modicos rucnanism tothe Clements A Of ee + Fy Chemicos propecies: chemices PA A) Action ofwerer Te Assos Slowly in waier Of, + Hz0 ——> On¥ 2HE 2) oxidising and Fiuorinating aston: Of, is less ruadive non Ff. Buk Of, A Powerful oxidising and -furdiinasing agen’ Ry + Of, > PEs + POR S 4 OR, > SO. + Shy ce HOR er MeRa + Henono oxo diuAices OF + HX —y 2M2 + AHF + Hho 2) nS Fonmarty he anhydride Gf HOF” bur thane & no evidence hob ie Heats with walt to fonm' HOF’ 4a HaS explodes on'being aiaed ewith OF; ak Mov ttmperarere- Seraeture + co? is Sp hybridited. Sok is used fo B) Cake [ercagen asenrete] ee iy prepared by fasting o Stent clectrete disenenge “Hrmugh Prtepararion Preporosic a Low Pxessure mitre fF and 02° sitaent electric ° eke + Gsaarge OC Physicot Cucfouies . . Ly Tey onyenow Solid ond ianid. MP ISS ep -57% hemporaru7e « 4g sey a brmnges oF mM chemicot Propenies:- Och, a very Vigorous and Powwrful oxidising and Ftuorinasing fb even ak vey low tempurature (1586) CIE + Ogf, ——7 cig t Or BrFs + Ooh 7 Bree + 02 sh, OA SRE OD ns FO 7 SF 401+ 2H Hodes gf otner 16th otoup Elementt So nee ete A) Hewphedes frmongst hexa hotides , hexafiudides are the most Stable Compounds. Fy Asoeks city ‘S', “set Etre’ wo fon herafiusides SF, Sere Te S + 3% —7 Sh Se + 3F. —? se + BF, 7 TH > AlN the hecteftudides ore Cotountess gases having Low bolting Poinks - 7 Reactivity increases from Sf ke TER - oR i a colourless, odeumiess, non inflammable gas, conicy is ingotunke in waset and extremely ined borh -thermasly and chemicauty. SF canbe heated tv Sod without cucempositien and is Unoktoceed by most metas, P, Ar eC even cwhen heated. xed used OS a gaseous ditelectric insuiatar in high voltag. brenstormens and — switchgear. — > Sek is Slightly mone reactive and Tey is hydrolysed by coater- Tere + 6Ho ——y CHF + HeTe0G —, Tee adds. Zions tofonm (re, ] &(tere]. Teh combines thy 1 Lewis bases Such os amines forming etght Coordinaed odducks. (ce 32% | sree exe-formud by SMd& hybridisation Styuruve:- eaefiustides aaane octahedrar Struschure. and “therfore Possess Ton -eeeafusorides. Buk hase Heb nefterctides by direct combinarioneh gre elements colt A dhe teenodiudide connor be obkoined because ik nok Possible f° omnes: the Muacton ak je & Possible to Prepare Actnofuonide by Stage. rrowever indineck munods: 4 Ath, —? Sh + 4 Coke BSc, + 4Nae —> Shy Secty + &AGF —? Sefut AMG eOy, + BSeh, —y Tey + 250K a Sgch, + Amact > Sh, Sagas , Se, Sliauid and Tefi, is Solid. ys Tebnafiuonides ave Most Stable to +rwemas dicompasition nan the other tekHahatides. Hy Shy fo Powenfur-fiuoninating agente BSF, + +843 —7 48 + 3c * 3Sch, SS, +20 —Y 25% +S SOR —y SF, undirgocs hydrolysis Shy + Ho ——? So. + AHF Shy, Ataeks wity to funm SF Shi, + > SE Sh, FO Usefur Selective Fwworinasing agent fo" organic chemists Reoorl ——7 R-C R00 Rocke Reto ——7 RHR Reon —? RF ity) Tene chidides> Lit S, Se, Te Efe form febnacnidides by dimeck Mecction wiry cla. sey, 15 an unstable anid, buk fw termenistides ave Solids a2 Feely Heats wily HCI and gives the compiler ion (Tecte] Tech, + 2Het —> trfrecie| fo also forms complet hatide ions and a Series of compounds cour, (toxe] Ga{foxc] — Lemne xeeher dr) Tetrahalides undeigo hydrolysis Sely + 3410 —7 M2503 + 4 Het f) Tetna bromides a Se,Te& fo are Known to form Lexabnomides by athe dinece combination ff Elemenks sme stabitity GF the KeMabromides inereates down he gloup from SeBYy ko FOB ws unstable and dittectates into SB &BYD > Seem, RSeBr, ——> Sepet362 > SeBr,, undvigoes hydwlysis easily [secon] + +00 Sear + HH0 —> unstable 4.5203, +420 ayy “Tena cals: = Te& fo ane the only elemanks cobichy fonm +bnaiodides. JAN Admaholides ack OF Lewitbases and form qddacks wt, Lewis acids a“ uke AIG Ee. Scu,-Aiey skyuecturre | My centres abmis SPY hybridired —y Shape y See-Som C) Dihatides:- ap Eee Rent corey Ears Sm Siralides. yreon dihetises are | SH, Sup Teta TES = _ Beta ig ene bese Kren dihatide « Ad Emening med lianid. [Ee rey be Prepaid by Sateraring Sitle © te ct Set Fe 7 SE ZSetg + TRO Sop eS + HCE = disprspeuination Sect, + Se eg SENOS Sh, Sch, Seth ESET ove formed tg) a’ set and me halogens ny Dercucroetatie benean axe hydrtuied Slo gine ection ty and tendo to decprcpontionase > HR + Sat 35 toxic yettd Urauid- ce g commenciauty importtont in —, Sette ge wustaniting quer ond pruposung chidchydsans. wy Sei, Yan unstet cemposnd. BEY -Smed by the action oF amid Bustsresing age Sunes tAgpion's*. Sef exits in two deur derrasic Fons F-S-S-F é SHS Ff, (thto tnienyt PuaAide) _4 wate SF iat SI ice astrl 1 oe Ss ZA Ss 7 en ageen F og: (viens AL) Bythoumas decomposition of qnapetonices By snes ere LAqO —> “rAd Or augo ——7 2g + On 2 pbz0,, ——> 6 PbO + On 2Pb0 ——7 2PbO “yb OD 3mn07 ——7 MingOn, + Ov 2) BY thomas decomposition of Sarks: BY -thenmos ee ae 2 Knog ——> 2KNO2, £0 Me mindz + OD 2umnow ——? ey Minow 24 K207207 eK ETOH, 4 20n03 +302 2Kelo, —? aKa + 302 2 pb(No3)2. 