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Information technology solutions

Derchon – Spinward Marches

Extract from the Imperial Archives;

Hex Name UWP Remarks {Ix} (Ex) [Cx] N B Z PBG W A Stellar

1721 Arba C200200-C Lo Va 00 (510-4) [1217] B 610 11 ImDd M2 V
1727 Wardn B756486-B Ni Ga Pa 01 (834+1) [354A] Bc S 502 7 ImDd K2 V
1728 Olympia C428342-7 Lo -2 (520-5) [1113] B 120 6 ImDd M3 V
I T ’ S A G A ME
1729 Smoug C54078A-9 De He Po Pi 00 (B69+2) [977B] BD 902 7 ImDd M1 V M7 V
Not real life so take it easy and 1822 Rabwhar D5448BA-6 Pa Ph Pi Pz -2 (A75+1) [A678] BcDe S A 313 12 ImDd K5 V
enjoy yourself. 1824 Adabicci A57189B-B He Ph Pi Pz 02 (B7C+4) [AA7D] BDe N A 801 6 ImDd K8 V M8 V
1825 Zaibon B000544-B As Ni Va 01 (945-1) [3639] B 502 9 ImDd M6 III M3 V
1826 Tenalphi A774722-E Ag An Pi 03 (A6E-1) [3A1A] BCD 610 12 ImDd F7 V
1924 Ianic E560697-5 De Ni Ri -2 (852-2) [6455] BC 924 9 ImDd M3 V M7 V
Whatever you want to get out of 1927 Spirelle C766846-8 Ga Ri Pa Ph 00 (G78-1) [7847] BcCe S 715 14 ImDd G7 V
a distraction, a diversion from 2024 Derchon C512799-8 Ic Na Pi -1 (A67+1) [8669] BD S 901 5 ImDd M0 V M7 V

your normal life you can achieve 2124 LUNION A995984-D Hi In Cp 05 (C8H+3) [7E3B] BEF NS 810 11 ImDd G5 V
2125 Shirene B984510-B Ag Ni Pr Da 02 (C46-2) [1716] BcC S A 723 12 ImDd G4 V M1 V M1 V
in a role-playing game. Give it a
2128 Penkwhar D978310-5 Lo Da -3 (520-5) [1111] B A 320 9 ImDd M0 V
2129 Harvosette C430737-9 De Na Po 00 (A69+1) [7759] B 910 11 ImDd M0 V M5 V
2224 Carse C563325-9 Lo -1 (620-3) [1237] B 601 13 ImDd M3 V M6 V

YOU CREATE THE 2228 Persephone B775833-A Pa Ph Pi 03 (E7C+1) [5B27] BcDe W 922 10 ImDd M2 V
2321 Quiru B565300-8 Lo -1 (A20-5) [1213] B 323 9 ImDd M3 V
2322 Gorram X554220-2 Lo Fo -3 (410-5) [1111] R 801 9 ImDd K8 V M6 V
The various books, maps and
2323 Resten B310100-B Lo 01 (401-3) [1216] B S 501 10 ImDd K5 V M8 V
rules create a framework for the 2324 Capon B747748-A Ag Pi 03 (A6C+3) [7A5A] BCD N 610 10 ImDd F9 V
play; I add some colour and 2325 Sharrip C575101-A Lo 00 (600-4) [1116] B 503 16 ImDd K5 V
2327 STROUDEN A745988-D Hi In 04 (D8G+4) [9D5D] BEf N 920 8 ImDd G5 V M4 V
creativity to flesh-out that
2425 Gandr E000347-8 As Lo Va -3 (820-3) [3158] B 803 9 ImDd M1 V
framework and offer some
2426 Drolraw EAB6311-8 Fl Lo -3 (920-5) [1114] B 904 12 ImDd F1 V
options then you decide what
- Starport C
you want to do. Routine quality installation. Only unrefined fuel available. Reasonable repair facilities are present. These ports
are the most common size of port, with between 100 and 10,000 employees, 8,000 in this case. The port sees
regular daily traffic, centred around the medium sized star ships, and dozens of smaller ships per day. Almost
It’s that simple. never does this port see the largest ships as 95% of traffic is to do with transporting resources away and workers
to-and-from their contracts.
- Scout Base.
Moderate size, good technical support, quite extensive administration and communications facilities which rumour
has it house a secretive branch of the Interstellar Scouts system but no firm evidence to support that theory.
- Size 5
Medium, diameter; 8,300 miles. Horizon; 4000m, Standard Gravity (8,000 km, 0.40g - 0.57g) half that of our
Earth, Meso World. About the same size as the Earth.
- Atmosphere 1
Trace elements, Vacuum (0.001-0.09). The atmosphere has a pressure of less than 0.1 atmospheres, which
requires the use of a vacc suit at all times in the open. Unbreathable without aid. Also means external
temperatures are constantly low because of exposure to the cold of space.
- Hydrosphere 2
Dry World, surface water %; 6 – 12. It is a relatively dry environment.
- Spectral class
Red star, low luminosity.
- No asteroid belt so little in-system traffic to and from any other working areas of the solar system.
- Gas giant in orbit between planets 4 and 5. Massive, Jupiter-like violent-atmosphered giant.
- Worlds 5. See separate data files.
The Lunion Subsector

