Winter 2018

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Winter 2018, Volume 13, Number 3

The Esoteric Quarterly

An independent publication dedicated to the trans-disciplinary
investigation of the esoteric spiritual tradition.

Esoteric philosophy and its applications

to individual and group service and
the expansion of human consciousness.

Washington, D.C., USA.
The Esoteric Quarterly
The Esoteric Quarterly is an online, peer-reviewed, international journal, published
by The Esoteric Quarterly Inc., a non-profit corporation based in Washington, D.C.
It is registered as an online journal with the National Serials Data Program of the
Library of Congress. International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 1551-3874.
Further information about The Esoteric Quarterly, including
guidelines for the submission of articles and review procedures,
can be found at All corres-
pondence should be addressed to

Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief: Donna M. Brown (United States)
Editor Emeritus: John F. Nash (United States)

Alison Deadman (United States)

José Becerra (United States & Puerto Rico)
Celeste Jamerson (United States)
Vijay Srinath Kanchi (India)
Katherine O'Brien (New Zealand)
Miguel Malagreca (Italy)
James Moffatt (Canada)
Irina Kuzminsky (Australia)

Facebook Administrator
Miguel Malagreca (Italy)

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

All rights reserved.
Copies of the complete journal or articles contained therein may be made for
personal use on condition that copyright statements are included. Commercial use
or redistribution without the permission of The Esoteric Quarterly is strictly
prohibited. Note that the copyright for volumes 1 thru 8, remain with the School for
Esoteric Studies.
Winter 2018

The Esoteric Quarterly

Volume 13, Number 3. Winter 2018

Editorial 4
Publication Policies 5
Poems of the Quarter 6
“Did I Ask God,” “Salva me – a Sufi Song,” and “Permeability,” by Irina Kuzminsky
Pictures of the Quarter 7
“When Winter Comes,” “Snow Queen” and “Winter Faire,” by Alla Tsnak
Quotes of the Quarter 10
Advertising 13
A Study of Gender, Part II: The Evolution of Human Gender, by John F. Nash 17
The Threefold Rulership System in Esoteric Astrology, by Maureen Temple Richmond 53
The Epistle to the Hebrews: Steps of Building the Antahkarana, by Zachary F. Lansdowne 73
Alice A. Bailey (1880–1949), Twentieth-Century Sirian Channel, by Maureen Temple
Richmond 99

The mission of the Esoteric Quarterly is to provide a forum for the exploration of esoteric
philosophy and its applications. Full-length articles and student papers are solicited pertaining to
both eastern and western esoteric traditions. We also encourage feedback from readers. Comments
of general interest will be published as Letters to the Editor. All communications should be sent to:

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly. 3

The Esoteric Quarterly

The Evolution of Form and Consciousness

A ccording to the Tibetan Master Djhwal

Khul, and his amanuensis, Alice A.
Bailey, “the evolutionary process can be
of astrological interpretation. The article, from
Maureen Temple Richmond, explores the
multiple rulership system, a threefold system
considered from the two aspects of the of exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical rulership
evolution of form and the evolution of that corresponds respectively to the triplicity of
consciousness; evolution, or the utilisation of personality, soul and Monad. The article
the form by the subjective life, its gradual begins with a brief history of rulerships in
perfecting, and the final liberating of the traditional astrology from Mesopotamia to the
imprisoned life.” present and contrasts it with the Tibetan
Master Djwhal Khul’s newer system as given
From the above we can see that esotericism is
to Alice A. Bailey in Esoteric Astrology.
concerned with the evolution of life through
Richmond then proceeds to demonstrate how
consciousness in form. This is because
the triple rulership system allows for deeper
consciousness not only changes one’s
astrological exploration and interpretation
perception of reality; it actually creates and
because “it reveals hitherto unsuspected
changes reality itself. These ideas and more
relationships between the signs,” relationships
are the major themes in the current issue.
that reveal something of the evolutionary
Our first article is the second in a series of history in terms of consciousness, “not only of
articles on “Gender” by John Nash. Part One the individual soul but also of the entire
explored the complex meaning and collective of the Human Kingdom.”
significance of gender at human, intermediate
Our final full-length article, from Zachary
and higher levels of reality, and challenged the
Lansdowne, compares excerpts from the
classification of sex and gender into two
Epistle to the Hebrews with instructions from
distinct and opposite forms. Part Two focuses
the books of Alice A. Bailey on building the
on the evolution of human gender and sex, and
Antahkarana. The article, inspired by
the accompanying change in forms and
comments from Bailey enjoining students to
consciousness. The article explores the shifting
read the epistle “and note how it endeavoured
role of women in society and the convergence
to reveal some facts, inherent in the will or
of gender roles. Past, present and future
power aspect,” seeks to show how the epistle
attitudes with respect to sex and sexual
exemplifies the three prerequisites and six
relationships are examined, along with the
steps of building the bridge between the soul-
blurred lines and changing face of gender
infused personality and the Spiritual Triad. The
identity. In the concluding section, Nash
article begins with a discussion of the epistle’s
employs alchemical symbolism as a model to
Pauline authorship. It includes a section on the
explain a possible synthesis of male and
Causal Body and its incorporation into
female, leading to what he envisions as a
writings of Paul as well as a section on the
Group Androgyne or “a global thoughtform,
Antahkarana and the steps described by Bailey
with multiple manifestations in groups where
for its building. The remaining core of the
gender interactions can exert their trans-
article provides a detailed analysis of the
formative power.”
correlations between the epistle and Bailey’s
A second article on Esoteric Astrology instructions—correlations that are only now
addresses the evolution of the multi- open to realization by a more advanced
dimensional soul as well as the evolving nature humanity.

4 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

This issue also includes a short paper from to all who have helped to make our nearly 14
Maureen Temple Richmond. The article: years of publication possible.
“Alice A. Bailey: A Twentieth Century Sirian
Donna Brown
Chanel” is part of an occasional series on the
Great Esotericists of the Past. The paper
introduces Bailey and the Tibetan Master Publication Policies
Dhwal Khul to new readers, but also provides
information that some Bailey students may not
be familiar with. A rticles are selected for publication in the
Esoteric Quarterly because we believe
they represent a sincere search for truth,
In addition to the above features, we draw your support the service mission to which we aspire,
attention to our Poems and Pictures of the and/or contribute to the expansion of human
Quarter. The poems in this issue are from Into consciousness.
the Silence by Irina Kuzminsky, whose poems
and written work were featured in the Publication of an article does not necessarily
Quarterly’s Fall 2013 and Winter 2016 issues. imply that the Editorial Board agrees with the
Irina is a poet, singer, songwriter, dancer and views expressed. Nor do we have the means to
performance artist with a doctorate from verify all facts stated in published articles.
Oxford. Her integral and transformative poems We encourage critical thinking and analysis
spring from the universal nexus of spiritual life from a wide range of perspectives and
and speak to the Soul’s yearning to return to its traditions. We discourage dogmatism or any
spiritual source. Other poetry publications view that characterizes any tradition as having
include Dancing with the Dark Goddess, Light greater truth than a competing system.
Muses, and Contemplations of the Feminine
Neither will we allow our journal to be used as
Divine. For further information on Irina’s
a platform for attacks on individuals, groups,
entire body of work, visit:
institutions, or nations. This policy applies to
articles and features as well as to letters to the
The three paintings in this issue—all reflecting editor. In turn, we understand that the author of
Winter themes—are from the internationally an article may not necessarily agree with the
recognized artist, Alla Tsank. Born in views, attitudes, or values expressed by a
Moscow, Alla began studying art at the age of referenced source. Indeed, serious scholarship
10. After graduating from the Moscow sometimes requires reference to work that an
Theatrical Arts College, she was invited to author finds abhorrent. We will not reject an
work for the acclaimed Mayakovsky Theatre article for publication simply on the grounds
where she directed stage design, costumes and that it contains a reference to an objectionable
props. In 1990 she immigrated to the US where source.
she continued her artistic career. The three
An issue of concern in all online journals is
lyrical and evocative paintings featured here
potential volatility of content. Conceivably,
reflect both Renaissance and contemporary
articles could be modified after the publication
aesthetics. Additional information and images
date because authors changed their minds
are available at: and
about what had been written. Accordingly, we
wish to make our policy clear: We reserve the
right to correct minor typographical errors, but
We also draw your attention to our Quotes of we will not make any substantive alteration to
the Quarter, which we hope will inform and an article after it “goes to press.”
inspire and our readers. Additionally, we expect authors to disclose any
Finally, we thank our reviewers, our prior publication of an article, adapted from a
contributors, our readers, and our donors for book or any another source, at the time of its
their support of the Quarterly. We are indebted submission.

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly. 5

The Esoteric Quarterly

Poems of the Quarter by Irina Kuzminsky


Did I Ask God

To throw me on to the anvil
And hammer me repeatedly
Upon the block
And forge me
Thrusting me
Seventy times seventy
Into the fire?

Salva me – a Sufi Song

You have stripped me till I am poor
How will I now scatter rubies and pearls in the
marketplace under others’ feet?
You who have taken everything from me
Of what All is this All the price?
I struggle still against the closing waters of the sea
Loath to abandon breath
You are so distant from me my Beloved
My heart sinks in distraction
Cannot bear your absence.
Shatter the black pearl of my heart
Shatter the wine glass
For it is empty and of no use.
I pay the price of All
For No Thing that I know.

I have grown transparent to sorrow
And permeable to pain
A little more—and it will pass right through me
And I will grow
Into the emptiness of joy.

6 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018

Winter 2018

Pictures of the Quarter by Alla Tsank

When Winter Comes | by Alla Tsank |

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly. 7

The Esoteric Quarterly

Snow Queen | by Alla Tsank |

8 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

Winter Faire | by Alla Tsank |

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly. 9

The Esoteric Quarterly

Quotes of the Quarter


I have come to the frightening conclusion

that I am the decisive element. It is my
personal approach that creates climate. It is my
of the wise, the good, the active, the loving,
and the dear; the place of opportunity for the
development by means of sin and suffering and
daily mood that makes weather. I possess sorrow, of the noblest passions, the loftiest
tremendous power to make life miserable or virtues, and the tenderest sympathies.
joyous. I can be a tool for torture or an Albert Pike, Morals And Dogma (1897,
instrument for inspiration. I can humiliate or reprint; London: Forgotten Books, 2008), 139.
humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my

response that decided whether a crisis is
ntelligence has no attachment to the opinion
escalated or de-escalated, and a person is
formed, but only to the truth it may contain;
humanized or de-humanized. If we treat people
and, knowing that error insinuates itself under
the way they are, we make them worse. If we
the guise of truth, through the same inlets by
treat people as they ought to be, we help them
which truth is admitted, it is ever diffident of
become what they are capable of becoming.
its attainments, and blesses the detector of
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Wilhelm errors as a benefactor and a friend.
Meister’s Apprentice, 1795-96.
Mary Wortley Montagu, Selected Prose and
Poetry (University of Oregon, 1996).

T oday we may not believe in an earthly

paradise or a Garden of Eden, but the
yearning for something different from the
flawed present persists. There is an innate
A ffliction comes to all not to make us sad,
but sober; not to make us sorry, but wise;
not to make us despondent, but its darkness to
conviction that life was not meant to be like
refresh us, as the night refreshes the day; not to
this… We are haunted by a sense of more
impoverish, but to enrich us, as the plow
perfect relationships and imagine a world of
enriches the field to multiply our joy, as the
harmony and wholeness, where we would feel
seed, by planting, is multiplied a thousand-
completely in tune with our surroundings...
This longing for an inaccessible paradise that
remains irretrievably lost surfaces today in Henry Ward Beecher, as quoted in A Treasury
popular songs, in fiction, and in the utopian of Spiritual Wisdom (San Diego, CA: Blue
fantasies of philosophers, politicians, and Dove Press, 1996), 10.
Karen Armstrong. Jerusalem (New York:
Random House 1996, pp. 10-11.) T he way to escape death is to escape life. …
This, then, is the Rainbow—the bridge,
which the artist throws over the yawning of

reality. … He works out, in his art, the unreal
he law of our being is Love of Life, and its
triumph—since it is neither a triumph over life
interests and adornments; love of the
nor over death. It is a triumph over an
world in which our lot is cast, engrossment
imaginary world which he himself has created.
with the interests and affections of earth. Not a
The drama lies entirely in the realm of the
low or sensual love; not love of wealth, of
idea. His war with reality is a reflection of the
fame, of ease, of power, of splendor. Not low
war within himself.
worldliness; but the love of Earth as the garden
on which the Creator has lavished such In order to accomplish his purpose, however,
miracles of beauty; as the habitation of the artist is obliged to retire, to withdraw from
humanity, the arena of its conflicts, the scene life, utilizing just enough of experience to
of its illimitable progress, the dwelling-place present the flavor of the real struggle. If he

10 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

chooses to live he defeats his own nature. He discovered by science, but its theory that God,
must live vicariously. Thus he is enabled to having made a perfect being who fell away by
play the monstrous role of living and dying sin, came and died in order to restore man to
innumerable times, according to the measure his former condition. There is a partial truth in
of his capacity for life. this. But the larger one is that God in spite of
man’s sinfulness came to forgive and lift him
Henry Miller, “Creative Death,” The Wisdom
up to a higher state of union and life in
of the Heart (New York: New Directions
Himself than he had had before. In the
Publishing, 1960), 7.
Incarnate One creation advances to its
T here can be no temple but the world itself,
which is the Everlasting House and the
living sanctuary. Until such time as this
Charles C. Grafton, A Journey Godward
(Charleston, SC: Nabu Press, 2012), 183-184.
mystery is completely known in the soul, we
increase in grace by broadening the foundation
of faith. To the mechanist, the universe is a
machine; to the vitalist, a magnificent living
M ake a journey out of self into self, O
master, For by such a journey earth
becomes a quarry of gold. From sourness and
organism; to the idealist, the manifestation of bitterness advance to sweetness, Even as from
the universal mind; and to the mystic, the briny soil a thousand sorts of fruits spring up.
eternal sanctuary. From the sun, the pride of Tabriz, behold these
miracles, For every tree gains beauty by the
Manly P. Hall, The Mystical Christ (Los
light of the sun.
Angeles: Philosophical Research Society,
1951), 103. Rumi, Mathnawf (trans. R.A. Nicholson, Vol.
II; reprint 1926; London: Gibb Memorial

T he term Metatron includes . . . such

meanings as guardian, Lord, envoy,
Trust, 2001), 111.

meditator . . . ; he is the “Angel of the Face”

and also “Prince of the World” (Sār ha-olam);
he is the “author of theophanies, of divine
T he world is a movement of God in His
own being; we are the centres and knots of
divine consciousness which sum up and
manifestations in the sensible world. . . . We support the processes of His movement. The
will readily admit that he is the “Celestial world is His play with His own self-conscious
Pole”; and since this has its reflection in the delight, He who alone exists, infinite, free and
“Terrestrial Pole” with which it is directly perfect; we are the self-multiplication of that
related along the “World Axis,” is this not the conscious delight, thrown out into being to be
reason why it is said that Metatron himself was His playmates. The world is a formula, a
Moses’ teacher. rhythm, a symbol expressing God to Himself
in His own consciousness—it has no material
René Guénon, Traditional Forms & Cosmic
existence but exists only in His consciousness
Cycles (Hillsdale, NY: Sophia Perennis, 2001),
and self-expression; we like God, are in our
inward being That which is expressed, but in
our outward being terms that of formula, notes
T o deny what is called the Darwinian theory
of the evolutionary process is as unwise as
to deny the truth of the world’s orbit round the
of that rhythm, symbols of that system. Let us
lead forward God’s movement, play out His
play, work out His formula, execute His
sun. The discovery of the law of progress in harmony, express Him through our selves in
the natural world is in favour of the doctrine of His system. This is our joy and our self-
the progressive development of man in and fulfillment.
through the Incarnate Lord into a final union
with God which secures sinlessness and eternal Sri Aurobindo, The Hour of God (Pondicherry,
life. The grand mistake of Rome is not only its India: All India Press, 1973), 19.
denial of the truth revealed in nature and

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly. 11

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12 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

The Esoteric Quarterly has secured a coupon from Forgotten
Books giving you access to 700,000 books online!

Forgotten Books is a gigantic and growing online library, with 786,733 different
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Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly. 13

The Esoteric Quarterly

Unveiling Genesis:
Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles
By Phillip Lindsay
Unveiling Genesis probes the mysteries
of human civilization, its origin in
ancient Lemuria, and ebb and flow in
the rootraces like Atlantis, through to
the current Fifth Rootrace and into the
It is essentially the story of the human
soul and the evolution of
consciousness, interpreted in the light
of Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine, and
The Book of Genesis, drawing upon
Eastern and Western traditions –
Judaic and Hindu, Christian and
The science of cycles, the yugas, astrology and the seven rays are
incorporated to illustrate the vast chronology of human evolution.
These esoteric sciences are also bridged where possible to scientific
disciplines such as geology, anthropology and biology – revealing their
agreement, proofs and unity.
Unveiling Genesis was coincidentally released in 2017 with the The Hidden History of
Humanity video, (2 hrs. 37’) - and makes an excellent companion volume for greater
depth and detail. This book is a vastly updated and re-written version of The Hidden
History of Humanity (2005), with 143 figures, 108 tables and hundreds of illustrations
to assist the reader in deciphering our complex human origins.

641 pages. (8.25″ x 9.5″) ISBN 978-1-876849-15-3.

US$60.00 Available at: Amazon
Also at the author’s website:

14 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

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Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly. 15

Winter 2018

A Study of Gender, Part II: The Evolution of Human

John F. Nash

When you make the two one ... and when you make the male and the female into a single one,
so that the male is not male and the female not female ... then shall you enter [the kingdom].
(Gospel of Thomas, saying 22.)

Summary Gender, pertaining to our emotional and higher

natures, is even less well-defined. It is imper-

T his two-part article examines the esoteric

aspects of gender. Part I explored the
“cross-sectional” dimension of gender, includ-
fectly correlated with biological sex, and the
correlation has become progressively weaker.
The approach adopted in Part I was to treat
ing its expression in the human context and the gender as a set of archetypal polarities. But it
legitimacy of applying the term to higher lev- was stressed that each pair of opposites brack-
els of reality. Part II explores the “longitudinal ets a spectrum of possibilities. People exhibit
dimension” of human sex and gender. We are the characteristics associated with their own
passing through a period of rapid change, sex to various degrees, and may also exhibit
marked by the empowerment of women and some characteristics of the opposite sex. In
new perspectives on intersexuality, transsexu- Jungian psychology gender crossover is ex-
ality and homosexuality. Gender and even sex- plained by the animus and anima, believed to
ual distinctions are becoming blurred, suggest- lie in the individual’s unconscious mind as
ing that humanity might be moving toward a well as in the collective unconscious.2
state of individual—even reproductive—
Part I noted that broad support exists within
androgyny. But more likely, and ultimately
the esoteric community, as well as across mul-
more consequential, is the emergence of a
tiple world religions, for the belief that Deity
Group Androgyne in which creative tension
manifests in both feminine and masculine
between gender polarities provides the impulse
forms. In particular, increasing attention is be-
for a transformation in human consciousness.
ing paid to the World Mother. Interestingly,
Introduction esotericists seem more receptive to notions of
divine gender than to suggestions that gender

P art I of this article1 showed that gender and

sex, its lower correspondence or manifes-
tation on the physical plane, are complex top-
exists within the Planetary Hierarchy or in
ics. Binary sexual categories have proved in- About the Author
adequate to describe the physical attributes,
John F. Nash, Ph.D., is a long-time esoteric stu-
instincts and behaviors of all individuals. A
dent, author, and teacher. Two of his books, Quest
small but significant fraction of infants are for the Soul and The Soul and Its Destiny, were
sexually ambiguous. Another small but signifi- reviewed in the Winter 2005 issue of the Esoteric
cant fraction of children and adults reject the Quarterly. Christianity: The One, the Many, was
assignment made in infanthood and seek ways reviewed in the Fall 2008 issue. His latest book:
to express their “true” sexual identity. A larger The Sacramental Church was published in 2011.
minority of adults accept their sexual identity For further information see the advertisements in
but experience erotic attraction to members of this issue and the website
their own sex.

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 17

The Esoteric Quarterly

their own souls and monads. But an important into the Aquarian Age, toward emergence of
key to identifying gender at those levels is ray the sixth subrace, and eventually to the sixth
influence: the odd-numbered rays have mascu- and seventh root races. Will the trends in sex
line characteristics, and the even-numbered and gender observed in recent decades contin-
rays feminine ones. ue, or might they even be reversed? Do the
Part II has two main objectives. One is to ex- challenges to long-standing assumptions about
amine the changes taking place around us. In men and women, and trends in sex and gender
the West we are witnessing rapid develop- themselves, mean that humanity is entering a
ments in sexual behavior, in our understanding new phase of evolution; or do they amount to a
of sex and gender, and in societal attitudes to reckless disregard for immutable laws of na-
both. The empowerment of women is changing ture?
western civilization. While full equality has yet Does a new gender syndrome lie on the hori-
to be attained, women have gained access to zon? One possible scenario is the approach to
many traditionally male roles. Corresponding- some form of androgyny. Although traditional-
ly, men have opportunities and approval to ly assigned gender roles are becoming blurred,
play traditionally female roles. Meanwhile, reproductive androgyny seems unlikely to oc-
sex, marriage and childbearing have become cur on a global scale until the seventh root
less closely interrelated. Same-sex unions are race, by which time we shall no longer have
gaining legal, social, and even religious ac- dense physical bodies. On a shorter timescale,
ceptance. The intersex phenomenon and sexual androgyny could manifest on a group level and
dysphoria are more widely recognized, and involve gender rather than sex. The concept of
gender reassignment therapies are becoming the Group Androgyne will be introduced in the
more accessible. final section.
Part II will also confront issues of social desir- As noted in Part I, the article is written primar-
ability and morality—recognizing that the lat- ily from a western, Judeo-Christian perspec-
ter can be defined in different ways. The tive. Occasionally it draws upon concepts from
changes currently in process are winning ap- other religions and philosophies, but the article
plause from some quarters and strong disap- does not comment on the gender norms of oth-
proval from others. Some men fear an ap- er cultures. Authors with more extensive
proaching matriarchy in which they will play knowledge are encouraged to explore those
no useful role. Some religious bodies do not important issues and to share their insights
recognize female clergy. Homosexuality is with the esoteric community.
condemned in many Third World countries
and by conservative groups in the developed Patterns in Gender
countries. It is also condemned in influential
esoteric writings, causing confusion and dis-
tress among many esotericists. Transsexuality
G od, according to Chapter 1 of Genesis,
“created man in his own image ... male
and female created he them.”3 Then came the
is viewed in a variety of ways by all constitu-
Fall; Eve sinned and persuaded Adam also to
sin, whereupon God cursed them both. Adam
We must assume that the Intelligences who was condemned to endless toil: “[C]ursed is
guide the human race are aware of the devel- the ground for thy sake .... In the sweat of thy
opments taking place. Do the Masters, to the face shalt thou eat bread.”4 Eve was doubly
extent that we can discern such matters, op- cursed: to endure labor pains and to be subor-
pose those developments, regard them as toler- dinate to her husband: “[I]n sorrow thou shalt
able within the framework of divine Purpose, bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to
or support them? Did the Masters actually set thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”5
them in motion?
Women’s subservient role was reinforced in
The second objective of Part II is to inquire Greco-Roman and early Christian texts. Ac-
where these trends may take us as we progress cording to Aristotle: “the male is by nature

18 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

superior and the female inferior, the male ruler As daughters of Eve, women were blamed for
and the female subject.”6 The Apostle Paul the Fall of man; they were eternally cursed—
wrote: “Neither was the man created for the even when men in the ruling classes no longer
woman; but the woman for the man.”7 Women toiled in sorrow and sweat. In the fourth centu-
were denied a public voice: “Let your women ry CE Christian writer Ambroasiaster declared:
keep silence in the churches: for it is not per- “Women must cover their heads because they
mitted unto them to speak; but they are com- are not the image of God. They must do this as
manded to be under obedience as also saith the a sign of their subjection to authority
law. And if they will learn any thing, let them and because sin came into the world through
ask their husbands at home.”8 Women were them.” In his formulation of canon law the
accorded lower status in Christianity than they fourth-century Pauline commentator Ambrosi-
were in the Torah or the Qur’an. aster asserted that women did not have souls;
Until the last several decades, certain cultural twelfth-century Benedictine monk Gratian
assumptions went virtually unchallenged: sex took a similar view.11
is dichotomous, readily distinguishable and Women were the cause of men’s inability to
immutable; men and women have distinct control their sexual appetites. The rule of the
roles; and men are superior to women. Chal- Knights Templar, which typified prevailing
lenges to these assumptions have now resulted attitudes in the Middle Ages, warned: “The
in conflict within and among families, com- company of women is a perilous thing, for
munities, religious denominations, ethnic through them the ancient demon denied us the
groups, and nations. The esoteric community right to live in Paradise ... and we believe it is
has not been immune to its own internal con- dangerous for any religious man to look too
flicts. much at women’s faces.”12 Rape victims still
face severe punishment in some Middle East-
Women’s Roles in Society
ern and South Asian countries. Even in west-
History shows that women occasionally exer- ern courts a woman’s “provocative” clothing
cised great power and influence. Egyptian or “demeanor” may be introduced in a rapist’s
Pharaoh Hatshepsut; Deborah, Judge of pre- defense. On the other hand, women were ex-
monarchic Israel; Celtic Queen Boudicca; Ab- pected to satisfy men’s erotic needs, and con-
bess Hildegard of Bingen; Queen Consort El- sent was not considered necessary. A wife
eanor of Aquitaine; mystic, soldier and martyr could not deny her husband access to her body;
Joan of Arc; Empress Catherine the Great of notions of marital rape were unknown until
Russia; and Queen Victoria of Great Britain very recently.
formed a tiny sample of powerful women
whose exploits were recorded. Many may have Sex between feudal lords and their female
been forgotten—or their stories intentionally serfs, between upper-class males and female
omitted from historical records. servants, and between slave owners and their
female property, was commonplace.13 In the
More commonly women’s place in society was case of slaves the practice provided not only
severely limited. Women were property: un- outlets for the owner’s sex drive but also new
married women of their fathers, married wom- assets. Famously, President Thomas Jefferson
en of their husbands. God placed women in fathered six children by Sally Hemings, a slave
perspective when he told Moses: “Thou shalt in his household.14 The frequency of white-
not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not male/black-female relations led to the acquisi-
covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, tion of European features in a substantial frac-
nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor tion of today’s African-American population.15
any thing that is thy neighbor’s.”9 Among the
riches that attracted the Queen of Sheba to visit Parents valued sons. Sons would carry on the
King Solomon were his “seven hundred wives, family name and might inherit its property;
princesses, and three hundred concubines.”10 they could distinguish themselves in the mili-
tary or a profession, learn a trade, or at least

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 19

The Esoteric Quarterly

work on the farm; they would probably retain elected president of the United States, and
the parents’ religious affiliations and, where twenty-two states have never had a female
permissible, would vote the same way as the governor. At the time of writing, fourteen
father. Daughters, by contrast, were mouths to women serve as elected heads of government,
feed. The hope was that they would “marry including Angela Merkel of Germany, Kersti
well,” though prospects might demand sizable Kaljulaid of Estonia, Michelle Bachelet of
dowries; a dowry was required even if a Chile, Khaleda Zia of Bangladesh, and Tsai
daughter entered a nunnery. Spinster-daughters Ing-wen of Taiwan.17 Election to the highest
remained burdens on their parents and ac- position of government does not guarantee that
quired utility only as help around the home or a woman will serve with distinction; Brazilian
caregivers to aging parents. President Dilma Rousseff was impeached in
2016, and President Park Geun-hye of South
Organized demands for higher social status for
Korea in 2017.
women, legal and voting rights, and access to
leadership positions in society began early in Traditionally women were denied access to
the nineteenth century. The Seneca Falls Con- most occupations outside the home or away
vention in 1848 marked the beginning of the from the farm. Work was thought to impair a
women’s rights movement in the United woman’s childbearing potential. Change came
States. American social activist Elizabeth Cady in wartime, when military service created criti-
Stanton presented her “Declaration of Senti- cal shortages of labor, and it accelerated when
ments,” which included the following resolu- a man’s wages proved inadequate to support a
tion: family. But women typically earn less than
men performing the same work and many still
That, being invested by the Creator with the
complain of a “glass ceiling” thwarting promo-
same capabilities, and the same conscious-
tion to positions of leadership.
ness of responsibility for their exercise, it is
demonstrably the right and duty of woman, Change was particularly slow in the profes-
equally with man, to promote every right- sions. The Boston Female Medical College
eous cause, by every righteous means; and was founded in 1848, and the Women’s Medi-
especially in regard to the great subjects of cal College of Pennsylvania in 1850. British
morals and religion ... and this being a self- esotericist Anna Kingsford (1846–1888) re-
evident truth, growing out of the divinely ceived her medical training in Paris. In 1869,
implanted principles of human nature.16 Arabella Mansfield became the first female
lawyer in the United States. But opportunities
Iroquois female elders reportedly could vote as
and successes were rare. Few positions in med-
early as the seventeenth century and could de-
icine or law were open to women, and few pa-
pose male chiefs. Women enjoyed conditional
tients or clients consulted them. Major ac-
suffrage in Sweden from 1718 until 1772.
counting firms did not hire women until the
Unmarried white women who owned property
1970s, and the proportion of women managers
could vote in New Jersey from 1776 to 1807.
and partners remains small.18
And from 1840 until 1852 women could vote
in the Kingdom of Hawaii. But the first coun- Women traditionally were exempt or excluded
try to institute general suffrage was New Zea- from military service. The situation began to
land in 1893. Women in the United States won change in the two World Wars. In 1917, Colo-
the right to vote in 1920, France in 1944, Swit- nel Maria Bochkareva was appointed head of
zerland in 1971, and Saudi Arabia (only in the Russian Women’s Battalion of Death.
municipal elections) in 2015. Women still can- Opha May Johnson was inducted into the
not vote in the Vatican City. United States Marine Corps in 1918. Then-
Princess Elizabeth and 640,000 of her fellow
Even when, and where, women were permitted countrywomen served in WWII.19 But in every
to vote, the election of women to positions of country access to, and promotion within, the
authority was slow. No woman has yet been military was mixed. Not until 2008 was a

20 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

woman, Ann Dunwoody, promoted to four-star American congregation. In 1999, Ghazala

general in the U.S. Army. Anwar served as a female imam, or imama,
leading mixed-gender prayer in New York
Even when women were admitted to the armed
City; other imamas serve in Denmark.24 More
forces, until recently they were excluded from
generally, Orthodox Judaism and Islam remain
combat roles. The argument that women as a
opposed to female clergy.
group are physically and/or emotionally un-
suited for combat is weakened by the recogni- A majority of influential esoteric teachers of
tion that many men are unsuited for combat. the last 150 years have been female: Anna
Combat may expose a woman to danger, but Kingsford, Helena Blavatsky, Harriette Curtis,
she is much more likely to be raped than to die Helena Roerich, Dion Fortune, Alice Bailey,
on the battlefield. At least twenty-five percent Katherine Tingley, and more. Roerich, an out-
of U.S. military women have been sexually spoken feminist, blamed many of the world’s
assaulted, and up to eighty percent have been problems on the subjugation of women and the
harassed.20 resulting imbalance between the genders:
Religious institutions traditionally excluded “Could the terrors and crimes of today be pos-
women from the clergy.21 Interestingly, that sible if both Origins [the masculine and the
discrimination cannot be attributed to a dis- feminine aspects of Deity] had been bal-
cernable need for masculine characteristics. anced?”25 And “According to the Sacred
The ministry, perhaps more than any other pro- Teaching, the fall of humanity began from the
fession, demands feminine characteristics like time of the abasement of the Feminine Princi-
empathy and compassion, rather than mascu-
line ones like aggression and confronta- Blurring of Gender Roles
tion. Exclusion from the Christian ministry While much more remains to be done, great
may have persuaded many women with sacer- strides have been made toward equality of re-
dotal ambitions to turn to witchcraft. spect, opportunity and expectations. Women
The Society of Friends (Quakers) never dis- are winning the right and opportunity to play
criminated against women in religious or other roles traditionally assigned to men and are am-
matters; but they have no formal ministry. The ply demonstrating their capabilities. Women
first official Christian clergywoman is believed now outperform men in college, work in the
to have been Antoinette Brown Blackwell, or- International Space Station, perform brain sur-
dained in the Congregationalist Church in gery, pass judgment in courts of law, become
1853.22 As early as 1761 John Wesley licensed heads of state, celebrate the Eucharist, and ei-
Sarah Crosby to preach; but Anna Oliver was ther serve as amanuenses for the Masters or
denied ordination as a Methodist minister in teach on their own authority. Some women
1880, despite her appeal to Wesley’s initiative have assumed special responsibilities; Bailey
and to women’s natural gifts as pastors. Barba- reported: “Certain initiates of the Third Initia-
ra Harris was consecrated bishop in the Epis- tion have taken feminine bodies,—one in India
copal Church in 1989, in the face of obscene will in due time do much toward the emancipa-
messages and death threats. Women bishops tion of the women of India.”27
were not permitted to serve in the Church of The “women’s movement” involved, among
England until 2015. The Roman Catholic and much else, the acknowledgement by women
Eastern Orthodox Churches still refuse to or- themselves and by society that they had, or
dain female clergy and declare that the matter could acquire, masculine as well as feminine
is closed.23 characteristics. Gender polarities are found
Regina Jonas was ordained privately in 1935 to within all of us, not just between sexes; women
become the world’s first known female rabbi. could be “active” as well as “passive,” ambi-
And in 1976, Michal Mendelsohn became the tious as well as nurturing, rational as well as
first presiding female rabbi in a North intuitive.

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 21

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Women’s empowerment could never have struction workers become nurses or grade
been achieved without male support. Most men school teachers, they bring with them unique
appreciate the basic justice of gender equality experiences as well as the desire to serve in
and value the contribution women are making radically new capacities. Encouraging men to
to society; the fifty percent of a nation’s previ- be present in maternity delivery rooms was an
ously underutilized human resources are now important step toward enhancing bonding be-
being put to use. Men also are relieved that tween fathers and their children; traditional
they no longer bear the whole burden of deci- exclusion sent a message that children were the
sion-making and economic support of the fam- mother’s possessions and the father should not
ily. interfere. Fathers are now more involved than
ever before in child rearing. Perhaps, men are
On the other hand, some men resent women’s
responding to opportunities to reestablish kar-
encroachment on their turf. They resist the hir-
mic balance.
ing and promotion of women, or exploit their
vulnerabilities. We have recently learned the The blend of gender characteristics each of us
extent to which powerful men in the media, expresses is a major ingredient in what we
sports, politics, and elsewhere were able to term “personality.” Flexibility in the range of
harass women—and in some cases young accessible characteristics can only enhance the
men—for decades and intimidate them into richness of the personality life.
silence. The high level of harassment in the
armed forces has already been noted. Patterns in Sex and Sexual
Do men have a meaningful future? Women, it Relationships

would seem, can do everything that men can exual activity expresses the Fourth Ray
do—while retaining their monopoly over the procreative union of polar opposites. Yet
birthing process. In the past men wielded pow- the erotic instinct is focused in the sacral chak-
er and influence in society, but they also pro- ra, which “at this time” is governed by Ray
tected women and provided for their families. VII.30 Alice Bailey explained that the latter ray
Now they must compete for power, may rely “swings now into activity and pours through
for protection on women soldiers and police this particular centre.” “It was necessary,” she
officers, and may no longer be the primary added, “for the sex life to be controlled by this
breadwinners. In 1999, Susan Faludi looked type of energy in order to bring about the
back over the previous several decades and needed changes, and hence also one of the
concluded “a domestic apocalypse was under great results of the influence of the incoming
way. American manhood was under siege.”28 Seventh Ray has been the increase in the men-
She observed “a troubling rise in male distress tal interest in sex.”31
signals ... anxiety and depressive disorders,
suicides and attempted suicides, physical ill- At its most basic level sexual behavior mirrors
nesses ... and a mortality gap that was putting patterns in the animal kingdom. But human
the average man in his grave seven years be- beings have the capacity to integrate it with the
fore the average woman.”29 Men are not orga- emotional, mental, and even spiritual natures.
nized for mutual help; nor are social institu- The context in which intercourse activity takes
tions providing needed help, the way they en- place varies enormously. It may be insensitive,
couraged and mentored women in their quest degrading, exploitive and/or violent; it may be
for equality. casual and promiscuous; it may be forced on a
non-consensual partner or a child. Abuses of
On a relatively small scale, men are playing the sexual function have occurred throughout
roles traditionally assigned to women, and—in history; indeed we understand that it even pre-
contrast to those Faludi studied—seem able to ceded the present Earth chain: “The sexual
do so without sacrificing their male self- misery of this planet finds its origin in the
concept. Society can only benefit from their moon failure.”32
involvement. When former marines or con-

22 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

On the other hand sexual activity may be a Tantra is often presented as a way to spiritual-
unique expression of mutual love between two ize sexual activity. In its purest form the an-
people who have committed their lives to each cient Yogic practices of Tantra sought to trans-
other. “Making love” in the true sense of the form every aspect of life in the service of spir-
word is not a single act but a rich repertory of itual self-realization. It did not disdain the
actions that delight the physical, emotional, body and sexuality but saw them as valid and
mental and higher natures. Even the animal sacred. Sadly, however, the practices were
kingdom is noted for its elaborate mating ritu- abused. Sixteenth-century Tibetan scholar
als. It is not our place to speculate on—still Dakpo Tashi Namgyal commented: “In Tibet it
less legislate—what form the intimacy be- [Tantra with a sexual partner] was discouraged
tween partners in a loving relationship might and in any case no celibate monk was allowed
or should take. Love is transformative, raising to practice it.”37 In some cases the meditative
intimacy, as well as the two people, to new disciplines were ignored, and Tantra became
levels. an excuse for unbridled sensuality. As one
writer explained:
Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (121–180
CE) declared: ““The sexual embrace can only Tantra failed for two reasons. One was an
be compared with music and with prayer.”33 inner reason—that meditation was not
Esoteric teacher Torkom Saraydarian (1917– made the central point. And second, tantra
1997) commented: “Love is not just related to had no special methodology for the pervert-
the sexual organs, it is attraction on all levels. ed and the repressed, so that first their re-
You can make love by looking at each other. pressions and perversions are settled and
You can make love through feeling. You can they become normal. [Tantra became] just
make love when you think on the same level, an exploitation of sex.38
or if you are dedicated to the same great
Interest in Tantra continues today, and again
cause.”34 Dion Fortune (1890–1946) set the bar
we find a multiplicity of underlying motives,
high for successful marriage; our subtle bodies
philosophies and practices. Misuse is not un-
unfold as we progress spiritually, and satisfy-
common. On the other hand, the path of
ing sex can only be achieved if one’s partner
Kalachakra Tantra, with origins in Tibetan
has reached a similar level of unfoldment:
Buddhism and taught by the Dalai Lama, is
The laws of mating, as understood by eso- one of the most advanced esoteric disciplines
teric philosophy, embrace much more than currently available.39
mere physical union, recognizing as they do
While some individuals and groups seek to
the seven planes according to their several
spiritualize sex, others argue that spiritual
conditions. Esoteric philosophy teaches,
growth can only be achieved through absti-
therefore, that unless a man mate each of
nence. The world religions struggled to decide
his bodies which has arrived at a functiona-
whether marriage or celibacy was the prefera-
ble state, his union will be incomplete, and
ble state. Judaism, Islam, and Native American
he will still be in a state of sex-hunger,
religions attached great importance to
seeking his mate.35
parenthood. Buddhism and Christianity—
Indian guru Rajneesh (1931–1990), also particularly Gnostic Christianity—attached
known as Osho, commented that sex “need not comparable importance to celibacy. Both Bud-
remain just biological: bring some spirituality dhism and Christianity imposed celibacy on
to it. While making love, meditate too. While monks and nuns, and the Church of Rome even
making love, be prayerful. Love should not be requires its secular clergy to be celibate.
just a physical act; pour your soul into
Instead of allowing love to “enable and beauti-
it.”36 Many esoteric teachers have spoken of
fy” sexuality and integrate it into the higher
directing the creative impulse from the sacral
nature, celibacy’s proponents insisted that the
to the higher chakras.

