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11/20/23, 2:06 PM Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology Mail - Request for Permission to Visit Christ Church College

ollege for Architectura…


Request for Permission to Visit Christ Church College for Architectural Case
1 message

58 PURAB PATEL <> Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 2:03 PM


Purab Patel
Group Leader
Sarvajnik College of Engineering and Technology (SCET) Surat

Mr. R. K. Chattree
Christ Church College

Dear Mr. R. K. Chattree ,

I trust this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to seek your permission for a group of 10 students from
Sarvajnik College of Engineering and Technology (SCET) Surat to visit Christ Church College for an architectural case
study. Our proposed visit is scheduled from December 3rd, 2023, to December 6th, 2023.

The purpose of this visit is to provide our students with a comprehensive understanding of architectural design
principles, and we believe that Christ Church College's distinguished architectural features will serve as an excellent
case study for our students. Exploring your institution's architectural design will significantly contribute to their
academic and professional development, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

We are committed to conducting the visit with the utmost respect for your institution's regulations and guidelines. Our
students will be mindful of any protocols established by your administration to ensure a seamless and educational

Understanding the importance of academic schedules and the need for planning, we assure you that we will
coordinate with your staff to minimize any disruption during our visit. We are open to adjusting our schedule to
accommodate any preferences or requirements set by Christ Church College.

We believe that this opportunity will greatly enhance our students' understanding of architecture, fostering a deeper
appreciation for the field. We kindly request your formal approval for this visit, and we are available for any
discussions or meetings to address any concerns you may have.

We eagerly await your response and appreciate your time and consideration in this matter. If you require any
additional information or have specific instructions for our visit, please do not hesitate to contact me at .

Thank you for your cooperation.


Purab Patel
Group Leader
Sarvajnik College of Engineering and Technology (SCET) Surat… 1/1

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