7 * pbo + 4Nor On 2) By decomposivion of HO & Moc" ws 2H0r ee) + OL #2 DHOCl oy wel OL cosas to arilitied \eranon Og + AERO by By tee odsition E22 | erat er thy FN 2KMNO), + 2H)S0u" culty cone. Wrtou 5) Sy menting (omeu anh So mnt _— AKMNO, 6 H2SO4 Dir SOU 4 Zp rinSoy + SOF Abd 30+ BMD ZkKreT04 + BME —— 7 -DKrsou + zen (sou), A) Brein's Press: O2ygen coars Soren ty, rmanuboctured by AMS wmathod . eo paoy Or sobe Bao + CO, ——?7 820.7 Coin) 2) Eicerebyemeten Elecrmtysis of asy-soution of acid d aukert rusuats In the discharge of Ha. oF corrode and 02.08 anode 5) From ob" ] vor oF a fee P Saar Ln bantosine Cox avexvofa Viywauionat Na + On ‘dis Waon, distitase 64) con Properties’ ee Te g a colourless Pe and odourtess gas: = > xe Uauifies at 193. = xt freezes of —219y%e- res SAutitlhy in worry ee the eauente of | BroBem> (n 1ooem? own a: 243K ching IE Sustidente fon ane Vitod Sapportt oF- mozunt and aauorc Ute. Diagn atom has “3 stobte [soropes oN, of Kole, Chemicos Properties! On dinectly reacts with reonly an meters and an monmebors “Cteajt somemeters Au, PE and Some "Noble gases es Cambination colth orhut elemunts g often Shrengly exothermic eohit ewohich heips i Sustaining “he HAHN. Howevey to initiak€ the mract n > ion, Some caeinarheating & mtauirned a4 bond ditseciasien orth oF OHO dowste bond y high (443-4 tea lmor) A) Reaction cette metas! amg + On —72™g° AAV 4300, —72AND03, Qcaton —z72KA0 2) — Recurion, oy smoomenens . OS vows © Quy + oe Cet 2008 et On FO 4 6 +0. ——7 Sr 4 c+ op 7 Or Pak 500 D> Purto 3) Reasons vir corapounds* QNo+ Op ——y 2NOn “00K AM + OD ooK cla + 2tho (Deaconts PHocess Cuely. 2S0, + 02 THR, 209. ce Roe 1 (contact Prneeyy 4iNH3 +S 0, ‘BK N . PE ANO + GHio (OShwaud’s PAocers QzZnS+ 30, —> 2zno + 2501 Ground stake & Excited Stokes Af On x Top, The Enigy, ¥ i Second Excited Singlet (51-85 slmow cee I+) a 4 inst txcited fe] Singlet 4 ay e12-¥s mote Seas Ground stare Go TAiptee a a Stas. 3 e Liquid 0, & Pale blue incolouy , Solid on & blue, — Colony O°USeg From Electronic Enansitions hic excite the Pound stare to % Singlet stare. sis bnansition & forbidden IN Gaseous dioaygen sn Uqyuid 0% Solid dionygen a. Single Photon way collide coith molecules Smutkantorsly and Promote both to excited stares wo absdbing Pued-Yeltors- glean light , Sd 02 appears blue. «Excitation § eccompunied by & Slight bu dokinite increase in +he qntesrurdeor distance fom 120-14 PM ko 1eSS and 12211 PM (geteaey (E Steves) peeaeive than Nonmat giound Stes Kexcited Op J much mone trupiee diorygin. . Singlet di orygin Can be gtrsiased =} Photochemicaily by iaviadlating 2. Normar dloxygen i the Prugense of 2. Siensitigey Such og -fiuore sein ,monylene blue ob Some Poly cyctic hydsw casibons. MEM, oy 4 Hotel = chemically Hon #1 Csingut) . Single dictygen an add tv a conjugare diene molecule in the 1,u-Positions (like a Diets -aider yaauion) 4 eH): os ah aN, \ * ae — WM | Hay (singlet) Neu —? i into two 1 Single oaygen may aad to oncene eshicly can be cleaved contbonyh compound S- an biologicot otidarions. 1 Singlae oxygen YRay be tnvelved ee On % onridiged by vous Rowerfut oxidiging aginks Such os PER. Og + PLR ——7 Coad [rere] opt he + Ste —7 (ost (ser) eoukt VBR, —7 2 fe] {enc] +h Ros, +2 GR, tH —> 2 o2.Geks Uses F Or" wee —y rn osyaretylne weiding, ay Xn the manubuckuye of Manymubors Rasticularty sheet. 