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 23

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sexual impulse must be suppressed or “subli- The stereotypical marriage involves sexual
mated”—even if extreme measures were nec- intercourse on a more-or-less regular basis. But
essary to do so. Some priests of the Roman we do not know whether this has ever been
goddess Cybele castrated themselves in fren- universally true. Marriage fulfills a variety of
zied religious rituals. Certain Christian ascetics needs and aspirations. In times past, as today,
performed self-castration to overcome the some people probably married for companion-
“concupiscence of the flesh.”40 ship, protection, or other reasons. They may
have been unable to have sex, engaged in it
Esoteric teachings have often echoed a prefer-
infrequently, or chose to forgo it altogether.
ence for celibacy. For example, Helena Blavat-
sky grudgingly condoned marriage because the In the aristocracy marriages traditionally were
alternative might be worse: “[S]ave in a few arranged for dynastic purposes, and weddings
exceptional cases of practical Occultism, mar- were occasions for elaborate celebrations and
riage is the only remedy against immorality.”41 pageantry. Among ordinary people, a wedding
might be celebrated according to local custom,
Sex, the Family, and Procreation though many couples opted for common-law
The great majority of people throughout histo- marriage. Western Christianity did not declare
ry has been, and probably will be, heterosexu- marriage to be a sacrament until the twelfth
al. So long as humanity retains its sexual mode century, and the Protestant reformers denied its
of reproduction, they bear responsibility for sacramental status.43 Church weddings did not
perpetuating the species and providing physi- become the norm in most European countries
cal forms in which souls can incarnate. until after the Reformation.
Marriage evolved to provide a socially sanc- As noted, parents were eager to get their
tioned framework for heterosexual relation- daughters “married off,” and young women
ships. Marriage imposed certain responsibili- accepted the sense of urgency. Brides might be
ties on husbands and gave wives status relative in their teens, or younger. By contrast, their
to concubines and slaves. Adam and Eve were husbands, who were expected to be in a posi-
portrayed in an exclusive relationship—if only tion to support the family, might be signifi-
by circumstances—and many religious tradi- cantly older. Few objections would be raised if
tions enshrined the notion of permanent, mo- he had acquired previous sexual experience;
nogamous marriage in their moral canons. Yet marriage was a sign that he planned to “settle
the early Jewish patriarchs and kings were po- down.” Romantic love was rarely considered
lygamous, Islam and Mormonism tolerated necessary at any social level. The courtly love
polygamy until quite recently, and some cul- of Troubadour tradition was mostly extramari-
tures permit polyandry. The meaning of “tradi- tal; it fantasized about, but more often stopped
tional marriage” or “biblical marriage” de- short of, sexual contact because of the risk and
pends on which tradition one studies, and consequences of discovery.
which books of the Bible one considers rele-
Large families were common, but until the late
nineteenth century many children died from
Institutional Christianity sanctioned marriage malnutrition, disease, or accidents—often
because few people could meet the demands of work-related. Maternal mortality rates also
celibacy. Nineteen hundred years before Bla- were high, and life expectancy for both men
vatsky, Paul warned the Corinthians: “It is and women was relatively short. Advances in
good for a man not to touch a woman. Never- health care over the last 100 years have drasti-
theless, to avoid fornication, let every man cally reduced maternity and infant mortality
have his own wife, and let every woman have rates; and at least in the West children are no
her own husband.”42 Despite his negative atti- longer forced to work in unsafe environments.
tude toward sex and marriage, Paul no doubt People are living longer, and attitudes toward
recognized that children were needed to swell marriage, sex and childbearing have changed
the ranks of the faithful. dramatically.

24 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

Among esoteric teachers, Helena Blavatsky Sexual activity may begin in an individual’s
married but left her husband almost immedi- early teens. Social and religious prohibitions
ately to follow a path of celibacy. Anna Kings- against sex outside marriage have lost their
ford remained nominally married but devel- dissuasive power. Much sexual activity now
oped a professional and spiritual relationship takes place between persons who are neither
with Edward Maitland. Annie Besant left her married nor in lasting relationships. But de-
husband, after having spite what the mass me-
two children, and al- Will the trends in sex and dia might suggest, sin-
legedly formed a rela-
tionship with George
gender observed in recent dec- gles have less sex than
married people. For ex-
Bernard Shaw. Alice ades continue, or might they ample, in the age group
Bailey bore three chil- be reversed? Do the challeng- 18–24 years, only 2 per-
dren by her first hus- cent of single men re-
band before marrying es to long standing assump- ported sexual activity
Foster Bailey. Charles tions about men and women, more than four times per
Leadbeater never mar- and trends in sex and gender week, compared with 21
ried. Dion Fortune percent of married
married occultist themselves, mean that human- men. 46

Thomas Evans, known ity is entering a new phase of Marriage may no longer
as “Merlin,” but he left
her after two years for
evolution; or do they amount be a woman’s primary
another woman. Kath- to a reckless disregard for the ambition. Education and
career considerations
erine Tingley married immutable laws of nature? may take priority, and
three times. MacGreg- these in turn allow her to
or Mathers married but had no children. Arthur delay marriage, or perhaps never to marry.
Waite, Rudolf Steiner, and Geoffrey Hodson Even for women who plan to marry, financial
were widowed and remarried. Rare among eso- and emotional independence is considered im-
tericists, Harriette and Homer Curtis and Hele- portant before, during, and—if things do not
na and Nicholas Roerich enjoyed happy, life- work out—after marriage. Women’s education
long marriages; the Roerichs had two children is a first, and important, step toward gender
who participated in their work. Bailey com- equality in societies that remain heavily patri-
mented that “many of the Masters are married archal. In addition to helping women become
and have raised families.”44 more independent, education enables them to
Marriage used to give a couple legal, social, participate in family planning and to obtain
and/or religious permission to engage in sexual contraceptive aids that may be available.
activity. Children typically began to arrive
Many men and women decide to live together
within one or two years, and the marriage was
“without benefit of clergy” (or legal equiva-
expected to last “until death do us part.” That
lent). Cohabitation has increased ninefold over
neat pattern is now the exception rather than
the last fifty years and is now a popular alter-
the rule. Multiple marriages have become
native or prelude to marriage. More than one-
commonplace, and having children is optional.
half of marriages are now preceded by a period
The availability of contraceptives has given
of cohabitation.47 In general, however, pro-
people new freedom to engage in sexual activi-
longed cohabitation is less stable than mar-
ty with minimal risk of pregnancy. Certain re-
ligions institutions, like the Church of Rome,
still struggle with the concept of family plan- Marriage itself has become “as long as love
ning and the means taken to achieve it. Alt- shall last,” rather than “what God has joined
hough the ban on contraception remains in together, let no man put asunder.”48 Divorce no
force, the great majority of Roman Catholic longer carries the social stigma it once did, and
women reject it.45 religious proscriptions against remarriage are

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 25

The Esoteric Quarterly

widely ignored. Yet divorce rates vary widely Declining fertility and reproduction rates are
by country: from an estimated 3 percent in good from the standpoint of world population.
Chile, to 21 percent in Saudi Arabia, 42 per- From the Biblical injunction to “multiply and
cent in the United Kingdom, and 71 percent in fill the Earth,” emphasis has shifted to serious
Portugal.49 Interestingly, marital commitment concerns about overpopulation. The United
has suffered from “women’s liberation.” Since Nations anticipates that global population may
1990, the number of wives admitting infidelity level off at about 11 billion by 2100—or could
has increased by forty percent, while the rate even peak out at about 9 billion in 2050 and
among husbands remained the same.50 then decline.57 Meanwhile, differential rates
among regions of the world are affecting de-
Although teen pregnancy is an urgent problem,
mographics. The white population—the fifth,
on average men and women in the developed
“Nordic,” subrace of the fifth root race—is
world are waiting longer before starting fami-
declining in numbers and declining even faster
lies.51 Many couples choose never to have
as a percentage of total population.58 The in-
children; others experience difficulty in hav-
crease in total global population is driven pri-
ing, or are unable to have, children. Postpone-
marily by expansion in the fourth and earlier
ment of childbearing bypasses the time of
men’s maximum libido. In addition to the
normal decline with age, libido can be reduced Global population can only increase if incarna-
by anxiety, stress, depression, medical condi- tion becomes more frequent. Based on what
tions, and prescription medications.52 The fre- we have been told, roughly one in eight human
quency of intercourse may remain relatively monads is currently in physical embodiment; if
high for couples in their early twenties, but it world population reaches 10 billion, the pro-
seems to be declining among married couples portion will be one in six.60
as a whole; a study in Japan reported that near-
ly one-half of married couples had not had sex
during the previous month.53 Assertions that According to an authoritative study: “An esti-
we are a sex-obsessed society may need to be mated 3.5% of adults in the United States iden-
more specific about the segments of society tify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual. This implies
under consideration. that there are approximately nine million
LGBT Americans, roughly equivalent to the
More importantly, postponement bypasses population of New Jersey.”61 The numbers
women’s time of maximum fertility. Extended vary significantly by region, either because
life expectancy and improved health may pro- homosexual and bisexual people congregate in
long sexual activity into old age,54 but by then certain areas or because societal attitudes af-
a woman is past menopause. Conception rates fect people’s willingness to disclose their ori-
are falling in every part of the world. Accord- entation. A Gallup poll showed that more than
ing to United Nations data the global total fer- 10 percent of the population in the District of
tility rate (TFR)—live births per woman—has Columbia identified as lesbian, gay or bisexu-
declined from 4.96 in 1950–1955 to an esti- al, versus only 1.7 percent in North Dakota.
mated 2.52 in 2010–2015. For the most recent
period the TFR ranged from a high of 7.40 in Homosexual behavior was not uncommon in
Niger, to 1.88 in the United States, to a low of antiquity, but legal and societal attitudes varied
1.11 in Taiwan.55 The net reproduction rate widely. The Code of the Assura, compiled late
(NRR)—daughters per woman—is approxi- in the second millennium BCE, prescribed cas-
mately one-half of the TFR. The NRR was tration for male homosexual acts committed in
found to be less than 1.0, the level of sustaina- the armed forces: “If a man have intercourse
bility, in ninety-four of the 229 nations sur- with his brother-in-arms, they [the authorities]
veyed.56 In much of the developed world popu- shall turn him into a eunuch.”62
lations are decreasing or are sustained only by In other cultures such behavior was accepted,
immigration. particularly between persons of different social

26 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

class. Slaves and servants provided opportuni- with what frequency. The later French cere-
ties for sexual activity of all kinds, without mony of Affrèrement gave two men legal and
regard for consent. Roman society also tolerat- social rights similar to those of marriage.66
ed a social system in which ambitious young Again, we do not know what, if any, sexual
men could “sleep their way to the top” by part- habits were involved.
nering with older, well-connected men.63 Nei- More generally, homosexuality acquired a dis-
ther the older nor the younger man was ex- tinctly negative reputation. Most people as-
pected to be exclusively homosexual; the for- sumed, as they do today, that sexual contact
mer may have had, and the latter anticipated, a between homosexual men took a single form.
home life with a wife and children. King Henry VIII introduced the Buggery Act
On a smaller scale Greek and Roman society of 1533, making the act punishable by hang-
acknowledged homosexual relationships ing; the law was modified in 1861 to remove
among women. The most famous case in an- the death penalty, but the act remained a
tiquity involved Sappho (c.630–c.570 BCE), a crime.67 A consensus of religious and secular
Greek lyric poetess from the island of Lesbos, belief developed that male homosexuality it-
known for her writings about love and wom- self—erotic interest in other men, whether or
en. Lesbos, off the coast of Asia Minor, ac- not expressed in physical contact—was devi-
quired a reputation for being a hotbed of fe- ant, immoral, and threatening to society. Nega-
male same-sex activity. The second-century tive attitudes were based on a combination of
(CE) Lucian of Samasota commented on the personal distaste and associations with idola-
“masculine-looking women in Lesbos who are try, heresy, and criminal behavior.68 Popular
not willing to suffer ‘it’ from men, but only stereotypes depicted a gay man as promiscu-
consort with women.”64 ous, pederastic and effeminate, with a limp
wrist and a lisp.
In late antiquity and the Middle Ages same-sex
unions—male and female—sometimes were Homophobia was pervasive at all levels of
afforded legal and even liturgical recognition. business, education, the military, government,
Historian John Boswell pointed to a tenth- and the church. Hate crimes were sanctioned
century Greek liturgical rite claiming prece- and even encouraged. In many jurisdictions
dents from the early church: police could raid a home where homosexual
acts were believed to be taking place. Homo-
O Lord God, who made humankind in thine
sexuals were persecuted in Nazi Germany as
own image and likeness and gave it power
part of its eugenics programs. Only the arts
over all flesh everlasting, and who now hast
tolerated them; indeed, homosexual persons
approved thy saints Philip and Bartholo-
have contributed disproportionately to the arts.
mew becoming partners, not bound together
by nature but in the unity of the Holy Spirit The main outcome of negative attitudes was to
and in the mode of faith, thou who didst force male homosexual behavior into venues
consider thy saints and martyrs Serge and like brothels, gay bars, and public restrooms.
Bacchus worthy to be united, bless thy Yet despite intolerance in the larger society,
servants, N and N .... But grant them to love such behavior was rife in certain institutions,
each other and to remain unhated and with- including the armed forces and private board-
out scandal, all the days of their lives.65 ing schools.69 The term “fag” originally re-
ferred to a schoolboy assigned as a personal
Not surprisingly, Boswell’s work was contro- servant to an older boy; duties might range
versial, and critics argued that the unions in from running errands to serving as a sex slave.
question were not sexual in nature. That may As in ancient Rome, the boys may have gone
or may not be true; just as it is impossible to on to lead heterosexual lives after completing
generalize about intimacy in traditional or school.
same-sex marriages today, we cannot assume
that medieval same-sex couples necessarily Homosexuality was believed to be a lifestyle
engaged in stereotypical sexual behavior, or choice; people acquired homosexual instincts

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 27

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deliberately or by the gross neglect of natural and the heritage of diseased and over- or
law. A recurring theme in Roman Catholicism under-sexed physical bodies, have brought
was that homosexual behavior was a sin of the race to its present chaotic and unintelli-
excess. Based on a passage in Romans, gay gent handling of the important problem [of
men—the principal targets—were not satisfied sex].79
with erotic activity with women but also lusted
Bailey embraced the notion that homosexuality
after other men.70 Ironically, the celibate
was a matter of excess. Two possible causes
priesthood and religious orders offered sanctu-
were involvement in sex magic “ plus a con-
aries for gay men seeking to avoid questions
stant insatiable physical and sexual urge”; and
about why they never married.71 In conse-
imitative of the behavior of others, together
quence, the proportion of homosexuals may
with “a powerful physical or sex nature, and a
have been higher in the church than in the gen-
prurient curiosity.”80 But the major cause of
eral population.
homosexuality was karma associated with “an-
Female homosexuality was condemned, and cient evil habits”:
the pejorative labels “dyke,” “butch” and
Homosexuality is what you call a “left-
“femme” took hold.72 But for the most part,
over” from the sexual excesses of Lemurian
lesbians attracted less attention, and they were
times .... Egos who individualized and in-
not forced into places like restrooms. “Spinster
carnated in that vast period of time are the
companions” were familiar features of the so-
ones who today demonstrate homosexual
cial landscape. Two unmarried women could
tendencies. In those days, so urgent was the
live together without arousing suspicion; rather
sexual appetite, the normal processes of
society would pity them for “not being able to
human intercourse did not satisfy the insa-
find husbands.”
tiable desire of the advanced man of the pe-
Echoing the attitudes of her time, esoteric riod. Soul force, flowing in through the
teacher Alice Bailey condemned “Sodomites processes of individualization, served to
and Lesbians.”73 She spoke harshly of homo- stimulate the lowest centers. Hence, forbid-
sexuality, using terms like “mental perver- den methods were practiced. Those who
sion,” “distorted attitude of mind,”;74 “mor- thus practiced them are today, in great
bid,” “abnormal development,” “prurient curi- numbers, in incarnation, and the ancient
osity”; 75 “unwholesome imagination,” “per- habits are too strong for them.81
verted” and “prostitution.”76 Homosexuality
was a major issue in “The Problem of Sex.”77 Theosophist John Vorstermans agreed that
homosexuality might have karmic underpin-
Homosexuality, Bailey declared, could result nings but suggested an alternative purpose:
from “A frustrated sex life or a state wherein
an unmarried person has had no normal ex- It is quite probable that people who are in a
pression of a natural and universal process.” relationship are there because of past
Such a person might, with a measure of assent, tendencies, experiences, or the result of
develop “homosexual habits or ... those perver- karma.... This might be an opportunity for
sions which warp the life of many intelligent the Souls to learn and dissolve tendencies
people.”78 (She did not specify the perversions or unwind a past karmic cause, or it could
in question.) Bailey laid much of the blame for be that they have chosen to come and work
homosexuality on a combination of repressive on challenging the social or religious issues
Christian moral doctrine and inherited disease: of the time.82
Rosicrucian Paschal Randolph offered yet an-
The teaching of wrong sexual habits, the
other explanation for homosexuality:
example of widespread prostitution (I use
this word in connection with men as well as An individual could desire to savor the per-
women), the growth of homosexuality ..., ceived sexual advantages of the opposite
the narrow-minded Christian inheritance of sex without the willingness to accept the re-
a “guilt complex” where sex is concerned, sponsibilities associated with that opposite

28 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

gender. For example, a man in one lifetime The possibility of a “cure” for homosexuality
may think women have a great advantage in also underlies the so-called conversion, or re-
their sexuality [but] does not wish to partic- parative, therapies. These methodologies are
ipate in other aspects of female life that he encouraged by some fundamentalist groups in
perceives as undesirable.... This same situa- the belief that “faulty” sexual orientation can
tion also applies to a woman who covets be corrected by religious practices (“pray the
only certain aspects of a man’s sexuality, gay away”), psychoanalysis, aversion therapy,
but again, without its attendant responsibili- or even brain lobotomy. Some adults enroll in
ties.83 the programs by choice, but teenagers may be
forced into them by anxious parents. Some
As early as 1905, psychologist Sigmund Freud
churches insist on conversion therapy as a
attributed homosexuality to incomplete sup-
condition for retaining a minister who they
pression of the Oedipus complex.84 And by the
discover is gay.
middle of the twentieth century the health sci-
ences began to view it as a physical or mental Conversion therapies are rejected almost uni-
illness rather than a perversity. versally by health science professionals. A
branch of the World Health Organization stat-
The religious community did not respond im-
ed that “services that purport to ‘cure’ people
mediately, and some denominations have still
with non-heterosexual sexual orientations ...
not done so. But in 1975, the Church of Rome
lack medical justification and represent a seri-
issued an authoritative statement conceding
ous threat to the health and well-being of af-
that homosexuality was not always a sinful
fected people.”88 One study showed that the
choice but might be an incurable disease:
“success” rate, based on patient feedback, was
A distinction is drawn ... between homo- on the order of three percent.89 The great ma-
sexuals whose tendency comes from a false jority came away with no change in their sexu-
education, from a lack of normal sexual de- al orientation but with a deepened sense of
velopment, from habit, from bad example, personal failure, shame and guilt: many ex-
or from other similar causes ... and homo- pressed suicidal thoughts. In some jurisdictions
sexuals who are definitively such because conversion therapies are now prohibited by
of some kind of innate instinct or a patho- law.
logical constitution judged to be incura-
Changing Attitudes toward
In either case, homosexual acts remained “in-
trinsically disordered.” And “according to the Important changes in attitudes toward homo-
objective moral order, homosexual relations sexuality came from research in sexology. Al-
are ... condemned as a serious depravity and fred Kinsey and his coworkers discovered that
even presented as the sad consequence of re- a majority of people have both heterosexual
jecting God.”86 and homosexual instincts to some degree. With
respect to men, the first group to be studied:
Bailey suggested that “advanced souls” whose “Males do not represent two discrete popula-
homosexuality was inherited from Lemurian tions, heterosexual and homosexual .... The
excesses might be curable: living world is a continuum in each and every
They are now far enough advanced upon one of its aspects.”90 Similar results emerged
the evolutionary path so that the cure lies when women were studied later.
ready at this time—if they choose to em- The outcome was the famous “Kinsey scale”
ploy it. They can, with relative ease, trans- (0 through 6) on which everybody could be
fer the sex impulse to the throat centre, and located by appropriate testing. In place of a
thus become creative in the higher sense, rigid demarcation, “heterosexual” meant that a
employing the energy sensed and circulat- person scored low on the scale, perhaps 0 or 1;
ing in right and constructive ways.87 “homosexual” meant that the person scored

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 29

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high, perhaps 5 or 6. “Bisexual” persons tions have responded to public opinion rather
scored somewhere in the middle of the scale.91 than leading it.
Homosexual instincts could no longer be pro- Efforts to decriminalize homosexual behavior
jected out onto evil perverts, or even onto the have won broad international support. Ninety-
chronically sick; some degree of homoeroti- nine member countries of the United Nations
cism might be pervasive throughout the popu- signed a 2008 General Assembly statement
lation. affirming the human rights of LGBT persons
Sexual instincts do not necessarily translate and/or a more specific 2011 statement by the
into behavior. People anywhere on the hetero- U.N. Human Rights Council. Yet fifty-four
sexual–homosexual spectrum could choose, or nations—most from northern Africa and the
agree, to remain celibate or direct their in- Middle East—opposed the declarations, and a
stincts elsewhere. But could society justifiably further forty-four, including the Russian Fed-
insist that a person scoring high on the Kinsey eration and China, abstained. In 2001 the
scale has a greater responsibility to do so than Netherlands recognized same-sex marriage,
someone scoring lower? Should that person be and at the time of writing twenty-two other
pressured into celibacy, or into an opposite-sex nations have done the same. In 2015, the Su-
marriage that will almost certainly fail? preme Court of the United States ruled in favor
of marriage equality.96
In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association
removed homosexuality from its official list of Homosexuality is now widely viewed in terms
mental disorders, and the American Psycho- of same-sex unions or marriages, mutual love,
logical Association quickly endorsed the ac- care for their families, and participation in the
tion.92 The latter declared: lives of their communities. As with opposite-
sex unions, we have no right to inquire into
Homosexuality per se implies no impair- what forms their intimacy might take. Despite
ment in judgment, stability, reliability, or societal pressures, the stability of gay unions is
general social and vocational capabilities; at least comparable with that of straight cou-
further, the American Psychological Asso- ples.97 Bullying of teenage gays and lesbians
ciation urges all mental health professionals persists, but a whole generation of young peo-
to take the lead in removing the stigma of ple is growing up knowing that some of their
mental illness that has long been associated peers are different from others, in much the
with homosexual orientations.93 same way as they see persons of other ethnici-
In 1972, the United Church of Christ became ties, handicapped persons, or persons of differ-
the first mainline Christian denomination in ent mental or physical abilities. Among much
the United States to ordain openly gay cler- else, the legalization of gay marriage has given
gy. And in 2004, Gene Robinson, an openly non-heterosexual young people new hope;
gay man, was consecrated Episcopal bishop of since the Supreme Court ruling suicide at-
New Hampshire.94 Since then, some other de- tempts among gay, lesbian and bisexual ado-
nominations have embraced gay and lesbian lescents in the U.S. have decreased by fourteen
clergy, as well as providing for the blessing of percent.98
same-sex couples. The Church of Rome, the The observation that a number of animal spe-
Eastern Orthodox churches, and evangelical cies exhibit homosexual behavior is sometimes
fundamentalist churches vigorously oppose cited to refute assertions that the corresponding
both developments, arguing that that are con- human behavior is a “sin against nature.”99 Be
trary to scripture. Yet certain Roman Catholic that as it may, the argument that heterosexual
leaders are now reaching out to the LGBT marriage is the only permissible kind because
community in pastoral contexts that would it alone can produce offspring has lost its
have been unthinkable even a decade ago.95 force. Many straight couples are unable to
These various developments may be encourag- have children or simply do not plan to raise
ing, but in a recurring pattern religious institu- families; if nothing else they are helping curb

30 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

global population growth. Gay couples can may, or may not, be correct, true and use-
adopt children or turn to surrogate mothers, ful. It is for you to ascertain their truth by
and lesbian couples can have children through right practice and by the exercise of the in-
adoption or sperm donation. Setting aside is- tuition.... [I]f the information given raises
sues of prejudice they may face, the children of the aspiration and the will-to-serve from the
same-sex couples can fare as well as those in plane of the emotions to that of the mind ...
“traditional” families. Indeed, heterosexual then they will have served their purpose. If
unions do not have a universally stellar record the teaching conveyed calls forth a response
where child welfare is concerned. from the illumined mind of the worker in
Attitudes are changing more slowly in the eso- the world, and brings a flashing forth of his
teric community. An anonymous writer associ- intuition, then let that teaching be accepted.
ated with the School for Esoteric Studies But not otherwise.105
commented: “[W]hile legal and psychiatric The case can be made that esotericism, by its
frameworks increasingly recognize homosexu- very nature, must be organic. To view any par-
ality as a legitimate and healthy lifestyle ticular body of teachings, no matter how au-
choice, esoteric writings have not kept thoritative, as infallible dogma would be to
pace.”100 One of the few comments to emerge descend to a kind of fundamentalism or scrip-
from a modern Rosicrucian order simply cited tural literalism.106
founder Max Heindel’s teachings of a century
Bailey’s teachings on homosexuality have be-
or more ago upholding the sanctity of marriage
come the topic of frequent discussion on social
with procreative intent.101 The Masonic orders
media, blogs, and the like. One faction insists
almost universally exclude gays from member-
that they reflect a view of homosexuality radi-
ship. The Theosophical Society reportedly ex-
cally different from today’s.107 References to
cludes gays and lesbians from its Esoteric Sec-
prostitution imply that Bailey did not envision,
or was not speaking of, committed same-sex
Students of Alice Bailey are confronted by unions. A statement by the School for Esoteric
Bailey’s teachings, summarized earlier. Gay or Studies noted: “Nowhere in [Bailey’s] quota-
lesbian students may experience great shame tions is there any recognition of homosexuality
and guilt, while others believe that Bailey’s as a normal lifestyle or the choice of a same-
position on homosexuality was either misguid- sex partner as legitimate and in keeping with a
ed or is no longer relevant. spiritual practice.”108 The statement rejected
To take issue with authoritative teachings must any assertion that homosexuality “reflects an
be approached with caution and humility; Bai- excessive preoccupation with physical pleasure
ley is believed to have served as amanuensis and sexual urges” or “is a perversion of basic
for the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul. The polarities, the balancing of which is a key
anonymous writer cited above affirmed the component of the electrical nature of the uni-
timeless content of the teachings but suggested verse.”109
that points of detail can be driven by current Another faction adopts a more conciliatory
need.103 Bailey herself had urged: “The disci- position. Paschal Randolph affirmed that “ho-
ple upon whom the Master can most confident- mosexuals feel a loving attachment toward
ly depend is the one who can—in periods of each other. We clearly acknowledge that two
change—preserve that which is good and fun- men or two women can create a very close re-
damental while breaking from the past and add lationship that is similar to many good mar-
to it that which is of immediate service in the riages.” But he added: “It is physically impos-
present.”104 A statement attributed directly to sible for homosexual acts to involve the male–
the Tibetan Master offered the following ad- female physical–electromagnetic exchange,
vice: and consequently, they are devoid of the phys-
The books that I have written are sent out ical constructive potentials that lead to Re-
with no claim for their acceptance. They generation and Spiritualization.”110

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Patrick Chouinard, former faculty member at bility to bring about needed change, she de-
the Morya Federation, agreed that homosexu- clared:
ality “may not be the ideal sexual orientation”
Homosexuality challenges us to appreciate
but insisted that it still provides opportunities
wholeness without having to posit the du-
for spiritual growth. Gays and lesbians have
ality of gender.... To bring about right hu-
gifts, notably sensitivity, that may provide im-
man relations, we must take active initiative
portant opportunities for service. 111 He added:
and be willing to heal the challenging rift of
“sex without love is the problem and sex with
homophobia. Change on this planet is not
love is the solution.” 112 Chouinard drew atten-
the Hierarchy’s job—it is ours. We, Hu-
tion to a passage in Bailey’s writing stating
manity, are the “world savior.”117
that the Masters “have trodden every step of
the path of suffering, have undergone every “Progressives” in organized religion and the
experience, have surmounted every difficulty, esoteric community are taking more positive
and have won out. [... and now express] a love attitudes toward homosexuality, at least in part,
that triumphs over all.”113 By implication the to keep pace with social realities. But it could
Masters may have been gay or lesbian in pre- be argued that homosexual behavior really is
vious lives, but they still reached their present morally wrong and regressive in terms of the
spiritual stature. evolution of human consciousness. “Conserva-
tives” insist that timeless moral truths are be-
Bailey’s assertion that homosexuality is chiefly
ing sacrificed in the name of a false popular-
of karmic origin can be reconciled with medi-
ism. While supporting Bailey’s teachings, Aus-
cal opinion that it is a genetic condition. It is
tralian esotericist Leoni Hodgson hoped for
not a choice made in the current incarnation.
greater clarity, as more is learned about the
Yet the Solar Angel, who orchestrates the in-
human constitution:
carnational cycle prior to the Fourth Initiation,
presumably allows the karma to manifest in Time will tell whether homosexuality is a
that lifetime.114 natural sexual expression, or whether the
teachers of wisdom over the ages are cor-
Karma may predispose an individual of any rect. When scientists can study the etheric
orientation to an excessive preoccupation with body, and how our behaviors affect our en-
sex. The individual would be urged to raise the ergies, we will gain a clearer view. By fully
sacral energy to the throat centre, or transmute embracing homosexuality as we are doing
“the process of physical reproduction and of today, the sooner will it find its natural
physical creation into that of the creativeness place within the fabric of humanity—
of the artist in some field of creative expres- whatever or wherever that may be.118
sion.”115 A heterosexual disciple is not required
to suppress the sex instinct; rather, he or she is A final consideration is that attitudes toward
encouraged to transform it within the frame- homosexuality vary enormously from one part
work of a loving relationship and a lifetime of the world to another; what might seem evo-
dedicated to service. Should not the same priv- lutionary in the West might seem dangerously
ilege be extended to a gay or lesbian disciple? involutionary elsewhere. One study showed
that 88 percent of Spanish people affirmed that
Whatever the moral standing of homosexuali- homosexuality should be accepted, whereas 97
ty, nobody can deny that gay and lesbian per- percent of people in Jordan and 98 percent in
sons have suffered ostracism, discrimination, Nigeria said that it could not be tolerated.119
persecution, and frequent violence. Dorothy
Riddle, chairperson of the School for Esoteric Intersex and Transgender
Studies, placed anti-LGBT bias in the context Intersex persons occupy intermediate positions
of separateness, which Bailey termed “the on the male–female spectrum. Ambiguity in
great heresy.”116 Referring to Bailey’s com- internal or external genitalia is observed at
ments on hatred and on humanity’s responsi- birth in about 0.1 percent of the population.120

32 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

That number translates into 300,000 people in transsexual and homosexual persons were
the United States. Percentages in other coun- sometimes included. A few jurisdictions now
tries are probably comparable. permit children or adults to be registered in
Chromosome or other abnormalities may man- some way other than “male” or “female.”
ifest later in life. An individual may fail to de- Awareness, acceptance, and legal recognition
velop, or develop inappropriate, secondary of intersex persons vary enormously among
sexual characteristics or reproductive capabil- and within nations, even in the West.
ity; a woman may never menstruate; a man For reasons of privacy, many intersex persons
may be incapable of generating sperm. Indi- conceal their conditions and try to blend in as
viduals whose stature, physical ability, facial men or women; others feel comfortable
features, and/or voice pitch are atypical of their enough to identify themselves as intersex or
predominant sex form part of a larger intersex nonbinary. Depending on the severity of their
population. Because many of these cases are condition, intersex persons may experience
never reported precise data are unknown, but difficulty forming intimate relationships. Many
estimates place the total number of intersex are asexual; others are heterosexual, homosex-
persons at somewhere between 1 percent and 5 ual or bisexual but are limited in their ability to
percent of the population. find partners.
Roughly one-half of individuals diagnosed as Infants with ambiguous genitalia may undergo
intersex at birth are hermaphrodites.121 They surgery soon after birth. Surgery may be nec-
have both ovarian and testicular tissue, which essary if the abnormality blocks an essential
may be separate or may be combined in an bodily function. But parents often request, or
ovotestis.122 In Greek mythology, Hermaphro- consent to, surgery under social pressure to
ditus was the son of Aphrodite and Hermes. bring a “boy” or “girl” home from the hospital.
According to the Roman poet Ovid, Hermaph- Older intersex persons may seek elective sur-
roditus was a remarkably handsome young gery and/or hormone therapy. Whether per-
man. The water nymph Salmacis, saw him formed at birth or later, corrective therapies
bathing, fell in love with him, and prayed to be may not be possible or successful; they may
united forever. The gods answered her prayer also result in sexual dysphoria.125
and merged their bodies into one.
Transgender persons have changed, or wish to
In general an intersex person, like most other change, their position on the male–female
people, is the product of a single zygote, or spectrum. An estimated 0.3% of adults in the
fertilized ovum. But in the phenomenon of United States, or roughly one million people,
chimerism, the individual has cells from two identify themselves as transgender.126 Other
different zygotes and dual blood types.123 In developed nations may have similar rates. Data
rare cases the individual may be hermaphrodit- for undeveloped countries are scarce and of
ic. Chimerism, which tends to occur very early questionable reliability; one report claimed that
in the embryonic development, is thought to Pakistan has 10,400 transgender persons in a
result from the absorption of cells from, or population of 274 million.127 For reasons to be
even the whole embryo of, a fraternal twin. discussed, actual numbers may be much high-
Throughout history, intersex persons typically er.
were forced into one or other of the binary The most famous case of transsexuality in an-
sexual categories. Adults discovered to be sex- tiquity involved the Greek prophet Tiresias,
ually ambiguous may have been burned as who was transformed by the goddess Hera into
witches. Yet hermaphroditism was recognized a woman for seven years. During that time,
in Roman law and again in the seventeenth- reportedly she married and had children. Norse
century Institutes of the Lawes of England.124 gods were capable of changing gender at will.
Some Indian and Native American cultures For example Loki, frequently disguised him-
recognized a “third sex,” or “two-spirit” per- self as a woman; and in the form of a white
sons, even according them special honors;

