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While it is possible to adventure in any environment using BF Traveller rules, my preference has always been space actions “Thus, itwasnot long before the rules on vace suits were expanded. i The three types of vace suit and the assaciated rules given below are the result. Givitian Standard vacc suits are typified by 20th century Terran ‘models such as the Apollo EVA suit. TL: 7; Cr 10,000, ‘They carry the following: Medium range communicator, lectic torch, emerconcy repair kit, anti-glare visor, numeceus bel B 'oops and pockets for tools and samples, wristwatch, provision for safety lines, distress flare and homing beacon, sensors to de- ‘termine externat atmosphere type if any, and magnetic compass. By Imperial law, a spacecraft must carry vace suits to out, Feaig all crew and high or middle passengers, Those may be in the ship's, bbcker, or where they ara frequently neaded, ‘A Merchant, Pirate, or Bolter character may elect to forego fone ‘ef his rolls for mustering out benefits, receiving instead a CIV STD vace sult. MIL STD gj Military Standard vace suits resembie askintight leotard of elastic, ij porous material, Thus clad, aporson’s own skin acts as his pressure suit, his sweat glands as the temperature control system. TL: 9 ‘Cr 20,000. Equipment is as for the CIV STD, with the following except- fons: No emergency repair kit ca-ried magnetic compass replaced by inertia! locator; and the foilowing additional items are fitted: ‘Telephone jack and cord for communication in radio silence, for piugging into shipboard ait/power supplies to co ‘sorve those in the backpack, systems capable of monitoring the g \voarer's vital signs trom a backpack readout or over @ radio/ smputer ‘ink, heevy-duty overshovs, geiger counter, and hand @ calculator. ‘A Navy, Marine, or Scout character may elect to forege one roll for mustering out benefits, and receive in lieu a MIL STD By Emergency vace suits carry no equipment other than that re quired to keep the wearer alive for ashort period, They are found Bo, scattered throughout all kinds of starship in strategic locations, Gf where they may be grabbed in an emergency by persons with no ‘ime for stronger measures, General Both CIV STD and MIL STD vace suits have backpacks and hel ;, which are interchangeable in emergencies. These contain ities for the supoly of air, heating/cooling as necessary, and limited amounts of water and emergency rations. Emergency vace suits have only an eir supply, CIV STD or MIL STD vace support their occupants for 16 hours 40 minutes, and Yor up t0 one week provided replacement air tanks are available. Emergency vacc suits can support their occupants for 2 hours % and replacement air tanks are not feasible. Stendard EVA kits are available for CIV STD and MIL STO Suits, consisting of a rocket pack capable of up to 3” of acceler Mf ation, and re-entry shield enabling a safe re-entry at speeds up to 2, Such kits ai@ available at TL G+, costing Cr 5,000. Ships come equipped with three such kits per thousand tons of displace #8 ment: minimum threekits.on a starship and one on enon starship. ms {EF ting ond Donning 5) CIV STD ite mey be purchased offhepeg at any class Aor 8 Starport Thar sze le determined by @ 246 tarow, snd soe # inently stencilled on them, A character may wear such a suit if any one of hi physial erate surance) is the same as the suits size IIL STD suits must be tailor-made for the wearer, a process requiring 68 weeks at a class A starport, during which the chet acter rust be available for weekly fittings. A character must have the same physical characteristics and gender as the owner to don such a suit, Emergency vace suits e2n be worn by anyone. Characters may ‘only wear vace sults designed for their species. To don a vacc suit requires two minutes for a CIV STD; ten ‘minutes for a MIL STD; 16 seconds for an emergency suit. Ones donned, @ MIL STD suit can be worn minus the helmet and back pack for several days without penalty, during whieh time the helmet and backpack ean be donned in’30 seconds. If caught by AM Surprise by explosive decompression, a character must make a fi roll of 9+ to don a suit before he fallé unconscious. DMs are: -B it'no vace suit skill; + vace suit skill; + dexterity. An unconscious character may be stuffed into an emergoncy suit by a comrade, Using the same theow, Use CIV STD vace suits are bulky and have clumsy gauntlets. if Azhanti High Lightning ot Snapshot are used, they sutfer the ‘movement penalties laid down for vace suits. Further, no des terity bonuses may be claimed by a cheracter in such a wit, and all skills requiring fine manipulation suffer a DIM