7 Orygen Gslindsns ae widely Used in hospitars , high attitude Flying and in mountaineering. —z The embustion oF fuers ex. hydrazine Muy Oo. Provides Apemendous thraue IN swaats. Oxide, A binosey compound of oaygtn with enotesr, Element & cated Oxide. — daygen Heaces with mostef Hie elements of the Periodic 4 clic teste to form oxides. Frmany cases one element forme two om mone oxides: Classification of oxides: aD SONS A) Acidic osides! — An oie that combines With water kv give an acid Gy toned acidic onide a! B03) C02, SI Es! Br03) C02) Slr, Naz, NOr) NOs, Pu » Puig 1 $02.7 $931 C04) Hy05 1 CVO3, Mads »MIN2g EKG 2) Bosic oxides’ The oxides qohicn ethan dissotve in water FO form ea combing with auids bo fom Sates and woatet (07) combine ith acidic oxides tv form Sauks are caued basic oxides. {onic of covalente, Trude atider oF% formed by metous. xi. Maro» 20) x10) FeO, B20 , PO, CO carne onides elth neither combine ith oxids nov 2) Neue! oxide $+ with boues to-form Saks fai. Cy N20) NO) Heo" 4) Araphoted’ oaides!. The oxides which cathy acids & boses bon ave Atimed amphobeodc- £2. Zo, Atog, By ‘S203, (27.03, PbO, PbO7 1 Sno, Gar03, 5) mined (ox)_campound otides!. These oxideg contain two Simple ouides of Some Elemunk- x. Phgay [2rb0+ PPOr] , Fégoy {O+G.03 | , MNZH (remosmnor] Live Pororides, haze OND conkain excen of mugen 4) Riesde jut donotFoim M202 elitr dil, acids. Ex: Pb0n, MNOr 8) Supuimaides ThE oxides concern Gy ion, Thsse peak with Waker to give 20, &Or- £4. Kor, Rb02, C$O% apn than expected ewhich conkain (265 O74! termed Suboxides, The oxides of, “tu olemunts ave a) Subosides’. SR Grom ane norman Valente ex, GOrr Pb2.0) N20 OF! c:-( 05 | xy an, omotroric form of mugen PALgonarion': Lihin a Slow diy Strwom F Orygen és passed thrmugh a Silent eeensucat diwhorge , conversion of Ovygtn EV O2one Go) occas. The Product J Known O24 O%onizedl oaygen or : AH BO 20 AW: ztez|mo & 2UKT Os, undo iti > O% goes Atzomposition Casty, bree Silent: elactocic dircnarge’y Uved used fo tha Pruparation of. 03% Known es ogenisrs ave Siemen’s oZoniser 2 Brodlie’s OBEniCY- -p The apfarerus Ogoniset - The commonly used other menos of Pet Ppartetion: «Elearnyti¢ moahod Bieemaysts of aridutaed woier wiha high ‘current density and 'Pk' anode Produces a gos atiheansde Which hos upto Ash O8one. Thaynermored's — Heating omugin to 27731 schumicarmeiied. Fy reacts wih wait ate vety lwo Lemperarerr a mistere cf Ogonized mugen. x and then cevting, 6 Uberasing Of, + 2H —> FHe+ O2- 3+ 3tho —7 GtF +03 Physicos Prorertl ss" yea —y Pure ozone 4X pale blue gas, dar pweliauid and Scud O8ene y Violet black rt y heaviey than ain a ~y xt & Slightly sobabte in Waier bute sone Son jurpentineotl, gladat ausicaud On CMe ay FE ROS Oo chanaceristic matt and m dmatt conceatyetions tt & havmtes- Howevet iF concentration ruler abort 100 PPT breaning beeen Unesmfonttals and it Couses headache. Chenuicos PAopedies + Decomposition a) eee 20, ——7 30. AH —264 ttalmac + 0g, G-thermodynomicoty Unstable, «Fost the decompo sition deastlon acronis einfonce cacy ora ésuath change for tes conversion into oxygen ane-wt, Age ave These two ing The Large negative hecensgey 2) Oxidi ging Properties Og, & & SkNONg oxidizing cigent- — Onidiging resetions & 05 canbe divided iNte too categories ke one _otygin atom recs sited ineghiey 0p y evened Eo: + 2-01Sv 0, + BHT4TE ——7 Ok tho Oy + Morte ——7 Ont 20H) EP: -A) Reactions Jamey fay. 1) NANO, + 0, —7 “NANOS Or, vip ars0g 4030 7 Naviou #02 VY) Halagen ost axe onictiged to hateytn Cret, He AE) aguas 0, 7 ae tent M0 way 2Kr+ to + 03 yz RKO p+ 02 Mi) -AtKesine KT & oaidiged to Kx0, and KEOu —_ Krog4 3 Or Kr + 303 Ks 103 7 Ker On wai) RS OB phsart + tx) 2 KyInow + oslip—7 2 Kmnbut Oo + 2Kotl x» 2 eSout Hse O38 > Folsour, +07 + He A) arculre cenit | + yo + 03 7 aks (reer “2Kot OL, wi) an +t 03 7 Oc OOD wii) palo 4 0, Nas On. nw e 20! 4 054 amt —s 26s"4 Or tho Py orzo + 10 03 —7 AMgpouct 00 Ov xv) yi) S TMi + 303 —9 HaSOut 3 Or xvii) Xa + Hyp t $03 ——7 FHFOgt $02 noe guilty BH AOZ 7 Trg FTPY ene any 3 KK) give mekad geks blactened im 03 Aue br abiecnalivt oxidesion of the mibot and eduction —y Agot of. thie murat Ovide- rag t °3 Agio+ 03 —?7 ang + 200 ex) hin 03 8 passed into mercury, HE oaidiges Mg? te Hg. cohicty dissolves 19 “tig’ « -than mutenuy loses ies eprer meniscus and nonsticking Nature te the glass. 