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mare she gave birth to a foal after an encounter ed him to join the Trojan War. Joan of Arc
with the stallion Svaðilfari. wore male clothing to suit her combat role and
also to protect herself from rape. When charg-
In the fourth century BCE a married Arabian
es of heresy were insufficient to warrant the
woman reportedly developed male genitals
death penalty, she was sentenced in 1431 to be
spontaneously.128 The Roman historian Cassius
burned on the grounds of crossdressing.135 Un-
Dio reported that third-century CE Roman
til the early twentieth century boys often wore
Emperor Elagabalus not only dressed as wom-
dresses until they were “breeched”—an im-
an, adopted female mannerisms, and wore
portant rite of passage —at ages between thee
makeup, but “carried his lewdness to such a
and eight.136 Today many women wear male-
point that he asked the physicians to contrive a
type clothing because of their occupations,
woman’s vagina in his body by means of an
notably military deployments.
incision, promising them large sums for doing
so.”129 Elagabalus may have been the first in- People may crossdress because it gives them
dividual to seek sex-reassignment surgery, as pleasure or relieves inner tension.137 Nine-
we know it today. teenth-century French novelist Amandine-
Aurore-Lucile Dupin preferred to wear men’s
More primitive kinds of surgery—consensual
clothing and adopted the pseudonym and per-
or otherwise—to alter sexual anatomy were
sona of “George Sand.” Crossdressing may be
performed throughout history. Historians now
a fetish appealing to heterosexual men or
dispute claims by Greek philosopher Hippocra-
women. Or it may provide a way for individu-
tes and Roman historian Marcus Justinus that
als with sexual dysphoria to experiment with a
the Amazon warriors of Thrace cut, or burned,
different identity before embarking on more
off the right breast to enhance performance
permanent therapies. Fashion trends have
with the javelin or bow.130 But the castration of
made it easy for girls and women to dress as
males, as a punishment or to render them more
males; a woman with short hair, wearing army
useful or dependable, was a common practice.
fatigues or bib overalls, attracts little atten-
Castrated servants or slaves were used in vari-
ous capacities by secular rulers as early as the
twenty-first century BCE.131 Eunuchs are men- By contrast, men in the West who dress as fe-
tioned in Isaiah 56:4, Matthew 19:12, and males challenge deeply ingrained cultural
elsewhere in the Bible. Famously, they served norms.139 Despite disapproval a substantial
as harem guards in the Ottoman Empire until fraction of the male population is believed to
the nineteenth century.132 have crossdressed sometime in their lives.140
Most of those who crossdress on a regular ba-
Another typically nonconsensual practice was
sis do so secretly;141 for them, motivation and
the castration of boys by parents or teachers to
rewards are entirely personal. A smaller, but
prevent voice change in puberty and prepare
more readily quantifiable, number of men and
them for stage or church careers as alto or so-
boys crossdress publicly and want to be treated
prano vocalists. Castrati are believed to have
and/or accepted as female. Their motivation
sung in Constantinople as early as the fifth
and rewards include others’ reactions. The dis-
century, and they formed an essential part of
tinction between secret and public crossdress-
the Sistine Chapel choir from the sixteenth
ing supports the realization that sexual identity
century until Pope Pius X banned the practice
has two dimensions: how individuals see
in 1903.133 Castrati also sang female roles in
themselves (self-concept) and how they pre-
Baroque operas and dressed as their characters
sent themselves to the world.142
demanded. Otherwise, castrati dressed and be-
haved, to the extent possible, as men.134 Many persons with dysphoria simply dress,
behave, and play roles corresponding to their
Throughout history certain men have worn
sexual identity, concealing their anatomy as
female clothing, and women men’s clothing.
best they can. Others seek treatment to make a
Achilles’ mother dressed him in women’s
more complete transition. The first reported
clothing to hide him from Odysseus who want-

34 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

sex-reassignment surgeries were performed in Argentina and Denmark led the way to giving
Europe as early as the 1930s.143 Since then, legal recognition to transgender persons and
plastic surgery and hormone therapies have including the costs of surgery in state-run
developed in effectiveness, safety, and acces- healthcare programs. In 2014, the Supreme
sibility. Demand continues to increase. More Court of India recognized transsexual persons,
than three thousand pro- and more sex-
cedures were performed in Evolving patterns of sexual- reassignment surgeries
the U.S. in 2016, up 19 ity and progress toward the are performed there than
percent from the year be- anywhere else in the
fore.144 Male-to-female equality of the sexes might world.149 India and Thai-
surgery may be less com- point to a future state of land have become medi-
plicated and require fewer
procedures than female-
androgyny. But physical cal-tourist destinations
with that focus. In Iran,
to-male, but in neither androgyny is unlikely to be men may accept reas-
case is erotic capability attained until the seventh signment surgery to
guaranteed. Nor, accord-
ing to reliable reports to root race. By that time we avoid severe penalties for
homosexual behavior.
date, has a transgender are unlikely to have dense As noted in Part I, sexual
woman ever given birth to physical bodies, and some dysphoria may begin be-
a child,145 though surgical
technology is advancing other form of reproduction fore puberty or may be
so rapidly that this might will ne needed to provide delayed into middle age.
In the latter case it is un-
soon be possible. forms for incarnating souls. clear whether the condi-
Ancillary therapies can tion was previously la-
help a person adapt to and behave according to tent, or whether a real change occurred in
his or her new identity.146 The main challenge adulthood. Multiple studies have found that,
is re-assimilation into society. Transsexual among adults, sexual dysphoria affects sub-
persons may be limited in the relationships stantially more men than women. Prior to
they can form, may find career opportunities adulthood the situation is ambiguous. One
curtailed, encounter rejection by friends and study identified dysphoria in roughly equal
institutions, and/or face a continual risk of vio- numbers of boys and girls,150 while more re-
lence. Nonetheless, satisfaction rates among cent studies suggested that parity exists only
persons who undergo surgery are generally among adolescents and that younger boys are
high.147 more likely to be affected than younger
Public awareness of transsexuality in the West
was minimal until high-profile cases received Suggestions that children are incapable of en-
media coverage. Some segments of the popula- during identification with the opposite sex are
tion reacted with condemnation,148 targeting not supported by recent studies: “All this re-
transsexuals in much the same way as they had search combines to show that transgender
treated homosexuals—and in many cases con- identities in even very young children are sur-
fusing the two. But in a few short years, west- prisingly solid ... contradicting popular beliefs
ern society has become increasingly accepting, that such feelings are fleeting or that children
even electing transsexual persons to public are simply pretending to be the opposite gen-
office. Again, a whole generation of young der.”152
people is growing up who have heard of trans-
Some parents try to ensure that their children
sexuality, perhaps know someone who has
grow up in gender-neutral environments,
made that transition, and accept it as a possible
providing clothes, toys, and activities that al-
outcome in the quest to discover who one real-
low a child to adopt a sexual identity naturally.
ly is.

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Critics argue that such strategies confuse the Intersex-corrective or sex-reassignment thera-
child and encourage fetishes, homosexuality or pies should be approached with great caution
transsexuality. Yet research does not support and after careful deliberation. The more ad-
theories that child dysphoria results signifi- vanced disciple should consider how the par-
cantly or entirely from coaching. On the other ticular lifetime’s purpose could best be served.
hand, failure to acknowledge sexual dyspho- Soul guidance is available for all who open
ria—like repression of homoerotic instincts— themselves to higher impressions.
can cause great suffering. Adolescents in un-
We can only speculate on how the Planetary
supportive families, or who suffer ostracism or
Hierarchy views these various matters, but we
bullying, face high rates of depression and sui-
may ask whether the Masters view elective
intersex-corrective or sex-reassignment thera-
Awareness of intersexuality and sexual dys- pies differently or more harshly than in-vitro
phoria, and the development of related thera- fertilization, fetal surgery, gene therapy, organ
pies, are too new to have been discussed by the transplants, or brain-activated prosthetics. In
major esoteric teachers. Alice Bailey made a multiple areas we are giving the mind and will
reference to hermaphroditism, which will be authority over the dense physical form. Pend-
cited later in the article. If she knew of the ear- ing new authoritative teachings to the contrary,
liest cases of sex-reassignment surgery, she did universal condemnation of all such therapies
not mention them; following the perspectives would be unwise.
of the time, Bailey may have lumped dyspho-
ria together with homosexuality. Trends in Sex and Gender
John Vorstermans’ or even Paschal Randolph’s
explanation for homosexuality might also be
applicable to transsexuality and intersexuality.
I ntersexuality has shown that sex is not bina-
ry but is a spectrum of possibilities extend-
ing from purely male to purely female. Trans-
Homosexual, transgender and intersex persons sexuality showed that one’s position on the
may be spending a life in which the soul is spectrum is not necessarily fixed. Homosexual
making a transition from a sequence of incar- persons demonstrated, and western society is
nations in one sex to a sequence in the other. becoming aware, that homoerotic attraction
The present lifetime may be an experiment, need not be disgusting, deviant, and threaten-
savoring the attributes of the other sex—like ing to society but can be expressed in loving
crossdressing—and preparing for unambiguous family relationships that contribute in unique
heterosexuality in the next life. Alternatively, ways to the larger world.
incarnation as a homosexual or intersex per- Both sex and gender are more ambiguous and
son, or as a person who experiences and possi- more fluid than was acknowledged even a few
bly seeks treatment for sexual dysphoria, may generations ago. Rapid changes are taking
simply be an option the Solar Angel has at its place in the ways people view their own—and
disposal as it plans the soul’s evolution in an others’—bodies, capabilities and potential.
increasingly diverse society. Once-clear distinctions have become blurred or
Intersexuality is not a matter of choice and in at least less significant. Wherever people may
itself raises no ethical questions. But choice is lie on the male–female spectrum, or the Kinsey
involved in elective intersex-corrective thera- scale, they have gained the freedom to express
pies, and parents face serious moral issues in a blend of gender characteristics, to any degree
demanding or authorizing surgery on intersex they choose or that supports their life-purpose.
children. In the latter case an individual who Or perhaps the soul exercises that choice for
has never given consent may suffer severe life- them.
altering consequences. Sex-reassignment ther- Western women have demanded access to
apies also raise moral issues. many roles traditionally assigned to, or re-
In the absence of explicit guidance, we can served for, men; and on a smaller scale, men
only proceed with wisdom and compassion. have demonstrated a readiness to play tradi-

36 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

tionally female roles. In opposite-sex marriag- fects more men than women (except possibly
es the man no longer necessarily plays the among adolescents), suggesting a preference
dominant/protective role, and the woman the for the female form. Today’s ideal may be the
receptive/submissive role. The only area of strong, effective woman.
human interaction that remains sex-specific is Important questions are whether the correlation
reproduction. Among same-sex couples, one between sex and gender will weaken further
partner may assume a more masculine role and and whether the preference for masculinity
the other a more feminine role, but that kind of will continue. If femininity becomes more
gender polarity does not seem to be universal; greatly valued in our culture, women may re-
often the partners in a gay union seem equally claim traditionally feminine characteristics,
male, and those in a lesbian union equally fe- and men might become more willing to ex-
male. In homosexual, transgender and intersex press them.
persons a confluence of the male and female,
the masculine and feminine, occurs within the Evolutionary processes typically involve peri-
same individual. ods of rapid change separated by longer inter-
ludes of relative stability in which changes are
In response to these changes some people absorbed and new norms established. A plat-
sense empowerment, new opportunities, libera- eau in the evolution of sex and gender may
tion and joy; others feel pain and confusion. In begin before the end of the present century. It
their quest for equality women have suffered would permit wisdom to prevail and discordant
discrimination and harassment, while some attitudes to be reconciled. By then the Plane-
men fear emasculation in a female-dominated tary Hierarchy may have revealed new teach-
world. Still others believe that the changes run ings to clarify contentious issues.
contrary to timeless moral values and will have
serious negative consequences for society and Our primary goal here is to predict the evolu-
the race. tionary trajectory over the next 100 years or
so—not an easy matter at a time of rapid
Western society has affirmed new openness change. But valuable insights can be sought in
toward homosexuality, but members of the what we have been told of the long-term evo-
religious and esoteric communities struggle to lution of the human lifewave. Short-term out-
reconcile it with traditional moral norms. Inter- comes have to be accommodated into, and ul-
sexuality and transsexuality complicate the timately reconciled with, long-term trends.
interpretation of scriptural passages like “male Importantly, we should recall that “[w]ithin the
and female created he them.” Esotericists are vaster processes of the Plan ... as it includes
confronted with the possibility that content, the entire planetary evolution, there is, for the
presented with considerable emphasis, in one tiny unit, man, no free will.... He has no choice
of the primary sources of teachings might no and no escape” from Logoic Purpose.154 If hu-
longer be relevant. No authoritative esoteric manity makes faulty judgments or takes un-
teachings have yet provided guidance on trans- wise steps, karma will intervene to correct
sexuality, though some major religious denom- them. Rebellious humanity can delay the un-
inations have condemned it. foldment of Divine Will, but ultimately noth-
Human gender still correlates to a substantial ing can oppose or impede it.
degree with sex and may continue to do so for
Evolution of Sex and Reproduction
as long as sexual differentiation survives; but
the correlation has weakened, primarily due to Little is known of the first two root races of the
the empowerment of women. Asymmetry be- present, fourth, round (or world period), except
tween women currently seeking traditionally that proto-humanity did not yet have dense
male roles and men seeking female roles indi- physical bodies but existed in a gaseous or liq-
cates that masculinity is the preferred gender. uid state.155 During the third, Lemurian, root
Yet a curious disconnect exists in this regard race, our bodies became increasing solid and
between gender and sex. Sexual dysphoria af- we passed through successive stages of evolu-

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tion, leading eventually to separation of the may not resemble those of the early root races.
sexes. Helena Blavatsky explained: Forms serve the needs of the indwelling spirit,
From being previously asexual, Humanity and as consciousness expands, old forms are
became distinctly hermaphrodite or bisexu- discarded and new ones take their place.
al; and finally the man-bearing eggs began Even in the sixth root race, human bodies will
to give birth, gradually and almost imper- be less dense than they are now. Our focus will
ceptibly in their evolutionary development, be to shift from the dense physical to the ether-
first, to Beings in which one sex predomi- ic and mental levels. Also, the psychological
nated over the other, and, finally, to distinct context in which sexual reproduction takes
men and women.156 place is likely to evolve, Rudolf Steiner (1861–
Procreation took corresponding forms, from 1925), founder of Anthroposophy, looked for-
“exudation of moisture or vital fluid, the drops ward to a time when “the inner nature of the
of which coalescing formed an oviform ball,” human being which transcends sex, and will ...
to a more familiar oviparous mode, and finally enable and beautify the sexual and live in that
to the mammalian mode we know today.157 element which is beyond it.”159 Alice Bailey
Separation of the sexes, in an environment in anticipated “a time when procreation will “be
which consciousness was strongly focused on the result of thought impulses and not desire
the physical nature, evidently was greeted with impulses.”160
much enthusiasm and led to the Lemurian ex- Bailey predicted that the institutions of mar-
cesses Bailey mentioned. riage will continue “during the next one thou-
The human lifewave passed its point of maxi- sand years,” and “the basic motive—that of
mum densification in the fourth, Atlantean, love between two people—will remain un-
root race and is now on its path of return. We changed or more properly emphasized and
understand that human consciousness is now selflessly expressed.”161 But she anticipated
uniformly at a fifth root-race level,158 but some that the “attitude of parents towards their chil-
souls choose to incarnate in fourth, or even dren will alter dramatically” and procreation
third, root-race bodies. Fifth, Aryan, root-race “will be concerned primarily with the time,
bodies range from the first (Indian) subrace to opportunity and correctness of producing the
the fifth (Nordic) subrace. Advance members forms which incarnating souls will assume.”162
of the sixth subrace are now making their ap- Elsewhere, she made the enigmatic comment:
pearance, and many more will do so over the A mysterious change in the attitude of men
next several centuries. Eventually, the sixth and women to the sex question, marriage
subrace will give birth to the sixth root race. A and the work of procreation will result from
seventh root race will bring the present round the development of etheric vision, and the
to an end. consequent recognition of the devas. This
Sexual reproduction has served humanity dur- change will be based on the realization of
ing the latter part of the third root race, the the true nature of matter, or of the mother
whole of the fourth root race, and the first five aspect, and of the effect of the Sun upon
subraces of the fifth root race. As we move substance.163
forward on the path of return our bodies will Unfortunately she added: “This cannot be en-
become more rarified, and changes in sexual larged upon here,” leaving us to ponder what
patterns can be expected to occur. As noted, role the devas might play in sex and mar-
fertility rates—and possibly even the frequen- riage.164
cy of sexual activity—are already declining.
Nevertheless, the basic processes of insemina- Blurring of lines between male and female,
tion, pregnancy and childbearing are likely to masculine and feminine, could suggest an ap-
continue through the sixth root race. In the proach—or return—to some kind of androgyny
seventh root race reproduction may be re- or hermaphroditism. Bailey pointed to “a dis-
placed by alternative modes, which may or tant racial and evolutionary achievement, when

38 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

the world cycle will have been run and the two already occurred in our understanding of gen-
separated halves [the male and the female] will der and in the ways it expresses itself in human
again be merged in their essential unity.”165 affairs. There is every reason to believe that
the changes will continue to play out over the
Bailey commented that individuals have been
next several decades, even centuries.
sprinkled throughout history “as a guarantee”
of the future state of hermaphroditism. Such an The rays cycle into and out of manifestation
individual, she explained, “truly combines over periods of centuries, superimposing gen-
within himself the two sexes, and is,— physio- der influences on those already associated with
logically and mentally—entirely ‘self- the races and subraces. Rays II, III, V, VI and
satisfying, self-sustaining and self- VII are currently in manifestation. Ray VI is
propagating’.”166 These forerunners combine rapidly passing into pralaya, Ray VII is on the
“in themselves both aspects of the sex life.” ascendancy, and we understand that Ray IV
The cases, she continued, are “of real interest will begin manifesting in 2025. No change will
to the medical profession and a subject of deep occur in the gender balance: three masculine
pity and commiseration to the humanitarian and two feminine. But the advent of Ray IV
and the understanding psychologist.”167 She may have important implications because of its
identified the individuals as homosexuals, but ability to create synthesis from pairs of oppo-
her description applies more accurately to in- sites.
tersex persons. “Self-sustaining” and “self- Buddhist teacher Dorje Jinpa commented on
propagating” are problematic, though the an- the “realization of synthesis” and the “shift of
nals of medicine describe one case in which a emphasis from the individual to the group.”
live child was born to a chimeric mother who Evidence for the impulse of synthesis, he re-
had not been inseminated.168 marked, is provided “in the inherent unity of
Intersex persons provide the closest approxi- gender. This is working itself out as the uplift-
mation we have at this time to a future state of ing of women to a place of equality with
androgyny. Transsexuality can be viewed as men.”169
“serial androgyny”: the experience of both
Nearly ninety years ago Helena Roerich pre-
maleness and femaleness in a single incarna-
dicted a greatly expanded role for women in
tion. Since gays and lesbians have only recent-
society: “The approaching great epoch is
ly emerged from the shadows, we do not know
closely connected with the ascendancy of
whether homosexuality is more prevalent now
woman. As in the best days of humanity, the
than in the past. In any event homosexuality
future epoch will again offer woman her right-
does not provide a particularly clear example
ful place alongside her eternal fellow traveler
of androgyny.
and co-worker, man.”170 Roerich insisted that
Perhaps, with some justification, we can envi- “the full rights of women be strengthened.”171
sion a larger group of forerunners than Bailey She added: “Women’s movements ... should be
discussed. But there is no evidence of a near- understood not as an assertion of supremacy,
term approach to physical androgyny on a ra- but as the establishment of justice.”172
cial scale. Instead, we may look for signs of a
During the early decades of their struggle
different kind of androgyny: at levels above
women had little choice but to acquire and dis-
the physical and beyond the individual.
play masculine characteristics. Roerich fore-
Evolution of Gender saw a time when this imitative impulse would
no longer be necessary:
Not surprisingly the fifth root race has an in-
herent masculine quality since five is an odd [T]he majority of Western women—as with
number. That quality was amplified during the all beginners—start with imitation; where-
fifth subrace, and male dominance may have as, it is in original self-expression that real
reached its peak therein. We now stand at the beauty and harmony are found. Would we
dawn of the sixth subrace. Major changes have like to see man losing the beauty of man-

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hood? ... But we hope that this first step plish the shared goals according to his or her
will soon be outlived and that woman will talents. Leaders with special abilities may
deepen her knowledge of Mother-Nature emerge to direct particular projects, but in ide-
and will find true, original ways of self- al team organizations hierarchical structures
expression.173 are not allowed to become permanent.
Women had to compete for recognition and A profound cultural change is taking place in
authority not only with men but also with one western society. Maturation of the “women’s
another. Competitiveness has strong Piscean movement” is already producing a more bal-
associations and can be expected to decline in anced and feminine-affirming ethos. Women
strength as we move into the Aquarian Age, are finding that they can contribute, not in spite
which emphasizes group rather than individual of being, but because, they are women. And
consciousness. Other masculine characteristics men do not necessarily feel emasculated if
that have become exaggerated by both women women take leadership roles. Although men
and men may also find a new equilibrium. and women can both display a blend of mascu-
line and feminine characteristics, the sexes
We may be unaware how deeply ingrained
may still have complementary abilities, in-
inherited gender assumptions have become in
sights and concerns. Equality does not neces-
the human psyche. Women need to embrace
sarily mean interchangeability. Theosophist
their new opportunities with confidence. Men
Katherine Tingley “encouraged the belief that
need to reflect on their mutual relationships
even though man and woman shared an essen-
and their attitudes toward women. Power
tial equality, they were also uniquely different
struggles often develop when men come to-
and should play to their strengths.”175
gether, but the human kingdom should have
outgrown the need for an annual rutting con- Roerich insisted that women’s empowerment
test. Any residual attitudes of superiority, pa- would have far-reaching consequences: “One
ternalism, or disrespect for women must be should not think that this will benefit only
curbed. Sex and gender should neither separate women; it will promote world equilibrium, and
us nor force us into detrimental contact. thus is necessary for harmonious evolution.”176
Indeed she placed considerable responsibility
Ascendancy of the masculine Ray VII should
for the future on women’s shoulders and linked
reassure men that we are not headed toward a
that responsibility to the mission of the World
matriarchy. Jack Myers painted a bleak picture
of male anxiety in “a new age of female domi-
nance.” But he ended on the optimistic note: In the hands of woman lies the salvation of
“We can ... rely on the genetic stability of humanity and of our planet. Woman must
women to guide us into the future, collabora- realize her significance, the great mission
tively and cooperatively with men, to achieve a of the Mother of the World; she should be
more stable and healthier gender balance.”174 prepared to take responsibility for the desti-
Men and women can work together for the col- ny of humanity. Mother, the life-giver, has
lective good, and collaboration can only every right to direct the destiny of her chil-
strengthen as group consciousness takes hold. dren.177
An important precedent for group conscious- Roerich predicted: “[W]ith the beginning of
ness lies in the team approach to problem solv- the Epoch of the Mother of the World woman
ing, which has been utilized in forward- ... will create in collaboration with man a new
thinking businesses and industries since the and better world.”178 At the cosmic level the
1970s. The basic concept is that the potential World Mother is taking over responsibility
of a group working collaboratively is greater from the masculine aspect of Deity, and wom-
that the sum of the individual contributions. en should answer her call: “The Mother of the
Excellence is valued as a collective asset, and World appears as a symbol of the feminine
ownership of achievement, or failure, is Origin in the new epoch, and the masculine
shared. Each team member strives to accom- Origin voluntarily returns the treasure of the

40 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

World to the feminine .... [N]ow it is necessary opposites may be depicted as two chemical
to show the aspect of spiritual perfection of elements, but to the initiate they mean the ele-
woman.”179 Roerich also made the evocative ments’ higher correspondences. The “Great
comment that “woman flamingly uplifts Work” may be the transmutation of base met-
man.”180 als into gold, or production of the Philoso-
pher’s Stone, which can perform both transmu-
Jinpa lent his support to the notion that wom-
tation and healing; more importantly it is the
en’s empowerment has Hierarchical support:
transformation of the alchemist’s conscious-
“Many people, I suspect, would agree that the
ness and the attainment of adeptship.
women’s movement is divinely inspired.”181 In
the future women may play a leading role in In the alchemical literature, resolution of the
the expansion of human consciousness. We polarities is symbolized by the wedding and
have already noted the predominance of fe- conjunctio of the King and Queen. The product
male esoteric teachers, women are playing in- of the conjunctio might be the birth of a child,
creasingly important roles in higher education, or it might be creation of the adult Divine An-
and female clergy are making inroads in all but drogyne. The conjunctio, to quote one writer,
the most conservative religious institutions. “creates something bigger and more powerful
The achievement of adeptship in female bod- than the individual parts—the perfect integra-
ies, and the appearance of Masters in female tion of male and female energies—the her-
bodies, seems inevitable in the decades and maphrodite.”183 Another writer explained:
centuries ahead.
In alchemy the Great Work is producing the
Feminine characteristics will likely be valued perfect androgyne, or mankind restored to
more highly in the sixth subrace, because six is wholeness. The primordial Two-in-One
an even number; they may be valued still more represented the Great Work or the ultimate
in the sixth root race, which is not only even- goal of alchemy: to achieve balance in one-
numbered but will be governed by Ray II, an ness and triumph over the fragmental illu-
even-numbered ray.182 sion of the world.... The part-man/part-
woman also signified the end of restless-
Gender lies on a continuum between sets of
ness because the alchemist has finally ac-
archetypal masculine and feminine polarities.
complished the Great Work.184
The bracketing polarities are eternal, universal
principles that will survive even when the In the present context the King and Queen rep-
physical world passes into pralaya. At some resent the archetypal masculine and feminine
time in the future souls—and monads—will principles on all levels, from the Divine to the
manifest gender in ways other than through human; the higher the level the more potent the
male or female bodies. We saw in Part I that creative tension. The masculine and feminine
horizontal polarities to which we can reasona- principles converge like laser beams on hu-
bly attach the term “gender” exist at all levels manity, building to a climax of Light, Love
short of the unmanifest Godhead. and Life.
The Group Androgyne Just as partners in the procreative act do not
annihilate each other but strengthen their mu-
A scenario is unfolding in which men and tual love and bring forth new life, the gender
women of all sexual orientations work together
polarities are not annihilated but are trans-
as equals to solve major issues of the time and
formed and give birth to “something bigger
take humanity to the next level of conscious-
and more powerful than the individual parts.”
ness. Insights into the nature and significance
The conjunctio represents “the perfect integra-
of this scenario can be gained by appeal to al-
tion of male and female energies,” and its crea-
chemical symbolism.
tion is a new humanity, a new world. We are
Alchemy is the science and art of transfor- reminded of Bailey’s remark about “the true
mation, and central to its processes is the crea- ‘marriage in the Heavens’ of which mystical
tive tension between pairs of opposites. The Christianity speaks and the result of this fusion

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 41

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will be the manifestation of the fifth kingdom family provides an apt prototype, particularly,
in nature, the kingdom of God.”185 when the parents’ procreative activity is con-
cerned “with the time, opportunity and cor-
This alchemical transformation is not a single
rectness of producing the forms which incar-
event, like the transmutation of a metal, but an
nating souls will assume.”
unfolding evolutionary process. Dorje Jinpa
commented: Yet in a host of other contexts familial connec-
tions are unnecessary, and might even be a
The principles of alchemy are inherent in
hindrance. Groups of people from all back-
the process of evolution itself. Each major
grounds and walks of life can work collabora-
turn of the great evolutionary spiral is ac-
tively and creatively to address local, national
companied by the natural transmutation of
and/or global issues—near- and long-term.
the old, no longer needed forms, into those
Such groups will serve as manifestations or
that correspond with the new evolutionary
expressions of, or as cells within, the Group
impulse.... Humanity is a part of world evo-
Androgyne. They certainly qualify, in Bailey’s
lution, now stands at a major transition
words, as “focal points of energy in the human
point between the old world and the new.186
family through which certain energies can flow
Moreover, the product of the conjunctio is not into the entire race of men.”187
a child, or even the Divine Androgyne, but a Cells in the Androgyne will work within the
Group Androgyne. The Group Androgyne can framework of the New Group of World Serv-
be conceptualized as a thoughtform of global ers, contributing to the collective effort to es-
dimensions, residing on the mental plane but tablish right human relations and raise human
drawing upon energies of the buddhic level consciousness. “In the coming new cycle the
and extending in influence down to the etheric emphasis will be upon group work and activi-
subplanes. The Androgyne’s intent is to use ty, upon group initiation and group approach to
the creative power of gender to effect a large- the Center of Life.”188 As with all service
scale transformation of human consciousness: groups, participants in the gender-based groups
to propel humanity toward the Fifth Kingdom. must set aside all traces of glamour, jealousy,
The Group Androgyne will manifest in specif- resentment, ambition and competitiveness. To
ic areas of human activity; at the same time, appeal again to alchemical symbolism, the el-
men and women will both draw upon and con- ements must be purified of all contaminants
tribute to the Androgyne’s power. before they can be transmuted into gold.
Creation of the Group Androgyne clearly has The alchemical transformation will not consist
the backing of the Masters and may well have of the replacement of one set of gender charac-
been a Hierarchical initiative. It began with teristics by another; it will involve the enrich-
women’s empowerment and access to influen- ment and revitalization of both. Collaboration
tial positions in society, standing side-by-side between the sexes will be the keynote. Roerich
with their male counterparts. Development of urged: the “subtlety and refinement of wom-
the Androgyne may continue for centuries, but en’s nature must be understood, so that they
it can be expected to reach a measure of frui- may achieve ... the desired balance.” “The era
tion after 2025, when the harmonizing effects of the Mother of the World,” she added, “is not
of Ray IV start to be felt. a return of the age of Amazons. A far greater,
The Group Androgyne manifests in the most loftier, and more refined task is before us.189
general way whenever men and women, play- The groups’ success will depend on establish-
ing complementary but equally valued roles, ing a harmonious balance between polarities
work together for the common good. More like assertiveness and receptiveness, courage
specifically, opportunities exist for large and and gentleness, the paternal and the maternal,
small groups of men and women to come to- and the rational and the intuitive. The key in-
gether purposely, with focused creative and gredient will be the juxtaposition of masculine
transformative intent. The archetypal nuclear and feminine energies. Bearing in mind Roe-

42 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

rich’s call to action, in the name of the World passive], nor utterly positive, but at the point
Mother, we can expect the feminine energies of balance.”194
of compassion, cooperation, beauty, and so
The exploitation of gender polarity in occult
forth, to be conspicuous. To exploit the audible
ritual has a worthy precedent. While most Ma-
spectrum a choir needs soprano and alto sec-
sonic orders restrict their rituals to men,195 the
tions as well as tenor and bass sections.190 Giv-
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn admitted
en the weakening correlation between gender
women and men on equal terms—while as-
and sex, the polar energies can be expressed by
signing them roles appropriate to their sex. The
either men or women and by persons of any
Order’s leaders recognized the potency of a
sexual orientation, but the native masculinity
synthesis of male and female energies. The
and femininity of men and women will be par-
Golden Dawn and its derivative organizations
ticularly important.
have had a major impact on modern esoteri-
Collaboration between men and women, and cism.
the sharing of insights and perspectives, will
In some religious denominations women are
be especially helpful in such areas as economic
performing rituals like the Eucharist. But their
justice, education, healthcare, hunger and mal-
roles are imitative of traditional male roles;
nutrition, the refugee crisis, human trafficking,
interchangeability has been stressed over com-
world peace, and a sustainable environment.
plementarity. In the Anglican and Lutheran
The sciences, including the health sciences,
churches female clergy insist that they are
offer important opportunities. Roerich encour-
“priests,” rather than “priestesses.” This may
aged women to participate in scientific re-
have been a necessary expedient, but Christi-
search, commenting that “the fundamental na-
anity is missing an opportunity to exploit the
ture of things will attract women, and they will
differences between women and men. “Wom-
leave their mark in new discoveries.”191 “I do
en,” Roerich commented, manifest “the highest
not speak of all women,” she added, “but of
degree of devotion. The greatest truths are re-
those exceptional ones who manifest the sub-
vealed by her. Reality confirms this. Woman
tlest energy. Their abilities glorify the age of
can ensure that new knowledge is properly
the Mother of the World, and relate closely to
applied.”196 We do not have to agree with
the realm of healing.”192
Charles Leadbeater, that “this particular type
Groups could work to disseminate esoteric of magic [the Eucharist] is not adapted to work
teachings and to urge their own members, and through the feminine organism,” 197 to envision
the larger population, forward on the paths of rituals in which priests and priestesses play
discipleship and initiation. An opportunity to distinct but complementary roles. Such was the
balance the masculine and feminine lies in the practice in the ancient mystery schools and it
parallel paths of occultism and mysticism. The has been preserved in modern nature religions.
western esoteric system was built upon ritual. In mainstream western religion great progress
Will-based, it evolved in a male-dominated has been made in theological studies of the
society with a male God. By contrast the heart- masculine and the feminine aspects of God.
based mystical path evolved in South Asia Those efforts should now be accompanied by
where both male and female deities were corresponding innovations in liturgy.
acknowledged.193 Significantly, meditative
practices gained mass popularity in the West at Conclusions
the same time as the empowerment of women.
Looking to the future, the Group Androgyne
may manifest in a convergence of the paths.
S exual reproduction plays a major role in
human kingdom—as it does in the animal
kingdom—in facilitating the exchange of
We recall Bailey’s comment that occult medi-
genes to accelerate the evolution of physical
tation—which already implies convergence—
forms. Social arrangements of various kinds
“puts a man into an attitude of equilibrium,
emerged to support reproductive activity, in-
neither utterly receptive and negative [that is,
cluding the institution of marriage.

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 43

The Esoteric Quarterly

“Male/female,” “masculine/feminine,” and The Group Androgyne, which is already gath-

“heterosexual/homosexual” remain meaningful ering strength, can be envisioned as a global
as abstract polarities, but real people lie on thoughtform built by men and women giving
spectra bracketed by pairs of opposites. Gender expression to the creative power of gender po-
is becoming uncoupled from sex, sexual activi- larity and working together for the common
ty from reproduction. We have earned new good. Opportunities exist for groups of men
freedom in the selection of gender characteris- and women to collaborate with focused intent
tics, enabling us to develop personalities and to solve the outstanding problems of our time.
play roles that might hitherto have been denied Collectively, the groups can bring about a
to us. Reproduction is restricted to heterosexu- large-scale elevation of consciousness and
al unions, but men and women of all sexual propel humanity toward the Fifth Kingdom.
orientations can contribute creatively when the
energy of the sacral chakra is raised to the
throat chakra. 1
John F. Nash, “A Study of Gender, Part I:
Erosion of the correlation between sex and Carl G. Jung, Psychology of the Unconscious
gender has been most conspicuous in women’s (New York: Moffat, Yard), 1917.
Genesis 1:7. All biblical citations are from the
acquisition of archetypal masculine character-
King James Bible.
istics. Currently masculinity is the preferred 4
Genesis 3:17-19.
gender, but this preference may change as we 5
Genesis 3:16. Blame fell primarily on Eve,
progress into the Aquarian Age, as the Fourth who ate the apple first. But God’s injunction
Ray begins to manifest, and as the sixth sub- to refrain from eating of the Tree of
race and root race make their appearance. Knowledge was given to Adam (Genesis 2:17)
Feminine characteristics seem destined to be before she was created. Eve can only have
more highly valued in the decades and centu- learned of the injunction from Adam!
ries ahead. Aristotle, Politics, 350 BCE, book 1, §1254b,
Intersexuality, transsexuality and homosexuali- 7
1 Corinthians 11:8-9.
ty have been discussed at some length because Ibid. 15:34-35.
of controversy within the esoteric community Exodus 20:17.
as well as in the larger society. In some parts 1 Kings 11:3.
of the world homosexual behavior is consid- See for example Nancy Tuana, The Less No-
ered abhorrent. Arguments against and for the ble Sex: Scientific, Religious, and Philosophi-
cal Conceptions of Women’s Nature (Bloom-
morality of same-sex unions have been pre-
ington, IN: Indiana Univ. Press, 1993), 56.
sented to help readers make informed judg- 12
Stephen Howarth, The Knights Templar
ments—recognizing that “morality” has differ- (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1982), 54. The
ent meanings in different constituencies. rule urged knights, in particular, to “flee from
Evolving patterns of sexuality and progress women’s kisses.”
The medieval European law droit du seigneur
toward equality of the sexes might point to a
“the lord’s right”), or jus primae
future state of androgyny. But physical an- noc tis (“right of the first night”), gave a no-
drogyny is unlikely to be attained until the bleman sexual access to every new bride in his
seventh root race. By that time we are unlikely jurisdiction, prior to the husband’s consumma-
to have dense physical bodies, and some other tion of the marriage. But historians are unsure
form of reproduction will be needed to provide how often, if ever, the right was exer-
forms for incarnating souls. cised. Sex between upper-class males and fe-
male servants continued into the 20th century.
Alchemical symbolism offers powerful in- If the servant became pregnant she was usual-
sights into the creative tension between the ly dismissed, and if she carried the child to
masculine and the feminine archetypes. Con- term she might be unemployable.
junctio between the King and Queen is not on- Jefferson and Sally Hemings,” Thomas Jeffer-
ly self-transformative but can produce an an- son Foundation, January 2000.
drogyne—in this case the Group Androgyne.