of -2 on success rolls. Emergency vacc suits impose a DM of -B on such sills, and likewise negate dexterity bonuses, but do not suffer movement BAM penalties. MIL STD suits impose @ skill DM of =1, but no move. page ‘ment penalties or negation of dexterity bonuses Use the Book 1 procedure for avoiding mishaps when in a vace suit, Pbnetures in CIV STD or emergency suits cause lose of pressure; CIV STD vace suits may be temporarily repaired using ‘the emergency 1epair kit by the victim of a comrade, throw as for donning a suit when surprised as above, A character exposed ‘© vacuum loses consciousness after about two minutes, and can not be saved from death after about five minutes. (The referee may care to make these times equal to endurance in combat j rounds and thrice endurance in combat rounds respectively, ‘where @ combat round is 15 seconds.) The wearer of a MIL STO vace suit takes 106 damage if it is punctured (DM: — vace suit skill). On a roll of 144 on 2d, the punetura isa faceplate shatter, leading to death in any kind of suit unless the victim ean be re: pressurised within five minutes inside an ATV, ship, buildingetc, Punctured vacc suits must be replaced, Extended wear of vace suits causes extreme discomfort and fatigue. For each complete 12 hour period that a suit has been worn, impose 2-1 DM on the use of all skills by the wearer. Combat In general, the notes from th presents certain special problems, : CIV STD suits give armour protection equivalentto cloth:em- & fergency and MIL STD suits give no armour protection, but mod. ified versions of most armour can be fitted over MIL STD units, (ee (CES and Battie Dress are not allowed,) Such modified armour is available at T|. 10+ and costs are the same as for normal ermour. ‘An individual hit while in vacuum takes double damage: in REE the Achanti High Lightning system, wounds are increased by Eg fone evel. Thereafter, the puncture rules above apply. Ato, foll 2d6: 11+ indicates a faceplate shatter, followed by a head hit and instant death, Use section apply, but combat Skills ‘Any character from the Navy, Marines, Scouts, Merchant: Pirates, Beiters, Nobles or Scientists is considered to have a iminium skil'of Wace Suit-O for game purposes due to his A training. Vece Suit-0 may be taught in the same way as general “n‘! weapon familiarsation in Mercenary, if the instructor has at least Vace Suit-1 himself. Vace Suit-0 is sufficient for most 5, but not strenvol civ sto Givitian Standard vacc suits are typified by 20th century Terran ‘models such as the Apollo EVA suit. TL: 7; Cr 10,000. They carry the following: Medium range communicator, lectic torch, emerguncy repair kit, anti-glare visor, numorcus belt loops and pockets for tools and samples, wristwatch, provision for safety lines, distress flare and homing beacon, sensors to de- ‘ermine externa! atmosphere type if any, and magnetic compass. EY By Imperist law, a spacecraft must carry vace suits to outfit Gf 2! crew and high or middle passengers. Those may be ini the ship's B locker, or where they ara frequently needed. ‘A Merchant, Pirate, or Belter character may elect to forego fone ‘of his rolls for mustering out benefits, receiving instead 3 CIV STD vace suit Military Standard vace suits resemble askintight leotard of elastic, Porous material, Thus clad, aperson’s own skin acts ashis pressure G suit, his sweat glands as the temperature control system. TL: 9: © cr 20,000. Equipment is as for the CIV STD, with the following except- fe fons: No emergency repair kit ca-ried magnetic compass replaced aleg by inertia! locator; and the following additional Items are fitted: Rag Telephone jack and cord for communication in radio silence, facilities for plugging into shipboard ait/power supplies to con Bile serve those in the backpack, systems capable of monitoring zhe CHIH vvoarcr’s vitai signs trom a backpack readout or over 2 radio omputer fink, heavy-duty overshoes, geiger counter, and hand @ caiculator ‘A Navy, Marine, or Scout character may elect to forege one roll for mustering out benefits, and receive in lieu a MIL STD vace suit, . Emergency vace suits carry no equipment other than that re fed to keep the wearer alive for ashort period, They are found mu Gy scattered throughout all kinds of starship in strategic locations, aff here they may be grabbed n an emergoncy by persons with no ime for stronger measure, Both CIV STD and MIL STD vaov suits have backpacks and hel fete, which ar interchangeable in emergencies, These contain facilities forthe supply of ti, heating/cooling os necacsary, and Vinnited amounts of water and emergency rations, Emorgoncy | vac sults have only an sir supply. CIV STD or MIL STO