2Hg + 03, —7 Hg20+ On cre loss of Mekong Lsture and the Mmuniseas of Hgmetot an presence of, 03 and Os a MHSUHE maxing Tg! SHaing te the glass Surface ¥ cased ‘yaitung- of mrunewrey? xxi) 03 AtOes wit, Kor ond dens Potassium OZonide: KOz ushich gy an Onenge cotoured Solid and conkoins Paramaguric % ton. gkon+ 503 —7 9.K03 + $02 + HO ALi) No +03 —7 NOg + OD (Ewe): Se og z [xn at these reactions (ng),2% > cs B) No ‘o' & evoiwed ire ati the oaygin arms of 02 axe UHLZed 3 S0n +03 —7 353 VY Smet Gael 03 FB Snclu + BHO ; Cen0t)og* Trnahese MLactions (Meo, On of AY Strongest oaidizing agenk. oFtuns ave Be 5 atomic Oger OFF 3) Meme Heductions + —» Baot 202 Bao. + % W202, 0, —7 Heo 202 Aqo+ 3 7 Ag+ 202 4) Bleaching AAT action’ 03 § 2 good bleaching agi: Seubert , Con, on ‘account of. its otidiging action on oniganic -morior Uke oft, tvory , ABU, Stenehy , wares, wood pup ec 5s) Addition MA reactions’ Og sucess lly cunsoturosed hydtocarbons and forms "Ozonides', 3 by warer A dil.atids -folming carbonyl OZonices get dcomposed compounds ° aN — He ae \ o———° CHe=cHy + 03 a CHEECH + 03 fen \ $ uses of 3: aR Asa germicde, disinfckant and -fon Storilising ware. -y Asa bleaching agent @y As an oxidising agers wn manubaswre of Kranou. Yo identity the Positien of Unsaravouion and numbex of double bond $ in Unsaturored Compound s- — oxndne mantbocture of asdifices snk and Camphoxt. Estimeuion of 3" See Given 03% allowed wwity a bonate bubbet Cee qr), 24 Uiberased coher, Can be peactoith, Excess of KE Scuution bubtered Avnased agains: a Standard solution of neyS203, Oz + Kr + 4,0 —> Ep+ Op + 2Kotl Ty + UNars0, 7 Nasuo, + 2NAT Tests of 03" aA dus —, Can be deteered by es chaniacretigtic «= HOLEN fishy Ae oy Te fusing Starch iodide Pager bUut. ye Comses ‘eaiting of Hg" yore furng tne nite Shining ‘AG’ te black oy EA cerns bengidine PaRMt bo brown dy re turn Aebramenyl A ORE fpage Pape to Violet. Eltece of ph on see of %” aA Prrepencr of high cont. of AiKati Starilizes 03 borh thoimodynamicatty § Kindicasty, sere Os pH incteasey — SRP OB evil dectiase. fa: at Plso sep + X-01V at PHe sep tleesv Ok pH ay SRP ADEE 3. Os vzerm. SF ices B-0 =5 Mane Structure & bese explained by means Of dalocollzed Poutle bond ahvee-Cenente “TT? bonding. qrue Ya totat F WE Inahe valence Shelly mmadeup of '6? From eacty of he Abves '0? ober: centnar (0° foms aT bond oth Cacty of the omer ‘0’ atoms wwhicy accounts ADM 34 electrons uses Sf ontbikars in ORI one hybrid onbiter hos Xf 4eqminet ‘0? atoms abt contoing two lone pains of Electrons. Centrat ‘0? Lone Paint. 1» use SPE ombitars, Cachy euninas ‘o! Thus lone faint cccoun (A 10 electrons. . “g-’bonds & lonc Pains togunet account for 14 €lechons, thus Leaving qe fon “TH bonding. : 2% onbitox of Carty ' O'atorn of three'o" atoms gives vee mortcutan onbitous. Thee cote trfen-Centyye “TH? motceutar onbieais, The Lowes erNGy ‘mo’ 4 boneling , the hightstenngy Mo & antibunding ond th middie ons & nontonding. THEE 4 IT Gearens, two fi ane OO and {wo fu the Ml6Mo , hus contediating pont ‘TH bond Over the Motectate, This gies a bonet onder of WS fox ane OO bonds, ane TH System & AR Zand M4elecmon bond. T tetentng ar, MO [HE] Nembonding (8-0) “fr bonding °. oe 0 ‘o—0? Unkages 0-0 Unkage Art bond fou 2 ons TT bond POH fence bond ode = IS (ie res m) Compounds of 'S’ TL) Hydsengen Stephide + aN RR (1s ] ( Staphurretted hydrogen ) Wee FAsPontoxion- —— A) Tey usuauy Prepared In the labonarry by the action of dil, Hel on inom Cv)Suephide in a Kips apparatus FeS + QHel ——y Fecle + Hes. Since Fes always conkains some. Unemmbined ixon , Ane gos (Hes) 4 cankaminared witty He. (Ferg Feet Hi] Sby53 2) Pune Has con be Prupared by cverming ewity conc: Hel: SbiS, + 6a ——y *SbCR + HS. 3) Punese 25 can be Pasfand by direce Anacton of the elements ek GobC. oo w+ 6 ey tes 4) Pure WS Can ayo be prepared by hydvotysing Cas ,Bas ct Ans cas 42th0 —y MaS + Caton Alnsg + GMD —7 SHS + PAilondy Physicou Properties: « My Tey a colounress gos cotiny "DHlenegg Fmelt. > FeG Slightlyhsoviey than oi, ‘ cond 1 Xk'Y modesasey Soluble in + vaset, — Sotubility decreases colin inercage in Aumporarure- XL ly Poisonous Substance but Hortunorely its rotten egg érett becomes intolerable Long befone the -fatatconceatraion cy 2eached Chemicat Prtopurties:. OT el A) Theunat decomposition’: Distoctation begins ak S316 and is completed at lola. His = H+ 2) combustion SERA ible and bums wily a Luefian bw give “S? Tt y combust SO. in Excess of AH- tn a Limited Supply of oi71 » ams + OO —7 2Ho+ 25 2Hs + 30. ——y 2b 3) Haidic Propeseties ebtect on Litmus Papert. -, pry Hes hesne wy wet Has terns blne Ltrs paper acvineded colour Showing thet Gy functions OS O cocacacid in Solution waon + HS —y» vans + Ho macw+ Nas —7 NaS * Ho SYenious Ammonium Suaphide zs formed anHuck + 2S ——7 (NHa,s + 2HLO Wwh,$ + nnys —7 (MH), Spat a ney 4) Redweing neers” 1) Niksuc anid Eo NOD DHNOz + HS ——? N02 it) Suiphusac ouid to $02 HyS0u 4 