44 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

DNA studies have shown that the average tical authorities and they minister outside the
African-American person is 17 percent white. official church framework.
The percentage varies by region: highest “Europe’s female Imams Challenge Muslim
where slaves were a small minority, lower Patriarchy—and Fight Islamophobia,” Chris-
where slaves heavily outnumbered white tian Science Monitor:
owners. Source: “How Black is Black Ameri-
ca?” 17/0719/Europe-s-female-imams-challenge- Muslim-patriarchy-and-fight-
can-american-dna/ (Last accessed Dec. 27, Islamophobia?cmpid=FB (Last accessed Dec.
2017). 31, 2017).
16 25
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, “Declaration of Sen- Helena I. Roerich, letter, March 1, 1929.
timents and Resolutions,” Convention to Dis-
cuss the Social, Civil, and Religious Condi- Helena-Roerich-I.php (Last accessed July 29,
tion and Rights of Woman,” Seneca Falls, 2017).
New York, July 19-20, 1848. Helena I. Roerich, letter, Aug. 9, 1937.
Others serve as titular heads of state, including
Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom Roerich-II.php (Last accessed Nov. 16, 2017).
and Queen Margrethe II of Denmark. Julie Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
Payette and Patsy Reddy serve as Governors (New York: Lucis, 1925), 758.
General of Canada and New Zealand, respec- Susan Faludi, Stiffed: The Betrayal of the
tively. American Man (New York: Perennial Books,
Initially women were “hidden” in the tax de- 1999), 6.
partments of major accounting firms. Another Ibid.
ten years went by before women were allowed Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. I
to interact with clients on audit or consulting (New York: Lucis, 1936), 261.
teams. Breaking through the glass ceiling to Ibid., 261-262. Presumably the “needed
senior positions was even more difficult. In changes” are related to the increasing mental
2015, the American Institute of Certified Pub- interest.
lic Accountants found that just 19 percent of Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 416. Bai-
partners and principals in CPA firms were ley explained: “The Moon chain was a chain
women. That number is still “a big improve- wherein a systemic failure was to be seen....
ment over the scant 1% of people at that level The progress of evolution on the moon was
who were women in 1989.” Anne Fisher, abruptly disturbed and arrested by the timely
“How Women Can Reach the Top in Ac- interference of the solar Logos.” Ibid.
counting,” Fortune, Sept. 12, 2015. Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 167 CE.
19 34
The future queen served as a mechanic and Torkom Saraydarian, Sex, Family, and the
ambulance driver, attaining the rank of Junior Woman in Society, 2/e (Cave Creek, AZ: TSG
Commander. Publishing Foundation, 1999), 13.
20 35
Barbara J. Meade, et al., “Mission Critical,” Dion Fortune, The Esoteric Philosophy of
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Love and Marriage (London: W. Rider &
Health, March, 2013. Son, 1924), 47.
21 36
Christian churches customarily have based Osho (Rajneesh), Life’s Mysteries: An Intro-
their exclusion of women on the grounds that duction to the Teachings of Osho (New Delhi,
Christ chose only men to be his disciples; they Penguin Books India, 1995), 50. Rajneesh was
overlook the inconvenient fact that he only deported from the U.S. after some of his fol-
chose Jews! lowers were charged with a biological attack
The denomination did not recognize her min- during a local election campaign. Whether
istry, and she became a Unitarian. Rajneesh himself was implicated remains un-
Clandestine ordinations produced some Ro- clear.
man Catholic female priests and even a few Dakpo Tashi Namgyal, Mahamudra: The
bishops; in turn the bishops ordained new Moonlight—Quintessence of Mind and Medi-
generations of women bishops and priests. But tation, (trans; Lobsang P. Lhalungpa), 2/e
women clergy are not recognized by ecclesias- (Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications;
2006), 443.

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 45

The Esoteric Quarterly

“Tantra Failed for Two Reasons.” https://o- to marriages in a given year. “Divorces and Crude Divorce Rates” (PDF), United Nations
two-reasons-osho/ (Last accessed Dec. 31, Statistical Division, 2011 (the most recent
2017). year for which comprehensive data are availa-
The author is indebted to two reviewers for ble). Another study showed that 70 percent of
sharing their insights into Tantra. marriages in Belgium end in divorce.
40 50
According to ecclesiastical historian Eusebius Sources: Kinsey Institute, Indiana University;
of Caesarea, church father Origen of Alexan- and General Social Survey, National Opinion
dria (185–254) castrated himself. Research Center, University of Chicago. For a
Helena P. Blavatsy, The Key to Theosophy discussion of the trends and their social impli-
(London: Theosophical Publ. Co., 1889), 262. cations see Esther Perel, State of Affairs: Re-
1 Corinthians 7:1-2. Roman Catholicism is thinking Infidelity (San Francisco: Harper,
the only major Christian denomination that 2017).
continues to insist on celibate clergy. Virtually Recent data show that the age at which the
all denominations with religious orders re- average American man first becomes a father
quire celibacy for monks and nuns. has increased from 27 to 31.
43 52
Interestingly, Roman Catholicism, Eastern Source:
Orthodoxy, and segments of Anglicanism and
Lutheranism regard matrimony as a sacra- health/sex-drive#stereotypes2 (Last accessed
ment, but do not attach similar status to the Dec. 31, 2017).
taking of monastic vows. Rome’s assertion Source:
that all sacraments were instituted by Christ sexless-japanese-marriages-study/ (Last ac-
receives little scriptural support in the case of cessed Dec. 31, 2017).
matrimony. See for example Stacy T. Lindau, et al., “A
Alice A. Bailey, The Externalization of the Study of Sexuality and Health among Older
Hierarchy (New York: Lucis, 1957), 699. Adults in the United States,” New England
A study commissioned by Univision Commu- Journal of Medicine (August 23, 2007), 762-
nications found that 78 percent of women 774.
worldwide disagreed with the ban. A separate “World Population Prospects,” United Nations
study by the Guttmacher Institute, published Population Division Data, revision 2017.
in April 2011, showed that 87 percent of Ibid.
American Catholic women of childbearing United Nations Department of Economic and
age currently used contraception and 98 per- Social Affairs estimates from 2015.
cent had done so at some time during their Census Bureau data from 2015 reported that
lives. Source: 50.2 percent of babies born in the United States were of ethnicities other than “non-
uttmacher-statistic-catholic-womens- Hispanic white.” This statistic should be treat-
contraceptive-use (Last accessed Dec. 30, ed with caution because of difficulties in clas-
2017). sifying the offspring of mixed-racial parents,
Source: International Society for Sexual Med- but “minorities” in the U.S. are expected to
icine, become a majority before the mid-21st centu-
what is the normal-frequency-of-sex/ (Last ry.
accessed Dec. 31, 2017). For the first time in Some expansion may be occurring in rem-
history, fewer than one-half of American nants of the fourth root race. The third root
women in that age bracket are now married. race is dying out.
47 60
Source: National Institute of Child Health and Alice Bailey reported that there are 60 billion
Human Development. One study showed that human monads: A Treatise on Cosmic Fire,
only 27 percent of Americans disapproved of 579.
cohabitation before marriage. Gary J. Gates, “How Many People are Lesbi-
The former appears frequently in modern an, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender?” The
wedding vows. The latter is from Matthew Williams Institute, April 1011. Notwithstand-
19:6. ing the wording, the article’s title and use of
Divorce rate can be measured in multiple the acronym “LGBT” suggests that
ways. These data refer to the ratio of divorces transgender persons are included. Available

46 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

data suggest that the transgender population is ship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity
about 0.3 percent, or roughly one-tenth of the (San Francisco: Harper, 2017), 59-66.
3.5 percent. The stereotype “femme,” or “lipstick lesbian,”
Ancient History Sourcebook: “The code of the was attached to a homosexual woman consid-
Assura,” c.1075 BCE, Fordham Univ. ered to exaggerate her femininity—and par- ticularly to the sexual partner of a “butch.”
nt/1075assyriancode.asp (Last accessed Dec. Some originally pejorative terms like “dyke”
31, 2017). and “queer” have been embraced by segments
Roman law permitted such activity so long as of the LGBT community.
the younger man was initially of lower social Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Healing (New York:
status. Lucis, 1953), 63.
64 74
Quoted in Bernadette J. Brooten, Love Be- Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. I, 278.
tween Women: Early Christian Reponses to Bailey, Esoteric Healing, 62-63.
Female Homoeroticism (Chicago: Univ. of Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology (New
Chicago Press, 1996), 23. York: Lucis, 1951), 235-236.
65 77
Quoted in John Boswell, Same-Sex Unions in Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. I, 268ff.
Premodern Europe (New York, Vintage, Bailey, Esoteric Healing, 562.
1995), 291. Philip and Bartholomew were two Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, 235-236.
of Jesus’ disciples. Serge (or Sergius) and Bailey, Esoteric Healing, 63.
Bacchus were 4th-century Roman soldiers Ibid., 62. Bailey also stated that syphilis had
who died for their faith. Whether they were in its origins in Lemurian sexual abuse: Ibid., 58.
fact same-sex couples is uncertain. John Vorstermans, “What is the TS view on
Allan A. Tulchin, “Same-Sex Couples Creat- homosexuality?” TheoSophia New Zealand
ing Households in Old Regime France: The (Sept. 2015). At the time of writing, Vorster-
Uses of the ‘Affrèrement’,” Journal of Mod- mans was National President of the New Zea-
ern History (Sept. 2007), 613-647. land Theosophical Society.
67 83
“Buggery” and “sodomy” normally are taken Paschal B. Randolph, “The sacredness of sex:
to be synonymous, but in British English the the one flesh union,” Fraternitas Rosae Crucis,
former is sometimes intended to include besti- 2011? (Last
ality. accessed Dec. 31, 2017).
68 84
Philosopher William James and sociologist Herek, “Hating Gays: An Overview of Scien-
Edward Westermarck made those observa- tific Studies.”
tions in 1908. See for example Gregory M. Persona Humana: Declaration on Certain
Herek, “Hating gays: an overview of scientific Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics, Sacred
studies.” Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Dec. 29, 1975.
ws/assault/roots/overview.html (Last accessed Ibid. Romans 1:24-27; 1 Corinthians 6:10;
Dec. 31, 2017). and 1 Timothy 1:10 were cited to support the
Winston Churchill famously declared that the contention that homosexual activity amounted
traditions of the Royal Navy were “rum, sod- to a rejection of God.
omy, and the lash.” Bailey, Esoteric Healing, 62-63.
70 88
“God gave them up unto vile affections: for “Therapies to change sexual orientation lack
even their women did change the natural use medical justification and threaten health,” Pan
into that which is against nature: And likewise American Health Organization, Washington,
also the men, leaving the natural use of the DC, May 2012.
woman, burned in their lust one toward anoth- Ariel Shidlo & Michael Schroeder, “Changing
er” (Romans 1:26-27). The “excess theory” of Sexual Orientation: a Consumers’ Re-
homosexuality was promoted—along with the port,” Professional Psychology: Research and
extreme moral evil of homosexual desires or Practice (vol. 33, no. 3, 2002), 249-259.
behavior—at the Roman Catholic high school Alfred Kinsey, et al., Sexual Behavior in the
the author attended. Human Male (Bloomington, IN: Indiana Uni-
See the discussion in James Martin, Building versity Press, 1948), 639, 656. The comple-
a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the mentary work: Sexual Behavior in the Human
LGBT Community can enter into a Relation- Female, was published in 1953.

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 47

The Esoteric Quarterly

91 101
The scale was modified later to categorize Source: Rosicrucian Fellowship,
asexual individuals as “x.”
Minutes, annual meeting of the Council of .htm (Last accessed Dec. 31, 2017).
Representatives, American Psychological As- Source:
sociation, 1974. Reproduced in The American
Psychologist (vol. 30, 1975), 620–651. ts/3071xb/homosexuals_are_still_excluded_fr
Ibid. om_the_es_of_the/ (Last accessed Dec. 31,
Bishop Robinson wore a bulletproof vest dur- 2017).
ing his consecration ceremony after receiving (A Student), “Homosexuality and Ageless
numerous death threats. A significant portion Wisdom Teachings.”
of the Episcopal Church seceded to join other Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age,
denominations, including the conservative vol. 1 (New York: Lucis, 1944), 681.
Anglican Church of North America. “Extract from a Statement by the Tibetan,”
James Martin quoted a sensitive statement by included as a foreword in all the books Alice
the Bishop of St Petersburg, Florida, follow- Bailey attributed to the Tibetan Master.
ing the 2017 mass shooting at an Orlando See for example Patrick Chouinard, “The in-
nightclub. Building a Bridge, 63-64. Also, fallibility of DK Regarding Homosexuality,”
when Pope Francis was asked at a 2016 press The Wisdom Journal (February 28, 2013).
conference how he would counsel a gay man, Similarly, many Christians assert that Paul’s
he famously answered: “If a person is gay and condemnation of homosexuality (Romans
seeks out the Lord and is willing, who am I to 1:26–27, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10, 1 Timothy
judge that person?” 1:9–10) pertained to a Roman culture of
United States Supreme Court, Obergefell vs. promiscuity and pederasty.
Hodges, June 26, 2015. Specifically, the court “Understanding Homosexuality,” School for
ruled that state-level bans on same-sex mar- Esoteric Studies.
riage are unconstitutional. Widespread opposi-
tion to the ruling persists, along with efforts to homosexuality.html (Last accessed Dec. 31,
reverse it. 2017).
97 109
Theresa E DiDonato, “Are Same-Sex or Het- Ibid.
erosexual Relationships More Stable?” Psy- Paschal B. Randolph, “The Sacredness of Sex:
chology Today, (Oct. 11, 2017). the One Flesh Union,” Fraternitas Rosae Cru-
Julia Raifman, “Same-Sex Marriage Legaliza- cis, 2011? Capitalization in original.
tion Linked to Reduction in Suicide Attempts (Last ac-
among High School Students,” Johns Hopkins cessed Dec. 31, 2017).
Univ., Bloomberg School of Public Health, Patrick Chouinard, (untitled), The Wisdom
Feb. 2017. Journal (February 28, 2013).
112 Ibid.
releases/2017/same-sex-marriage-legalization- Alice A. Bailey, Initiation, Human & Solar
linked-to-reduction-in-suicide-attempts- (New York: Lucis, 1922), 24.
among-high-school-students.html (Last ac- For a summary of trans-Himalayan teachings
cessed Dec. 31, 2017). on the Solar Angel and its work see John F.
One could argue that animal homosexuality Nash, “The Solar Angel,” The Beacon
supports the “excess” theory of homosexuali- (March/April 2001), 7-14.
ty; also that what might be natural in the ani- Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. I, 289.
mal kingdom is not necessarily natural in the See for example Bailey, Discipleship in the
higher, human kingdom. New Age, vol. 1, 16.
100 117
(A Student), “Homosexuality and Ageless Dorothy I. Riddle, “Homosexuality and age-
Wisdom Teachings Questioning and Re- less wisdom teachings bridging to right hu-
Interpreting.” man relations.”
exuality. Questioning.article.pdf (Last ac- exuality.Bridging.article.pdf (Last accessed
cessed Dec. 31, 2017). Dec. 31, 2017).
Leoni Hodgson, “Thoughts from Djwhal Khul
on homosexuality,” Nov. 2017. Online:

48 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018 male warriors in various part of the Middle

philosophy/thoughts-from-djwhal-khul-on- East and North Africa, and these were termed
homosexuality/ (Last accessed Dec. 31, 2017). “Amazons.” Little reliable information exists
Hodgson’s comment on the etheric body may about their practices, but art from the period
be a reference to Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic does not confirm the claims of mastectomy.
Fire, 559 Kazuya Maekawa, “Animal and Human Cas-
“The Global Divide on Homosexuality,” Pew tration in Sumer, Part II: Human Castration in
Research Center. the Ur III Period,” (Journal of the Research Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1980), 1-56.
global-divide-on-homosexuality/ (Last ac- Allegedly the Coptic Orthodox Church in
cessed Oct. 13, 2017). The vast differences Ethiopia participated extensively in the slave
cannot be attributed solely to religion. Spain is trade of eunuchs to the Ottomans. See Henry
predominantly Christian, Jordan is predomi- G. Spooner, The American Journal of Urology
nantly Muslim, but Nigeria is almost equally and Sexology (vol. 15, 1919/2011), 522.
split between Christians and Muslims. Recordings of the last known Sistine Chapel
“How common is intersex?” Intersex Society castrato, Alessandro Moreschi (1858–1922);
of North America. have been preserved. Some men retain an alto (Last ac- or soprano vocal range naturally, and the tim-
cessed Dec. 31, 2017). bre of their voices is noticeably different from
Hermaphroditism is common in the vegetable women’s.
and animal kingdoms. Not all castrated boys succeeded in the church
“Hermaphroditism,” Encyclopedia Britannica. or on the stage but spent unfulfilled lives as
Online: mutilated human beings. Some of the success- ful castrati were reported to be great lovers,
oditism (Last accessed Dec. 31, 2017). but this claim is disputed.
123 135
B. A. Van Dijk, et al., “Blood Group Chimer- The law did not provide for the death penalty
ism in Human Multiple Births is not Ra- for a first offense of heresy. Joan became a
re.” American Journal of Medical Genetics French national heroine, but she was not can-
(vol. 61, no. 3, 1996), 264–268. onized until 1920.
124 136
The Institutes were a series of legal treatises The present author’s father was photographed
written by Sir Edward Coke and published be- wearing a dress when he was about four years
tween 1628 and 1644. Widely recognized as old
part of the canon of common law, they have Crossdressing, viewed as deviant or patholog-
been cited in over 70 cases decided by the U. ical behavior, used to be called transvestism
S. Supreme Court. Crossdressers, in the present context, should
For example, a boy whose small penis was be distinguished from actors who play oppo-
amputated and who is being raised as a girl, is site-sex roles, and from drag queens/kings
a strong candidate for dysphoria. who are more likely to be homosexual than
Gates, “How Many People are Lesbian, Gay, sexual-dysphoric.
Bisexual, and Transgender?” Social norms were not always so rigid. Men in
“Over 10,000 transgender people in Paki- the upper echelons of 17th- and 18th-century
stan: Census,” The Indian Express, Aug. society paid great attention to clothing fash-
2017. ions, elaborate hair styling, and use of per- fume. Today, the few approved displays of
10000-transgender-people-in-pakistan-census- “femaleness” include shaving and the use of
4814450/ (Last accessed Dec. 21, 2017). scented after-shave lotion and deodorant.
128 140
Brooten, Love Between Women, 277-278. Estimates range from 5 percent to 50 percent.
129 141
Cassius Dio, Roman History, vol. 80, §16. Crossdressers may conceal the practice from their families and never venture outside the
/Tetxs/Casssius_Dio/80*.html#79-16 (Last home. Or they may wear women’s underwear
accessed Dec. 31, 2017). under conventional male attire.
130 142
In Greek mythology Amazons were said to be In one system of classification, the way indi-
the daughters of Ares and Hamonia. Several viduals present themselves to the world is cat-
historians of antiquity describe tribes of fe- egorized as “gender expression.” See “The

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 49

The Esoteric Quarterly

Genderbread Person.” M. Landen et al., “Prevalence, incidence and sex ratio of transsexualism,” Acta Psychiatri-
/the-genderbread-person- ca Scandinavica, (vol. 93, no. 4, 1996), 221–
v3/#sthash.p5BFrQRg.dpbs (Last accessed 223.
Dec. 31, 2017). Mohammed A Memon, et al., “Gender dys-
Two cases were reported in Germany in 1930 phoria,” June 2, 2017.
and ’31. The story of one of the individuals,
Lili Elbe, provided the theme of the motion 4-overview#a5 (Last accessed Dec. 31, 2017).
picture The Danish Girl (2015). The first re- Kristina R. Olson, “Where sex and gender
ported surgery in the United States was in collide,” Scientific American (Sept. 2017), 45-
1966. 49.
Of the total for 2016, 1759 were male-to- 153 Forty-one percent of persons with sexual dys-
female procedures, and 1497 were female-to- phoria had attempted suicide, compared with
male procedures Source: American Society of 1.6 percent of the general population. Jaime
Plastic Surgeons, 2016. Because female-to- M. Grant et al., Injustice at Every Turn: A Re-
male transition normally requires multiple port of the National Transgender Discrimina-
procedures, the relative number of patients tion Survey. Washington: National Center for
may be skewed even more toward males-to- Transgender Equality and National Gay and
females Lesbian Task Force, 2011.
145 154
Transgender men have sometimes birthed Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. II
children, indicating the incomplete removal of (New York: Lucis, 1942), 29.
female reproductive organs. The rounds, root races, and subraces are dis-
Physical therapy may help transsexual persons cussed at length in the trans-Himalayan teach-
acquire the stance, gait and gestures of their ings. For a concise summary of the relevant
new identity. Voice therapy may help acquire teachings see John F. Nash, The Soul and Its
the speech and even the singing voice of the Destiny (Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse,
new identity. 2004), 51-55, 70-77.
147 156
One study of male-to-female patients reported Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, vol.
that 90 percent of respondents were “satisfied” II (Los Angeles: Theosophical Univ. Press,
or “very satisfied.” Jochen Hess, et al., “Satis- 1888), 132. Capitalization in original.
faction with male-to-female gender reassign- Ibid. Blavatsky described the oviparous stage
ment surgery,” (Deutsches Ärzteblatt, Nov. thus: “The emanations that came out of their
2014). bodies during the seasons of procreation were ovulary; the small spheroidal nuclei develop-
MC4261554/ (Last accessed Dec. 31, 2017). ing into a large soft, egg-like vehicle, gradual-
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Wom- ly hardened, when, after a period of gestation,
anhood, a national coalition of American it broke and the young human animal issued
evangelical leaders, affirmed that “those born from it unaided, as the fowls do in our race”
with a physical disorder of sex development (166). Annie W. Besant and Charles W. Lead-
are created in the image of God and ... are beater painted a somewhat more detailed pic-
acknowledged by Jesus in his words about ture in Man: Whence, How and Wither, Adyar
‘eunuchs who were born that way from their India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1913,
mother’s womb’.” It also affirmed that “it is 100-102. Fossilized remains of what appear to
sinful to approve of homosexual immorality or be egg-laying hominids have been discovered
transgenderism [sic] and that such approval in Nazca, Peru. See for example:
constitutes an essential departure from Chris-
tian faithfulness and witness.” The Nashville bodies-revealed?fullplayer-feature (Last ac-
Statement, articles 6, 10, August 2017. cessed Dec. 31, 2017).
149 158
Source: Mary Bailey, A Learning Experience (New
india-27031180 (Last accessed Aug. 30, York: Lucis, 1990), 593-594.
2017). India reportedly has about two million Rudolf Steiner, “Women, Sexuality and Socie-
transgender people, out of a population of ty,” lecture, Hamburg, Germany, Nov. 17,
roughly one billion. 1906.

50 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

160 182
Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 559. Bailey, Esoteric Healing, 63-64.
161 183
Alice A. Bailey, Education in the New Age Commentary on the Rosarium Philosopho-
(New York: Lucis, 1954), 139. rum.
Ibid., 139.
Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 475. 2009.html (Last accessed Dec. 31, 2017).
164 184
We know from Geoffrey Hodson’s work of “Androgyny: The Alchemist's Great Work.”
the role played by devas during pregnancy.
Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. I, 277-278. (Last accessed Sept. 30, 2017).
166 185
Ibid., 278. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol. 1,
Bailey, Esoteric Healing, 63-64. 32. Bailey envisioned a “vertical” marriage
The child had facial deformities, a learning among unequal partners, but the same com-
disability, and behavioral problems; also, sex ment can be applied to a marriage of equals.
reversal occurred before the child was one Jinpa, A Synthesis of Alchemy, 106.
year old. Lisa Strain, et al., “A Human Par- Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol. 1,
thenogenetic Chimera,” (Nature, 1995). 35. Emphasis removed.
188 Alice A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations
nbull2/publication/15649461_A_human_parth (New York: Lucis, 1960), 137.
enogenet- Roerich, Supermundane, §458.
ic_chimera/links/00b7d526f777293ea7000000 This analogy is interesting insofar as the so-
/A-human-parthenogenetic-chimera.pdf (Last prano and alto sections have never been re-
accessed Nov. 17, 2017). served exclusively for women. Also women
Dorje Jinpa, A Synthesis of Alchemy: An Eso- may sing tenor lines, and a few sing bass
teric Enquiry into the Secrets of Hermetic Phi- lines. Female tenors and basses have been
losophy (Talent, OR: Pentarba Public., 2/e, termed contralto profondo and oktavistka, re-
2016), 106. spectively. Source:
Roerich, letter, March 1, 1929.
Helena I. Roerich, Supermundane (New York: tenor-and-female-bass-or-contralto-profondo-
Agni Yoga Society, 1938), §38. and-oktavistka (Last accessed Dec. 31, 2017).
172 191
Ibid. Roerich, Supermundane, §458.
173 192
Roerich, letter, March 1, 1929. Ibid.
174 193
Jack Myers, The Future of Men: Masculinity This is not to say that contemplative practices
in the Twenty-First Century (San Francisco, were neglected in the West, and ritual practic-
Inkshares, 2016), 278. es in the East. But the emphasis in the respec-
“The Women of Lomaland: Women and Their tive esoteric traditions was as stated.
Roles at the Point Loma Theosophical Com- Alice A. Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation
munity.” (New York: Lucis, 1920), 10.
195 The exception is Co-Masonry, in which Annie
id=21. (Last accessed Dec. 31, 2017). Besant and other Theosophists were promi-
Roerich, Supermundane, §38. nent members.
177 196
Roerich, letter, March 1, 1929. Roerich, Supermundane, §458.
178 197
Roerich, letter, Aug. 9, 1937. Charles W. Leadbeater, The Science of the
Helena I. Roerich, Leaves of Morya’s Garden: Sacraments (Berkeley, CA: Apocryphile
Illumination, vol. 2 (New York: Agni Yoga Press, 1920/2000), 291, 349-350. Women
Society, 1925), §150. priests now celebrate the Eucharist in the An-
Helena I. Roerich, Fiery World, vol. III (New glican Communion and in major branches of
York: Agni Yoga Society, 1935), §241 the Lutheran World Federation.
Jinpa, A Synthesis of Alchemy, 106.

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 51

Winter 2018

The Threefold Rulership System in Esoteric

Maureen Temple Richmond

Abstract rulership system proposed by the Tibetan,

though it may not yet be properly appreciated

T his article sets forth a theoretical under-

pinning of the multiple rulership system
proposed in Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bai-
in its entirety. However, this one facet of the
esoteric astrological system seems to have
caught the fancy of conventional astrology,
ley. Placing Bailey’s multiple rulership system given as it is to techniques of classification and
in the context of rulership systems used from therefore to the assimilation of anything which
the dawn of present-day western astrology in seems to add to that capacity. However great a
the Mesopotamian culture of approximately misinterpretation of the multiple rulership sys-
2000 BCE through classical Greece and Rome, tem of the Tibetan may ultimately prove to be,
medieval astrology, and Renaissance Hermeti- the nuances of the matter have not stopped the
cism up to modern times, the author explores: astrological field from absorbing what it per-
1) the general concept of rulership; 2) the his- ceives to be an intriguing analytical technique
tory of systems used to establish relationships for use in the delineation of personality or of
between constellations, signs, and planets; 3) individual character.
rulership as uniquely defined by the Tibetan
Master through Bailey; 4) the manner in which An example of the widespread recognition of
Bailey’s multiple rulership system embodies the multiple rulership system can be found in
the fundamental contentions of esoteric occult- the inclusion of the esoteric sign rulers in a
ism; and 5) the use of the multiple rulership little astrological publication designed for a
system in tracing the esoteric history and de- distinctly mass appeal and marketed in Ameri-
velopment of Humanity. The essay concludes can grocery store chains under the title, The
with a summary of key points. Healing Power of Astrology, by Suzanne
Smither (published by Globe Communications
Introduction in 1999). This slim handbook claims to offer

tips on healing. In fact, it takes a very conven-
erhaps the single most distinctive and
tional approach to diet, recommending food-
widely recognized component of the eso-
stuffs that would likely raise the eyebrows of
teric astrological system, the Tibetan’s associa-
most in the holistic health field. Even so,
tion of three planetary rulers with each sign of
Smither, in her discussion of astrological fac-
the zodiac, is considered, by some, the charac-
tors bearing upon health and wellness, incorpo-
teristic signature of Bailey’s esoteric astrology.
Possibly a better flagship for the entire teach- _____________________________________
ing could not be found; for in this triple struc-
ture of sign rulership are encoded several key About the Author
principles at the heart of esoteric occultism and Maureen Temple Richmond holds an M.A. in
the esoteric astrological doctrine. English and Creative Writing at Southern New
Hampshire University. Richmond is
As students of the esoteric astrological doc- an internationally recognized authority on esoteric
trine are aware, much to be found in Bailey’s astrology and author of the milestone book Sirius.
presentation of the subject has yet to penetrate She is the organizer of Milltown Review, a writers
the consciousness of the mainstream meta- group that meets regularly at the Company Shops
physical and astrological community. Such is Market in downtown Burlington. She can be con-
not really the case with the triple or multiple tacted at:

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 53

The Esoteric Quarterly

rates the notion that each sun sign has, accord- in spite of the fact that the “spirit” rulers used
ing to the author, a “body ruler” and a “spirit by Smither, answer in every case to the “eso-
ruler.” These, in the case of each sign, turn out teric” rulers proposed by the Tibetan. Dietary
to be respectively the traditional exoteric ruler indiscretions aside, there is much of encour-
(well known by mainstream astrology) and, lo agement in this situation, for here is a situation
and behold, nothing other than the esoteric rul- in which the esoteric rulers are mentioned as
er as proposed by the Tibetan in Alice Bailey’s though they constitute an unquestionably ac-
Esoteric Astrology, though not attributed to cepted factor of astrological analysis, and this
that source. in a book so clearly geared to a mass reader-
ship. It suggests that certain of the ideas pro-
The Tibetan also proposed a third ruler, termed
moted by the Tibetan in Bailey’s Esoteric As-
by him the hierarchical ruler, but no allusion to
trology have so thoroughly permeated at least
such was made in the Smither book. Even so,
parts of the astrological world that some within
the implication is there for all to see: obvious-
it may not even be aware of the source from
ly, the writer has somewhere come into contact
which such ideas originated. It also plainly
with the idea of the Tibetan’s triple rulership
reveals that key esoteric astrological ideas are
system. Whether she was apprised of its origi-
even precipitating quite miraculously into the
nal source and full ramifications or not, the
awareness of at least some members of the
simple fact remains that she has used the very
general public.
same planets for what she calls “spirit rulers”
as did the Tibetan in the category of the esoter- Though one example does not a theory make,
ic rulers of the signs. That this is a mere coin- it might nonetheless be inferred that the gen-
cidence is too far-fetched a notion to even en- eral notion of a multiple rulership system can
tertain. The odds that Smither would come up thus be legitimately proclaimed as the most
with the same information out of the blue are distinctive element of esoteric astrology—the
small indeed. It seems far more likely that she one first and best assimilated by the overall
has seen the esoteric rulers discussed in some astrological field. But, if truth be told, the mul-
astrological format. tiple rulership system in its fullness is actually
one of the most abstruse components of the
This would have been easy to do in the late
esoteric astrological doctrine, much more ex-
twentieth century, as the information on the
alted and profound than is commonly sup-
Tibetan’s proposed three-tiered rulership sys-
posed. That this is so will be demonstrated in
tem had been available in printed form since
the present section, which will proceed under
he first mentioned it in The Destiny of the Na-
five divisions.
tions,1 which volume was first published in
1949.2 At that time, the text of Bailey’s Eso- 1. General Principles of the Multiple Rul-
teric Astrology had not yet been typeset as a ership System
book, but was only available in the form of
2. The Function of the Exoteric Rulers
study papers circulated within the Arcane
School. Subsequently, Bailey’s Esoteric As- 3. The Function of the Esoteric Rulers
trology was published in complete book form,
4. The Function of the Hierarchical Rulers
becoming available to the general public in
1951.3 Thus, since the late 1940s and early 5. The Signs with their Triple Rulers
1950s, the astrological world has been set on
notice that the esoteric astrology of Alice Bai- The General Principles of the
ley and the Tibetan Master contains the dis- Multiple Rulership System
tinctive three-leveled sign rulership system.
Yet, even though Smither has built her sun
sign characterizations around a portion of the
T hroughout Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology, the
Tibetan Master alluded to the nature of a
future astrology—a new astrology which is to
Tibetan’s multiple rulership system, nowhere help lift the attention of Humanity from a near
in the Smither book have the names of Alice exclusive focus upon the matters of the per-
Bailey or Djwhal Khul been mentioned. This,

54 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

sonality to an expanding awareness of the rein- tween certain signs of the zodiac and certain of
carnating soul, its long history, its source in the the celestial bodies, including the planets of
monad, and the Greater Logoic Lives in which our solar system, the Moon, and the Sun.
everything takes place. However, the precise scheme by which the
Within this future astrology, the study of the signs are associated with the celestial bodies
interrelation of the zodiacal constellations in has not always been the same. In fact, the en-
physical space and their representative zodia- tire concept of rulership has evolved over the
cal signs as indicated by a triple rulership sys- entirety of recorded history, which fact is sig-
tem was predicted to be absolutely central.4 nificant as background and context to the tri-
However, it was not promised that an under- ple-tiered rulership system given by the Tibet-
standing of the connections amongst the con- an.
stellational-sign units would be easy of ac- In the present period of history (the Fifth Root
complishment. In fact, the Tibetan stated that Race), the earliest point at which the notion of
an understanding of these relationships would rulership appeared may well have been during
only come into focus “when group awareness the Babylonian culture, or approximately 2000
and continuity of consciousness are established BCE. During that time, the Babylonian reli-
among men.”5 This is to say that only when gion associated one each of twelve gods with
Humanity understands its fundamental connec- the twelve signs of the zodiac,6 which signs in
tion to all things and realizes equally the per- that time were positionally the same with the
sisting consciousness of the reincarnating soul constellations. Some of the gods associated by
will the true relationships existing between the the Babylonians with the signs were definitely
constellational-sign units be acknowledged. planetary deities. In fact, certain scholars of the
Obviously, since the bulk of Humanity has yet history of astrology consider that the charac-
to attain the requisite realizations of unity and ters of the Babylonian gods were none other
the reincarnational cycle, the fullness of the than the characters of the planets as they have
new astrology has likewise yet to appear. come to be known astrologically.7
Thus, until the entire collective of Humanity It can be said, therefore, that in Babylonian
finds itself in the required condition, it is the times, there existed something like the present-
part of advanced knowers to take the bull by day idea of planetary rulership, though this
the horns, pressing forward into advanced as- idea in the Babylonian context had more of a
trological understanding via the power con- religious than an astrological function. All the
ferred on the one horn by identification of same, the Babylonians conceptualized specific
oneness, and on the other, by recognition of relationships between the signs and planets,
the reality of the reincarnational cycle in all and these relationships later became what are
things. Such will act as the vanguard of con- now called the exaltations of the planets8 This
sciousness advancing into knowledge concern- notion is most assuredly an astrological one, as
ing the hidden story in the astrological round, it is understood in modern times.
which is exactly what the multiple rulership
system ultimately reveals, as will be demon- Thus, this may have been the first appearance
strated. To fully appreciate that revelation, ex- of anything like the notion of planetary rul-
amination of the necessary concepts will now ership. Some scholars suggest that the notion
take the long way around, to better view the of rulership is more ancient yet, having its ac-
ultimate prize from a place of real perspective. tual roots in certain Egyptian notions concern-
ing the divisions of the ecliptic known as the
Definition of Terms in the decans9 Such a notion may have been included
Context of the in information carried over by remainders of
the Atlantean culture when they settled the
History of Astrology land of Egypt at the end of the Fourth Root

T he word “rulership” in the contemporary

astrology of the twentieth and twenty-first
centuries refers to a similarity held to exist be-
Race. If so, that would make of the rulership
concept an aged notion indeed, one perhaps
drawn directly out of the occult lore propound-

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 55

The Esoteric Quarterly

ed by Hierarchy in various forms throughout The linkage of above and below continued and
the ages. proliferated in the Pythagorean tradition of the
500s BCE, which attributed certain magical
At any rate, the idea that the astrological signs
and therefore curative properties coming from
are inherently associated with certain celestial
on high to members of the plant kingdom,10
bodies indeed took root in the fertile soil of
and thus advocated a kind of celestial thera-
western speculative spiritual philosophy, find-
peutics mediated by the plant kingdom. This
ing there a congenial home throughout the cen-
fact has led some scholars of the history of
turies following whatever date was its first ap-
astrology to conclude that the real historical
pearance (or reappearance, as the case may be)
origin of the rulership idea lies in the doctrine
in our current race period.
of correspondences used in plant based medi-
A related development in western philosophy cal philosophy extending from the Pythagorean
may well have paved the way for the further period forward through Medieval European
elaboration of the rulership concept in the mid- herbology.11 However, it seems the Babylonian
500s BCE, when the Greek philosopher Anax- idea was sufficient impetus in this direction,
imenes articulated the now well-known idea, and it certainly occurred much earlier. All that
“As above, so below.” This phrase embodies followed may well have been an elaboration
the idea that there exists a correspondence be- upon the earlier established theme.
tween things at a higher, grander, or more ab-
In fact, the correlation of signs and gods was
stract level and those at a lower, more mun-
echoed by the famed Greek philosopher Plato,
dane, or tangible level. If this idea is applied
who around 400 BCE advanced the very same
rather literally to the situation of the solar sys-
idea held by the Babylonian culture and reli-
tem in space, it can be said that the constella-
gion some nearly two and a half millennia be-
tions as stars far out in space (and thereby the
fore him, for he held that the twelve signs of
signs) represent the “above,” and the planets,
the zodiac were ruled by twelve gods, only in
much closer and tangible, therefore represent
his case, the Greek gods.12
the “below” part of the formula. Hence, when
Anaximenes added the fundamental relation- The same idea was picked up and stated clear-
ship of macrocosm to microcosm (or larger to ly by the Roman poet Manilius13 around 10
smaller, greater to lesser) to the emerging phil- CE.14 Manilius enumerated a list of the rele-
osophical considerations of his time, he may vant twelve gods,15 most of whom are familiar
well have supplied a theoretical foundation for planetary deities, the remaining divine figures
the whole astrological premise, including the associated today with various of the asteroids.
idea that there can be identified certain rela- Speaking for the astrological tradition of his
tionships existing between signs (the greater) day, here, for record, are the rulers of the signs
and celestial bodies (the lesser). as they were conceptualized in the first century
CE. by Manilius.

