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Q1: How can we destroy a PHP session:?

a startD()

b sessionDestroy()

c destroy_session()

d session_destroy()

e destroySession()

f session()

Q2: What do you mean by “Rolling Update”??

a Rolling updates helps the user to replace an existing replica controller to newer

The correct Answer is: None

c Rolling updates helps the user to replace the node pool to a newer one

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q3: Docker containers and images are included in Plesk Backup and migrated by Plesk

The correct Answer is: None

b True

c False

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q4: The command DROP SCHEMA `STUDENTS`; will delete the students database.?
a True

b False

c None

d None

e None

f None

Q5: How to upload a docker image with the image name mentioned in the command to
Docker Hub.?

The correct Answer is: None

b $ docker push geekflare/httpd_image

c $ docker put geekflare/httpd_image

The correct Answer is: None

e $ docker upload geekflare/httpd_image

The correct Answer is: None

Q6: There are ____ different heading tags in HTML?


b None

c None




Q7: ________is an open-source project built to simplify and streamline using Docker on a Mac
or Windows.?
a Docker Universal Control Plane

The correct Answer is: None

c Docker Compose

d Docker Kitematic

e Docker Cloud

The correct Answer is: None

Q8: How can you make a numbered list??

a None

b <dl>

c None

d <ul>

e <list>

f <ol>

Q9: Which of the following command can give documentation of a command??

a show

b man

c doc

d info

e help

f None

Q10: What does vlink attribute mean??

a visited link

b active link
c None

d None

e virtual link

f very good link

Q11: Which of the following function returns a text in title case from a variable??

a None

b ucwords($var)

c toupper($var)

d None

e .ucword($var)

f .upper($var)

Q12: How do you create a cookie in PHP??

a setcookie()

b None

c makecookie()

d getcookie()

e createcookie

f None

Q13: What are the disadvantages of WordPress??

a Modifying images and tables is difficult.

b Use of multiple plugins can make the website heavy to load and slow

c All of the mentioned.

d None
e Only utilizes PHP

f None

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