HS 7 5024 sa v) vi) » so. tv S 60, + Qta8 ——7 S425 RH ecg bo Fee Fetlg + ths —7 Fears + THC akKMn0H + BH, Sy SHS —7 Ki sou + beams 6S Ho —y Kru cHSouy, + 35 + + AW, SOY + Bhs AHib Krcy04 Reduces halogens b> conmespuncing, hy drvgtn hatides. A + Hes —7 Sh, + EE ( % 26 BY 72) by + Mas —e TH*T s xe reons with dussoled oOtygen IN wasen, So that & Satuvared Solution of H7S WIM Slowly Zo cloudy abter Standing $6 Some days. aes + Op. ——7 2HhO + 2s 5s) Patectpikatton D MLacHions:. Has g used In Quiatitalive analysis for Pxecipitating the Suephides of many meterts » Metations cour axe Precipivared in axidmedinn “yas / aiterter" ae prt aisup Smetana HS, wo wit? ath at sb sn iP) metas tons eohicly Ove Pprectpizeved In aitoling medium” mata lens Se ee z — + F gioup JZ mekalions => Mn; to zat cot ni Dy of Wet HS! Dowsing of een Has con noe be docied by Conc: H2SO4 because it oxidtses Hrs ree Set hes Unpleasant odour Argembling “Ihr of solten eggs. lead acerose Paper blac. Fb twins H: pblctigoor,, “Ey pesh + 2eHgstock Black: wy Ke gives Veo colawration cuit a Soleuton of Sodium nitroprusside Fn aualitarive anadysis font the detection of Mmeterions. > As Aedurcing agent 4 Fonine Pxtepaxarion of mekarsuphides cubic ave Used (n Poink Indsestxy. souste QO Sv iasrm 4 SS 4 Uses: ax aide | I) 80, Leute Preparation! ALS A) Fnduustyeioury tt Y Produced as a by-Prioduck dusting the Stoasting Surphide O71 and by of methods. 22nS + 302 —7 2zZn0 + 250 AkeS tM On —— > 2F203 + B Sy. las, + © ——% 20 + 250, + con 2) nthe Leborareruy te G Mealy genviased by Peacting Suuphite bisuiphite vill dil. axed NlazS03 + “250% ——» Mason t Hho + Sor DNatisog + HySOy —y Narsont+ 20+ 2502. ZB) xe y flmed wily a UbUC (6-87) Surphurtsioaide cohen Seuphur é& bume in ain a omygen- S + 0.7 SO. o ‘3 ‘4 A) Te canatse be obtained by heating Concentraved H2S0y cotHy ‘ Ss), cu A Age S+ 2thSoy 7 ZO + 3502 ck 2 H2Soy —7 cusou + VHLO SOr Ag + 242504 —» ApSut Bho tS0). 6) Xt & ato Jimed aS a Norous and Undesirable by- Product duweing the combytin of Coat & -fuet ofl. Physica Prropascrigns- A nn => re ga Colourtess , boaic gas ly choking odowy, Hy xt yy highy Solwte in watt. audies ab swomtemPerarure under a pressure oF arm ~y reli and bolls ae 263K- = ft eC ie forms Enowlike Solid - xe & homer tena -y AR OG qubit clathvare hydrare formed eotty a compositions 502.640» Tdeat composition coourd be S025 Heo. many covalent A mon acusout Solvent. civation & Solvolysis fquid S02 & VOY Gor Et cames compounds ave compere} sniscible + compound - ex — EnBty- S02 hele + 802, 7 NBO T SO. conctusis wicl, + $00 —7 loc, SOC Atactiom- Luly + 250. 7 Pact 25042 zricly-602, ovation) Chimicor propedies® Ce 4) Action of woret Lainen Posed Hrroghy cares, TE Abins & Sotition of H2S03 So, + HO == +203 p o ay! 2) combustion? rk & nefthey combustible mor supporue, OF But burning ‘™M3" abrnasqhere, combistion . ELK! Continue te burn in (hs Bmg + S02 ——7 2mgo* Mags Ly + 3802 7 K1S03+ 115203. 3) Thownes Auomposition > on heating Te decomposes ot W208. This Arcompasition. 2 disproportionation BSog —y 253 +S 4) -deidtonensres wy NaoH Jgolution, Féiming Naz $031 SO Arcocts Arodily w bo form Nabisos. inan, seRaeks COTM MONE so. + SO, ——y ManS03 + 4 cotter, 4 Ho 2 NaoH Nazsoz + Heo + 50, —y DNaHsoz, —y similar tyre cuit Lime woken CatoWy+ S02 ——? Caso, +o caSdg + W20+ S02 7 COLHS03) 9_ ehaviowr of SOr & very Stmiloxt to > mss puLacHoM bi guaction cannot be Used bo distingetsh shor of C02. $0 ands perwan Cor, & SPr + nia,co, + SR —+ Nazs03 + COr paw, + S02. 7 NANSOS+ On. —» 20503 5) AddIGON pLOcKicns oon toot chemaroush ) S02 4 SO2cla, suspharr yt chiovide V20s- 260, + 9% > 2503 6) Oxidising Narre: Law Ae + 4Ht + S02 ———_ 8 eH | Hp 4 ——> Phot 35 ——» 2o, + § o) PU2s + S02 b) 2co+ SOr o0"e ec) Qty+ SOr yoo" sa 2hko da) QEncyt He + S02 —y, 2Snclu* S+ 2Ho oe AH + S02 ——7 ApHgclat St HO: ey @Hgch aprt §) 32mg + 80, ——y 2MgOt mgs 4 (Mp) 4 1K + 8802, ——> Kr503 + K 18203 So, ——» 2Ro+ FS aye + SO =) Reducing Mant? Ag. Solution of So, outs O5 Puduting agent. 