Correlation of Signs with Gods in the First Century CE.16

Aries Pallas Athena
Taurus Venus
Gemini Apollo
Cancer Mercury
Leo Jupiter
Virgo Ceres
Libra Vulcan
Scorpio Mars

56 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

Sagittarius Diana and Vesta

Capricorn Vesta
Aquarius Juno
Pisces Neptune

A moment’s inspection of this list by the astro- way passed along to his astrological descend-
logically educated reader reveals that the asso- ants the notion of astrological rulership, which
ciations of the signs with the gods used in the is to say, the idea that certain signs of the zodi-
first century CE are not identical with those ac are inherently linked to (because similar to)
used currently in mainstream or exoteric as- certain celestial bodies.
trology, for Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, In this manner, the association of planetary
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and powers with other orders of evolution contin-
Aquarius are all associated in contemporary ued. A link between signs and planets was
popular astrology with planets named for other further perpetuated and elaborated by the
gods than the ones given above.17 Still, it is Hermetic writings of 100 – 300 CE,21 which
evident that the basic notion of linking a sign sometimes associated planets with decans on
with a god or planet was certainly part of west- one hand and with plants on the other, as the
ern astrological thinking in the first century Hermetic literature of the first century CE was
CE. given to do.22 The contents of these writings
The Roman astrologer Claudius Ptolemy, who were to be passed directly to Medieval and
lived in Alexandria around 100 CE and who Renaissance astrology in Europe.
had access to the famed library of that mystical By the time the well-known English astrologer
and esoterically eclectic city, further advanced William Lilly held forth as an astrological con-
the rulership idea.18 Situated as he was in prox- sultant and writer in the mid-1600s, the rul-
imity to the combined wisdom of the then ership of signs by their associated planets had
known western world, Ptolemy was able to become an absolutely key and central feature
survey the entirety of the astrological doctrine of astrological analysis, as is plainly revealed
as it had been handed down from Mesopotami- by but a moment’s examination of Lilly’s
an times and then modified throughout the fol- monumental tome, Christian Astrology (so
lowing centuries. The fruit of his labors took named to protect its author from the ravages of
shape in an astrological text called The Tetra- seventeenth century religious zealotry).
biblos. The resulting Ptolemaic astrological
system included as but one of many features As used by Lilly, the rulers of the signs func-
the definite association of signs and planets, tioned to indicate the nature and condition of
conceptualized in the same general way that persons and situations in the horary chart, a
signs and planets are associated in contempo- chart drawn up for the specific purpose of an-
rary astrology, though the details differed.19 swering a definite question. Lilly’s method for
so doing relied almost entirely upon a complex
Thus, the notion of rulership as an inherent rulership system, with the planetary rulers of
affinity between certain astrological signs and signs on the various house cusps and their in-
certain celestial bodies had made its definite terrelations telling the story of how the matter
appearance by the time of Ptolemy and likely at hand would unfold. The system used by
well before, for Ptolemy’s objective was simp- Lilly (and his contemporaries) for attaching the
ly to codify the astrological lore collected up to planets to the signs went beyond the simple
his time. His compendium of classical astro- system used for that purpose in the popular
logical knowledge became a primary literary astrology of the twentieth and early twenty-
authority for the astrologers of late antiquity first centuries, but the idea of associating signs
and even for those active during the Middle with planets that either represent or further
Ages in Europe.20 Claudius Ptolemy in this reveal the nature of the signs was well estab-

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 57

The Esoteric Quarterly

lished by Lilly’s day, and has remained so ruling a sign, that sign, and the house of the
right up to modern times. same number are all alike in meaning.

Rulership as Conceptualized in For example: Mars, Aries, and the first house
are all considered in contemporary mainstream
Modern Times astrology to be identical expressions of the

T hus, as has been shown, the whole idea

that a particular celestial body can be per-
ceived as linked with a given astrological sign
same archetype. This is a way of perceiving
and analyzing astrological influence that works
very well for the description of personality and
has been around in one form or another since general world conditions or events. In this
at least 2000 BCE, and perhaps even longer. way, the notion of planetary rulership has be-
By the twentieth century, this idea had taken come a key feature in mainstream astrological
the form of an implied or understood equiva- technique, underscoring a perceived similarity
lency between a planet and the sign in which it between the celestial body and the sign in
was said to rule. In fact, this equivalency ex- which it is said to “rule.” Following is a table
tended to the houses of the chart as well, such of the celestial bodies, which are generally
that in the mainstream astrology of the late held to rule the various signs in the mainstream
twentieth and twenty-first centuries, it has be- astrology of the early twenty-first century,
come widely accepted that the celestial body though some variations can be found in diverse

Modern Rulership Table

Sign Ruler
Aries Mars
Taurus Venus
Gemini Mercury
Cancer Moon
Leo Sun
Virgo Mercury
Libra Venus
Scorpio Pluto
Sagittarius Jupiter
Capricorn Saturn
Aquarius Uranus
Pisces Neptune

Again, these associations are based on the per- origin in w hat is called the Chaldean order of
ceived similarity of the paired signs and celes- the planets, which order is a listing of celestial
tial bodies. This method of associating the bodies including the Moon and Sun. This or-
signs signs and celestial bodies further has its dering is as follows:

Chaldean Order of the Planets (or Celestial Bodies)


58 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018


These were the seven celestial bodies visible to leading away from these two signs in decreas-
the Mesopotamian peoples (some of whom ing speed of movement within the zodiac.
were from Chaldea, hence Chaldean) to whom The planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto had
are credited the rise of western astrology. This not yet been discovered by exoteric science at
ordering of planets is derived from the relative this time (though the existence of these and
speed of each body, as its motion was per- other planets was most certainly recognized by
ceived in the ecliptic, starting with the body, the Hierarchy23). Therefore, only the seven
which evidences the greatest speed through the visible planetary bodies were allotted to the
ecliptic (the Moon), and ending with the body signs in ancient times. Since there are twelve
that evidences the least (Saturn). Thus, the list signs, this meant that after the main lights (the
begins with the Moon, which celestial body is Moon and Sun) were given to Cancer and Leo
assigned to Cancer. The next fastest moving respectively, the remaining five celestial bod-
body as it is perceived in the ecliptic or zodiac ies (all of which are planets) were allotted to
is the Sun, which is assigned to Leo. The re- the remaining ten signs, with each planet as-
maining bodies are then given to each of signs signed to two signs, in the following manner.

Table of Chaldean Rulerships

Sign Celestial Body or Planet Ruling

Aries Mars
Taurus Venus
Gemini Mercury
Cancer Moon
Leo Sun
Virgo Mercury
Libra Venus
Scorpio Mars
Sagittarius Jupiter
Capricorn Saturn
Aquarius Saturn
Pisces Jupiter

It is important for students of the Tibetan’s ships, as will be explained shortly. At any
esoteric astrological doctrine to know about rate, the chief points from the table above
this table of rulerships because the Tibetan are the twin facts that:) Cancer and Leo are
himself appears to have used this basic struc- the heart of the ordering, and 2) that the
ture for his exoteric or orthodox table of ruler- five visible planets are associated with the

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 59

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sign s on either side of these two in the However, that may be where the similarity
zodiacal ro und, starting with Leo and work- stops, for beyond this commonality, the Tibet-
ing forward to Virgo, Libra and s o on, allot- an’s thoughts on rulership verge far away from
ting the planets in the Chaldean order for list- that of the mainstream notion, as shall be
ing the celestial bodies, and likewise starting a shown.
second series with Cancer, and working back- The Tibetan’s recasting of the astrological rul-
ward to Gemini, Taurus and so on, again fol- ership system flows from his general vision of
lowing the Chaldean order. This arrangement the evolutionary process as expressed through
is the root of the modern rulership system, the Human Kingdom, which encompasses in-
which has simply substituted the recently dis- dividuals at varying stages of progress on the
covered planets for those used previously as spiritual path. As the Tibetan has outlined,
rulers of certain signs, with Uranus given to Humanity might be roughly classed in three
Aquarius, Neptune to Pisces, and Pluto to groups26 – mass or average Humanity, ad-
Scorpio—again, all on the basis of perceived vanced Humanity including disciples, and
similarities in nature between signs and plan- highly advanced disciples or initiates, particu-
ets, which is the foundation of the popular larly those who have arrived at or beyond the
concept of rulership in the late twentieth and Third Initiation.27
early twenty-first centuries.
Mass or average Humanity is constituted of the
Rulership as Discussed in teeming billions spread all over the planet who
Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology work and toil with little apparent need or hun-
ger for much beyond physical fulfillment. Ad-
T he Tibetan also spoke of the concept of
rulership in Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology,
but the implications of his terminology in this
vanced Humanity is constituted of intellectuals
and culturally aware individuals to whom the
life of the mind is a factor and for whom life
regard are not necessarily what is frequently must have meaning, and who seek to amelio-
assumed. Just exactly what is signified by the rate the condition of Humanity in various altru-
Tibetan’s use of this term and this notion will istic ways. Disciples are those of any spiritual
be unfolded in this section. persuasion who definitely recognize that evo-
First, let it be said that the Tibetan himself lution is infinite in nature, that inspiration
stated that in his usage, the phrase “to rule” comes from higher levels, and that it is the re-
means “to condition,”24 though he did also al- sponsibility of units thus awakened to help
lude to the rulership function as one of con- spread goodwill and lift the burden of Humani-
trol.25 To condition is to influence, or to im- ty in a planned and deliberate manner. Initiates
part the nature of one thing to another, while to are those few who have integrated the best of
control is to regulate, govern, or command. discipleship understandings and skills and who
Thus, the Tibetan’s proposed rulership system are, in addition, concerned with cosmic energy
has these several understandings at its base: impacts and their right application to evolution
when planets are said to “rule” signs, it means under the Plan.
that they both impart some of their quality or According to the Tibetan, these three catego-
nature to the signs concerned, and at the same ries of Humanity receive the energies that flow
time shape, direct, and determine their expres- from the zodiacal constellations and through
sion. This vision of rulership is not far distant their representative signs in manners consistent
from the contemporary understanding of rul- with their stages of evolution.28 In other
ership, which posits a pre-existing likeness words, each category experiences and express-
between associated planets and signs, and es star energies differently. To reflect this crit-
which holds that rulers in some cases deter- ical and central fact of energy distribution
mine where in the natal chart and how in outer within our planetary life, the Tibetan proposed
life the energy of the sign will be expressed. a three-tiered planetary rulership system for
This much, then, shows the esoteric and exo- the familiar twelve signs of the zodiac, with
teric rulership ideas pretty closely matched. each sign given three planetary rulers to de-

60 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

scribe the way that each of the three groups most exclusively in a focus upon the ephemer-
characteristically manages the energies of that al matters of the personality. For these, he stat-
sign. ed, the planets popularly associated with the
To describe the experience of mass Humanity signs are adequately descriptive. In Bailey’s
in any one of the signs, the Tibetan stated that Esoteric Astrology, the Tibetan Master also
the planetary rulers posited by popular or called these the “orthodox” rulers, assigning
mainstream astrology were sufficient.29 These them to the situation of “ordinary” Humanity.30
he termed “the exoteric rulers,” and associated Here are the pairings relevant for this sector of
them with the response to zodiacal influences the Human Kingdom.
characteristically given by persons living al-

Orthodox, Conventional, or Mainstream Rulership Table

Governing and Describing Experience in the Signs
by Mass Humanity31
as given by the Tibetan in Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology
Sign Ruler
Aries Mars
Taurus Venus
Gemini Mercury
Cancer Moon
Leo Sun
Virgo Mercury
Libra Venus
Scorpio Mars
Sagittarius Jupiter
Capricorn Saturn
Aquarius Uranus
Pisces Jupiter

Examination of this list reveals that these exo- relevant to describe the experience of the per-
teric rulers are identical to the ancient or Chal- sonality-centered individual.
dean rulers, except in one case, which is that of
However, for advanced Humanity and certain
Aquarius. Aquarius has been paired with one
individuals highly responsive to the soul and
of the planets discovered in modern times,
the influence of Hierarchy (i.e., disciples), the
Uranus. Otherwise, the entire list conforms to
Tibetan Master held that there was required a
the traditional method of linking the signs and
second set of rulers, called the esoteric rulers.32
the planets, which method may well have been
These esoteric rulers, he explained, add their
in use for about two thousand years by the time
effect to that of the mainstream r ulers33 for
the Tibetan issued the information on the triple
the group affected, not actually negating the
rulership system. Apparently, things have not
exoteric rulers at first, though supplementing
changed too much f or mass Humanity in this
them and only eventually gaining pronounced
regard; therefore these traditional rulers remain

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dominance in effect.34 And though the exoter- vanced Humanity and disciples of attainment
ic rulers remain somewhat relevant for the up to and shortly before the taking of the Third
group primarily affected by the esoteric rulers, Initiation, at which point the hierarchical rulers
the converse is not true, the Tibetan held. He (to be discussed next) become relevant. For
emphatically stated that the esoteric rulers are this intermediate group, however, the esoteric
not at all indicative of or applicable to the ex- rulers remain of the essence. Here is a tabula-
perience of mass Humanity in any one sign, tion showing the esoteric or unorthodox rulers
and therefore should not be employed for in- (as opposed to the exoteric and orthodox) as
terpreting their charts.35 given by the Tibetan in Bailey’s Esoteric As-
The esoteric rulers are therefore reserved spe- trology.
cifically for astrological consideration of ad-

Unorthodox or Esoteric Rulership Table

Governing and Describing
the Experience of Advanced Humanity and Disciples
up to the Gate of the Third Initiation36
Sign Ruler
Aries Mercury
Taurus Vulcan
Gemini Venus
Cancer Neptune
Leo Sun
Virgo Moon
Libra Uranus
Scorpio Mars
Sagittarius Earth
Capricorn Saturn
Aquarius Jupiter
Pisces Pluto

Examination of this list reveals the salient fact who are in process of making that shift or who
that the pairings are dramatically different have accomplished that shift, the above listing
from the ancient or Chaldean listing. Not only of esoteric rulers is the most descriptive, ac-
are the planets paired with the signs in a vastly cording to the esoteric astrological doctrine.
changed scheme, but it also uses celestial bod- For the third and final group of individuals, yet
ies not even mentioned in the Chaldean Order, a third set of rulers is required, again according
such as Vulcan, Earth, Uranus, Neptune, and to the esoteric astrological doctrine. This third
Pluto.37 The implications of this startlingly group of rulers pertains to those who have ar-
divergent method of pairing the signs and rived at or gone beyond the Third Initiation,38
planets are many, all generally indicative of at which initiation the monad first becomes a
the dramatic alterations in personal point of real influence.39 These rulers therefore de-
view that come about as the shift from person- scribe the nature of experience under the in-
ality focus to soul focus supervenes. For those

62 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

fluence of any given sign as undergone by and final group of planetary rulers has thus
those who are to some degree monadically been termed “the hierarchical rulers.” They
aware. pertain, as stated, to those who have passed at
Further, this third and final group of rulers was least the Third Initiation and who have as a
said by the Tibetan to be related to the Twelve result reached some degree of monadic con-
Creative Hierarchies,40 energy streams which tact. Some students might raise the objection
originate in sources far beyond our solar sys- that there are too few such persons with whom
tem. The influences of the Twelve Creative to even be concerned, but this was not the po-
Hierarchies were said by the Tibetan to sweep sition taken by the Tibetan, who stated boldly
into the consciousness of the advanced initiate, that the ranks of such advanced initiates are
promoting awareness of life within the totality certain to grow as the Age of Aquarius un-
of our solar system by awakening what he folds.42 Here is a tabulation of the rulers rele-
termed “major group responses.41 This third vant for the third and final group.

Hierarchical Rulership Table

Governing and Describing the Experience
Of Initiates at and Beyond the Third Initiation43
Aries Uranus
Taurus Vulcan
Gemini Earth
Cancer Neptune
Leo Sun
Virgo Jupiter
Libra Saturn
Scorpio Mercury
Sagittarius Mars
Capricorn Venus
Aquarius Moon
Pisces Pluto

Examination of this list immediately reveals actly what this statement implies will be taken
again a great departure from the mainstream, up in a following section.
orthodox, or Chaldean system of pairing the At this point, however, it is essential to note
signs and celestial bodies. Further, as in the list that the three levels of rulership correlate pre-
of esoteric rulers above, Vulcan, Earth, Ura- cisely to important triplicities well familiar to
nus, Neptune, and Pluto are included. Here the diligent student of the esoteric occult doc-
again, it is a matter of symbolizing and charac- trine.
terizing the vastly changed energy dynamics as
the human unit moves its locus of control from First and most obviously, the three-tiered rul-
personality, to soul, to monad, this final list ership system outlined by the Tibetan address-
describing the nature of experience undergone es the esoteric constitution of the human be-
by the monadically aligned unit under the in- ing—personality, soul, and monad—a basic
fluence of the constellational-sign units. Ex- triad containing within its structure and dy-

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 63

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namics the equivalent of the powers said to work down and out into manifestation through
have driven the Universe into manifestation, the lower level rulers.
which is to say the Three Divine or Logoic
In a general way, the Tibetan put all this into
Aspects. The hierarchical rulers correlate to
context when he stated that the “lords or ruling
the First Aspect, the esoteric rulers to the Se-
powers” of the twelve constellations step down
cond Aspect, and the exoteric rulers to the
or channel into our region of existence the po-
Third Aspect.
tencies of the three major constellations.45
Accordingly, a correspondence can be drawn These three being the Great Bear, Sirius (and
between the Three Divine Aspects as they its group of stars, possibly the entirety of Canis
manifest on our planet and the three levels of Major), and the Pleiades. This is another way
rulership, with Shamballa as the head center of saying that the “lords or ruling powers” of
emanating purpose and significance through the twelve constellations step down or usher
the hierarchical rulers, Hierarchy emanating into our region of existence the potencies of
meaning and Plan through the esoteric rulers, the First, Second, and Third Aspects, of which
and Humanity expressing as appearance and the respective constellations are the expres-
activity via the exoteric rulers. sions.
Furthermore, the three-tiered rulership system In simplest terms, then, this means that the Ti-
implies the three planes of human endeavor betan saw the celestial bodies associated with
through which higher energies must descend the zodiacal signs at any level of rulership as
on their way to physical manifestation, with intermediaries in the distribution of the three
the hierarchical rulers corresponding to the fundamental energies of creation as these are
mental plane, the esoteric rulers to the astral conducted into the region of our solar system,
plane, and the exoteric rulers corresponding to our planetary life, and human experience. This
the physical plane.44 This correspondence was is but one of several ways that the triple rul-
singled out by the Tibetan as an important ership system restates essential esoteric princi-
concept shedding light on the nature and func- ples.
tioning of the multiple or triple rulership sys-
Thus, as has been shown, the triple rulership
tem. It suggests that ideas and energies de-
system contains within it many concepts foun-
scend from the hierarchical, to the esoteric, to
dational to the esoteric occult doctrine. It is
the exoteric rulers, just as they do from the
therefore as good a representative as any for
mental, to the astral, and finally the physical
the entire system, even though its implications
plane. Hence, the sequence of rulers might be
may not be properly understood by those un-
said to begin with the hierarchical, from which
schooled in the esoteric philosophy.
levels spiritual impulse originates, and then

Table Summarizing Correspondences

to the Triple Rulership System
Exoteric Rulers Esoteric Rulers Hierarchical Rulers
Third Aspect Second Aspect First Aspect
Activity Wisdom Will
Appearance Meaning Significance
Humanity Hierarchy Shamballa
Expression Plan Purpose
Physical plane Astral plane Mental plane
Personality Soul Monad

64 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

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From all this, it might be generally concluded tional astrology does not of necessity concern
that: itself with the esoteric constitution of the hu-
1) the exoteric ruler of a sign shows the lesson man or the processes of discipleship and initia-
to be learned, issue to be recognized, or per- tion which accompany progress from personal-
haps proper life path to be followed for those ity, to soul, to monad. This stepwise evolution
functioning at the personality level; underlies all that the esoteric astrological sys-
tem has to offer in terms of techniques or
2) the esoteric ruler shows the lesson to be methods of interpretation.
learned, issue to be recognized, or perhaps
proper life path to be followed for those func- The idea of a stepwise progression is written
tioning at the soul level; into the Tibetan’s rulership system in yet an-
other way, a feature of the multiple rulership
3) and the hierarchical ruler shows the lesson system also not found in conventional or main-
to be learned, issue to be recognized, or per- stream astrology. This feature of the esoteric
haps proper life path to be followed for those astrological system points out underlying or
functioning at the monadic level. possibly hitherto unsuspected linkages be-
To state this very same principle the other way tween signs sharing rulers at any level of rul-
around, it would be this: ership. So important is this notion that the Ti-
betan has stated, “…the nature of…impacting
1) individuals living at the personality level
energies can only be grasped as
are in the process of mastering the lessons and
we…investigate these signs in the relation
issues of the exoteric rulers;
which they assume…in connection with other
2) individuals living at the soul level are in signs, claiming the same planetary rulers.”46
process of mastering the lessons and issues of
the esoteric ruler; In other words, the nature of zodiacal forces
impacting individuals and groups can only be
3) and individuals living at the monadic levels properly comprehended by exploring the inter-
are in the process of mastering the lessons and relations of signs created by instances of
issues of the hierarchical ruler. shared rulers. A specific example of this no-
Or to state the matter in yet another way, the tion might be seen in the regard to the three
exoteric ruler reveals the outer and physical signs Aries, Libra, and Aquarius, all of which
plane method, the esoteric ruler the inner and claim the planet Uranus at some level of rul-
subjective or soul motive, and the hierarchical ership—Aries at the hierarchical level, Libra at
ruler the monadic objective. the esoteric level, and Aquarius at the exoteric
Hence, the influence of each zodiacal sign can
be examined with these general patterns in The implications are many and varied, but suf-
mind, whether the zodiacal sign be that of an fice it to say just now that the sign sequences
individual’s Sun, Ascendant, Moon, a promi- created by shared rulers suggest at least two
nent group of planets, or any other factor distinct possibilities: a) phases of growth and
thought to be of significance in the set of influ- progress that follow one another, and b) inher-
ences affecting an individual, group, organiza- ent connections within the zodiac of signs
tion, or national grouping. The characters of which are not apparent to the exoterically fo-
the relevant celestial bodies (as described in cused point of view. The important point to be
the esoteric astrological doctrine) will be in- grasped here and in the context of this intro-
dicative in this regard, as will the rays distrib- duction to the general theory of the Tibetan’s
uted by the relevant ruling celestial bodies. multiple rulership system is simply that his
system allows for the identification of relation-
As has just been demonstrated, the function of
ships amongst the signs that are not accounted
rulership in the astrological doctrine espoused
for in exoteric astrology.
by the Tibetan Master leads to territory far
afield from the concept of rulership in conven- Perhaps a question that might form in the mind
tional or mainstream astrology, for conven- of the inquiring student is as follows: Exactly

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how and on what basis have the esoteric and ly for “a zodiacal cycle,” though which cycle is
hierarchical rulers been allotted to the signs? not specifically revealed. All the same, the idea
Anticipating this question in a general way, the appears to be that the assignment of the esoter-
Tibetan Master had this to say. “The energies ic and hierarchical rulers to the signs (repre-
of the various signs are attracted by the differ- senting constellations) undergoes revision at
ent planets according to their stage of devel- cyclic intervals. It is likely that the cyclic revi-
opment and by what is esoterically called ‘an- sion of the rulership system occurs with the
cient relationship’ between the informing enti- dawn of each new astrological age, or once
ties of the planets and of the constellations. about every 2100 years.
This relation exists between beings and is Given that the Tibetan’s dispensation of the
founded on a Law of Affinity. It is this law of Ageless Wisdom teaching through Alice Bai-
affinity which produces the magnetic pull and ley is intended to help inaugurate the Age of
the dynamic response between constellations Aquarius, it would be in keeping that the rul-
and planets with the solar system…”47 In other ership scheme for this new and emerging age
words, there is some type of pre-existing rela- should be issued in this way. Therefore, it may
tionship, driven by karmic ties established be assumed with very reasonable confidence
deep in the past, to be found in play between that the esoteric and hierarchical rulers given
the various solar logoi constituting a constella- in Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology are intended by
tion and the indwelling entities of the individu- Hierarchy to be used from the mid-1900s CE
al celestial bodies linked with them through the (with the dawn of nuclear power as the pre-
rulership system.48 dicted sign that the Age of Aquarius has be-
Since the Tibetan has used the word “affinity” gun)50 for approximately 2100 years forward,
to describe this deep pre-existing relationship, or until shortly after 3000 A.D. Thus, students
it can be assumed that the underlying mecha- of the esoteric astrological doctrine may be
nism of the esoteric and hierarchical ruler as- assured that even though the basis upon which
signments is in some regard similar to that of the rulerships are drawn may be somewhat
the exoteric rulership arrangement—in other veiled and the pairings even subject to change,
words, it is based on some type of energy qual- the system as it stands is worthy of contempla-
ity common to the individual constellations tion for what is commonly called “the foresee-
and the celestial bodies with which they are able future.”
paired. Since the signs represent the constella- The time-sensitive nature of the multiple rul-
tions, the same can be said directly of the ership scheme was alluded to by the Tibetan in
signs. This stated, there still remains a signifi- a subtle manner in a passage in which he used
cant degree of mystery as to the exact nature of its indications as a basis for prediction. This
the karmic link bonding the constellations with passage concerns the relationship of the con-
the hierarchical and esoteric rulers, which stellational-sign units Capricorn, Libra, Aquar-
leaves some degree of uncertainty in regard to ius, and the planet Saturn, which rules in Cap-
the precise reason why certain constellational- ricorn at both the exoteric and esoteric levels,
sign units and celestial bodies are linked. and in Libra at the hierarchical. Saturn is also
Further, there is some considerable hint that the ancient or Chaldean ruler of Aquarius, and
the hierarchical and esoteric rulers may be a ruler of one of its decans, as is pointed out.51
found to shift and change over long periods of Much is proven by this repeating and critical
time. The hint that this is so is subtly stated, role for Saturn, the effects of which planet the
the argument for it embedded in a passage that Tibetan equated to the tests preceding initia-
refers to “the inter-relations existing in this tion.52 He stated that the presence of Saturn at
particular zodiacal cycle between the twelve all three levels of rulership in this sign group-
signs of the zodiac and the twelve planets...”49 ing indicates that initiatory opportunity for all
This statement would seem to suggest that the life on our planet is imminent. In his words,
particular arrangement of the celestial bodies the strong representation of Saturn in the pre-
in the multiple rulership system is relevant on- sent arrangement of the triple rulership system

66 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

“…makes factual and clear that at this time, time and eternity. They speak about things
the signs of balance and initiation can be intel- timely, and even those things intended and
ligently used to produce effects on our Earth destined by the Plan in the current astrological
and this they will immutably do.”53 The signs age.
of balance and initiation are Libra and Capri- It might legitimately be said, therefore, that the
corn respectively, and it is to these that he re- multiple rulership system is unique in its abil-
ferred. An argument could be made that the ity to reveal and elucidate matters pertaining to
sign Aquarius represents both the intelligent the overall evolution of Humanity. That this is
application of evolutionary energies to the en- so may be concluded from a passage in which
tire spectrum of life on our planet, plus the the Tibetan discussed the function of the planet
timeliness of all these indications for the Age Venus at two levels of rulership across three
of Aquarius. signs and then made the following summation
It can be deduced, therefore, that the Capri- remark. “Thus can the golden thread of evolu-
corn-Libra-Aquarius grouping is an occult tionary progress be traced throughout the zodi-
formula that can be read as indicated, but only acal path from sign to sign, and thus the histo-
with the key knowledge that Saturn is the ele- ry of humanity can be seen and its goal vi-
ment that binds the three together. If Saturn, sioned.”54 In other words, the trail established
the planet of initiatory tests, were not assigned through the signs by any given celestial body
to each of these signs in just the way that it is, as ruler at the various levels tells a particular
the same conclusion could not be drawn. But, story related to the issues encountered in the
reliable evidence, according to the Tibetan, is collective spiritual progress of the Human
in the sky, so to speak, proving that certain Kingdom. Another exposition of this principle
outcomes are inevitable. appeared in the Tibetan’s discussion of the
esoteric and hierarchical rulers of Gemini, the
Hence, it would appear that predictions can be
tension between which he said generates a pro-
made on the basis of the rulership system;
cess which “intensifies all that goes on and
which fact must imply that the multiple rul-
leads to the unfoldment upon our planet of the
ership system is built on principles designed to
consciousness of universality—to which the
reflect the underlying and actual (or occult)
word ‘Hierarchy” is the key.”55 Here again is
energy configuration in effect during a particu-
an instance in which the multiple rulership sys-
lar time. This feature both distinguishes the
tem functions to reveal all-encompassing evo-
multiple rulership system from and relates it to
lutionary movements affecting the entirety of
the exoteric rulership concept, which too is
the Human Kingdom.
used by conventional astrology as a predictive
tool, in the sense that things of the nature of a This method of utilizing and interpreting the
sign’s ruling planet are said by mainstream rulership system is unlike anything found with-
astrology likely to occur under the influence of in the sign rulership system used by conven-
that sign, whether that be during an astrologi- tional astrology, though it is true that many
cal age or any other interval of time permeated mainstream astrological writers give consider-
with the influence of an astrological sign. able attention to the fact that persons exist at a
However, since conventional astrology uses range of evolutionary levels and so express the
only one level of rulership, it can’t generate sign characteristics in varying ways. Still, the
predictions based on the same type of inter- business of following the rulers through a se-
locking rulership patterns as can the esoteric quence of signs and thus reading the history
astrological approach. This predictive capabil- and future of Humanity in general is unique to
ity is an interesting and often overlooked fea- the esoteric astrological system, and will be
ture of the esoteric astrological system deline- explored in detail shortly
ated by the Tibetan, and one that again under- The connection of the multiple rulership sys-
scores the fact that the rulership assignments of tem with the history and future of human spir-
the multiple rulership system are intended for itual evolution is but one relatively obscure
use now, in the Age of Aquarius, but not for all proposition associated with this feature of the

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esoteric astrological system. Yet another con- in the welter of different rulers and the ten-
cerns the Creative Hierarchies associated with sions between them.
the signs, as given in a chart found in the early That tension can be understood as the conflict
pages of Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology.56 Ac- between the different rays they distribute, for
cording to the Tibetan, study of the Creative the rays distributed by the esoteric rulers, are
Hierarchies associated with the signs and by and large, not the same as those distributed
kingdoms is one of the ways to grasp the na- by the exoteric rulers and the related signs. As
ture and purpose of the three-level rulership a consequence, there is brought to bear a varie-
system,57 though in exactly what way, he did ty of ray energies upon the individual who by
not specify. Further, enough information to virtue of spiritual evolution comes within
even get started in this direction has been giv- range of influence emanating from the esoteric
en for only seven of the twelve astrological rulers; for he or she is responsive to both the
signs, the highest five lacking association with exoteric and esoteric rulers for a considerable
specific kingdoms. Thus, this particular meth- time,58 which is to say, many and diverse ray
od of scrying into the nature of the multiple influences.
rulership system is not entirely accessible at About this the Tibetan has stated that it is via
present. However, it should be borne in mind the combined forces of the exoteric and esoter-
that the triple rulership system is in some way ic rulers that the seeker on the discipleship
related to the Creative Hierarchies. It is hoped path “…finds himself responsive to a very
that the exact manner in which this is so will wide number of energies…hence the difficul-
be revealed in the installment of the Ageless ties of the man upon the Path of Disciple-
Wisdom anticipated to be disclosed in the early ship.”59 This statement might be interpreted to
portion of the twenty-first century. say that the difficulties encountered on the path
At any rate, many features of the multiple rul- are directly related to the multiplicity of ener-
ership system are in no dispute whatsoever, gies coming through the relevant rulers, each
constituting rock solid concepts upon which representing pulls, incentives, or particular
the student can depend. The first and most values vying for the disciple’s attention.
evident of these is the way in which this sys-
In this sense, it might be said that the differ-
tem reproduces the essential triple structure
ences in character and ray natures between the
attributed by the esoteric occult doctrine to the
relevant rulers represent the various sets of
entirety of manifested existence. Another is the
dualities and conflicting values, choices, or
fact that the multiple rulership accounts for a
possible adaptations encountered and enter-
basic premise of esoteric astrology—that zodi-
tained by the seeker. Much time is required in
acal energies are integrated differentially by
the process of sifting through these matters; in
persons of varying grades of evolutionary sta-
essence, deciding which of the rulers (exoteric,
tus. Yet a third is the notion that hidden rela-
esoteric, or perhaps even hierarchical) and
tionships existing between the signs are re-
which of the related rays shall dominate and
vealed by following the trail of rulers at vary-
constitute the way out of dilemma. The choic-
ing levels of rulership.
es are many and persistent all along the path,
Another feature of the multiple rulership sys- for as the Tibetan has stated, the range of vi-
tem which is undisputed is the fact that it indi- brations to which even the initiate is subjected
cates, in both a symbolic and literal fashion, is manifold.60 This situation is technically re-
the complexity of energies faced by the indi- flected by the fact that in the later stages of the
vidual who is progressing upon the rigorous discipleship path, the hierarchical rulers exert
and demanding path of discipleship and initia- influence along with and on top of the residual
tion, which path is filled with all sorts of tests, effects from the exoteric and esoteric rulers. In
necessary discernments, and subtle issues to be this way is the individual trained in universali-
grasped and mastered. These matters, which so ty, flexibility, and adaptability, even at the
try the soul of the seeker, can be seen reflected same time he or she is subject to necessary

68 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

choices and decisions. All this is coded into evolved continuously from classical times up
the multiple rulership system, constituting as it to the present. To this background of a well-
does a hieroglyphics of energy impacts greet- established historicity, the Tibetan Master has
ing the striving seeker who progresses from added a unique three-tiered rulership system
emphasis upon the things of the personality to that appeals to the esoteric mind for several
those of the soul and monad. reasons. First, the triple rulership system car-
ries weight for the esoteric student because it
The dedicated student of the Ageless Wisdom
reproduces the triple structure espoused
might find it of interest to note that the early
throughout Bailey’s esoteric occult doctrine.
twentieth century Theosophical astrologer
Second, the three-tiered rulership system ac-
Alan Leo may well have anticipated the multi-
counts for the nature of experience under the
ple rulership system ultimately articulated by
influences of the signs at the personality, soul,
the Tibetan, in which three rulers are attributed
and monadic levels. Third, the triple rulership
to each sign. Leo also held that every zodiacal
system speaks uniquely to the esoteric mind
sign is inherently triple, with one part reflec-
because it suggests and reveals hitherto unsus-
tive of the self, one the not-self, and the third
pected relationships between the signs, rela-
the relation between,61 a wording used by the
tionships that evoke the history of not only the
Tibetan himself to describe the interaction of
individual soul but also of the entire collective
the Three Divine Aspects, of which the triple
of the Human Kingdom. In this privileged
rulership system is assuredly a reflection.
view of sign rulership proposed by the Tibetan
Here the self might be understood as the mon-
Master during the twentieth century, much has
ad, the not-self the personality, with the rela-
been given which invites further contempla-
tion between being the soul. At any rate, the
tion, research, and explication by coming gen-
similarity in thinking and expression between
erations of esotericists.
the notions and even the language of Leo and
the Tibetan hints that Leo may well have been
tuned into the thoughtform of the coming triple 1
Alice A. Bailey, The Destiny of the Nations
rulership system long before it formally ap- (New York: Lucis Publishing, 1949), 70.
peared in print. Further evidence that this may 2
James Stephenson, Prophecy on Trial (New
have been the case comes from Leo himself, York: Lucis Publishing 1983), 23.
who made what would appear to have been a Ibid.
prescient remark when he wrote that the shift Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology (New
from personality emphasis to spiritual empha- York: Lucis Publishing, 1951), 274.
sis “changes the rulers….”62 And that little Ibid.
notion is, in essence, what the multiple rul- A.H. Sayce, Astronomy and Astrology of the
Babylonians (San Diego: Wizards Bookshelf,
ership system of Alice Bailey and the Tibetan
1981), 148.
is all about. 7
Michael Baigent, Nicholas Campion, and
Charles Harvey, Mundane Astrology (London:
Conclusion Thorsons Publishing Group, 1984), 17.

s this study has demonstrated, the three- James H. Holden, A History of Horoscopic
fold rulership system proposed and advo- Astrology (Tempe: American Federation of
cated by the Tibetan Master emerges as a key Astrologers, 1996), 4.
concept within the esoteric astrological system Jim Tester, A History of Western Astrology
(New York: Ballantine, 1987), 76.
of Alice Bailey. Students of Bailey’s esoteri- 10
Lynn Thorndike, History of Magic and Exper-
cism interested in this facet of the teaching imental Science (New York, Columbia Uni-
may be aided in their contemplations by con- versity Press, 1923), v. 1, 65.
sidering the main points presented here, which 11
See J. Lee Lehman, Essential Dignities (Penn-
are these. First, the general notion of astrologi- sylvania: Whitford Press, 1990).
cal rulership has its roots in ancient ideas da- Rupert Gleadow, The Origins of the Zodiac
ting from at least 2000 B.C.E. Further, the (New York: Dover, 1969), 80.
general idea of associating signs and planets Holden, History, 22.
fits into the history of rulership theory that has Tester, History, 34.