- Population 7
Moderate size. (P0,000,000) = 90 million. Population density is 1.3% that of Earth.
- Government 9
Impersonal Bureaucracy. Government by agencies which are insulated from the governed. Oligarchy / Unitary
State. Various economic charters awarded by Lunion governments to corporate interests all controlled onworld by a
planetary governor and their system of committees and executive advisory boards peopled by hand-picked
specialists, research experts and operational managements. The workers get no say in any of this; fulfil your
contract or step aside for someone who will.
- Law 9
OTHER INFORMATION TO High Law. Prohibited weapons outside home.
You will have a personal ‘Information Age’. 1990 CE. Cell phones, photonics, slow drug. Some industrial, robotic and technical specialities

character sheet describing some are quite advanced but the general level is basic modern world in a very drab and utilitarian style.
- Trade codes and remarks
useful and important aspects of
Ice-capped, non-agricultural, pre-industrial. It’s a resource-extraction world. exploited from elsewhere for benefit.
your player character. They are
- Neglected
apart from government/corporate resource extraction management. No immigration, no residency
permitted. Labour and service contracted population only.
Everything else will come to you - Resource
as you play. Plentiful resources of all mineral and material kinds excluding agricultural or organic. This is a mining-rich world.
- Labour
Minimally effective labour, controlled by contracts and terms of employment only.
- Infrastructure
The only equipment you need as
Reasonable communication, commuting travel and residence technology but no more than necessary for the
a player is two 6-sided dice and
conditions. Poorly maintained. No other infrastructure than needed for mining and extraction workings. Vast areas
your creativity. covered only by bots searching for more resource sites. Population centres all habitat-controlled against vacuum;
little leisure-time so no sports, games, recreations outdoors. Widely spaced habitation, massive bare, wilderness
REFERENCE CARDS areas in between. The only interest there might be geological as there has been little or no archaeological activity at

At each session I will bring along all in the last thousand years.
- Efficiency
a series of ‘Reference Cards’
Economic efficiency is high due to profit-seeking. Limited to nil outside defined sites and population centres.
with information about the skills
- Cultural Heterogeneity
you have, the weapons you
High racial, religious and economic homogeneity. Population reflects sector balances with few exceptions.
begin play with and the statistics - Cultural Acceptance
and use of the various bits of kit, Pretty dour, sour and mean cultural atmosphere on the whole planet. No ‘society’ exists at all outside the immediate
armour, vehicles and items you work unit each person is in where work groupings establish and maintain their individual small team culture

start the sessions with. - Cultural Strangeness

No real strangeness exists outside the normal range within sector society. Major differences would stick out
immediately and be noticed and notified to the administration.
Over time it’s good for you to
- Cultural Symbolism
know what these cards contain
Quite high non-verbal messaging abounds; common language of epithets and phrases which mean definite things.
because it’ll help you play better. Mostly around the work contract and service nature of the popular fixation but leaking out to more common, work-a-
day issues such as food, clothing and equipment which can become distinctively different to home world norms.
- Neutral travel zone so no standard patrols and risky to anyone if they meet something in-system. No
help immediately available.
- Domain of Deneb, 3rd Empire
- No X-boat route

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