2QH,O + SOz > Hesdy + QUT ae | Meee. a) 502 -F XZ AHO 5 RK + PESO CX y= hotegeny b> ouiditied todere be fodine + IL 2Kr0, + 5 5% + AHO —?7 Kr S0u + Atte Sou ce) 2KMNOYy + 5 $02 + ayo —y Krsous 2M Sut 2HSOu. —> krisdut Or (S04), + Hao. 3) Kicr0q + 350, + MxS0u Ble, 2) Fa Gury + 50.4 HO —y pres t 2 H2S0U- #) $0 + H20,, ——> H2S0y, 8) Bleeding avon S0g in Presence of “moisture acts as a bleaching agent ies Hedsacing Narure (on due to ibs Otidarion Htaution. Bleaching action of S02. & cue to S02 + 2HO ——7 Hesou * 2H. coloured compound + (H) ——% Comte compounds SO) & Hemponary and Meveuible The bleached Bleacning ocHon of ies colour durto Oxidation. matic cohen, exPored ko ain *egeins Uses of S02 ae en pedining Pebrtdeum ond Suge > A SUK —y En bleaching event an! Ag an ‘ank-chlox » disintectank ond PHegenvarive- + Ly panemansbacsire of Hes0u, nanso, and cAttls032. ay Lay - S02 Zs sed oF & Solvent. Styuscturet- Skyweke eohicty witty Ki (Hgclu] & dive anothut complex cthe dye Poranosaniine 42th — Kt (Hg (S03) ] 1 HHee wpe S02, Ataeks Atacks ith Kk Ciigetu | + 2502 mm) S03 Preparation: Ae A) By heating SorricSuphate By Mom Veer Fe, (80), > F203 + 3 503 heating of FESO), gives a miature of 50, & $03 2FeS0y —> Oz + Sd, + $03 2) Byderytration sf Neon M250, + Py%9 ———? 250, + AL H1PO3, : + S02 & 02° 2) oyate dine emuimnen, F ' prosiniged oxsbestos? eo S02 + On ————_ 250, j SH? — 2K VUAe KT. The Heaton & ExothouniC ond the Optimum cwomting Aempetature 613K —123K- Physicor Prtopecties’ ~~ =} At noum Aemporasure 603) % Solid and Calses in © 3? antorwpic -foums. o-$03, B-60, & 7-503. Chemicas Prropouies + ve chemicauty oll ane she thins ace atmos denticet , ol-foum | sutasivly mone ruoctive than thi rest. 4) dein eaer- re steadily di \ te Ly Liscolves in water and-fims HzSov- This &y highly Exotnvunic. $03 fumes Srongly in moist ait S03 + Wo —7 HeSOr. 2) Aetion of heat yoode 2503 oy 2802 2- 3) former of. oleum PAM S03, on dissolving Wz S04, + 3 an concHasoy yierds oleum- ——> thS207 4) Acidic narure cry rteacts witty arKell and forms Swphare CaO + $03 7 GSO co: Negtog +503 —7 nazsoy t SO av chidiosusphonic acid culty, ng agent: especteutly eohen hot. TE Y a Powerful oxid! ae grey —y PTE t S02 tT Heo S03 oe 260, + & Sa 352 —— 1050, + Pu%D 10 $0,-+ Py 603 + els ——y POCl, + S02 +Cle. 71) Beastion cory OO" xt Fosms Stuphamicacid. ° NH Nth + 603 + HyS0u ——y 2NHSO3H + COD suiphamicasid eruphamic acid & the only Strong atid that exists as a Scud eae Hoorn Yemporabure 4 Sn tnemanubocave oF TSH & oloum- Uses: —y Asa douying agent for gases. 16: Strarcrare t DN g sy En gaseous Phases ZT ds i idteteg the form of. Paiismas 4) Ole S$ 0g oe LEG & Commies Ltauid solidifies inthe sedi > eas eS me 8 62-2"C usclle UKE Cnystans. x Ey Saud phase : + Specific pravity, & 423 2 of OMA. Polymerizing re vealed trHaces of molstur a for ics formation - FE Inwowes Some cross ere berween tre Choin! 462-4 Kealnot skabu -folm of S03. Unking 5 te give a complex Layer structure, 2): + GH)? xt y the most ii) B-S0s 6 XE Soy < Fare fon a lengtime o7 if @ tect of eoaser iy PHosenL — elves S03 HA o-S03 eg formed & P50; look Like atbestos and © Bol &-S03 dies ot cahile SUIKy needles. comp rise bun mop iS 32-8 infinite halicat chains Aenahidrat wo Comvts. + B03 + Tk Y madeup of ‘ep UNS eacty sherdng, Fit) 2 Soa “xt & tcelike and | Map iS 168°C: is a cyctic trimey (S03), + Tacs of Waker \eoet Fo Se ato of peso, hich | actuouty mandie Uke Crystats oF Poly susphuericacid a miter of Fibrous , polymeric. 110(50,0 4 i : on oe i a ae Linx / ems a 7 yo’ TE) Queue of Super —y Oxo acids of's? core divided into A Sevies- A) Susphurous oid seriest a SN RO a A) Stuphurous acid .( H2803} © 5 (5) & SP? hybridised aN — Pyxamidet a I] on —y~ orState of *S! es +H ° + Dibosic acid + xt Shims tv Sask s « atidic Sauk HS0g bi susphite Teutror Souk Sigt Suphite- Xe dnegnok exist in fren stare bur wes Known Of Sars. 2 Tosuphernas oud (teseeed Oo we connor ‘8? 4 SE, bonded 'S yy spt 43 er —y orstaleS 5 central ss tH Ww? I bonded “SY Wk 3 overage 4 “4 os) vryresusphuness O88 (ono vinieneasced (2801) 5 Bothy ‘Stuphurs” a4e Sp? _a— sen ae 8 i 5 Oxidatign Staves “F) ¥3 ° © =, average o-seae on Fe doeg NOE CAE in Fres stove our (ty Known O4 Saurt. 4) Pynosusphurtous acid en visuuprureus acd ("e506") Boy th: Stuphurs ATE ‘ spe" o-sterey =>) 45, 43 average 07 Stase =) +H. Lf does Tot exist 17 rer stare buk eS Known a4 Sasks. B) Suaphuneic axial Soses: 1) Suuphuric atid: (Hesour | —> Sp hybridised ° cn 5 onstare y +6 — J MOT Or dibasic eid . ° = two sours) cuidic souk S04 i) nares sour SOP > Sossose Susphares- 2) trio Suaprasrse sols cuid (H503] — centnar ‘S'S sF, bonded’s? & spe > OnStates cENEOL ‘sh & 4 bended ‘Ss? Y -2 avenge 4 +h S: We isuuprusac arid (42307) way Coat, the SLuephens O74 sr ° 1: - a. oH —» Or skases =) 46,46 C) Toric ects Senter 5) Pinion ade (Hesi76 J ° ° a u t a ami Coats) => ° ° Oxidation Stoves ~y Fk does Mak Crise 5 Boy Suuphurs aoe st 45,45 tn Free Sake btu Known ay Saits. 