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 69

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Gleadow, Origins, 80 – 81. signs of the same names, it is again accurate to
Holden, History, 22. simply relate these rulers to the relevant signs.
17 37
The full rulership list as used by the main- The Tibetan implied that the still invisible
stream astrology of the late twentieth and ear- Vulcan plus Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—the
ly twenty-first centuries will be given shortly planets discovered in modern times—all
in this section. Those already familiar with the should indeed be assigned to placement as
exoteric rulerships scheme of modern time sign rulers, even though certain astrologers of
will notice, however, that the god associated the mid twentieth century disagreed. See Bai-
with Pisces in the first century C.E. was Nep- ley’s Esoteric Astrology, 114.
tune, thus setting the foundation for the mod- This is implied at Bailey, Esoteric Astrology,
ern rulership of Pisces by Neptune. 63.
18 39
Nicholas Campion, An Introduction to the Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age I
History of Astrology (Bromley, Kent: Institute (New York: Lucis Publishing, 1944), 271;
for the Study of Cycles in World Affairs, Discipleship in the New Age II (New York:
1982), 34 – 35. Lucis Publishing, 1955), 768.
19 40
Tester, History, 72. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, 65.
20 41
Holden, History, 49. Ibid., 65, 268.
21 42
Francis Yates, Giordano Bruno and the Her- Ibid., 268.
metic Tradition (New York: Random House, This table has been drawn from information
1969), 2. given on 68 of Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology,
Thorndike, History, v. 1, 288. which associates the rulers with the constella-
Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, 14. tions. However, as is the case with the two
Ibid., 277. preceding tables, since the constellations ex-
Ibid., 550. press themselves through the zodiacal signs of
Ibid., 65. the same names, it is accurate to simply asso-
That the third group is constituted of third ciate the relevant planetary ruler with the indi-
degree initiates and beyond can be deduced cated sign. Note also that the original table
from comments given on 163 of Bailey’s Eso- does not include reference to initiates of any
teric Astrology. degree. That information comes from page
Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, 65. 163 of Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology in a dis-
Ibid. cussion of the triple rulers of Capricorn. There
Ibid., 66. it is stated that the hierarchical ruler (Venus)
The information in this table has been drawn supercedes the esoteric ruler (Saturn) at the
from page 66 of Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology. Third Initiation. From this passage it can
The tabulation there is titled “The Orthodox therefore be inferred and extrapolated that in
Astrological Relationship: Constellations and general, hierarchical rulers come into effect at
Planetary Rulers.” Note this tabulation is giv- the Third Initiation.
en for constellations rather than for signs, but Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, 216.
since the constellations express themselves Ibid., 85, 595.
through the signs of the same names, it is ac- Ibid., 321.
curate to simply associate the relevant rulers Ibid., 266 – 267.
with the signs. This may be the underlying reason why the
Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, 66. Moon is said to veil other planets, for the
Ibid., 268. Moon no longer has an indwelling entity, and
Ibid., 139 – 140. can therefore no longer lay claim to a pre-
Alice A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations existing karmic tie with other logoic life.
(New York: Lucis Publishing, 1960), 253. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, 51.
36 50
The information in this tabulation is again tak- The date for the beginning of the Age of
en from Esoteric Astrology, 66. The original is Aquarius is indeed a matter of contention and
titled “The Unorthodox Astrological Relation- debate amongst astrologers and esotericists.
ship: Constellations and Planetary Rulers.” However, there are two statements made by
Note that the original tabulation title refers to the Tibetan that allow us to situate the proba-
constellations and not signs, but since the con- ble onset of the Age of Aquarius in the first
stellations express themselves through the half of the twentieth century. In Problems of

70 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

Humanity, 81, the Tibetan stated unequivocal- predicted to come forth during the Age of
ly, “The release of the energy of the atom is Aquarius. Thus, the Tibetan has as much as
definitely the inauguration of the New Age.” stated that the Great Invocation is designed to
In The Reappearance of the Christ, 82 – 83, jumpstart the Aquarian Age.
the Tibetan all but stated flatly that the Age of It is of consequence to note also that the Ti-
Aquarius began in June 1945 with the assump- betan predicted in Esoteric Psychology I, 415,
tion by the Christ of his Aquarian role. Thus, that the incoming Ray Seven energies would
let us look briefly at the history of nuclear cause great destruction of present animal
power and the significance of the year 1945 in forms, and this we are given to understand,
particular. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, not for some arbitrary reason, but because the
the structure of the atom was discovered pro- present forms are attuned to the departing Age
gressively by a number of researchers of Pisces, and hence must give way to new
throughout the world scientific community. configurations. In this vein, consider that fact
Yet, it was not until 1938 that the German that the number of persons deceased in World
physicist Otto Hahn first split the atom. War II, leading up to and overlapping the like-
Hahn’s achievement demonstrated the possi- ly onset of strong Ray Seven influence, was
bility of sustained nuclear reaction, which ul- 45 million. If the human form can be consid-
timately was first achieved in the United ered a heritage from its animal past, then the
States at the University of Chicago on Decem- end of World War II and the putative onset of
ber 2, 1942. The world’s first operational nu- the Aquarian Age contain demonstrated world
clear reactor was activated at Oak Ridge, TN, events that reflect the Tibetan’s characteriza-
USA, in 1943. Finally, the first experimental tion of Ray Seven influence. Here indeed is a
atomic bomb was exploded at Alamogordo, gripping argument for the validity of the Ti-
NM, USA, on July 16, 1945. Barely three betan’s claims and likewise for the fact that
weeks later, the first nuclear weapons were the Seventh Ray Age of Aquarius has already
detonated over Japan on August 6 and 9, 1945. begun. This contention is further supported
Thus, key developments in the unleashing of by the fact that destruction of animal forms
the power of the atom occurred in 1938, 1942, continued almost unabated throughout the
1943, and 1945. The last of these coincides twentieth and early twenty-first century, with
dramatically with the Tibetan’s specific identi- extinction of animal species progressing at
fication of June 1945 as the beginning of the what is to many an alarming rate. Though no
Age of Aquarius. Thus, the Christ assumed esotericist can justify environmental degrada-
what D.K. referred to as his “Aquarian role” in tion for the purposes of corporate selfishness,
June 1945, and about one month later, the first we can however adjust the sadness consequent
massive release of nuclear power occurred, to upon loss of animal species with the insight at
be followed by even more titanic releases hand regarding the inherent effect of the Sev-
about two months after the Christ’s accession. enth Ray. Further, we can advisedly know
Bearing all this in mind, together with the that this destruction of form will eventually
facts that the Tibetan has stated that the onset make way for a liberation of the animal king-
of the Age of Aquarius was to be signified by dom into higher grades of evolution.
the release of the energy of the atom and by
As has been shown in regard to the advent of
the accession of the Christ to his current sta-
nuclear power, the work of the Christ, and the
tus, it is well nigh impossible to conclude any-
expected effect of the Seventh Ray upon ani-
thing other than that the Age of Aquarius is
mal form, there exists compelling evidence
now under way and has been so for a good
that the Age of Aquarius began right before
half century. To all this might be added the
the middle of the twentieth century.
fact that the currently used form of the Great 51
Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, 550.
Invocation was given in 1945. In Esoteric 52
Ibid., 549 – 550.
Psychology II, 145, the Tibetan called the In- 53
Ibid., 550.
vocation an “inaugurating mantram” of the 54
Ibid., 245.
Seventh Ray, which is of course one of the 55
Ibid., 361.
rays associated with the Age of Aquarius. The 56
Ibid., 34 – 35.
planet Uranus, exoteric ruler of Aquarius, dis- 57
Ibid., 243.
tributes the Seventh Ray and is the source of 58
Ibid., 139 – 140.
the strong Ray Seven energies expected and

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 71

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Ibid., 268.
Alan Leo, Esoteric Astrology (Rochester: Des-
tiny Books, 1989, first published 1913), xviii.
Ibid., 145.

72 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

The Epistle to the Hebrews: Steps of Building the

Zachary F. Lansdowne

Abstract its historical setting. Its author, first readers,

location, and date—these are all matters of

T he Epistle to the Hebrews, which is part of

the New Testament, is traditionally at-
tributed to Paul the Apostle, but modern bibli-
debate among scholars, which is another
way of confessing ignorance.2

cal scholarship considers its authorship to be Let us consider the most important question
unknown. Nevertheless, Alice Bailey, a writer about the epistle’s composition: Who wrote it?
in the theosophical tradition, asserts, “Paul the Many names have been proposed for its au-
Apostle … wrote that epistle about which so thorship, but no suggested name seems to have
much controversy has raged—The Epistle to a convincing justification. Mark Powell, author
the Hebrews,” and gives the following di- of several widely used college textbooks on the
rective: “Read that epistle … and note how a Bible, notes:
great initiate endeavoured to reveal some facts, The King James Version of the Bible titles
inherent in the will or power aspect.” This arti- this work “The Epistle of Paul the Apostle
cle carries out Bailey’s directive and shows to the Hebrews,” but the attribution to Paul
that the Epistle to the Hebrews illustrates her was a guess, and probably not a very good
steps of building the antahkarana, which is an one. The letter itself is anonymous, and its
inner, or psychological, bridge that one builds distinctive style and theology set it apart
between lower and higher aspects of oneself. from Paul’s writings.3
The Epistle to the Hebrews As these quotations of Johnson and Powell

T his article uses the New American Stand- show, modern scholars generally doubt that
ard Bible for biblical quotations, because Paul was the author of Hebrews, but some an-
it is regarded by many scholars as the most cient scholars shared a similar doubt. For ex-
literally translated of the available modern ample, Origen, an early Christian theologi-
English translations. For example, Lee Brown an, wrote in the third century, “Men of old
states: “One of the highest examples of ‘word have handed it down as Paul’s, but who wrote
for word’ translation is that of the New Ameri- the Epistle God only knows.”4
can Standard Bible (NASB). While this ver- Johnson also writes, “The self-evident and
sion is the most accurate you can get to the transparent truthfulness of Hebrews—its ca-
original language, it is also choppy here and pacity to illuminate Christian convictions and
there and can be harder to read.”1 practices and the very meaning of Christian
Luke Johnson, a New Testament scholar and _____________________________________
historian of early Christianity, describes the
difficulty of present-day readers to understand About the Author
the Epistle to the Hebrews: Zachary F. Lansdowne, Ph.D., served as Presi-
For present-day readers, Hebrews is also dent of the Theosophical Society in Boston. He has
one of the most difficult and challenging been a frequent contributor to The Esoteric Quar-
compositions in the New Testament canon. terly. His book The Revelation of Saint John, which
provides a verse-by-verse analysis of the entire
It is difficult because we are unable satis-
Revelation, was reviewed in the Fall 2006 issue. He
factorily to place this magnificent display can be reached at:
of early Christian rhetoric and theology in

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 73

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existence—is no longer accessible to readers, Testament have traditionally been attributed to

even Christians, in the early twenty-first centu- him, and approximately half of the Acts of the
ry.”5 Why do present-day readers find this Apostles treats his life and works.
epistle to be inaccessible? Bradley Hanson, in
Paul is highly regarded by writers in the theo-
Introduction to Christian Theology, makes this
sophical tradition:
Helena Blavatsky (1831– 1891), founder of
The most involved use of sacrificial image-
the Theosophical Society, writes, “There
ry in the New Testament occurs in the Epis-
was but one apostle of Jesus worthy of that
tle to the Hebrews, which probably was
name, and that was Paul,”9 “Paul was the
written to a group of Hebrew Christians
only one of the apostles who had under-
who were very familiar with the sacrificial
stood the secret ideas underlying the teach-
practices of the Temple. But for later gen-
ings of Jesus, although he had never met
erations of Christians the Epistle to the He-
him,”10 “the cautious hints of Paul have all
brews has been comprehensible only if they
the true esoteric meaning,”11 and “Paul was
studied about Hebrew sacrifices.6
undeniably an Initiate.”12
In addition, Bob Utley, in The Superiority of
Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949), a member of
the New Covenant: Hebrews, notes,
the Theosophical Society before leaving it
This book uses OT [Old Testament] texts to pursue her own activities, refers to “the
interpreted by rabbinical hermeneutics to great initiate, St. Paul,”13 and says, “I would
communicate its message. In order to un- suggest that there has never been a better
derstand the original author’s intent, this description of the nature of love than that
book must be interpreted in light of first given by the initiate Paul, even though the
century rabbinical Judaism, not modern translation of his words is faulty at times.
western thought.7 Study those passages in the New Testament
in which he defines love.”14
Finally, Johnson says,
Here, the term initiate is used in the sense of
Hebrews challenges present-day sensibili-
one possessed of divine wisdom.15 Bailey, after
ties most of all by seeing suffering as the
describing how Moses and Jesus had penetrat-
very heart of discipleship. Suffering … is
ed through two veils of ignorance, writes:
the inevitable concomitant of obedient faith
itself. It is the sound of the human spirit Another rending of the veil … took place
opening itself to the presence and power of when Saul of Tarsus saw the glory of the
God. It is the very path by which humans Lord and was changed into Paul the Apos-
become transformed, as was Jesus, into ful- tle. His forward moving and potent direct-
ly mature children of God.8 ness and sincerity, pushing along “the road
to Damascus,” forced him to penetrate
Thus, modern scholars generally agree on two
through one of the separating veils. The
points about the Epistle to the Hebrews: its
Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and
author is unknown; and present-day readers
the violent take it by force. This force,
have more difficulty in understanding it than
working in Saul, drove him through the veil
the people at the time of its writing.
which prevented vision, and the rent there-
Paul the Apostle by made brought him a new revelation. He
was, we are told, completely blinded for
S aint Paul (c. 5 – c. 67), known also as Paul
the Apostle, taught the gospel of Christ to
the first-century world. He is generally consid-
three days, and this the esoteric records cor-

ered to be one of the most important figures in The above quotation corroborates the account
the growth of early Christianity: he founded of Paul’s conversion along “the road to Da-
several churches in Asia Minor and Europe, mascus” given in Acts 9 and 22. In the phrase
fourteen of the twenty-seven books in the New “The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence

74 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

and the violent take it by force,” which is taken Thus, Bailey contradicts both previously-
from Matthew 11:12, “force” signifies the will mentioned points on which modern scholars
or power aspect, which is the first and highest generally agree, because she says that Paul
divine quality.17 Bailey continues her descrip- wrote the epistle and that present-day readers
tion of Paul’s experience: can understand certain facts in it better than the
people at the time of its writing. Before at-
He realised the nature of the Law, as his
tempting to identify these propitious and trans-
later epistles demonstrate; he was brought
formative facts, let us introduce the concepts
to the feet of the Initiator through the effect
of the causal body and antahkarana.
of love, and thus he availed himself of the
two earlier rents in the veil. Whilst thus The Causal Body
reaching out to the light, he wrote that epis-
tle about which so much controversy has
raged—The Epistle to the Hebrews. In it A uthur Powell, a theosophical writer who
studied the esoteric works of Helena Bla-
vatsky, Charles Webster Leadbeater and Annie
the results of the rending of the third veil
provide the keynote and express the first Besant, says:
and highest aspect, as the two earlier rents The causal body owes its name to the fact
lead to the revelation of the third and se- that in it reside the causes which manifest
cond divine qualities. This first aspect is themselves as effects in the lower planes.
seen as synthesis, as the Communion of For it is the experiences of past lives, stored
Saints, and as related to the Lord of the in the causal body, which are the cause of
World, Melchizedek. Read that epistle in the general attitude taken up towards life,
the light of these remarks, and note how a and the actions undertaken.20
great initiate endeavoured to reveal some
facts, inherent in the will or power aspect.18 The notion of the causal body can be found in
yoga philosophy, where its Sanskrit name is
The above quotation claims that Paul wrote the Karana Sarira; Karana means “cause” and
Epistle to the Hebrews and gives the following Sarira means “body.”21 For example, Parama-
directive: “Read that epistle … and note how a hansa Yogananda, in Autobiography of a Yogi,
great initiate endeavoured to reveal some facts, speaks of “the idea, or causal, body,”22 and Sri
inherent in the will or power aspect.” Bailey Aurobindo, in The Synthesis of Yoga, speaks of
provides more information about these facts: “our causal body or envelope of gnosis.”23
These [facts] were, however, far beyond the To understand the role of the causal body, it is
ken of the disciples and aspirants of the helpful to introduce some additional terminol-
time, but can today form a true part of the ogy. According to Theosophy, the planetary
realisation of humanity. Law, Love, Union life consists of seven worlds that are often
or Synthesis—all these great energies have called “planes” and have the following names:
seeped into the human consciousness and 1) logoic; 2) monadic; 3) spiritual; 4) intuition-
now provide the platform upon which the al; 5) mental; 6) emotional; and 7) physical.24
new civilisation can be founded, the new These planes are regarded as being arranged
approach to God be taken, and new human metaphorically in a higher and lower manner.
relations be implemented.19 For example, the mental, emotional, and phys-
According to the above quotation, the incorpo- ical planes, which are spoken of as composing
rated facts were “far beyond the ken of the dis- “the world of phenomena,”25 are the three low-
ciples and aspirants of the time” that the epistle est planes.
was written, “but can today form a true part of Theosophy divides the mental plane into seven
the realisation of humanity.” Moreover, the levels, or subplanes: four concrete, or lower,
incorporated facts “now provide the platform levels; and three abstract, or higher, levels.26
upon which the new civilisation can be found- The mental body is said to reside on the con-
ed,” which characterizes them as propitious crete levels of the mental plane, and the causal
and transformative. body on the abstract levels of the mental

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 75

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plane.27 I. K. Taimni, another theosophical interference, straight through to the physi-

writer, refers to the mental body as “the vehi- cal brain.31
cle of concrete thoughts,” and says, “The first
She also describes the fourfold alignment of
function of the Causal body is that it serves as
the causal, mental, emotional, and physical
the organ of abstract thought.”28
The notion of the causal body seems to be in-
When the alignment is fourfold and when
corporated into Paul’s writings, as shown by
the three above-mentioned bodies are
the following examples:
aligned with the body of the Higher Self,
Bailey states, “The content of the causal the causal or egoic body, and held steady
body is the accumulation by slow and grad- within its circumference, then the great
ual process of the good in each life.”29 Paul, leaders of the race,—those who emotionally
in 1 Timothy 6:18-19, states: “Instruct them and intellectually sway mankind,—can be
to do good, to be rich in good works, to be seen working; then the inspirational writers
generous and ready to share, storing up for and dreamers can bring down their inspira-
themselves the treasure of a good founda- tions and dreams; and then the synthetic
tion for the future, so that they may take and abstract thinkers can transfer their con-
hold of that which is life indeed.” If Paul’s ceptions to the world of form.32
phrase “the treasure of a good foundation”
In this quotation, the phrase “the causal or ego-
referred to the content of the causal body,
ic body” shows that causal body and egoic
then his statement would be like Bailey’s.
body are synonyms.
Bailey states, “When the Thinker on his
own plane withdraws his attention from his The Antahkarana
little system within the three worlds and
gathers within himself all his forces, then
physical plane existence comes to an end
B lavatsky provides this explanation in her

and all returns within the causal conscious- Antahkarana (Sanskrit), or Antaskarana.
ness.”30 Paul, in 2 Corinthians 5:1, states: The term has various meanings, which dif-
“For we know that if the earthly tent which fer with every school of philosophy and
is our house is torn down, we have a build- sect. Thus Sankaracharya renders the word
ing from God, a house not made with as “understanding”; others, as “the internal
hands, eternal in the heavens.” If Paul’s instrument, the Soul, formed by the think-
phrase “the earthly tent” referred to the ing principle and egoism”; whereas Occult-
physical body, and if his phrase “a building ists explain it as the path or bridge between
from God” referred to the causal body, then the Higher and the Lower Manas.33
his statement would be like Bailey’s. In the above quotation, Manas is a Sanskrit
The differentiation between the mental body term that literally means “mind.”34 Although
and causal body enables there to be a differen- the Sanskrit term antahkarana has various
tiation between two related kinds of alignment. meanings, this article consistently uses the
Bailey describes the threefold alignment of the term in accordance with Bailey’s definition:
mental, emotional, and physical bodies: “The technical antahkarana, bridging between
the threefold personality and the Spiritual Tri-
The great thinkers of the race, the true ex- ad.”35 Here, the personality consists of the
ponents of lower mind, are fundamentally mental body, emotional body, and physical
those whose three lower bodies are aligned; body;36 and the Spiritual Triad consists of the
that is to say those whose mental body spiritual will, spiritual love, and higher mind.37
holds the other two in circumspect align- Thus, Bailey’s definition of the antahkarana is
ment. The mental body, then, is in direct compatible with how, in Blavatsky’s words,
communication, unobstructed and free from “Occultists explain it.”

76 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

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Bailey describes the following sequence of But to build the antahkarana … involves in-
alignments: tense mental activity; it necessitates the
power to imagine and to visualise, plus a
the mental body becomes the centre of con-
dramatic attempt to build the Lighted Way
sciousness and then later—through prac-
in mental substance. This mental substance
tice—it becomes the point of departure for
is—as we have seen—of three qualities or
the transference of the polarisation into a
natures, and the bridge of living light is a
higher body, first the causal and later into
composite creation, having in it:
the Triad.38
1. Force, focussed and projected from the
Here, the threefold alignment corresponds to
fused and blended forces of the personality.
when “the mental body becomes the centre of
consciousness,” the fourfold alignment corre- 2. Energy, drawn from the [causal or] egoic
sponds to when there is “the transference of body by a conscious effort.
the polarisation into … the causal,” and the
3. Energy, abstracted from the Spiritual
completed antahkarana corresponds to when
there is “the transference of the polarisation
into … the Triad.” Therefore, accordingly to Each listed force or energy is generated by one
Bailey’s sequence, the threefold alignment and of the three prerequisites described earlier: the
then the fourfold alignment are two prerequi- threefold alignment, fourfold alignment, or
sites for building the antahkarana. right orientation towards the Spiritual Triad.
Bailey mentions “the attainment of that meas- Bailey says, “The understanding of the method
ure of mental control that will permit the wis- of building the antahkarana is essential if hu-
dom of the Triad to pour down into the physi- manity is to move forward as planned,”44 but
cal brain, via the causal,”39 which indicates what is that method? Bailey lists “The six steps
that the causal body can be the link between or methods of building the Antahkarana” as 1)
the Spiritual Triad and personality. This inter- Intention, 2) Visualization, 3) Projection, 4)
mediate role of the causal body is another pre- Invocation and Evocation, 5) Stabilization, and
requisite for building the antahkarana, because 6) Resurrection and Ascension.45 Although she
Bailey also writes, “the antahkarana … even- provides an extensive commentary on each of
tually supersedes the causal body as a means these steps, let us summarize each one by in-
of communication between the higher and the cluding only a brief extract:
lower,”40 which presupposes the prior use of 1. Intention. “a. The achieving of right ori-
the causal body as such a means of communi- entation … towards the Spiritual Triad. b.
cation. Here, “the higher” denotes what Bailey A mental understanding of the work to be
calls the “higher self,” which is the Spiritual
done is necessary. c. A ring-pass-not of
Triad, and “the lower” denotes what she calls consciously gathered energies must be cre-
the “lower self,” which is the personality.41 ated and held in a state of tension. d. A pe-
Regarding the above quotation, what “measure riod of clear thinking anent this process of
of mental control” must be attained before “the Intention must be attempted. e. Then fol-
wisdom of the Triad” can pour down via the lows the preservation of a point of ten-
causal body? Bailey says, “endeavour to throw sion.”46
the attention … toward the Spiritual Triad.”42 2. Visualisation. “He [the disciple] there-
Therefore, a third prerequisite for building the fore proceeds at this point to construct the
antahkarana could be called “right orientation blue print of the work to be done, by draw-
towards the Spiritual Triad”: first attain the
ing upon the imagination and its faculties as
fourfold alignment, and then throw the atten- they are to be found upon the highest level
tion towards the Spiritual Triad. of his astral or sensitive vehicle.”47
Bailey explains why these three prerequisites
3. Projection. “The task—and it is a real
are needed: one—of building the antahkarana and creat-

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ing that which will bridge the gap is in truth Hebrews 6:1-3 conveys the intention of its au-
the planned and conscious effort to project thor:
the focussed thought of the spiritual man 1
Therefore leaving the elementary teaching
from the lower mental plane into areas of about the Christ, let us press on to maturity,
awareness which have been sensed but not not laying again a foundation of repentance
contacted; it entails using the totality of the from dead works and of faith toward God,2
awareness already developed … and (with of instruction about washings and laying on
deliberation) making it increasingly sensi- of hands, and the resur-
tive to the focussed ac- rection of the dead and
tivity of the world of Helena Blavatsky ... founder eternal judgment.3 And
the higher spiritual re-
of the Theosophical Society, this we will do, if God
writes, “There was but one
4. Invocation and Evo-
cation. “The task of aspostle of Jesus worthy of Accordingly, starting in
Chapter 6, the Epistle to
Invocation, based on that name and that was the Hebrews presents an
Intention, Visualisation
and Projection, has
Paul,” “Paul was the only advanced teaching con-
been carefully under- one of the apostles who cerning Christ. The rest
of this article interprets
taken by the disciple understood the secret ideas that advanced teaching
and he has at least
some measure of clear
underlying the teachings of as testifying to the fore-
going prerequisites and
perception as to the Jesus, although, he had six steps of building the
work he has done by never meet him,” “the antahkarana.
the dual means of spir-
itual living and scien- cautious hints of Paul have Hebrews 6:9-20
tific, technical, occult all the true esoteric 9 But, beloved, we are
work. He is therefore meaning,” and “Paul was convinced of better
himself invocative. things concerning you,
His life effect is regis- undeniably an Initiate.”
and things that accom-
tered upon the higher pany salvation, though we are speaking in
levels of consciousness and he is recog- this way. 10 For God is not unjust so as to
nised as ‘a point of invocative tension’ … forget your work and the love which you
The result is that his developed potency and have shown toward His name, in having
its radius of influence are now sufficiently ministered and in still ministering to the
strong to call out a response from the Spir- saints. 11 And we desire that each one of
itual Triad.”49 you show the same diligence so as to real-
5. Stabilisation. “First comes the clashing ize the full assurance of hope until the end,
of the old with the new rhythm. This is fol- so that you will not be sluggish, but imi-
lowed by a period of gradual dominance of tators of those who through faith and pa-
the new, elimination of the old, and the sta- tience inherit the promises.
bilisation of the new vibration.”50 13
For when God made the promise to
6. Resurrection and Ascension. “This Way Abraham, since He could swear by no one
[into new fields of spiritual experience] is greater, He swore by Himself, 14 saying, “I
revealed only when the antahkarana is built WILL SURELY BLESS YOU AND I WILL
and completed and the man becomes fo- SURELY MULTIPLY YOU.” And so, having
cussed in the Triad as consciously as he is patiently waited, he obtained the promise. 16
now focussed in the threefold lower na- For men swear by one greater than them-
ture.”51 selves, and with them an oath given as

78 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

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confirmation is an end of every dispute. 17 and in still ministering to the saints.” There-
In the same way God, desiring even more fore, they must be maintaining the fourfold
to show to the heirs of the promise the alignment, which is a prerequisite for building
un-changeableness of His purpose, inter- the antahkarana, as discussed previously.
posed with an oath, 18 so that by two un-
Verse 10 also mentions “the love which you
changeable things in which it is impossible
have shown toward His name.” Regarding this
for God to lie, we who have taken refuge
verse, Johnson notes, “the expression of hu-
would have strong encouragement to take
man love toward God is relatively rare in the
hold of the hope set before us. 19 This hope
New Testament. More often the New Testa-
we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope
ment speaks of God’s or Christ’s love toward
both sure and steadfast and one which en-
humans.”54 Let us unpack the meaning of this
ters within the veil, 20 where Jesus has en-
unusual expression of love.
tered as a forerunner for us, having become
a high priest forever according to the order What does the name of God signify? John
of Melchizedek. McKenzie writes, “It is a widespread cultural
phenomenon that the name is considered to be
more than an artificial tag which distinguishes
As mentioned earlier, modern scholars gener- one person from another … but it is thought to
ally profess ignorance about the identity of the tell something of the kind of person he is.”55
epistle’s first readers and their location. We For example, 1 Samuel 25:25 says: “for as his
can say, however, that verses 9 through 20 are name is, so is he.” Tim LaHaye observes, “In
written as though they are directed towards a the Bible, a name reveals the nature of the per-
specific group of readers whom we call “stu- son.”56 For example, the Bible uses a change in
dents.” Verses 9 and 10 portray the achieve- the personal name to indicate a change in the
ments of the students before they are given any person’s nature, such as the change from Jacob
instruction, and then verses 11 through 20 give to Israel (Genesis 32:28). Consistent with such
them instructions. As shown next, verses 9 and usage, let us suppose that “His name” in verse
10 depict the prerequisites that one needs to 10 signifies God’s nature, so the verse indi-
achieve before undertaking the first step of cates that the students have shown love toward
building the antahkarana, and then verses 11 God’s nature. What is God’s nature? Bailey
through 20 give instructions on how to carry speaks of “God in manifestation, Whose nature
out that first step. is Light.”57 She also equates the “light of the
divine Presence” with the “light of the Spiritu-
Bailey mentions “a lop-sided causal body …
al Triad,”58 so verse 10 indicates that the stu-
full of great gulfs and gaps where virtues
dents have shown love toward the light of the
should be,”52 which implies that virtues are put
Spiritual Triad.
into the causal body. Virtues are abstract con-
cepts, so putting them into the causal body is M. Scott Peck, in The Road Less Travelled,
consistent with the earlier notion that this body notes, “The principal form that the work of
is the organ of abstract thought. Bailey de- love takes is attention. When we love another
scribes the goal of each successive alignment: we give him or her our attention.”59 Accord-
“The vehicle which seems of paramount im- ingly, verse 10 indicates that the students have
portance can become and should become of given their attention to the light of the Spiritual
secondary importance as it becomes simply the Triad. As discussed earlier, another prerequi-
instrument of that which is higher than it- site for building the antahkarana is what is
self.”53 Thus, the causal body can consistently called “right orientation towards the Spiritual
direct the threefold personality to practice vir- Triad”: first attaining the fourfold alignment,
tues if and only if the fourfold alignment is and then giving attention to the Spiritual Triad.
maintained. Verse 10 indicates that the stu- Consequently, verse 10 indicates that the stu-
dents are consistently practicing virtues, be- dents have achieved this prerequisite.
cause they are involved “in having ministered
1. Intention

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Intention, which is the first step of building the Ring-pass-not is a theosophical term for which
antahkarana, was characterized earlier as hav- Bailey provides this definition: “The limit of
ing five substeps: “a. The achieving of right the field of activity of the central life force.”62
orientation … towards the Spiritual Triad. b. A What is the meaning of this term in the context
mental understanding of the work to be done is of the third substep? Philip Cohen and Hector
necessary. c. A ring-pass-not of consciously Levesque state, “Intentions provide a ‘screen
gathered energies must be created and held in a of admissibility’ for adopting other intentions,”
state of tension. d. A period of clear thinking and give this explanation:
anent this process of Intention must be at-
Whereas desires can be inconsistent, agents
tempted. e. Then follows the preservation of a
do not normally adopt intentions that they
point of tension.”
believe conflict with their present-and fu-
Let us consider each substep in the given or- ture-directed intentions. For example, if an
der, starting with: “a. The achieving of right agent intends to hardboil an egg, and knows
orientation … towards the Spiritual Triad.” As he has only one egg (and cannot get any
just discussed, verse 10 indicates that the stu- more in time), he should not simultaneously
dents have already achieved right orientation intend to make an omelette.63
towards the Spiritual Triad. The initial phrase
In the context of the third substep, the “ring-
of verse 11, “And we desire that each one of
pass-not” is the limit of the screen of admissi-
you show the same diligence,” refers to the
bility for adopting a new intention, and the
diligence just indicated in verse 10. Conse-
“central life force” is the power to adopt a new
quently, the initial phrase of verse 11 tells the
intention. With this meaning, the third substep
students to re-establish their right orientation,
explicitly portrays the strengthening of an
so it illustrates the first substep.
adopted intention to make it a fixed intention,
The second substep is: “b. A mental under- so this substep implicitly assumes the prior
standing of the work to be done is necessary.” adoption of an intention. Thus, the third sub-
As discussed earlier, right orientation permits step could be described in a more complete
the wisdom of the Triad to pour down through way: adopt an intention based on your under-
the causal body and into the mental body. The standing of the work to be done, and then
second substep converts this wisdom into a make it a fixed intention through creating and
mental understanding of the work to be done. holding a ring-pass-not that prevents the adop-
tion of subsequent intentions that are incon-
The final phrase of verse 11 says, “so as to
sistent with the adopted one. The third substep
realize the full assurance of hope until the
could also be described in a simpler way:
end.” Here, to realize means “to grasp or un-
adopt a fixed intention based on your under-
derstand clearly.”60 Therefore, the final phrase
standing of the work to be done.
illustrates the second substep in two ways: by
calling for a mental understanding of the work Eugene Peterson renders verse 12 in contem-
to be done, and by indicating that this under- porary language: “Don’t drag your feet. Be
standing is based upon the right orientation like those who stay the course with committed
achieved in the first substep. faith and then get everything promised to
them.”64 As indicated by verses 13 through 15,
The third substep is: “c. A ring-pass-not of
the models of intentional activity, “who stay
consciously gathered energies must be created
the course with committed faith,” include
and held in a state of tension.” Bailey says, “If
Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation. If the
there is right understanding, there will neces-
students were to “be like those who stay the
sarily be right action.”61 The second substep
course with committed faith,” they would
yields right understanding of the work to be
adopt a fixed intention. Verse 12 tells the stu-
done, and then the third substep provides in-
dents to be like such models, so this directive
struction on the corresponding right action.
tells them to implement the third substep.