vace EF suits can support their occupants for 16 hours 40 minutos, and FRE 10: up to ono weok provided replacement air tanks are watlabie Emergency vace sults can support their occupants for 2 hours and replacement sir tanks are not feasible Stendard EVA kits ae avallabie for CIV STD and MIL STD SUH, Consisting of a rocket pack capable of up to 3” of seceler. ation, and re-entry shield enabling a safe reentry et speeds up to 2", Sach kits a@ avsiabio at TL 84, costing Cr 6000: Shibe core eauipned with thee such kits per thousand tons of deploce ment: minimutn three kitsonastarship and one on onion starship. CIV STO suits may be purchased off-the-peg at any class A or B starport, Their size is determined by @ 246 throw, and is prom. inently stencilled on them. A character may wear such a suit if * any one of his physicat characteristis (strength, dexterity or en- OF a ‘Gurence) isthe same as the suit's size IL STD suits must be tailor-made for the wearer, a process requiring 6-8 weeks ata class A starport, during which the chat acter must be availabie for weekly fittings. A character must have the same physical characteristics and gender as the owner to don such a suit. Emergency vace suits ean be worn by anyone. Characters may only wear vace suits designed for their species, To don a vacc suit requires two minutes for a CIV STD; ten ‘minutes for a MIL STD; 16 seconds for an emergency suit. One® donned, a MIL STD suit can be worn minus the helms: and back ack for several days without penalty, during whieh time the helmet and backpack can be donned in’30 seconds. If caught by Surprise by explosive decompression, a character must make a fi roll of 9+ to don a suit before he fallé unconscious. DMs ate: -B if'no vace suit skill; + vace suit skill; + dexterity. An unconscious character may be stuffed into an emergency suit By a comnrede, Using the same throw, Use CIV STD vace suits are bulky and have clumsy gauntlets. if Azhanti High Lightning or Snapshot are used, they sutfer the movement penalties laid down for vace suits. Further, no des terity bonuses may be claimed by a character in such a sit, and all skills requiring fine manipulation suffer a DM of -2.0n success, ‘lls. Emergency vace suits impose a DM of -5 on such skills, and likewise negate dexterity bonuses, but do not suffer movement penalties. MIL STO suits impose a skill DM of -1, but no move. ‘ment penalties or negation of dexterity bonuses Use the Bock 1 procedure for avoiding mishapswhen in a vece suit, Pbnetures in CIV STD or emergency suits cause loss of pressure; CIV STD vace suits may be temporarily repaired using the emergency 1epair kit by the victim of a cortrace, throw as for donning a suit when surprised as above, A character exposed to vacuum loses consciousness after about two minutes, and can. ‘ot be saved from death after about five minutes. (The referee may care to make these times equal to endurance in combat rounds and thrice endurance in combat rounds respectively, ‘where @ combat round is 15 seconds.) The wearer of a MILSTO, vace suit takes 146 damage if itis punctured (DM: — vace suit f skill). On a roll of 144 on 246, the punetura isa faceplate shatter, leading to death in any kind of suit unless the victim can be re Dressurised within five minutes inside an ATV, ship, building etc Punctured vac suits must be replaced, Extended wear of vace suits causes extreme discomfort and fatigue. For each complete 12 hour period that a suit has been worn, impose 2-1 DM on the use of ail skills by the wearer. Combat In general, the notes from the Use section apply, but combat presents certain special problems. CIV STD suits give armour protection equivalentto cloth;em- ergency and MIL STD suits give no armour protection, but mod- ified versions of most armour can be fitted over MIL STD units. (CES and Battie Dress are not sllowed.) Such modified armour is available at T! 10+ and costs are the same as for normal armour. ‘An individual hit while in vacuum takes double demage; in the Azhanti High Lightning system, wounds are increased by fone level. Thereafter, the puncture rules above apply. Also, I 2d6: 11+ indicates a facaplate shatter, followed by a head ff hit and instant death, ‘Stills ‘Any character from the Navy, Marines, Scouts, Merchants, & Pirates, Belters, Nobles or Scientists is considered to hove a go minimum skill of Vace Suit-O for game purposes due to sf training, Vace Suit- may be taught in the same way as general “r weapon familigrisation in Mercenary, it the instructor hes at #2) least Vace Suit-1 himself, Vace Suit-0 is sufficient for most 't everyday activities, but not stren.

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