2) Temestnionic oxid ( HeSure | 0 2) Polurtnionic ouid a ° i v y s}—- cn lon 1 i n-2 anid SSCS" D) Ferre gues ay forename suphus ad (He 06] caro's arid —» all > onskares one sf 4 OrStaKs => retminer ‘S!2y45 bridge S Wo avoringe zi de a (He sno] ay ont ote SP = Teuminet *> +S bridge 7) ° oy average =) 1 2) Perez disuaphuseicarid (HeS2%4'] Monshai's atid =o =o Ziel Wo oO oe TZ) Suupuocie ouid + ( hysou | Monuwrodure +- ascents XL involves three. Steps. A) Conkacepnoce ss See ‘g) & Suphide ores in ait to generate SOQ stepif. Burming of conversion Ff $0, to S03 by the *taction witty On jin Presence of Cobalyst. Aibsonption of $03 nN H2S0u w give oleum. ghey! step? S0z &y PHoduuced in Pyrite orf Suspheer bremeng S02 formed iS puocitied by rumoving dust and oft impurities Stach os axtsenic compounds. Cobelytic oxidation of SOp Co. “ats Law: —196.6t¢r/mol high Pressure cxre the Savourate Low femporarure an maaimum yietd. Buk tnetompeterure Shoutd nok be conditions fo omnwike stare cf 9LacHon wi cf Qbay and a temperarare Vety ew 1 become LSS. rn pHactic: ate plank § opttard ata Pressure 20K. $03 gos from “he cobalytic cometter oy absorbed in conc. Hisoy to produce cleum, Diluion of oleumn with cvalet gives Hafou of the desired concenknation, Inthe indie ry boo Stepst Mere ) ane cavued out Slmukantously fy mare the Peocers @ comrinuios Ont and atso to reduce the Cost S034 WrSOy ——7 Hr8194 Hee. stiatou. (oleum) Surphurie acid : obtained by comkeut focus & 16-46, pure 2) Lead chemin Process Hoscu és manubactured in te chambers made of Lead. Lead & cheap and becomes Passive wily conc. Hr £04 + o. “wor 2 ———» 2503 280) + Physicas Propouies:. Annee » Ley a cotourtess, danse 5 oilyliauid wsith a Specific esavity cf 18H ak 248K- + Acid Sreeges ab 283K and boils o& eux. (A3eenri6 eewerarty - High booiting Point and ViScaSity are Presumably dire tothe Prtegence of. hyjdrtogen bonding evhtcly Lng the molecules nto larger aggtegarey: ores H-0 eee HON NY a yo of SO Ly 0 ae H- 2 Eby highly Sotubtio weve. Te hog gat abvinity fowartds PAbet» A borigeamoune of beak y Ubviased whin ik Y ditroned In watery duu to ine -“fimation of Veotoushydrares Such os HaSdur H20 4 tpsaertho, Hrsour3Hio HSou tho ek Dilution Ff concentnared HrSOu must be cortied by adding it Slowly ep CU Worey Willy “sank Stinsung. later shoud never be added to conc. HrsOu fo dilution beeaue Int Solution an rio boils and folms fogand mist duu to tne CACessive heat Libeiared Pure Hilo, Y Covalant- Chemicas PHoperies + AR AL) Dissector TAR NATE, The Vepounset Hlouy dissociase in to Steam and S03 W)SO% == D3 + HD 2) Adidicnarure'” Xe ee sbHong dibouic acid H2S0K a HY + HsOry HSog eS TT so * aok + Hseu 7 NaHsou+ Hao waHsout NaoH —7 Nasout Ho catty Electropositine metOts ‘ic Wiberedes Ho -zn+ H2S0u ——7 anon + He Fe HSL —y SOU Ha Combeneres ond bicostbonases COL decomposed Narto, + H2S0% 7 nazsoy HAO “EO Nate, + HSou — Malsou+r Ho + COL 2 mMoxe volakile aids axe displaced Gorm thet Sours onad+ Hrsou ——7 Naysout DHCt CaxPou), * Bryson 3@S0u + PHZPOK Cagou * Huva —> casou + H1020u est Hisoq 7 Hsu + Hs TCHatooNa Hrs0u 7 NaSou 2.-cHZcvor | ananoz + Hsu —? Nartou + DHNOZ Cafe + Hiseu Cagout AC Ae DEIN. 2NaNnor + rhSou 7 NIALSOe L-—-+ no-tatoy + Ho 3) Oxtidising narere’- a 2 RMsSO1y FRE 7 SOL SO. HO 2) C+ zthsou —y COr+ 250L+ 2thO by S+ 2thsoy —7 S02+ 250+ 2Ho < By NOH rsOu — Ang Pot + SSQ+ AHO d) Can 24 S0u —7 Cusdu + $02.4 24D e) tg 2Sou—? Agsou + Sor + 2° SY ng erHOr —s Hgsout $0r% Phe 3) aur + Ms0n —7 kasour THE avs + thtow 7 2* xt 2h hy eke risou 7 KtSOu eile ener ~ His0e —7 sr* Bry THO cool i) eyed +4 Htow ay Sy FTO EE MOH lo Reo Naghtnokns Pinositarid 4) Bghetngrense” Luipuuc ord hos gos abbiintiyfor wener, Th ats oy a Powerfus Ashuprianiney ent Huo * Ve C2420 Sry” thsou CoM ane” OS Hho food M8208 cow ey oon -thw Hasou c a Hsou ZQMsod HE y GM OOH, Wecoot\ 5) Miscellaneous Aractions Wii Scelanes, RS 03H a) Stuphonation: aA CB) + Miso > BT + M0 b) Acton of Pels AR on Se Podls + Het °. on S37 + Pelg Non Zorn é ° on 2ftle 7 SO + 2 Poel, +2Hel. go en ° (ren) > Reason Gtr ELE Fesout 660 + BHHed) Sy co] + GHasou + Sotho ——? ak S0u + Wu [Fe (en conc. 4 Fesdy + GHA GJ + Beso ——> 2h Su Kare (en) all. on citty Keg * ey d) React eae Bkclog, + BHrSOu y akHsoy + Helou #6102. + Hp phases 2) Gheriftarion of SAE Bact, + HrSou > Paso, + 2H Pbiog), + Hrf0u —s PbSdu} + 2Halvs, $) rt absdbs 5%, Fomine, Olesen VpS0u -+ 03 7 MhS204 9) dehydration of M2500 2MpS0u + PK210 7 S03 + 4/HPO2 hh) Titration mistare & misuure of CONGHNOZ & Cond HS0u Hino, + 2H,S0u 7 ZHSOH + Nor + rg" G=*) mo. Particles fimad cohen Amotecute of Solute AUssolves in Hysou- ' id 9 Hes ators fms an exeeptionentny SMF oui iy Hh low oD ~— + aso! te Hiz@03 + 6S0u —? Blisou)a, + 30 + > - + D Sbfs + DHSOaF ——> FS03Sbfs + HiSQ@F Siugio Sutfonic oxid e~_Y ‘supaacid? CMagicosid) Uses of H,S0u™ eee Toa menubacrare of ersuers > Pernokum robining: rmanubacreve of pigments faints and ayesbulf Wetmadicies Daeiguir nduastrey. (cleansing merars before enameling) electroplating § Jasvanising) tit Mekaliengicat OpeUicorion s Hy Skortiage Pareries- yn the manubasure of nitgocelluiose Pywducrs 7 Asa Labonardy Acagent —y Ava Pickling agent” Piaclings 35 th Pruscess of Aumovas of basic mutes orldes , Rydroaides & Coronases Present on the ‘mebos Suxbact. bY diffing In dil. Hisow , S21) Sodium tniosuiphate Renterhydnone Cwyre | Nay.5203 . SH20. FPAspoxakon* A) By boiling aixatine Se neutrar Naz$oz vty 'S? 4 Na, $0, + S ———7 Na,5203 The Unrwocred excess ‘S? ¥ filteved off and +he filtrate & concentmosed be the Crystallization Point to Gee New5.03-S H20 2) By boiling, 5) witty NooH Enacn + 4S 7 Nassa03 + Daans + 3H20 S —> Najsi0, + 2NarS¢ + BHD GNaoH + NZ excess 3) By heating Narss in ol" Qnass +302 ——7 QNa,03 + 6S of nas hy SOD 4) Reaction 4350. 7 2NA1S103, QNaiS +5 Ss) SPring’ $ Atacton Naz -+ NarS0g + F2 —7 Nars203 + ONAX G) BY Passing So. through the Solution Of Nazt03 containing ‘sg? Noi, * So, 7 Norse, + Oy Niayso,+ S$ —% Neaas03, PhySicat PHopectes: 2 Xega colouness Crystauine, efflosiesent Substance: + FES highty Scuutein water, + Kf-fdms SaperSarcrared Solution Chemicas Prepedies = ——< ay feten Sf bset Hypo loses Ot ane cxavert motecubss OF Coa of | Crystallization Haak ik Arcomposes cchin htoed bo about POBK: @ur on heating Ahoe into Narsoy and NarSs 4 Nass03 ——> Bnarsou+ Nass witty dil, a6 2) Reaction Her oA dil Hp Sq hypo decomposes evoiing $0295 wily dil ond -fonming coltoidar °S* wors03 + 2Het Ty 2Nact + S0,+ S + 120 3) Reaction cuibhy -A3NO3* Hypo! aS narsi0, + 2AgNO, —7 Asisi0,|-+ 2Nanioz cohite 4 Wo ——y Aust + Hif0u, come. hush! b) ene byte? narso, + 2Agues —> Aarsrogir Pearles conte BuarS, 1510, + Adi20; —7 20a; {A9(503)2] 4) Reaction wity Silvet halides + Agel, Ager, Agi which one insolurte IN Carer Atssone in Ane Presence of hypo duc tv the -fdmation ef compiex Agar + 2Navs03 ——7 nag ( “s(603). [+ wasy mus Macon & UHLUged in Photogfophy fon Fixing On developing Photogiaphic Films « anc black and cchike Photogiophic reas axe coated cxity FOBT — Arter taxing “he Photogiaph the Unsweacred rgey on HE photogtaphic Fim & stemoved by Washing ity hypo. 5) Reason sh hasenens 3} Natsu Ker, oxidise hypo to Narsouw an pemoving Excess Cl & argo coed os ‘antenlor’ — cle in certain indsuriot amis Hcaction & used Processess) Hemet hypo niarg03 4 Cle + HLO > Nasoy + $+ FH vp + Stho— DNallsou ina Similan wry + BHU warsio, + AG Br, atso pats vith hyPO 2es hyPo qurantitarively bo Sodium tettathionast. 7 xX, onidi 205203 + yn Narsuo, 2MAE crs Heaction & used in volururydc analysis for Todimarnit estimasion of Sevesou Substances. 6) Reosrion wit Feelg*- a) Fetus ff feds Qrectg + BNars0, —7 Fez (S203), + Gnact Maat Resa Qkeclg + WNASO, - Oc, + Narsu0g + Del act. +) Reagtion quilty CuSO * Fost cupre-thiosuphaye fdmaed. This gees Mederced bo cuprusthioswphase and then Aissones In excess of hypo dete to the Simon of aeomplers CuLSOy -F Nors203 ——P CHS2Og “F NaasOu Qcusyo, + Naso, ——7 cur$203 + NASUOL 4 2NaxS.03. ——7 nau [ay G03)s | Bcurs203 >) Reaction sy PUSS™ Foe Aucls by Hedueed Fo Auct. due bo the fdmation of @ compet an excess of hyPo uct Aissolves Aud + 2nayh03 7 peucl + NazSuog ANAM pu PNALOZ 7 naal Ats23 > | 4oNack. a) Reastion witty “Co? Ba? chidrides'. Reowtion Om a4 DNALt 4 Na,S203 —7 CaSO. Bas,03)-+ rat eohtve Prt Cady _ posta + NArS03 uses of yPo° — As an anticniés = As a fixing agent (0 Photogiaphy - oy Fen estimation OF FL on Ane eAtraction of Auk Ag- = As an antiseptic medicines.

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