80 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

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The fourth substep is: “d. A period of clear more likely that he refers simply to the
thinking anent this process of Intention must word of Psalm 110:4 which proclaims
be attempted.” Why must this substep be at- Christ the High Priest and the oath in the
tempted? Patrick Haggard and Baruch Eitam same context which confirms that appoint-
note: ment. In either case, the word constitutes a
“promise” for Christians because of the sta-
It is well known that people do not neces-
tus it accords Christ as heavenly intercessor
sarily act in accordance with their ex-
and “forerunner.”67
pressed intentions. The observation that in-
tentions are not always carried out has a The second notion is the opportunity to “inher-
long history. It is captured in such adages it the promises.” Attridge explains how verses
as “it’s easier said than done” or “the road 19 and 20 treat this notion:
to hell is paved with good intentions,” and
In fact, the oath in question, Psalm 110:4,
it was documented very early in empirical
does not directly confirm any particular
research on the attitude-behavior relation.65
promise. What it does is confirm the foun-
The third substep yields the adoption of a fixed dation of Christian hope, the exalted status
intention, but people do not necessarily adhere of Christ the High Priest, to which verses
to their adopted intentions, as the above quota- 19–20 refer. Christ, as the “forerunner,” has
tion acknowledges. With respect to medical attained the intimate access to God that is
patients adhering to their prescribed medical the goal of humankind and the true content
treatments, Ashish Atreja and others report, of the divine promises. Because he has at-
“Research has consistently demonstrated that tained that access, he has also made it pos-
patients’ understanding of their conditions and sible for those who follow him in faith to
treatments is positively related to adherence.”66 do so as well. As High-Priestly precursor,
In an analogous manner, with respect to people he also stands ready to aid them in that pur-
adhering to their adopted intentions, their un- suit.68
derstanding of the process of intention must
Verse 20 describes Jesus as “having become a
also be positively related to their adherence.
high priest forever according to the order of
Therefore, the fourth substep could be de-
Melchizedek.” Genesis 14:18 refers to Mel-
scribed in a more complete way: think clearly
chizedek as the “king of Salem” and “a priest
about this process of intention to increase your
of God Most High.” Bailey considers Melchiz-
understanding about it, thereby increasing your
edek to be the “Lord of the World,”69 and the
adherence to your intention.
hierophant for certain major initiations.70 In
Verses 16 through 20 illustrate the fourth sub- verse 20, the phrase “having become” indicates
step by displaying clear thought about two no- an achievement occurring in the past, so this
tions built into verses 11 and 12. The first no- verse can be understood as saying that Jesus
tion is “the full assurance of hope until the attained a major initiation during a ceremony
end.” Harold Attridge, Dean of Yale Universi- officiated by Melchizedek.
ty Divinity School, explains how verses 16
The fifth and final substep is: “e. Then follows
through 18 treat this notion:
the preservation of a point of tension.” Else-
The use of an oath by God ensures that where Bailey explains the meaning of the fifth
there are “two immutable things” on which substep by saying, “It is the preservation of the
believers can rest assured. These two things rightly focussed and rightly oriented con-
are no doubt God’s word and the oath that sciousness which we seek to guard,”71 so this
confirms it. Hebrews does not specify more substep brings about a strict adherence to the
precisely on what word and oath the ad- fixed intention that was adopted previously.
dressees may rely. Our author may have in The word “Then,” in the preceding statement
mind the two verses from the Psalms men- of the fifth substep, indicates that the fourth
tioned in [Hebrews] 5:5 and 6, namely, substep causes the fifth substep to happen,
Psalm 2:7 and Psalm 110:4, although it is

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which corroborates the earlier notion that un- 2. Visualization

derstanding is positively related to adherence.
Visualization, which is the second step of
Bailey writes, “Patience is a quality of will; it building the antahkarana, was characterized
is of the nature of a strict adherence to a fixed earlier in this way: “He [the disciple] therefore
intention.”72 Verse 12 tells the students to in- proceeds at this point to construct the blue
herit the promises through “patience,” so the print of the work to be done, by drawing upon
use of this word corresponds to the fifth sub- the imagination and its faculties as they are to
step. be found upon the highest level of his astral or
sensitive vehicle.” Here, the “astral or sensitive
In conclusion, the five substeps of Intention
vehicle” is the emotional body.73
could be clarified in this way: a. Achieve right
orientation towards the Spiritual Triad; b. As discussed earlier, the purpose of your build-
Convert the wisdom of the Spiritual Triad into ing the antahkarana is to move the polarization
a mental understanding of the work to be done; of your consciousness into the Spiritual Triad.
c. Adopt a fixed intention based on your un- After this movement has occurred, the Spiritu-
derstanding of the work to be done; d. Think al Triad could be regarded as your new home-
clearly about this process of intention to in- land, because that is where you are polarized.
crease your understanding about it; e. Then This new homeland could be characterized as
strictly adhere to the fixed intention that you heavenly, because of its sublime values. In
adopted previously. Moreover, verses 11 contrast, the antahkarana’s place of origin, the
through 20 illustrate the overall step of Inten- personality, could be characterized as earthly,
tion, because they provide instruction corre- because of its mundane values. With this ter-
sponding to all five substeps that characterize minology, the second step could be rendered as
that step. follows: visualize the movement of your polar-
ization from your earthly place of origin into a
Hebrews 11:8-10, 13-16 new heavenly homeland.
By faith Abraham, when he was called, Verse 13 states in part: “All these died in faith,
obeyed by going out to a place which he without receiving the promises, but having
was to receive for an inheritance; and he seen them and having welcomed them from a
went out, not knowing where he was going. distance.” As the earlier verses 8 through 10
By faith he lived as an alien in the land of make clear, “All these” denote the patriarchs
promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling in of the Old Testament, namely, Abraham, Isaac,
tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow heirs of and Jacob. David Garland notes, “the seeing
the same promise; 10 for he was looking for here is ‘from a distance’ and relates to the eye
the city which has foundations, whose ar- of faith, not to present experience.”74 Ralph
chitect and builder is God. Degn also notes, “Today we call eye of faith
All these died in faith, without receiving our mind’s eye or imagination, and we call
the promises, but having seen them and seeing with an eye of faith visualization or
having welcomed them from a distance, mental rehearsal.”75 Accordingly, the book
and having confessed that they were Heroic Faith rephrases verse 13 in terms of
strangers and exiles on the earth. 14 For visualization:
those who say such things make it clear that Those listed in Hebrews 11 actually acted
they are seeking a country of their own. 15 as if the future were here even though they
And indeed if they had been thinking of were only able to visualize ultimate exoner-
that country from which they went out, they ation, eventual rewards, guaranteed victory,
would have had opportunity to return. 16 But and complete salvation in their heads.76
as it is, they desire a better country, that is,
a heavenly one. Therefore God is not Verse 13 also states in part: “and having con-
ashamed to be called their God; for He has fessed that they were strangers and exiles on
prepared a city for them. the earth.” In other words, the patriarchs

82 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

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viewed themselves as alien residents who had Pursue peace with all men, and the sancti-
no rights as citizens. Moreover, they viewed fication without which no one will see the
themselves as alien residents not merely in Lord. 15 See to it that no one comes short of
their own land, but “on the earth” in general. the grace of God; that no root of bitterness
Paul, in Philippians 3:20, conveys the same springing up causes trouble, and by it many
notion: “For our citizenship is in heaven, from be defiled; 16 that there be no immoral or
which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the godless person like Esau, who sold his own
Lord Jesus Christ.” birthright for a single meal. 17 For you know
As rendered in the NASB, verse 14 states, “For that even afterwards, when he desired to in-
those who say such things make it clear that herit the blessing, he was rejected, for he
they are seeking a country of their own.” This found no place for repentance, though he
destination, however, is rendered more simply sought for it with tears.
as “homeland” in other modern translations, 3. Projection
such as the New Revised Standard and English
Projection, which is the third step of building
Standard Version. As Attridge explains, verses
the antahkarana, was characterized earlier in
14 through 16 argue that the visualized home-
this way: “The task—and it is a real one—of
land is heavenly rather than earthly:
building the antahkarana and creating that
Although God’s promises to Abraham had which will bridge the gap is in truth the
been partially fulfilled in the wondrous planned and conscious effort to project the fo-
birth of Isaac, the promise of a homeland cussed thought of the spiritual man from the
was not. This promise the patriarchs could lower mental plane into areas of awareness
only glimpse from afar, while recognizing which have been sensed but not contacted; it
their condition (verse 13), thus indicating entails using the totality of the awareness al-
the true object of their quest (verse 14). A ready developed … and (with deliberation)
characteristic contra factual argument sug- making it increasingly sensitive to the focussed
gests that the homeland that they sought activity of the world of the higher spiritual re-
could not be their earthly place of origin alities.”
(verse 15). Rather, the goal of their wander-
ing was and is heavenly (verse 16).77 Bailey gives a shorter description of the third
step: “This involves a consequent moving of
Just as verse 13 describes the patriarchs as the point of individual focus out of the world
confessing “that they were strangers and exiles of phenomena into the world of reality.”78 The
on the earth,” you need to acknowledge the world of phenomena consists of the three low-
limitations of remaining polarized in your est planes, and the world of reality consists of
earthly place of origin, which is the personali- higher planes, so the step of Projection could
ty. Just as verses 13 through 16 describe the be described in this way: detach your point of
patriarchs as visualizing their movement from individual focus from mental, emotional, or
their earthly place of origin into a new heaven- physical things, and move it into the higher
ly homeland, the second step instructs you to world of reality. Paul, in Colossians 3:2, seems
visualize the movement of your polarization to describe the same effort: “Set your mind on
from your earthly place of origin into a new the things above, not on the things that are on
heavenly homeland, which is the Spiritual Tri- earth.” Bailey also speaks of “your intuitional
ad. Just as verse 13 states that “All these died grasp of reality,”79 so the third step uses intui-
in faith, without receiving the promises,” the tive perception, rather than the physical eyes of
second step ends with you having the faith, or the body, to perceive the world of reality.
assurance, that the antahkarana can be built,
but without receiving the promised shift in po- If one were to perceive the world of reality,
larization. Consequently, these verses illustrate what would one behold? Bailey gives this an-
the second step of Visualization. swer:

Hebrews 12:14-17

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But those who are awakening to the world Many aspirants reach this particular stage
of reality are constantly made aware of the and—having developed a real capacity to
divinity in man, through his unselfish acts, visualise, and having therefore constructed
his kindness, his spirit of enquiry, his light- by its means the desired form, and organ-
heartedness in difficulty, and his basic es- ised the substance which is to be employed
sential goodness.80 in this later phase of the building process—
find themselves unable to proceed any fur-
As indicated by the above quotation, the third
ther. What then is the matter? Primarily, an
step makes one “aware of the divinity in man.”
inability to use the Will in the process of
Psalm 82:6 supports this indication by saying
projection. This process is a combination
that a human being is essentially divine: “You
of will, further and continued visualiza-
are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most
To ameliorate this difficulty, Bailey recom-
Let us consider verse 14. Its first phrase, “Pur-
mends the formation of groups consisting of
sue peace with all men,” entails giving up par-
only those who are building the antahkarana:
tisanship, antagonisms, bias, greed, and envy.
Doug Keller explains, “Peace comes with fo- I would remind you that one of the new
cus and intention, and with the attitude or qual- things which the coming era of spiritual ex-
ity of the mind that is classically called dispas- pansion will see is the inauguration of
sion or (in Sanskrit) vairagya.”81 Bailey de- something entirely new: Group Initiation
scribes a person making this effort: “Through … The groups being prepared for initiation
learning the lesson of dispassion he becomes should consist only of those who are in pro-
immune to the suffering of the lower nature as cess of building the antahkarana, the bridge
he detaches his interest from secondary things between the Triad and the personality.86
and the non-essentials.”82 Thus, verse 14’s first
In addition, she describes the power of such a
phrase leads to detaching the point of individu-
group to lift each member:
al focus “from secondary things and the non-
essentials,” which are mental, emotional, or I would like here to emphasise one point as
physical things. we consider the individual in the group and
his group relations. Watch with care your
Verse 14’s second phrase is: “and the sanctifi-
thoughts anent each other, and kill out at
cation without which no one will see the
once all suspicion, all criticism and seek to
Lord.” Johnson explains, “Sanctification as
hold each other unwaveringly in the light of
something that can be pursued is the human
love. You have no idea of the potency of
search for full entry into the presence of the
such an effort or of its power to release
one who, through Christ’s spirit, is already
each other’s bonds and to lift the group to
present to them.”83 Johnson also explains,
an exceedingly high place.87
“‘seeing God’ is not physical sight (as in the
vision of Moses and the elders of the people in Verses 15 through 17 also describe how the
Exodus 24:10), but rather full participation in third step can be facilitated through group in-
God’s life, or, as the author stated in Hebrews teraction:
12:10, ‘to share in his holiness.’”84 Thus, verse 15
See to it that no one comes short of the
14’s second phrase leads to moving the point grace of God; that no root of bitterness
of individual focus into the higher world of springing up causes trouble, and by it many
reality. be defiled; 16 that there be no immoral or
Consequently, verse 14’s two phrases illustrate godless person like Esau, who sold his own
the third step of Projection: detaching the point birthright for a single meal. 17 For you know
of individual focus from mental, emotional, or that even afterwards, when he desired to in-
physical things, and moving it into the higher herit the blessing, he was rejected, for he
world of reality. Bailey, however, acknowl- found no place for repentance, though he
edges that the third step is difficult to achieve: sought for it with tears.

84 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

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Here, “See to it that no one comes short of the cause it symbolizes a response from each of
grace of God” is like Bailey’s earlier instruc- these three aspects in the given order.
tion “to release each other’s bonds and to lift
But you have come to Mount Zion. Gert Jor-
the group to an exceedingly high place”; “that
daan and Pieter Nel observe, “the author of
no root of bitterness springing up causes trou-
Hebrews not only took the central verses for
ble” is like Bailey’s earlier instruction, “Watch
his sermon from Psalm 110, but also used the
with care your thoughts anent each other, and
thought-structure of the Psalm as blueprint for
kill out at once all suspicion, all criticism”; and
the broad structure of his sermon.”88 Other
“that there be no immoral or godless person
scholars make similar observations.89,90,91 As
like Esau” is like Bailey’s earlier instruction,
examples of this psalm’s pervasive influence,
“The groups being prepared for initiation
Psalm 110:4 plays a key role in the earlier
should consist only of those who are in process
commentary on the initial step of Intention,
of building the antahkarana.”
and Psalm 110:2 is relevant for the current step
Hebrews 12:22-24 by mentioning Zion:
But you have come to Mount Zion and to The Lord will stretch forth Your strong
the city of the living God, the heavenly Je- scepter from Zion, saying,
rusalem, and to myriads of angels, 23 to the “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”
general assembly and church of the
firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to Let us note that verse 22 and Psalm 110:2 have
God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of a similar context: verse 22 says, “But you have
the righteous made perfect, 24 and to Jesus, come to Mount Zion”; and Psalm 110:2 uses
the mediator of a new covenant, and to the the possessive form of you to portray what
sprinkled blood, which speaks better than happens by coming to Zion. Thus, to under-
the blood of Abel. stand the meaning of verse 22, it seems neces-
sary to understand the meaning of Psalm
4. Invocation and Evocation 110:2.
Invocation and Evocation, which is the fourth Bailey’s earlier directive is to “note how a
step of building the antahkarana, was charac- great initiate endeavoured to reveal some facts,
terized earlier in this way: “The task of Invoca- inherent in the will or power aspect,” so let us
tion, based on Intention, Visualisation and Pro- regard Psalm 110.2 as portraying a stage in the
jection, has been carefully undertaken by the unfoldment of the will or power aspect. Bailey
disciple and he has at least some measure of describes the overall process:
clear perception as to the work he has done by
the dual means of spiritual living and scien- You will therefore have in this unfoldment
tific, technical, occult work. He is therefore of the will aspect of mankind the following
himself invocative. His life effect is registered stages, which are of psychological im-
upon the higher levels of consciousness and he portance. 1. Instinct. 2. Emotional aspira-
is recognised as ‘a point of invocative tension’ tion. 3. Intellect. 4. Mental one-pointedness.
… The result is that his developed potency and 5. Egoic purpose. 6. Spiritual will. 7. Di-
its radius of influence are now sufficiently vine intent.92
strong to call out a response from the Spiritual A scepter is “a staff held by a sovereign as an
Triad.” emblem of authority,”93 so it seems to denote
Verse 22 states, “But you have come to Mount the will aspect. Given this denotation, “strong
Zion and to the city of the living God, the scepter” in Psalm 110:2 signifies an advanced
heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels.” stage of the will aspect, because strong means
As defined earlier, the Spiritual Triad consists “having or showing ability or achievement in a
of three aspects: spiritual will, spiritual love, specified field,”94 so to “stretch forth Your
and higher mind. As shown next, verse 22 il- strong scepter” means to unfold a stage that is
lustrates the entrance into the fourth step, be- even more advanced. In Theosophy, the ego

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denotes the Spiritual Triad,95 so the egoic pur- gests that “city of the living God” and “heav-
pose denotes what is called “the wisdom of the enly Jerusalem” are different names for the
Triad” acting through the fourfold alignment. same thing. This suggestion is corroborated by
As mentioned previously, this wisdom is Revelation 21:2, because it mentions, “the holy
gained through right orientation to the Spiritual city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of
Triad, which is a prerequisite for building the heaven from God.” Through the earlier step of
antahkarana. Given that Psalm 110.2 portrays a Projection, one can recognize that any human
stage in the unfoldment being is a temple of
of the will aspect and Bailey asserts, “Paul the God, which is consistent
that this stage occurs
during the building of
Apostle ... wrote the epistle with Paul’s words in 1
Corinthians 3:16, “Do
the antahkarana, Bailey’s about which so much you not know that you
preceding quotation im- controversy has raged—The are a temple of God and
plies that Psalm 110.2 that the Spirit of God
portrays the transition Epistle to the Hebrews,” and dwells in you?” Bailey
from the egoic purpose gives the following directive: defines “spiritual love”
to the spiritual will. “Read that epistle ... and note as “the quality of group
Bailey provides this def- consciousness, of inclu-
how a great initiate siveness, of media-
inition: “the spiritual
will—that quota of the endeavoured to reveal some torship, of attraction 97
of unification.” Put
universal will which any facts, inherent in the will or differently, spiritual
one soul can express, power aspect.” By carrying love enables one, in
and which is adequate
for the purpose of ena- out Bailey’s directive, this Bailey’s words, “to see
bling the spiritual man to article demonstrates that the the think
picture whole, to
in the larger
co-operate in the plan
and purpose of the great
epistle illustrates her six steps terms, to emerge out of
life in which he has his of building the antahkarana. the normal separative
being.” 96
Given that consciousness into the
Psalm 110.2 portrays the unfoldment of the broad state of awareness that ‘sees no differ-
spiritual will, let us clarify that verse by using ence.’”
the preceding definition of the spiritual will: What larger recognition would emerge from
“the LORD” symbolizes the universal will, to combining the recognition of Projection—that
“stretch forth Your strong scepter” means to any human being is a temple of God—with
unfold your egoic purpose into your spiritual spiritual love? Humanity is sometimes referred
will, “Zion” is the place of spiritual power to as the “city of man,”99 which indicates that
where this unfoldment occurs, to “Rule” means all humanity can be viewed as a single whole
to cooperate with the divine plan, and “Your called a “city.” Consequently, “city of the liv-
enemies” symbolize your lower nature. With ing God” in verse 22 is taken as depicting this
this clarification, Psalm 110:2 becomes essen- larger recognition: humanity constitutes a sin-
tially Bailey’s definition of the spiritual will. gle body of the living God, which is consistent
Based on the clarified Psalm 110:2, “you have with Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 12:27,
come to Mount Zion” in verse 22 signifies that “Now you [collectively] are Christ’s body, and
you receive this empowerment: the universal individually members of it.” Bailey describes
will unfolds your egoic purpose into your spir- the same recognition: “recognition of the true
itual will and thereby enables you to cooperate brotherhood of man, based on the one divine
with the divine plan in the midst of your lower life, working through the one soul and express-
nature. ing itself through the one humanity.”100 Ac-
And to the city of the living God, the heavenly cordingly, coming to the larger recognition
Jerusalem. The grammatical construction sug-

86 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

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depicted in verse 22 indicates the activity of verse 23 signifies such penetration. According-
spiritual love. ly, the “church of the firstborn who are en-
rolled in heaven” consists of the people who
And to myriads of angels. Bailey mentions “the
receive their spiritual inheritance by penetrat-
unfoldment of the higher mind and, later, its
ing to the Spiritual Triad. Bailey provides the
use as the transmitter of the intuition and of the
following account of such people:
higher revelation.”101 Paul, in Ephesians 1:17,
seems to refer to this transmission by saying Presumably, you have all been working at
“that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Fa- the task of building the antahkarana, the
ther of glory, may give to you a spirit of wis- channel of communication between the
dom and of revelation in the knowledge of brain and the spiritual will … If you have
Him.” Angel is a translation of the Greek word been successful, it will be beginning to
(aggelos) that means “a messenger.”102 The dawn upon you that there is a great distinc-
intuitions and revelations that are transmitted tion between goodwill which the masses
from the higher mind could be regarded as be- can and often do grasp, and the will-to-
ing angels, because they are messengers from good which is the goal of the disciple.
the higher mind. Let us assume that the “myri- Goodwill is relatively simple of expression
ads of angels” in verse 22 denote such mes- … for it is a human attribute lying very
sengers, so encountering them indicates the near the surface of expression in all men.
unfoldment and activity of the higher mind. But the will-to-good is far more difficult to
express, for it involves the ability not only
In conclusion, verse 22 illustrates the entrance
to use the spiritual will, but to know some-
into the fourth step of Invocation and Evoca-
what the nature of the “good.”104
tion, because its three phrases symbolize re-
sponses from all three aspects of the Spiritual The phrase “general assembly” in verse 23 is
Triad—spiritual will, spiritual love, and higher the translation of the Greek word (pane-
mind—thereby indicating that the antahkarana guris) that can also be rendered as “a mass-
has reached the Spiritual Triad. Verses 22 meeting,”105 so it is taken as signifying what
through 24 constitute a single sentence, which Bailey’s preceding quotation calls “the mass-
suggests that these three verses are related in es.” Bailey explains the relationship between
some way. As shown next, verses 23 and 24 these two groups of people: “It is absolutely
illustrate the disciple’s experiences after his or essential that the will-to-good be unfolded by
her antahkarana has reached the Spiritual Tri- the disciples of the world so that goodwill can
ad. be expressed by the rank and file of man-
kind”;106 “The function of the New Group of
To the general assembly and church of the
World Servers is dynamically to ‘force’ the
firstborn who are enrolled in heaven. Chad
energy of the will-to-good into the world; the
Chambers reports, “The Bible points to a few
average man and woman, responding uncon-
figures as firstborn not by their sequence of
sciously, will express goodwill.”107 According-
origin, but by their superiority of rank.”103 For
ly, the New Group of World Servers is Bailey’s
example, even though David was the youngest
term for the “church of the firstborn who are
of eight brothers (1 Samuel 16:10–11), Psalm
enrolled in heaven.”
89:27 calls him “firstborn, The highest of the
kings of the earth.” Verses 16 and 17, which Consequently, the initial phrase in verse 23,
are part of the immediately preceding passage, “to the general assembly and church of the
allude to the account of primogeniture— firstborn who are enrolled in heaven,” has this
inheritance by the firstborn—given in Genesis meaning: when disciples are successful in
25-27, which suggests that being “firstborn” in building the antahkarana, they have immediate
verse 23 signifies having the rank, or status, responsibilities to two groups of people: by
needed to receive inheritance. Verse 22 por- becoming members of the New Group of
trays penetration to the Spiritual Triad, which World Servers, they express the will-to-good,
suggests that being “enrolled in heaven” in

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so that the masses of humanity can express eous made perfect,” and mentions “the Master
goodwill. Jesus,”114 which corroborates this suggestion.
Accordingly, verse 23 makes the following
And to God, the Judge of all. In Theosophy,
claim: when disciples make sufficient progress
the Monad is said to be on a higher level, or
in building the antahkarana, they have direct
plane, than the Spiritual Triad.108 Bailey says,
contact with the Masters. Bailey corroborates
“The monad expresses the same purpose as it
this claim by saying,
exists, unified in the Mind of God Himself,”109
so the monadic will is an expression of God’s These contacts are naturally in the field of
purpose. Bailey describes how the antahkarana telepathy … between the instrument of con-
transmits the monadic will: tact used by the Master—that of the higher
or abstract mind, for the Masters do not
Upon the Path of Initiation, the monadic
work through the lower mind at all—and
will (of which the egoic will is the reflec-
the lower or concretising mind of the disci-
tion and the individual self-will is the dis-
ple. The Masters are therefore dependent
tortion) is gradually transmitted, via the
upon the use of the antahkarana which the
antahkarana, direct to the man upon the
disciple is in process of building.115
physical plane. This produces the higher
correspondence of those qualities so glibly And to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant.
spoken of by the well-trained but dense In the Bible, a covenant is “a divine promise
esotericist—transmutation and transfor- establishing or modifying God’s relationship to
mation. The result is the assimilation of the humanity.”116 What is the function of “the me-
individual will and the egoic will into the diator of a new covenant”? Bailey gives this
purpose of the Monad which is the pur- definition: “Ashram. The centre to which the
pose—undeviating and unalterable—of the Master gathers the disciples and aspirants for
One in Whom we live and move and have personal instruction.”117 Consequently, each
our being.110 Master could be considered as “the mediator of
a new covenant” in the sense of giving person-
Here, the “egoic will” is the same as the “egoic
al instruction—about a new relationship to
purpose” defined earlier. The above quotation
God—to members of the associated Ashram.
says, “The result is the assimilation of the in-
For a given disciple, if “Jesus” in verse 24 sig-
dividual will and the egoic will into the pur-
nified what Bailey calls “the waiting eager
pose of the … One in Whom we live and move
Master to Whom he is assigned,”118 then this
and have our being.” Bailey writes, “The Be-
verse would make the following claim: by
ing Who is the life of our planet, the One in
making sufficient progress in building the
Whom we live and move and have our being
antahkarana, the disciple receives personal in-
… is sometimes called … God,”111 so building
struction directly from his or her assigned
the antahkarana leads to a realization of divini-
Master. Bailey corroborates this claim by writ-
ty: namely, to what verse 23 calls “God, the
Judge of all,” which means God being the
judge of all lower expressions of the will as- Relationship to the Ashram and contact
pect. with the Master are dependent upon the ex-
istence of the Antahkarana. In the early
And to the spirits of the righteous made per-
stages of its creative construction, the
fect. Hebrews 5:9 characterizes Jesus as “hav-
Antahkarana is adequate to permit some
ing been made perfect,” so it appears that Jesus
contact with the Ashram and with certain of
is one of “the spirits of the righteous made per-
the disciples, though not with those of very
fect.” Theosophy promulgates the concept of
high degree. Later, as the Antahkarana per-
enlightened beings called “Masters,” who are
fects itself, higher and more durable con-
also known as Mahatmas or Elder Brothers of
tacts become possible.
Humanity.112 Bailey says, “These are the Mas-
ters of Life, the perfected adepts,”113 which The results of these developed and regis-
suggests that they are “the spirits of the right- tered contacts are finally seen in the com-

88 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

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plete impressibility—at any time and with- other three. It was the sense of personality
out any effort on either side—of the disci- and of extreme ignorance coupled with de-
ple’s mind. It is now so attuned to the Ash- sire for personal gain which produced ha-
ram and to the Master’s ray quality that his tred of Abel in the heart of Cain and caused
mind is one with that of the Master at the the first murder, or the destruction of a
centre. Reciprocal activity becomes possi- brother’s form. This should be carefully
ble.119 considered, for hate in some degree, aver-
sion to some extent, is present in every hu-
And to the sprinkled blood, which speaks bet-
man heart.123
ter than the blood of Abel. Commentators gen-
erally interpret the “sprinkled blood” to be the The “blood of Abel” was spread because of
blood of Jesus,120 but Bailey suggests an alter- hatred, so it signifies the quality of our own
native meaning: blood when we have hatred in some degree.
It is not by the blood of a Christ dying two Bailey’s earlier quotation indicates that blood
thousand years ago upon the cross in Pales- qualified by the Spiritual Triad yields “a per-
tine that man is saved, but by the livingness fect manifestation on Earth of physical living,”
of the blood of those in whom the Christ which presumably includes perfect physical
life and consciousness, and the quality of health. Bailey corroborates this effect on health
the Christ, is perfectly demonstrating and by saying, “Where there is the free flow of the
expressed. Then, when the nature of the life force and no impediment to the circulation
indwelling Christ is fully, spontaneously of the life fluid, via the blood, there will con-
and automatically expressing itself in and sequently and normally be the presence of per-
through the personality … there is then a fect health.”124 Verse 24 says that “the sprin-
perfect manifestation on Earth of physical kled blood … speaks better than the blood of
living, of the emotional and mental life, and Abel.” In this context, to speak means, “To
also of the spiritual life of an incarnated convey a message by nonverbal means,”125 so
Son of God, a Christ.121 blood qualified by the Spiritual Triad speaks in
the sense that it conveys nonverbally the mes-
The alternative meaning of “sprinkled blood”
sage of yielding perfect physical health. Ac-
is what the above quotation calls “the living-
cordingly, the final phrase in verse 24, “to the
ness of the blood of those in whom the Christ
sprinkled blood, which speaks better than the
life and consciousness, and the quality of the
blood of Abel,” has this meaning: building the
Christ, is perfectly demonstrating and ex-
antahkarana leads to blood qualified by the
pressed.” Elsewhere, Bailey mentions “the
Spiritual Triad, which yields better physical
Spiritual Triad and its expression, the Christ in
health than that yielded by blood qualified by
incarnation,”122 so our blood becomes the
“sprinkled blood”—according to the alterna-
tive meaning—when it is sprinkled, or quali- In summary, verses 22 through 24 illustrate the
fied, by the Spiritual Triad because of our hav- fourth step of Invocation and Evocation. Verse
ing built the antahkarana. Hebrews 10:22 pro- 22 portrays the disciple as receiving responses
vides a similar meaning to the related phrase from all three aspects of the Spiritual Triad,
“hearts sprinkled clean”: “let us draw near [to thereby entering the fourth step. Verses 23 and
God] with a sincere heart in full assurance of 24 portray his or her subsequent experiences:
faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from membership in “the church of the firstborn
an evil conscience.” who are enrolled in heaven,” known also as the
New Group of World Servers; realization of
Bailey discusses the allegory of Cain and Abel,
“God, the Judge of all,” referring to God being
which is based on Genesis 4:1-16:
the judge of all lower expressions of the will
Hate is really the result of the sense of per- aspect; contact with “the spirits of the right-
sonality and of ignorance plus misapplied eous made perfect,” known also as the Masters
desire. It is almost the culmination of the of Life; personal instruction directly from “the

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 89

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mediator of a new covenant,” who is his or her These objects of pleasure cover all the at-
assigned Master; and better physical health tachments which a man forms from the
through having “the sprinkled blood,” which is savage state of infant humanity up to ad-
blood qualified by the Spiritual Triad. vanced degrees of discipleship; they cover
desire for gross objects on the physical
Hebrews 12:25-28 plane as well as attachment to those things,
See to it that you do not refuse Him who occupations and reactions which the emo-
is speaking. For if those did not escape tions or intellectual pursuits will offer; they
when they refused him who warned them cover the whole gamut or range of sensuous
on earth, much less will we escape who experience from the response of the savage
turn away from Him who warns from heav- to warmth and a good meal to the rapture of
en. 26 And His voice shook the earth then, the mystic.127
but now He has promised, saying, “YET What about attachments to forms associated
ONCE MORE I WILL SHAKE NOT ONLY THE with the causal body? As discussed previously,
EARTH, BUT ALSO THE HEAVEN.” This such forms are abstract concepts and include
expression, “Yet once more,” denotes the virtues. Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986), a
removing of those things which can be member of the Theosophical Society before
shaken, as of created things, so that those leaving it to pursue his own activities, de-
things which cannot be shaken may remain. scribes how attachment to virtues brings bond-
Therefore, since we receive a kingdom age to the past:
which cannot be shaken, let us show grati-
tude, by which we may offer to God an ac- We cultivate virtue; we discipline ourselves
ceptable service with reverence and awe. to conform to a particular pattern of morali-
ty. Why? Not only in order to be socially
5. Stabilization respectable, but also because we see the ne-
Stabilization, which is the fifth step of building cessity of bringing about order, of control-
the antahkarana, was characterized earlier in ling our minds, our speech, our thought. We
the following way: “First comes the clashing see how extraordinarily important that is,
of the old with the new rhythm. This is fol- but in the process of cultivating virtue, we
lowed by a period of gradual dominance of the are building up memory, the memory which
new, elimination of the old, and the stabilisa- is the ‘me’, the self, the ego. That is the
tion of the new vibration.” background we have, especially those who
think they are religious—the background of
Bailey explains why the fifth step is needed: constantly practicing a particular discipline,
When any peculiar set of forms have served of belonging to certain sects, groups, so-
their purpose of providing media for expe- called religious bodies. Their reward may
rience-contacts and can teach no further be somewhere else, in the next world, but it
lessons, evil enters in, for a tendency to evil is still a reward; and in pursu-
is but a tendency to revert to the use of ing virtue, which means polishing, disci-
forms and practices which the Indweller has plining, controlling the mind, they are de-
outgrown.126 veloping and maintaining self-conscious
memory, so never for a moment are they
During the fourth step, the disciple can pene- free from the past.128
trate to the Spiritual Triad but tends to revert to
the use of forms and practices in which either How are attachments removed in practice?
the personality or causal body is dominant. Krishnamurti gives this answer:
Therefore, the fifth step entails removing all We said attachment implies great pain, anx-
attachments to forms associated with both the iety, fear, and therefore deepening of pos-
personality and causal body. session. To see that is part
Bailey describes attachments to forms associ- of intelligence, isn’t it? To see the nature
ated with the personality: of attachment and all its implications, to

90 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

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have an insight into it, is intelligence. I am causal body are gradually subordinated to the
not talking of the cunning intelligence of requirements of the Spiritual Triad.
thought that says, “How true that is.” If you
What verses in the Epistle to the Hebrews cor-
see all the implications of attachment and
respond to the fifth step? Verse 26 states: “And
see the danger of attachment, that percep-
His voice shook the earth then, but now He has
tion is intelligence.129
promised, saying, “YET ONCE MORE I WILL
Bailey presents a series of substeps that sys- SHAKE NOT ONLY THE EARTH, BUT ALSO THE
tematize the preceding observations: HEAVEN.” Commentators generally interpret
“earth,” “heaven,” and “shake” in a literal way,
a. A period wherein duality and lack of
thereby regarding verse 26 as prophesizing a
control are realised.
future shaking of the whole world.132 Such a
b. A period wherein an assertion of self- prophecy is part of eschatology, which is “the
control takes place, through the following branch of theology that is concerned with the
process: end of the world or of humankind.”133
1. Decentralisation. Earth and heaven, however, can be interpreted
2. Comprehension of the task ahead. in a symbolic way:
Wikipedia states, “Earth is one of the
3. An investigation, by the divine Observer
of the nature of form life. four classical elements in ancient Greek
philosophy and science. It was commonly
4. Divine expression, through the medium associated with qualities of heaviness, mat-
of the form, understandingly practised. ter and the terrestrial world.”134 Bailey
c. A period wherein alignment takes place, sometimes uses the term “matter aspect” as
and (through understanding and practice) a synonym for the personality,135 so earth
the form is gradually subordinated to the can be a symbol of the personality.
requirements of the Self, and begins to Let us compare Matthew 6:20, “But store
work in unison with that Self.130 up for yourselves treasures in heaven,” with
The first substep mentions “duality,” which Bailey’s statement, “The content of the
refers to what was described earlier as “the causal body is the accumulation by slow
clashing of the old with the new rhythm.” The and gradual process of the good in each
second substep mentions “An investigation, by life.”136 These two statements would be
the divine Observer of the nature of form life,” similar if heaven signified the causal body,
but how is that investigation evoked? Bailey so heaven can be a symbol of the causal
gives this answer: body.

Through recognition of the decisive crises These symbolic meanings have been used
in life, the disciple gains the strength to elsewhere to analyze other passages in the Bi-
stand alone and detached, and, through the ble.137 The word shake can also have a sym-
ability to stand detached, comes the power bolic meaning in the Bible, as Richard Lowery
which the divine Observer can wield if he reports:
does not identify himself with circum- Throughout the ancient world, debt, taxes,
stance.131 forced labor, debt slavery, and national sub-
Consequently, during the second substep, the jugation were described metaphorically as
disciple’s detachment evokes “An investiga- wearing a yoke or carrying a burden. To be
tion, by the divine Observer of the nature of liberated from these burdens was to “break
form life,” which in turn yields insights that or loosen the yoke” and shake it free from
remove attachments to forms associated with your shoulders. This metaphor underlies the
both the personality and causal body. During use of the shemittah in the deuteronomic
the third substep, both the personality and debt release legislation (Deuteronomy 15:1-
3). At root, it means to loosen and let drop

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by means of shaking, shaking free from a of God, which is an attribute of God. Thus, our
yoke or binding ropes or fetters, for exam- identifying the subject of verse 26 to be what
ple.138 Bailey calls the “divine Observer” is consistent
with the general interpretation that this subject
Two other examples may clarify this symbolic
is God.
meaning. Isaiah 52:2 states: “Shake yourself
from the dust, rise up, O captive Jerusalem; Verse 27 states: “This expression, ‘Yet once
Loose yourself from the chains around your more,’ denotes the removing of those things
neck.” In Judges 16:20, Samson says, “I will which can be shaken, as of created things, so
go out as at other times and shake myself free” that those things which cannot be shaken may
from the fetters of the Philistine captors. In remain.” Although the preceding NASB trans-
these texts, to shake something means to re- lation seems to allow only a partial removal,
move a burden—like a yoke or binding Attridge comments, “What is expected is ra-
chain—from it. ther the complete destruction of what, because
it can be ‘shaken,’ is transitory.”141 The Ampli-
Verse 27, which is closely related to verse 26,
fied Bible provides a clearer translation of
mentions “the removing of those things which
verse 27 that is consistent with Attridge’s
can be shaken,” which explicitly associates
removing with shaking. Thus, verse 27 sug-
gests that the word shake in verse 26 has the Now this expression, Yet once more, indi-
foregoing symbolic meaning. cates the final removal and transformation
of all [that can be] shaken—that is, of that
If shaking something means removing a bur-
which has been created—in order that what
den from it, what does shaking the personality
cannot be shaken may remain and contin-
signify? Bailey mentions “the clinging chains
of attachment to place or person,”139 so such an
attachment is like a chain that binds the per- Here, “all [that can be] shaken” is taken as all
sonality. Therefore, to shake the personality attachments to forms associated with both the
could have this meaning: to remove attach- personality and causal body, because all such
ments from the personality. Given that earth attachments can be shaken loose. As clarified
signifies the personality, heaven signifies the by Attridge’s comment and The Amplified Bi-
causal body, and shaking either the personality ble, verse 27 depicts the complete removal of
or causal body signifies removing attachments all such attachments, so that identification re-
from it, then “I WILL SHAKE NOT ONLY THE mains only with what is higher and eternal.
Bailey writes, “An adept, therefore, has trans-
has this meaning: I will remove attachments
cended attachment to forms on three planes
from not only the personality, but also the
(physical, astral and mental) and has killed out
causal body.
all longing for the forms of those planes.”143
Accordingly, the subject of verse 26, who uses The personality consists of the mental, emo-
the pronoun “I,” has the power to remove at- tional, and physical bodies, so it is part of the
tachments. Correspondingly, in Bailey’s earlier three lower planes. As discussed previously,
substeps that systematize the fifth step, the the causal body is located on the abstract levels
“divine Observer” yields insights that remove of the mental plane, so it is also part of the
attachments. Thus, we identify the subject of three lower planes. Therefore, Bailey’s notion
verse 26 to be what Bailey calls the “divine of an adept is someone who has achieved the
Observer” in her substeps. complete removal depicted in verse 27.
Commentators generally interpret the subject Consequently, verses 26 and 27 illustrate the
of verse 26 to be “God.”140 Proverbs 15:3 fifth step of Stabilization, because they por-
states, “The eyes of the Lord are in every tray: the power of the divine Observer to re-
place, Watching the evil and the good,” so the move attachments from not only the personali-
divine Observer could be regarded as the eyes ty, but also the causal body; and the complete

92 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

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removal of all such attachments, so that identi- quotation indicates that the disciple is involved
fication remains only with what is higher and with service to the divine plan. Thus, the disci-
eternal. ple who reaches the sixth step has two key
characteristics: membership in an eternal king-
6. Resurrection and Ascension
dom, and involvement with service to the di-
Resurrection and Ascension, which is the sixth vine plan.
and final step of building the antahkarana, was
The initial part of verse 28 says, “Therefore,
characterized earlier in this way: “This Way
since we receive a kingdom which cannot be
[into new fields of spiritual experience] is re-
shaken,” and it indicates membership in an
vealed only when the antahkarana is built and
eternal kingdom. The final part of verse 28
completed and the man becomes focussed in
says, “let us show gratitude, by which we may
the Triad as consciously as he is now focussed
offer to God an acceptable service with rever-
in the threefold lower nature.”
ence and awe,” and it indicates involvement
Before considering this step, let us introduce with service to God, which seems equivalent to
some terminology. Paul mentions “an inher- service to the divine plan. Therefore, verse 28
itance in the kingdom of Christ and God” in illustrates the sixth step of Resurrection and
Ephesians 5:5, and describes his ministry as Ascension, because it displays the same char-
preaching the “kingdom of God” throughout acteristics that the preceding paragraph lists for
the Acts of the Apostles.144 Bailey uses the term that step.
Hierarchy to denote the “Hierarchy of spiritual
Lives,”145 and says that this term is equivalent Conclusions
to the Christian term, “kingdom of God.”146
Bailey describes the disciple’s experience after I n an earlier quotation, Bailey asserts, “Paul
the Apostle … wrote that epistle about
which so much controversy has raged—The
reaching the sixth step:
Epistle to the Hebrews,” and gives the follow-
The bridge is now built … It must perforce ing directive: “Read that epistle … and note
be used, because there is now no other me- how a great initiate endeavoured to reveal
dium of intercourse between the initiate and some facts, inherent in the will or power as-
the One Whom he now knows to be him- pect.” By carrying out Bailey’s directive, this
self. He ascends in full consciousness into article demonstrates that the epistle illustrates
the sphere of monadic life; he is resurrected her six steps of building the antahkarana: 1)
from the dark cave of the personality life Intention, 2) Visualization, 3) Projection, 4)
into the blazing light of divinity; he is no Invocation and Evocation, 5) Stabilization, and
longer only a part of humanity and a mem- 6) Resurrection and Ascension.
ber also of the Hierarchy, but he belongs to
the great company of Those Whose will is Bailey makes the following claim:
consciously divine and Who are the Custo- The building of the antahkarana (which is
dians of the Plan.147 consciously undertaken upon the Path of
According to the above quotation, “he is no Discipleship) is a process which is followed
longer only a part of humanity and a member under certain ancient and proven rules.
also of the Hierarchy.” Given that “Hierarchy” When these rules are correctly followed,
is equivalent to “kingdom of God,” the quota- the sequence of events and the appearance
tion indicates that the disciple receives mem- of the desired results are inevitable and un-
bership in an eternal kingdom. According to avoidable.148
the final part of the quotation, “he belongs to By demonstrating that the ancient Epistle to
the great company of Those Whose will is the Hebrews illustrates Bailey’s six steps of
consciously divine and Who are the Custodi- building the antahkarana, this article corrobo-
ans of the Plan.” Here, the capitalization shows rates her claim that this building follows “cer-
that “the Plan” denotes the divine plan, so the tain ancient and proven rules.”

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 93

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As Bailey explains, the building of the

antahkarana begins as an act of faith: 13
Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New
Since he [the disciple] first put his foot up- Age, vol. II (1955; reprint. New York:
on the Path, he has been trying to build the Lucis Publishing Company, 1972), 270.
antahkarana. Even that has meant for him Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New
an act of faith, and he proceeds in the early Age, vol. I (1944; reprint; New York: Lu-
stages with the work of building, yet cis Publishing Company, 1976), 736.
scarcely knowing what he does. He follows John Blake, “The Holy Spirit,” The Theo-
blindly the ancient rules and attempts to ac- sophical Quarterly, vol. XIII (Brooklyn,
cept as factual that which has not been NY: Theosophical Society of America,
proven to him to be a fact but which is testi- 1916), 124, states: “Throughout the writ-
fied to by countless thousands down the ag- ings of Paul it would be well if it be borne
es.149 in mind that he was an initiate, not merely
in the general and loose sense in which
Herein lies the practical value of this article:
that word was then used of the corrupted
by providing an instance in which Bailey’s
Greek or Alexandrian mystery-rites, but
steps have been testified to in the past, this ar-
in the true sense, as one possessed of Di-
ticle may enable its readers to act as if these
vine Wisdom.”
steps were factual and thereby to proceed with 16
Alice A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initia-
following them.
tions (1960; reprint; New York: Lucis
Publishing Company, 1976), 193.
Lee Brown, Here’s How: An Introduction Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic
Fire (1925; reprint; New York: Lucis
to Practical Discipleship (Bloomington,
IN: Westbow Press, 2013), 36. Publishing Company, 1973), 578.
Luke T. Johnson, Hebrews: A Commen- Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 193-
tary (Louisville, KY: Westminster John 194.
Ibid., 194.
Knox Press, 2012), 1. 20
Mark A. Powell, Introducing the New Arthur E. Powell, The Causal Body and
Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker the Ego (1928; reprint; Wheaton, IL:
Theosophical Publishing House, 1978),
Books, 2009), 431.
Eusebius, Church History, Book VI, 89.
Chapter 25, verse 14. Wikipedia contributors, “Causal-
Johnson, Hebrews: A Commentary, 7. body,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclope-
6 dia,
Bradley Hanson, Introduction to Chris-
tian Theology (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress
Press, 1997), 157. =Causal_body&oldid=763456323 (access
7 ed March 15, 2017).
Robert J. Utley, The Superiority of the 22
New Covenant: Hebrews (Marshall, TX: Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography
Bible Lessons International, 1999), 1. of a Yogi (1946; reprint; Los Angeles:
8 Self-Realization Fellowship, 1969), 415.
Johnson, Hebrews: A Commentary, 60. 23
Helena P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled (1877; Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga
reprint; Pasadena, CA: Theosophical (Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ash-
University Press, 1976), vol. II, 241. ram, 1957), 592.
10 Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 117;
Ibid., 574.
Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine Annie Besant, A Study in Consciousness
(1888; reprint; Pasadena, CA: Theosophi- (1904; reprint; Madras, India: Theosophi-
cal Publishing House, 1975), 20.
cal University Press, 1977), vol. II, 515. 25
Helena P. Blavatsky, Collected Writings Alice A. Bailey, Education in the New
(Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Society in Age (1954; reprint; New York: Lucis Pub-
lishing Company, 1974), 60.
America, 2002), vol. XIV, 122.

94 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

26 57
Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 330. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol.
Ibid., 817. I, 547.
28 58
Iqbal K. Taimni, Self-Culture (Adyar, Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol.
India: Theosophical Publishing House, II, 166.
1976), 83, 110. M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Travelled,
Alice A. Bailey, Letters on Occult Medi- 25th Anniversary Edition (1978; reprint;
tation (1922; reprint; New York: Lucis New York: Simon & Schuster, 2002),
Publishing Company, 1974), 32. 120.
30 60
Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 85. Random House Webster’s College Dic-
Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, 1. tionary (New York: Random House,
Ibid., 1-2. 1997).
33 61
Helena P. Blavatsky, The Theosophical Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol.
Glossary (London: The Theosophical II (1942; reprint; New York: Lucis Pub-
Publishing Society, 1892), 23. lishing Company, 1981), 118.
34 62
Monier Monier-Williams, A Sanskrit- Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, 359.
English Dictionary (London: Macmillan, Philip R. Cohen and Hector J. Levesque,
1872), 741. “Intention Is Choice with Commitment,”
Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 476. Artificial Intelligence, vol. 42 (1990),
Alice A. Bailey, Initiation, Human and 213-261.
Solar (1922; reprint; New York: Lucis Eugene H. Peterson, The Message: The
Publishing Company, 1974), xv. Bible in Contemporary Language (Colo-
Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 261. rado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2005), 2187.
38 65
Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, 95. Patrick Haggard and Baruch Eitam, The
Ibid., 313. Sense of Agency (New York: Oxford Uni-
Ibid., 275. versity Press, 2015), 121-122.
41 66
Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 48. Ashish Atreja, Naresh Bellam, and Susan
Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol. R. Levy, “Strategies to Enhance Patient
II, 129. Adherence: Making It Simple,” Medscape
Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 467. General Medicine, vol. 7.1 (2005).
44 67
Ibid., 484. Harold W. Attridge, The Epistle to the
Ibid., 512-513. Hebrews (Philadelphia: Fortress Press,
Ibid., 512. 1989), 181–182.
47 68
Ibid., 488. Ibid., 178.
48 69
Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 194;
II, 194. Alice A. Bailey, The Externalisation of
Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 493- the Hierarchy (1957; reprint; New York:
494. Lucis Publishing Company, 1976), 107.
50 70
Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, 83. Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar, 107.
51 71
Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 472. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol.
Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, 134. I, 503.
53 72
Bailey, Education in the New Age, 6. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 659.
54 73
Johnson, Hebrews: A Commentary, 165. Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White
John L. McKenzie, Dictionary of the Bi- Magic (1934; reprint; New York: Lucis
ble (1965; reprint; New York: Simon and Publishing Company, 1979), 316.
Schuster, 1995), 603. David E. Garland, The Expositor’s Bible
Tim LaHaye, Understanding Bible Commentary: Hebrews – Revelation
Prophecy for Yourself (Eugene, OR: Har- (Zondervan, 2006), 154.
vest House, 2009), 149. Ralph G. Degn, Keep the Bar Raised!
(Springville, UT: Cedar Fort, 2005), 46.

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 95

The Esoteric Quarterly

The Voice of the Martyrs, Heroic Faith letter’s argument turns, fundamentally, on
(Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2008), 7. the author’s use of Psalm 110 … The
Attridge, The Epistle to the Hebrews, 328. psalm is used, whether through citation or
Alice A. Bailey, Glamour: A World Prob- allusion, more than a dozen times … with
lem (1950; reprint; New York: Lucis Pub- a handful of these occurring at rhetorical-
lishing Company, 1973), 175. ly significant places in the letter’s exposi-
Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol. tion.”
I, 340. Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol.
Bailey, From Bethlehem to Calvary I (1936; reprint; New York: Lucis Pub-
(1937; reprint; New York: Lucis Trust lishing Company, 1979), 243.
Publishing Company, 1965), 152. The American Heritage Dictionary of the
Doug Keller, “Yoga and the Breath,” English Language (second edition; Bos- ton: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publish-
breath.html (accessed November 26, ing Company, 2015).
2017). Ibid.
82 95
Bailey, From Bethlehem to Calvary, 16. Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, 4;
Johnson, Hebrews: A Commentary, 324. Charles W. Leadbeater, The Inner Life
Ibid. (Madras, India: Theosophical Publishing
Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 490. House, 1917), 224.
86 96
Ibid., 111-112. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, 39.
87 97
Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol. Ibid.
I, 10. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 113.
88 99
Gert J. C. Jordaan and Pieter Nel, “From Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol.
Priest-King to King-Priest: Psalm 110 and II, 135.
the Basic Structure of Hebrews,” in Dirk Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierar-
J. Human and Gert J. Steyn (eds.), Psalms chy, 595.
and Hebrews (New York: T & T Clark, Bailey, Glamour: A World Problem, 175.
2010), 240. Robert L. Thomas, New American Stand-
Attridge, The Epistle to the Hebrews, 23, ard Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Diction-
states: “Hebrews makes use of scripture in aries: Updated Edition (Anaheim, CA:
various ways. In addition to explicit cita- Foundation Publications, Inc., 1998).
tions, especially in the course of exegeti- Chad Chambers, “Firstborn,” in John D.
cal arguments, it frequently makes allu- Barry, David Bomar, et al. (eds.), The
sive use of biblical phrases or motifs. Ps Lexham Bible Dictionary (Bellingham,
110, for instance, runs like a red thread WA: Lexham Press, 2016).
through the work.” Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol.
Luke T. Johnson, The Writings of the New II, 46-47.
Testament (Third Edition; Minneapolis, James Strong, The New Strong’s Diction-
MN: Fortress Press, 2010), 410, states: ary of Hebrew and Greek Words (Nash-
“Hebrews is, indeed, largely a midrashic ville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1996).
working out of the implications of Psalm Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 110.
110, the classic resurrection psalm of the Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol.
early Christian movement.” II, 38.
91 108
Jared Compton, Psalm 110 and the Logic Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 817;
of Hebrews (New York: Bloomsbury Pub- Besant, A Study in Consciousness, 49-50.
lishing, 2015), 5, states: “The second ob- Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. II, 4.
servation, this one famously made some Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 31.
years ago by G. W. Buchman, is that the Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, 531.

96 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

112 135
Blavatsky, “The Theosophical Mahat- Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. I, 327.
mas,” Collected Writings, vol. VII, 241- Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, 32.
249. Zachary F. Lansdowne, “The Locusts of
Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. II, 207. the Revelation: Repressed Guilt Feel-
Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 599. ings,” The Esoteric Quarterly, Fall 2016;
Ibid., 546-547. Zachary F. Lansdowne, “The Great
The American Heritage Dictionary of the Whore of Revelation: The Personal Lower
English Language. Self,” The Esoteric Quarterly, Fall 2017.
117 138
Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, 350. Richard H. Lowery, Sabbath and Jubilee
Ibid., 259. (St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press, 2000), 49.
119 139
Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 547. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol.
Johnson, Hebrews: A Commentary, 333; I, 386.
Attridge, The Epistle to the Hebrews, 376. Johnson, Hebrews: A Commentary, 335;
Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Healing (1953; Attridge, The Epistle to the Hebrews, 380.
reprint; New York: Lucis Publishing Attridge, The Epistle to the Hebrews, 381.
Company, 1978), 211. Wikipedia contributors, “Amplified Bi-
Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 141. ble,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
Alice A. Bailey, The Light of the Soul
(1927; reprint; New York: Lucis Publish- =Amplified_Bible&oldid=800293919 (ac
ing Company, 1978), 136-137. cessed November 14, 2017), provides this
Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology explanation of the markings appearing in
(1951; reprint; New York: Lucis Publish- The Amplified Bible: “BRACKETS: contain
ing Company, 1979), 366. clarifying words or comments not actually
The American Heritage Dictionary of the expressed in the immediate original text.
English Language. ITALICS: point out some familiar passages
Bailey, The Light of the Soul, 138. now recognized as not adequately sup-
Ibid., 135. ported by the original manuscripts. ‘And,’
Jiddu Krishnamurti, The Collected Works ‘or,’ and other connectives in italics indi-
of J. Krishnamurti: 1955-1956 (Dubuque, cate they have been added for readability
IA: Kendall Hunt, 1991), 91. in English.”
129 143
Jiddu Krishnamurti, Reflections on the Bailey, The Light of the Soul, 138.
Self (Chicago: Open Court Publishing, Paul describes his ministry as preaching
1997), 202. the “kingdom of God” in Acts 14:22,
Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. II, 343. 19:8, 20:25, and 28:31.
131 145
Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, vol. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierar-
I, 256. chy, 487.
132 146
Johnson, Hebrews: A Commentary, 335; Alice A. Bailey, The Unfinished Autobi-
Attridge, The Epistle to the Hebrews, 380. ography (1951; reprint; New York: Lucis
The American Heritage Dictionary of the Publishing Company, 1987), 197.
English Language. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, 495.
134 148
Wikipedia contributors, “Earth (classical Ibid., 474.
element),” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclo- Ibid., 710.
8861 (accessed June 23, 2016).

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly 97

Winter 2018

Great Esotericists
Alice A. Bailey (1880–1949), Twentieth-Century
Sirian Channel

Who Was Alice Bailey? method of obtaining spiritual information is of

importance to all seekers in the Sirian tradition.

A spiritual leader and innovator within the

Theosophical tradition established by
famed nineteenth century occultist H.P.
Born Alice A. La Trobe-Bateman on June 16,
1880, in Manchester, England,2 Alice Bailey
Blavatsky, Alice Bailey was a prolific twentieth- was raised in an upper-class family and reared in
century British metaphysical writer whose the Anglican or Episcopalian church.
twenty-four works have done much to shape the Religiously inclined, Alice’s first marriage wed
world of modern metaphysical spiritual her to fellow Englishman, Walter Evans, a
literature. In fact, Bailey’s contribution to global former military officer who was to become an
spiritual culture has been so great that the Episcopal clergyman. After marriage, Alice
respected American scholar of religion, J. accompanied Evans to the United States for the
Gordon Melton, has claimed that Bailey’s books completion of his theological training. Evans
are the single most important source that set the was eventually assigned to a cleric’s position
stage for the rise of the worldwide New Age in California, a geographical move which was
Movement.1 Given the pervasive planetary to prove pivotal for Alice, for it was in
extent of the New Age Movement and its California where Alice would make contact
unparalleled effect on religion and spirituality, with the Theosophical Society and cement the
this claim elevates Alice Bailey to the status of a course of her later life and works. In the
leading figure in contemporary world religion meanwhile, Alice gave birth to three
and spirituality. daughters. Even so, Walter Evans proved to
be an entirely unsuitable husband and father,
Throughout the twenty-four books published his ability to provide financial stability
under the name of Alice Bailey, there runs the hampered by alcoholism and indulgence in
theme of the star Sirius and its unmatched domestic violence.
importance in the spiritual universe. For
example, Bailey’s writings claim that energies At length, Alice was able to obtain a divorce
from the star Sirius were instrumental in the and build her life anew in the second decade of
appearance of the Human Kingdom, provided the 1900s. It was during this period that Alice
the essential impetus for the establishment upon discovered the writings of Helena P.
Earth of the mysteries of initiation and their Blavatsky, the nineteenth-century occult writer
overseers, the Planetary Hierarchy, stood behind and co-founder of the Theosophical Society.
the creation and rise of the mysterious and Alice became a member of the Theosophical
powerful Masonic Order, are the source of the Society in California, rapidly progressing from
Law of Karma, and result in the basic impulses the status of an avid student to that of a much
which drive all phenomena of periodicity. sought-after teacher of Theosophical
These representative statements are just a few of principles. Then, in November of 1919, she
the astounding propositions revealed in the entered into a phase of her life that would
literature of Alice Bailey in regard to the star dominate for the following thirty years: a
Sirius. Bailey’s works to date represent the most clairvoyant or telepathic moment which
comprehensive assessment of the influence of forever altered her life. As she has described
this star available in metaphysical literature. For it, she experienced her first telepathic contact
that reason, knowledge of Bailey’s identity and with the spiritual Master to whom she would

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly. 99

The Esoteric Quarterly

later give complete credit for the content of all Bailey herself corroborated these assertions in
of her books.3 The Unfinished Autobiography. There she
recounted the story of a close acquaintance
At about the same time, the Theosophical
who, against her wishes, attempted three times
Society arrived at circumstances that were to
to find the Tibetan at his supposed location of
have a decisive effect upon Alice’s destiny. A
Shigatse, Tibet. Having traveled to the Tibetan
split developed in the Theosophical Society
hamlet of Gyantse in Tibet, some fifty miles
between the forces of traditionalism and the
southeast of Shigatse, the acquaintance was at
forces of a more modern persuasion, and the
long last rewarded with a visit from an aged
more liberally minded Alice found herself cast
Tibetan lama highly revered by the locals.
to the edges of the group. Finding himself in
This lama indicated knowledge of Bailey, her
the same position was Alice’s husband-to-be,
writings and work, and gave the visitor a gift
American Theosophical figure Foster Bailey.
of incense intended for Mrs. Bailey. The local
The two were offered administrative jobs with
authorities were reportedly astounded, citing
the office of the Theosophical Society in New
the exalted spiritual stature of the particular
York City, where they each moved and later
lama in question and the fact that he had never
been known to have left his post in that
As conditions within the Theosophical Society manner.5 Bailey recounted this vignette in
continued to conflict with the Baileys’ beliefs, such a fashion as to indicate her certainty that
and as Alice’s telepathic connection with the the visiting lama was indeed Djwhal Khul.
hidden Master resulted in a growing list of Hence, it seems that Alice Bailey was aware of
compelling published writings, Foster and the Tibetan as a definite, incarnated individual
Alice Bailey joined forces in acting living in the Himalayan Range.6 The
independently of the Theosophical Society to Theosophist, C.W. Leadbeater, also claimed to
establish The Lucis Trust in 1922, and the have had direct physical knowledge of Djwhal
Arcane School in 1923.4 The Trust and the Khul, whom Leadbeater described as distinctly
School were formed in response to the world- of Tibetan body type and showing signs of
wide interest evoked from the publication of age.7
Mrs. Bailey’s Initiation, Human and Solar,
Mentioned in the above story are Gyantse and
Letters on Occult Meditation, and A Treatise
Shigatse, Tibetan place names used before the
on Cosmic Fire, all transmitted telepathically
Chinese invasion of Tibet. Today these two
to Alice Bailey by the Tibetan adept known as
locations appear on maps in Chinese form as
Djwhal Khul, or the Tibetan.
Gyangze and Xigatze (and related spellings).
Who Was Djwhal Khul, Now well within Chinese territory, both are
located west of Lhasa, the former capital of
the Tibetan? Tibet. Gyangze is about 100 miles southwest

T he identity of the Tibetan Master Djwhal

Khul is of critical importance to the nature
of the information appearing in the books of
of Lhasa; Xigatze is about 125 miles west-
southwest of the former capital. Darjeeling,
India, lies approximately 175 miles almost due
Alice Bailey. A statement regarding this issue south of Xigatze, and Calcutta is to be found
appears in the front of most of the Bailey about 250 miles to the south. Mt. Everest is
books now published by Lucis Trust. Titled not far away, about 125 miles southwest of
“Extract from a Statement by the Tibetan,” it Xigatze. The general area is one of
identifies the writer of the statement as a exceedingly rough terrain, with some of the
“Tibetan disciple of a certain degree” who highest elevations of the Himalayan mountain
lives in a physical body on the border of Tibet chain nearby.
and who presides over a large group of Tibetan
Other sources have also singled out Shigatse as
lamas. Dated August 1934, the statement goes
a location inhabited by extraordinary spiritual
on to indicate that the Tibetan’s mission is the
adepts. These include Theosophical literature8
teaching of perennial spiritual truths wherever
and James Stephenson, who has stated that
possible and the assisting of other Masters.

100 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

H.P. Blavatsky identified Shigatse, Tibet, as Alexandra David-Neel’s Magic and Mystery in
the residence of the Masters Morya, Kuthumi, Tibet, The Way of the White Clouds by Lama
and Djwhal Khul.9 Sylvia Cranston, arguably Anagarika Govinda, John Blofeld’s The
the best biographer of Blavatsky, reported Tantric Mysticism of Tibet, and The Tibetan
credible indications that Blavatsky spent time Book of the Dead and Tibet’s Great Yogi
in or near Shigatse, perhaps in association with Milarepa by W.Y. Evans-Wentz. In addition,
what may have been a secret esoteric school the whole of Tibetan Buddhism is rife with
located at the nearby Buddhist monastery of stories and traditions of extraordinary spiritual,
Tashilunpo.10 Shigatse was also identified in mental, and psychic force generated from
Bailey’s Initiation, Human and Solar as the lengthy dedication to sacred practices. Such
residence of several Masters.11 To the extent sacred practices were well known in the high
that these statements can be taken at face Himalayan culture that straddled the border
value, it appears that significant agreement between southern Tibet and northern India
exists regarding at least the one-time location together with its smaller northern neighbors.
of certain advanced beings, Djwhal Khul
It is out of this transcendent milieu that the
among them, at Shigatse.
influence of the Tibetan would therefore have
However, the Tibetan also describes himself as emanated. A telling example of this coloring
“a resident of northern India” in material first appeared in the Tibetan’s use of the term
published in 1944.12 Given the fiendish “psychic gift waves.” The Tibetan used this
Chinese invasion and decimation of Tibet phrase in at least four passages of his
which was to begin in the early 1950s, such a transmissions to Bailey. In each example, the
removal to a nearby, safer area might well phrase signified the telepathic effect of a
have been a precautionary measure prompted Master's spiritual emanations upon a student or
by precognitive awareness. It is also highly disciple.13
probable that any other such Masters once
“Psychic gift waves” is a literal translation of
located at Shigatse did similarly, repairing
the Tibetan word BYIN RLABS according to
either to physical locations or states of matter
Sanskrit and Tibetan scholar David Reigle.14
less exposed to the coming Chinese onslaught,
The English phrase “psychic gift waves” also
the full horrors of which are now known to the
appeared frequently in another work, Tibetan
Yoga and Secret Doctrines, as edited by W.Y.
Hence, available information indicates that the Evans-Wentz. This work is a collection and
residence of the Tibetan during his translation of authentic teachings from
communication with Alice Bailey was either important Indian and Tibetan gurus,
southern Tibet or northern India, perhaps both. accompanied by oral teachings received by
In any case, before the Chinese takeover of Evans-Wentz from his Tibetan guru, Lama
Tibet, the general region encompassing both Kazi Dawa-Samdup.15 As with the Tibetan’s
these locales was steeped in ancient spiritual usage, in the Evans-Wentz collected
traditions and folk beliefs of sacred spiritual translations, the phrase “psychic gift waves”
beings inhabiting the mountain fastnesses. In signified impulses of psychic energy
this atmosphere, deeply influenced by Tibetan telepathically transmitted from the Master
Buddhism and the various holy traditions of (whether incarnate or not) to the disciple and
India, reports of beings who were capable of constituting the true initiation into greater
superhuman feats such as powerful, sustained spiritual realities.16 The Tibetan himself states
telepathy, extraordinary modes of self- in his dictation to Bailey that the phrase
projection, the influencing of the weather, “psychic gift waves” was used by what he called
healings, and other seeming miracles were part “Tibetan occultists.”17
and parcel of daily life. No one doubted their
This single but significant example is highly
reality, established by centuries of occurrences.
suggestive that the Tibetan Master who
The reality of these modes of functioning has telepathically transmitted information to Alice
been well documented in such works as Bailey had roots in the ancient spiritual

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly. 101

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lineages widely revered and celebrated in his members of this group were once average
geographical region. In contrast, it is not humans, but they have now raised themselves
likely that such a phrase as “psychic gift to an advanced status through countless lives
waves” came out of Alice Bailey's own of spiritual self-transformation. Throughout the
vocabulary. Though it is possible that she had Bailey works, the Tibetan indicated that such
read this phrase prior to its appearance in her progress is the destiny of all human beings,
works, her own linguistic style as though some may move forward quickly while
demonstrated in her autobiography and others tarry.
elsewhere is typically a very British English.
To all the above must be added the initiatory
Hence, upon the basis of Bailey’s statements, status of the Tibetan within the grades of the
the Tibetan’s own words, and the known Planetary Hierarchy. Published material
character of the geographical area from which indicates that at the time of his work with
the Tibetan ostensibly hailed, it seems Alice Bailey, the Tibetan was an initiate of the
plausible that Djwhal Khul was indeed a Fifth Degree.18 According to the Bailey
Tibetan adept physically located within a writings, very few individuals have reached
region once known for its extraordinary such a point in evolution, one stage beyond the
spiritual atmosphere. The type of attainment of the Master Jesus in Galilee.19
consciousness common to his background Indeed, the Fifth Initiation marks a point far
would have therefore included understandings beyond the attainment of even the most gifted
and capabilities far beyond those characteristic of average Humanity, one at which the
of average humanity. These might well have individual has developed a highly spiritualized
included the ability to communicate consciousness and has therefore earned the
telepathically in a sustained and controlled right to modes of functioning in-
manner. comprehensible to the average individual. That
the Tibetan functioned with full, reliable, and
However, there is more beyond the Tibetan’s
accurate remote telepathic viewing capability
cultural frame of reference relevant to twenty-
is evident in his letters to individual students
first century seekers interested in the Sirian
reproduced in Alice Bailey’s Discipleship in
theme. To the obvious influences attributable
the New Age, Volumes I and II.
to his probable Tibetan spiritual lineage must
be added the salient fact of the Tibetan's The Tibetan's Work
identity as one of many Masters constituting
what is known as the Planetary Hierarchy.
This is one of the reasons why the nature of the A s given his own published statements, the
Tibetan’s work with Alice Bailey was but
the second of three steps taken by Hierarchy
teaching given through Alice Bailey is not
straightforward Tibetan Buddhism or Buddhist for the purpose of revealing a much greater
Tantra. It is of another character. portion of the perennial spiritual knowledge
called the Ageless Wisdom. The first step in
According to esoteric sources, the Planetary this process was embodied in the writings of
Hierarchy to which Master Djwhal Khul Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, with whom the
belongs is a largely unseen group of highly Tibetan claimed he worked behind the scenes
evolved beings who represent the next step for as telepathic transmitter.20 Blavatsky’s 1888
Humanity and who beneficially guide Secret Doctrine, an unparalleled study of the
evolution on our planet through the radiation common themes underlying all the world's
of spiritual influences and progressive ideas. symbol systems, therefore provides the
The notion that such a group exists is not a conceptual foundation for the works by Bailey.
new one. Numerous teachings throughout the The close relationship between the works of
ages have pointed in this direction, but the Blavatsky and Bailey was acknowledged as
information transmitted by the Tibetan to Alice well by Bailey in her autobiography when she
Bailey is perhaps the most direct and detailed stated that The Secret Doctrine was the basis
revelation of the nature of the Planetary for all her writings.21 This linkage was
Hierarchy. As the Bailey works explain, the underscored by the fact that Bailey was a vocal

102 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

Winter 2018

supporter of Blavatsky's efforts, maintaining

membership in the Theosophical Society ten that correlations between the teachings on
almost until death in 1949.22 initiation to be found in Bailey’s work and cer-
Accordingly, the Tibetan has said that the tain Tibetan Buddhist teachings on the same
work of Blavatsky and Bailey function subject, are so close that he can only conclude
Bailey did indeed receive privileged telepathic
respectively as teachings preparatory and
transmission of inner teachings not available to
intermediate, and that both are intended to the West at the time. His research and conclu-
precede and condition the dawning Age of sions are reported in the Canadian Theosophical
Aquarius,23 a time period defined by the newsletter Fohat, Spring 1997, 9 -11, 22.
passage of the vernal equinox point in front of 7
C.W. Leadbeater, The Masters and the Path
the stars of the constellation Aquarius. Of (1927, reprint; Madras, India: Theosophical
great interest is the Tibetan’s further claim that Publishing House, 1959), 43.
a third and revelatory installment of his Virginia Hanson, An Introduction to the Ma-
teaching is due to appear between 1975, and hatma Letters (Madras, India: Theosophical
the early part of the twenty-first century.24 The Publishing House, 1959), 10.
James Stephenson, Prophecy on Trial (Mum-
third phase of the Tibetan's telepathic
bai: Trans-Himalaya, 1983), 13.
transmissions can therefore reasonably be 10
Sylvia Cranston, HPB: The Extraordinary Life
anticipated to take shape in the first quarter of and Influence of Helena Blavatsky, Founder of
the twenty-first century. the Modern Theosophical Movement (New
That time is upon us now. A mere eight years York: TarcherPerigee, 1993), 83, 97.
Alice A. Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar
remain within the period specified by the
(1951, reprint: New York: Lucis Trust, 1979),
Tibetan for the third installation of Initiatory 33, 42, 54.
Wisdom to be released. It is therefore of 12
Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age I
relevance to all seekers in the Sirian tradition (1944, reprint; New York: Lucis Trust, 1972),7.
to know of Alice Bailey and the teachings on 13
Alice A. Bailey, Glamour A World Problem,
Sirius given through her by the Planetary 61; Discipleship in the New Age I, 81, 87; Dis-
Hierarchy. Such knowledge may very well cipleship in the New Age II, 114-115.
form the stepping- stone to greater Personal communication, January 1999.
comprehension of the third installment of W.Y. Evans-Wentz, Tibetan Yoga and Secret
Initiatory Wisdom when it is soon released. Doctrines (1935, reprint; Oxford: Oxford Uni-
versity Press,1958), vii.
Contributed by Maureen Temple Richmond Ibid., 123.
Little Rock, Arkansas Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age
II (1955, reprint: New York: Lucis Trust,
Note: This article was previously published by 1983), 114.
Peter Morris at: 18
Alice A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hi- erarchy (1957, reprint; New York: Lucis Trust,
1985), 522. In this passage from a letter dated
January 1946, begining on p. 519 of The Exter-
J. Gordon Melton, Perspectives on the New nalisation of the Hierarchy, the Tibetan stated
Age (Albany, NY: State University of New that he had taken the Fifth Initiation ninety
York, 1992), xi. years previously, which would have been about
Alice A. Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiog- the year 1856. However, 1875 is given as the
raphy (1951, reprint; New York; Lucis Trust, date of the Tibetan's Fifth Initiation on p. 57 of
1979). 12. Initiation, Human and Solar. Though these two
Ibid., 162-168. citations disagree regarding the date at which
Ibid., 193, and the pamphlet “Lucis Trust.” the Tibetan took the Fifth Initiation, there is no
Bailey, Unfinished Autobiography, 164-166. disagreement regarding his initiatory status,
That Alice Bailey experienced an authentic con- which status is restated on p. 707 of The Rays
tact with a Tibetan Teacher is supported by and the Initiations.
Theosophical, esoteric, and Buddhist scholar On pp. 56 - 57 of Initiation, Human and Solar,
David Reigle, who is a linguist of the Tibetan The Tibetan explained that the Master Jesus un-
and Sanskrit languages as well. Reigle has writ- derwent what is called the Crucifixion or Fourth

Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly. 103

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Initiation when he allowed his physical body to the Hierarchy, p. 685: Esoteric Healing, pp.
be used by the overshadowing Christ in Galilee. 521, 536, 565. The same point appeared on p.
The Master Jesus then went on to attain the of “The Tibetan Master’s Work,” an undated
Fifth Initiation at a later incarnation as Appollo- pamphlet published by the Arcane School.
nius of Tyana, according to the Tibetan. Alice A. Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography,
Alice A. Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar, 191.
pp. 57-58, which specifically indicates that it Ibid., 171, 172, 175.
was Djwhal Khul who revealed to Blavatsky Alice A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations
many of the diagrams and much of the data to (1960, reprint; New York: Lucis Trust, 1988),
be found in The Secret Doctrine; The Rays and 255.
the Initiations, p. 255; The Externalisation of Ibid.

104 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2018.

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